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The Internet of Things (IoT) Applications and Communication Enabling Technology Standards: An Overview


Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most promising area which penetrates the advantages of Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) and Pervasive Computing domains. Different applications of IoT have been developed and researchers of IoT well identified the opportunities, problems, challenges and the technology standards used in IoT such as Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones, etc. This paper is of two fold, the first fold covers the different applications that adopted smart technologies so far. The second fold of this paper presents the overview of the sensors and its standards.
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The Internet of Things (IoT)
Applications and Communication Enabling
Technology Standards: An Overview
Dr. V. Bhuvaneswari
Department of Computer Applications
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
Dr. R Porkodi
Department of Computer Science
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
Abstract — The Internet of Things (IoT) is the most
promising area which penetrates the advantages of Wireless
Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) and Pervasive
Computing domains. Different applications of IoT have been
developed and researchers of IoT well identified the
opportunities, problems, challenges and the technology
standards used in IoT such as Radio-Frequency
IDentification (RFID) tags, sensors, actuators, mobile
phones, etc. This paper is of two fold; the first fold covers the
different applications that adopted smart technologies so far.
The second fold of this paper presents the overview of the
sensors and its standards.
Keywords: IoT, Sensors, Actuator Networks, RFID
Internet of Things (IoT) is a new revolution of the
Internet. It makes Objects themselves recognizable, obtain
intelligence, communicate information about themselves
and they can access information that has been aggregated
by other things. The Internet of Things allows people and
things to be connected Anytime, Anyplace, with Anything
and Anyone, ideally using Any path/network and Any
service as shown in Fig. 1. This implies addressing
elements such as Convergence, Content, Collections,
Computing, Communication, and Connectivity.
The Internet of Things provides interaction among the
real/physical and the digital/virtual worlds. The physical
entities have digital counterparts and virtual representation
and things become context aware and they can sense,
communicate, interact, exchange data, information and
knowledge. Through the use of intelligent decision-
making algorithms in software applications, appropriate
rapid responses can be given to physical entity based on
the very latest information collected about physical
entities and consideration of patterns in the historical data,
either for the same entity or for similar entities. These
paves new dimension of IoT concept in the domains such
as supply chain management, transportation and logistics,
aerospace, and automotive, smart environments (homes,
buildings, infrastructure), energy, defence, agriculture,
retail and more.
The vision of IoT is to use smart technologies to
connect things any-time, any-place for anything. The IoT
was started in the year 1998 and the term Internet of
Things was first coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999.
Fig. 1 Internet of Things
The Internet of Things has been evolved in a tremendous
way over the past decade and still IoT is an emerging
trend for researchers in both academia and industry. Many
findings of IoT reported in literature presents meaningful
definitions. According to CASAGRAS project [1]: “A
global network infrastructure linking physical and virtual
objects through the exploitation of data capture and
communication capabilities. This infrastructure includes
existing and evolving Internet and network developments.
It will offer specific object identification, sensor and
connection capability as the basis for the development of
independent cooperative services and applications. CERP
[2], emphasizes the internetworking between
heterogeneous ‘smart’ devices such as sensors, actuators,
computers and smart phones etc., and the use of services
over the internet. Any application development framework
for the IoT, therefore, needs to support these
heterogeneous devices.
According to the IEEE Internet of Things journal, An
IoT system is a network of networks where, typically, a
massive number of objects/things/sensors/devices are
connected through communications and information
infrastructure to provide value-added services via
intelligent data processing and management for different
applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing
concept that describes a future where everyday physical
objects will be connected to the Internet and will be able
to identify themselves to other devices. The term is closely
identified with RFID as the method of communication,
although it could also include other sensor technologies,
other wireless technologies, QR codes, etc. According to
The Internet of Things European Research Cluster (IERC)
definition [3] states that IoT is a dynamic global network
infrastructure with self-configuring capabilities based on
standard and interoperable communication protocols
where physical and virtual “things” have identities,
2014 International Conference on Intelligent Computing Applications
978-1-4799-3966-4/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/ICICA.2014.73
physical attributes, and virtual personalities and use
intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into
the information network.
This paper presents the survey which gives a picture of
the current state of the art on the IoT. More specifically, it
provides clear insight to readers about the different visions
of the Internet of Things paradigm and illustrates the
benefits of this paradigm in everyday-life. This also
provides the application domains of IoT and IT enabled
communication technologies and standards used so far.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
the application domains of IoT paradigm, which are
available from the literature. Section 3 covers the IoT
main enabling communication technologies used so far.
Section 4 describes the challenges and issues of IoT and
finally the paper is concluded in Section 5.
