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Phytochemicals from the leaves of Pterospermum diversifolium were extracted using different solvents of various polarity such as Hexane, Ethyl acetate, Methanol and Water. The antibacterial activity was carried out against Escherchia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas aerugenosa by Disc diffussion method and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) by broth dilution method. The water extract was able to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis. Among the solvent extracts methanol extract was most effective against the tested micro organisms. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenols, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and terpenes.
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Phytochemicalsfrom the leavesof Pterospermumdiversifolium were extracted using different solvents of various polarity such as Hexane, Ethyl
acetate, Methanol and Water. The antibacterial activity was carried out against Escherchiacoli, Staphylococcusaureus,Bacillussubtilisand
abletoinhibitStaphylococcusaureusandBacillussubtilis.Amongthesolventextractsmethanolextractwas mosteffectiveagainstthetested micro
Overthe past few decades, there hasbeenmuch interest in natural
materials as source of new anti bacterial agents. Different extracts
from traditional medicinal plants have been tested. Many report s
showthe effectivenessoftraditional herbs againstmicro organisms
Shikonin and Camptothecin2.Plantshavebeenusedforthe
treatmentofdiseaseallover theworld beforethe adventofmodern
substance that can be used for   therapeutic purposes or as
precursor for the synthesis of novel useful drugs.Total of 50%
modern drugs are of natural products origin and as such these
natural products play an important role in drug development in
pharmaceuticalindustry.Useofplantasasourceofmedicine has
Phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activities of wild plants
was carried out by Jain4, Antibacterial activity of Andrographis
5,Coleusaromaticusby Subhash
9and Eucalyptuscamaldulensis by Ayepola and Adeniyi 10were
screening the crudeantibacterial activity has the potential ofbeing
compounds 6. Some organisms have developed resistance to the
existing antibiotics, therefore the development of bacterial
resistanceto thecurrently availableantibioticshas necessitatedthe
flowers belonging to family Sterculiaceae, is distributed in the
rich in tannin, are used in traditional medicine e.g. as poultice
againstitching, and to treat wounds, and taken internally totreat
dysentery. Leavesof Pterospermumdivesifoliumaregiventocattle
the Charmady region of the Western Ghats. The leaves were shade
dried, grinded into fine powder and stored in air tight polythene
methanol,ethyl acetate and hexane as solvents. The samples were
water for 4 hours in a water bath and the extract was filtered
through six layers of muslin cloth and centrifuged at 5000g for15
Theextractswereusedfor preliminaryscreeningofphytochemicals
such as alkaloids (Wagner and Dragendorff’s tests), flavonoids
(Shinda and Lead acetate  tests), Phenols (ellagic acid and Fecl3
tests), tannins (gelatin tests), saponins (foam tests), sterols
(Liberman‐Burchard and Salkowski tests) carbohydrates (Molishs
Pterospermumdiversifolium leaves were tested against Gram +ve
–veEscherichiacoliATCC 8739, and PseudomonasaeruginosaATCC
micro liter of over night grown culture of each organism was
dispensedinto 20ml ofsterilenutrient brothand incubatedfor4‐5
company,Mumbai,fifty mg of dried crudeextractwasdissolvedin
and  10µl of respective solvent extracts were added to the disc
individually and aseptically. After drying they were used for
Antibacterialassaywas carriedout bydisc diffusionmethod,13.For
this,0.1ml(10‐5 CFU/ml)of24hrsoldbacterialculturewasplaced
soakedwith plant extract was placedonthe surface of the medium
andincubated at37oC for24hrs.Antibacterial activity wasrecorded
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISSN- 0975-1491 Vol 3, Issue 2, 2011
usedas positive reference standard. Theentiretestwas performed
The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of methanol extract
was determined by broth dilution method of 14. The lowest
concentration of the plant extract inhibiting the visible growth of
Thepreliminary phytochemicalanalysis ofthe extractsrevealedthe
presence of saponins, glycosides, phenols and alkaloids in water
extract (Table.1). Terpenes, flavonoids, tannins, phenols and
saponinswere detected in methanol extract. Phenolsand saponins
The water and methanol extracts showed the maximum
antibacterial activity against all the four bacterial strains tested
(Table. 2). Antibacterial activity was higher against Gram +ve
bacteria compared to the Gram –ve bacteria. The highest
antibacterialactivitywas observed forthe Bacillussubtilis followed
by StaphylococcusaureusTherewasnoinhibitionbyethylacetate
andhexane extract against E.coliandPseudomonasaerugenosa.The
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration for methanol extract against
bacterial strains showed variation (Table.3.). The higher MIC w as
observed against Gram negative organism, Escherichiacoli (642
±42μg/ml) followed by Pseudomonasaerugenosa (648 ±26μg/ml).
