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A comparative study evaluating the clinical efficacy of skin tapes versus silicone gel for the treatment of posttrauma scar in the rabbit model



Background: Skin tape and silicone gel are two common over-the-counter preparations used to enhance the cosmesis of keloids and hypertrophic scars of posttrauma wounds. This animal study was performed to determine the clinical efficacy of skin tape versus silicone gel in subjects with scars. Materials and Methods: Three New Zealand rabbits that received total 12 incision wounds which two incision wounds on one ear side and subsequent primary suturing were studied. Stitches were removed after 1 week. Silicone gel was applied right upper side of the rabbit’s ear directly on surgical incision wounds, and skin tapes were also applied left upper side of the rabbit’s ear directly on another surgical incision wounds after 1 week of surgery. The lower incisions in both ears were covered with sterilized gauze and served as controls. We compared two experimental groups at binaural with using Vancouver Scar Scale, Manchester Scar Scale, and The Stony Brook Scar Evaluation Scale. These are widely used in clinical practice and research to document change in scar appearance. Results: We describe a rabbit model for incisional wounds and scarring outcome measures. The results of scar measuring devices demonstrated that skin tape reduced scar formation as well as silicone gel. Conclusions: The results of cosmetic demonstrated that skin tape reduced scar formation as well as silicone gel. However, the economical and effective materials were the important subject that suffices for clinical requirement. The application of these scar prevention devices to reduce scar formation after surgical incision is worthy of future investigation. Moreover, skin tape may represent a low-cost alternative and low scar formation for closure of surgical incisions.
Background: Skin tape and silicone gel are two common over-the-counter preparations used to enhance the cosmesis of keloids
and hypertrophic scars of posttrauma wounds. This animal study was performed to determine the clinical efcacy of skin tape
versus silicone gel in subjects with scars. Materials and Methods: Three New Zealand rabbits that received total 12 incision
wounds which two incision wounds on one ear side and subsequent primary suturing were studied. Stitches were removed
after 1 week. Silicone gel was applied right upper side of the rabbit’s ear directly on surgical incision wounds, and skin tapes
were also applied left upper side of the rabbit’s ear directly on another surgical incision wounds after 1 week of surgery. The
lower incisions in both ears were covered with sterilized gauze and served as controls. We compared two experimental groups
at binaural with using Vancouver Scar Scale, Manchester Scar Scale, and The Stony Brook Scar Evaluation Scale. These are
widely used in clinical practice and research to document change in scar appearance. Results: We describe a rabbit model for
incisional wounds and scarring outcome measures. The results of scar measuring devices demonstrated that skin tape reduced
scar formation as well as silicone gel. Conclusions: The results of cosmetic demonstrated that skin tape reduced scar formation
as well as silicone gel. However, the economical and effective materials were the important subject that sufces for clinical
requirement. The application of these scar prevention devices to reduce scar formation after surgical incision is worthy of future
investigation. Moreover, skin tape may represent a low-cost alternative and low scar formation for closure of surgical incisions.
Key words: Skin tape, silicone gel, scar formation
Received: January 6, 2014; Revised: August 26, 2014;
Accepted: August 28, 2014
Corresponding Author: Dr. Chih-Hsin Wang,
Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery,
Tri-Service General Hospital and Graduate Institute of
Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center,
Taiwan, Republic of China. No. 325, Sec. 2, Cheng-
Gong Road, Taipei 114, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Tel: +886-2-87927195; Fax: +886-2-87927194.
