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Cesk Slov Ne urol N 2015; 78/ 111 (Suppl 2): XXX–XXX 2S1
Telemetry Physical Activity Monitor ing in
Minipig’s Model of Huntington’s Disease
Monitorace fyzické aktivity uminiprasečího
modelu pro Huntingtonovu nemoc
Animal models represent a key tool for Huntington’s disease (HD) research. Dur ing the last decade
large animal models of HD have been established to improve knowledge of HD under large brain
conditions . Transgenic minipig expres s ing N-terminal par t of human huntingtin with 124 CAG/
repeats seems to be very promis ing HD model. Its previous characterization has shown various
phenotypes aff ect ing subcel lular, cel lular as wel l as organ systems level. The goal of this study was
to detect and analyze a pathological patter in physical activity of transgenic (TgHD) boars at the
age of three years us ing telemetry approach. Into the study we have included five TgHD and five
wild type (WT) animals for comparison. The physical activity was measured by the telemetric sys-
tem rodentPACK2 whereas transmitter was placed into the col lar. The analysis have shown signifi-
cant decrease of total acceleration represent ing physical activity in TgHD boars between 4:40 and
5:30 a. m. (after night sleep –
before morn ing feeding) in comparison with WT ones which could
be explained with dis turbed energy metabolism. Telemetry approach wil l play an important role in
the study of physical ac tivity and bio potentials es sential for deeper characterization of large animal
HD models in their preclinical and clinical phase.
Zvířecí modely představují klíčový nástroj pro studium Huntingtonovy nemoci (HN). V posledním
desetiletí byla snaha vy tvářet velké zvířecí modely této choroby z důvodu zlepšení znalostí o pato-
logických změnách v mozku, který se co nejvíce podobá lidskému. Transgen ní miniprase exprimu-
jící N-terminální část lidského mutovaného huntingtinu se 124 CAG/
CAA repeticemi se zdá být
velmi nadějným modelem pro studium HN. Jelikož předchozí charakterizace tohoto modelu
prokázala rozličné fenotypy postihující subcelulární, buněčnou stejně tak i orgánově-systémovou
úroveň. Cílem této studie bylo detekovat a analyzovat patologický vzorec ve fyzické aktivitě
transgen ních (TgHD) kanců ve věku 3 let pomocí telemetrie. Do experimentu bylo zařazeno pět
TgHD a pro srovnání pět netransgen ních (WT) kanců. Fyzická aktivita byla u kanců měřena pomocí
telemetrického systému rodentPACK2, přičemž transmiter byl umístěn do límce na krku. Na z ákladě
analýzy bylo zjištěno signifikantní snížení totálního zrychlení reprezentujícího fyzickou aktivitu
u TgHD kanců mezi 4:40 a 5:30 ráno (po nočním spánku –
před ran ním krmením) v porovnání s WT
jedinci, které může být v ysvětleno narušeným energetickým metabolizmem. Telemetrická analýza
bude jistě hrát v budoucnosti významnou roli ve studii fyzické aktivity a bio potenciálů důležitých
pro podrobnější charakterizaci preklinické a klinické fázi HN u velkých zvířecích modelů.
The authors declare they have no potential
conicts of interest concerning drugs, products,
or servi ces used in the study.
Autoři deklaru jí, že v souvislosti s předmětem s tu-
die nemají žád né komerční zájmy.
The Editorial Board declares that the manu-
script met the ICMJE “uniform requirements”
for biomedical papers.
Redakční rada p otvrzuje, že rukopis p ráce splnil
ICMJE krité ria pro publikace zasílan é do biome-
dicínských časopisů.