The Applications of the IoT are numerous and
diversified in all areas of every-day life of people which
broadly covers society, industries, and environment. All
the IoT applications developed so far comes under these
three broad areas as shown in Table 1. According to
Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)
during 2010, 6 or more application domains were
identified that are smart energy, smart health, smart
buildings, smart transport, smart living and smart cities.
According to the survey that the IoT-I project ran during
2010 65 IoT application scenarios were identified and
grouped in to 14 domains, which are Transportation,
Smart Home, Smart City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture,
Smart Factory, Supply chain, Emergency, Health care,
User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and
Energy. Some of the IoT applications are briefly explained
in next coming paragraphs.
Table 1. IoT Application Domains
Domain Description Applications
Activities related to the
betterment and
development of society,
cities and people
Smart Cities, Smart Animal
Farming, Smart Agriculture,
Healthcare, Domestic and
Home automation,
Independent Living,
Energy, Defense,
Medical technology,
Ticketing, Smart Buildings
Activities related to the
protection, monitoring
and development of all
natural resources
Smart Environment, Smart
Metering, Smart Water
Recycling, Disaster Alerting
Activities related to
financial, commercial
transactions between
organizations and
other entities
Retail, Logistics, Supply
Chain Management
Automotive, Industrial
Control, Aerospace and
A. Smart Cities
The IoT play a vital role to improve the smartness of
cities includes many applications to monitoring of parking
spaces availability in the city, monitoring of vibrations
and material conditions in buildings and bridges, sound
monitoring in sensitive areas of cities, monitoring of
vehicles and pedestrian levels, intelligent and weather
adaptive lighting in street lights, detection of waste
containers levels and trash collections, smart roads,
intelligent highways with warning messages and
diversions according to climate conditions and unexpected
events like accidents or traffic jams. Some of IoT smart
cities applications are smart parking, structural health,
noise urban maps, traffic congestion, smart lightning,
waste management, intelligent transportation systems and
smart building. These smart cities IoT applications use
RFID, Wireless Sensor Network and Single sensors as IoT
elements and the bandwidth of these applications ranges
from small to large. The already developed IoT
applications reported on the literature are Awarehome[4],
Smart Santander [5] and city sense [6].
B. Smart Agriculture and Smart water
The IoT can help to improve and strengthen the
agriculture work by monitoring soil moisture and trunk
diameter in vineyards to control and maintain the amount
of vitamins in agricultural products, control micro climate
conditions to maximize the production of fruits and
vegetables and its quality, study of weather conditions in
fields to forecast ice information, rail, drought, snow or
wind changes, control of humidity and temperature level
to prevent fungus and other microbial contaminants. The
role of IoT in water management includes study of water
suitability in rivers and the sea for agriculture and
drinkable use, detection of liquid presence outside tanks
and pressure variations along pipes and monitoring of
water level variations in rivers, dams and reservoirs. This
kind of IoT applications use Wireless sensor network and
single sensors as IoT elements and the bandwidth range as
medium. The already reported IoT applications in this
kind are SiSviA[7], GBROOS[8] and SEMAT[9].
C. Retail and Logistics
Implementing the IoT in Retail/Supply Chain
Management has many advantages which include
monitoring of storage conditions along the supply chain
and product tracking for traceability purposes and
payment processing based on location or activity duration
for public transport, gyms, theme park, etc. In the shop
itself, IoT offers many applications like guidance in the
shop according to a preselected shopping list, fast
payment solutions like automatically check-out using
biometrics, detection of potential allergen in a given
product and control of rotation of products in shelves and
warehouses to automate restocking processes. The IoT
elements used in this kind of application are RFID and
WSN and the bandwidth range is small. The example
retail IoT reported in literature is SAP future retail center
[10]. The IoT in logistics includes quality of shipment
conditions, item location, storage incompatibility
detection, fleet tracking, etc. The IoT elements used in the
field of logistics are RFID, WSN and single sensors and
the bandwidth ranges from medium to large. Many
logistics IoT trial implementations are reported in the
literature [11, 12].
Fig.2 The IoT Application Domains
D. Health Care
Many benefits provided by the IoT technologies to the
healthcare domain are classified into tracking of objects,
staff and patients, identification and authentication of
people, automatic data collection and sensing [13].
Tracking is the function used to identify a person or an
object in motion. This includes the case of patient flow
monitoring to improve workflow in hospitals. The
identification and authentication includes patient
identification to reduce incidents harmful to patients,
comprehensive and current electronic medical record
maintenance, and infant identification in hospitals to
prevent mismatching. The automatic data collection and
transfer is mostly aimed at reducing form processing time,
process automation, automated care and procedure
auditing, and medical inventory management. Sensor
devices enable function centered on patients, and in
particular on diagnosing patient conditions, providing
real-time information on patient health indicators.
Application domains include different telemedicine
solutions, monitoring patient compliance with medication
regiment prescriptions, and alerting for patient well-being.
