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The Role of Endophytic Fungi in the Anticancer Activity of Morinda citrifolia Linn. (Noni)


Abstract and Figures

We hypothesize that the fungal endophytes of noni may possibly play a role in its overall pharmacological repertoire, especially since the perceived efficacy of the fruit in ethnomedicinal use is associated with the fermented juice. The foremost goal of this study is to explore the role of endophyte-derived secondary metabolites in the purported anticancer properties of noni. To that end, culturable endophytic fungi resident within the healthy leaves and fruit of the plant were isolated and identified by molecular sequence analysis of the 5.8S gene and internal transcribed spacers (ITS). Purified organisms were subjected to in vitro fermentation in malt extract broth for 8 weeks under anaerobic conditions at room temperature (25°C), in order to simulate the conditions under which traditional fermented noni juice is prepared. The cytotoxic potential of organic extracts derived from the fermented broths of individual endophytes was then tested against three major cancers that afflict humans. Twelve distinct endophytic fungal species were obtained from the leaves and 3 from the fruit. Three of the leaf endophytes inhibited the growth of human carcinoma cell lines LU-1 (lung), PC-3 (prostate), and MCF-7 (breast) with IC50 values of ≤10 g/mL.
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Research Article
The Role of Endophytic Fungi in the Anticancer Activity of
Morinda citrifolia Linn. (Noni)
Yougen Wu,1,2 Sisay Girmay,1Vitor Martins da Silva,1Brian Perry,3,4
Xinwen Hu,2and Ghee T. Tan1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Daniel K. Inouye College of Pharmacy, University of Hawaii at Hilo,
Hilo, HI 96720, USA
2Key Laboratory of Protection, Development and Utilization of Tropical Crop Germplasm Resources of Ministry of Education,
College of Horticulture and Landscape, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
3Department of Biology, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
Correspondence should be addressed to Ghee T. Tan;
Received  September ; Accepted  October 
Academic Editor: Abid Hamid
Copyright ©  Yougen Wu et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
We hypothesize that the fungal endophytes of noni may possibly play a role in its overall pharmacological repertoire, especially
since the perceived ecacy of the fruit in ethnomedicinal use is associated with the fermented juice. e foremost goal of this
study is to explore the role of endophyte-derived secondary metabolites in the purported anticancer properties of noni. To that
end, culturable endophytic fungi resident within the healthy leaves and fruit of the plant were isolated and identied by molecular
sequence analysis of the .S gene and internal transcribed spacers (ITS). Puried organisms were subjected to in vitro fermentation
in malt extract broth for  weeks under anaerobic conditions at room temperature (C), in order to simulate the conditions under
which traditional fermented noni juice is prepared. e cytotoxic potential of organic extracts derived from the fermented broths
of individual endophytes was then tested against three major cancers that aict humans. Twelve distinct endophytic fungal species
were obtained from the leaves and  from the fruit. ree of the leaf endophytes inhibited the growth of human carcinoma cell lines
LU- (lung), PC- (prostate), and MCF- (breast) with IC50 values of  𝜇g/mL.
1. Introduction
Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae) is a medicinal plant that
has survived the test of millennia. It is best known by its
Polynesian vernacular name, noni. e small evergreen tree
is native to Southeast Asia but pantropical in its distribution.
Noni has attained cross-cultural relevance as both a dietary
supplement and a complementary and alternative herbal
treatment for indications such as cancer, inammation, and
diabetes []. Noni is included in the traditional pharma-
copoeias of Polynesia, South and Southeast Asia, North-
eastern Australia, and the Caribbean, where it is embraced
for a wide variety of ailments ranging from infections to
cancer []. Its popularity in today’s herbal market may be
attributed, in part, to claims of noni being a panacea for a
vast array of chronic conditions including arthritis, diabetes,
and hypertension [, ]. While the fruit, ower, bark, and
root of Morinda citrifolia have all been employed for diverse
medicinal purposes, the leaves are associated with the most
prevalent traditional use predominantly as a topical remedy
for sores, cuts, and inammation. e current popular use
of the juice of the noni fruit bears less correlation with
traditional Polynesian practices.
e enduring ethnomedicinal uses and economic impor-
tance of noni have provided impetus for studies that aim
to verify the diverse therapeutic and nutritional claims
attributed to the plant. Despite the fact that more than 
secondary metabolites have been isolated from noni [, ], the
pharmacological signicance of these phytochemical con-
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2015, Article ID 393960, 8 pages
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
to be unraveled. Anecdotal evidence, personal testimonials,
and case reports of quality of life improvements and the
overall life-extending eect of noni fruit juice in individuals
aicted with cancer [] are too numerous to dismiss. Cell
culture assays demonstrated the antiproliferative [], ras-
inhibiting [], antiapoptotic [], antiangiogenic [], cancer
chemopreventive [–], and immunomodulatory [, ]
properties of extracts derived from the leaf and fruit of
noni. In vivo endpoints obtained in rodent models have, for
the most part, corroborated these in vitro observations [].
However, a Phase I clinical trial of freeze-dried noni fruit
extract has failed to establish antitumor ecacy in cancer
Cancer patients continue to consume noni juice based on its
purported usefulness despite the lack of clinical evidence to
support these claims.
Commercial and traditional preparations alike lack stan-
dardization and clarity in terms of the actual process by
which the noni juice is prepared; processing variables that
are critical to the stability and viability of the preparation
are also the primary factors that will ultimately aect the
potency of the nished product. It is oen unclear if the
noni juice is fresh or fermented and whether pasteurization
is involved. Indeed, the length of time fermentation allowed
to occur may well aect the potency of the nal product, while
pasteurization may conceivably destroy labile constituents
and/or benecial microbes. e incompletely dened nature
of “noni fruit juice” compromises the reproducibility of
studies utilizing these preparations and limiting the extent
and depth to which the results may be interpreted and
analyzed. e fact that noni fruit is commercially available
in a variety of forms, whether dried and powdered, freeze-
dried, or juiced and bottled, in a variety of concentrations
with/without other additives, further confounds the issue by
thickening the veil of obscurity that surrounds the processing
of the fruit.
ized, they must eectively capture and translate the precise
cultural, if not ethnomedicinal, method of preparation and
tional means of preparing noni in Hawai’i is fermentation
[]. Consensus information gathered suggests that tradi-
tional noni juice is noni juice fermented at room tem-
perature in a tightly sealed glass container for – weeks
( juices.asp) with or
without the addition of a minimal amount of water. In
line with this cultural practice, and in accordance with
anecdotal evidence, fermented and unpasteurized noni juice
is the mainstay of claims and testimonials that attest to the
ecacy of noni as an alternative and/or synergistic treatment
modality for cancer.
