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Neuroplasticity In Musicians Brain:Review

  • Department ASLP
Review article 43
© 2015 Advanced Arab Academy of Audio-Vestibulogy Journal | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow DOI: 10.4103/2314-8667.171513
Roadmap of review
Knowledge of music
Music is recognized as a universal characteristic in all
human societies, both past and present. Cross-cultural
evidence showed the innateness of music and certain
characteristics of music, such as interval scales, are
universal regardless of the musical genre or style [1,2].
Some acoustic stimuli are considered as music by
most members of a given culture, even if these sounds
have never been heard before; conversely, there are
acoustic stimuli that humans recognize as nonmusical
or dissonant [1]. erefore, even if a particular melody
has never been heard, a dissonant tone may be detected
on the basis of an internal musical representation. is
representation may correspond to a neural template
hardwired in the brain or may become automatic
secondary to implicit neuronal models that develop
from exposure to music in the environment [3].
Neuroplasticity in musicians
Neuroplasticity refers to any change or modi cation in
the central nervous system because of any adaptation or
experience to environmental demands. Neuroplasticity
denotes changes at the functional or structural level
and at either the system or cellular level. Modi cation
of gross anatomy of the brain, structural changes in
individual brain cells, and reorganization of the neural
network that subserve complex cognitive processes are
the examples of neuroplasticity [4].
Music demands cognitive and neural challenges that
need precise and accurate timing of many actions, exact
interval control of pitch not involved in language, and
various di erent way of producing sound. Enhanced
auditory perception in musicians is likely to result
from auditory perceptual learning during several years
of training and practice. Previous studies, including
that conducted by Kleim and Jones (2008) [5], showed
plasticity dependent on experience; Green and Bavelier
(2008) [6] explained some of the prerequisites for
inducing neuroplasticity, which include complexity,
intensity, repetition, and frequency of training. Most
trained, professional, and experienced musicians are
involved in intensive music training and practice
for many years to attain a high level of expertise.
us, musicians can be considered the best group for
conducting research that shows changes or modi cation
in brain structures and functions across multiple
information processing systems. Schneider et al. [7],
in 2002, reported that both the neurophysiology and
morphology of Heschl’s gyrus have a strong e ect on
musical aptitude. A similar study conducted by Ragert
et al. [8] in 2004 on pianists revealed that despite the
high-level performance in pianists, the e ect of Hebbian
learning was more in musicians than in controls, which
showed stronger capability for plastic reorganization
and points to enhanced learning abilities implicating a
form of meta-plasticity in professional pianists.
Hoenig and colleagues in 2011 reported, using
functional MRI, that conceptual processing of
visually presented musical instruments activates
auditory association cortex encompassing adjacent
areas in the superior temporal sulcus, as well as right
posterior superior temporal gyrus and the upper part
of middle temporal gyrus, only in musicians, but
Neuroplastic changes in musician’s brain: a review
Himanshu Kumar Sanju
Neuroplasticity refers to any change or modi cation in the central nervous system because
of any adaptation or experience to environmental demands. Musical training and experience
can lead to neuroplasticity because music requires cognitive and neural challenges that need
accurate and precise timing of many actions, exact interval control of pitch not involved in
language, and various different way of producing sound. It was also reported that a musician’s
brain is best to study neuroplastic changes. Therefore, the current review explored studies
related to neuroplasticity in musicians’ brains. Various database such as Medline, PubMed,
Google, and Google Scholar were searched for the reference to neuroplasticity in musicians.
musician, plasticity, central nervous system
AAAA 02:43–44
© 2015 Advanced Arab Academy of Audiovestibulogy
Department of Audiology & Vestibular
Disorders, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo
University, Cairo, Egypt
Correspondence to Himanshu Kumar Sanju,
(PG in Audiology), Research Of cer, All India
Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru-6,
Karnataka, India
Mob: +91-7406093279, +91-8123186203,
Received 03 November 2015
Accepted 09 November 2015
Advanced Arab Academy
of Audiovestibulogy 2015, 02:43–44
This is an open access arƟ cle distributed under the terms of the CreaƟ ve
Commons AƩ ribuƟ on-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as
long as the author is credited and the new creaƟ ons are licensed under
the idenƟ cal terms.
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44 Advanced Arab Academy of Audiovestibulogy 2015, Vol 2 No 2
similar activation was absent in nonmusicians. Hence,
intensive experience and training of musicians with a
variety of musical instruments provide a connection
between conceptual brain systems and auditory
perceptual skills [9]. A voxel-based morphometric
study conducted by Abdul-Kareem et al. in 2011
showed signi cantly increased grey matter volume in
musicians compared with nonmusicians.