The Minimum inhibitory concentration value for Gram positive
strains was minimal compared to Gram negative strains. The
Minimum Inhi bitory Concentration o f Bacillussubtilis was 320±26
µg/ml whereas Staphylococcusaureus it was 326±µg/ml.
Phenols + + ‐ +
Flavonoids ‐ + ‐
Tannins ‐ + ‐
Terpenes ‐ + + ‐
Saponins + + + +
Alkaloids + ‐
Glycosides + + ‐
S.aureus B.subtilis P.aeuroginosaE.coli
Water 8.3±0.5 17.9±2.1 5.9±1.2 5.2±1.3
Methanol 16.7±1.2 15.6±1.4 6.8±0.7 6.0±1.8
Ethylacetate 10.4±0.8 6.8±0.9 ‐ ‐
Hexane 2.6±0.5 12.3±1.5 ‐ ‐
Streptomycin(10µl/ml) 23.2±2.3 21.9±3.2 19.2±3.1 20.2±1.9
S.aureus 325±32
The increase of antibiotic resistance of microorganism to
differentstudiesprovideevidencethatsomemedicinal plantsmight
indeed bep otentialsource of new antibacterial agents .15Plantsare
important source of potentially useful structures for the
can be very good source of antibiotics against various bacterial
pathogen 16. Plant based antimicrobial compounds have enormous
therapeutics potential as they can serve the purpose without any
sideeffectsthatareoftenassociated with synthetic antibacterial
demonstrated the presence of phytochemicals like terpenes,
flavonoids,Phenolics,Saponins, Alkaloidsand glycosides.The plants
are rich in a wide variety of secondary metabolites which were
foundto have invitroantimicrobialproperties 17.The antimicrobial
activityfoundin the plant extracts have been attributed to some of
thesecondarymetabolites18,19.Thepresenceof phenoliccompounds
compounds are thought to be toxic to micro organisms, inhibiting
The antimicrobial activities of phenolic compounds may involve
multiple modes of action for eg, oils degrade the cell wall, in teract
membrane protein, interfere with membrane integrated
phospholipid constituents, impair enzymatic mechanismfor energy
production and metabolism, alter nutrient uptake and electron
In the disc diffusion antibacterial assay, methanolic and water
extracts of Pterospermumdiversifoliumleavesweremosteffective
aeruginosa). The MIC values were higher for Gram –ve strains
comparedto Gram +vestrains. These resultsare in agreementwith
attributedtothe significant differences in the outer layers of Gram
an outer membrane and a unique periplasmic space not found in
towards antibacterial substances is related to the hydrophilic
surfaceoftheiroutermembranewhich isrich inlipopolysaccha ride
molecules, presenting a barrier to the penetration of numerous
antibiotic molecules. The membrane is also associated with the
enzymes in the periplasmic space which are capable of breaking
The tested bacterial strains showed different pattern of inhibition.
account fort hehigher antibacterial activity of alcoholic extract are
the nature of biologically active compounds (alkal oids, flavonoids,
tannins  tri terpenoids which may be enhanced in the presence of
the extract) and stronger extraction capacity of alcohol  that may
yield a greater number of active constituents  responsible for the
The observation indicates the higher degree of solubility of the
activeprincipleinthe polarsolvents suchas waterand methanolas
higher   antibacterial activity was recorded in the polar solvent
Thea ntibacterialacti vityof Pterospermumdiversifoliumandnature
of active principles present in the extracts of this pant is
demonstrated for the first time against the pathogenic bacteria .