Scars are represented an abnormal and exaggerated healing
response after skin injury. In addition to aesthetic concerns, scars
may cause pain, pruritus, contractures, and other functional
impairments.1 Therapeutic modalities for the management of
scars include topical medications, intralesional corticosteroids,
laser therapy, and cryosurgery. Topical therapies, in particular,
have become increasingly popular due to their ease of use,
comfort, noninvasiveness, and relatively low cost. Studies
A Comparative Study Evaluating the Clinical Efcacy of Skin Tapes versus
Silicone Gel for the Treatment of Posttrauma Scar in the Rabbit Model
Chih-Chien Wang1,5, Juin-Hong Cherng2, Shyi-Gen Chen3, Tsai-Wang Huang4,5, Leou-Chyr Lin1, Ru-Yu Pan1,
Yi-Hsin Chan5, Chih-Hsin Wang3,5
1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, 3Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, 4Department of Surgery,
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, 2School of Dentistry,
5Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
have examined the properties and effectiveness of these agents
including pressure therapy, silicone gel sheeting and ointment,
polyurethane dressing, onion extract, imiquimod 5% cream,
and vitamins A and E for the prevention and treatment of
hypertrophic scars.2 The use of skin tape to treat scarring
is still relatively new, and it was introduced in 1981 for the
treatment of burn scars. Consequently, the study has indicated
that hypertrophic and stretched scars formed during the skin
tape were removed; it has suggested that tension acting on a
scar is the trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Skin tape could
be an effective modality for the prevention of hypertrophic
scarring through its ability to eliminate scar tension.3,4
The hypothesis is that mechanical forces might stimulate
epidermal cells proliferation and vascular remodeling in
living skin. As epidermal cells growth and vascular supply
are critical to wound healing and tissue expansion, applying
devices with controlled mechanical loads to tissues may be a
powerful therapy to treat tissue defects.5 However, using skin
tape to support the scar may reduce multidirectional forces
and prevent hypertrophic scarring.6 In addition, silicone has
been proposed as the main form of noninvasive treatment for
J Med Sci 2014;34(5):195-200
DOI: 10.4103/1011-4564.143641
Copyright © 2014 JMS
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Skin tapes versus silicone gel for posttrauma scar
hypertrophic and keloid scars and has demonstrated signicant
improvements in scar elasticity in patients prone to abnormal
scarring. Silicone gel, a medical device that is used to soften,
atten, and blanch hypertrophic and keloid scars to produce a
more aesthetically acceptable scar and increase range of motion
by improving scar elasticity. Clinical trials have already shown
that silicone gel sheets are safe and effective for the treatment
and prevention of hypertrophic and keloid scars if worn over
the scar for 12-24 h/day for at least 2-3 months.7 The purpose
of this study was to compare the effectiveness of silicone gel
and skin tape (tape closure) for the prevention of scarring in
surgical incisions wound in New Zealand white rabbits ears
with healed wounds (e.g., postsurgery). This study was focus
to provide a concern of efcacy for clinical scars management
of keloids and hypertrophic scars formation in future.
The Animal Care and Use Ethical Committee of National
Defense Medical Center approved all procedures. Three New
Zealand white rabbits weighing 2.9-4.4 kg (5-7 months of age)
were kept under standard conditions.
Each rabbit received four incisions over two ears to which
silicone gel (Dermatix® silicone gel) and skin tape (3M
Steri-Strip Adhesive Skin Closure) were applied to the upper
incisions, and the lower incisions were covered with sterilized
gauze and served as controls. The three New Zealand rabbits
that underwent 12 incision wounds and primary suture were
studied. One week later, the sutures were removed. Silicone
gel was applied directly to three surgical incision wounds
daily change dressings starting 1 week after surgery. Similarly,
the skin tapes were applied directly to another three surgical
incision wounds daily change dressings starting 1 week after
surgery for 3 months. The remaining six incision wounds were
left uncovered. The experimental design and working ow
chart is shown in Figure 1.
Prior to surgery, the ear dorsum was shaved, and the skin was
prepared with povidone-iodine. The rabbits were anesthetized
with an intra-abdominal injection of sodium pentobarbital
(30 mg/kg) and prepared for wounding. Approximately,
parallel incision wounds were created on the dorsal surface of
each ear down to bare cartilage. These wounds were sutured
primarily with 5-0 nylons [Figure 2]. Scarring severity was
assessed at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks after remove stitches using
Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), Manchester Scar Scale (MSS),
and The Stony Brook Scar Evaluation Scale (SBSES).8
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance,
and expressed as mean ± standard error. There are three
samples in each experimental group. Signicant differences
between groups were detected by value of P < 0.05 which was
considered to indicate statistical signicance.
Observation of wound healing in rabbit model is shown
in Figure 3. The observer was blind to the intervention. The
before and after VSS scores for each of the three groups were
statistically signicant (P < 0.05). At the beginning of injury,
the VSS scores for all parameters were high (less than lesion
control). Based on VSS parameters, there were reductions in
total scarring severity at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks in the skin tape
and silicone gel group. This reduction was maintained until
12 weeks for both groups, as shown in Figure 4. At week 1,
no statistically difference was observed between the two
treatments. At week 4, mean total scarring severity for the skin
tape group was 72% better than silicone gel group (4 vs. 5.5,
respectively). At week 12, mean total scarring severity for the
skin tape treated group was 42% better than the silicone gel
group (2 vs. 4.5, respectively).
