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Reprinted from the German Journal of Psychiatry · · ISSN 1433-1055
Understanding a Strange Phenomenon:
Lilliputian Hallucinations
Prabhat K. Chand1, Pratima Murthy2
1Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal-576104
2National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore-560029, Karnataka, India
Corresponding author: Dr Prabhat K Chand, Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal,
Udupi, Karnataka, 576104, India, Fax no +91 820 2571930, Email:
Lilliputian hallucinations are infrequent but reported in a variety of states ranging from toxic metabolic states, medi-
cal, neurological and psychiatric conditions. We report three cases with different psychiatric diagnoses all presenting
with vivid Lilliputian hallucinations. An attempt to apply the current biological mechanisms that explain complex
visual hallucinations to Lilliputian hallucinations is made. The phenomenon of size constancy and a functional break
between the visual cortex and association cortices explains the phenomena of micropsia, a sensory distortion. We pro-
pose whether this principle could also determine the form of hallucinations and produce Lilliputian hallucination
(German J Psychiatry 2007; 10: 21-24).
Keywords: Lilliputian Hallucination, schizophrenia, micropsia
Received: 27.7.2006
Revised version: 17.11.2006
Published: 23.1.2007
illiputian hallucinations are formed complex visual
hallucinations of people, objects or animals greatly
reduced in size (Asaad and Shapiro 1986). The hallu-
cinations are vivid and evoke varied responses including fear,
anxiety or even pleasure (Leroy 1909; Yawgner 1925; Savit-
sky and Tarachow 1941). The earliest descriptions of this
strange phenomenon are attributed to Macarius, who in 400
AD described such hallucinations as ‘little strangers’ (Cohen
et al.1994). The widespread use of the term Lilliputian Hal-
lucination dates back to its description in Gulliver’s Travels.
Leroy (1909) introduced this term into the scientific litera-
Lilliputian hallucinations have been described in a variety of
conditions i.e. delirium, dementia, toxoplasmosis, basilar
migraine, mesencephalic lesions, schizophrenia and alcohol
withdrawal states (Harper and Knothe 1973; Lishman 1987;
Cohen et al.1994; Hendrickson and Adityanjee 1996; Taka-
oka and Takata 1999; Podoll and Robinson 2001). What
underlies the formation of these special types of complex
visual hallucinations in such diverse conditions? We attempt
to address this issue by first reporting three unusual cases
seen in our psychiatric practice, followed by a review at-
tempting to integrate literature from different specialties.
Case 1
Mr. R, a forty-year married male, with 10 years of formal
education was brought to the emergency with complaints of
irritability, wandering and running away from home, abusive
and violent behavior of six months duration. History also
revealed hallucinatory behavior and gross decline in personal
During serial mental status examinations, he complained of
hearing multiple male voices discussing him. He also re-
ported that his thoughts were being broadcast in television
and radio but did not elaborate further.
In addition, the patient reported seeing small sized people
“looking like dolls” all over his food. He was very frightened
that these small sized people would choke him. He therefore
stopped taking food and on being forced, would vomit it
out. After a few days, he saw these ‘doll like’ people chasing
him and trying to mutilate him. He was very fearful and on
few occasions tried to run away from the ward. His mood
was flat. His orientation and cognitive functions were intact.
Patient’s past psychiatric history was unremarkable. Patient’s
mother had a history of post-partum psychosis, from which
she had recovered following treatment. His elder brother
had history suggestive of alcohol abuse.
General and systemic examination at the time of admission
did not reveal any significant abnormality. Baseline investiga-
tions including blood counts and serum biochemistry were
normal. Electroencephalography showed occasional sharp
waves in frontal areas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of brain
did not reveal any pathological findings.
A diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia was made and the
patient received tablet risperidone up to 8mg over the next
four weeks. As his response was poor, he was shifted to
olanzapine up to 20mg without significant change. He then
received a course of seven electroconvulsive therapies with
some behavioral improvement, but psychopathology per-
sisted. Inj. zuclopenthixol decanoate 200mg once in two
weeks was added with tablet olanzapine and patient showed
considerable improvement.
Case 2
Mr. B, a twenty-five year, middle class educated married
male was brought to hospital with excessive consumption of
alcohol and abnormal behavior. History revealed that he was
a regular drinker since four years and had increased the
amount of alcohol for the last two years. His drinking pat-
tern fulfilled International Classification of Disorders-10
criteria for alcohol dependence syndrome. His usual quantity
of daily drink was around one to one and half liters of alco-
hol (approximately 50 units).