M. Pokorný1, S. Juhas2,
J. Juhasova2, J. Klima2, J. Motlik2,
J. Klempir3, J. Havlik1
1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic
2 Institute of Animal Physiology and
Genetics, AS CR, v.v.i., Libechov, Czech
3 Institute of Anatomy, Department
of Neurology and Centre of Clinical
Neuroscience, 1st Faculty of Medi-
cine, Charles University and General
University Hospital in Prague, Czech
Ing. Matouš Pokorný
Biomedical Electronics Group
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Czech Technical University
Technicka 2
166 27 Prague
Czech Republic
Accepted for review:
Accepted for print:
Key words
Huntington‘s disease – minipig – telemetry
– collar – physical activity – acceleration
Klíčová slova
Huntingtonova nemoc – miniprase – tele-
metrie – límec – fyzická aktivita – akcelerace
Cesk Slov Ne urol N 2015; 78/ 111 (Suppl 2): XXX–XXX
Aim of the study
Huntington‘s disease (HD) is an inherited
neurodegenerative disorder caused by poly-
glutamine expansion mutations in the hun-
tingtin protein [1].
There is no cure or eff ective treatment for
HD, and death typical ly occurs 15–
20 years
after the onset of HD motor symp toms. Pa-
tients with HD progres sively develop symp-
toms of clinical psychiatric disorders, cog-
nitive deficits, dementia and physical
disability [2,3]. Mutated huntingtin action
as wel l as los s of wild type huntingtin func-
tion aff ect not only the brain structures but
also peripheral tis sues or organ systems
like testes, heart, pancreas, skeletal muscle,
etc. [4–
7]. Deficits in sleep and circadian or-
ganization have been identified as com mon
early features in patients with HD that cor-
relate with symp tom severity and may be
instrumental in disease progres sion. These
observations were also detected in the
most employed mouse model (R6/
2) [8] or
ovine model of HD [9]. Importantly heart
dis ease has been attributed as a major
cause of death in patients with HD. In addi-
tion R6/
1 mice exhibited profound auto-
nomic nervous system cardiac dysfunction
involv ing both sympathetic and parasympa-
thetic limbs as sociated with altered central
autonomic pathways lead ing to cardiac ar-
hythmias and sudden death [2].
The long-term col lection of neurobe-
havioral and other physiologic data us ing te-
lemetry devices represents a critical compo-
nent of diff erently focused animal studies.
Such devices have to be implanted in a lo-
cation that is safe, wel l-tolerated, and func-
tional. Göttingen minipigs (Sus scrofa domes-
ticus) represent an ideal large animal model
for bio medical studies due to their relatively
smal l size, characterized health status, and
ease of train ing and handling [10]. Moreover
Yorkshire pigs were also used in long-term, si-
multaneous telemetric monitor ing of blood
flow, pres sure and heart rate in heart failure
models [11]. EEG, ECG, activity and core tem-
perature monitor ing were succes sful ly mea-
sured in HD mouse models (R6/
2 and R6/
by telemetry devices [2,8].
The aim of study was to find and mea-
sure the physical activity disturbances cha-
racterized by deficit in sleep and circadian
organization of transgenic (TgHD) minipigs
expres s ing human mutated huntingtin in
comparison with wild type boars (WT) by
telemetry approach. The next goal of pre-
sent study was to develop automatic system
for measurement and evaluation of physical
activity in minipigs.
Al l experiments were conducted with the
approval of the State Veterinary Administ-
ration of the Czech Republic and in accor-
dance with Czech regulations and guideli-
nes for animal welfare.
The transgenic line founder sow “Adela”
expres s ing N-terminal part of human muta-
ted huntingtin with 124CAG/
CAA [12], born
July 2009, as wel l as her off springs (F1, F2,
F3 and F4) are without clinical symp toms of
HD at the present time. However, until now
several phenotypes like the reduced male
reproductive parameters (e. g. fewer sperma-
tozoa per ejaculate), impaired mitochondrial
function in spermatozoa [13], lower level of
total creatine in the brain [14], decrease of re-
lative phosphodiester concentration in testi-
cular parenchyma [15] and blood serum cy-
tokine imbalance [16] have been detected.
We expect the onset of the HD related cli-
nical symp toms in the second half of their
life, i.e., after the 10th year. Transgenic boars
from F2 generation (3 years old) before HD
onset (n = 5) and control WT siblings (n = 5)
we used for telemetry study. The boars
were individual ly held in the neighbor-
ing boxes (al l together in one part of the
Telemetric system
In the experiments we used the telemetric
system rodentPACK2 obtained from emka
TECHNOLOGIES (France). RodentPACK2 has
been primarily designed for rodent stud ies.