Results were positively correlated with the years
of experience of music. is study also showed the
change due to musical training in middle and superior
cerebellar peduncle in trained musicians. e result
revealed that musicians have signi cantly larger right
superior cerebellar peduncle volume and number of
streamlines, right middle cerebellar peduncle volume
and total white matter volume of the right cerebellum.
ey also observed that musicians signi cantly show
larger weighted clustering coe cient in the right
olfactory cortex, the left supramarginal gyrus, the right
gyrus rectus, the left medial superior frontal gyrus, the
left lingual gyrus, and the right pallidum compared
with nonmusicians [10].
Similarly, Zendel and Alain [11] in 2012 showed that
musicians experience less age-related degradation
in central auditory processing. Zendel et al. [12] in
2013 recruited four groups of subjects: children with
congenital hypothyroidism with and without music
training, and healthy control with and without music
training. ey showed that the volume of the right
hippocampus was comparable between children with
congenital hypothyroidism who had taken music
training and the healthy controls. Children with
congenital hypothyroidism who had not taken music
training had reduced hippocampal volumes compared
with the other three groups. ese results suggest that
music training may provide structural neuroplasticity
in children with atypical hippocampal development
because of early thyroid hormone de ciencies.
In 2013, a study conducted by White-Schwoch
et al. [13] on geriatric patients with a whole life of
music training indicated that a moderate amount
of music training of 4 to 14 years early in life was
associated with faster neural timing in response to
speech later in life, long after training has stopped
(>40 years). is study also showed that early music
training sets the stage for subsequent interactions
with sound and these experiences may interact
over time to sustain sharpened neural processing in
central auditory nuclei well into older age. Bidelman
and Alain in 2015 conducted a study on geriatric
patients with and without modest musical training.
ey recorded both cortical neuroelectric and
brainstem responses in geriatric with and without
modest musical training as these di erentiate speech
sounds as an acoustic-phonetic continuum. Results
revealed that good temporal precision in speech
evoked responses at various levels of the auditory
system in older musicians who were also good at
di erentiating phonetic categories. Older musicians
also showed a closer correspondence between
perceptual performance and neural activity [14].
Pantev and colleagues in 2015 studied the in uence
of long-term and short-term musical training. ey
showed that long-term musical training is related to a
signi cantly di erent way of processing multisensory
information within the auditory cortex, whereas the
short-term training infers that multisensory music
reading training a ects the multimodal processing
within the auditory cortex [15].
Financial support and sponsorship
Con icts of interest
ere are no con icts of interest.
1 Hauser MD, McDermott J. The evolution of the music faculty: a comparative
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2 Tillmann B, Bharucha JJ, Bigand E. Implicit learning of tonality:
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3 Tervaniemi M, Brattico E. From sounds to music towards understanding
the neurocognition of musical sound perception. J Consciousness Stud
2004; 11:9–27.
4 Merrett DL, Wilson SJ. Music and neural plasticity. Lifelong Engagement
with Music: Bene ts for Mental Health and Wellbeing. Journal 2012; 28:
5 Kleim JA, Jones TA. Principles of experience-dependent neural plasticity:
implications for rehabilitation after brain damage. J Speech Lang Hear
Res 2008; 51:225–239.
6 Green CS, Bavelier D. Exercising your brain: a review of human brain
plasticity and training-induced learning. Psychol Aging 2008; 23:692-701.
7 Schneider P, Scherg M, Dosch HG, Specht HJ, Gutschalk A, Rupp A.
Morphology of Heschl’s gyrus re ects enhanced activation in the auditory
cortex of musicians. Nat Neurosci2002; 5:688–694.
8 Ragert P, Schmidt A, Altenmüller E, Dinse HR. Superior tactile
performance and learning in professional pianists: evidence for meta-
plasticity in musicians. Eur J Neurosci 2004; 19:473–478.
9 Hoenig K, Müller C, Herrnberger B, Sim EJ, Spitzer M, Ehret G, Kiefer
M. Neuroplasticity of semantic representations for musical instruments in
professional musicians. Neuroimage 2011; 56:1714–1725.
10 Abdul-Kareem IA, Stancak A, Parkes LM, Sluming V. Increased gray
matter volume of left pars opercularis in male orchestral musicians
correlate positively with years of musical performance. J Magn Reson
Imaging 2011; 33:24–32.
11 Zendel BR, Alain C. Musicians experience less age-related decline in
central auditory processing. Psychol Aging 2012; 27:410-417.
12 Zendel BR, Willoughby KA, Rovet JF. Neuroplastic effects of music lessons
on hippocampal volume in children with congenital hypothyroidism.
Neuroreport 2013; 24:947–950.