Figure 1. Experimental design and working ow chart Figure 2. Images illustrating the surgical procedure
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Chih-Chien Wang, et al.:
The VSS scores with respect to scar vascularity, pliability,
pigmentation, and height are shown in Figure 5. Statistically
signicant differences were noted between the control and
experimental groups. In Figure 5a, at week 2, the score was
higher in the silicone gel group than in the skin tape group
(1.57 vs. 1.43, respectively), and signicantly different from
control group. This reduction was maintained until 12 weeks
in each study group, at which time the score in the skin tape
group was less than the silicone gel group (0.50 vs. 1.00,
respectively), and signicant different from control group.
Assessment of pliability is shown in Figure 5b. At week 1, the
pliability score was lower both in the skin tape and silicone
gel groups than in the control group (1.29, and 1.28 vs. 2.01,
respectively) with signicant difference. The reduction of
pliability score was maintained until 12 weeks in each group,
at which time a statistically signicant difference in pliability
was observed between the control and silicone gel group
(1.02 vs. 0.49, respectively, P < 0.005).
Assessment of pigmentation results is shown in Figure 5c,
and the results indicated that the skin tape treated group had
greater hypopigmentation than the control or silicone gel group.
At week 1, the difference between the skin tape and silicone gel
group was 0.13 (1.42 vs. 1.29, respectively), and only silicone
gel group is signicant different from controls. At week 12,
however, the skin tape group exhibited a greater reduction
in pigmentation than the silicone gel group (0.48 vs. 1.00,
respectively). Similar ndings were observed with respect to
height, as shown in Figure 5d. At week 1, both silicone gel and
skin tape were lower and signicantly different from control
group. Furthermore, silicone gel was lower than skin tape as
well (1.25 vs. 1.44, respectively). However, at 12 weeks, the
height was 0.51 in the skin tape group vs. 0.98 in the silicone
gel group.
All the scores associated with the items of MSS resulted
different between the three groups, especially in color,
appearance, and contour, as shown in Figure 6. Almost all
lesion control appeared grossly mismatching or obviously
mismatching in color, slightly proud/indented or hypertrophic in
contour and shiny in appearance. Wounds treated with skin tape
and silicone gel had a slight mismatch, ush with surrounding
skin or slightly proud/indented contour and matte appearance.
The reduction of MSS was a statistically signicant difference
was observed between the lesion control and silicone gel group
at 4 week (13.30 vs. 10.30, respectively, P < 0.005).
Figure 7 shows a histogram of the obtained SBSES scores.
Since the distribution between high and low SBSES scores
was very skewed, no correlation could be found between the
length of the incision and the resulting esthetic appearance, in
addition, the 12 weeks skin tape and silicone gel scars with
excellent to good results (4.50 vs. 4.75, respectively).
There are three stages of wound healing: Inammation,
proliferation, and matrix remodeling/scar formation. An
early inammatory cascade ensues immediately after injury,
during which much of the later outcome of scar development
is dictated. The exact mechanism by which inammation
promotes scarring is not known. However, it appears that the
development of scar is programmed during, and part of, the
inammatory process. Although an inammatory response has
traditionally believed to be a key event for wound healing in
adult skin, studies of fetal wound healing suggest that a high
level of inammation may promote scar formation rather than
enhancing wound healing. Scarring result from an abnormal
brous wound healing process in which tissue repair and
regeneration-regulating control is lost. This abnormal brous
growth presents a major therapeutic dilemma and challenge to
Figure 4. Evaluation of posttrauma scars by Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS).
Compare with the control lesions, silicone gel resulted in a efciency decrease
with total VSS scores at 1 week, but skin tapes had a signicant reduction of
total VSS score at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks
Figure 3. Observation of wound healing in the rabbit model. (a-d) Skin tape
covered group. (e-h) Silicone gel treated group. The upper sides of the ears in
each photo are the lesions treated with skin tape or silicone gel, and the lower
sides of the ear in each photo are the untreated control lesions
e f gh
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Skin tapes versus silicone gel for posttrauma scar
the plastic surgeon because they are disguring and frequently
recur.9 Cutaneous scarring observed in wounds was dependent
upon the time, which has taken for the wounds to heal. For
the VSS, it is the most popular used scar assessment scale at
present; the same statistical measurements were examined and
compared with the results of the observer scale and the VSS.