Two weeks prior to admission, the patient had decreased the
amount to half to one fourth of regular intake. Following
this, his sleep had markedly reduced and he started seeing
little people all over the house. They were about a foot high,
with funny colorful dresses, weird faces, big eyes and
mouths. Some of them were also wearing spectacles. They
would follow him all around the house and he could hear
their footsteps. Patient would also see them drinking his
blood (did not elaborate further) and complained of physical
weakness as a result. Initially, patient attributed his experi-
ences to some evil spirits present in the house and changed
the house. But the experience continued. Informants did not
report any past or current history of withdrawal seizures or
any physical problems.
Mental status examination revealed that patient was partially
oriented to time and place. He complained of visual halluci-
nations of Lilliputian nature and secondary delusions of
persecution. He denied any other psychopathology and had
impaired insight. General physical examination showed
tremors, which were more marked in the extremities. Physi-
cal investigation showed raised liver enzymes. Computerized
Axial Tomography of brain was normal. His hallucinations,
along with other withdrawal symptoms subsided completely
within three to four days of abstinence along with tablet
lorazepam 8mg/day on first day and tapering down 2mg
every alternate day.
Case 3
Mrs. C, a case seen by author 2 in the UK, was an eighty-
year-old widow with an eighteen-month history of diminu-
tion of vision and visual hallucinations. She reported seeing
very short men, women and little girls wearing blue and
/gray leaves, whom she referred to as “blue-bottles”. They
would peep at her from cupboards and doors, or hide be-
hind the curtains or lie on the carpets. She would see them
eating yellow, black fish like creatures and they would enjoy
watching her undress. Sometimes she would see little black
cats roaming inside the house. Apart from these, she also
complained of multiple tactile and olfactory hallucinations.
She was initially afraid of the blue-bottles and could not sleep
at night.
Historical and cross sectional mental status examination did
not reveal any features suggestive of cognitive decline, mood
symptoms or Schneiderian first rank symptoms. Physical
examination revealed bilateral decrease in visual acuity i.e.
left eye 0.5ft, right eye one foot and osteoarthritis of left
knee. Computerized Axial Tomography scan of head re-
vealed age related changes.
On mental status examination patient reported visual hallu-
cinations and auditory hallucinations detailed earlier. She also
looked fearful and had ideas of persecution secondary to the
perceptual abnormalities. She had intact cognitive functions
with partial insight to her problem. She was diagnosed as
suffering from Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Patient was ini-
tially treated with tablet flupenthixol 1mg/day, thioridazine
50mg/day and diazepam5mg/day, which were later with-
drawn in next one week. She was detected to be suffering
from glaucoma with retinal artery occlusion and prescribed
timoptol eye drops by the ophthalmologist. Gradually her
visual hallucinations subsided dramatically both in frequency
and in severity. She was discharged after one month of hos-
pital stay.
All the three patients reported here with diverse psychiatric
syndromes (schizophrenia, complicated alcohol withdrawal
and Charles Bonnet Syndrome) experienced visual hallucina-
tions of Lilliputian nature along with other psychopathology.
In the first case, the patient suffered from schizophrenia.
Visual hallucinations have been fairly frequently reported in
schizophrenia, as much as in 72 % of patients interviewed,
along with hallucinations in other modalities (Bracha et al.
1989; Mueser et al. 1990). This contradicts conventional
thinking that visual hallucinations are indicative of underly-
ing structural damage on the one hand, and on the other,
supports that schizophrenia is a brain disease. Although
Lilliputian hallucinations were first described in schizophre-
nia by Lewis (1961) and have been subsequently reported
(Hendrickson and Adityanjee 1996), hallucinations of this
nature are rare in schizophrenia.
In case of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, illusions and hallu-
cinations have been reported in the literature. Rats, snakes
and other small animals of Lilliputian nature can appear in
vivid and colorful forms. They may have a lot of movement
i.e. dancing or playing are quite common (Lishman 1987). In
our index second case, patient had similar hallucinations of
seeing little funny people following him and demanding his
In the third case, an elderly lady with partially impaired vi-
sion without any cognitive dysfunction presented with Lilli-
putian hallucinations along with other perceptual abnormali-
ties. This clinical presentation is suggestive of Charles-
Bonnet Syndrome, which is characterized by vivid, complex
and recurrent visual hallucinations associated with eye pa-
thology in a cognitively intact person (Gold and Rabins
1989). The characteristic findings of the index case were that
Lilliputian hallucinations subsided with the treatment of
The above three cases have three different diagnosis but
interestingly all presented with visual hallucinations of Lilli-
putian nature, suggesting a possible dysfunction or involve-
ment of either the same areas or pathways in the central
nervous system to produce similar phenomenology.
