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Leaf anatomy in Crocus (Iridaceae)

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... It is observed that most of the studies in the world have been done on C. sativus species (Negbi et al., 1989;Rios et al., 1996;Bhargava, 2011). Rudall and Mathew (1990) have studied Crocus in terms of leaf anatomy, and many researchers now refer to this work in leaf studies. Mathew (2002) reviewed the morphological characteristics of the Crocus genus. ...
... & Amp; C.A.Mey and C. pallasii Goldb. species (Rudall and Mathew, 1990 (Kandemir, 2011). Walls of the epidermis in stomatal regions (abaxial) for all the taxa are generally sinuous. ...
... Walls of the epidermis in stomatal regions (abaxial) for all the taxa are generally sinuous. The shape of transversal cross-section, in the widest part of the leaf, is highly relevant for taxonomy; as it is already assumed by Rudall and Mathew (1990). Structure of arms; keel, and this curl with narrow or wide angle, such differences between taxa were observed in this study as well (Table 4). ...
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In this study; the two Crocus L. taxa endemic to Bolu province, Crocus abantensis T. Baytop et Mathew and Crocus× paulineae Pasche & Kerndorff (hybrid) together with C. ancyrensis (Herbert) Maw subsp. ancyrensis, and C. olivieri J.Gay, were used to reveal their detailed leaf anatomical features. In view of these characteristics, it was aimed to determine the true parents of the hybrid and possible other hybrid taxa distributed in the south-southeast coasts Abant Lake. These two Crocus taxa, which are endemic to this region, have no previous anatomical studies. In this sense, deficiencies related to Crocus taxonomy have been completed. The main differences of C. × paulineae from the other taxa; having the thickest cuticle (3.80 µm), the longest parenchyma (20.93 µm) cell in the mesophyll, and having papillae like structure on the keel corners of cuticle. This structure was also observed in C. olivieri over the cuticle at the corners of the keel. The other important differences was the number of small vascular bundles among the studied taxa. The chromosomal number of hybrid was also given for the first time.
... Anatomical characteristics have been considered as significant in the systematic studies of the genus Crocus (Raycheva et al. 2021;Ljubisavljević & Raca, 2020;Rudall and Mathew 1990) In the transverse section of the Crocus, the palisade parenchyma is distinguished from the spongy parenchyma. This characteristic has also been noted in Lilium candidum (Torres-Pio et al. 2021;Ozen et al. 2012). ...
... two species belong to the Nudicapus section, based on previous studies(Dolatyari et al. 2024;Petersen 2008;Rudall 1990).A comparable situation has been observed in a study conducted by Anabat et al.(2022)and Coskun et al.(2010)regardingC. haussknechtii, which is the sister group of the Nudicapus section. ...
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Crocus belongs to the Iridaceae family which comprises 88-100 species. This genus is represented in Iran by 24 species. This study analyzed relationships among the eight taxa distributed in Iran using 11 leaf anatomical characters. UPGMA (Unweighted Paired Group using average) and WARD clustering were performed using the Euclidean distance after 1000 times bootstrapping. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the three main components represent 85% of the variation. The PCA of anatomical traits effectively delineated the species under investigation. Furthermore, the PCA Biplot demonstrated that anatomical features can successfully differentiate between species. Notably, the condition of C. haussknechtii was found to be closely related to the two species, C. biflorus and C. michelsonii, despite C. haussknechtii being classified within the Crocus section, while the other two species belong to the Nudicapus section.Our findings indicate that additional anatomical data and molecular data are necessary for reliable conclusions regarding the studied species.
... Anatomical characteristics have been considered as significant in the systematic studies of the genus Crocus (Raycheva et al. 2021;Ljubisavljević & Raca, 2020;Rudall and Mathew 1990) In the transverse section of the Crocus, the palisade parenchyma is distinguished from the spongy parenchyma. This characteristic has also been noted in Lilium candidum (Torres-Pio et al. 2021;Ozen et al. 2012). ...
... two species belong to the Nudicapus section, based on previous studies(Dolatyari et al. 2024;Petersen 2008;Rudall 1990).A comparable situation has been observed in a study conducted by Anabat et al.(2022)and Coskun et al.(2010)regardingC. haussknechtii, which is the sister group of the Nudicapus section. ...