In an attempt to investigate the involvement of microor-
ganisms in the widely held medicinal properties of the
resident within the leaf and fruit of the plant were isolated
and identied by molecular sequence analysis of the internal
transcribed spacer (ITS) region encompassing the .S large
ribosomal subunit gene. Puried organisms were allowed
to “ferment” in regular microbiological media for  weeks
under anaerobic conditions at room temperature, in order to
simulate the conditions under which traditional fermented
noni juice is prepared. It is plausible that compounds from the
secondary metabolism of endophytic microorganisms may
contribute to the claimed anticancer activities of fermented
as yet, unidentied mechanisms in vivo. Fungal endophytes
establish stable symbiotic association with their plant host
by commensalistic, parasitic, or mutualistic means without
causing immediate overt eects. As a result of this intimate
relationship, endophytic microorganisms and plants share
fer and secondary metabolite production. Indeed, endophytic
if not identical, compounds []. Although these compounds
may be synthesized in extremely minute yields in nature,
it is conceivable that amplication may be achieved with
the isolation, genetic stabilization, and scale-up of these
endophytic microorganisms.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Collection of Plant Tissue and Isolation of Endophytic
Fungi. Leaf and fruit samples from the ubiquitous noni tree
were collected from residential yards situated within the city
in Hilo, HI, with the permission of the owners. is collection
methodology is consistent with the process of noni juice
preparation by the general population for local consumption.
In order to ensure the true endophytic nature of isolates
obtained, healthy and mature noni leaf and fruit materials
tion. Leaves and fruits were picked from the tree, washed
thoroughly in ddH2O, and dried on a paper towel. Surface
sterilization of leaf and fruit pieces was initiated by successive
immersion in % EtOH (s) and % NaClO solution
( min). Finally, the leaf and fruit pieces were submerged in
% EtOH for  min and le to dry in sterile petri dishes. An
EtOH and ame-sterilized hole puncher was used to excise 
circular leaf discs from each leaf, while fruit pieces were diced
with a sterile scalpel to expose fresh tissue surfaces for fungal
isolation. Leaf discs and fruit pieces were transferred onto
the surface of standard % (w/v) MycoMedia malt extract
agar (MEA) supplemented with gentamycin (Fungi Perfecti)
and % potato dextrose agar (PDA) (Oxoid, UK). Plates
were sealed with Paralm and incubated in partial daylight
at room temperature (C) for – weeks. Morphologically
distinct mycelia emanating from the peripheral edge of all
leaf discs and fruit pieces were individually subcultured by
in vitro hyphal tip transfer and maintained on MEA and
PDA. Cultures were propagated and puried by continuous
subculture on % (w/v) MEA and % (w/v) PDA. Pure and
viable endophyte isolates from the earliest passages were
with sterilized mineral oil. Stock cultures are held at Cand
maintained in the culture collection of the Daniel K. Inouye
College of Pharmacy, University of Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, HI.
e purity of cultures was conrmed by DNA sequencing of
the ITS regions of the isolates as described below.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
2.2. Endophyte DNA Isolation, Amplication, and Sequenc-
ing. e total genomic DNA of all isolates was extracted
from – 𝜇g of wet mycelial material using the EZNA
Fungal DNA Mini Kit (Omega Bio-Tek). e ribosomal ITS
region encompassing the .S rDNA was amplied by poly-
merase chain reaction (PCR) using the universal primer pair
( 𝜇L) contained approximately - 𝜇g/mL genomic DNA,
. 𝜇M of each primer, . mM of each deoxyribonucleotide
triphosphate (dNTP), . 𝜇L of x FastStart PCR buer with
 mM MgCl2,and.UofFastStartTaqDNApolymerase
(Roche Applied Science). Other components of the PCR
reaction buer (pH ., C) consisted of  mM Tris/HCl,
 mM KCl, and  mM (NH4)2SO4.PCRwasperformed
in a C ermal Cycler (Bio-Rad) using the following
program:  min initial denaturation at C, followed by 
cycles of  s denaturation at C,  s primer annealing
at C,  s extension at C, and a nal  min exten-
sion at C.PCRproductswereanalyzedby.%(w/v)
agarose gel electrophoresis with ethidium bromide staining
and visualization under UV light. Unused primers and
excess nucleotides were removed by adding  𝜇LExoSAP-
IT (Aymetrix) directly to the PCR reaction and incubating
at C for  mins, aer which the exonuclease I/shrimp
alkaline phosphatase mixture was inactivated by heating
at C for  min. e PCR mixtures were subsequently
puried using the QIAquick PCR Purication Kit (QIA-
GEN) and quantitated using the BioSpec Nanodrop (Shi-
madzu Biotech). Puried DNA (. ng/𝜇L) was sequenced
with the xl DNA Analyzer -Well Capillary Sequencer
(Applied Biosystems) using either ITSF or ITS primer,
each at a nal concentration of . 𝜇M. Cycle sequencing
was performed using uorescently labeled ddNTP (BigDye
Terminator) chemistry. All DNA electropherograms were
scrutinized, aer which sequences were manually edited and
trimmed with Sequencher (Gene Codes Corporation) to
remove predictable regions of poor quality read at the distal
ends of all sequences. Replicate sequences (–) obtained
from dierent passages of the same endophyte culture were
also aligned in order to generate high quality consensus
reads for identication purposes. In addition, forward and
reverse complementarity sequences were also matched for
base call verication. Query sequences from the endophytes
of Morinda citrifolia were used to retrieve similar sequences
from the databases of the International Nucleotide Sequence
Database (INSD) Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ)
through pairwise alignments facilitated by the nucleotide
Basic Local Alignment and Search Tool (BLASTn) interface
oered by the National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI, Accession numbers
were obtained aer the deposition of the newly generated
sequences in the GenBank database (Table ).
