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Enrichment and geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements in deep-sea mud from seamount area of Western Pacific


Abstract and Figures

40 sediment samples were collected in 18 stations from seamounts areas in Western Pacific and from CC zone in Central Pacific. Based on the measurements of main elements and minor elements including Rare Earth Elements (REEs), the geochemical characteristics of REE enrichment in zeolitic clay were analyzed. The zeolitic clay was found to be distributed mainly at Marshall Seamounts and Line Islands, marked by high content of metal elements and especially of REEs. The observed highest content of REE in zeolitic clay was 1018.84 μg·g-1, with the highest ∑LREE of 781.00 μg·g-1, and the highest ∑HREE of 237.84 μg·g-1, which were comparable to or even greater than REEs content from the southern China ion-absorption-type deposits. The normalizd REEs with North American Shale Composite (NASC) in zeolitic clay displayed gentle slope, distinct negative Ce anomaly and fractionation of HREE and LREE, which suggested that combined effect of hydrothermally Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides and mixture of phosphatic mineral formed during early diagenesis are possible mechanism of REEs enrichment in zeolitic clay, but needs further study.
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31 6
Vol. 31 No. 6
2013 12
Dec. 2013
收稿日期2013 05 30修订日期2013 09 -06
基金项目浙江大学海洋学科交叉研究引导基金项 2012HY006A 国家自然科学基金 40706057 大洋专项基金 DY125-14-R-
01 973 项目 2012CB417305资助
作者简介张霄宇 1972 副教授研究方向地球化学
*通讯联系人E mailzhang_xiaoyu@ zju. edu. cn
DOI10. 11785 / S1000 4343. 20130614
张霄宇1* 1张富元2章伟艳2 1江彬彬1
1. 浙江大学地球科学系浙江 杭州 3100272. 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所海底科学重点实验室浙江
杭州 310012
摘要对西太平洋海山区和东太平洋 CC 18 个站位 40 个沉积物样品进行了元素测定以探讨西太平洋海山区含沸石深海粘土中稀土元素
度最大接近或高于中国南方离子吸附型稀土矿床含沸石型深海粘土主要分布在马绍尔和莱恩群岛REE 最高达1018. 84 μg·g 1 其中
LREE 781. 00 μg·g 1 HREE 237. 84 μg·g-1
显著的δCe 负异常
含沸石型深海沉积物 REE 的具体富集机制
中图分类号P736. 21 文献标识码A文章编号1000 4343 201306 0729 09
20 世纪 80 年代以来持续的结壳1 3
硫化物的研究热点4 6形成鲜明对比的是大洋广
78 个柱样沉积在深上以 1米间隔取样
检测了 2037 个沉积物样品的元素组成认为在南
稀土元素和金属钇在含量最高的一个站位周围 1
元素1 /5 的需求量认为热液铁锰水合物和沸石可
实际上20 世纪 70 年代Piper8就指出
太平洋含沸石的深海沉积物中富含了 5倍于北美
页岩的 REE并且长期以来钙十字沸石被认为是
深海沉积物主要 REE 赋存体之一
字沸石与高 REE 含量之间的确切关系至今没有得
到很 Bernat9研究表明沸石本身
LREE 的含量不到 NASC 1 /3Dubinin10在深入
研究了沸石晶中 REE 的富集过程后认沸石
本身并不能吸 REE对太平洋两个站位沉积物
50 μm的沸石 REE 含量的检测结果也仅为
NASC 2 3
甚至可以达到 50% 11因此沸石对沉积物中元
土元素和其他微量元素富集程度 2含沸石深海
730 31
粘土中稀土元素赋存的地球化学特征 3初步探
莱恩群东太 CC 区共布设了 18
在垂直剖面上分别以10 cm 间隔采集4个样品
获得 40 个样品采集后的样品立刻装入干净的聚
乙烯袋内封口保存在 4 的冰库中检测时在常
放在蒸发皿中于105 的烘箱中烘 2 h 后用研钵研
EDTA 络合钙
稀土元素氢氧化物沉淀溶于 2 mol·L 1
5 mol·L 1 盐酸洗提蒸发定容后采用 ICP-MS X-
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of research area in the Pacific
6 张霄宇等 西太平洋海山区深海软泥中稀土元素富集的地球化学特征 731
Table 1 List of measurements
Testing contents Testing methods Testing standards Testing precisionRSD%
Types of sediments Smear identification DZ/ T0223-2001 Qualitative analysis
CO2Carbonate measurement GB9835-1988 0. 70%
Na2OMgOAl2O3SiO2P2O5K2OCaOTiO2MnOFe2O3X-ray fluorescence spectrometer2100GB / T14506.28-1993 <0. 55%
ScCoNiCuZnRbSrZrNbSnBaHfTa Plasma mass spectrometryX-seriesDZ/ T 0223-2001 <5%
LaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuY Plasma mass spectrometryX-series 5%
ΣLREE = La + Ce + Pr + Nd + Sm + Eu
ΣHREE = Gd + Tb + Dy + Ho + Er + Tm + Yb + Lu
ΣREE = La + Ce + Pr + Nd + Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb + Dy
+ Ho + Er + Tm + Yb + Lu
δCe = CeN
LaN+ PrN
2δEu = EuN
SmN+ GdN
平洋 CC 区沉积物性质差别较大西太平洋海山区
结果表明 1含沸石深海粘土中常量元素 P2O5
MnOTFe2O3微量元素 ScCoNiCuZnRb
REE Y均为富集ZrNbSnHfTa 则表现为
明显亏损 2钙质软泥中常量元素除了 CaO
微量元素 Sr
度富集Cu Ba 略有富集ScCoNiZnb
表现为亏损ZrNbSnHfTa轻稀土元素 Ce