In this prospective study, we have examined the effect of skin
tapes and silicone gel on re-epithelialization and scarring in
standardized incision wounds. There are still controversial
Figure 6. Evaluation of posttrauma scars by Manchester Scar Scale (MSS).
Compare with the control lesions, silicone gel resulted in a efciency decrease
with total Vancouver scores at 1 week, but skin tapes had a signicant reduction
of total MSS at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks. Star symbol (*) show a signicant
reduction (P < 0.05) compared to lesion control values
Figure 7. Evaluation of posttrauma scars by the Stony Brook Scar Evaluation
Scale (SBSES). It incorporates assessments of individual attributes with a
binary response (1 or 0) for each, as well as overall appearance, to yield a
score ranging from 0 (worst) to 5 (best). Compare with the control lesions,
skin tapes, and silicone gel resulted in an efciency increase with total SBSES
at 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks
Figure 5. Statistically signicant differences were notes between the control and experimental groups. (a) Scar vascularity. (b) Scar pliability. (c) Scar pigmentation.
(d) Scar height. (a) Change of vascularity for the groups treated with skin tape and silicone gel. Star symbol (*) show signicant reduction (P < 0.05) compared
to control lesion values. (b) Change of pliability for the groups treated with skin tape and silicone gel. Star symbol (*) show signicant reduction (P < 0.05)
compared to control lesion values. (c) Change of pigmentation for the groups treated with skin tape and silicone gel. Star symbol (*) show a signicant reduction
(P < 0.05) compared to control lesion values. (d) Change of scar height for the groups treated with skin tape and silicone gel. Star symbol (*) show a signicant
reduction (P < 0.05) compared to control lesion values
c d
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Chih-Chien Wang, et al.:
studies on the efcacy of silicone gel for therapy of hypertrophic
scars, but no enough evidence is based on well-controlled
trials after treatment. In this study, the improvements of
VSS were initially treated with skin tape group and scores
decreased obviously after 2 weeks. Notably, the silicone
gel group was signicant improved with pliability than skin
tape group at 12 week, it has indicated that silicone gel may
improve proper remodeling of the scars, and then the mobility
and function would be restored within chronic wound healing
process. In contrast to silicone gel, progressive improvement
in vascularity, height, and pliability was observed in skin tape
group, though optimal improvement of scars thickness and
lightening of pigmented hypertrophic scars was not achieved.
The aim of our study was the comparison between the
skin incision wound treated with skin tape and silicone gel
to obtain the restoration and regeneration of posttraumatic
wounds. The measures of scar were satisfaction with cosmetic
result, which was assessment and based on the MSS. This
study also shows that the SBSES, to the best knowledge of the
authors the only well-validated instrument currently available,
is also useful in the evaluation of scars. A high satisfaction
with the cosmetic result was reported in both groups, with
no signicant difference in the SBSES. However, it has been
known the SBSES is designed for short-term measurement
in 5-10 days, and its assessment is either 0 or 1, → SBSES
is designed for short-term measurement in 5 to 10 days8, and
its assessment is either 0 or 1, which is not matched to our
experiments. As we understand, MSS and SBSES are more
emphasized on the color and shape in the assessments, but
vascularity and pliability are only for VSS, which might be
more easily observed in our experiments with the rabbit ears
that are composed of cartilages. Furthermore, MSS is more
arbitrary8 and has showed no signicant difference in all
groups except for the 4th week.
It is recommended that silicone gel need to be worn at
least 12 h/day for a minimum of 2 months. The mechanism of
action is unknown, but it has suggested that the greater wound
hydration achieved by using occlusive therapy (silicone and
nonsilicone-based) then affected local keratinocytes to alter
growth factor secretion and inuences broblast regulation. It
is also believed that hydration decreases capillary permeability,
inammatory and mitogenic mediators, and collagen
synthesis.10-14 Furthermore, the development of hypertrophic
and stretched scars in the treatment group only happened
after the skin tape was removed, it has suggested that tension
acting on a scar is the trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Skin
tape is likely to be an effective modality for the prevention of
scarring through its ability to eliminate scar tension.6 We have
assessed the scarring between these two treatments after suture
removed, and surprisingly the wounds treated with the skin
tape have showed a signicant improvement in scar formation
compared with wounds control and silicone gel.
