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The impact of game-based learning on the achievement of learning goals and motivation for learning mathematics - Literature review

  • Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti Osijek


Information technologies are an integral part of a contemporary society which bases its progress on knowledge being one goal of education. Beside acquiring knowledge, skills and routines, the goal of education is to create a complete individual who can rationally and timely make decisions, purposefully react in new situations and be trained for life-long learning. In order to accomplish all this, it is necessary to make educational process more creative, contemporary and adjusted to new generations of computer literate pupils who demand quicker and more frequent interactions, a lot of information at the same time, generations who quickly acquire rules of computer games. Computer games meeting pedagogical criteria should become an integral part of learning. Teaching with mathematical computer games, which fulfil pedagogical criteria, influences pupils' motivation, learning, retention and forgetting. This paper provides a review of literature in this field and determines whether the use of mathematical computer games contributes to more efficient realisation of educational goals at all level of education. Furthermore, considering prior research we have attempted to establish whether the use of mathematical games for teaching has an impact on the formation of a positive attitude of pupils of different ages toward the subject of mathematics, their motivation and knowledge acquisition when compared to learning without computer games. Finally, we have analysed different research methods concerning this issue and assessed the impact of pedagogically designed mathematical computer games on the realisation of educational goals and quality improvement of teaching and learning.
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011) SUBMITTED 01/11 ACCEPTED 02/11
The Impact of Game-Based Learning on
the Achievement of Learning Goals and Motivation
for Learning Mathematics - Literature Review
University of Zagreb
University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek
Faculty of Teacher Education
Information technologies are an integral part of a contemporary society which bases its
progress on knowledge being one goal of education. Beside acquiring knowledge, skills and
routines, the goal of education is to create a complete individual who can rationally and timely
make decisions, purposefully react in new situations and be trained for life-long learning. In
order to accomplish all this, it is necessary to make educational process more creative,
contemporary and adjusted to new generations of computer literate pupils who demand
quicker and more frequent interactions, a lot of information at the same time, generations who
quickly acquire rules of computer games. Computer games meeting pedagogical criteria
should become an integral part of learning. Teaching with mathematical computer games,
which fulfil pedagogical criteria, influences pupils’ motivation, learning, retention and
forgetting. This paper provides a review of literature in this field and determines whether the
use of mathematical computer games contributes to more efficient realisation of educational
goals at all level of education. Furthermore, considering prior research we have attempted to
establish whether the use of mathematical games for teaching has an impact on the formation
of a positive attitude of pupils of different ages toward the subject of mathematics, their
motivation and knowledge acquisition when compared to learning without computer games.
Finally, we have analysed different research methods concerning this issue and assessed the
impact of pedagogically designed mathematical computer games on the realisation of
educational goals and quality improvement of teaching and learning.
Keywords: game based learning, math, computer games
1. Introduction
Teaching and learning in contemporary schools has been under a great influence of IT
following a trend in contemporary societies which base their progress on the knowledge of
information. One of educational goals is to create a competent individual who can, at any
time, access source of information, use it and apply it in new situations. The goal of
contemporary education is to train pupils for life-long learning and decision making.
Learning, as a process of acquiring knowledge, skills and routines, is more effective if new
knowledge is gained by multiple perceptive experiences during teaching facilitated by
multimedia teaching (Steinkuehler, 2010). He emphasises that, when playing computer
games, pupils develop different skills, which otherwise would not be so apparent in traditional
teaching. Robertson and Howells (2007) focus their result analysis on the aspects of
successful learning indicating that computer games increase pupils’ enthusiasm and
motivation, transferring this positive attitude on learning. They also observed better
knowledge interrelationship and implementation in new situations due to playing computer
games. Also, while playing games and having fun, pupils come across new words, which later
on they use with ease in everyday situations. Computer games intended for increasing quality
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Survey Paper
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
of education should become an integral part of contemporary teaching strategies. We
encounter new generations of computer literate pupils who demand quick and more frequent
interactions and inductive reasoning, pupils using different information at the same time,
generations who quickly acquire the rules of a computer game, solve problems using
computers and who reluctantly, either at school or home, spend a lot of time doing exercises
in workbooks. Prensky (2001) explains how the socialisation of today’s children is different
from their parents’: “The numbers are stunning: more than 10,000 hours of video game
playing, more than 200,000 received and sent e-mails and instant messages on line, more than
10,000 hours of talking on mobile phones, more than 20,000 hours of watching TV (which
MTV has greatly contributed to), more than 500,000 seen commercials and that is before
they graduate, and, at best, 5,000 hours of reading books. These “digital natives” are the
students of the present. It is essential to cater for pupils’ needs and to make educational
process more creative and contemporary. Therefore it is important to integrate computer
games into learning. Computer games directly support learning by giving pupils an
opportunity to develop knowledge and cognitive skills in an emotional way, to make
decisions in critical situations by solving problems, to learn by researching and to experience
situational learning (Holzinger, Nischelwitzer and Meisenberger, 2005). By playing computer
games pupils discover and develop their abilities and skills, gain experience, learn and create.
Games develop imagination and creativity. Computer games have their meaningful context
(Lee, Hoadley, 2007), learning becomes a situation contributing to the formation of a
competent and confident individual. Games are the best motivation for learning and activities.
For each subject there are computer games which can be integrated into the teaching process.
Pupils traditionally find some subject harder and some easier. We know from experience that
they have the weakest results in mathematics. In all evaluated domains in PISA 2009 project
(, Croatian
pupils had the worst results in mathematical literacy. According to this research, more than
33% of Croatian students did not acquire the starting level of mathematical literacy at which
they should begin to show competences needed for productive participation in everyday
situation requiring mathematical literacy. The 2006 Curriculum for primary school published
on the Ministry of science, education and sport’s website states: “Mathematics is one of the
core subjects in primary schools because of the knowledge necessary for participation in
work, economy, contemporary technologies and society”, but it is also emphasised that
“mathematics is the most difficult subject for a great number of pupils (238). This is the
reason for researching the role of mathematical computer games in education. Their
accessibility on the Internet is great. It is necessary to determine the impact of these games,
taking into account learning theories, on different age groups, on the development of their
logic skills being expressed by the goals of mathematics and the ability to solve math
problems and by the mathematical goals which train pupils for abstract thinking, logical
reasoning and precise formulation. At the same time we should establish the impact of math
computer games on motivation end assess differences in acquiring knowledge by using
computer games in comparison to traditional teaching.
2. Methodology and research issues
2.1. Preliminary review of previous research on computer games
In order to introduce the problems connected to computer games usage in education, in this
part we presents a review of relevant previous research in the field of teaching with computer
games. Van Eck (2006) mentions that in the last 40 years many studies have discovered that
games promote learning and decrease the time of teaching for a large number of subjects and
with pupils of different age. He reminds us of the studies which determined positive impacts
of digital games on learning, also in different subjects and with different ages. Papastergiou
(2009) conducted a research in a secondary school on a sample of 88 pupils, 47 in group A
who used computer games in learning, and 41 in control group B without computer games.
