
Numerical Investigation of Impeller Tip Tailoring and its Impact on Aerodynamic Design of a Centrifugal Compressor’s Impeller

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The current research focuses on the aerodynamic design of a centrifugal compressor and the effect of tip tailoring on the aerodynamic impeller efficiency. To this extent a high-fidelity multi-point design optimization process has been developed and exploited on a high pressure ratio transonic impeller. By manipulating the shape of the impeller blades and endwalls and by including advanced geometrical features such as winglets on the impeller blades, the behavior of the impeller flow has been investigated. Here, the results of three-dimensional RANS simulations with the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model on a structured multi-block mesh is used for the evaluation of the flow characteristics. In the context of radial machines, the results of the aerodynamic design optimization show an important improvement of the impeller isentropic efficiency compared to the reference impeller, with a significant contribution from the presence of the impeller tip winglets. Furthermore, the integration of the impeller winglet has encouraged this study to provide a detailed analysis on the impeller flow structures in order to have a better understanding of the effects of tip tailoring on impeller performance.

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... The recessed tips were also effective in reducing the tip leakage flow. Recently Mahajan et al. [16] had carried out computations on a transonic centrifugal compressor with a winglet on the suction side of the impeller blade near its tip. They had shown that the isentropic efficiency of the impeller with winglet was improved compared to the reference impeller. ...
... The robustness of the optimization chain is the consequence of seamless integration of various external solvers or tools within the framework of the Minamo optimization platform. The Minamo platform links and schedules the execution of various external software tools and numerical solvers (CAE/CAD packages, mesh generators, finite element analysis solvers, fluid dynamic solvers and etc. [49]) forming a robust SBO chain (seeFig. 3). ...
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Detailed measurements of the subsonic flow in a large-scale, plane turbine cascade were made to evaluate the three-dimensional nature of the flow field. Tests were conducted at a passage aspect ratio of 1.0 with a collateral inlet boundary layer. Flow visualization was done on airfoil and endwall surfaces. Velocity and pressure measurements were taken before and behind the cascade and in six axial planes within a cascade passage, using a five-hole probe. Hot wire measurements were taken in the endwall boundary layer within the cascade passage. The characteristics of the endwall boundary layer are presented, showing that three-dimensional separation is an important feature of end-wall flow. A large part of the endwall boundary layer was found to be very thin when compared to the cascade inlet boundary layer. Data showing the growth of aerodynamic loss through the passage are discussed.
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This paper investigates the three-dimensional viscous flow in centrifugal impellers through the-oretical analysis and numerical simulations, which is a summary of the authors' recent work. A quantitative evaluation of the different contributions to the streamwise vorticity is performed, namely, the passage vortices along the endwalls due to the flow turning; a passage vortex generated by the Coriolis forces pro-portional to the local loading and mainly active in the radial parts of the impeller; blade surface vortices due to the meridional curvature. In the numerical simulation the NASA Large Scale Centrifugal Compressor (LSCC) impeller with vaneless diffuser is computed at three flow rates. An advanced Navier-Stokes solver, EURANUS/TURBO is applied with an algebraic turbulence model of Badwin-Lomax and a linear k-" model for closure, for different meshes. An in-depth validation has been performed based on the measured data. An excellent agreement is obtained for most of the data over a wide region of the flow passage. Structures of the 3D flow in the blade passage and the tip region, and their variations with flow rate as well, are analysed based on the numerical results. Nomenclature C p – specific heat at constant pressure p – static pressure, N/m 2 p Ł – rotary stagnation pressure, N/m 2 P r – reduced static pressure, N/m 2 P re f – reference pressure, N/m 2 P ao – absolute total pressure, N/m 2 PS – pressure side Ro – Rossby number SS – suction side T ao – static temperature, K T u – turbulence intensity U – rotor blade speed, m/s V m – throughflow velocity, m/s V Â – tangential absolute velocity, m/s tq0405c7/433 26 I 2002 BOP s.
Experimental investigations have shown that the flow discharged from a centrifugal compressor or pump impeller into a diffuser is often unsteady and axially asymmetric. A theory based upon a simplified model is developed for this type of flow. The theory predicts a significant reversible work transfer between parts of the flow with different velocities. This effect only occurs in cases of rotating distortion patterns; stationary distortion patterns, therefore, behave differently. Theoretical results are compared to measurements and good agreement is found. The implications of the theory have been investigated by means of machine computations and are discussed herein.
The results of extensive laser measurements carried out in the blade passages of a newly designed backswept impeller are presented and discussed. Noticeable distortions of the throughflow patterns and a distinct swirling flow character were found inside the rotor. The measurement results and a simple theoretical approach suggest that the distorted throughflow patterns and the secondary flows are caused by a vortex flow. Although the relative flow has been significantly decelerated a comparatively smooth velocity profile has been identified at the rotor discharge that differed widely from the well-known jet/wake-type flow pattern.