Fig. 2 Enrichment coefficients of elements from different types of sediments in Pacific
732 31
东太 Ce 负异常程度较低
CaO 极度缺失而区别于西太平洋海山区的硅质沉
量和较低的轻重稀土元素比值为特并且 LREE
富集程度 HREECe 是所有稀土元素中富集
程度最低的和该区域 DSDP 站位的数据基本一
逐渐表现稀土HREE Dy-LuY
富集系数 1硅质粘土稀土元素含量中
2稀土元素含量分布范围和平均值 μ
Table 2 Ranges and average values of REE content μ
SamplesamountsEigenvalue La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
The abysmal Clay of CC Mean 48.67 87.47 13.44 56.22 13.94 3. 38 14. 38 2.25 13. 47 2. 62 7. 44 1. 05 6 86 1. 03
Area in the Pacific Ocean25Minimum 31.10 66.00 8. 67 36.40 9. 57 2. 22 9. 85 1. 57 9.58 1. 88 5. 27 0. 75 4. 93 0.75
Maximum 74. 70 101. 00 20. 90 89. 10 22. 00 5. 44 22.90 3. 52 21. 00 4.05 11. 40 1. 62 10. 30 1. 56
The calcareous ooze in the west Mean 14.65 12.55 3. 31 14.43 3. 27 0. 78 3. 82 0. 58 3.77 0. 81 2. 38 0. 35 2. 25 0.35
Pacific sea mountains 5Minimum 12. 50 9. 20 2. 65 11. 60 2. 51 0. 61 2. 78 0. 43 2. 78 0. 62 1. 80 0. 25 1. 65 0.25
Maximum 18. 40 21. 40 4. 65 20. 60 4.87 1. 23 5. 84 0. 87 5. 46 1. 15 3. 35 0. 50 3. 17 0.49
The clay in the west Pacific Ocean Mean 61. 97 86. 82 16. 08 67. 57 15. 82 3. 69 16.33 2. 50 15. 22 3.02 8. 69 1. 22 7. 86 1. 18
or siliceous materials 5Minimum 32.50 65.20 8. 30 34.70 8. 34 1. 89 8. 27 1. 28 8. 02 1. 64 4. 65 0. 69 4. 46 0. 68
Maximum 119. 00 131.00 29.50 125. 00 27. 80 6.51 29.40 4. 39 26. 80 5. 34 15. 30 2. 13 13. 50 2. 05
Zeolitic clay in the west Mean 153. 90 116.16 43. 80 188. 78 43. 46 10.14 47.48 7. 20 44. 50 8.92 25. 52 3. 47 22. 02 3. 32
Pacific sea mountains 5Minimum 74. 50 98. 80 22. 00 92. 90 23. 10 5. 38 24.10 3. 62 22. 40 4.33 12. 30 1. 69 10.80 1. 62
Maximum 227. 00 140.00 63.50 275. 00 61. 40 14. 10 69.30 10.40 64. 80 13. 10 37.80 5. 15 32.30 4. 99
Table 3 Eigenvalues of REE in Pacific sediments and comparisons with other types of sediments
μg·g 1
μg·g 1
μg·g 1
HREE δCe δEu Data
Sediments of CC area in Minimum 188. 59 154.01 34. 58 3. 85 0. 51 1. 00 In this research
the east Pacific Ocean25Maximum 386. 49 310. 24 76. 25 5. 13 0. 94 1. 08
Average 272. 22 223. 12 49.09 4. 59 0. 77 1. 05
The calcareous ooze in the west Minimum 188. 59 154.01 34. 58 3. 85 0. 33 0. 85 In this research
Pacific sea mountains5Maximum 2295.15 2101.70 249. 30 11.33 0. 50 1. 01
Average 1143.09 1020. 66 131. 78 7. 48 0. 38 0. 95
The clay in the west Minimum 180. 62 150.93 29. 69 4. 04 0. 48 1. 00 In this research
Pacific sea mountains5Maximum 537. 72 438. 81 98.91 5. 08 0. 86 1. 02
Average 307. 94 251. 94 56.00 4. 60 0. 65 1. 01
The zeolitic clay in the west Minimum 397. 54 316.68 80. 86 3. 28 0. 25 0. 94 In this research
Pacific sea mountains5Maximum 1018.84 781. 00 237. 84 3. 92 0. 53 1. 01
Average 718. 68 556. 24 162. 44 3. 51 0. 34 0. 98
The phosphorite in the west Pacific Ocean Average 286. 88 221. 03 65.85 3. 51 0. 27 0. 98 Zhang F Y et al2011
The TAG hydrothermal genesis of crust in the
mid-atlantic ridge6
Average 5. 01 3. 36 1. 65 2. 03 2. 076 1. 03 Mills et al2001
The mixed crust in the mid-atlantic ridge2Average 765. 75 649. 82 115. 93 5. 49 0. 669 1. 04
The hydrogenic crust in the mid-atlantic ridge4Average 1948. 74 1765. 56 183.18 9. 65 0. 621 1. 17
Sediments in the Changjiang river14Average 211.10 193.19 17. 91 10. 79 0. 78 1. 09 Yang S Y et al2002
Sediments in the Changjiang estuary-the east
China sea shelf
Average 166. 56 148. 91 17.65 8. 44 0. 93 0. 96 Zhang X Y et al2009
Sediments in the east of the south China sea106Average 129.44 113.95 15. 50 7. 35 0. 91 0. 99 Zhang X Y et al2012
6 张霄宇等 西太平洋海山区深海软泥中稀土元素富集的地球化学特征 733
他类型沉积REE YCuCoNiBaP2O5
富集含量超过地壳中相应元素丰度的5 10 倍以
离子吸附型矿床相当14这与 Piper8以及 Kato7
这种平缓型的分布式和 50 μm10以及
3. 2 δCe
研究区域内不同类型的沉积物都具有显著的 Ce
最为强烈的 Ce 负异常和深海海水
洋深海软泥强烈的 Ce 负异常一致以陆源物质为主
部边缘海深海海盆沉积物表现出程度较低的 Ce
异常水成结核现出强烈的 Ce 正异常
境下水和沉积物中的 Ce3 + 容易氧化成 Ce4 +
元素相比相差悬殊的电荷导致 Ce4 + 与其他稀土