The research analysis indicated that teaching with computer games was more efficient in
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
promoting pupils’ knowledge, i.e. these pupils were more motivated for work when compared
to teaching without computer games. In their study Kebritcki and Hirumi (2010) looked into
the effects of computer games on pupils’ mathematical achievements and motivation for
learning. They also examined the effects of prior math knowledge, computer skills and
knowledge of English on achievements and motivation. The results indicated a significant
improvement of achievements of pupils who played computer games. The pupils who played
games both in ordinary classrooms and computer labs had better motivation when compared
to the pupils who played games only in computer labs. Prior knowledge, skills and knowledge
of English did not have a significant role in achievements or motivation. During an eight-
week research in which 10-year-olds created their own games, Robertson and Howells (2007)
emphasised the importance of the teacher’s role. A teacher has to be a god organiser and
leader, while providing help and support and directing pupils in their active work. Since the
process of game design also involved game playing (because of testing), pupils developed
better meta-cognitive skills and decision-making skills which is a result identical to results of
researches dealing with positive impacts of games on learning. A similar research (Vos, Van
der Meijden, and Denessen, 2010) was conducted in a primary school on a sample of 235
pupils, 128 of which designed their own game (a version of Memory), and a control group of
107 pupils played the existing version of Memory game. The research showed that designing
a game is a better way to improve motivation and to learn easier than a simple playing of the
game. The results analysis of a geography lesson in which computer games were used (Tüzün,
-Soylu, Yavuz, and  ) indicated a significant difference in easier
learning and increased motivation as well as greater independence of pupils who played
computer games during learning. In his research Burguillo (2010) observed that a
combination of game playing and friendly competition resulted in pupils’ strong motivation
and helped increase learning effectiveness. Furthermore, the research by Yang and Chen
(2010) determined that spatial skills were significantly improved after playing a digital
mathematical computer game (pentomino). The results also indicated that playing digital
games reduced the difference in spatial skills between boys and girls. Bokyeong, Hyungsung
and Youngkyun (2009) suggested that using meta-cognitive strategy in learning based on
computer games had a great influence on better achievements in games, learning and
improving skills for social problems solving and new situations. Research analysis (Kebritchi,
Hirumi, 2008) of pedagogical foundations of the existing computer games came up with a few
patterns which can be used for future research of educational games. According to this
research, 40% of computer games are based on theories of learning or teaching strategies, and
the others do not have any educational foundations. Contemporary computer games do not
have any hardware or software restrictions. A good computer game must meet pedagogical
criteria, be educational and interesting in order to have a positive impact on pupils. Roach
(2003) claims that the main pedagogical criterion qualifying a computer game should be
content understood by a child. Furthermore, a game has to have a social, cultural and
educational potential in accordance with the existing educational frames within the society
directed at technology.
With time the role of technology in education has changed following the development of
educational packages (educational programmes and games). Evaluating computer games in
this context, especially mathematical games, without considering development of the Internet
and accessibility to computers in education, would be one-sided. Since the 1990s
accessibility to computers has been much better. Due to this fact, we have decided to review
the last 15 years of research on the role of mathematical computer games.
2.2. Research methodology
The aim of the review is to find the papers addressing the key questions of our research. It
was carried out December 2010 in Web of Science and ScienceDirect databases. The study
followed these key concepts: (mathematical computer games, mathematics, education,
multimedia, web-based instruction, the Interned, blended learning) AND (achievements,
motivation, satisfaction, perception). These concepts were connected with logical
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
conjunctions AND and OR in pairs. Due to a rapid development of computer games
technology in the last 15 years, papers published from 1995 2010 were taken into
Researching Web of Science and ScienceDirect we identified 32 papers classified in Table
The aim of this paper is to synthesise all available research which can answer the following
Q1: What is the impact of mathematical computer games on realising educational goals at
all levels of education in learning mathematics?
Q2: How does the usage of mathematical computer games influence pupils’ motivation
and attitude to mathematics as the most difficult subject?
Q3: How does an educational mathematical computer game (in comparison to the one not
based on pedagogical standards) influence the realisation of educational goals?
Table 1 presents a review of all analysed empirical research with the key data about the
papers. The table shows examinees’ age, their number, and the country where the research
was conducted. Following are the data about the key research questions and the answers to
them (positive, negative, the impact cannot be determined). It is also indicated if one of the
questions was not considered in the paper.
No Paper Age
Q1 Q2 Q3
Bokyeong, K., Hyungsung P.,
Youngkyun, B., Not just fun, but serious
strategies: Using meta-cognitive
strategies in game-based learning,
Computers & Education, Volume 52,
Issue 4, May 2009, Pages 800-810
Grade 9 N=
123 Korea positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Burguillo, C., J., Using game theory and
Competition-based Learning to stimulate
student motivation and performance,
Computers & Education, Volume 55,
Issue 2, September 2010, Pages 566-575
246 Spain positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Cameron, B., Dwyer, F., The effects of
online gaming, cognition and feedback
type in facilitating delayed achievement
of different learning objectives. Journal
Interactive Learning Research, 16(3),
(2005) 243-258.
7 and 8,
422 USA positiv
e (+)
Çankaya S., Karamete A., The effects of
educational computer games on students’
attitudes towards mathematics course
and educational computer games,
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
1 (2009) 145149
7 and 8,
176 Turkey No
Chun-Yi, L., Ming-Puu, C., A computer
game as a context for non-routine
mathematical problem solving:
The effects of type of question prompt
and level of prior knowledge, Computers
& Education 52 (2009) 530542
Grade 9 N=
78 Taiwan Positi
ve (+)
conceptions about browser-game-based
learning in mathematics education:
TTNetvitamin case, Procedia Social and
Behavioral Sciences 1 (2009) 18481852
6 8,
16 Turkey positiv
e (+)
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
Din, F. S., Calao, J., Playing computer
games versus better learning. Paper
presented at the Eastern Educational
Research Association. Clearwater,
Florida. (2000)
47 USA No
e (+)
Harter C. A., Heng-Yu, K., The effects
of spatial contiguity within computer-
based instruction of group personalized
two-step mathematics word problems,
Computers in Human Behavior 24
(2008) 16681685
98 USA positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Huang Wen-Hao, Huang Wen-Yeh,
Tschopp J., Sustaining iterative game
playing processes in DGBL: The
relationship between motivational
processing and outcome processing,
Computers & Education 55 (2010) 789-
e (+)
Karakus T., Inal Y., Cagiltay K., A
descriptive study of Turkish high school
students’ game-playing characteristics
and their considerations
concerning the effects of games,
Computers in Human Behavior 24
(2008) 25202529
Turkey No
Ke, F., Grabowski, B., Game playing for
mathematics learning: cooperative or
not? British Journal of Educational
Technology, 38(2), (2007) 249-259.
125 USA positiv
e (+)
Kebritchi M., Hirumi A., Bai H., The
effects of modern mathematics computer
games on mathematics achievement and
class motivation, Computers &
Education 55 (2010) 427-443
293 USA positiv
e (+)
e (+)
e (+)
Kebritchi M., Hirumi A., Examining the
pedagogical foundations of modern
educational computer games,
Computers & Education 51 (2008)
e (+)
Klawe, M. M., When does the use of
computer games and other interactive
multimedia software help students learn
Mathematics?. Unpublished manuscript.
Retrieved 11.12.10 from.