This fact has forced us to newly develop
prototype equipment intercon nect ing con-
nectors screwed to external transmitters
with internal electrodes for bio potentials
and temperature measurement fixed into
the minipig’s body pos ses s ing high dura-
bility. Telemetric system consists of smal l
transmitters and central receivers. Every
transmitter can acquire and transmit four
bio potencial signals and/
or core tempe-
rature in combination with x, y, z and total
acceleration. The measurements can be syn-
chronized with video record (infrared came-
ras). We have performed some minipig pilot
experiments (EEG, ECG, EEG, temperature
measurement) complicated with secondary
infection and now we have design a new
type of mount ing approach that wil l be tes-
ted in close future. In present study the acce-
leration chan nels have been used only. Data
were acquired at sampl ing frequency 100 Hz
with resolution ± 2 g. In the learn ing pe-
riod (before activity measurement) the mi-
nipig boars have obtained the empty col lars
(Fig. 1).
Moreover if the measurement was not
run ning, minipigs stil l wore the empty col-
lars. It eliminates the col lar influence on their
behavior. Minipig boars wore a col lar with
Fig. 1. The positioning of the collar for activity measurement in TgHD boar.
Cesk Slov Ne urol N 2015; 78/ 111 (Suppl 2): XXX–XXX 2S3
transmitter dur ing experiment. The measu-
rement ses sions started in the morn ing and
ends afternoon. There was minimal ly one
whole day (two nights) between start and
end of the ses sion. Period between indivi-
dual ses sions was approximately one month.
Al l events dur ing the measurement ses sion
were recorded e. g. time of feeding, cleaning,
veterinary and zootechnician intervention or
other activities.
Data analysis
For the statistical analysis we have used the
last ses sion includ ing majority of days dur-
ing weekend without unusual disturb ing
activities. We have decided to analyze the
part of day –
early morn ing just before staff
com ing after night (before morn ing feed) –
which is hypothetical ly daily time with mini-
mal external influences. For data analysis we
have used two software provided by emka
iox2 for data acquisition
and real-
time analysis as wel l as ecgAUTO
for complex analysis. Total acceleration (gra-
vity acceleration –
s2) represent ing phys-
ical activity of animal was proces sed in ec-
gAUTO software. The total physical activity
was sampled at 100 Hz and averaged over
10 min. Generated physical activity (mean
from 10 min) from five TgHD and five WT
boars were consequently averaged and
used for statistical analysis. This simple algo-
rithm for the comparison of WT and TgHD
boars’ physical activity was used for dif-
ferent daily time whereas sophisticated sig-
nal proces s ing wil l be prepared in close
A level p < 0.05 was considered as a statisti-
cal ly significant diff erence. For statistical ana-
lysis of total acceleration of TgHD and WT
group between 4:40 and 5:30 a. m. a one-
ANOVA test with Bonfer roni’s multiple com-
parison post-test were employ ed us ing Gra-
phPad PRISM software (GraphPad Software,
San Diego, CA, USA).
The analysis of total acceleration values from
TgHD and WT animals showed similar dis-
tribution pattern over several days (Fig. 2).
The minimal activity of animals was de-
tect ed dur ing the night from 19:00–
19:30 to
3:00 –
3:30. This time period is general ly con-
nected with no human activity in the sta-
ble. The staff for morn ing feed ing is com-
ing about 5:00 into the stable with start ing
of feed ing about 5:35–
5:45. Next activity of
animal is as sociated with clean ing proce-
dur e (7:0 0–
9:00) whereas animals are obtain-
ing new straw as a bedd ing that serves also
as a tool for next activity until 11:00 (the time
when the staff is leav ing the stable). It is in
accordance with decrease of animal acti-
vity between 11:00 and 13:00. Afternoon the
staff is com ing again about 15:0 0–
15:30 with
start ing of feed ing between 16:40–
17: 20. Im-
mediately after afternoon feed ing the feed-
boxes are cleaned and the staff is leav ing the
stable about 18:00. This organization pattern
forced us to choose the daily period which
would be minimal ly af fected by external
factors. Thus we have focused on the pe-
riod after long night sleep just before morn-
ing feeding. The analysis of this time interval
(4:40 –
5:30) showed decrease of mean total
acceleration of TgHD boars compared to WT
one dur ing al l six days of ses sion. Although
three diff erences weren’t statistical ly signifi-
cant the rest of diff erences in 28th, 29th and
31st August 2015 were (Fig. 3).