壳的铁相中造成结壳的强烈的 Ce 正异常
水中强烈的 Ce 负异常
也为结壳提供了丰富的 Ce因此结壳特别是
水成型结壳以显著的 Ce 正异常为特征
δCe 则继承了海水的特点表现为显著的 Ce
Fig. 3 Normalized REE with North American Shale Composite in different types of sediments
1 50 μm phillipsite 2TAG hydrothermal crusts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 3TAG heterogenous crusts from the Mid-At-
lantic Ridge 4TAG hydrogenous crusts from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 5Phosphorite from Western Pacific 6Sediments of
Changjiang River 7Sediments of continental shelf of Eastern China Sea 8Sediments from Eastern South China Sea 9Deep
Sea Water from Northern Atlantic
734 31
δCe 均继承了中国东部大陆沉积物的特点显示了
Ce 负异常31718
以强烈的 Ce 负异常
和磷块岩以及 60 μm沸石的比较接近显示在成
33REE 和常量元素
深海沉积物中常量元素 CaOSiO2以及
也是 Ca 的常见矿物形式其中碳氟磷灰石中 CaO /
P2O5值为 1 621而氟磷灰石中的 CaO / P2O5值为
1. 318Pan 21 CaO / P2O5比值的研究
本次研究对 1. 27CO2/%
+ 1. 621 P2O5/% CaO 的相关性表明钙质软泥
该可以解释全部的 CaO 存在矿物形式见图 4
对西太平洋海山区不同沉积物类型中 REE
常量元素的相关性表明REE P2O5具有良好的
4 CaO CO2+ P2O5的相关性分析
Fig. 4 Correlation analysis between CaO and CO2+ P2O5
相关性Dubinin 10的研究也表明沉积
50 μm的沸石中 REE 浓度取决于 P含量并认为
22在澳大利亚浅海砂岩中广泛发育着富含 REE
REE MnOFe2O3的相关性相对较见图
源的 Fe2O3
成沉积物中 REE 富集的一个因素
3. 4 REE 和可能的赋存矿物
以往研究表明大洋 REE 的最终输出有两
种主要形式 1REE 包裹型颗粒主要是指表层
吸附了 REE 的粘土矿物和铁/锰水合物 2
REE 自生矿物只占了通量中很少的一部分82425
Piper25认为沸石质深海沉积物富含 REE
沉积物中 REE 含量有深刻影响计算
到的海洋沉积物 REE 总量远远大于陆源输入量
可能的解释是高估了沸石中的 REE 含量或者是低
6 张霄宇等 西太平洋海山区深海软泥中稀土元素富集的地球化学特征 735
Fig. 5 Correlation analysis of REE and constant elements
1Calcareous ooze in seamounts areaWestern Pacific 2Deep sea clay in seamounts areaWestern Pacific 3Zeolitic clay in
seamounts areaWestern Pacific 4Deep sea clay in CC zone Eastern Pacific
1 /4 Dubinin 10的研究表明 50 μm
石沉积物中检测到的 REE 不足于解释沉积物中
REE 总量结晶过程中单个沸石晶体中 REE 含量
很低并且强烈的 Ce 正异常与沉积物中完全不
由此可见沸石应该不是沉积物中 REE
矿物从而导致含沸石型沉积物中 REE 的富集
1. 东太平洋 CC 区沉积物类型简单以硅质粘
其中 REE YCuCoNiBaP2O5富集
超过地壳中相应元素丰度的5 10 倍以上重稀土
2. 含沸石深海粘土以极高的稀土元素含量和较
群岛和莱恩群EE 最高达1018. 84 μg·g 1
其中LREE781 00 μg·g 1 HREE237. 84
μg·g 1 普通深海粘土中稀土元素中等程度富集
3. 西太平洋海山区含沸石深海粘土以显著的
Ce 负异常
富集的中稀和单晶体沸石中 REE
736 31
型沉积物 REE 的主要携带和富集矿物热液铁锰
含沸石深海粘土中 REE 含量有很深刻的影响
4. 含沸石型深海粘土可能和高含量的磷酸盐
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Enrichment and Geochemical Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements in
Deep-Sea Mud from Seamount Area of Western Pacific
Zhang Xiaoyu1* Deng Han1Zhang Fuyuan2Zhang Weiyan2Du Yong1Jiang Binbin11. De-
partment of Earth ScienceZhejiang UniversityHangzhou 310027China2 Key Laboratory of
Submarine GeoscienceState Oceanic AdministrationHangzhou 310012China
Abstract40 sediment samples were collected in 18
stations from seamounts areas in Western Pacific and
from CC zone in Central Pacific. Based on the meas-
urements of main elements and minor elements inclu-
ding Rare Earth Elements REEs the geochemical
characteristics of REE enrichment in zeolitic clay were
analyzed. The zeolitic clay was found to be distributed
mainly at Marshall Seamounts and Line Islands
marked by high content of metal elements and espe-
cially of REEs. The observed highest content of REE
in zeolitic clay was 1018 84 μg·g 1 with the highest
LREE of 781 00 μg·g 1 and the highest HREE
of 237 84 μg·g 1 which were comparable to or even
greater than REEs content from the southern China
ion-absorption-type deposits. The normalizd REEs
with North American Shale Composite NASCin ze-
olitic clay displayed gentle slopedistinct negative Ce
anomaly and fractionation of HREE and LREEwhich
suggested that combined effect of hydrothermally Fe-
Mn oxyhydroxides and mixture of phosphatic mineral
formed during early diagenesis are possible mechanism
of REEs enrichment in zeolitic claybut needs further
Key wordsseamounts areas in Western Pacificzeolitic clayenrichment characteristicsrare earths