NCTM.doc. (1998)
4 8,
64 Canada positiv
e (+)
e (+)
e (+)
Laffey, J. M., Espinosa, L., Moore, J.,
Lodree, A., Supporting learning and
behavior of at-risk young children:
computers in urban education. Journal of
Research on
Technology in Education, 35(4), (2003)
grade 1
187 USA No
Lim, C. P., Nonis, D., Hedberg, J.,
Gaming in a 3-D multiuser virtual
environment: engaging students in
science lessons. British Journal of
Educational Technology, 37(2),
(2006) 211-231.
1 6,
Lopez-Morteo G., Lopez G., Computer
support for learning mathematics: A
learning environment based on
recreational learning objects,
Computers & Education 48 (2007) 618
47 Mexico
e (+)
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
Moreno, R., Who learns best with
multiple representations? Cognitive
theory implications for individual
differences in multimedia learning. Paper
presented at World
Conference on Educational Multimedia,
Hypermedia, Telecommunications.
Denver, CO. (2002)
5 and 6,
61 USA positiv
e (+)
Papastergiou M., Digital Game-Based
Learning in high school Computer
Science education: Impact on
educational effectiveness and student
Computers & Education 52 (2009) 112
88 Greece positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Ping Lim C., Global citizenship
education, school curriculum and games:
Learning Mathematics, English and
Science as a global citizen,
Computers & Education 51 (2008)
e (+)
e (+)
Roach, R., Research schools work to
improve classroom use of computer
games, Black Issues in Higher
Education, Issue 21., vol.20, p.42., 2003.
e (+)
Robertson, J., Howells, C., Computer
game design: Opportunities for
successful learning, Computers &
Education, Volume 50, Issue 2, February
2008, Pages 559-578
30 USA positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Rosas, R., Nussbaum, M., Cumsille, P.,
Marianov, V., Correa, M., Flores, P.,
Beyond nintendo: design and assessment
of educational video games for first and
grade students. Computers & Education,
40(1), (2003) 71-94.
1 and 2,
Chile positiv
e (+)
e (+)
e (+)
Sedig K., Toward operationalization of
‘flow’ in mathematics learnware,
Computers in Human Behavior 23
(2007) 20642092
40 Canada positiv
e (+)
Sedighian, K., Sedighian, A. S., Can
Educational computer games help
educators learn about the psychology of
learning mathematics in children? Paper
presented at
18th Annual Meeting of the International
Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education, the North
American Chapter, Florida, USA, (1996)
6 and 7,
e (+)
Shaffer D. W., Epistemic frames for
epistemic games, Computers &
Education 46 (2006) 223234
3 and 4
14 USA positiv
e (+)
-Soylu, M., Yavuz, I.,
achievement and motivation in
geography learning, Computers &
Education, Volume 52, Issue 1, January
2009, Pages 68-77
5 and 6,
128 Turkey positiv
e (+)
e (+)
Van Eck, R., Digital Game-Based
Learning: It's Not Just the Digital
Natives Who Are Restless, EDUCAUSE
Review, vol. 41, no. 2 (March/April
2006): Pages 1630
USA positiv
e (+)
e (+)
e (+)
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
Vos N., Van der Meijden H., Denessen
E., Effects of constructing versus playing
an educational game on student
motivation and deep
learning strategy use, Computers &
Education 56 (2011) 127137
Yang J. C., Chen S. Y., Effects of gender
differences and spatial abilities within a
digital pentominoes game, Computers &
Education 55 (2010) 12201233
34 Taiwan positiv
e (+)
Yip, F. W. M., Kwan, A. C. M., Online
vocabulary games as a tool for teaching
and learning English vocabulary.
Educational Media International, 43(3),
(2006) 233-249
100 Taiwan positiv
e (+)
Young-Loveridge J. M., Effects on early
numeracy of a program using number
books and games,
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 19
(2004) 8298
e (+)
Table 1. Review of analysed research and their characteristics
3. Review of research on mathematical computer games ± analysis of results
Do mathematical computer games contribute to more efficient and quicker realisation of
educational goals at all levels of education, do they boost motivation, do they influence
quicker and better knowledge acquisition, do they create pupils’ positive attitude toward
learning mathematic and toward mathematic as the most difficult subject these are the
question that attract attention even today. We can look for the answers in previous research in
this field.
Cameron and Dwyer (2005) considered the relationship between playing computer games
and realising educational goals. Trying to determine how computer games influence the
realisation of educational goals, they carried out a research on a sample of 422 pupils and
proved that playing computer games is an important learning strategy in realising educational
aims at all levels and with children of different ages (from pre-schoolers to students). Young
and Loverdige (2004) looked into learning mathematical concepts in early childhood. Their
task was to establish how computer games affect basic mathematical skills of five-year-olds.
106 children participated in the research. The obtained results showed that mathematical
knowledge of children who played computer games was a lot better when compared to the
knowledge of children who did not play computer games. Even after a year the knowledge of
this group was still statistically better. As a matter of fact, five-year-olds learned mathematics
easier and quicker by playing computer games. For them the first encounter with
mathematical concepts was a game, a fun activity, so it can be assumed that dealing with
mathematical concepts from that time on evoked positive feelings increasing their motivation
for learning mathematics. In fact, if children have a positive attitude toward mathematics from
an early age, which computer games also greatly contribute to, acquiring mathematical
concepts in primary school will not be a problem and in that way mathematics will not be one
of the most difficult subjects. However, even from a child’s early age a computer game has to
fulfil pedagogical criteria. This idea is supported by the research conducted by Din and Calao
(2000) on a sample of 47 pre-school children divided into two groups. Every day the
experimental group played mathematical computer games on Sony Play Station for 40
minutes during 11 days. The control group did not play any computer games, but learned
mathematics in a traditional way. The research results indicated that regarding the knowledge
of mathematics there was no statistically significant differences between the groups. This is
one of the rare studies where a positive impact was not detected. This can possibly be
explained by Sony Play Station games not having an educational dimension. The second
reason can be that children played games daily, always at the same time and in the same form,
which can become discouraging, tiring and boring for pre-school children. At this age
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
children want new and varied activities, new enticements, i.e. a combination of educational
computer games with other methods of teaching and learning. The research by Kebritchi and
Hirumi (2008) supports this idea. Together with the game authors they investigated
pedagogical foundations of contemporary educational computer games by studying 55
computer games created between 2000 and 2007. Only 22 games fulfilled pedagogical
criteria, i.e. were based on established learning theories and instructional strategies. In 1998
Klawe conducted a research which attempted to determine the influence of different factors
on educational computer game efficiency in improving learning mathematics in primary
school. The considered factors were: software and hardware design, different methods of
teaching with games, gender differences. He determined that computer games can be
extremely efficient (better motivation, better knowledge, satisfaction with mathematics as a
subject). However, he also proved that different factors such as pupils’ and teacher’s
expectations, the level of integration with other educational activities and game design
influence the final result, so one should pay attention to these factors when using computer
games in teaching. If computer games are intended for increasing motivation and making
learning mathematics easier, he concluded that mathematical computer games should contain:
x Subject matter that pupils are supposed to learn
x Activities for learning
x A basic learning model (or models)
x The way and concept of presenting the content
x Interface for manipulating with words and objects
x Navigation structure and order of activities
x Feedback information and reward systems
x Fun elements (graphics, sound, story, characters, humour).