These results suggest the possible exploitation of this plant in th e
management of the infectious diseases. Further purification of the
extract may yield a novel antibacterial drug. Considering t he rich
diversity of plants, it is expected that screening and scientific
The authors acknowledge the help of   Dr. G. Krishna Kumar for
University Grant Commission for the Junior Research Fellowship
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antifungalsesquiterpenesdialdehyde.  Agricultural and
29. ShanB,CaiYZ,BrooksJDandCorkeH.Theinvitro
antibacterial activity of dietary spice and medicinal herb
extract. International journal of FoodMicrobiology. 2007;
30. Kalamba,DandKanickaA.Antibacterialandantifungal
properties of essential oils. Current Medicinal Chemistry.
31. Ghosh.A,Das.B,K,Roy.A,Mandal,.B,Chanda.antibacterial
activity of somemedicinal plants extracts. Journal of Natural
... Phase 1 was the analysis of Vernonia amygdalina leaf meal which was subjected to a standard chemical test for the detection of alkaloids, tannins, phenol, saponin, cardiac glycosides, terpenoids, and flavonoids. The powdered sample of Vernonia amygdalina leaf was carefully screened for alkaloids, tannin, saponin, phenol, and flavonoid by following the standard procedure described by Nagaraju et al. (2019), Hidayathula et al. (2011), Igbinosa et al. (2009 and Kaur et al. (2015). ...
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This study was aimed at determining the effect of Vernonia amygdalina leaf meal (VALM) extract in drinking water on the faecal microbial load on post-weaning diarrhea occurrence in piglets using different agar. Forty-five piglets of Large white X Duroc breed were given Vernonia amygdalina (VA) through water infusion. Three levels of 0.0g, 1.2g, and 2.4g of VA per 1000ml of clean drinking water designated as T1, T2, and T3 were used. Nine piglets weaned at different ages of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th week of age were randomly allotted to three treatments with each treatment replicated three times with a piglet per replicate in a completely randomized design. The different agar used are Macconkey Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar, and Nutrient Agar. These agars were used for 4days each to determine the faecal microbial load. The experiment lasted 28 days. Results showed that the bitter leaf contain high Alkaloids, medium Tannins, Saponins Flavonoids, and low amounts of Terpenoids and Phenols while Cardiac Glycosides were not determined. Bitter leaf showed the power of antibacterial activity for the reduction of faecal microbial load. Bitter leaf as a feed additive in the drinking water of piglets caused a significant (P<0.05) reduction in the faecal microbial load for piglets given 1.2g and 2.4g of VA per 1000ml of drinking water. It can be concluded that bitter leaf extract in drinking water can be used as phyto-additive for piglets to reduce faecal microbial load.
... Phytochemicals are secondary metabolites of plants and it has a great physiological value (Thirumurugan, 2010). Some drugs which are phytochemical such as caffeine, quinine, (Hidayathulla, 2011). Some phytochemicals such as alkaloid, glycosides, tannin, terpenoid also responsible for the anthelmintic activity (Suman, 2011). ...
The aim of this present study is to identify some phytochemicals and anthelmintic activity of the traditional plant Ruellia prostrata Poir. This plant is commonly known as Buno potpoti and traditionally used in Indian subcontinent especially in Bangladesh. The leaf juice of this plant along with the stem bark and leaf of Strychnos nux-vomica and leaf of Andrographis paniculata used to prevent the hair falling. Solvent extraction method was applied for the extraction of this plant. Methanol was used as a solvent in the solvent extraction process. Phytochemicals that present in this plant was identified by qualitative analysis. Among all of the phytochemicals tannin, saponin, protein, cardiac glycoside, terpenoid, flavonoid and phenol has been identified by this present study. Anthelmintic activity of this plant was performed according to the method of Ghosh et al.(2005). The method was applied to the parasite Paramphistomum cervi (Trematoda) that had been found in the gut wall of cow in Bangladesh. One concentration of plant extracts was used against the standard drug Albendazole for carrying out the extract have anthelmintic property or not. The result has been shown that methanolic extract has some phytochemicals and anthelmintic activity. For this scenario this plant extract could be carried for further study and could have a lead compound for anthelmintic effect.