We presented in this study a methodology to accurately
classify scar variables, and evaluate the occurrence of scars
during wound healing after trauma. The results demonstrated
that skin tape reduced scar formation as well as silicone gel.
However, the factors of efcacy and cost were important
consideration to satisfy for clinical requirement. In this
application of these scar prevention devices to reduce scar
formation after surgical incisions, skin tape and silicone gel
provide similar cosmetic outcomes for closure of surgical
incisions. Moreover, skin tape may represent a low-cost
alternative and low scar formation for closure of surgical
This study was supported by a grant from Tri-Service General
Hospital, National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan (TSGH-C101-174,
TSGH-C102-086). The authors thank Dr. Kuo-Jui Chen (University
of Adelaide, Australia) and Shu-Jen Chang (PhD student of National
Yang-Ming University, ROC) for data analysis.
No benets in any form have been received or will be
received from a commercial party relating directly or indirectly
to the subject of this article.
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... A major advantage of wound tape to standard suture is its more resistance to infection. [6,7] A comprehensive study was done on several types of wound tapes, namely, Cicagraf, Curi-strip, Nichi-Strip, Suture Strip, and Steri-Strip to compare their elasticity bearing, adhesion strength, and wounds ventilation. ...
... [6] In Wang et al. study, the results of cosmetic demonstrated that skin tape reduced scar formation as well as silicone gel in the rabbit model. [7] Some other studies show that the early cosmetic outcome of wound closed by adhesive tapes is significantly better than sutured wounds, whereas three studies support this and reported that patients who treated with adhesive tape were more satisfied with the results in comparison to sutured wounds. [8][9][10] Many studies showed that initial cosmetic outcome in adhesive tapes was better, but delayed scar widening was not significantly different between sutured wounds and adhesive tapes. ...
Full-text available
Background Several methods have been used in wound closure for traumatic wounds, but it is not clear that which of these methods has more safety and efficacy. This study aimed to compare scar width due to standard and current treatments in wound repair by suturing and method of wound restoration using wound tape in patients with traumatic ulcers. Materials and Methods This randomized clinical trial was done in ninety patients with wounds in the facial area. They were divided randomly into two groups of 45. The wounds in the first group were sutured, and wound tapes were used to wound closure in the second group. After 2 months, length and width of scar and results of life-size photography were recorded in a list, especially prepared for this purpose. Results The mean age of the patients was 22.7 ± 12.9 years with 46 males (56.1%) and 36 females (43.9%). After 2 months, scars width in suture wound group was 2.9 mm and in wound tape group was 2.5 mm, with no statistically significant difference (P = 0.07). In patients with wound length of >20 mm, scars width was similar between groups and no significant differences was noted (P = 0.27), but in patients with wound length of <20 mm, scars width in wound tape group was significantly less than suture wound group (1.7 vs. 2.5 mm, respectively, P = 0.01). Wound complications were not significantly different between the two groups. Conclusion Findings revealed that scar formation in wounds lower than 20 mm treated using wound tape was lower than suture, but for wounds between 20 and 50 mm were similar between wound tape and suture.
... Post-surgically, scarring was evaluated using the VSS and other instruments. The reduction in score was less with the silicone gel for all the four items on the VSS compared to the wounds treated with the 3M tape [17]. The findings of the present study showed a reduction in the VSS scores for vascularity, pliability and height in both groups, suggesting a positive effect of the Kinesio tape in controlling these parameters. ...
Deep burns damage the reticular dermis and may lead to the formation of hypertrophic scars. Compression therapy reduces local vascularity and realigns collagen fibers, resulting in esthetic and functional improvements. This study evaluated the effect of Kinesio tape compression with maximum mechanical tension on vascularity, pliability and the height of hypertrophic scars following deep burns. A single blind, randomized pilot clinical trial was carried out. The elastic compression of Kinesio tape was applied at maximum stretch in the intervention group (n=11) and no stretch in the sham group (n=11). Vascularity, pliability and height (the primary outcomes) were evaluated at 0, 45 and 90 days using the Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS). The association between the VSS scores, the intervention and the evaluation moment were analyzed using linear mixed-effects regression models, while comparisons of means between the groups were performed using the t Student test was. Significance was set at 5%. The mean VSS scores were similar between the groups. Significant improvement occurred in both groups when post-treatment and baseline scores were compared. No further improvement was found in the vascularity, pliability or height of hypertrophic scars resulting from deep burns when an elastic compression of Kinesio tape was used at maximum tension compared to lesser mechanical tension.