13 White-Schwoch T, Woodruff Carr K, Anderson S, Strait DL, Kraus N. Older
adults bene t from music training early in life: biological evidence for long-
term training-driven plasticity. J Neurosci 2013; 33:17667–17674.
14 Bidelman GM, Alain C. Musical training orchestrates coordinated
neuroplasticity in auditory brainstem and cortex to counteract age-related
declines in categorical vowel perception. J Neurosci 2015; 35:1240–1249.
15 Pantev C, Paraskevopoulos E Kuchenbuch A, Lu Y, Herholz SC. Musical
expertise is related to neuroplastic changes of multisensory nature within
the auditory cortex. Eur J Neurosci 2015; 41:709–717.
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Full-text available
Musicianship in early life is associated with pervasive changes in brain function and enhanced speech-language skills. Whether these neuroplastic benefits extend to older individuals more susceptible to cognitive decline, and for whom plasticity is weaker, has yet to be established. Here, we show that musical training offsets declines in auditory brain processing that accompanying normal aging in humans, preserving robust speech recognition late into life. We recorded both brainstem and cortical neuroelectric responses in older adults with and without modest musical training as they classified speech sounds along an acoustic-phonetic continuum. Results reveal higher temporal precision in speech-evoked responses at multiple levels of the auditory system in older musicians who were also better at differentiating phonetic categories. Older musicians also showed a closer correspondence between neural activity and perceptual performance. This suggests that musicianship strengthens brain-behavior coupling in the aging auditory system. Last, "neurometric" functions derived from unsupervised classification of neural activity established that early cortical responses could accurately predict listeners' psychometric speech identification and, more critically, that neurometric profiles were organized more categorically in older musicians. We propose that musicianship offsets age-related declines in speech listening by refining the hierarchical interplay between subcortical/cortical auditory brain representations, allowing more behaviorally relevant information carried within the neural code, and supplying more faithful templates to the brain mechanisms subserving phonetic computations. Our findings imply that robust neuroplasticity conferred by musical training is not restricted by age and may serve as an effective means to bolster speech listening skills that decline across the lifespan. Copyright © 2015 the authors 0270-6474/15/351240-10$15.00/0.
Full-text available
Aging results in pervasive declines in nervous system function. In the auditory system, these declines include neural timing delays in response to fast-changing speech elements; this causes older adults to experience difficulty understanding speech, especially in challenging listening environments. These age-related declines are not inevitable, however: older adults with a lifetime of music training do not exhibit neural timing delays. Yet many people play an instrument for a few years without making a lifelong commitment. Here, we examined neural timing in a group of human older adults who had nominal amounts of music training early in life, but who had not played an instrument for decades. We found that a moderate amount (4 –14 years) of music training early in life is associated with faster neural timing in response to speech later in life, long after training stopped (40 years). We suggest that early music training sets the stage for subsequent interactions with sound. These experiences may interact over time to sustain sharpened neural processing in central auditory nuclei well into older age.
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In this chapter we present a new approach to research in music perception allowing one to investigate how musical sound representations are formed in the human brain. By studying subjects' brain responses to unattended stimuli we can determine, for instance, whether neural circuits are more readily activated by musical sounds implicitly learned than by unfamiliar sounds even in non-musicians. Indeed, neuronal populations seem to respond more efficiently to pitch deviations within sound patterns following the rules of Western scale structure, rather than to deviations inside patterns artificially created. Moreover, neural circuits are selectively activated by mistunings inside tonal melodies or by out-of-key chords inside harmonic cadences even when attention is not directed towards the sounds. These data together suggest that incoming sounds are more efficiently processed when they match the neural templates derived from our musical culture. The existence of 'musical memories' in the auditory cortex that are effortlessly activated enabling us, e.g., to identify and recognize speech vs. music sounds can thus be postulated.
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Age-related decline in auditory perception reflects changes in the peripheral and central auditory systems. These age-related changes include a reduced ability to detect minute spectral and temporal details in an auditory signal, which contributes to a decreased ability to understand speech in noisy environments. Given that musical training in young adults has been shown to improve these auditory abilities, we investigated the possibility that musicians experience less age-related decline in auditory perception. To test this hypothesis we measured auditory processing abilities in lifelong musicians (N = 74) and nonmusicians (N = 89), aged between 18 and 91. Musicians demonstrated less age-related decline in some auditory tasks (i.e., gap detection and speech in noise), and had a lifelong advantage in others (i.e., mistuned harmonic detection). Importantly, the rate of age-related decline in hearing sensitivity, as measured by pure-tone thresholds, was similar between both groups, demonstrating that musicians experience less age-related decline in central auditory processing.