... Menurut Hidayathulla et al. (2011), ekstraksi aquades, methanol, etil asetat, dan n-heksan akan menghasilkan larutan yang mengandung senyawa terpenoid, fenol dan alkaloid karena tingkat kepolaran pelarut yang digunakan sama, yaitu dari pelarut polar sampai semi polar atau non polar. Siswandono dan Soekardjo (1995), menyatakan bahwa turunan senyawa fenol akan berinteraksi dengan sel bakteri melalui proses adsorbsi yang melibatkan ikatan hidrogen dan dapat merubah permeabilitas membran sel. ...
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Growth Promoter Antibiotics are used to prevent disease and promote growth and production in poultry. Repeated admnistration of feed can have a microorganic resistance effect, accumulation of antibiotic residues in animal and environmental products and imbalance of normal microflora in the intestine. The antibacterial and carbohydrate content of some natural ingredients can be potential as a replacement candidate for AGP. This study aims to determine the role of a combination of wild ginger, honey, and probiotics (Bacillus subtilis and Lactobacillus acidophilus) as AGP candiate in Vitro. The antibacterial activity of the combination of wild ginger and honey against pathogens (E. coli) and their use against probiotics was tested by disk diffusion method, while the calculation of optical density values to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration was carried out on E. coli. The ability of inhibition of probiotics against pathogens is also done by the disk diffusion method. The disk diffusion test results showed the best combination was extract of 25% wild ginger aquades + 100% Lombok honey with inhibition zone diameter (8,53 ±, 03). Optical density values indicate this combination is able to inhibit and kill E. coli (DO 0,00 ±, 002) and support B. subtilis (DO 0,18 ±, 002) and L. acidophilus (DO 0.25 ±, 005) significantly better than positive control. MIC value of wild ginger aquades extract and honey combination against E. coli is wild ginger aquades extract 3.13% + Lombok honey 25%, while MBC value is wild ginger aquades extract 6,25% + Lombok honey 25%. The combination of B. subtilis and L. acidophilus showed the largest inhibitory zone diameter against E. coli (7,30 ±, 02 mm) compared to individual colonies. The combination of wild ginger and honey, in addition to inhibiting also able to kill pathogens and support the growth of probiotics, so this formula can be used as one of the replacement candidates for AGP.
... Several synthetic antibiotics are used in the treatment of infectious and communicable diseases (Murugan and Mohan, 2011) but synthetic chemicals which are used as therapeutic agents has some questionable side effects such as disrupting the natural intestinal micro flora (Hidayathulla et al., 2011), thus, depriving the benefits of these microbes to human body. This has led to a developing interest in considering the alternatives for their replacement (Yerra et al., 2005). ...
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Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) is widely known as velvet bean. Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activities of seed and leaf of the plant were extracted using methanol, ethanol, acetone, chloroform and aqueous as solvents and tested against six clinical pathogens; Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. The susceptibility test and MIC were determined using agar well dilution method. The qualitative phytochemical screening of the plant parts indicated a high content of flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins and carbohydrates in the seed while it indicated high content of terpenoids, glycosides and protein in the leaf. Quantitative phytochemical constituents revealed 0.702± 0.005mg and 0.964± 0.052 mg of total Phenols compound and total flavonoid content of 34.95± 4.18 and 43.52± 1.10mg of the leafs and seeds respectively. All plant extracts showed significant activity (p< 0.05) against all the test organisms except Candida albicans. The results revealed the extracts of the plant with methanol, ethanol, acetone and chloroform solvents showed more antimicrobial activities against test organisms with zone of inhibition ranging from 28mm-8mm compared to the aqueous extract at varied concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay showed that acetone had the lowest MIC values ≤ 31mg/ml for the test organisms followed by methanol, aqueous, chloroform and ethanol while the minimum bactericidal/fungicidal concentration assay showed that only the methanol seed extract of the plant at a concentration of 500mg/ml was able to exhibit bacterial activity against Escherichia coli while all other concentrations of the plant extract did not exert a bactericidal effect against the test organisms. The phytochemicals seen in Mucuna pruriens revealed it possess antimicrobial properties. Thus, the plant is a potential potent antimicrobial agent which should be greatly encouraged and used in treatment of infections caused by the organisms that showed activity to its extracts.