2.3. Culture Fermentation and Extraction of Secondary
Metabolites. Each pure endophyte was inoculated into mL
of % (v/v) malt extract broth (Oxoid, UK) in mL
polypropylene tubes. Tubes were capped tightly simulating
the traditional method of preparation of noni juice and gently
at room temperature (C) in partial daylight. Genomic
DNA was extracted from the mycelial growth present in each
tube for genotyping by PCR amplication of the ITS region,
followed by DNA sequencing. e tubes were centrifuged
aer which the spent culture supernatantwas extracted twice
over  hrs with equal volumes ( mL) of ethyl acetate
(EtOAc). Mycelial mass was also sonicated with mL EtOAc
for  mins, aer which the organic phase was combined
with the bulk EtOAc extract of the broth and evaporated to
dryness under vacuo at C. e dried organic extracts were
dissolved in DMSO at  mg/mL and tested for cytotoxicity
against a panel of human cancer cell lines at the highest
concentration of  𝜇g/mL. Fresh and unfermented malt
extract broth itself was also extracted following the above
procedure in order to provide a control for the eects of broth
2.4. Sulforhodamine (SRB) Assay for Cytotoxicity. Human
carcinoma cells of the breast (MCF-), prostate (PC-), and
lung (LU-) were cultured in complete DMEM supplemented
with % (v/v) heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum and
% penicillin/streptomycin. Cultures were incubated in a
humidied atmosphere of % CO2at C.
A standard protocol for the assessment of cellular toxicity
measures the ability of cultured cells to proliferate in the
presence of a test extract and subsequently quantitates total
protein content with sulforhodamine B dye as a measure of
thepercentageofsurvivingcells[].Cells(×4/mL in
 𝜇L of media) were added to the wells of a microplate
containing test samples ( 𝜇L).Attheendoftheassay(d),
cells were xed to the plastic substratum by the addition of
cold % (v/v) aqueous trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Plates
were then incubated at C for  min, washed with tap water
(x), and air-dried. e TCA-xed cells were stained with
.% (w/v) sulforhodamine B (SRB) dissolved in % (v/v)
aqueous acetic acid for  min. Free SRB dye was removed by
washing with % (v/v) aqueous acetic acid (x). Plates were
then air-dried. Bound dye was solubilized by the addition of
 mM unbuered Tris base, pH  ( 𝜇L). Plates were then
placed on an orbital shaker for  min, aer which absorption
(Abs) data was determined at nm using the VICTOR
X Multilabel Plate Reader equipped with the WorkOut .
soware for data acquisition and analysis. In each case, a zero-
day control was performed by adding an equivalent number
of cells to several wells of the microplate and incubating
at Cformin.ecellswerethenxedwithTCA
and processed as described above. Abs values generated
by each dose-response treatment procedure were averaged
over triplicate wells, and the average Abs (Absav)valuewas
obtained by subtracting the zero day control. e resulting
Absav values were then normalized as a percentage relative
to the solvent-treated control incubations. e nal DMSO
concentration in all test wells was .% (v/v). IC50 (median
inhibitory concentration) values were then calculated using
nonlinear regression analysis of plots of % survival versus
concentration. e standard cytotoxic agent, ellipticine, was
used as the toxicity control. All endophyte extracts were
evaluated at the highest concentration of  𝜇g/mL, with
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Culturable fungal endophytes from Morinda citrifolia Linn. (noni).
Code Accession number Closest (published) Genbank match
reference sequence
Accession number
Max identity
Noni leaf endophytes
MRL-A KF Stemphylium solani AF %
MRL- KFFusarium sp.
(anamorphic Gibberella)EU %
MRL-- KF Acremonium sp. GU %
MRL- KF Didymellaceae sp.HM %
MRL- KF Hypocreales sp.
IXLP KF Guignardia sp. AB %
VIIILP- KF Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
(anamorphic Glomerella cingulata)DQ %
XILP- KF Colletotrichum boninense complex JQ %
VIIILP KF Leptosphaerulina australis JN %
XILP KF Mycosphaerella sp. HM %
XILP KF Xylariaceae sp. JX %
XIILP- KF Aspergillus pseudodeectus
(anamorphic Emericella)EF %
Noni fruit endophytes
XSM KF Phlebiopsis sp. JQ %
VIIIfP KF Paraconiothyrium sporulosum AB %
IIfP KF Phomopsis sp.
(anamorphic Diaporthe)GQ %
follow-up dose response determinations over ve -fold serial
dilutions where necessary. All IC50 values represent the
average of at least three independent experiments performed
in triplicate.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Isolation of Endophytic Fungi from Morinda citrifolia
Linn. Six separate attempts to isolate noni endophytes were
carried out over a span of more than a year. A total of thirty
isolates of culturable endophytic fungi were obtained on malt
extract agar (MEA) and potato dextrose agar (PDA). Each
isolate was subcultured and puried by successive hyphal
tip transfer over - passages, aer which PCR amplication
all cultures. Genomic DNA was extracted from pure cultures
and sequenced to enable identication of the endophytes
based on the sequence of the ribosomal ITS region. As a
quality control measure, the ITS genotype of all fungi in broth
cultures was conrmed to be identical to that of endophytes
originally isolated on solid nutrient media. A total of 
unique endophytic fungal species were obtained:  from noni
fruits and  from noni leaves (Table ). e survey revealed
cota in the healthy mature leaves of noni. ree additional
genera occurred in noni fruits inclusive of a genus from the
Basidiomycota (Phlebiopsis sp.). In addition to saprobes, all
genera encountered contain economically important species
that are pathogenic in association with other plant hosts, but
there have been no reports of virulence to the commercially
signicant M. citrifolia per se, except for certain species of
Colletotrichum and Guignardia which are established noni
pathogens (; their
presence in healthy plants is possibly representing a latent
and asymptomatic infection. A total of  genera belonging
to  dierent families are, therefore, represented. Phlebiopsis
sp. (Polyporales) is the only Basidiomycete isolated in this
study. e remaining endophytes belong to  dierent classes
(Sordariomycetes, Dothideomycetes, and Eurotiomycetes) in
the Ascomycota (Table ).