Another research (Rosas, Nussbaum, Cumsille, Marianov, Correa, and Flores, 2003)
established that a well-designed computer game is an important motivational factor for
learning mathematics. Their aim was to evaluate the effects of introducing educational
computer games into teaching as well as their influence on motivation and learning. The
games were specifically designed to facilitate the realisation of mathematical educational
goals in grade 1 and 2 of primary school, with the emphasis on learning the basics of
mathematics. The research was conducted in Chile on a sample of 1274 pupils divided into
three groups: experimental, control and external control. The experimental group played
computer games for 30 hours during three months. Their mathematical skills and motivation
were evaluated as well as teacher’s expectations. The evaluation of the results was carried out
by ad hoc testing and by talking to teachers about their observation of pupils’ work. The
results indicated significant differences between experimental, control and external control
group in favour of the experimental group. Teachers’ reports confirmed experimental group’s
increased motivation for learning mathematics overlapping with the research results. This
research also proved that mathematical computer games were a useful aid in motivating and
promoting learning mathematics. A number of studies carried out in upper primary grades
confirmed that computer games are not good motivation only in pre-school and younger
school age. In fact, computer games help realise educational goals, but they also improve
motivation and make learning easier. This was proved by the research (Ke and Grabowski,
2007) which confirmed that playing computer games influenced motivation, attitudes and
learning mathematics in grade 5 of primary school. It was carried out on a sample of 125
pupils divided into cooperative groups who were competing. The pupils took a mathematical
test before and after the experiment. The research results indicated that playing computer
games was more efficient than doing traditional mathematical tasks. Games improved pupils'
test results, motivated them and created a positive attitude toward mathematics regardless of
their individual differences. Çankaya and Karamete (2009) examined attitudes of 176 pupils
(grades 7 and 8) who played educational computer games Proportional Tetris and
Proportional Clown. They determined a significant, proportional connection between
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
attitudes toward mathematics and attitudes toward educational computer game. The game had
a positive impact on pupils developing their positive attitude toward learning mathematics.
The research results emphasised that educational computer games can be used as a support for
other teaching methods directed at improvement of teaching and goals realisation. In the
research conducted in grade 7 Sedig (2007) showed that playing Super Tangrams pupils
understood geometry better and at the same time had fun learning it. The study showed that
this learning model was good and very efficient. Moreover, the research indicated that,
especially when teaching geometry, there are great possibilities for using mathematical
computer games for increasing motivation and pupils’ educational achievements. The pupils’
progress observed in post-testing in comparison to pre-testing and regarding control groups
was significant and it justifies the use of this learning model. Yang and Chen (2010) suggest
that playing computer games can help develop spatial orientation and spatial abilities, which
might represent a problem to pupils in geometry in grade 5. Additionally, they determined
that there was a big difference in spatial orientation between boys and girls in favour of boys.
For the purpose of the research a computer game aimed at development of spatial abilities
was designed. The results indicated that pupils’ spatial abilities were considerably improved
after playing the computer game, and the difference between boys and girls’ skills was
reduced. By observing, interviewing and testing pupils in a case study, Ping Lim (2009)
established that using computer games for teaching increased pupils’ active participation and
motivation as well as their socialisation. The primary school pupils taking part in the research
played a game in which they assumed a role of global citizens and in that way they learned
not only mathematics, but science and English as well. Cost    
examined how playing browser-based educational games (short games which can easily be
downloaded from the Internet) during lessons influenced motivation and learning of primary
school children. The sample of 16 children (grades 6 to 8) played the game during one lesson.
After that the pupils’ attitudes and opinions were examined by using a 5-question interview.
Most pupils’ attitude was that the computer game had a positive impact on their learning
motivation and it made learning easier and more interesting. The research by Harter and
Heng-Yu (2008) was carried out on a sample of 98 pupils in grade 6 divided into two groups.
One group had traditional lessons and the other had computer games integrated into teaching.
Their knowledge of mathematics was evaluated by pre-tests. The research indicated that the
pupils who played computer games had better results in post-test than the other group. The
pupils were also given a questionnaire which determined that pupils who played computer
games were more satisfied with their learning. If the satisfaction is greater, the subject itself
becomes more interesting resulting in higher achievements. Sedighian, K. and Sedighian, A.
S. (1996) point out that children usually do not like mathematic and find it boring. In their
paper they presented issues connected to child’s psychology of learning mathematics in the
context of mathematical computer games emphasising some elements of computer games
which satisfy children’s need for learning and motivate them for learning mathematics. The
research was conducted during a two-year period in 50 groups of 7 and 8 grades. At the
beginning of the research the pupils played commercial educational games, and the authors
visited each group at last once a week (one two hours) and observed the pupils playing
games for more than a year. They also observed their discussions. After designing Super
Tangrams game, whose goal was to facilitate learning two-dimensional transformational
geometry, the pupils were playing it and the authors again visited and observed each group at
least once a week. The game consisted of a number of riddles which were gradually becoming
more difficult. At the end all pupils were given an unannounced test. The research results are
the following: computer games are an integral part of children’s lives and learning
mathematics in computer games surroundings becomes important and motivating. Moreover,
they determined that learning with computer games (game-based learning) makes
mathematics more meaningful and useful for pupils who are then more motivated.
Additionally, this research addressed another important question is playing an existing game
more efficient than pupils creating their own game? Vos, Van der Meijden and Denessen
(2011) examined this issue in the research which involved 235 primary school pupils. One
group was asked to create their own Memory game using ‘drag and drop’ principle while the
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
other group played the existing game of this type. The research results suggested that
designing a game can be a better way to improve motivation and have higher achievements.