... Increased resistance of microorganisms to conventional drugs has necessitated the search for new efficient and cost effective ways for the control of infectious diseases [1]. This would trigger immense interest in the search for new antimicrobial drugs of plant origin [2]. ...
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Objective: Increasing prevalence of bacterial resistance has made an important public health issue in the modern world. Nowadays, many research efforts have been directed toward the development of drugs from medicinal plants for the treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms. Hence, the present attempt has been made to evaluate the bactericidal potency of traditional medicinal plant, Justicia adhatoda against selected clinical pathogens. Methods: Leaf extracts of J. adhatoda were subjected to standard phytochemical analyses by qualitative color tests to confirm the presence of active Phytoconstituents. Bactericidal potency of the leaf extracts of J. adhatoda was assessed by growth inhibition zone against Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus. Sensitivity of the tested bacterial strains was also checked with standard reference antibiotic vancomycin. Results: Qualitative phytochemical analyses revealed the presence of alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, anthraquinones, saponins, resins, glycosides, and phenols. Fourier-transform infrared spectrum confirmed the presence of phytochemicals belong to various functional groups such as alkenes, alkanes, aliphatic and aromatic amines, aldehydes, esters, alcohols, and phenols. Results on bactericidal efficacy demonstrated that solvents used in the present experiment showed higher activity in the order ethanol >ethyl acetate >chloroform >diethyl ether >methanol >acetone >water. Leaf extracts of J. adhatoda showed the higher activity for different clinical pathogens in the order of P. aeruginosa >B. cereus >E. coli >K. pneumoniae >S. aureus. Among the tested bacterial pathogens, B. cereus exhibited maximum susceptibility (18.33±0.94 mm) toward ethyl acetate extract. The maximum activity index (2.67±0.42) and fold area increase (6.31±2.24) were also observed against B. cereus for ethyl acetate extract. Conclusion: The present study revealed that J. adhatoda has broad spectrum of antibacterial activity and a potential source of antibacterial agents that could be useful for the control of infectious diseases.
... Separated compounds differ in their activity against test organism. Purification of separated compounds on TLC plates using different solvent systems was utilized, while polar solvents achieved higher antimicrobial activity compared to nonpolar solvents in accordance with [29]. ...
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Gastric diseases are increasing with the infection of Campylobacter jejuni. Late stages of infection lead to peptic ulcer and gastric carcinoma. C. jejuni infects people within different stages of their life, especially childhood, causing severe diarrhea; it infects around two-thirds of the world population. Due to bacterial resistance against standard antibiotic, a new strategy is needed to impede Campylobacter infections. Plants provide highly varied structures with antimicrobial use which are unlikely to be synthesized in laboratories. A special feature of higher plants is their ability to produce a great number of organic chemicals of high structural diversity, the so-called secondary metabolites. Twenty plants were screened to detect their antibacterial activities. Screening results showed that Rheum officinalis was the most efficient against C. jejuni. Fractionation pattern was obtained by column chromatography, while the purity test was done by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). %e chemical composition of bioactive compound was characterized using GC-MS, nuclear magnetic resonance, and infrared analysis. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the purified compound was 31.25μg/ml. Cytotoxicity assay on Vero cells was evaluated to be 497μg/ml. Furthermore, the purified bioactive compound activated human lymphocytesin vitro. %e data presented here show that Rheum officinalis could potentially be used in modern applications aimed at the treatment or prevention of foodborne diseases.
... They have versatile applications in treating chronic as well as infectious diseases affec ting mankind, which shows the immense potential of medicinal plants for use in various conventional systems (1). In modern medicine, highly marketed drugs such as artemisinin, quinine, and emetine are the best examples of pharmaceuticals derived from medicinal plants (2). Most of the drugs used in modern practice are very expensive for people living in developing countries, which gives a valuable tool for researchers to search for cheaper antibacterial substances from natural sources. ...