... More than 6500 ppm REY in sediments was later found in the Minami-Torishima area in the Western Pacific [4] . High REY contents in zeolite clays have also been reported in the eastern Pacific [6] , in seamount areas of the western Pacific [7] , in the central Pacific [8] , and in the Clarion-Clipperton region (CC zones) of the eastern Pacific [9] . In addition, the DSDP site 213 from the eastern Indian Ocean has proven to be a zeolite clay of elevated REY contents with negative Ce anomalies [5] . ...
... However, low REY contents in phillipsite have challenged this opinion [4,11,12] . Dubinin et al. [12] suggested that the mixture of fossil fish debris and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide during the development of phillipsite contributes primarily to the co-existence of phillipsite and high REY contents, which is in agreement with other researchers [7,8] . Fossil debris bio-apatite was proposed to be the main host of REY for decades [11,[13][14][15][16] . ...
... Overall, the samples are characterized with a distinct [5] ; Site 170 [3] ; WP: West Pacific [7] ; CCZ: Clarion and Clipperton Fracture Zones [51] . All of the above are zeolite clays) loss of LREE and enrichment of HREE, very strong negative Ce anomalies, slight positive Eu anomalies, and strong positive Y anomalies, which is similar to REY rich zeolite clay and apatite collected from the Pacific Ocean [3,4] . ...
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As a potential mineral resource, the clay minerals enriched in rare earth elements including yttrium (REY) in the deep sea have been attracting great attention. However, the enrichment mechanism of REY remains unclear. To understand the geochemical characteristics and factors controlling REY enrichment in zeolite clay in the deep sea, we conducted mineral identification by XRD, major and trace element measurements by XRF and REY analyses by ICP-MS on a 1.4-m-long sediment core (GC02) located in the Central Indian Oceanic Basin (CIOB). The main findings include: (1) the core sediments in GC02 possess elevated REY contents and exhibited a strong negative Ce anomaly, an apparent MREE bulge and positive Y anomaly. These were comparable with typical REY-rich clays in the Pacific Ocean, indicating the similar REY enrichment mechanism and the presence of REY-rich clays in the CIOB; (2) in comparison with the dataset from the Wharton Basin and DSDP site 213, the higher content of REY and stronger PAAS (Post Archean Australian Shale) normalization patterns in the GC02 sediments were likely caused by the weaker impact of terrigenous materials of GC02. The CIOB was suggested to be a promising place hosting REY rich pelagic sediments.
... Utilizing the characteristics of sub-bottom profiles to distinguish the types of deepsea sediments is of great significance in the investi of REY-rich deep-sea sediments. Recent surveys and studies have shown that REEs are primarily present in Pacific pelagic clays and zeolite clay sedimentary layers [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. Wang Haifeng et al. [21] have proposed that the transparent layer, distinguished by its acoustic properties, can serve as the target horizon for the REY-rich sediment layer. ...
... Utilizing the characteristics of sub-bottom profiles to distinguish the types of deep-sea sediments is of great significance in the investi of REY-rich deep-sea sediments. Recent surveys and studies have shown that REEs are primarily present in Pacific pelagic clays and zeolite clay sedimentary layers [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. Wang Haifeng et al. [21] have proposed that the transparent layer, distinguished by its acoustic properties, can serve as the target horizon for the REY-rich sediment layer. ...