Yet, the research had some drawbacks the low level of game complexity which reduced the
credibility of the results. There is no doubt that computer games have an impact on a positive
attitude toward mathematics and their motivation, but the problem is how to make
mathematics more interesting to pupils with lower abilities, lacking prior knowledge of
mathematics and with insufficient experience in IT, i.e. those who require individual
approach? Moreno (2002) presented cognitive learning theories using multimedia and the
impact of individual differences on such learning. Pupils in grades 5 and 6 were taught to add
and subtract by using a multimedia interactive game which visually and symbolically
presented arithmetic procedures. The results indicated that the computer game helped to
reduce cognitive load, especially for pupils with insufficient prior knowledge and limited
experience in using computer technologies. In their study on the impact of mathematical
computer games on secondary school pupils’ motivation and achievements Kebritchi, Hirumi
and Bai (2010) included a variable of prior mathematical knowledge. The research involved
193 pupils and 10 teachers. The results indicated considerably higher achievements of the
group who played computer games. Considering motivation there were no significant
differences. Prior mathematical knowledge did not have any relevant impact on achievements
and motivation. Chun-Yi and Ming-Puu (2009) examined how the level of pupils’ prior
knowledge affected mathematical problems solving. They designed a computer game
consisting of comprehension tasks and the research involved 78 pupils in grade 9 in two
public schools. It lasted for six weeks, and the results indicated that regardless of their prior
knowledge, specific and more precise instructions and questions were more useful for pupils
than general questions and instructions. This means that specific instructions including tables,
graphs and symbols have a better impact on reasoning. The pupils who were given more
specific questions were able to concentrate better on the efficiency and the correct task
solving than those who were given generalised questions. Laffey, Espinosa, Moore and
Lodree (2003) studied how playing computer games affects at-risk pre-school children and
first graders and their mathematical achievements. They observed a significant improvement
of children’s achievements as well as greater attention when playing computer games, which
was the same for the pupils who did not have behavioural problems. Therefore, using
computer games for learning has numerous effects both on pupils and teachers as suggested
by Lim, Nonis and Hedberg (2006), they observed primary school pupils (grades 1 to 6) and
their teachers during lessons with computer games and interviewed them after lessons. They
established that participation in the lesson, both by pupils and teachers, was greater when
computer games were used. The importance of using computer technologies, i.e. computer
games in teaching at all levels of education can be confirmed by the research conducted in
secondary schools and at universities. Karakus, Inal and Cagiltay (2008) attempted to find out
what secondary school pupils thought of playing computer games in mathematics lessons and
their expectations from these games. 1223 pupils from eight different vocational schools in
eight cities participated in the research. The pupils stated that computer games could be used
for teaching mathematics primarily for improving their mental abilities. However, girls had
different expectations from games than boys. Girls expected computer games to be
educational, whereas boys expected fun and competition. Different answers were given to the
question where it was best to play computer games girls emphasised the advantages of
playing games at home or school, while boys preferred other places like internet cafés. Lopez-
Marteo and Lopez (2007) directed their research at the impact of electronic cooperative
surroundings on learning mathematics in secondary school. They created educational
software, specialised for mathematics, adjusted to secondary pupils’ needs. The results
indicated that using electronic cooperative surroundings had an impact on developing positive
attitudes toward mathematics which strengthened their motivation for learning it. The goal of
Papastergiou's (2009) research was to assess students' motivation and knowledge after playing
a computer game designed in accordance with Greek higher education curriculum. The
sample consisted of 88 students divided into two groups one played a computer game and
the other did not. Computer pre-test and post-test were given to students to assess their
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
knowledge and questionnaires to estimate their motivation. The results suggested that learning
with computer games resulted in better motivation and knowledge. The results, in spite of
male students initially having more extensive computer knowledge and bigger interest for
playing games, did not express any differences between genders, and the motivation was
better for both genders. So, the results indicated that computer games can be used as an
effective tool for promoting knowledge and motivation regardless of students’ gender. Huang
Wen-Hao, Huang Wen-Yeh and Tschopp (2010) emphasise the significance of digital, game-
based learning in the last few years, above all concerning students' knowledge and motivation
as well as development of some personality traits like curiosity, determination and obeying
the rules. Shaffer (2006) proved that pupils, beside learning mathematics, can use their
experience gained by playing computer games in everyday situations, i.e. they are better at
solving everyday problems. All of the above mentioned studies established that mathematical
computer games meeting pedagogical criteria, at all levels of education facilitate more
efficient and quicker realisation of educational goals. Computer games boost motivation,
develop mathematical skills and knowledge and participate in the formation of independent
individuals who can deal with various situations in everyday life and train them for life-long
learning, which is one of education’s key goals.
4. Synthesis of results
This part presents the synthesis of results. The total number of the reviewed research is 26
(see Graph 1), 11 of which were conducted in the USA, 2 in Canada, 3 in Australia and New
Zealand and 2 in Taiwan. These five countries represent 72% of studies covered in this review
(44% was carried out in the USA). These numbers possibly indicate which countries have the
biggest interest for using computer technologies for teaching and for research in this field.
Besides, these countries are the ones with the highest usage of computer technologies for
teaching. The other countries where research was conducted are Chile and Mexico,
representing South America with 8% in this review. As for Europe, there are five papers
(Greece and Netherlands with one and Turkey with 3) which comes to 20 %. It is interesting
to see that of all European countries in this review, Turkey is represented by the largest
number of papers. Those who are well-informed about Turkey know that Turkey invests a lot
in education, especially in computer technologies for teaching.
Graph 1. Representation of the countries in the review
The reviewed studies involved examinees of different ages (from early childhood to youth,
see Graph 2). The majority of researches, 59 %, were conducted in primary school (grades 1
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
to 8). Secondary school pupils were a sample in 18 % of studies, students in 9 %, and the
youngest group pre-school children in 14 %.
Considering research methods, the subject of research and the impacts, the results are the
following: the total of researches is 26, one of which being theoretical. In the 25 researches,
15 used a quantitative method, 8 a qualitative method and two used a combined method. This
means that 57 % of papers used a quantitative method, 31 % qualitative and 12% combined.
Table 2 presents the ratio of methods in relation to impacts (achievements and motivation).
e method
e method
Achievement 3 positive
9 positive
1 positive
1 no impact 4 no impact 1 no
Motivation 5 positive
3 positive
1 positive
- 2 no impact -
Table 2. Ratio of methods in relation to impacts (achievements and motivation)
One out of eight researches using a qualitative method established that using mathematical
computer games had no influence on pupils' achievements. This research did not look into
motivation. Three other papers dealt with achievements and all three confirmed positive
achievements after playing computer games. Regarding motivation, all five papers using a
qualitative method determined increased motivation for learning mathematics after playing
computer games. As for a quantitative method, there are two papers examining only
achievements and two examining achievements and motivation and they all established that
there were no significant differences in learning and motivation after playing computer
games. Four papers suggested that regarding achievements there were no considerable
differences (31 %), and two papers that playing computer games had no impact on motivation
(40 %). A positive impact on motivation was observed in 3 papers (60 %) and on
achievements in 9 papers (69 %). Two papers used a combined method, one paper examining
achievements did not discover a significant impact of game playing and the other examining
Primary school
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
motivation and achievements established a significant impact of games on achievements and
Taking into account question Q1 dealing with the impact of computer games on the
realisation on educational goals, there are 27 researches which looked into this issue on all
levels of education on a sample of examinees of different ages, 21 researches determined a
positive effect of using mathematical computer games. In six studies the effect was not
observed and it was mostly in those carried out on younger children (pre-school and primary
school). It is important to emphasise that a negative impact of mathematical games on
educational goals was not observed in any of the reviewed papers.
Furthermore, based on the analysis of the papers it has been confirmed that using
mathematical computer games for teaching influences formation of a positive attitude toward
mathematics since 14 studies, out of 17 dealing with this issue, confirmed a positive impact.
It is especially important to determine which mathematical game is “a good game”, i.e.
establish pedagogical criteria which have to be fulfilled by games in order to have better
results in educational process regarding educational goals and pupils’ motivation. It is evident
form Table 1 that previous studies and papers did not pay enough attention to this issue.
However, it is clear that as long as a computer game is pedagogically designed, the results are
always positive since out of eight studied cases, all eight indicated a positive impact (see
Graph 3).
Graph 3. Research questions and effects (positive or no effect)
5. Conclusion
Taking into account the existing studies, it is evident that using mathematical computer games
for teaching contributes to more efficient and quicker realisation of educational goals at all
levels of education (27 researches looked into this issue on a sample of examinees of different
ages at all levels of education, 21 of which determined a positive impact of using
mathematical computer games).
positive (+) no effect
JIOS, VOL. 35, NO. 1 (2011), PP. 15-30
In addition, it was established that using mathematical computer games for teaching
influences formation of a positive attitude of pupils of different ages toward mathematics as
the most difficult subject and contributes to boosting their motivation, quicker acquisition and
long-term knowledge when compared to teaching without mathematical computer games (17
researches looked into this issues, 14 of which confirmed a positive effect).