Complex Visual Hallucinations - Un-
Manfred and Andermann (1998) have published an extensive
review on the pathogenesis of complex visual hallucinations
occurring in different conditions i.e. hypnagogic and hyp-
nopompic states, peduncular hallucinosis, narcolepsy-
cataplexy syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Lewy-Body De-
mentia, Charles Bonnet Syndrome, schizophrenia, delirium
tremens and epilepsy. In Charles Bonnet Syndrome, the
hallucinations occur in psychologically healthy individuals
who have recently become blind or have impaired vision.
These are called release hallucinations because it is thought
that they are ‘released’ or instigated by the ‘removal of nor-
mal visual afferent input into the association cortex”. It is
found that direct stimulation of visual cortex area in epilepsy
and loss of inhibition on this area in vascular stroke involv-
ing occipital area produce similar visual hallucinations. Most
of these conditions are associated with disturbance in the
sleep-wake cycle indicating involvement of thalamus and
fibers radiating to reticular activating system.
Another insight in understanding these condition has come
from the use of hallucinogenic substance i.e. LSD and mes-
caline, potent serotonin agonists (5HT2) which on intoxica-
tion produce similar complex hallucinations. Apart from
serotonin, GABA is also implicated in some of these condi-
tions (Manfred and Andermann 1998).
Extending the theory to Lilliputian
Lilliputian hallucinations are also a type of complex visual
hallucinations and can be interpreted on the above theories.
At this point of time there is no separately defined neuro-
logical basis for this strange phenomenon.
Traditional phenomenology differentiates hallucinations
(without afferent sensory signals) from illusory percepts
(false percepts with afferent sensory signals) but it is unlikely
that these phenomenons have different neural substrates
(Ffytche and Howard 1999). On the same lines, we also
suggest that an analogy could be drawn between Lilliputian
hallucinations and the so called ‘Lilliputian Sight’ or microp-
sia which is a sensory distortion rather than a false percep-
Micropsia or the ‘Alice in Wonderland Syndrome’ where
objects are perceived substantially smaller than in reality is a
condition of altered perception where the mechanics of the
eye are not affected, only the brain’s interpretation of infor-
mation passed from the eyes (Takaoka and Takata 1999).
The gestalt psychologists have demonstrated that retinal
afterimages change their size depending on where the image
is projected (Emmert’s Law) (Emmert 1881). Micropsia, an
illusion is hypothesized as a dysfunction of the mechanism
that underlies the “size constancy” phenomenon. Size con-
stancy denotes the tendency of animals and humans to see
familiar objects as having standard shape, size, color, or
location regardless of changes in the angle of perspective,
distance, or lighting. The impression tends to conform to the
object as it is or is assumed to be, rather than to the actual
stimulus. Perceptual constancy is responsible for the ability
to identify objects under various conditions, which seem to
be "taken into account" during a process of mental reconsti-
tution of the known image. Even though the retinal image of
a receding automobile shrinks in size, the normal, experi-
enced person perceives the size of the object to remain con-
stant. Indeed, one of the most impressive features of per-
ceiving is the tendency of objects to appear stable in the face
of their continually changing stimulus features. Though a
dinner plate itself does not change, its image on the retina
undergoes considerable changes in shape and size as the
perceiver and plate move. What is noteworthy is stability in
perception despite gross instability in stimulation. Such
matches between the objects as it is perceived and the object
as it is understood to actually exist (regardless of transforma-
tions in the energy of stimulation) are called perceptual con-
stancies (Tovee et al. 1996).
Precise neurobiological details on the locus of the lesion
responsible for micropsia are lacking in most of the reported
cases. An overview of the literature reveals that the deficit
is much more common after damage of the visual associa-
tion cortex (Frassinetti et al. 1999). More recently, Cohen et
al. (1994) described two cases of hemimicropsia resulting
from a lesion affecting the lower part of areas 18 and 19 and
the underlying white matter. In the patients described by
Ceriani et al. (1998), who complained of seeing objects
smaller than they were in the whole visual field, the lesion
apparently involved the right temporoparietal cortical junc-
tion and the occipital white matter.
It is proposed that anything that produces a functional im-
balance between intact and damaged visual areas is likely to
produce micropsia (Bender and Teuber 1949). If this ex-
plains the dysfunction of size constancy for objects in the
external objective space, the same theory can explain deci-
sions of size the hallucinating brain makes, due to functional
disconnections between primary and association visual corti-
ces. So hallucinations of Lilliputian nature might be de-
scribed as micropsia for internally generated images or per-
cepts. After all, hallucinations themselves are a behavioral
manifestation of brain function, just as is interpreting reality
the way we do. The different conditions that produce Lilli-
putian hallucinations, all have evidence suggestive of under-
lying neurobiological disturbances, the details of which are
still poorly understood.
We have attempted to postulate a common mechanism for
strikingly similar phenomena in three different conditions.
More studies in the form of functional neuroimaging are
necessary to understand and establish the pathophysiology
of this strange phenomenon.
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