In this capacity, sensors can be applied both in in-patient
and out-patient care. The elements of IoT in Health Care
are RFID, NFC, WSN, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. significantly
improve the measurement and monitoring methods of vital
functions such as temperature, blood pressure, heart rate,
cholesterol level, blood glucose, etc.
E. Security & Emergencies
The IoT technologies in the field of security and
emergencies are tremendously increased in which few are
listed; perimeter access control, liquid presence, radiation
levels and explosive and hazardous gases, etc. The
perimeter access control is used to detect and control the
unauthorized people entry to restricted areas. The liquid
presence is used for liquid detection in data centers,
warehouses and sensitive building grounds to prevent
break downs and corrosion. The radiation levels
application used to measure the radiation levels in nuclear
power stations surroundings to generate leakage alerts and
the final IoT application is used to detect the gas levels
and leakages in industrial environments, surroundings of
chemical factories and inside mines.
The communication enabling technologies of IoT
heavily depends on rapid technical innovation in 4 fields;
technology used to connect everyday objects and devices
to large databases and networks, technology used for data
collection with ability to detect changes in the physical
status of objects, technology to take action through
embedded intelligence in objects, and finally to make
smaller and smaller things will have the ability to interact
and connect. The combination of all these developments
made the effective and efficient communications on IoT
RFID is not new and it was popular in the early 20th
century. Initially, it was based on radio waves and later
radio waves combined with radar signals. They can be
used to provide P2P connection between objects. RFID
consists of three main components such as a transponder
or tag to carry data, which is located on the object to be
identified, an interrogator or reader, which reads the
transmitted data, and Middleware, which forward the data
to another system, such as a database, a PC or robot
control system. Frequencies currently used for data
transmission by RFID typically include 125 kHz (low
frequency), 13.56 MHz (high frequency), or 800-960 MHz
(ultra high frequency). RFID is set to revolutionize the
retail sector. By 2008, according to IDTechEx, retailers
worldwide are expected to account for over USD 1.3
billion of a global RFID market of USD 7 billion. RFID
standards relate both to frequency protocols (for data
communication) and data format (for data storage on the
tag) [14]. Some of IoT applications reported in literature
using RFID includes smart shopping [15], smart chips
[16], arts and gaming [17], smart environment [18], RFID
combats criminal activities in graveyards and sanctuaries
[19], thwart baby abduction [20], smart waste
management [21] and health care [22].
B. Sensors
Sensors are one of the key building blocks of the
Internet of Things which can be deployed everywhere
from military battlefields to vineyards. A sensor is an
electronic device, which detects senses or measures
physical stimuli and responds to it in a specific way. It
converts signals from stimuli into an analogue or digital
form, so that the raw data about detected parameters are
readable by machines and humans. Sensors can also be
implanted under human skin, in a purse or on a dress.
Some can be as small as four millimeters in size, but the
data they collect can be received hundreds of miles away.
Sensors complement human senses and have become
indispensable in a large number of industries, from health
care to construction. Sensors have the key advantage that
they can anticipate human needs based on information
collected about their context. Common applications of
sensors include military, environment, healthcare,
construction, commercial applications, home applications,
When a sensor forms part of a sensor network, it is
known as a sensor “node”. While it is now easy to deploy
single sensors, ensuring connectivity between multiple
nodes is a more challenging task. Sensor nodes can be
connected to each other in two ways: wire and wireless. A
sensor node in a wireless sensor network is a small low-
power device with power-supply, data storage,
microprocessors, low-power radio, analogue-to-digital
converters (ADCs), data transceivers, and controllers.
Wireless sensor networks offer solutions for a number of
sectors, such as health care, security, and agriculture.
C. RFID and Sensors
The progressive combination of communication
technologies and microelectronics gradually removes
boundaries between physical objects and the virtual
networked world. The main function of an RFID tag is to
identify and track what, which and where the object
accurately. Sensor technology provides information about
the external environment and circumstances surrounding
an object. The integration of wireless sensing
technologies with RFID tags on moving objects provides a
fuller picture about their location and status. The main
distinguishing feature of an RFID sensor tag from a
normal RFID tag is that, apart from tracking and
monitoring functions, sensor-enabled RFID can take
action on the basis of data collected by the sensor. These
two technologies, in combination with modern wireless
networks, create opportunities for a myriad of applications
in national security, military field, agriculture, medicine,
retail, food industry and many other sectors of the
D. Sensors and Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are already an integral part of everyday
life for many people. Due to their widespread use, mobile
networks play a key role in bringing new “ubiquitous”
communication technologies to the masses. Today, mobile
phones are not only a device for making calls, but it
equipped with data, text and video streaming functions.