Full-text available
Objective: Pathologic scarring affects millions of people worldwide. Quantitative and qualitative measurement modalities are needed to effectively evaluate and monitor treatments. Methods: This article reviews the literature on available tools and existent assessment scales used to subjectively and objectively characterize scar. Results: We describe the attributes and deficiencies of each tool and scale and highlight areas where further development is critical. Conclusion: An optimal, universal scar scoring system is needed in order to better characterize, understand and treat pathologic scarring.
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The aim of this systematic review is to determine the effectiveness of silicon gel sheeting in: a) prevention of scarring in subjects with newly healed wounds (e.g. post surgical) b) treatment of scarring in subjects with keloid OR hypertrophic scars after any type of wound
A keloid scar often appears at the incision site of patients after median sternotomy. Use of silicone gel to treat hypertrophic burn scars and fresh incisions has yielded encouraging results. In this study, we report our experience with the preventive use of silicone gel sheets for keloid scars after median sternotomy. Nine patients who underwent a median sternotomy were studied. A silicone gel sheet was kept directly on the surgical incision for 24 h starting 2 weeks after surgery. The treatment was repeated with a new sheet every 4 weeks for 24 weeks, at which times the subjective symptoms and the changes in keloid scars were determined. None of the patients experienced an aggravation of any subjective symptoms during the 24-week study. After 24 weeks, all patients were free of a keloid scar that showed a rise and contraction of skin and causes discomfort. No adverse events were reported by any of the patients. A silicone gel sheet is safe and effective for the preventing the formation of keloid scars after median sternotomy.
Scars on exposed areas are a major concern among Asian populations because of their conspicuousness. Size, color, or whether the scar is hypopigmented or hyperpigmented matters little. Silicone gel is well known for the prevention and induction of better maturation of hypertrophic and keloid scars. However, its aesthetic effect on normal surgical scars has not been considered. Clinical evaluation of scars was performed in 40 patients. All the 40 patients underwent clean and minor surgery of the exposed area, such as scar revision, by 1 plastic surgeon. Twenty of the 40 patients did not apply any adjunctive material for scar management and were grouped as the control. The other 20 patients applied a silicone gel sheet for 12 hours a day for 3 months. Three assessment criteria, pigmentation, vascularity, and height, were evaluated by photographic assessment of the scars at 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively and scored by 3 plastic surgeons. The Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to verify any significant differences in the previously mentioned 3 parameters between the 2 groups and parameter scores at each follow-up period. Two patients were excluded from the study because of the development of rashes on the areas covered by the silicone gel sheet. There was no statistical significance between the groups at postoperative 2 weeks and 1 month in pigmentation and redness. For evaluation of height, there was statistical significance (P = 0.024) at postoperative 1 month. However, there were statistically significant differences in all the assessment criteria at postoperative 3 months between the groups: pigmentation, P = 0.0002; vascularity, P = 0.0002; and height, P < 0.0001. The silicone gel sheet has a favorable aesthetical effect for normally created surgical scars in the Asians. Its application can reduce the conspicuousness of scars more rapidly than without.
Hypertrophic scars and keloids result from an abnormal fibrous wound healing process in which tissue repair and regeneration-regulating mechanism control is lost. These abnormal fibrous growths present a major therapeutic dilemma and challenge to the plastic surgeon because they are disfiguring and frequently recur. To provide updated clinical and experimental information on hypertrophic scars and keloids so that physicians can better understand and properly treat such lesions. A Medline literature search was performed for relevant publications and for diverse strategies for management of hypertrophic scars and keloids. The growing understanding of the molecular processes of normal and abnormal wound healing is promising for discovery of novel approaches for the management of hypertrophic scars and keloids. Although optimal treatment of these lesions remains undefined, successful healing can be achieved only with combined multidisciplinary therapeutic regimens.