Context:Phytoconstituents of medicinal plants have been playing a key role in treating various diseases all over the world since ancient times. The present study was focused on preliminary analysis of phytoconstituents and evaluation of anthelmintic property (in vitro) of different extracts of Cayratia auriculata (Family: Vitaceae) against earthworms (Pheretima posthuma). Materials and methods:Four different hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Cayratia auriculata were screened for their phytoconstituents. Cayratia auriculata has been shown to have various phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, phenolic compounds, tannins, alkaloids, saponins, glycosides and steroids. Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Cayratia auriculata were analyzed for their anthelmintic property on earthworms (Pheretima posthuma). Each extract at three different concentrations (20 mg/mL, 40 mg/mL and 80 mg/mL) was analysed to evaluate the time taken for paralysis (P) and death (D) of adult earthworms. Albendazole was used as standard and 2% Tween 80 in distilled water as control at a concentration of 10 mg/mL. Results:Our study found that the methanolic extract of Cayratia auriculata at a concentration of 80 mg/mL [21.98±0.88 (P), 79.06±0.87(D)] expressed a stronger anthelmintic property than the standard albendazole (10 mg/mL) [26.73±0.56 (P), 87.70±0.91 (D)]. Conclusions:All extracts expressed a dose dependent anthelmintic activity, with an increasing pattern in the following order: hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol.
... Such resistance could be due to higher concentration of lipid in the cell wall 54 . Bacterial cell walls are commonly composed of lipopolysaccharides, lipoproteins and periplasms that are bonded to the peptidoglycans [55][56][57] . These lipopoly-saccharides in the cell wall serves as the bacteria defense system that only selectively allows foreign objects to pass through the cell wall 52 . ...
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Microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa have always been adaptable in surviving the harsh environment such as antimicrobial agents via the quorum sensing (QS) mechanism. Studies have shown that quorum sensing mechanism cases have been highly associated with foodborne illnesses. Since synthetic compounds such as azithromycin (AZM) are reported to have detrimental effects on human, using medicinal local plants have been gaining attention as an anti-quorum agent. The aim of this study was to determine the anti-quorum sensing activity of the Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. extract against P. aeruginosa ATCC35554 quorum sensing system including swarming motility, pyocyanin production and biofilm formation. The results indicated that the extract required a high concentration to inhibit and kill the P. aeruginosa with minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) values of 200 and >700 mg/mL, respectively. Thus, anti-quorum sensing assays were done in concentration up to 200 mg/mL. The inhibition of quorum sensing activity of C. xanthorrhiza Roxb. extract on P. aeruginosa quorum sensing was concentration dependent manner. At 200 mg/mL of the extract exhibited 72.12% reduction of swarming motility, 84.30% inhibition of the pyocyanin production and 78.35% reduction in the biofilm formation. In conclusion the crude extract of C. xanthorrhiza Roxb. extract has ability to reduce the virulence factors; swarming motility, pyocyanin production and biofilm formation regulated by quorum sensing. Thus, the extract C. xanthorrhiza Roxb. extract has anti-quorum sensing or quorum quenching activity.
The present investigation was to find out efficacy of Mucuna pruriens (M. pruriens) seeds. The antimicrobial activity of methanol and aqueous extract of M. pruriens seeds was determined by well diffusion method with ATCC strains of gram positive and gram negative bacteria clinical strains of multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae, and clinical strains of Candida albicans. It was observed that both the aqueous and the methanol extract of M. pruriens seeds had antibacterial activity against all the ATCC bacterial strains. The MDR strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae was resistant to both aqueous and methanol extract of M. pruriens seed. Antifungal activity against Candida albicans was exhibited by both aqueous and methanol extracts of M. pruriens seed.