Currently, the combination of sensors with mobile phones
offers several possible applications such as device for
relaying data collected by sensors, touch sensors,
movement recognition, sensing the status of their
environment through smell sensors, etc.
E. Near Field Communication
Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards
for smart phones and similar mobile devices to establish
communication with each other by touching them together
or bringing them together no more than a few inches. NFC
devices can be used in contactless payment systems,
similar to those currently used in credit cards and
electronic ticket smartcards, and allow mobile payment to
replace or supplement these systems. The mobile OS
Android Beam uses NFC to complete the steps of
enabling, pairing and establishing a Bluetooth connection
when doing a file transfer [23].
F. ZigBee
ZigBee is a specification standard for a suite of high
level communication protocols used to create personal
area networks built from small, low-power digital radios.
ZigBee is based on an IEEE 802.15 standard. Though
low-powered, ZigBee devices often transmit data over
longer distances by passing data through intermediate
devices to reach more distant ones, creating a mesh
network. They can used in applications that require a low
data rate, long battery life, and secure networking.
The table 2 summarizes and compares all
communication technology standards reported in the
literature with respect to network, topology, power
consumption, speed, range and where these technology
standards used. Table 3 provides with the communication
frequency for Wi-Fi and Table 4 Provides with details of
communication parameters for NFC and Bluetooth.
Table 2. Technology Standards
tooth WSN
Topology P2P P2P star
star Mesh, star
Power Very
Low -
low low Very low
speed 400
Range (in
meters) <3
00 m
30 m
Table 3 WiFi Standards and Frequency Range
Aspect Standard
Fidelit y
802.11 Channel Number 1 - 14
2401- 2473 MHz – Lower Frequency
2412- 2484 MHz –Middle Frequency
2423- 2495 MHz – Upper Frequency
White-Fi 802.11af 470 - 710MHz
802.11ad 57.0 - 64.0 GHz ISM band (Regional
variations apply)
Channels: 58,32, 60.48, 62.64, and 64.80
ZigBee 802.11 -
Table 4. NFC and Bluetooth Parameters
Aspect NFC Bluetooth
RFID compatible ISO 18000-3 active
Standardisation body ISO/IEC Bluetooth SIG
Network Standard ISO 13157 etc. IEEE 802.15.1
Network Type Point-to-point WPAN
Range < 0.2 m ~100 m (class 1)
Frequency 13.56 MHz 2.4–2.5 GHz
Bit rate 424 kbit/s 2.1 Mbit/s
Although the IoT enabling technologies have
tremendously increased in the past decade, there are many
issues to be open and addressed. Thus this paves the new
way or dimension for researchers involved in IoT. The
issues and challenges of IoT include architecture, privacy
and security, data intelligence, Quality of Service,
communication protocols, GIS based visualization, etc.
A. Architecture
The different architectures proposed already in the
literature roughly based on which application domain the
IoT used. Most of the works relating to IoT have been
classified in to four types of architectures ; the wireless
sensor networks perspective [24], European Union
projects of SENSEI [25], Internet of Things Architecture
(IoT-A) [26] and cloud architecture [27] . However, these
may not be the best option for every application domain
particularly for defense where human intelligence is relied
upon. The selection of architecture of IoT itself is the big
challenge and this paves the way to develop new
architecture and modify the existing architecture.
B Privacy and security
Security will be a major concern, wherever network
consists of many devices or things are connected. There
are many ways the system could be attacked; disabling the
network availability, pushing erroneous data into the
network, and accessing personal information. It is
impossible to impose proper privacy and security
mechanism with current already existing techniques [28,
29]. Thus privacy becomes a major concern and need to
incorporate appropriate security measures.
C. Data Intelligence
There are huge volumes of data will be collected from
connected from network of devices. According to a rough
estimate, more than 2.5 trillion bytes of new data every
day will be logged by these systems [30]. Analysis of data
and its context will play a key role and poses significant
challenges. The data collected through IoT devices to be
stored and used intelligently for smart IoT applications.
These leads to develop artificial intelligence algorithms,
and machine learning methods based on evolutionary
algorithms, genetic algorithms, neural networks, and other
artificial intelligence techniques are necessary to achieve
automated decision making.