In this study we have described six days
last ing telemetry ses sion in which we have
recorded physical activity of TgHD and
WT mini pigs. We have succes sful ly measu-
red and analyzed data as wel l as performed
pilot analysis. Analysis of daily period from
4:40 to 5:30 showed significant decrease of
total acceleration in TgHD animals in com-
parison with WT ones. This data suggest
that 3 years old transgenic animals expres s-
ing human mutated huntingtin more slowly
“starting” everyday faced with wild type sib-
lings. We can hypothesize that this observa-
tion could be in agreement with our pre-
vious study [14] that revealed significant
decrease of total creatine (tCr) in the thala-
mus of TgHD boars (2 years old) measured
by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
There were also detected other significant
changes in metabolite ratios (increased me-
tabolic ratios tCho/
tCr in the striatum, tha-
lamus, hippocampus as wel l as white mat-
ter) and we had supposed that the majority
of the observed changes were predomi-
nantly related to changes in energy meta-
bolism caused by decrease of tCr in TgHD.
Creatine represents an important marker
for brain energy metabolism. Lower crea-
Fig. 2. Total acceleration (gravity acceleration – m/s2) representing physical activity of TgHD and WT animals over six following days.
Each point (blue – WT, red – TgHD) represents averaged total acceleration of five animals (TgHD or WT) from 10 min sampling. The ellipses
display mark time periods (4:40–5:30) in individual days.
Cesk Slov Ne urol N 2015; 78/ 111 (Suppl 2): XXX–XXX
tine levels were reported in striatum of HD
patients suggest ing impaired energy meta-
bolism [17]. Our data are also in accordance
with data obtained from ovine transgenic
model of HD expres s ing ful l length of hun-
tingtin. The authors detected circadian be-
havioural abnormalities in young HD sheep
that worsened with age. This change was
a disturbed even ing behaviour reminiscent
of ‘sundowning’ depend ing upon their so-
cial grouping. That is seen in some patients
with dementia [9].
The telemetric system uses accelerome-
ter for physical activity monitoring. The big
advantage of this system is monitor ing of
transgenic minipigs in their natural envi-
ronment, without disturb ing the study con-
ditions. The system needs only minimal
maintenance and has satisfactory resistant
against aggres sive environment in stable.
Telemetric monitor ing of physical acti-
vity as wel l as other bio potentials (EEG, ECG,
EMG, temperature, etc.) could reveal moto-
ric, behavioral and sleep abnormalities of
TgHD minipigs related to HD. In future we
plan to repeatedly confirm presented data
and focus on analysis of physical activity and
bio potentials of TgHD and WT boars in other
day periods, mainly in the night for complex
sleep analysis. More powerful and sophisti-
cated algorithms wil l be developed as wel l.
This work was supported by the Norwegian Finan-
cial Mechanism 2009 –
2014 and the Ministry of Edu-
cation, Youth and Sports under Project Contract no.
28 477/
2014 “HUNTINGTON” 7F14308, Pro-
gram Research and Development for In novation
Mi nistry of Education, Youth and Sports ExAM
CZ .1.05. /
03.0124 CHDI Foundation (A-
5378 ,
8248), RVO: 67985904 and SGS14/
13 –
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Fig. 3. Total acceleration of TgHD and WT animals between 4:40–5:30 a.m. during six fol-
lowing days.
Each column (blue – WT, red – TgHD) represents averaged total acceleration of five animals
(TgHD or WT).