Several endophytes were isolated on more than one occa-
sion, with an average of - unique endophytes obtained per
isolation attempt using both MEA and PDA. Colletotrichum
gloeosporioides and C. boninense complex were reproducibly
isolated on multiple occasions possibly reecting the high
concentration and/or wide occurrence of this endophyte.
In addition, all endophytes obtained in this study have
previously been reported to exist in endophytic relationships
with other host plants.
3.2. Molecular Identication of Endophytes. e paucity of
discriminatory morphological and physiological character-
istics for reliable species identication renders genotypic
methods superior to phenotypic and biochemical techniques.
e internal transcribed spacers, ITS and ITS, are non-
functional RNA sequences situated between structural rRNA
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
T : Cytotoxic activities (IC50) of fungal endophyte extracts against three human cancer cell lines.
Code Genbank match Order >family IC50 (𝜇g/mL)[a]
Noni leaf
MRL-A Stemphylium solani Pleosporales >Pleosporaceae 425
MRL- Fusarium sp.
(anamorphic Gibberella)Hypocreales >Nectriaceae > > >
MRL-- Acremonium sp. Hypocreales >Hypocreaceae > > >
MRL- Didymellaceae sp.Pleosporales >Didymellaceae > > >
MRL- Hypocreales sp. Hypocreales > > >
IXLP Guignardia sp. Botryosphaeriales >Botryosphaeriaceae > > >
VIIILP- Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
(anamorphic Glomerella cingulata)Glomerellales >Glomerellaceae > > >
XILP- Colletotrichum boninense complex Glomerellales >Glomerellaceae > > >
VIIILP Leptosphaerulina australis Pleosporales >Didymellaceae 4 0.6 0.4
XILP Mycosphaerella sp. Capnodiales >Mycosphaerellaceae > > >
XILP Xylariaceae sp. Xylariales >Xylariaceae 51010
XIILP- Aspergillus pseudodeectus
(anamorphic Emericella)Eurotiales >Trichocomaceae > > >
Noni fruit
XSM Phlebiopsis sp. Polyporales >Phanerochaetaceae > > >
VIIIfP Paraconiothyrium sporulosum Pleosporales >Montagnulaceae > > >
IIfP Phomopsis sp.
(anamorphic Diaporthe)Diaporthales >Valsaceae > > >
Positive control
(ellipticine) . ±. . ±. . ±.
[a]e IC50 value is dened as the concentration of extract required to produce %reduction in viability compared to the standard cytotoxic agent, ellipticine.
All fungal extracts were tested in triplicate, and IC50 values were calculated from the mean dose-response curves. IC50 values represent the average over
triplicate experiments performed with three successive passages of the same endophyte.
[b]LU-, human lung adenocarcinoma.
[c]MCF-, human mammary adenocarcinoma.
[d]PC-, human prostate adenocarcinoma.
that are ultimately excised during maturation of the poly-
cistronic pre-rRNA transcript. e ribosomal DNA region
spanning ITS and ITS and the intercalary .S rRNA has
been employed in the molecular systematics of fungi at the
species level, and even within species, because of the optimal
degree of variation and resolution that it oers compared to
other genic regions of rDNA. Indeed, the ITS region of the
for molecular identication in many groups of fungi [, ].
e culturable endophytes of noni were discriminated
to species level where possible through DNA sequencing of
the nuclear ribosomal ITS region coupled with BLAST-based
similarity searches against existing INSDC databases. BLAST
of equivalent read length and uncompromised technical
quality. Both BLAST Query coverage and Maximum Identity
values of % were adopted for identication purposes. In
addition, best matches in similarity sequences were associ-
ated with high BLAST quality scores (– bits) and
Expect values of zero. Published sequences were assigned
greater weight as reference sequences. We consistently obtain
agreement among the top ranking BLAST matches for each
endophyte; this served to increase the condence level of the
taxonomic assignment.
BLAST queries with ITS sequences of the noni leaf and
fruit isolates revealed highest similarities to the endophytic
fungi listed in Table . Anamorphic and teleomorphic forms
of the endophytes, in addition to synonyms, are frequently
and systematic approach adopted, a few isolates could not
be assigned to species level due to the absence of relevant
and denitive Genbank records. Furthermore, assignments
to species level employing a heuristic search function such
as BLAST and a database of nominally curated public
sequences cannot be expected to be unambiguous. Species
names were avoided except in cases where an overwhelming
number of published records suggest a particular fungal
individual. Noni endophytes that retrieved Genbank matches
with Query cover and Identity values of <% (but with
Expect values of ) were assigned to taxons higher than
the Genus level (Didymellaceae sp., Xylariaceae sp., and
Hypocreales sp.).
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
e use of primers ITSF and ITS in fungal genomic
PCR amplication typically produces amplicons –bp
in length containing the variable ITS ( bp) and ITS
( bp) regions of the rDNA gene cluster anking the
highly conserved .S rDNA ( bp). Amplications of the
ITS region using this universal primer pair resulted in a
single PCR product of approximately  bp for all the noni
endophytes isolated except Paraconiothyrium sporulosum
(VIIIfP). e length increase to , bp of the amplicon
an intragenic insertion in the S rDNA of  nucleotides.
of the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the ITS
regions of other reference intron-containing and non-intron-
containing Paraconiothyrium sporulosum isolates occurring
among the top  BLAST matches for VIIIfP. Indeed, the
SSU rDNA from lichen-forming and other ascomycetous
fungi frequently contain Group I introns in conserved regions
3.3. Cytotoxicity of Noni Juice and Endophytic Fungal Extracts.
Fermented noni juice, with or without pasteurization, exhib-
ited only weak in vitro cytotoxic eects against the cancer cell
50 values obtained were well below
the activity threshold dened by the National Cancer Institute
of the US (viz.  𝜇g/mL for a crude extract). Fresh noni juice
itself was also found to be noncytotoxic. Noni preparations
that were not laboratory-processed were deemed to be too
dilute to enable the in vitro detection of cytotoxic constituents
by cell culture methods. In eect, sugars and other nutritional
components in these juice preparations were observed to
promote the growth of cultured cancer cells.