D. Quality of Service (QoS)
The QoS of IoT applications is measured from the
primary factors such as throughput and bandwidth. It is
easy to provide QoS gurantees in wireless sensor networks
due to resource allocation and management ability
constraints in shared wireless media. Quality of Service in
Cloud computing is another major research area which
will require more and more attention as the data and tools
become available on clouds. This leads to develop a
controlled, optimal approach to serve different network
traffics and better resource allocation and management
E. Communication Protocols
The protocols for communication of things or devices
will play a key role in complete realization of IoT
applications. The protocols form the backbone for the data
tunnel between sensors and the outer world. Many MAC
protocols have been proposed for various domains with
TDMA, CSMA and FDMA for collision free, low traffic
efficiency and collision free but require additional
circuitry in nodes respectively [32]. Internet Protocol
Version 6 (IPv6) is the latest protocol which vastly
increases the number of internet addresses, and the ability
to process and analyze huge volumes of data. This IPv6
would be able to communicate with devices attached to
virtually all human-made objects because of the extremely
large address space (128 bit). Major goals of the transport
layer are to guarantee end-to-end reliability and to perform
end-to-end congestion control. In this aspect, many
protocols may fails to co-operate proper end- to –end
F. GIS based Visualization
Visual communication is very much useful and
understandable for any kind of people who works in and
uses IoT applications. With emerging 3D displays, this
area is certainly open more research and development
opportunities. The data communicated by things or
devices are not always ready for use to visualize. It
requires further processing to make ready the data to be
visualized. The data like heterogeneous spatial-temporal
data [33] needs powerful techniques to do processing
before visualization came into picture. New visualization
schemes for the representation of heterogeneous sensors in
a 3D landscape that varies temporally have to be
developed [34].
The IoT has the capacity to be a transformative force,
positively impacting the lives of millions worldwide, says
Bingmei Wu, Deputy Secretary-General of the China
Communications Standards Association. Not only this is
the view of Chinese Government, all countries have been
started and allotted more funding to carry out researches
in the field of IoT in all these about said issues and
challenges. Many research teams have been initiated from
all over the world to carry out IoT related researches. All
thier aims to add a new dimension to this process by
enabling communications with and among smart objects,
thus leading to the vision of ‘‘anytime, anywhere,
anymedia, anything” communications. To keep this
objective in mind, we carefully surveyed the most
important aspects of IoT, the various applications of IoT,
and the communication enabled technologies or IoT
elements which are used in IoT applications. The last part
of this paper also highlighted the issues and challenges
related to IoT and guide the researchers on future research
directions which are penetrated in IoT field.
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... WSN technologies are the standards that support network communication and allow sensing devices to share data packets. They are used widely in IoT applications, and each standard has different frequency bands, topologies, ranges, and energy consumption [12]. However, these technologies have coverage limitations [13]. ...
... As we set the SF = 7 and BW = 125 kHz, the maximum bit rate that can be transmitted is 5470 bit/s, so the data traffic can be handled in all three scenarios and for both types of sensors. In order to determine the maximum number of packets that could be transmitted, we used Equation (12). When the payload is 51 bytes, ToA is equal to 118 ms, which results in a maximum packet rate equal to 305 packets/h. ...
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In recent years, LoRa technology has emerged as a solution for wide-area coverage IoT applications. Deploying a LoRa single-hop network on applications may be challenging in cases of network deployments that require the installation of linear sensor network topologies covering very large distances over unpopulated areas with limited access to cellular networks and energy grids. In such cases, multi-hop communication may provide better alternative solutions to support these challenges. This research aims to study the deployment of multi-hop linear sensor networks that are energy efficient. The focus will be on assessing the coverage, throughput, and energy consumption benefits that can be achieved and the related tradeoffs that have to be considered when using multi-hop solutions. Since monitoring systems in long-distance infrastructures may benefit from solutions based on multi-hop communication, we consider oil pipeline infrastructures in the Saudi Arabian desert as a case study. An analytical model is considered for estimating the above-stated parameters and evaluating the performance of the multi-hop LoRa WSN (MHWSN) against the single-hop LoRa WSN (SHWSN). In addition, the model is used to study the tradeoffs between throughput and energy consumption in different settings of MHWSNs. Scenarios of oil pipeline monitoring systems in Saudi Arabia are specified for studying the proposed multi-hop system’s performance. The obtained results show that when we have a large-scale network, such as an oil pipeline with medium traffic load requirements, multi-hop topologies may be an efficient deployment solution.
... Basically, they convert signals from stimuli into other forms that can be readable by humans and machines, such as digital or analogue data. Each of these sensors can be considered as a node when they are part from a sensor network, connected to other sensors by wired or wireless connections [79]. Various kinds of sensors have been used in many organisations and industries. ...