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This study aims to investigate the stratigraphic features and rare earth element (REE) mechanisms of deep-sea REE-rich sediments in the West Pacific Pigafetta Basin using acoustic rapid detection technology. Through an analysis of sub-bottom profile data and synthesis of existing studies, this study reveals the acoustic properties and thickness distribution of the REE-rich sediments. Acoustic spectral records identify three distinct acoustic facies: opaque (O), transparent (T), and laminated (L). This study maps the thickness and spatial distribution of the REE-rich sediment layer in the research area, ranging from approximately 6 to 36 m in thickness. Regions with REE-rich sediments exceeding 30 m in depth are identified, showing concentrated distribution along the northwest–southeast axis and a contiguous zone in the southwest corner of the study area. The method employed in this study can determine the potential bottom boundary of the REE-rich layer by assessing the thickness range of the sedimentary layer, overcoming limitations of traditional sampling methods. Furthermore, the thickness distribution characteristics of the REE-rich sedimentary layer in the study area provide valuable insights for future research on resource evaluation and estimation.
... Previous researchers suggested that seawater was the main source of the REY in REY-rich sediments, based on the similar REE patterns of seawater and REY-rich muds [7,34,49]. The REY patterns in Figure 6a,b for the muds and the bioapatites do indeed show characteristics similar to those of seawater with their obvious depletions in Ce and positive anomalies of Y, and this indicates the REYs were mainly derived mainly from seawater. ...
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Rare earth elements (REEs) and yttrium (Y), together known as REY, are extremely enriched in deep-sea pelagic sediments, attracting much attention as a promising new REY resource. To understand the influence of hydrothermal processes on the enrichment of REY in deep-sea sediments from the eastern South Pacific Ocean, we conducted detailed lithological, bulk sediment geochemical, and in situ mineral geochemical analyses on gravity core sample S021GC17 from the Yupanqui Basin of eastern South Pacific. The REY-rich muds of S021GC17 are dark-brown to black zeolitic clays with REY contents (ΣREY) ranging from 1057 to 1882 ppm (average 1329 ppm). The REY-rich muds display heavy rare earth elements (HREE) enriched patterns, with obvious depletions in Ce, and positive anomalies of Eu in Post-Archean Australian Shale (PAAS)-normalized REE diagrams. In contrast, the muds of S021GC17 show light rare earth elements (LREE) enriched patterns and positive anomalies of Ce and Eu in the seawater-normalized REE diagrams. Total REY abundances in the core show positive correlations with CaO, P2O5, Fe2O3, and MnO concentrations. In situ analyses of trace element contents by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) demonstrate that bioapatite fossils contain high REY concentrations (998 to 22,497 ppm, average 9123 ppm), indicating that they are the primary carriers of REY. The in situ Nd isotope values of bioapatites are higher than the average values of seawater in Pacific Ocean. Fe–Mn micronodules are divided into hydrogenetic and diagenetic types, which have average REY concentrations of 1586 and 567 ppm, respectively. The high contents of Fe-Mn-Ba-Co-Mo, the positive correlations between ΣREY and Fe-Mn, the ratios of Fe/Ti and Al/(Al + Fe + Mn), and the LREE-enriched patterns in the REY-rich muds, combined with high Nd isotope values shown by bioapatite fossils, strongly indicate that the hydrothermal fluids have played an important role in the formation of the REY-rich sediments in the eastern South Pacific Ocean.
... They concluded that apatite is the main REY-hosting phase in the mud. Some other studies proposed that clay minerals (Liu, 1992;Yin et al., 2002) and hydrothermal ferromanganese oxyhydroxides (Zhang et al., 2013b;Ren et al., 2015) can also host REYs. Among the many persisting questions about the seafloor REY mineralization, the nature of REY-bearing minerals and the ore-forming mechanism have attracted most attention. ...
... They concluded that apatite is the main REY-hosting phase in the mud. Some other studies proposed that clay minerals (Liu, 1992;Yin et al., 2002) and hydrothermal ferromanganese oxyhydroxides (Zhang et al., 2013b;Ren et al., 2015) can also host REYs. Among the many persisting questions about the seafloor REY mineralization, the nature of REY-bearing minerals and the ore-forming mechanism have attracted most attention. ...
Deep-sea sediments in the eastern South Pacific Ocean were recently found to contain high concentrations of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY). To understand the genesis of REY enrichment in the sediments, we performed detailed element and isotope geochemical analyses on samples from gravity core S028GC23 recovered from the Tiki Basin in the eastern South Pacific Ocean. The REY-rich sediments in core S028GC23 are dark-brown to black zeolite clays, with REY (∑REY) contents of 1136–2213 ppm (average of 1857 ppm). The ∑REY contents in the sediments are positively correlated with P2O5 and negatively correlated with Ce anomalies. The REY-rich sediments display obvious Ce depletion and positive Y anomalies in the post-Archean Australian shale (PAAS)-normalized REY diagrams. Bioapatite fossils contain the highest REY concentrations (average of 8921 ppm) among the constituents, indicating that they are the primary hosts of REY. The REY enter through the roots and diffuse to the tops in the bioapatite fossils. Fe–Mn micronodules are divided into two different types based on Ce and Y anomalies in the PAAS-normalized REY patterns, and they have average REY concentrations of 781 ppm and 937 ppm, respectively. The phillipsite has low REY contents (average of 106 ppm) and is associated with a low sedimentation rate. REY patterns and Sr-Nd isotopic signatures show that seawater was the main ore-forming fluids during the formation of REY-rich sediments. The sedimentation rate of the sediments calculated by the ²³⁰Thex activities was 0.8 mm/Ka. The REY accumulation process can be explained by two-stage fluid-bioapatite fossil interactions and small contributions of Fe-Mn micronodules in an oxidized environment with slow sedimentation rate.