Fermented malt extract broths ( mL) typically yielded
- mg of dried EtOAc extract aer – weeks of endophyte
growth, mgofwhichmaybeattributedtothesolvent-
extractable constituents of the broth itself. e latter was
shown to be noncytotoxic to all the cancer cell lines tested
at a concentration of  𝜇g/mL. e EtOAc extracts of
all endophytic fungi isolated were noncytotoxic (IC50 >
 𝜇g/mL) to the cancer cell lines examined except for
the leaf endophytes Stemphylium solani,Leptosphaerulina
australis, and Xyl a r ia sp. (Table ). IC50 values obtained were
reproducible over three successive passages of the fungi. e
fermentation eects of all endophytes isolated on fresh noni
juice itself, or on culture media/noni juice mixtures, remain to
to yield cytotoxic constituents upon fermentation in regular
microbiological media.
3.4. Morphological Observations of Extract-Treated Can-
cer Cells. e changes in morphology of cancer cells in
response to treatment were examined daily using a Zeiss
Axiovert inverted microscope (x). LU-, MCF-, and PC-
responded similarly to the endophyte extracts when viewed
daily over the course of the -day cytotoxicity assay. e
magnitude of the global cellular changes increased with the
concentration of extract present, and with time of expo-
sure. Cell shrinkage with increased cytoplasmic granularity
was observed  hours aer plating. Nuclear condensation
(pyknosis) and apoptotic bodies were clearly visible  hours
aer treatment with pronounced lysis occurring on day
. It is common for cytotoxic natural product extracts to
induce apoptotic changes in cultured cells. e morphologi-
uncharacterized metabolites present in each crude endophyte
extract on cellular pathways that ultimately led to cell death
and disintegration. While apoptosis is a denitive marker for
the presence of cytotoxic constituents, valuable insight into
the eect of discrete metabolites on the death pathways can
only be achieved with the isolation and characterization of
pure fungal constituents.
4. Conclusions
Surveys have indicated that plants with ethnomedical sig-
nicance have a greater likelihood of hosting endophytes
that produce pharmacologically interesting natural products
[, ]. erefore, it stands to reason that the medicinal
properties of plants could be due, in part, to their resident
endophytes []. Since the recognition that medicinal plants
constitute a repository of endophytic fungi that produce novel
and pharmaceutically important metabolites, studies on the
applied aspects of these relatively cryptic associations have
focused on medicinal plants [, ].
nutraceuticals. Its multifaceted use is fueled predominantly
drugs. Unfortunately, the public’s faith has been undermined
by much misconception and marketing hype. Noni fruit juice
is also an established ingredient in CAM approaches for
cancer. Despite its popularity, noni’s reputed ecacy in cancer
patients remains to be substantiated by unequivocal scientic
evidence. Our present work will provide the foundation
for further inquiry into the plausible role of microbes in
the purported pharmacological eects of noni. A survey
of culturable fungal endophytes resident within the noni
plant of Hawaii revealed the presence of  distinct genera
belonging to the Ascomycota in the healthy mature leaves of
noni (Table ). ree additional genera occur in noni fruits
inclusive of a genus from the Basidiomycota. e small-scale
fermentation of malt extract broth by Stemphylium solani,
Leptosphaerulina australis, and Xy laria sp., utilizing condi-
tions that simulate the traditional method of preparation
of fermented noni fruit juice, resulted in the expression of
solvent-extractable cytotoxic component(s) into the growth
medium. In addition to the phytochemical isolation of these
cytotoxic constituents from large-scale fermentation cultures,
the ensuing phase of this study will interrogate the chemical
prole of endophyte-fermented noni juice by a reductionist
inoculated by individual fungus endophyte and subjected to
anaerobic fermentation.
Conflict of Interests
e authors declare that there is no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
e authors wish to thank the Genomics Core Facility at
(JABSOM) for providing capillary DNA sequencing ser-
vices in support of this study. Yougen Wu was supported
by a postdoctoral scholarship from the China Scholarship
Council-University of Hainan Joint Scholarships program.
Vitor Martins da Silva was supported by the Coordination
for Enhancement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes)
program of Brazil.
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... The plant exhibits a broad range of therapeutic effects that include anti-microbial, analgesic, hypotensive, anti-hyperglycemic, nephron-protective, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor [25][26][27]. Fruit juice of M. citrifolia commercialized as a potential nutraceutical with anti-tumor activity has been suggested as a supplemental agent in cancer treatment along with sub-optimal dose of standard chemotherapeutic agents like Adriamycin, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and vincristine [28,29]. Though earlier studies had isolated fungal endophytes with anti-cancer activity from M. citrifolia [28,30], similar characterization of phyllopsheric microbes is yet to be undertaken. ...
... Fruit juice of M. citrifolia commercialized as a potential nutraceutical with anti-tumor activity has been suggested as a supplemental agent in cancer treatment along with sub-optimal dose of standard chemotherapeutic agents like Adriamycin, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil and vincristine [28,29]. Though earlier studies had isolated fungal endophytes with anti-cancer activity from M. citrifolia [28,30], similar characterization of phyllopsheric microbes is yet to be undertaken. Present study characterized the phyllospheric microbes of M. citrifolia and aimed towards (i) determination of anti-oxidant activity; (ii) screening for L-Asparaginase production and (iii) identification of L-Asparaginase producing microbes by 16S rDNA sequencing. ...
... of the 50% ethanolic extract of M. citrifolia fruits and leaves (MCF-ext and MCL-ext), dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB)-induced triphasic cutaneous reaction and picryl chlorideinduced contact dermatitis (PC-CD) tests were performed. These data suggest that noni fruits and leaves can be a daily consumable material for the prevention of allergic symptoms.Wu et al., (2015) reported on the hypothesis that the fungal endophytes of noni may possibly play a role in its overall pharmacological repertoire, especially since the perceived efficacy of the fruit in ethnomedicinal use is associated with the fermented juice. The foremost goal of this study is to explore the role of endophytederived secondary metaboli ...