With the investigation and potential introduction of several novel scar-reducing therapies to the market within the next several years, it is germane to review both the pathophysiology of scarring and the safety and efficacy of currently available and emerging therapeutic agents. An extensive review of the English-language literature was conducted using the MEDLINE database. A comprehensive review of the pathophysiology of scarring and scar management, including both emerging and currently available therapies, was completed. Current clinical studies are limited by small sample sizes, lack of well-designed controls, and lack of standardized scar outcome measurement parameters. A prominent challenge in the study of scar management is the paucity of well-designed, large, randomized, controlled studies examining existing scar-reducing techniques. The greatest improvement in scar-reducing protocols likely entails a polytherapeutic strategy for management. Further investigation into the role of inflammation in scarring is paramount to the development of improved scar-reducing agents. There is a need for large controlled trials using a polytherapeutic strategy that combines existing and novel agents to provide a standardized evidence-based evaluation of efficacy.
A new method of treatment for burn scar management is outlined using silicone gel sheets (Spenco Corporation MD-3071). The method has been applied to 42 patients with burns of varying degree and maturity. The results have been successful in all cases. The mode of action of the gel is unknown, but it does not rely on pressure. The method can easily be tailored to the individual needs of the scar and the patient. Individual initiative and a flexible approach to its use are advocated.
How a scar is managed postoperatively influences its cosmetic outcome. After suture removal, scars are susceptible to skin tension, which may be the trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Paper tape to support the scar may reduce multidirectional forces and prevent hypertrophic scarring. Seventy patients who had undergone cesarean section at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital were randomized to treatment and control groups. Patients in the control group received no postoperative intervention. Patients in the treatment group applied paper tape to their scars for 12 weeks. Scars were assessed at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months after surgery using ultrasound to measure intradermal scar volume. Scars were also assessed using the International Clinical Recommendations. Paper tape significantly decreased scar volume by a mean of 0.16 cm3, (95 percent confidence interval, 0.00 to 0.29 cm3). At 12 weeks after surgery, 41 percent of the control group developed hypertrophic scars compared with none in the treatment group (exact test, p = 0.003). In the treatment group, one patient developed a hypertrophic scar and four developed stretched scars only after the tape was removed. The odds of developing a hypertrophic scar were 13.6 times greater in the control than in the treatment group (95 percent confidence interval, 3.6 to 66.9). Of the 70 patients randomized, 39 completed the study. Four patients in the treatment group developed a localized red rash beneath the tape. These reactions were minor and transient and resolved without medical intervention. The development of hypertrophic and stretched scars in the treatment group only after the tape was removed suggests that tension acting on a scar is the trigger for hypertrophic scarring. Paper tape is likely to be an effective modality for the prevention of hypertrophic scarring through its ability to eliminate scar tension.
Keloid management can be difficult and frustrating, and the mechanisms underlying keloid formation are only partially understood. Using original and current literature in this field, this comprehensive review presents the major concepts of keloid pathogenesis and the treatment options stemming from them. Mechanisms for keloid formation include alterations in growth factors, collagen turnover, tension alignment, and genetic and immunologic contributions. Treatment strategies for keloids include established (e.g., surgery, steroid, radiation) and experimental (e.g., interferon, 5-fluorouracil, retinoid) regimens. The scientific basis and empiric evidence supporting the use of various agents is presented. Combination therapy, using surgical excision followed by intradermal steroid or other adjuvant therapy, currently appears to be the most efficacious and safe current regimen for keloid management.
Hypertrophic and keloid scars are types of abnormal and pronounced scarring that can cause psychological and functional problems for people and can be difficult to treat. Hypertrophic scarring is more common in fair skin and tends to follow surgery and burn injuries, whereas keloid scarring is more common in darker skin and occurs after trivial injuries such as insect bites, ear piercing and vaccination. Scars occurring on some sites of the body, such as the lower face, neck and upper arms are more likely to develop abnormally. Silicon gel sheeting is a soft, self-adhesive sheeting designed to be used on intact skin for preventing and treating both new and old hypertrophic and keloid scars. The review considered evidence on whether silicon gel sheeting prevents the development of hypertrophic or keloid scarring in people with newly healed wounds, and whether it is effective in treating established scars. Trials were identified that looked at prevention and treatment strategies. Most studies were of poor quality and It is unclear whether silicon gel sheeting helps prevent scarring or is effective in treating existing hypertrophic and keloid scars.