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REE resource preserved in deep sea sediments is a kind of latent REE resource. Major element and rare earth element analysis of 1 275 pelagic sediment samples from 30 piston cores in the central Pacific was conducted in this study. The pelagic sediments from the central Pacific can be divided into three genetic types, that is, calcareous oozes sediments, siliceous oozes sediments and pelagic clay sediments by the content of CaO and Al2O3 based on the slice observation, which have similar REE distributions characterized by clear Ce negative anomaly and some HREE enrichment as well as Y positive anomaly, and the pelagic clay sediments generally have higher ΣREY. The diagram of the content of main elements (including CaO/P2O5) versus REY of the pelagic sediments can be used to distinguish the mixing state of different genetic component effectively. The pelagic clay sediments with high P and phillipsite content from the central Pacific are the most favorable REY-rich pelagic sediments. The REY enrichment of pelagic sediments from the central Pacific is mainly caused by excessive apatite components with fish teeth bone debris shape mixed in the pelagic sediments, and the admixture of the calcareous biologic and siliceous components have the dilute effect on the content of REY of the pelagic sediments.
Occurrence state of rare earth in pelagic clay from the Central Pacific was characterized and process of leaching rare earth by sulphuric acid was reported in this paper. Effects of process parameters on leaching ratio of rare earth element Y, including the sulphuric acid concentration, liquid-solid ratio, leaching temperature and time were investigated. The results showed that rare earth was main occurrence in apatite, and the pelagic clay was mainly composed of clay, zeolite and apatite. The best result of leaching ratio of rare earth element Y in this work was 84.38%, and leaching of the pelagic clay with sulphuric acid solution (1 mol·L-1) and liquid-solid ratio was 4/1 at 40℃ for 1 h.
REE resources from deep-sea sediments is a kind of newly discovered and latent REE resources deposited on the ocean floor. Mineral component, major element and rare earth element analysis of 90 pelagic clay samples by piston core from the central Pacific have been conducted and compared with the geochemical chemistry of pelagic sediments from the central North Pacifc and Minami-Torishima area in the western North Pacific in this study. The results show that the pelagic clay from the central Pacific is rich in phillipsite, P, and REY, and significant fish teeth debris are contained in detrital component of pelagic clay; CaO and P2O5, CaO, P2O5 and ∑REY are positively correlated, and characterized by clear Ce negative anomaly and certain HREE enrichment and Y positive anomaly in REE distribution. The REY enrichment of pelagic clay from the central Pacific is mainly caused by excess phosphate component which may have resulted from the fish teeth debris mixed in the pelagic clay. The REY enrichment mechanism of REY-rich pelagic sediments in the North Pacific with no hydrothermal effect shows uniformity and universality, which can be attributed to the admixture of high-REY phosphate in the pelagic clay.
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Sediments at DOMES Sites A, B and C are mixtures of pelagic clay, biogenic ooze, hydrogenous metals, and metalliferous sediment. The relative proportions of these components and the importance of local volcanic contributions can be estimated from bulk analyses of Si, A1, Fe, Ca, Mn, Ti and Na. Analyses of these and 20 additional elements for 118 samples indicate that average sediment at Sites A and B contains about 11% biogenic SiO2 and 70% pelagic clay, whereas that at Site C contains less than 2% biogenic SiO2, 87% pelagic clay and 1.8% metalliferous sediment. A partitioning model based on element fractionation and inter-element correlation indicates that most of the Mn, Mo, Ni, and Pb is in the hydrogenous fraction of the sediment. The bulk composition of the hydrogenous fraction shows little variation from sample to sample and is comparable to the composition of the DOMES manganese nodules. The pelagic clay fraction is also remarkably homogeneous and is almost identical to average Pacific pelagic clay with respect to all major oxides except K2O. Several cores at Site C have large components of metalliferous sediment. Fe2O3, SiO2, MgO, and P2O5 in excess of the amounts in pelagic clay are present in remarkably uniform proportions in the metalliferous fraction. At Sites A and B, MgO in excess of the pelagic clay contribution has been taken up by very slowly deposited biogenic SiO2. Factor analyses of the major oxides and partitioning by the Heath and Dymond (1977) model yield results in good agreement with the present partitioning model and provide additional insight into the distribution of minor elements not strongly confined to a single sediment fraction.
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Concentrations and compositions of rare earth elements (REE) in three micronodule fractions (50–250, 250–500, and >500 µm), coexisting macronodules, and host sediments are examined. The samples were collected from three sites (Guatemala Basin, Peru Basin, and northern equatorial Pacific) located in elevated bioproductivity zones of the surficial water. The influence of micronodule size is dominant for REE compositions and subordinate for REE concentrations. For example, the Ce concentration inversely correlates with the micronodule fraction dimension and drops to the lowest value in macronodules and host sediments. The Ce decrease is generally accompanied by the Mn/Fe increase in micro- and macronodules. Hence, the role of diagenetic source of material directly correlates with the micronodule dimension. The contribution of diagenetic source is maximal for macronodules. The REE signature distinctions of micronodules and macronodules can be attributed to variations of hydrogenic iron oxyhydroxides and diagenetic (hydrothermal) iron hydroxophosphates that are the major REE carriers in ferromanganese ore deposits. The relationship and general trend in the chemistry of coexisting macronodules suggest that they can represent products of the initial stage of nodule formation.