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The suitability of utilizing Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) leaves for the production of herbal tea was assessed by analyzing some of its phytochemicals quantitatively; Gas chromatography (GC) was used to analyze for caffeine content and the values were compared with Lipton tea bags. Results obtained for the three phytochemicals analyzed in Morinda citrifolia gave concentration for alkaloids as 11.2%, cyanogenic glycosides (0.012%), and tannins (0.369%) while Lipton tea’s analysis gave alkaloid’s concentration as 4.96%, cyanogenic glycosides (0.006%), and tannins (3.97%). GC analysis of Morinda citrifolia leaves showed the absence of the chemical caffeine, which was present in Lipton tea bag. From this study, it is clear that Noni (Morinda citrifolia) leaves for the production of herbal tea, and will serve as a good source of herb in tea industries.
... Nonlinear regression analysis obtained by plotting percentage survival versus concentration is used to calculate IC 50 value. Ellipticine is used as toxicity control (Wu et al., 2015). ...
Endophytes are endosymbiotic microorganisms colonizing the internal tissues of healthy host plants [1] and possess the ability to improve the quality and growth rate of theirrespective hosts [2]. Their colonization does not produce any disease symptoms or morphological changes like gall formation of plant tissues [3]. Most of the plants on earth arehost to one or more types of endophytes [4]. These endophytes can be either bacteria or fungi [5,6]. Their population density in a host plant can vary from hundreds to more than 9 x 109 bacteria per gram of plant tissue [7,8, 9]. They can be either obligate or a facultative and the obligate types cannot be cultured due to their specificity of growth conditions. On the other hand, facultative endophytes can be cultured outside the plant tissue using artificial nutrient media [10, 11]. Endophytes form an important part of the micro-ecosystem inside plant tissues [12]. The most explored endophytes are non-pathogenic fungi that provide a number of useful characteristics to their host plant. However, bacterial endophytes remain an unexplored group [13]. Any bacteria which could be isolated from a surface-sterilized plant or extracted from its tissues can be called an endophyte if it does not affect the plant negatively. Bacteria can positively promote plant growth whereas studies show that plants are able to select these beneficial bacterial members in their microbiome including those inside the plant tissues [14, 15, 16]. There is no shred of evidence suggesting that these bacteria take advantage in this relationship [17], but certainly, they get protection from pathogens in adverse times. They could also communicate much better than the rhizospheric bacteria at times of stress [18,19]
... Stemphylium solani, Leptosphaerulina australis, and Xylaria sp. isolated from the leaves of Morinda citrifolia inhibited the growth of human carcinoma cell lines LU-1 (lung), PC-3 (prostate), and MCF-7 (breast) (Wu et al., 2015). ...
... Chen et al (2018) has isolated an endophyte strain from Codonopsis pilosula to reveal the characteristics and anti-cancer potency of purified exopolysaccharides. Wu et al. (2015) has isolated endophytes from Morinda citrifolia that was effective against lung, prostate and breast cancer cells. Thus many endophytes have anticancer potency. ...
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Microorganisms colonize the plant tissue and beneficial to the plant is known as endophytes. Fungal and bacterial endophytes are commonly found in most of the plants. The role of endophytic microorganisms in plants can be divided into two categories based on types of activity: plant growth promotion and disease control in plants. The search for new compounds effective against human diseases is still a priority in medicine. The evaluation of microorganisms isolated from non-conventional locations offers an alternative to look for new compounds with pharmacological activity. Endophytes are a natural source with remarkable chemical and biological properties. Endophytes are considered promising sources of new bioactive natural products. Present review will concentrate on the importance of endophytes for crop improvement and clinical applications of bioactive compounds isolated from endophytes.
... All the fractions that compose the noni fruit have antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and antidiabetic properties [38]. So far, about 200 secondary metabolites have been identified in different parts of noni, such as alkaloids, anthraquinones, carotenoids, coumarins, and phenolic compounds [39]. Among the coumarin compounds in the noni, scopoletin (7-hydroxy-6-methoxy coumarin) has been reported as an analgesic and antiproliferative against cancer [40]. ...
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Many plant species characterize tropical forests, and a small fraction has been studied to favor small communities in the food and medicinal fields. The high biodiversity of these regions allows for the proposed alternatives for the valorization of exotic fruits due to their rich content of value-added compounds that benefit human health. This work focuses on improving the nutritional characteristics of the açai production chain by mixing it with noni and araza. As a main result, it was possible to enhance the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of the fruits after freeze-drying. Then, the seeds and peels of the fruits were valorized by the extraction of bioactive compounds with conventional methods and biogas production by anaerobic digestion. The best compositions of antioxidant capacity and total phenolic compounds were obtained for the extracts based on the araza peel, with values of 116.4 µmol and 276.6 mg of gallic acid per 100 g of raw material, respectively. Regarding biogas production, the anaerobic digestion performance was influenced by the C/N ratio. The experimental results were used as input to simulate small-scale processes. From a technical point of view, the scheme of açai, noni, and araza mixture (Sc. 4) showed the highest mass yields (0.84 kg products/kg RM) and energy requirement (2.54 kW/kg RM). On the other hand, the processing of single açai (Sc. 1) presented the lowest capital costs (1.37 M-USD) and operating costs (0.89 M-USD/year). However, all scenarios showed techno-economic feasibility and demonstrated the potential of these fruits to valorize the açai market.
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Indonesia is rich in diversity of medicinal plants, vital in traditional medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. However, overharvesting, along with population growth, land use changes, deforestation, and climate change, endanger these plants. This review investigates the potential of endophytic endosymbiont as an alternative. These endosymbionts can synthesise bioactive compounds similar to those found in medicinal plants. This study compiled data from various sources on endophytic fungi and their bioactivity. The review aims to categorise Indonesian medicinal plants, to identify their associated endophytic fungi from different plant parts, and to assess their bioactivity. The results revealed numerous medicinal plant families and a variety of endophytic fungi isolated from fruits, leaves, twigs, bark, roots, and rhizomes. These fungi exhibited bioactivities, including antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial effects, with metabolites such as alkaloids, flavonoids, peptides, phenols, polyketides, quinones, steroids, and terpenoids. Fusarium and Colletotrichum were the most common endophytic fungi found. Notably, the biological activity was consistent among endophytic fungi from various host organs, but variations were observed according to the host's geographical origin. This suggests that Indonesia's diverse geography influences metabolite production and activity. However, the same host plant may harbour different species in distinct organs. These findings indicate that endophytic fungi within medicinal plants represent a promising source of bioactive compounds for future Indonesian medicine production. Future research should explore metabolite compounds and bioactivity across different geographical regions.
