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Balancing in handstand on the floor


Abstract and Figures

The contribution is a review study dealing with a handstand as one of the basic movement structures in artistic gymnastics. Balancing in this inverse position is a complex process based on physiological and physical principles. From physiological point of view the important results are from research dealing with function of vestibular apparatus, visual system, proprioception, central nervous system and motor units and their participation in balance maintaining. Another important question is a relationship between the strength of particular muscle groups and a level of balancing ability. Based on stabilometric measurements and 3D kinematic analysis of correcting movements equalizing the perturbations during a handstand we can distinguish several strategies of maintaining balance. Other important factors influencing the holding time in handstand position in gymnastics, mainly in tool disciplines, are a visual control and position of head.
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Hedbávný P., Sklenaříková J., Hupka D., Kalichová M.: BALANCING HANDSTAND ON THE… Vol. 5 Issue 3: 69 - 80
Science of Gymnastics Journal 69 Science of Gymnastics Journal
Petr Hedbávný, Jana Sklenaříková, Dušan Hupka, Miriam Kalichová
Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech
Review article
The contribution is a review study dealing with a handstand as one of the basic movement
structures in artistic gymnastics. Balancing in this inverse position is a complex process based
on physiological and physical principles. From physiological point of view the important results
are from research dealing with function of vestibular apparatus, visual system, proprioception,
central nervous system and motor units and their participation in balance maintaining. Another
important question is a relationship between the strength of particular muscle groups and a
level of balancing ability. Based on stabilometric measurements and 3D kinematic analysis of
correcting movements equalizing the perturbations during a handstand we can distinguish
several strategies of maintaining balance. Other important factors influencing the holding time
in handstand position in gymnastics, mainly in tool disciplines, are a visual control and position
of head.
Keywords: gymnastics, balance, physiology, biomechanics.
Historically, artistic gymnastics in its
basis derives from acrobatics for which
positions and movements headfirst are
typical. Handstand is one of the basic
elements in both man and woman acrobatic
gymnastics. Handstand in its static form is
the initial and final position of many
movement structures and in its dynamic
form is either the basis of motion or its
component. For this reason the movement
structure is drilled with a great attention
from the very beginning of a gymnastic life.
As the exercise technique was developing,
the handstand technique and balancing
strategies in this position were changing as
well. The handstand technique plays an
important role as an initial and final position
of some of the gymnastics elements mainly
in artistic gymnastic of men, where the
stabilized handstand determines a referees’
recognition/ non-recognition of a movement
structure. This is typical for acrobatics, rings
and parallel bars. The stabilized handstand
is not only important for balance beam, it is
far more important for uneven bars in
female gymnastics. Dynamic movement
structures (circles, giant circles with
twisting) performed without penalization
must end in a handstand without follow-up
persistence. Here the technical perfection of
a handstand is important since the final
position of one movement structure
becomes an initial position of another one.
The correct balancing strategy is an
important part of methodology; therefore we
focused on an in-depth analysis of this issue.
We can have a look at the principle of
balancing from biological and physical
points of view (Hudson, 1996). Both
systems work in cooperation to create
conditions for balance. Whether we talk
about either static or dynamic balance,
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Science of Gymnastics Journal 70 Science of Gymnastics Journal
“owing to perturbations unsteadiness effects
and bifurcations occur in a system resulting
in the system becoming discontinuous,
diffused. Balance at its basis, a
characteristic of a quality of a system, is
simultaneously a process of the system”
(Brtníková & Baláž, 2007).
While it may be claimed that there is no
absolute balance, every position or
movement is a permanent process of
balance creation by means of correcting
movements. That is why we do not consider
these movements disturbing. However, the
tendency is to minimalize these correcting
movements. By means of these movements
we are able to eliminate the range and
transfer of disturbing movements to
different body parts, particularly the centre
of gravity. Therefore a quick reaction to the
stimulus informing brain about balance
disruption is necessary.
Physiological principle of balancing
From physiological point of view,
balancing consists of a number of phases:
The first phase is a detection of a specific
situation via sensory systems. When
maintaining an upright position, a man uses
a combination of information from
vestibular apparatus, visual and
proprioceptive information (Fransson,
Kristinsdottir & Hafström, 2004, Vuillerme,
Pinsault & Vaillant, 2005).