Crocus belongs to the Iridaceae family which comprises 88-100 species. This genus is represented in Iran by 24 species. This study analyzed relationships among the eight taxa distributed in Iran using 11 leaf anatomical characters. UPGMA (Unweighted Paired Group using average) and WARD clustering were performed using the Euclidean distance after 1000 times bootstrapping. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the three main components represent 85% of the variation. The PCA of anatomical traits effectively delineated the species under investigation. Furthermore, the PCA Biplot demonstrated that anatomical features can successfully differentiate between species. Notably, the condition of C. haussknechtii was found to be closely related to the two species, C. biflorus and C. michelsonii, despite C. haussknechtii being classified within the Crocus section, while the other two species belong to the Nudicapus section.Our findings indicate that additional anatomical data and molecular data are necessary for reliable conclusions regarding the studied species.
... Anatomical characteristics have been considered as significant in the systematic studies of the genus Crocus (Raycheva et al. 2021;Ljubisavljević & Raca, 2020;Rudall and Mathew 1990) In the transverse section of the Crocus, the palisade parenchyma is distinguished from the spongy parenchyma. This characteristic has also been noted in Lilium candidum (Torres-Pio et al. 2021;Ozen et al. 2012). ...
... two species belong to the Nudicapus section, based on previous studies(Dolatyari et al. 2024;Petersen 2008;Rudall 1990).A comparable situation has been observed in a study conducted by Anabat et al.(2022)and Coskun et al.(2010)regardingC. haussknechtii, which is the sister group of the Nudicapus section. ...
Crocus belongs to the Iridaceae family which comprises 88-100 species. This genus is represented in Iran by 24 species. This study analyzed relationships among the eight taxa distributed in Iran using 11 leaf anatomical characters. UPGMA (Unweighted Paired Group using average) and WARD clustering were performed using the Euclidean distance after 1000 times bootstrapping. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the three main components represent 85% of the variation. The PCA of anatomical traits effectively delineated the species under investigation. Furthermore, the PCA Biplot demonstrated that anatomical features can successfully differentiate between species. Notably, the condition of C. haussknechtii was found to be closely related to the two species, C. biflorus and C. michelsonii, despite C. haussknechtii being classified within the Crocus section, while the other two species belong to the Nudicapus section.Our findings indicate that additional anatomical data and molecular data are necessary for reliable conclusions regarding the studied species.
... Since cuticle and epiderma characters differ among these taxa, the results showed that epiderma and cuticle characters were significant as taxonomic characters in the studied taxa. On the other hand, Rudall and Mathew (1990) and Kandemir (2011) suggested that micropapillae on the cuticle and papillae in the epidermis cells had taxonomic significance. ...
... We think that papillae and micropapillae characters are important taxonomic characters to distinguishing the taxa. Moreover, Rudall and Mathew (1990), Kandemir (2011) and Kandemir et al. (2019) reported that micropapillae on the cuticle and papillae in epidermis cells had taxonomic significance Wang et al. (2009). reported leaf epiderma features of 17 Fritillaria species in China. ...
The micro-morphological features (anatomical) of the endemic Fritillaria taxa, i.e., F. assyriaca ssp. melananthera, F. asumaniae, F. byfieldii, F. carica, F. elwesii, F. forbesii, F. milasense, F. mughlae, F. ozdemir-elmasii distributed in the Mediterranean region were investigated, and their valuable features were identified taxonomically. Anatomical investigations of taxa were made using a light microscope (LM). The cross-sections of stem and leaf of the studied taxa and the surface sections of leaf were examined. Stomata were observed on both the upper and lower surface of the foliar epiderma of the studied taxa. The taxa were distinguished according to similarities and differences of characters in their micro-morphological features, and relationship degrees was investigated. In stem cross sections of taxa, the number of layers of sclerenchyma, the size and shape of epidermis cell, the presence of papillae in the epiderma, the presence of micropapillae on the cuticle, density or sparseness of both papillae and micropapillae, the number of layers of the parenchyma under the epiderma and whether it has chloroplasts, whether the vascular bundles were regular or irregular, number and presence of vascular bundle in the middle, presence or absence of crystals were determined as important distinguishing anatomical features in the stem of the taxa. In leaf cross sections of the studied taxa, stomata index, margins of ordinary irregular shaped cells, the width and length of the stomata, the density or sparseness of stomata, the number of parenchyma layer in the mesophyll, the shape of mesophyll parenchyma, presence or absence of palisade-like parenchyma cells in the mesophyll, the density of micropapillae and papillae were also found as valuable distinguishing anatomical features in the foliar epiderma morphology of these taxa.