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Objective: Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae) is a highly valued plant which has an impressive range of medicinal uses with high nutritional value. Different parts of the plant were being used for the treatment of illness due to the presence of various secondary metabolites that gives the plant anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant and other properties. These secondary metabolites are synthesized by endophytic organisms, which are present inside the tissues of plant. Methods: ITS regions were amplified using a polymerase chain reaction for molecular identification. The sequences were analysed using BLAST n and DNA barcoding of plant was done for the identification of species. The organisms were refined on Potato Dextrose stock for identification of metabolites. Results: It was found that fungi obtained are Aspergillus fumigatus and Tricoderma turrialbense with percentage identity of 96% and 98%, respectively, as obtained from NCBI BLAST; the metabolites were extracted with ethanol extract and Flavonoids and terpenoids are the main phytoconstituents present in endophytic fungi. Conclusion: The results obtained support the medicinal properties of plant, which gets enhanced due to the presence of endophytic fungi present in them.
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Pharmacological studies have shown that some traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have applications in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Morinda officinalis How. (MO) is a TCM with a long history and is widely used to tonify kidney Yang. In vitro and in vivo experiments have suggested that MO contains various effective pharmaceutical components and chemicals, including oligosaccharides, anthraquinones, iridoids, flavonoids, amino acids, and trace elements, conferring MO with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are undoubtedly hallmarks of neurodegeneration, contributing to AD progression. In this mini-review, we summarize the molecular mechanisms, structure-activity relationships, and potential synergistic and antagonistic effects of active components in MO. This discussion highlights the roles of these active components, such as oligosaccharides, anthraquinones, and iridoid glycosides, in the treatment of AD via anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms, providing a scientific basis for further utilization of MO.
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Human beings are affected by different diseases and suffer to different extents. Cancer is one of the major human disease and millions of people suffered from cancer and end their lives every year. Peoples are dependent on herbal medicines since prehistoric time especially from developing countries. It is very common to have different side effects of modern synthetic medicines; hence now-a-days importance of herbal medicines due to no or least side effects increases all parts of the world. But the major problems of using herbal medicines are that plants can produce very limited amount of medicinally important bioactive metabolites and they have very long growth periods. Therefore endophytes are the excellent alternative of plant derived metabolites. Endophytic microbes can synthesize exactly same type of metabolites as the plant produces. North East India is a treasure of plant resources; various types of medicinal plants are present in this region. Different types of indigenous tribes are inhabited in this region who used different plants in traditional system for treating various disease. But with increasing demand it is sometimes not sufficient to manage the demand of medicines, therefore for massive production endophytic study is crucial. In spite of having huge plant resources very limited endophytic studies are observed in this region. In this review, we studied different plants with their endophytes of NE India showing anticancer properties.
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Six DNA regions were evaluated as potential DNA barcodes for Fungi, the second largest kingdom of eukaryotic life, by a multinational, multilaboratory consortium. The region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 used as the animal barcode was excluded as a potential marker, because it is difficult to amplify in fungi, often includes large introns, and can be insufficiently variable. Three subunits from the nuclear ribosomal RNA cistron were compared together with regions of three representative protein-coding genes (largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, and minichromosome maintenance protein). Although the protein-coding gene regions often had a higher percent of correct identification compared with ribosomal markers, low PCR amplification and sequencing success eliminated them as candidates for a universal fungal barcode. Among the regions of the ribosomal cistron, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has the highest probability of successful identification for the broadest range of fungi, with the most clearly defined barcode gap between inter- and intraspecific variation. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit, a popular phylogenetic marker in certain groups, had superior species resolution in some taxonomic groups, such as the early diverging lineages and the ascomycete yeasts, but was otherwise slightly inferior to the ITS. The nuclear ribosomal small subunit has poor species-level resolution in fungi. ITS will be formally proposed for adoption as the primary fungal barcode marker to the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, with the possibility that supplementary barcodes may be developed for particular narrowly circumscribed taxonomic groups.
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Huperzine A (HupA) is a plant alkaloid that is of great interest as a therapeutic candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. However, the current production of HupA from plants in large quantity is unsustainable because the plant resource is scarce and the content of HupA in plants is extremely low. Surprisingly, this compound was recently found to be produced by various endophytic fungi, which are much more controllable than the plants due to simpler genetics and ease of manipulation. However, it might be due to the innate properties of endophytic symbiosis, that production of this chemical in large quantity from endophytes has not yet been put into practice. Endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides ES026 was previously isolated from a HupA producing plant and the fungi also proved to produce HupA. In this study, various fermentation conditions were tried to optimize the production of HupA from C. gloeosporioides ES026. Optimization of these parameters resulted in a 25.58% increase in HupA yield. Potato extracts supplemented with glucose or sucrose but not maltose facilitated HupA producing from the fungi. A final concentration of 0.5-2% ethanol stimulated the growth of fungi while methanol with the same treatment slightly inhibited the growth. However, both methanol and ethanol greatly increased the HupA production with the highest yield of HupA (51.89% increment) coming from ethanol treatment. Further analysis showed that both ethanol and methanol were strong inducers of HupA production, while ethanol was partially used as a carbon source during fermentation. It was noticed that the color of that ethanol treated mycelia gradually became dark while methanol treated ones stayed grey during fermentation. The present study sheds light on the importance of optimizing the fermentation process, which, combined with effective inducers, maximizes production of chemicals of important economic interest from endophytic fungi.
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Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in women and has a high mortality rate. Cisplatin, an antitumor agent, is generally used for its treatment. However, the administration of cisplatin is associated with side effects and intrinsic resistance. Morinda citrifolia (Noni), a natural plant product, has been shown to have anti-cancer properties. In this study, we used Noni, cisplatin, and the two in combination to study their cytotoxic and apoptosis-inducing effects in cervical cancer HeLa and SiHa cell lines. We demonstrate here, that Noni/Cisplatin by themselves and their combination were able to induce apoptosis in both these cell lines. Cisplatin showed slightly higher cell killing as compared to Noni and their combination showed additive effects. The observed apoptosis appeared to be mediated particularly through the up-regulation of p53 and pro-apoptotic Bax proteins, as well as down- regulation of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2, Bcl-XL proteins and survivin. Augmentation in the activity of caspase-9 and -3 was also observed, suggesting the involvement of the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis for both Noni and Cisplatin in HeLa and SiHa cell lines.