The function of vestibular apparatus
may be limited by an uncommon head
position, e.g. head bending backwards, or
during handstand or fast head movements
(Strešková, 2003, Asseman & Gahéry,
2005). The function of vestibular apparatus
may be improved by physical exercise.
Simultaneously, there is a direct relation
between the functional status of vestibular
apparatus and a quality of formation of
some movement routines (Strešková, 2003).
Visual system provides very important
information about where the body is located
with respect to the environment in which it
moves; eventually it provides information
about the speed of the movement (Nasher,
1997, Shumway-Cook & Woollacott, 2007).
The quality if visual system, mainly visual
acuity and stereoscopic vision, in other
words the depth of vision may influence the
quality of performance of a balancing
element. The influence of a visual control
over the balance was investigated by more
authors who generally came to the same
conclusion, and it is that when the visual
control is limited, the correcting movements
are of greater extent. Vuillereme at al.
(Vuillerme, Teasdale & Nougier, 2001,
Vuillerme et al., 2001) broadly explored the
role of visual stimuli in postural control of
ballet-dancers and female gymnasts. He
concluded that repeating of specific
movements during a training improved
postural regulations. A close relationship
was discovered between the level of a sport
training and postural abilities and a fact that
limitation of visual control considerably
disrupted postural performance.
Proprioception is based on a function of
mechanoreceptors in skin, muscles and
connective tissue and provides information
about relative configuration and position of
body segments, thus proprioception is
essential for coordinated functioning of
muscles (Nasher, 1997, Latash, 1998,
Goldstein 1999, Zemková & Hamar, 2005,
Shumway-Cook & Woollacott, 2007,
Míková, 2007). Proprioception may as well
influence the velocity and type, i.e. strategy
of muscle response on balance disturbing
perturbations. The function of
proprioceptors may be improved by
training. However, certain stimuli, e.g. joint
injury, could result in incorrect movement
perception of corresponding body segments
(Barrett, Cobb & Bentley, 1991, Ashton-
Miller, Woijtys, Huston & Fry-Welch,
2001). The experimental works of Lephart
et al. (Lephart, Giraldo, Borsa & Fu, 1996)
prove that artistic gymnasts have better
proprioceptive perception. He investigated
proprioceptive perception in knee joint in
women gymnasts. He came to same results
as Ramsay and Riddoch (2001) when he
found out that gymnasts have better
proprioceptive sensibility of a knee joint
than untrained individuals. Results of both
these studies imply that sportsmen who
Hedbávný P., Sklenaříková J., Hupka D., Kalichová M.: BALANCING HANDSTAND ON THE… Vol. 5 Issue 3: 69 - 80
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during the training process put the accent on
precise movement control show
proprioceptive perception of a higher level
on both upper and lower extremities.
Various authors have different opinions
on how much the different components –
vestibular, visual and proprioceptive –
contribute to balancing. Astrand et al.
(Astrand, Rodahl, Dahl & Stromme, 2003)
and Vařeka (2002), based on an experiment,
came to a conclusion that proprioceptive
organs play the most important role in
maintaining a stable position. Mysliveček
and Trojan (2004) and others think that the
most important component is vestibular
system. Sometimes, a certain sense conflict
may appear when an important part is the
ability to choose which information
acquired by visual, somatosensoric and
vestibular systems are reliable and which
are not (Shumway-Cook & Horak, 1986).
The received information is then
analyzed by central nervous system, where
cerebellum and its functional circuits play
an unsubstitutable role. From CNS (central
nervous system) the information is taken via
efferent pathways to muscle groups as
stimuli to their activation. There, a
contractive muscle force is generated which
results, based on leverage of joints, in
movement or stabilization of certain muscle
segments, in terms of balancing we call
these correcting movements.
In their works several authors have
already dealt with question of the third
phase of balancing process. They were
investing a relationship between balancing
ability and amount of muscle strength of a
corresponding muscle group into which an
impulse from CNS is delivered in order to
maintain the balance position of body. Most
previous studies focused on analysis of
influence of muscle strength on static and
dynamic balance in people with a significant
increase in muscle flaccidity (Carter, Khan
& Mallimson, 2002, Lord, Murray,
Chapman, Munro & Tiedemann, 2002).