The existing researches have pointed out the fact that mathematical computer games have to
be pedagogically designed in order to have a positive impact on the realisation of educational
goals (eight researches directed at this issue were reviewed and all eight confirmed a positive
The importance of incorporating mathematical computer games into education at all
levels is emphasised in all the answers to questions addressed in the studies. Using computer
games for teaching creates pupils’ positive attitude toward mathematics, their active
participation is greater and acquisition of mathematical knowledge, skills and routines is more
efficient resulting in a better quality of the teaching process. Therefore mathematical
computer games should become an integral part of contemporary teaching strategies and their
usage one of the goals of contemporary education.
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... The purpose of choosing junior high school students was twofold. First, by integrating GBL with regular classroom teaching, we aim to improve students' attitudes toward STEM disciplines (Sung and Hwang, 2013;Divjak and Tomić, 2011). Positive attitudes toward mathematics have been shown to correlate directly with improved performance in the subject among Filipino junior high school students (Capuno et al., 2019;Andamon and Tan, 2018). ...
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Educational board games are a promising tool for implementing game-based learning to improve the teaching-learning process. However, the absence of comprehensive scholarly guidance on designing educational board games impedes the effective implementation of game-based learning in classrooms. The sparsely available studies on game design frameworks often confine themselves to the design of the educational game itself, without including guidelines for the classroom integration of such games within the design framework. Additionally, the literature often neglects that teachers, burdened by limited time and excessive workload, are often the sole participants in the game design process. To address these gaps, we introduce a practical framework for educators to design and seamlessly integrate educational board games in their classrooms. Our approach prioritizes minimizing additional teacher workload while using game-based learning to foster student-led problem-solving sessions and game revision. Drawing from game design principles and existing literature on game-based learning, we propose a comprehensive framework that guides educators through the design and implementation of educational board games tailored for conducting problem-solving sessions. The framework is validated and refined using qualitative analysis of teacher and student feedback after its seamless integration into the regular mathematics instruction and curriculum of a Philippine K-12 high school. Results indicate positive student experiences and highlight the framework’s efficacy in promoting student engagement, learning outcomes, and teacher convenience. Thematic analysis of student feedback highlights key design preferences and game features that enhance student experiences in GBL sessions. The study contributes to the advancement of GBL methodologies by offering practical guidelines for independent use by educators and promoting exchanges between teacher colleagues. Overall, the proposed framework offers a systematic and feasible approach to designing and implementing educational board games, fostering effective learning experiences in diverse educational contexts.
... Beyond supporting specific learning outcomes, incorporating games in mathematics education also cultivates children's motivation and positive attitudes toward math (Divjak & Tomie, 2011). Games inspire children to willingly engage with mathematics, foster positive attitudes, and strengthen self-efficacy perceptions by making the learning experience enjoyable and interactive (Clements & Sarama, 2009;Pan et al., 2022). ...
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The aim of this study is to examine the impact of game-based mathematical activities on the development of preschool children's mathematical skills. A total of 54 children, aged between 60-72 months, participated in the research, with 26 in the experimental group and 28 in the control group, using a semi-experimental model with a pre-test post-test control group design. The children in the experimental group designed their own mathematical games with the guidance and support of their parents. Subsequently, they introduced these games to their classmates and played them together in their classrooms. Data were collected through the Revised Early Numeracy Test and focus group interviews. The findings have shown that the intervention significantly improved the children's mathematical skills. The initial score difference in mathematical skills favoring the control group was closed after the intervention. In addition, a significant increase with a big effect size in mathematical skill scores was observed in the experimental group children. It was also revealed that children in the experimental group enjoyed the mathematical activities and expressed their willingness to participate again. The findings were discussed, taking into account the role of game-based mathematical activities and parental support in the development of early math skills.
... In recent decades, a considerable body of empirical studies has emerged on the use of GBL in mathematics education. While existing review studies have primarily focused on the impact of GBL on cognitive (e.g., Divjak & Tomić, 2011) and affective domains (e.g., Vankúš, 2021), few have systematically synthesized how GBL has been integrated and utilized for teacher professional development. This study aims to address this gap by reporting on the current trends of GBL in mathematics teacher education and identifying emerging themes via a comprehensive scoping review. ...
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We conducted a scoping review on game-based learning (GBL) for mathematics teacher education. In recent decades, GBL has been largely applied to K-12 education contexts. GBL has aimed to promote students’ deeper understanding of math knowledge via game-based activities. With the evolving needs of GBL in math education, recent research has increasingly raised the importance of mathematics teacher development specialized in GBL implementation. However, there is a lack of literature synthesis identifying how GBL has been taught and developed for mathematics teachers. Using both bibliometric and qualitative thematic analysis, we identified key characteristics of GBL design and implementations for various math learning contexts in teacher education. Based on the study findings, we identified key trends and issues of GBL in mathematics teacher education. Also, we suggest theoretical and design implications of GBL for mathematics teacher education.