... Studies such as Karasawa (1942), Rudall and Mathew (1990) and Erol and Küçüker (2007) report that Crocus taxa show significant differences in leaf cross section. Kerndorff et al. (2015) also reported that leaf anatomical structures align with phylogenetic relationships between species. ...
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The Crocus gargaricus complex (Iridaceae) is known from a handful of scattered populations and three taxa from Turkey. The relationship between these taxa and their taxonomic state, however, has remained controversial for the past 200 years. Crocus gargaricus was described from Mount Ida in 1841 and later a geographically distant population was discovered at Göktepe, Muğla. The closely related C. thirkeanus, which was considered a synonym for about 40 years until 1984 when it was elevated to subspecies level as C. gargaricus subsp. herbertii, was known only from Uludağ. The latest molecular methods have now shown C. thirkeanus and C. gargaricus to be distinct species. However, one major limitation of previous studies was their heavy reliance on cultivated material. This study examines all known populations of the C. gargaricus complex, collected from their type locations, as well as two more recently discovered populations (Kütahya and İzmir). We combine morpho-anatomical measurements, statistical data analyses and molecular phylogeny to help resolve the relationships between these taxa across their known ranges. Our analysis revealed a clear division of the six populations into three taxa: C. gargaricus, C. thirkeanus and C. cigdemiae, a new species described herein.
... The stomatal index varies from lowest in D. polypodioides (8.3) to highest in A. attenuatum (22.4). The stomatal size (guard cell size) have widely been used for taxonomic segregation in certain plant groups (Adedeji & Jewoola, 2008;Prabhakar, 2004;Rudall & Mathew, 1990). ...
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For the robust identification of taxonomically complex fern family like Athyriaceae, light and scanning electron microscopy is significance implications. This article present first microscopic investigation of foliar micromorphology of 3 genera and 10 species belonging to Athyriaceae namely, Athyrium, Deparia, and Diplazium were collected from different localities in Malakand Division , Northern Pakistan. In present study we compare foliar micromorphology of all 10 species using standard protocols of light microcopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy. Qualitative micromorphological variations in shape of epidermal cells, anticlinal wall pattern, stomatal type and shape, stomatal pore shape, guard cells shape, and trichomes types were studied. In addition, some quantitative characters were also studied and data were statistically analyzed in epidermal cell size, stomatal size, stomatal pore size, stomatal density, and stomatal index. The pivotal result of study include; shape of epidermal cell in all species is irregular on both abaxial and adaxial surfaces. The anticlinal walls are sinuous in most of the species but some species have irregular lobed and broadly lobed wall. Leaves are hypostomatic in all studied species. Two main categories of stomatal type were found: polocytic and anomocytic. Unicellular nonglandular trichomes were observed in only one species Athyrium mackinnoni. The variation in foliar micromorphological characters between the genera and within the species was useful in identification and classification and have potential taxonomic significance for species differentiation. An identification key using micromor-phological characters are provided to distinguish genera and species.
... The form, size, localisation, and frequency of the crystals in the tunics can be different and are usable as an additional distinguishing parameter for crocuses. Mathew (1990) studied crocus leaf anatomy in the context of other leaf anatomical studies on its subfamily Ixioidae and other Iridaceae. Taxonomically useful findings of them were that similar leaf shapes often correspond to nearly allied species e.g., belonging to a common series. ...
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In this article we present the new species Crocus cobbii from the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The definition of Crocus cobbii is based on molecular and detailed morphological findings, including the molecular examination and morphological revision of its four relatives, C. nudiflorus , C. clusii , C. salzmannii , and C. serotinus . An epitypfication for C. serotinus was done and a lectotype for C. nudiflorus designated. In addition, our molecular data assign the origin of the English C. nudiflorus , from which the plant was originally described, to the eastern Pyrenees.