Several studies have shown that
strength training improve balance (Pintsaar,
Brynhildsen & Tropp, 1996, Blackburn,
Guskiewicz, Petscgauer & Prentice, 2000,
Hideyuki, Taketzo, Satoshi, Miho &
Ukitoshi, 2000, Heitkamp, Horstmann,
Mayer & Weller, 2001, Carter, Khan &
Mallimson, 2002, Binda, Culham &
Brouwer, 2003, Kalapotharikos,
Michalopoulou, Tokmakidis, Godolias,
Strimpakos, & Karteroliotis, 2004,
McCurdy & Langford, 2006). Balckburn et
al. (Blackburn, Guskiewicz, Petscgauer &
Prentice, 2000) state that an activated
muscle with its strength helps
neuromuscular control in the way that
during contraction it increases the
sensitivity of proprioceptors detecting the
muscle extension and owing to this the
duration of electromechanical reflex of
muscle contraction decreases. Other studies
found out that, reversely, the balance
training improves strength (Heitkamp,
Horstmann, Mayer & Weller, 2001,
Heitkamp, Mayer, Fleck & Horstmann,
2002). In contrast to these results, Wolfson
et al. (Wolfson, Whipple, Judge, Amerman,
Derby & King, 1993) and Verfaille et al.
(Verfaillie, Nichols, Turkel & Hovell, 1997)
did not find any changes in balancing skills
after strength training. These contradictory
results may be caused by different
measuring methods. Insufficient relation
between strength and balance may be due to
differences among the muscle groups which
are involved in strength and balance tests.
From different point of view Zemková
(2004) dealt with a relationship between
development of strength and balance. The
authors state that owing to proprioceptive
stimulation the neuromuscular system
slightly fatigues which impairs balance of
body position right after the strain. During
longitudinal observation Zemková (2004)
found out that strength training using the
proprioceptive stimulation (combination of
vibrations with active strength stimuli)
resulted in reinforcement of balancing skills.
Postural control is thus a very
complicated process with several phases.
Postural control, whether in dynamic or
static conditions, is dependent on body
being able to react to sensory, inner and
outer perturbations. During a balancing
process it is important to observe the time
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characteristics of individual phases. When
passing through individual phases there
always is a certain time delay depending on
structural and functional status of the system
(Vařeka, 2002). Regarding the timing,
postural control and motor reactions may
proceed in two ways, depending on what
kind of movement activity is done. The first
option is anticipating postural corrections
which are performed c. 80 – 500 ms before
the acquired movement is initiated. These
preliminary processes serve to creation of
postural correction just before balance is
disrupted by perturbations. The second
option is a reverse action. As a reaction to
inner perturbations, deviations in body
posture occur, which are detected. As a
response to these a reaction occurs, motor
reaction, which regulate muscle strength in
order to compensate the outer perturbations
and keep the body in a steady position.
These reflex reactions occur firstly in short-
term responses 30 – 50 ms after the
deviation to which they react. Then there are
medium-term reactions approximately 100
ms after the deviation occurs, and finally
long-term reactions, deliberate regulating
actions, which occur up to 1 s after
deviation (Nasher, 1997).
Physical principle of balancing
When analyzing the balance positions it
is necessary to take into consideration that
human body is not a compact matter but a
set of connected items from which every
deviation results in change of position of
centre of gravity (Zemková & Hamar,
2005). In many works, mainly those
focusing on mechanics (e.g. Adrian &
Cooper, 1995, Hamill & Knutzen, 1995) the
authors state that static balance is equal to a
stable position. But as Kreighbaum and
Barthles (1990) note, there is no absolute
balance in human activity because human
body constantly passes through certain
changes in position. Every position or
movement is a continuous process of
recreating a balanced position using
correcting movements. The processes taking
place inside the human body, i.e.
respiration, activity of blood circulation,
deflect body from a given position. If we
then, with a certain simplification, consider
the resting positions as static, we may, from
point of view of action of force, characterize
them as following: Body lies in a static
equilibrium if the forces acting on the body
cancel out and body persists in rest. From
biomechanical point of view, the body lies
in equilibrium if it complies with two
The resultant of all forces acting on the
body is equal to zero:
0F...FFF n21
The resulting torque (with respect to
any axis) acting on the body is equal to
0M...MMM n21
In a stationary body position the
postural control is perceived as an ability of
body to resist the force of gravitation and to
keep the centre of gravity above a small
base of support (Nasher, 1997). Hudson
(1996) states that balance is disturbed more
by horizontal forces than forces acting in
vertical plane. A factor of balancing
stability thus depends on ability of body to
resist the horizontal changes of positions.