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Wireless sensor network advances enable different high-specification sizes with increased ease of deployment to increase lifespan service in the Internet of Things. Sensor service is related to energy source, which is usually battery powered. Estimating sensor lifetime before deployment avoids service interruption. Petri net is an intelligent language for scheduling, managing, and modelling complex concurrent systems. It can be used as a problem-solver algorithm. Many different classes of Petri net model (which uses given data and structure to find final answers to problems) evaluate sensor energy behaviour. However, representing all interactions in a node and network increases model complexity in terms of structure comprehensiveness and reuse. Existing methods can only be applied at certain areas, with inefficient estimation speeds, and they do not account for temperature impacts on sensor lifetime. The complexity of model structure design is burdensome for non-expert users, and existing methods fail to provide common background for quick estimation of sensor battery lifetime, and advanced hardware and network rebuilding call for improved models. This study develops a high-coloured Petri net model with a robust structural solution for developing and modifying complex sensor workflows, applying the coloured tokens concept to allow network traffic to be distinguished according to the same structural elements. The dynamicity of a network is abstracted as tokens representing timing sets of sensors operations within a network. A case study of low power and lossy network is studied through this research work, demonstrating efficient and fast (one-second) estimation of sensor nodes' lifetime. The model is easily operated by non-expert users, with graphical rather than mathematical interface structure. The same model can be easily modified by changing its related tokens values and be extended to include any other energy consumption sources in a node as a function of temperature for evaluation. iii Declaration Whilst registered as a candidate for the above degree, I have not been registered for any other research award. The results and conclusions embodied in this thesis are the work of the named candidate and have not been submitted for any other academic award. Yazeed Mohammad Asri Alsarhan Word Count: 27,395 words. iv
... Uckelmann, Harrison and Michahelles [23] emphasize the potential of IoT to revolutionize business processes. Porkodi and Bhuvaneswari [16] provides a detailed overview of communication technology standards in the IoT, such as RFID tags and sensors. A study by Khang et al. [10] addresses the limitations of single-channel communication in hydroponic systems, emphasizing the need for reliable multi-channel communication in IoT-based monitoring systems. ...
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Benchmarking leading data serialization protocols such as schemaless JSON with binary serialization formats demonstrates the superior performance of the latter in Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystems. However, ease of integration and maintenance are equally important factors for real-world applications. IoT developers choose schemaless JSON formats for primary serialization because of their user-friendliness. However, interest in using Protocol Buffers directly at the device level in Internet of Things ecosystems is growing. Many IoT devices now transfer data exclusively via Protobuf, while others are switching to this format to improve efficiency and reduce network load. However, the static nature of Protobuf requires constant developer intervention, which undermines the scalability and versatility of the platforms, especially in cloud deployments. We explore the challenges of integrating devices that communicate exclusively through Protobuf into IoT platforms using the ThingsBoard as an example. Our study proposes a dynamic method for integrating new Protobuf-compatible devices by automating the compilation of the scheme into the platform’s code base. This approach aims to simplify integration and maintenance, which, in addition to productivity, are key factors in operating efficiencyin IoT environments.
... Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the application of algorithms that enable machines to solve problems that traditionally required human intelligence. 22 The term was coined theory that computers could learn to perform tasks through pattern recognition without human involvement. AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing hardware and software systems capable of possessing human-like abilities and autonomously pursuing defined objectives by making decisions that were previously entrusted to humans. ...
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Blockchain technology has gained popularity since the invention of Bitcoin in 2008. It offers a decentralized and secure system for managing and protecting data. In the healthcare sector, where data protection and patient privacy are crucial, blockchain has the potential to revolutionize various aspects, including patient data management, orthopedic registries, medical imaging, research data, and the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This manuscript explores the applications of blockchain in orthopedics and highlights its benefits. Furthermore, the combination of blockchain with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning can enable more accurate diagnoses and treatment recommendations. AI algorithms can learn from large datasets stored on the blockchain, leading to advancements in automated clinical decision-making. Overall, blockchain technology has the potential to enhance data security, interoperability, and collaboration in orthopedics. While there are challenges to overcome, such as adoption barriers and data sharing willingness, the benefits offered by blockchain make it a promising innovation for the field.
... In the realm of home automation, IoT seamlessly integrates devices and systems to enhance convenience and efficiency. Smart thermostats adjust temperature settings based on occupancy, while automated lighting systems respond to ambient light levels and user preferences, all without requiring direct human intervention (Porkodi & Bhuvaneswari, 2014;Sarkar et al., 2014). ...
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The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has turned the once-distant vision of accessing data seamlessly from physical spaces into a tangible reality. By integrating sensors and actuators into tangible objects, IoT streamlines communication and data exchange among them, leading to improved efficiency, real-time intelligent services, and enhanced quality of life. Over the last five years, the proliferation of IoT devices has skyrocketed, establishing IoT as one of the most disruptive technologies of recent times. In this paper, we conduct a thorough revaluation of IoT's impact on our daily lives, providing deep insights into its underlying technologies, varied applications, emerging trends, and significant challenges. Additionally, we highlight the crucial role of artificial intelligence in driving IoT to the forefront of transformative technologies, positioning it as potentially the most influential innovation in human history.
