
Effect of low diffusion coefficient on glass phase formation in Pd77Cu6Si17 alloy

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The microstructure evolution of laser rapidly solidified Pd77Cu6Si17 alloy was investigated. The experimental results showed that with increasing growth velocity, a phase transition series of Pd3Si dendrite + eutectic-ξ dendrite + eutectic-eutectic grain-regular eutectic-amorphous phase occurred. The critical velocity of amorphous transition was determined to be about 6 mm/s and the smallest lamellar spacing was 35 nm. Compared with those of Al-25 wt%Sm and Al-32.7 wt%Cu alloys, it was proposed that low diffusion coefficient is the main reason for the good glass formation ability of Pd77Cu6Si17 alloy.

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This paper studies the equivalent refractive index method and other methods to measure the liquid diffusion coefficient. Based on this, a quick method to measure the liquid diffusion coefficient is proposed, i.e. using a specially designed asymmetric liquid-core cylindrical lens as both diffusive pool and imaging element. By means of this system with the liquid-core cylindrical lens to measure the diffusion coefficient, we can eliminate the spherical aberration and improve the accuracy in refractive index measurement. Based on the spatially resolving ability of the cylindrical lens in measuring the refractive index, only one instantaneous diffusive picture is required. Depending on the correspondence between the image width and the refractive index, we thus can quickly calculate the diffusion coefficient D by the Fick's second law. Then the diffusive process of ethylene glycol in water at 25℃ is investigated by this method. We calculate the diffusion coefficient between 660-3000 s with the method to analyse an instantaneous diffusion picture. At the beginning, injection will cause the liquid turbulent, and thus create a larger diffusion coefficient. In the course of diffusion, the influence of turbulence on the diffusion coefficient gradually decreases, but the image narrowing can make inaccurate results. Therefore, this method is required to be used at an appropriate time and an appropriate position to reduce experimental errors. After repeated experiments we can conclude that, between 1500-2700 s we may select the appropriate measurement of location for measuring liquid diffusion coefficient by the method to analyze an instantaneous diffusive picture. This not only can avoid the effect of turbulence but also avoid the effect of fewer sampling points. Compared with other methods reported in the literature, the results show that this method is characterized by short time (~20 ms) in data acquisition, faster measurement (<1 s), high-accuracy (relative error <3%), and easy operation, thus providing a new method for measuring the diffusion coefficient of liquids rapidly.
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Melting and rapid solidification are induced in amorphous Ge films upon irradiation with 10 ps laser pulses at 583 nm. The role of heat flow during the solidification process was investigated by comparing the behavior of films grown on substrates with different thermal properties. The melting and solidification kinetics are followed in real time by reflectivity measurements in the nanosecond time scale and the induced structural changes are analyzed by means of Raman spectroscopy in micro‐Raman configuration. If the thermal diffusivity of the substrate is high enough, the film reamorphizes via bulk nucleation of the amorphous phase from the melt. When the thermal diffusivity of the substrate is reduced, the initial nucleation of the solid phase leads to an increase in the liquid temperature (recalescence) and in the melt duration, thus promoting the formation of the crystalline phase. © 1996 American Institute of Physics.
Microstructure evolution over a wide range of growth rates has been examined in the Al-Sm system in which different microstructure selection, from eutectic to dendritic to amorphous material, with increasing growth rate can occur. Experiments were carried out for compositions between 11 and 25 wt.% Sm and the velocity was varied from 2×l0-4 to 635 mm/s. Low velocity studies were carried out using the Bridgman technique, whereas high velocity studies were carried by using the laser scanning technique. The maximum velocity for eutectic growth was determined, and the results were compared with the theoretical predictions. A transition from eutectic to α-Al dendrites was observed when the eutectic became unstable, and a coupled zone boundary on the Al side was determined. The present results were compared with those in the Al-Cu alloys, and the velocity at which the eutectic becomes unstable was found to be an order of magnitude smaller, which is related to the higher activation energy for diffusion in the Al-Sm system.
New amorphous alloys in Al-Ln (Ln=Pr, Nd, Sm or Gd) binary systems have been formed in the vicinity of 10 at% Pr and in the ranges of 8 to 12%Nd or Gd and 8 to 16%Sm by rapid solidification. Crystallization temperature, hardness, tensile strength and electrical resistivity at 293 K of the binary amorphous alloys increase with an increase of solute content from 453 to 511 K, 150 to 325 DPN, 495 to 960 MPa and 96 to 170 muOmegacm, respectively. The compositional dependences are interpreted on the basis of the presumption that the attractive bonding nature between Al and Ln metals is a dominant factor.