Composition of REE in the surface sediment of continental shelf around Changjiang River Estuary suggested that the sediments were mainly from continental source. The grain size and CI content were not main factors controlling fractionation of REE. The LREE/HREE was a promising index distinguishing sediments from Changjiang and Huanghe drainage basins. The erosive sediment of old Huanghe Delta transported by southern Yellow Sea coastal current had low LREE/HREE. The sediment carried by Changjiang River had relatively high LREE/HREE. The source rock and two unique weathering regime of Chanjiang and Huanghe drainage basins were key factors causing fractionation of REE in sediment. With hierarchical cluster analysis, the research area was classified as two areas. One was Changjiang Estuary area, where the element composition corresponded well with that of Changjiang sediments. The other was continental shelf of northern East China Sea area, where the element composition was in accordance with that of Huanghe sediments.
Scientific classification of the geological objects is one of the most important basic research topics in geology. In this paper, thorough review of current research situation is made to establish the classification and nomenclature of deep sea sediments which unify the quantification and can be easily operated. Researches on various topics were conducted, eg., the composition and distribution of oceanic sediments, the relationship between water depth, average grain size and clay content, the discrepancy of clay, calcareous and siliceous content determination between smear and chemical analysis. The authors establish the quantitative relationship between calcareous and CaCO 3, between siliceous and biogenic SiO 2. This paper also compares and calibrates sedimentation method and laser method for grain size determination, and discusses generality and comparability of the classification and nomenclature system. Innovative key technique and scheme of classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments were then put forward. The deep sea sediments are classified as deep sea clay, calcareous ooze, siliceous ooze, and clay-siliceous-calcareous ooze according to the simple classification method. The simple classification satisfies the general requirement of marine geological survey and basic understanding of sediment types. This method considers existing sediments mixture and existing classification methods. The deep sea sediments are further classified into 16 sub-types based on the sophisticated classification method, which therefore gives more detailed and comprehensive descriptions for the deep sea sediments and satisfies the requirement for comprehensive marine investigation. The classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments are comparable with that for shallow sea sediments on diagram, indices, amount of types, naming methods, representation of mixture sediments and operability. Therefore, the classification and nomenclature for deep sea sediments is designed to be a succession of shallow sea sediments classification.
The relative and absolute concentrations of rare earth elements (REE) in authigenic and biogenic phases of deep-sea sediments are quite different. Competition between these phases for REE has resulted in fractionation from the parent material, the latter consisting predominantly of terrigenous material, but with a contribution from marine volcanism. The strongest feature of this fractionation is a depletion of Ce, relative to La, in CaCO3, opalline silica, phillipsite, phosphorite, barite, and montmorillonitic clays; and a Ce enrichment in Fe/Mn nodules. The distribution of REE in different masses of seawater strongly reflects their fractionation in sediments. Whereas the relative concentration of REE in rivers resembles that of shale, their removal from seawater by authigenic and biogenic phases results in: (1) a decrease of their total concentration; (2) a depletion of Ce; and (3) an enrichment of heavy REE relative to light REE. The order of fractionation for water masses in the Atlantic Ocean is:Antarctic intermediate water > North Atlantic deep water > Antarctic bottom water> shelf water > river water ∼ shale.The shale-normalized pattern for the sum of REE in the authigenic and biogenic phases of pelagic sediment and in seawater resembles that of an admixture of shale and basalt corresponding presumably to the realtive inputs from continents and marine volcanism respectively. The estimated rate of accumulation of each REE in the sediment, however, is approximately 12 times the estimated rate of input of REE from these two sources.
RARE earth element (REE) patterns of Upper Jurassic, Kimmeridgian, shales from various localities are shown here to have only minor variation in spite of deriving from very different source rocks. The formation of such uniform patterns indicate that these sediments are mature, well mixed and formed in similar depositional environments. An extension of the North Sea Kimmeridgian petroleum source rocks is indicated. Minor differences in REE patterns can be related to variations in the sand/silt content.
The concentrations of rare-earth elements (REE) have been measured in 31 ferromanganese nodules from the Pacific and Indian Oceans and vary by almost a factor of 5. Too few nodules have been analyzed to define possible regional trends. The shale-normalized patterns, however, permit division of nodules into two groups: those from depth greater than 3000–3500 m and those from less depth. The factors that determine this change in the relative concentration of REE may be related to the mineralogy of manganese phases and/or the transport of REE to the deep ocean by particulate matter.Comparison of the REE patterns of nodules with those of phillipsite, phosphorite, clays, CaCO3 and seawater suggests that the patterns of these phases reflect fractionation from an initial pattern closely resembling that of shale. By assuming that the accumulation rate of REE in clays, CaCO3 and nodules is represented by that for surface sediments, it has been possible to estimate an accumulation rate of phillipsite in pelagic sediments of the Pacific of 0.02 mg/cm2/yr.