Günümüzde büyük bir kitleye sahip olan dijital oyunlar araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmiş ve matematik eğitiminde karşılaşılan sorunların dijital oyunlar aracılığıyla çözülmesi fikrini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu fikirden doğan dijital oyun tabanlı öğrenme yöntemi etkili öğretimin yanı sıra ilgi ve motivasyonu arttırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu derlemede Türkiye’de matematik dersinde dijital oyunların kullanılmasına ilişkin çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı dijital oyun tabanlı öğrenme yöntemini inceleyen çalışmaların bulgularının sentezini sunmak ve ileride bu konuyla ilgili yapılacak olan çalışmalara rehber bir çalışma sunmaktır. Çalışmada sistematik derleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Tarama YÖK Tez ve Dergipark veri tabanlarında yapılmıştır. Tarama sonucunda 35 bilimsel çalışma bu kapsamda incelenmek için seçilmiştir. Seçilen çalışmalar genel yapıları, dijital oyunların yapıları ve öğretime yönelik özellikleri olmak üzere 3 başlık altında incelenmiştir. Verilerin analizinde betimsel istatistiklerden frekans ve yüzde kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaların genel yapıları incelendiğinde dijital oyun tabanlı öğrenme yöntemiyle ilgili araştırmaların son yıllarda arttığı, deneysel ve yarı deneysel desenlerin daha çok tercih edildiği ayrıca katılımcıların çoğunluk olarak ortaokul öğrencilerinden oluştuğu görülmektedir. Araştırmalarda kullanılan dijital oyunlar incelendiğinde, araştırmacıların çalışmalarında daha çok hazır oyun kullanmayı ve eğitsel dijital oyun kullanmayı tercih ettikleri görülmektedir. Mevcut dijital oyunların hem sayı hem de içerik bakımından yetersiz olduğu bir diğer bulgudur. Çalışmaların öğretime yönelik özellikleri incelendiğinde dijital oyun tabanlı öğrenme yönteminin matematik başarısı, matematiğe yönelik bilişsel becerileri ve matematiğe yönelik tutumları olumlu yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. İncelenen çalışmalarda dijital oyunlar daha çok derste pekiştirme yapmak amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Zaman sorunu, sınıf yönetimi zorluğu, dijital oyun yetersizliği, dijital oyun bağımlılığı, tasarımsal ve donanımsal eksiklikler araştırmacıların karşılaştıkları sorunlardır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaokul altıncı sınıf fen bilimleri dersi sindirim sistemi konusunda bir eğitsel oyunu tasarlama, uygulama, değerlendirme süreçlerini sunmak ve eğitsel oyunla ilgili öğrencilerin görüşlerini belirlemektir. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden eylem araştırması deseniyle planlanmış, yürütülmüş ve tamamlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunu 2021-2022 eğitim öğretim yılında Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı’na bağlı bir devlet okulunda öğrenim görmekte olan 20 altıncı sınıf öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Eğitsel oyunla; öğrencilerin sindirim sistemi konusunda derse aktif katılmaları, eğlenerek ve kalıcı öğrenmeler gerçekleştirmeleri hedeflenmiştir. Oyun tasarlanırken bireysel farklılıklar göz önünde bulundurularak her öğrenciye hitap eden bir oyun tasarlanmaya özen gösterilmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Eğitsel oyun sonunda yapılan değerlendirmede öğrenciler olumlu görüş bildirmiş, sindirim sistemi konusunu öğrenmede istekli hale gelmişlerdir. Ulaşılan sonuçlara göre tasarlanan eğitsel oyun, Fen Bilimleri derslerinde sindirim sistemi konusunda içerik, süreç ve ürün zenginleştirmede kullanılabilir. Fen Bilimleri dersi için diğer konularda da benzer oyunlar tasarlanabilir.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğretmen adaylarının matematik öğretiminde dijital oyun kullanımına ilişkin dikkate aldıkları hususları araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın katılımcıları, Türkiye’deki bir devlet üniversitesinde öğretmen eğitimi programına kayıtlı olan on sekiz ortaokul matematik öğretmeni adayıdır. Araştırmanın katılımcıları ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak seçilmiştir. Dijital matematik oyunları tasarlama konusunda deneyim sahibi olmak katılımcı seçiminde kriter olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu nedenle, veri toplamadan önce, katılımcılar Scratch programlama dili aracılığıyla dijital matematik oyunları tasarlama konusunda deneyim kazandıkları on dört haftalık seçmeli bir derse katılmışlardır. Bu seçmeli ders kapsamında öğretmen adayları matematik içerikli dijital oyunlar tasarlamışlardır. Veriler beş açık uçlu sorudan oluşan bir test aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Daha sonra katılımcılar ile bu sorulara ilişkin görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Katılımcıların biri dışında tamamı dijital oyunları matematik derslerinin son bölümünde alıştırma yapmak, pratik yapmak, öğrenmeyi değerlendirmek ve öğrencilerin öğrenmelerindeki eksiklikleri belirlemek amacıyla kullanacaklarını ifade etmiştir. Ayrıca, katılımcıların yarısından fazlası, dijital oyunları dersin ana bölümünde matematik öğretmek için kullanacaklarını ifade etmiştir. Katılımcıların yaklaşık beşte biri, dijital oyunları dersin giriş bölümünde öğrencilerin merakını artırmak, dikkatlerini matematik konularına çekmek, matematik konularına ilişkin ön bilgilerini kontrol etmek ve öğrencileri matematik öğrenmeye motive etmek amacıyla kullanacaklarını ifade etmiştir. Öte yandan, katılımcıların yaklaşık onda altısı, dijital matematik oyunları dışında başka bir etkinlik yapmaya gerek kalmadan bir matematik konusunu tamamen dijital matematik oyunlarıyla öğretmenin mümkün olmadığını, dörtte biri ise bunun dijital oyuna ve öğretilen matematik konusuna bağlı olduğunu düşünmektedir. Katılımcıların dijital matematik oyunlarını kullanmayı planlarken göz önünde bulundurdukları hususlar şunlardır: matematiksel konuya uygunluk, oyunun anlaşılırlığı, oyunun öğrencilerin hazırbulunuşluk ve sınıf seviyelerine uygunluğu ve oyunun eğlenceli olması. Son olarak, öğretmen adayları gelecekteki sınıflarında dijital oyunları kullanırken şu sorunların yaşanabileceğini öngörmüşlerdir: oyunun yeterince açık olmaması, oyunun öğretilecek matematik konusu ile uyumsuzluğu, oyunun öğrencilerin hazır bulunuşluk ve sınıf seviyelerine uygun olmaması ve teknolojik sorunlar.
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The rapid advancement of technology gives the opportunity to incorporate digital games and other technology-driven tools into the IPS curriculum. This study aimed to analyze the influence of the Lazarus educational game on enhancing social and cognitive learning outcomes in the subject of Social Studies elementary school. A quantitative experimental approach was employed, with a sample of 53 fourth-grade students divided into two groups: an experimental group (IV-B) and a control group (IV-A). Data were collected through tests, interviews, and documentation, and analysed using simple linear regression and t-test. The research findings revealed a positive impact of the Lazarus educational game on students' social development, indicating an improvement in student engagement and social interactions. Additionally, a significant difference in cognitive learning outcomes was observed between two groups. The experimental group (IV-B) exhibited higher learning outcomes compared to the control group (IV-A), underscoring the effectiveness of the Lazarus game as a learning tool. This study makes a valuable contribution to the advancement of teaching methods, particularly in the context of the IPS subject. The use of the Lazarus educational game serves as an effective alternative for enhancing student learning outcomes, particularly in their social development. Practical implications of this research suggest that educators can consider incorporating the Lazarus educational game as a teaching strategy to improve classroom learning, particularly in the field of IPS.
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A pre-test-post-test within subjects, experimental design was employed to examine the effects of a computerized basic statistics learning game on achievement and statistics-related anxiety of students enrolled in introductory graduate statistics course. Participants (N = 12) were graduate students in a variety of programs at state-funded research university in the Southeast United States. We analyzed pre-test-post-test differences using paired samples t-tests for achievement and for statistics anxiety. The results of the t-test for knowledge in statistics were found to be statistically significant indicating significant mean gains for statistical knowledge as a function of the game-based intervention. Likewise, the results of the t-test for statistics-related anxiety were also statistically significant indicating a decrease in anxiety from pre-test to post-test. The implications of the present study are significant for both teachers and students. For teachers, using computer games developed by the researchers can help to create a more dynamic and engaging classroom environment, as well as improve student learning outcomes. For students, playing these educational games can help to develop important skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students can develop interest in the subject matter and spend quality time to learn the course as they play the game without knowing that they are even learning the presupposed hard course. The future directions of the present study are promising, as technology continues to advance and become more widely available. Some potential future developments include the integration of virtual and augmented reality into educational games, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to create personalized learning experiences, and the development of new and innovative game-based assessment tools.