Short-range diffusion-limited growth, collision-limited growth, and the transition between the two regimes are explained as natural consequences of a single model for the kinetics of alloy solidification. Analytical expressions are developed for the velocity-undercooling function of a planar interface during dilute alloy solidification, using Turnbull`s collision-limited growth model and the Continuous Growth Solute Trapping Model of Aziz and Kaplan both with and without a solute drag effect. The interface mobility, -dv/dT, is shown to be very high (proportional to the speed of sound) if the alloy is sufficiently dilute or if the growth rate is sufficiently rapid for nearly complete solute trapping. The interface mobility is reduced by the three orders of magnitude (becoming proportional to the diffusive speed) at intermediate growth rates where partial solute trapping occurs. Differences in low velocity predictions of the models with and without solute drag are also discussed. Comparison of the results of the analytical expressions to numerical solutions of the non-dilute kinetic model for Al-Be alloys shows that the dilute approximation breaks down at melt compositions on the order of 10 at.%. Similar variations in the interface mobility are shown for the disorder-trapping model of Boettinger and Aziz.
Diffusion coefficient decides the solute diffusion length and is a critical parameter in the selection of microstruc-ture scales and in governing microstructure transitions. Al-25wt%Sm alloy is selected to reveal the impact of low diffusion coefficient on the eutectic instability, and the results are compared with those of Al–Cu alloys. Laser remelting experiments are performed and the transition growth velocity from eutectic to α-Al dendrite is examined. Compared with Al–Cu alloys, the eutectic instability takes place at a velocity more than one order of magnitude smaller. The theoretical calculation by the Trivedi–Magnin–Kurz (TMK) model also predicts that the eutectic will become instable at smaller growth velocity for Al–Sm alloy than Al–Cu alloy, which is ascribed to the low diffusion coefficient.
The viscosity and surface tension of liquid metals can be measured by observing the oscillations of a levitated drop. The frequency is related to the surface tension, while the viscosity determines the damping of the oscillations. If no external forces are present, as in microgravity, these relations are particularly simple and precise. During the recent Spacelab mission MSL-1, such experiments have been performed on Co-Pd and Pd-Cu-Si using the electromagnetic levitation facility TEMPUS. It was possible to obtain data over a wide temperature range, including the undercooled regime. While the temperature dependence of the surface tension remains linear over the complete range, the temperature dependence of the viscosity is much more pronounced and is discussed in terms of different models.
A microscopic model for impurity uptake at a sharp crystal‐liquid interface during alloy solidification is presented in terms of the bulk properties of the liquid and solid phases. The results for stepwise growth and continuous growth at the same interface velocity differ quantitatively but exhibit the same qualitative features. A transition from equilibrium segregation to complete solute trapping occurs as the velocity surpasses the diffusive speed of solute in the liquid. The location of the transition varies little with equilibrium segregation coefficient, and a kinetic limit to solute trapping is found to be quite unlikely. Comparison is made with other models; critical differences are pointed out. Coupled with a growth velocity equation and with macroscopic heat‐ and solute‐diffusion equations, the model forms a complete description of one‐dimensional crystal growth. The steady‐state solution to this system is indicated for the case of a planar interface. The results are applied to describe regrowth from laser‐induced melting. Preliminary comparison with experiment is made. The steady‐state solution for thermal and impurity transport is suggested for use whenever detailed computer calculations are unavailable or are unnecessarily involved.
Detailed theoretical models have been developed in the literature to correlate microstructural characteristics as a function of processing parameters. These results are examined with a broad perspective to show that various laws for microstructural transitions and microstructural spacings can be represented in terms of three simple characteristic lengths of the important physical processes. Initially, the important physical processes of solute and thermal transport and capillarity effect are considered, and they are related to the microstructural lengths such as dendrite tip radius, primary and secondary spacing, and eutectic spacing. It is shown that these microstructural lengths are simply given by the geometric mean of the characteristic lengths of physical processes that are important in a given problem. New characteristic lengths that become important under rapid solidification are then developed, and how these characteristic lengths influence microstructural transition and microstructural scales is also discussed.