Balancing strategies
As we have already stated, keeping
body in a static position is a continuous
process of recreating balance by correcting
movements. Therefore these movements are
not considered disturbing. However, the
tendency is to minimalize their extent. By
means of these movements it is possible to
eliminate extent and transfer of real
disturbing movements to other body
segments, mainly to centre of gravity. At
locomotion system we may look as a system
of inverse pendulum with more or less
levels of freedom of movement depending
on fixation of individual joints by isomeric
contraction. Some authors have described
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the system of regulation of postural balance
in an upright position as a three-level
hierarchic system which begins at ankles,
moves up to knees and finally to hips
(Nashner & McCollum, 1985), whereas the
knees are used to correct the big deviations.
Two possible strategies, two possible
responds of locomotion system by which
perturbations may be corrected in an upright
position were in detailed described by
Horak and Nashner (1986). When a body
bends forward, either “ankles strategy” may
be used during which ankle extensors are
activated, knee flexors and hips extensors,
or “hips strategy” with activation of knee
extensors hip flexors. These two strategies
differ in direction of rotary movement in hip
joints. “Ankles strategy” is preferable for
smaller perturbations, whereas “hips
strategy” may be used for extensive or fast
perturbations or when the area of support is
small and only minimal rotations are
possible in ankles (Horak & Nahner, 1986).
Míková (2007) summarizes and
arranges the possible balancing strategies in
an upright position (Fig. 1). Whether we
talk about deviations in frontal or saggital
plane, possibilities are ankle strategy, hip
strategy and step strategy which extends the
two previously mentioned strategies and
authors mentioned above. During this
strategy, in order to keep the position of
centre of gravity above the base of support,
movement of one lower extremity in
opposite direction is used before the trunk is
deviated owing to perturbations. By this
movement part of body weight is moved to
the opposite side as the weight of trunk and
the centre of gravity, which is situated at
mass body centre, remains above the area of
Figure 1. Balancing strategies (Míková, 2007):
a) ankles strategy, b) hips strategy, c) step
Characteristics of handstand
From the more demanding positions,
handstand balancing is the one which is
analyzed the most (Gauthier, Marin, Leroy
& Thouvarecq, 2009, Kerwin & Trewartha,
2001, Mochizuki, Oishi, Hara, Yoshihashi
& Takasu, 1997, Sobera, 2007). Handstand
is a basic movement structure in the system
of activities in artistic gymnastics. It is a
static unstable balance position. From
mechanical point of view, its specificity is
determined by the height of centre of
gravity, size of support area and the overall
difficulty of the balance position in which
we maintain stability. Last but not least, the
atypical position of body (headfirst)
contributes to it as well. The optimal actions
of locomotion system also depend on
characteristics of environment with whom it
interacts. In artistic gymnastics, the balance
positions are often made difficult by
equipment (handstand on parallel bars,
beam) whose mechanical properties and
stability influences the difficultness of
balancing (Croft, Zernicke, & Tscharner,
2008). The difficultness may be also
increased by the fact that during these
conditions already small deviation causes
the centre of gravity not being over the base
of support.
Balance is held by a chain of muscle
actions which contribute to joint
movements, manage different body
configurations and control the movement of
the centre of gravity (Hayes, 1988). “In
order to hold balance, individual body
segments have to be strengthened by means
Hedbávný P., Sklenaříková J., Hupka D., Kalichová M.: BALANCING HANDSTAND ON THE… Vol. 5 Issue 3: 69 - 80
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of isometric contraction of active muscle
groups which fixate the spinal connections,
hip and knee joints. The final position of
handstand is characteristic by a flat angle
between “longitudinal” body axes – arms –
trunk – legs, straight head position (eyes
following the hand finger tips). In order to
increase the size of the area of support,
fingers are slightly outstretched and placed
in the area of support in the sportsman’s
shoulder width.” (Zítko & Chrudimský,
2006). The technically correct performance
involves sufficient strength of arms which
carry the whole sportsman’s weight,
shoulder girdle and space orientation.