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Six DNA regions were evaluated as potential DNA barcodes for Fungi, the second largest kingdom of eukaryotic life, by a multinational, multilaboratory consortium. The region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 used as the animal barcode was excluded as a potential marker, because it is difficult to amplify in fungi, often includes large introns, and can be insufficiently variable. Three subunits from the nuclear ribosomal RNA cistron were compared together with regions of three representative protein-coding genes (largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II, and minichromosome maintenance protein). Although the protein-coding gene regions often had a higher percent of correct identification compared with ribosomal markers, low PCR amplification and sequencing success eliminated them as candidates for a universal fungal barcode. Among the regions of the ribosomal cistron, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region has the highest probability of successful identification for the broadest range of fungi, with the most clearly defined barcode gap between inter-and intraspecific variation. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit, a popular phylogenetic marker in certain groups, had superior species resolution in some taxonomic groups, such as the early diverging lineages and the ascomycete yeasts, but was otherwise slightly inferior to the ITS. The nuclear ribosomal small subunit has poor species-level resolution in fungi. ITS will be formally proposed for adoption as the primary fungal barcode marker to the Consortium for the Barcode of Life, with the possibility that supplementary barcodes may be developed for particular narrowly circumscribed taxonomic groups.
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Research on the use of plants and other complementary medicines in Hawai’i drew our attention toMorinda citrifolia (Rubiaceae). Noni, as it is commonly known, is representative of both currently popular medicinal plants in Ha-wai’i and the pharmacopoeias of traditional cultures of this poly ethnic population. It is also prominent among the increasing number of botanicals currently promoted by the “herbal” and “health foods/supplements” industry. Noni is unique in view of the large number of medical indications that characterize claims for its efficacy, the little that is known about its pharmacologic potential compared with other popularly used botanicals, and its rapidly evolving commercial success. This paper explores how the cultural novelty of noni, in conjunction with its equivocal pharmacology, contribute to its explosive market success in contemporary Hawai’i, and worldwide. I kō mākou noi’i ’ana e pili ana i nā lā’au lapa’au o Hawai’i nei, ua hoihoi loa mākou i ka noni (Morinda citrifolia, Rubiaceae). He mea ho’ohālikelike maika’i ka noni o nā lā’au lapa’au ma’amau o Hawai’i i kēia mau lā, a me nā lā’au ku’una o kekahi mau po ’e ’ē a’e e noho ana ma ’anei nō ho ’i. Kaulana ka noni mawaena o nā lā ’au ho ’opi ’i ’ia e ka ’oihana ’“ai olakino.” Lua ’ole ka noni no nā mea penei: nā ’ano ma’i he nui “ho’ōla” ’ia e ka noni; ka ’ike hemahema o kona mau kemika; a me kona holomua ’imi kālā. I kēia pepa, hō’ike mākou i ka mana’o hou e pili ana i kēia lā’au “ku’una”, kona kemika kākālule, a me kona makemake nui ’ia i kēia au ma Hawai’i a kahi ’ē.
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This review investigated the relationship of noni juice, or its extract (fruit, leaves or root), to anticancer and/or immunostimulant properties. A Medline search was conducted using the key search words ‘Morinda citrifolia’ and ‘Morinda citrifolia and cancer’ (1964 to October, 2011) along with cross-referencing. Botanical and chemical indexes were not included. A total of 304 and 29 (10%) articles, respectively, were found under these key terms. Of the 19 studies actually related to cancer, seven publications were in vitro cancer studies, nine were in vivo animal cancer studies, and three were in vivo human cancer studies. Among the in vitro studies, a ‘concentrated component’ in noni juice and not pure noni juice may (1) stimulate the immune system to ‘possibly’ assist the body fight the cancer, and (2) kill a small percentage (0–36%) of cancer cells depending on the type. The nine animal studies suggest that a concentrated component in noni juice may stimulate the immune system; but only slightly increases the number (about 1/3; 25–45%) of surviving mice. Other than two case studies, only two human clinical studies existed. The first consisted of testing freeze-dried noni fruit, which reduced pain perception, but did not reverse advanced cancer. The second was on smokers ingesting an unknown concentration of noni juice who experienced decreased aromatic DNA adducts, and decreased levels of plasma superoxide anion radicals and lipid hydroperoxide.
ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study was to determine a maximum tolerated dose of noni in cancer patients and whether an optimal quality of life-sustaining dose could be identified as an alternative way to select a dose for subsequent Phase II efficacy trials. Dose levels started at two capsules twice daily (2 g), the suggested dose for the marketed product, and were escalated by 2 g daily in cohorts of at least five patients until a maximum tolerated dose was found. Patients completed subscales of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QLQ-C30 quality of life (physical functioning, pain, and fatigue) the brief fatigue inventory (BFI), questionnaires at baseline and at approximately 4-week intervals. Blood and urine were collected at baseline and at approximately 4-week intervals for measurement of scopoletin. Fifty-one patients were enrolled at seven dose levels. The maximum tolerated dose was six capsules four times daily (12 g). Although no dose-limiting toxicity was found, seven of eight patients at the next level (14 g), withdrew due to the challenges of ingesting so many capsules. There were dose-related differences in self-reported physical functioning and pain and fatigue control. Overall, patients taking three or four capsules four times daily experienced better outcomes than patients taking lower or higher doses. Blood and urinary scopoletin concentrations related to noni dose. We concluded that it is feasible to use quality of life measures to select a Phase II dose. Three or four capsules four times daily (6-8 g) is recommended when controlling fatigue, pain, and maintaining physical function are the efficacies of interest. Scopoletin, a bioactive component of noni fruit extract, is measurable in blood and urine following noni ingestion and can be used to study the pharmacokinetics of noni in cancer patients.