The Jackson-Hunt model of eutectic growth at small undercoolings is extended to large undercooling values which are commonly encountered under rapid solidification conditions. The parameters, λ2V and λΔT, are found to deviate from constant values at high velocities, and these deviations depend upon the nature of the metastable phase diagram below the eutectic temperature. A limiting velocity is predicted for the formation of a regular, coupled eutectic structure, and the reason for this limiting velocity is shown to be either the temperature dependent diffusion coefficient or the limit of undercooling.RésuméLe modèle de croissance eutectique à faible surfusion de Jackson et Hunt est modifié pour être applicable au cas des surfusions élevées rencontrées lors de la solidification rapide. A haute vitesse de solidification, les paramètres λ2V et λΔT s'écartent de leur valeur constante observée à faible vitesse, d'une manière qui dépend de la nature du diagramme de phase métastable au-dessous de la température eutectique. Le modèle prédit l'existence d'une vitesse maximale pour la solidification d'une structure eutectique régulière couplée. Cette limite est due soit à la diminution du coefficient de diffusion avec la température, soit à l'existence d'une surfusion maximale imposée par le diagramme de phase.ZusammenfassungDas Modell von Jackson-Hunt über eutektisches Wachstum bei kleinen Unterkühlungen wurde verallgemeinert, sodass es sich auch bei den bei rascher Erstarrung typischen grossen Unterkühlungen anwenden lässt. Die Parameter λ2V und λΔT sind bei hohen Geschwindigkeiten nicht mehr konstant. Diese Änderung wird von der Art des metastabilen Phasendiagramms beeinflusst. Es wird eine Grenzgeschwindigkeit vorausgesagt, bis zu der reguläres gekoppeltes eutektisches Wachstum stattfinden kann. Die Ursache für diese Grenzgeschwindigkeit ist entweder im temperaturabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten oder in der maximalen Unterkühlung zu finden.
Rapid surface resolidification using a high powered CO2-laser has been performed on eutectic Al-32.7 wt% Cu at speeds between 0.2 and 8 m/s. By means of longitudinal cuts through the centre of the laser trace, the local growth rate has been measured by observation of the orientation of the microstructure using transmission electron microscopy. The various microstructures as a function of growth rate, are: 1. (a) regular lamellar eutectic α-Al/θ-Al2Cu structure for growth rates below 20 cm/s with interlamellar spacing as fine as 17 nm; 2. (b) a new wavy eutectic α-Al/θ'-Al2Cu morphology for growth rates of between 20 and 50 cm/s; 3. (c) a banded structure formed by alternating supersaturated α-Al solid solution and the wavy eutectic for growth rates greater than 50 cm/s. A recent analytical model for eutectic growth under rapid solidification condition is compared to the experimental results. Contrary to the classical λ2Vs = const. relationship, which predicts a continuous decrease in spacing as the growth rate increases, this new theoretical model clearly predicts a limit for the coupled eutectic growth which finds its analogy in single phase solidification in the limit of absolute stability.
Panax notoginseng is a commonly used Chinese herb. Although a few studies have found that notoginseng shows anti-tumor effects, the effect of this herb on colorectal cancer cells has not been investigated. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of colorectal cancer that interferes with the growth of cancer cells. However, this compound has serious side effects at high doses. In this study, using HCT-116 human colorectal cancer cell line, we investigated the possible synergistic anti-cancer effects between notoginseng flower extract (NGF) and 5-FU on colon cancer cells. The anti-proliferation activity of these modes of treatment was evaluated by MTS cell proliferation assay. Apoptotic effects were analyzed by using Hoechst 33258 staining and Annexin-V/PI staining assays. The anti-proliferation effects of four major single compounds from NGF, ginsenosides Rb1, Rb3, Rc and Rg3 were also analyzed. Both 5-FU and NGF inhibited proliferation of HCT-116 cells. With increasing doses of 5-FU, the anti-proliferation effect was slowly increased. The combined usage of 5-FU 5 microM and NGF 0.25 mg/ml, significantly increased the anti-proliferation effect (59.4 +/- 3.3%) compared with using the two medicines separately (5-FU 5 microM, 31.1 +/- 0.4%; NGF 0.25 mg/ml, 25.3 +/- 3.6%). Apoptotic analysis showed that at this concentration, 5-FU did not exert an apoptotic effect, while apoptotic cells induced by NGF were observed, suggesting that the anti-proliferation target(s) of NGF may be different from that of 5-FU, which is known to inhibit thymidilate synthase. This study demonstrates that NGF can enhance the anti-proliferation effect of 5-FU on HCT-116 human colorectal cancer cells and may decrease the dosage of 5-FU needed for colorectal cancer treatment.