This paper focuses on two of the largest rivers and estuaries of Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Fly and Sepik and explores the degree to which river input and estuarine reactions affect the rare earth element (REE) composition of surface sea water in the western tropical Pacific Ocean. The dissolved phases of the Fly and Sepik River waters have striking REE compositions in the form of large MREE-enrichments as defined by a gradual increase in their shale normalized ratios toward the middle of the REE series. This river/weathering signature is quite distinct from the REE composition of Pacific Ocean sea water. Large scale removal of dissolved river REE occurs in the low salinity regions of the Fly and Sepik River estuaries due to the coagulation of Fe-humic colloids. Laboratory experiments show that the reaction of Fly River particles with sea water leads to the preferential release of MREE to estuarine waters. Additional experiments suggest that the development of MREE-enrichments in PNG rivers is associated with phosphate minerals and their aquatic chemistry. The development of MREE-enrichments in the Fly and Sepik Rivers, through the combination of weathering and estuarine reactions, provides what is termed an island weathering signature to the ocean waters of the western tropical Pacific Ocean. MREE-enrichments appear in the high salinity estuarine waters surrounding PNG and in the subsurface waters of the equatorial (150°E) Pacific Ocean north of PNG (station SA-5 of Zhang and Nozaki [Zhang, J., Nozaki, Y., 1996. Rare earth elements and yttrium in seawater: ICP-MS determinations in the East Caroline, Coral Sea, and South Fiji basins of the western South Pacific Ocean. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 60, 4631–4644.]). We interpret MREE-enrichments in the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent (P-EUC) at SA-5 to reflect the entrainment of an island weathering signature by the regional currents. The REE data in this paper support, but do not conclusively confirm, the proposition of Gordon et al. [Gordon, R.M., Coale, K.H., Johnson, K.S., 1997. Iron distributions in the equatorial Pacific: implications for new production. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42, 419–431.] that there is transport of Fe and other lithogenic elements across the Pacific Ocean within the Equatorial Undercurrent. While they suggested volcanism and hydrothermal activity in the region of PNG to be the source of the lithogenic elements, we favour the hypothesis of Milliman et al. [Milliman, J.D., Farnsworth, K.L., Albertin, C.S., 1999. Flux and fate of fluvial sediments leaving large islands in the East Indies. J. Sea Res. 41, 97–107.] that the massive weathering of islands in the East Indies is a quantitatively more important source. This process involves the entrainment of dissolved and particulate matter from island rivers into the Bismarck Archipelago Undercurrents, which originate in the Coral Sea and move to the P-EUC through the Solomon and Bismarck Seas. Specifically, our REE data are consistent with hydrographical and sedimentological studies which show that the rivers on New Guinea's north coast directly inject their dissolved and particulate matter into the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent (NGCU), which feeds the Equatorial Undercurrent.
The rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of various phases from the active TAG hydrothermal mound has been examined and related to their mineralogy and fluid chemistry. The mound deposits range from black and white smoker chimneys, massive anhydrite/sulphide mixtures, oxides, and ochres. All phases, except black smoker chimney anhydrite, demonstrate a positive Eu anomaly when normalised to chondrite REE values. REE substitution into sulphide and sulphate phases appears to be strongly influenced by crystallographic control for all REE other than Eu. Precipitation of anhydrite within the TAG mound is the major mechanism for removal of REE during mound circulation and 0.15-0.35 g anhydrite is inferred to precipitate from every kg of fluid venting from the white smoker chimneys. Oxides from the mound fall into three different categories with distinct REE patterns: oxide rims on sulphides, atacamite-bearing oxides, and silica-rich Fe-oxides and ochres. The oxide rim phases contain sulphide and seawater derived REEs whereas the atacamite-bearing oxides and the ochreous material exhibit no seawater signature which suggests precipitation from, or alteration by, a modified hydrothermal fluid.
Rare earth element (REE) measurements were carried out on samples from black- and white-smoker vents from the TAG and Snakepit sites at 26° and 23°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Fluids are substantially enriched in REEs over seawater, by factors of 102 in light-REEs, 103 in Eu, and 101 in heavy-REEs. White-smoker REE patterns appear to reflect the effects of shallow subsurface flow. Samples collected from within 0.5 m above the throats of vents (up to ∼ 10 times dilution) indicate that the REEs behave in a conservative fashion with no evidence of removal at this stage of plume evolution. Higher in the buoyant plume (40–100 m above the vent orifice) where entrainment ratios of seawater to vent fluids are ∼100–700, dissolved REEs fall below the dissolved ambient seawater levels (e.g. seawater: Nd = 21.4 pmol kg−1, Ce = 5.44 pmol kg−, Eu = 1.06 pmol kg−1, Er = 5.47 pmol kg−1; plume waters: Nd = 1.22 pmol kg−1, Ce = 1.12 pmol kg−1, Eu = 0.35 pmol kg−1, Er = 0.45 pmol kg−1). The dissolved REE pool shows a net shortfall of 90–98% but the total REEs fall on conservative mixing lines because of REE uptake by plume particulates. REE/Fe ratios in buoyant plume particles are consistent with a kinetic model for Fe2+ oxidation and coprecipitation of REEs with Fe oxides. The trend in the REE/Fe ratios of the particles indicate that in addition to initial coprecipitation and uptake, scavenging of REEs must occur during dispersion of the particles through the neutral plume. The results of the study demonstrate that scavenging processes, by precipitating Fe-oxyhydroxides, eliminate the impact on seawater of the enrichments of REEs from hydrothermal fluids such that the seawater experiences a net depletion of REEs as a consequence of hydrothermal activity.