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(Uncorrected OCR) Abstract U sing online vocabulary learning games In teaching and learning vocabulary has become prominent but controversial. The increased application of such tool has called for the need to evaluate its educational value. It is because of this urge that the present study has come into existence. The purpose of the present study is to understand whether online learning games can benefit learners. It attempts to look into the effects of online games on vocabulary learning and identify the factors contributing to their effectiveness. 118 students in my school were involved in the study. They were enrolled in the same course and were divided into two groups - the experimental group and control group. Both groups were asked to do a pre-test on a pre-selected list of vocabulary. Then the experimental groups were asked to learn the list of vocabulary using two selected online sites with games. Their teachers introduced them to the games in a lesson at the computer laboratories. Mter that they were to learn the words on their own via the games. The control groups were to learn the same list through activities in a face-to-face learning lesson. Later, all the subjects tried the post-test which was exactly the same as the pre-test. The scores of the pre-test and post-test obtained by both groups were compared and discussed. Information was also collected by conducting interviews with five students in the experimental group and three teachers teaching on that course. The results show that the online learning games can help students remember the words learnt more effectively than face-to-face learning lessons. The effectiveness of face-to-face lessons, however, cannot be denied, but is subject to many variables. It is found that students tended to prefer the online mode to the offline one but likewise they revealed that simulated vocabulary games were more desirable than drilling games. 1 Teachers' roles have changed as a result of the use of online learning games. Their role as facilitator and researcher has become more active. Though they thought highly of the educational value of the online games, they found it difficult to monitor students' progress, especially after class. Hence, they tended to use them as teaser to arouse learners' interest. Based on the findings, it is recommended that online learning games be polished and simulated games which are more interactivity be introduced for the teaching and learning of English vocabulary. Accordingly, a design and execution plan of an online simulated game for teaching and learning vocabulary has been detailed in the paper. 11
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Educational computer games may affect the attitudes of students towards subjects in a positive manner. One type of educational computer games is browser-based educational games. Recently a new browser-based software called “TTNetVitamin” has been developed for the Ministry of National Education (MEB, 2008). In these advances the conceptions students should be determined for the widespread usage of game based learning. For this aim, case study research conducted to reveal the students’ attitudes and their conceptions about educational games introduced in mathematics classes. The student written interviews were analyzed in NVivo 7.0 and important statements were quoted without any change. The findings of this study were classified under six titles as advantages, disadvantages, classroom use, different aspects, reasons and recommendations for game based learning. The students seemed mostly to mention the advantages of game based learning. Most students did not comment on classroom use of games. Moreover the students expressed the distinguishing aspects of the game TTNetVitamin. The students stated that this kind of games should be related with the lessons and be entertaining. Consequently the students had positive attitudes towards the use of game based learning in mathematics classes.
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Note: This article was UPDATED and revised in 2015 in a new article entitled "DGBL: Still Restless After All These Years" which can be found in Research Gate and at Educause Review. What follows are BOTH abstracts: 2006 Abstract: After years of research and proselytizing, the proponents of digital game-based learning (DGBL) have been caught unaware. Like the person who is still yelling after the sudden cessation of loud music at a party, DGBL proponents have been shouting to be heard above the prejudice against games. But now, unexpectedly, we have everyone’s attention. The combined weight of three factors has resulted in widespread public interest in games as learning tools. 2015 Abstract: Nearly a decade ago, I wrote an article for EDUCAUSE Review about digital game-based learning (DGBL) and the challenges it faced.1 I suggested that once proponents of DGBL were successful in convincing people that games could play a role in education, they would be unprepared to provide practical guidance for implementing DGBL. Just as when the person shouting to be heard at a party is suddenly the center of attention at the moment there is a lull in the conversation, we DGBL proponents had everyone's attention—but not much to say. In the article I also suggested that our sometimes overzealous defense of videogames (hereafter often referred to as "digital games") ran the risk of overselling the benefits (and underreporting the challenges) of using digital games in formal education. Digital games, I said then and still believe today, are effective as embodiments of effective learning theories that can promote higher-order outcomes. Our inability to provide guidance in doing so a decade ago was ceding the DGBL front to digital games as tools for making didactic, instructivist learning (i.e., lectures) more "engaging." DGBL, I suggested, was effective not as a means for making learning "fun" or for "tricking" students into learning; DGBL was effective because it supported powerful learning strategies such as situated learning, authentic environments, and optimized challenge and support (scaffolding). What was needed was a renewed focus on (1) research about why DGBL is effective and (2) guidance on how, when, for whom, and under what conditions to integrate digital games into formal education. I was not the only one with these ideas, but my timing and the venue combined to reach many people. That 2006 article has been cited more than 1,000 times since then.2 Yet though these ideas continue to resonate with many people, much has changed in terms of research, practice, and to some extent, my own beliefs about the future of DGBL.
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Today's youth are situated in a complex information ecology that includes video games and print texts. At the basic level, video game play itself is a form of digital literacy practice. If we widen our focus from the “individual player + technology” to the online communities that play them, we find that video games also lie at the nexus of a complex constellation of literacy practice. Because video games are an area of passionate interest for many young people (particularly males), they are one place where you can see what students that may not perform well in literacy-related courses are actually capable of—not because gaming is such an exceptional interest area, but because it is such a common one.
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The purpose of this research is to determine the differences of attitudes of students, who played the educational computer games developed for this research, towards both mathematics course and educational computer games. For this reason, researchers developed two educational computer games, Proportional Tetris and Proportional Clown, which are about ratio and proportion topic in mathematics education. Researchers used a survey including a demographic data form and two likert-like scales about both mathematics course and educational computer games. Educational computer games and the survey were applied to 176 students in two primary schools in Balikesir, Turkey. Whether educational computer games affected the students’ attitudes towards both mathematics course and educational computer games was tested with Paired Samples t test. Whether there is a meaningful relationship between students’ attitudes towards mathematics course and students’ attitudes towards educational computer games was tested with Pearson Correlation test. As a result, students’ attitudes towards both mathematics course and educational computer games became positive. But there wasn’t any change in attitudes of students who played Proportional Tetris and Proportional Clown.
Online and computer-based instructional gaming is becoming a viable instructional strategy at all levels of education. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of (a) gaming, (b) gaming plus embedded questions, and (c) gaming plus questions plus feedback on delayed retention of different types of educational objectives for students identified as field dependent/field independent. Four hundred twenty-two students received the Group Embedded Figures Test, were separated into field dependent and field independent learners, and were randomly assigned to four instructional treatments. Two weeks after receiving their respective instructional presentation they received four criterion tests measuring different educational objectives, ANOVA and follow-up tests indicated that gaming is an important instructional strategy for facilitating delayed achievement of specific types of educational objectives; However, all types of gaming formats were not found to be equally effective. Statistically insignificant interactions were found to exist between level of field dependence and treatment type on all criterion measures; however, field independent students significantly outperformed field dependent students on all criterion measures.
Based on the severe challenges of urban education, the growing capabilities and availability of advanced technology in schools, and experience in implementing technology as part of an urban school reform effort, the authors hypothesized a role for interactive computer technology (ICT) in supporting learning and behavior of young children who are at risk because of behavior problems. The article reports on an exploratory study to examine the potential of ICT to contribute to learning and behavior improvement. The study employed an experimental design comparing the performance of young, urban, African-American children from low-socioeconomic-status homes who were given specially selected ICT experiences with a comparison group who did not have the ICT treatment. The study also compared the performance of children identified as with or without behavioral problems, but not identified as special education.