Plants of the genus Crocus L. have a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. To date, many of their species have not been fully studied. Morphological and anatomical features of Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow have not been studied and there is no regulatory documentation. The literature review indicates the absence of a specific, complete description of these features that make it possible to identify and standardize Crocus alatavicus raw materials. The aim of this study is to research the features of morphological and anatomical diagnostic features of the plant C. alatavicus. Morphology of raw materials were studied using a binocular magnifier. Anatomical and diagnostic signs were determined by preparing temporary preparations according to the pharmacopoeia technique using an MS-300 microscope with a camera. Morphological and anatomical features of the reduced stem, leaves, and flower were studied. It has been established that the leaves of C. alatavicus have a unique and peculiar shape in cross-section, like most species of Crocus L. It consists of a central quadrangular "keel" and two side "arms". C. alatavicus differs from other species in the triangular shape of the "keel" and the tips of the "arms" are strongly curved to the "keel". There is a pale stripe in the axial direction along the center of the "keel". The leaves of C. alatavicus are amphistomatic in the arrangement of stomata and belong to the anomocytic type. These signs of plant are used to identify medicinal plant raw materials. It is important to emphasize that the standardization of C. alatavicus domestic raw materials creates new opportunities for its further use in medicine. Сrосиѕ L. тұқымдасының өсімдіктері фармакологиялық әсердің кең спектріне ие, олардың көптеген түрлері бүгінгі күнге дейін аз зерттелген. Олардың ішінде шикізатқа нормативтік құжаттама жетіспейтін Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow бар, өйткені бұл өсімдіктің морфологиялық-анатомиялық белгілері зерттелмеген. Әдебиеттерге шолу Crocus alatavicus шикізатын анықтауға және стандарттауға мүмкіндік беретін осы белгілердің нақты, толық сипаттамасының жоқтығын көрсетті. Зерттеудің мақсаты C. alatavicus шикізатының морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілерін зерттеу. Шикізаттың морфологиялық белгілері бинокулярлық лупаның көмегімен зерттелді, анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілер фармакопеялық әдіске сәйкес уақытша препараттарды дайындау арқылы фотокамералы МС-300 микроскопын қолдана отырып анықталды. Қысқартылған сабақтың, жапырақтың, гүлдің морфологиялық және анатомиялық-диагностикалық белгілері зерттелді. C. alatavicus жапырағының көлденең қимасы Crocus L. тусының басқа түрлері сияқты ерекше пішінге ие екені анықталды. Ол Орталық төртбұрышты "кильден"және екі бүйірлік "қолдардан" тұрады. Алатау шафранының зерттелген басқа Crocus L. түрлерінен айырмашылығы, "киль" үшбұрыш пішінді және "қолдарының" ұштары "кильге" өте иілген болып келеді. Осьтік бағытта "киль" орталығының бойында бозғылт жолақ бар. Алатау шафранында лептесіктердің орналасуы бойынша жапырақтары амфистоматикалық, лептесіктері – аномоциттік типті болып келеді. Өсімдік шикізатының осы белгілері шикізатты сәйкестендіру үшін қолданылады және дәрілік өсімдік шикізатын стандарттаудың маңызды аспектілерінің бірі болып табылады. Растения рода Сrocus L. обладают широким спектром фармакологического действия, многие их виды на сегодняшний день мало изучены. В их числе Crocus alatavicus Regel & Semenow, на сырье которого отсутствует нормативная документация, так как не изучены морфолого-анатомические признаки этого растения. Обзор литературы свидетельствует об отсутствии конкретного, полного описания этих признаков, которые делают возможным идентификацию и стандартизацию сырья Crocus alatavicus. Целью настоящего исследования является изучение морфологических и анатомо-диагностических признаков растение C. alatavicus. Морфологические признаки сырья изучали с помощью бинокулярной лупы, анатомо-диагностические признаки определяли путем приготовления временных препаратов согласно фармакопейной методике, используя микроскоп МC-300 c фотокамерой. Изучены морфологические и анатомо-диагностические признаки редуцированного стебля, листьев, цветка. Установлено, что листья C. alatavicus, как и большинство видов Crocus L. в поперечном сечении имеет уникальную и своеобразную форму. Состоит из центрального четырехугольного «киля» и двух боковых «рук». В отличие от других изученных видов Crocus L., у C. alatavicus «киль» имеет трехугольную форму и кончики «рук» очень изогнуты к «килю». В осевом направлении вдоль центра «киля» имеется бледная полоса. По расположению устьиц листья C. alatavicusназываются амфистоматическими, по структуре относиться аномоцитному типу. Данные признаки растительного сырья применяется для идентификации сырья, и являются одним из важных аспектов стандартизации лекарственного растительного сырья.