... 77 Many researchers (Walther et al., 2015;Șișcan & Cristafovici, 2021;Means et al., 2000) have identified as a primary freedom for an employee working in a technologized company the access to information in an expanded format. Technology allows operational staff and managers to access a multitude of online information and resources, which enables more efficient decision-making, while also enhancing the level of knowledge (Porkodi & Bhuvaneswari, 2014). This efficiency can also be found in communication as technology facilitates real-time communication, through digital conferences, email, or other online methods. ...
Conference Paper
In contemporary corporate landscapes, the pursuit of employee satisfaction and the influence of technology on organizational communication are pivotal considerations. Companies increasingly promote an organizational culture centered on freedom and minimal constraints, yet this abstract evaluates the authenticity of these assertions amid the technologically evolving workplace. The Introduction emphasizes the dichotomy between the perceived freedoms facilitated by technology and the potential constraints it imposes on employee communication. The impact of technology on communication within companies in Romania is a focal point of investigation. While technological advancements offer expanded access to information, real-time collaboration across global teams, and flexible work arrangements, the Conclusion underscores the risks associated with excessive surveillance and communication restrictions. It highlights the adverse effects of closely monitored communication, leading to reduced privacy, employee anxiety, and compromised performance. The abstract delves into the delicate balance between technological integration and employee freedom. It addresses the need for companies to critically reflect on their communication policies to prevent the erosion of trust and loyalty among employees. Notably, it identifies the pivotal role of individuals in fostering or limiting communication, stressing the significance of an open and supportive communication environment. This study, involving 76 companies across multiple counties, examines the interplay between technological advancements and organizational communication. It reveals the importance of fostering an environment where employees feel encouraged to communicate without infringement on their rights, crucial for building loyalty and enhancing workplace effectiveness.
These days, people want the world in their hands. Some technologies like ambient intelligence gathering satisfy the maximum need of a smart world, but they are not tightly coupled with the Internet. This naturally makes the people need another technology extension. Internet of Things (IoT) is an ideal emerging technology to influence the Internet and communication technologies. Simply, ‘Internet of Things’ connects living and non-living things ‘through the Internet’. Traditionally, in the object-oriented paradigm, everything in the world is considered as an object, but in the IoT paradigm, everything in the world is considered as a smart object and allows them to communicate with each other through Internet technologies physically or virtually. IoT refers to the use of standard Internet protocols for interaction between humans to things and things to things in an embedded network. Although the security needs are well-recognised, it is still not fully clear how existing IP-based security protocols can be applied to this new setting. In this chapter, we discuss the various security challenges in an IoT system. This chapter also provides standard IP-based security protocols and its implementation model, which can be used as a security system for IoT. This chapter also provides the convergence of IoT, artificial intelligence, and Intelligent Agents leading to what is known as the Internet of Intelligence.
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The Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System (GBROOS), a geographic node of the Australian Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS), is an observation network deployed along the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) in Northern Australia. The project aims to quantify and monitor the impact of the Coral Sea, in particular cool and warm water intrusions, on the GBR and to provide the real-time data required to understand the impact of climate change and other environmental factors on coral reef ecosystems. The project has five components. Sets of paired deep (200 m) and shallow (30-70 m) oceanographic moorings will be deployed to detect water moving onto and along the GBR from the pole-ward East Australian and the equatorial Hiri western boundary currents. Upgraded Remote Sensing capacity, coupled with underway validation data, will give large-scale information about the GBR. A set of reference moorings will provide long-term baseline data on water parameters supplemented by detailed monthly water samples. Sensor networks located at seven sites will provide real-time information about small-scale phenomena. The observational data will have significant impact on our understanding of global change, its potential impact on the physical and chemical conditions and the associated changes to the biology and structure of the GBR. Introduction GBROOS is an observation network that seeks to understand the influence of the Coral Sea on continental shelf ecosystems in north-east Queensland including the GBR Marine Park. The South Equatorial Current (SEC) is the dominant flow in the Coral Sea. On reaching the Australian coast, the SEC bifurcates into northern and southern boundary currents. The northern arm is responsible for driving a clockwise gyre in the Gulf of Papua that is a nursery for tropical rock lobster; a major resource for indigenous communities in the Torres Strait. The southern arm becomes the East Australian Current (EAC), which flows down the eastern seaboard and affects coastal climate and ecosystem performance from southern Queensland to Tasmania (Ridgeway and Dunn 2003). The SEC is dynamic on annual and decadal time scales. Variations in flow of the EAC associated with the Southern Oscillation Cycle (El-Niño/La-Niña) affect the thermal and carbonate chemistry regimes on the outer barrier reef, and the replenishment of commercial fish stocks along the eastern seaboard (Harris et al. 1988; Oke and Middleton 2001). In the central GBR, the slope bathymetry favours intrusion of Coral Sea water onto the continental shelf and flushing of the outer Lagoon while also suppressing cross-shelf exchange. Many of these intrusions draw cool nutrient-rich water from the deeper Coral Sea onto the shelf (Andrews and Gentien 1982). The Coral Sea has a direct impact on the water that is delivered to outer-shelf reef systems and to in-shore areas where intrusions are able to penetrate through the reef matrix. These incursions play a critical part in determining the water that forms the lagoon of the GBR (Steinberg 2007). The large scale circulation and characteristics of oceanic water influences local factors and circulation to determine the thermal and other characteristics of the water that the corals experience. In order to understand how corals respond to changes in their environment we must first measure that environment, and for the GBR, this means understanding the impact and functioning of the oceanic water processes.