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Pterospermum javanicum Jungh. (Bayur) is a species belongs to the Pterospermum genera (Malvaceae). Several species of Pterospermum had been reported for their ethnobotanical usage, but the studies about ethnobotany information of Bayur and its secondary metabolite compounds were still limited which have been published. This study aimed to observe the ethnobotanical usage of Bayur and to examine the phytochemical contents of the acetone extract of Bayur flower from West Lombok. The ethnobotany information of Bayur was obtained through interviews with local people and more information on the ethnobotanical records of P. javanicum (Bayur) was conducted by reviewing the scientific literature. The chemical compounds of Bayur flower were analysed by the GC-MS method. The results revealed that Bayur was used by the Sasak community around Gunung Rinjani National Park West Lombok for various purposes, such as traditional medicines, beverages, rigging, and building material. The phytochemical analysis showed that the acetone extract of Bayur flower from West Lombok contained 38 identified chemical components, representing 93.78% of the total compounds. The major contents of them were Lupeyl acetate (10.68%), p-n-Amylphenol (8.16%), Lauric acid (7.31%), N-(Methyl-d2)- Aniline (5,82%), and Pentanal (5.07%). This report was the first publication about the phytochemical contents of Bayur flower. It is expected that this study gives further information on the potentials of Bayur, especially about its secondary metabolite to support and prove the truth of the cultural concept of society in utilizing Bayur as a medicinal plant.
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The main aim of this study was to find out the antibacterial activity of Ethanol and hot water leaf extracts of Coleus aromaticus (Family: Lamiaceae). For antibacterial test, Disc diffusion technique was used against 3 Gram positive and 2 Gram negative human pathogenic bacteria. Both the extract showed broad spectrum of inhibition by showing antibacterial effect for both Gram positive and Gram negative human pathogen bacterial strains. The zone of inhibition ranged from 9 to 14 mm for Hot water Coleus aromaticus (HWCA) extract and 16 - 27 mm for Ethenolic Coleus aromaticus (ECA) extract for 100 μg concentration. Both extracts showed potent antibacterial activity, of which the ethanol extract demonstrated the strongest antibacterial activity with the MIC value of 25 - 39 μg/ml where as water extract showed around 46 - 62 μg/ml, where E.coli showed maximum inhibition against the extract. The results exhibits the scientific evidence for the centuries-old usage of this plant as a medicinal herb.
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Many cyclic hydrocarbons, e.g. aromatics, cycloalkanes, and terpenes, are toxic to microorganisms. The primary site of the toxic action is probably the cytoplasmic membrane, but the mechanism of the toxicity is still poorly understood. The effects of cyclic hydrocarbons were studied in liposomes prepared from Escherichia coli phospholipids. The membrane-buffer partition coefficients of the cyclic hydrocarbons revealed that these lipophilic compounds preferentially reside in the membrane. The partition coefficients closely correlated with the partition coefficients of these compounds in a standard octanol-water system. The accumulation of hydro carbon molecules resulted in swelling of the membrane bilayer, as assessed by the release of fluorescence self-quenching of fluorescent fatty acid and phospholipid analogs. Parallel to the expansion of the membrane, an increase in membrane fluidity was observed. These effects on the integrity of the membrane caused an increased passive flux of protons and carboxyfluorescein. In cytochrome c oxidase containing proteoliposomes, both components of the proton motive force, the pH gradient and the electrical potential, were dissipated with increasing concentrations of cyclic hydrocarbons. The dissipating effect was primarily the result of an increased permeability of the membrane for protons (ions). At higher concentrations, cytochrome c oxidase was also inactivated. The effective concentrations of the different cyclic hydrocarbons correlated with their partition coefficients between the membrane and aqueous phase. The impairment of microbial activity by the cyclic hydrocarbons most likely results from hydrophobic interaction with the membrane, which affects the functioning of the membrane and membrane-embedded proteins.
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The antibacterial activity of the leaf extracts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis was studied against Klebsiella spp, Salmonella typhi, Yersinia enterocolitica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative), Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis by the agar diffusion method. The methanol extract, dichloromethane fraction and methanol residue at 10mg mL displayed broad spectrum activity against -1 all the test organisms but the petroleum ether fraction showed no activity. The antibacterial activity of the extracts was compared to the drug gentamycin. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of the methanol extract and dichloromethane fraction determined by the agar dilution method ranged between 0.04 and 10mg mL with that of Bacillus subtilis being the least. Phytochemical screening of the plant revealed -1 the presence of tannins, saponins and cardiac glycosides. The results of this study support the traditional use of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves as an antibacterial agent.