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The complexity of the series Verni is a result of the questionable taxonomical status of its representatives, followed by the confusing nomenclature, synonyms and high variability of chromosome numbers. The aim of the study is to define the taxonomical status of the cytotypes from Southeastern Europe (C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus, C. vernus, C. cf. heuffelianus) by combining morpho-anatomical, cytological, molecular and phylogenetic investigations. The estimation of ploidy levels was based on the chromosome numbers and genome sizes, while chloroplast sequences matK-trnQ, trnL-F, ycf1 and GBS methodology were used to disentangle phylogenetic relationships. The species status was confirmed for C. kosaninii, C. tommasinianus and C. vernus. The results suggest that C. heuffelianus sensu stricto represents the diploid 2n=10 cytotype, with mostly glabrous throats and intensive perigone color. The 2n=12 cytotype, with flatter and paler perigone segments, hairy throats, extremely short perigone tubes and white stripe/leaf diameter ratio of 1/7, is described as a new species C. bertiscensis. Crocus heuffelianus s. s. and C. vernus are parental species of all the polyploid cytotypes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of three groups in 2n=18 cytotype: pannonian-illyric (C. vittatus), western (C. scepusiensis) and southern carpathian (C. exiguus). The 2n=20, 22 cytotypes originated from the same polyploidization event. From the aspect of morpho-anatomy, the investigated polyploid cytotypes are representing intermediate forms between parental species and their taxonomical status remains unknown. Since populations from Vojnik and Vranica are characterized by the peculiar set of characters, raising them to the level of the new species is justified.
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Crocus speciosus is a widely distributed autumn-flowering species showing considerable variation in its morphological characters. Three subspecies are recognised, two of which are endemic to small areas of Turkey. The third, subsp.speciosus, occurs in a much wider area and contains a number of different cytotypes.C. pulchellus is a distinct but closely related species. The morphological relationships between the species and subspecies are discussed and a key to the taxa is provided. Cytological data are given and a distribution map of the cytotypes is provided. A detailed study of the leaf anatomy is presented.
Descriptions are presented of the leaf anatomy of five of the six native genera of Iridaceae: Diplarrhena Labill., Isophysis T. Moore, Libertia Spreng., Orthrosanthus Sw. and Patersonia R. Br, ex Ker-Gawl. Interesting anatomical features include the marginal projections which occur in leaves of some species of Patersonia, and the many examples of xeromorphy such as sclerenchyma completely encircling the phloem in some species of Patersonia. Stomatal development conforms to the type usually found in Iridaceae, except in Diplarrhena, which has perigene cells. Each genus has a characteristic combination of leaf anatomical features, showing the closest similarity between Libertia and Diplarrhena on the one hand, and between Orthrosanthus, Patersonia and Isophysis on the other.
Jemforande undersokningar ofver bladets anatomi
  • F W C Areschoug
Areschoug, F.W.C. (1 878). Jemforande undersokningar ofver bladets anatomi. Lund. 242pp.
Contribution 5 etude anatomique et systkmatique du genre Iris et des genres voisines
  • G Balicka-Iwanowska
Balicka-Iwanowska, G. (1893). Contribution 5 etude anatomique et systkmatique du genre Iris et des genres voisines. Lab. Bot. Univ. Gen?ve, skr. I, 6: 67-120.
Leaf form and structure in the genus Crocus
  • E J Collins
Collins, E. J. (1937). Leaf form and structure in the genus Crocus. [Abstract].