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Professional musicians constitute a model par excellence for understanding experience-dependent plasticity in the human brain, particularly in the auditory domain. Their intensive sensorimotor experience with musical instruments has been shown to entail plastic brain alterations in cortical perceptual and motor maps. It remains an important question whether this neuroplasticity might extend beyond basic perceptual and motor functions and even shape higher-level conceptualizations by which we conceive our physical and social world. Here we show using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that conceptual processing of visually presented musical instruments activates auditory association cortex encompassing right posterior superior temporal gyrus, as well as adjacent areas in the superior temporal sulcus and the upper part of middle temporal gyrus (pSTG/MTG) only in musicians, but not in musical laypersons. These areas in and adjacent to auditory association cortex were not only recruited by conceptual processing of musical instruments during visual object recognition, but also by auditory perception of real sounds. Hence, the unique intensive experience of musicians with musical instruments establishes a link between auditory perceptual and conceptual brain systems. Experience-driven neuroplasticity in musicians is thus not confined to alterations of perceptual and motor maps, but even leads to the establishment of higher-level semantic representations for musical instruments in and adjacent to auditory association cortex. These findings highlight the eminent importance of sensory and motor experience for acquiring rich concepts.
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Human beings have an amazing capacity to learn new skills and adapt to new environments. However, several obstacles remain to be overcome in designing paradigms to broadly improve quality of life. Arguably, the most notable impediment to this goal is that learning tends to be quite specific to the trained regimen and does not transfer to even qualitatively similar tasks. This severely limits the potential benefits of learning to daily life. This review discusses training regimens that lead to the acquisition of new knowledge and strategies that can be used flexibly across a range of tasks and contexts. Possible characteristics of training regimens are proposed that may be responsible for augmented learning, including the manner in which task difficulty is progressed, the motivational state of the learner, and the type of feedback the training provides. When maximally implemented in rehabilitative paradigms, these characteristics may greatly increase the efficacy of training.
Recent neuroscientific evidence indicates that multisensory integration does not only occur in higher level association areas of the cortex as the hierarchical models of sensory perception assumed, but also in regions traditionally thought of as unisensory, such as the auditory cortex. Nevertheless, it is not known whether expertise-induced neuroplasticity can alter the multisensory processing that occurs in these low-level regions. The present study used magnetoencephalography to investigate whether musical training may induce neuroplastic changes of multisensory processing within the human auditory cortex. Magnetoencephalography data of four different experiments were used to demonstrate the effect of long-term and short-term musical training on the integration of auditory, somatosensory and visual stimuli in the auditory cortex. The cross-sectional design of three of the experiments allowed us to infer that long-term musical training is related to a significantly different way of processing multisensory information within the auditory cortex, whereas the short-term training design of the fourth experiment allowed us to causally infer that multisensory music reading training affects the multimodal processing within the auditory cortex. © 2015 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Children with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) who experience a neonatal thyroid hormone deficiency have reduced hippocampal volumes compared with healthy controls. Interestingly, evidence suggests that musical training can contribute to structural plasticity in a number of brain areas, including the hippocampus. Therefore, we investigated whether taking music lessons could ameliorate the volumetric reductions of the hippocampus in children with CH. Left and right hippocampal volumes were measured in four groups of children: children with CH with and without music lessons, and healthy controls with and without music lessons. We found that the volume of the right hippocampus was comparable between children with CH who had taken music lessons and the healthy controls. Children with CH who had not taken music lessons had reduced hippocampal volumes compared with the other three groups. These results suggest that music lessons may induce structural neuroplasticity in children with atypical hippocampal development because of early thyroid hormone deficiencies.
To compare manual volumetry of gray matter (GM) / white matter (WM) of Broca's area subparts: pars opercularis (POP) and pars triangularis (PTR) in both hemispheres between musicians and nonmusician, as it has been shown that these regions are crucial for musical abilities. A previous voxel-based morphometric (VBM) study conducted in our laboratory reported increased GM density in Broca's area of left hemisphere in male orchestral musicians. Functional segregation of POP/PTR justified separate volumetric analysis of these parts. We used the same cohort for the VBM study. Manual morphometry (stereology) was used to compare volumes between 26/26 right-handed orchestral musicians/nonmusicians. As expected, musicians showed significantly increased GM volume in the Broca's area, specifically in the left POP. No significant results were detected in right POP, left/right PTR GM volumes, and WM volumes for all regions. Results were positively correlated with years of musical performance (r = 0.7, P = 0.0001). This result corroborates the VBM study and is in line with the hypothesis of critical involvement of POP in hearing-action integration being an integral component of frontoparietotemporal mirror neuron network. We hypothesize that increased size of musicians' left POP represent use-dependent structural adaptation in response to intensive audiomotor skill acquisition.