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Travel-time information could be applied in various fields and purposes. From the travellers' viewpoints, the travel-time information helps to save travel-time and improve reliability through the selection of travel routes pre-trip and en-route. In the application of logistics, travel-time information could reduce the delivery costs, increase the reliability of delivery, and improve the service quality. For traffic managers, travel-time information is an important index for traffic system operation. A review of the literature has indicated that travel-time can be predicted through a number of alternative methods using various input data. This paper provided a systematic review and comparisons in the field of travel-time prediction. The purpose is to broaden the perspective of research beyond the individual techniques and then provide a detailed overview of travel-time prediction information for future researchers concerning this area. In addition, the paper also provides some finding from field survey data in the later part.
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Wireless sensor networks are appealing to researchers due to their wide range of application potential in areas such as target detection and tracking, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and tactical systems. However, low sensing ranges result in dense networks and thus it becomes necessary to achieve an efficient medium-access protocol subject to power constraints. Various medium-access control (MAC) protocols with different objectives have been proposed for wireless sensor networks. In this article, we first outline the sensor network properties that are crucial for the design of MAC layer protocols. Then, we describe several MAC protocols proposed for sensor networks, emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we point out open research issues with regard to MAC layer design.
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In this paper, we describe a practical realization of an Internet-of-Things (IoT) architecture at the University of Padova, Italy. Our network spans the floors of different buildings within the Department of Information Engineering, and is designed to provide access to basic services such as environmental monitoring and localization to University users, as well as to manage service access based on user roles and authorizations. The network is based on a flexible and expandable infrastructure allowing easy node management. A support for the 6LoWPAN standard makes nodes reachable from outside the network using IPv6 and provides an infrastructure to realize IoT applications.
The paper analyzes the characteristics of an intelligent transportation system (ITS) to explore the impact on urban transport of the ideas from "the Internet of Things (IOT)" before its official appearance, and further outlook for the driving force from smart traffic guided by IOT.
Ubiquitous sensing enabled by Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies cuts across many areas of modern day living. This offers the ability to measure, infer and understand environmental indicators, from delicate ecologies and natural resources to urban environments. The proliferation of these devices in a communicating-actuating network creates the Internet of Things (IoT), wherein, sensors and actuators blend seamlessly with the environment around us, and the information is shared across platforms in order to develop a common operating picture (COP). Fuelled by the recent adaptation of a variety of enabling device technologies such as RFID tags and readers, near field communication (NFC) devices and embedded sensor and actuator nodes, the IoT has stepped out of its infancy and is the the next revolutionary technology in transforming the Internet into a fully integrated Future Internet. As we move from www (static pages web) to web2 (social networking web) to web3 (ubiquitous computing web), the need for data-on-demand using sophisticated intuitive queries increases significantly. This paper presents a cloud centric vision for worldwide implementation of Internet of Things. The key enabling technologies and application domains that are likely to drive IoT research in the near future are discussed. A cloud implementation using Aneka, which is based on interaction of private and public clouds is presented. We conclude our IoT vision by expanding on the need for convergence of WSN, the Internet and distributed computing directed at technological research community.
While information visualization technologies have transformed our life and work, designing information visualization systems still faces challenges. Non-expert users or end-users need toolkits that allow for rapid design and prototyping, along with supporting unified data structures suitable for different data types (e.g., tree, network, temporal, and multi-dimensional data), various visualization, interaction tasks. To address these issues, we designed DaisyViz, a model-based user interface toolkit, which enables end-users to rapidly develop domain-specific information visualization applications without traditional programming. DaisyViz is based on a user interface model for information (UIMI), which includes three declarative models: data model, visualization model, and control model. In the development process, a user first constructs a UIMI with interactive visual tools. The results of the UIMI are then parsed to generate a prototype system automatically. In this paper, we discuss the concept of UIMI, describe the architecture of DaisyViz, and show how to use DaisyViz to build an information visualization system. We also present a usability study of DaisyViz we conducted. Our findings indicate DaisyViz is an effective toolkit to help end-users build interactive information visualization systems.