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Since ancient times, plants are being used as medicines, foods, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals by large number of tribal, rural and urban people. India has more than 300 tribal communities. In Maharashtra, there are 20 major tribes. Though, there has been good research work on tribals of India including Maharashtra, some of the tribes, and tribal region of Maharashtra have not received proper attention of researchers. Bhilla tribe is one of them and they are inhabited in Dhule, Jalgaon and Nandurbar districts of Maharashtra. Therefore, survey of ethnomedicinal plants used by Bhilla tribe was undertaken. Analysis of data revealed that a total number of 127 plants species belonging to 116 genera and 59 families of flowering plants, and ferns are being used by Bhilla tribe for medicinal purposes. Out of 127 species used by them, 27 species are new reports of less known uses of medicinal plants from this region.
INTRODUCTION Despite the use of wide range of food preservatives and post harvest technology, food poisoning is a major concern even today for both consumers and the food industry. Considerable amount of food is spoiled due to the non availability of effective preservatives and also due to increasing antibiotic resistance of some food borne pathogens. There has been increasing interest in the development of new types of effective natural and non-toxic plant based antimicrobial compounds [1]. Spices and medicinal herbs were in use since ancient times, not only as flavouring agents, also as folk medicine and food preservatives [2 -4]. In addition to imparting characteristic flavours, certain spices and medicinal herbs prolong the shelf life of foods by preventing rancidity through their antioxidant activity [5]. The extracts of many plants have become popular in recent years and attempt to characterize their bioactive principles have gained momentum for varied pharmaceutical and food processing applications. Many studies have reported that phenolic compounds contribute to their antioxidant and pharmaceutical properties [4]. Phenolic compounds present in spices might also play a major role in their antimicrobial effects [6]. Cinnamomum is an ancient spice for modern health. Cinnamomum bark oil possesses the aroma of the spice and a sweet pungent taste. It is employed mainly in the flavouring industry where it is used in meat and fast food seasonings, sauces, pickles etc., and also in pharmaceutical preparations. Cinnamaldehyde (75%) and Camphor (56%) are the major constituents of Cinnamomum in stem bark and roots. Cinnamomum leaf oil is a valued source of eugenol (90%) with phenols 78-95% and aldehyde 5%. The present study was undertaken to evaluate some wild species for phenolic constituents and antibacterial activity. MATERIALS AND METHOD Plant material Matured leaves of different species of Cinnamomum were collected from different location in Western Ghats of Karnataka and neighboring states. Vouchered specimens have been deposited in the herbarium, Botany Department Karnataka Science Collage, Dharwad. The scientific names, place of collection and parts tested of four Cinnamomum species are detailed in Table 1. Microorganisms and culture ABSTRACT The in vitro antibacterial activities of leaf extracts (Benzene, methanol, chloroform, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether) from Cinnamomum species, a spice and medicinal plant were investigated by agar-well diffusion method against five food borne and pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtitlis, Salmonella typhi (typhoid), Pseudomonas eeruginosa and Eschirichia coli. Leaf extracts contained high level of phenols and exhibit antibacterial activity against all five tested pathogens. This suggested that the phenolic constituents of the tested extracts are closely associated with antibacterial activity.
The methanol leaf extracts of Acacia nilotica, Sida cordifolia, Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somnifer and Ziziphus mauritiana showed significant antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Staphylococcus aureus and Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum and antifungal activity against Aspergillus flavus, Dreschlera turcica and Fusarium verticillioides when compare to root/ bark extracts. A. nilotica and S. cordifolia leaf extract showed highest antibacterial activity against B. subtilis. and Z. mauritiana leaf extract showed significant activity against X. a. pv. malvacearum. Root and leaf extract of S. cordifolia recorded significant activity against all the test bacteria. A. nilotica bark and leaf extract showed significant antifungal activity against A. flavus , Ziziphus mauritiana and Tinospora cordifolia recorded significant antifungal activity against D. turcica The methanol extract of Sida cordifolia exhibited significant antifungal activity against F. verticillioides.