Balancing strategies in a handstand
There are several ways of conducting a
thorough analysis of processes contributing
to balancing in a handstand position. Most
often we choose the analysis of COP (centre
of preasure) movement with a combination
of a visual control, peripheral vision, and
variants of head positions. In their
researches authors start from the mechanism
of balancing in an upright position. The
body configuration in a handstand is similar
to one in an upright position, which means
that transfers occur between upper and
lower extremities (Clement & Rezette,
1985). For handstand position, following
differences with respect to an upright
position are characteristic: The area of
support is smaller, whereas the distance
between the base and the centre of gravity is
bigger due to a support of extended arms,
which increases the instability (Slobounov
& Newell, 1996). Handstand position
requires an extraordinary muscle activity of
upper extremities which substitute for the
antigravitational task of lower extremities.
Although the muscle activity of upper
extremities is more precise, they succumb to
More authors have already dealt with
strategies of balancing in a handstand
position; their opinions are not uniform,
though. Nashner and McCollum (1985) state
that the configuration of a handstand
position is different from the one in an
upright position because instead of three
there are four joints (wrists, elbows,
shoulders and hips) involved and this
requires a specific postural coordination.
Also Asseman et al. (Asserman, Caron &
Crémieux, 2004) are of the same opinion
when he states that balancing in a handstand
position is more complex as it requires the
presence of four joints instead of three of
Sobera (2007) analyzed the process of
balancing in a handstand position and in a
tip toe position, which comprise the basic
elements in artistic and rhythmic
gymnastics. The research group consisted of
10 gymnasts whose handstand position was
analyzed, and 5 female modern gymnasts
who were in a tip toe position. The
sportsmen stood on a platform KISTLER
for a period of 10 s and 20 s. COP trajectory
was recorded. The measurements showed
that in a handstand the deviations occurred
mainly in the sagittal plane, which differed
from the tip toe position where the frontal
movement of COP is more important for the
stability. Also Slobounov and Newell
(1996) confirm bigger deviations in a
sagittal plane in comparison to an upright
position. Considering the strategies of
balancing in a handstand position Sobera
(2007) found out the most significant
corrections in the wrist joints: “The control
of balance in a handstand position is
realized in a similar way to an upright
position, i.e. via moving COP towards the
fingers or the wrist joints in the sagittal
plane or to right or left in the frontal plane.
Holding balance in a handstand position
requires maximal balancing in the wrist
joints. Control of balance in this unnatural
position is done mainly via increasing the
pressure of fingers on the ground as a result
of movement of the centre of gravity
towards the fingers or the increase of
pressure under the wrist joints during the
movement of the centre of gravity towards
the wrist.”
Yedon and Trewrthe (2003) confirm
the most considerable activity in wrists,
where the perturbations in a sagittal plane
Hedbávný P., Sklenaříková J., Hupka D., Kalichová M.: BALANCING HANDSTAND ON THE… Vol. 5 Issue 3: 69 - 80
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corrected by wrist flexors and extensors
with synergistically cooperating shoulder
joints and hips contribute to maintaining the
fixed body configuration. Rotations in wrist
together with rotations in shoulders and hips
generally work in the same direction as the
direction of rotation in wrist.
These results are identical to the results
of Kerwin and Trewarth (2001) who found
out that rotations in wrists, shoulders and
hips significantly correlate with the shift of
the centre of gravity, and the rotation in
wrist was dominant. The results of a work
by Gautier et al. (Gauthier, Thouvarecq &
Chollet, 2007) in which they analyzed the
strategy of balancing in a handstand position
in gymnasts show considerable movement
in shoulders (5.56°) and wrists (12.39°),
elbows almost did not move (1.21°), but
reached a maximal deviations, and hips
hardly moved (0.88°).
A different technique involving a
flexion in an elbow joint described
Slobounov and Newell (1996). According to
Yedon and Trewarh (2003) the flexion is
probably used just after the failure of
balancing using the “wrist strategy”. Gautier
et al. (Gauthier, Thouvarecq & Chollet,
2007) explain that flexion in elbow joints
enable gymnasts to lessen the centre of
gravity in case of extreme misbalance, as do
knees in an upright position. The result is a
bigger tolerance of fluctuations and possible
rebalancing. The configuration in a
handstand position is therefore similar to the
one in an upright position with the wrist
functions being similar to the ankle
functions, elbows are similar to knees and
shoulders are analogous to hips.
Visual control in a handstand position
Postural balance is controlled by a
system of sensors including vestibular,
proprioceptive and visual systems.
Understanding the function of visual
perception during postural regulation
contributes to a better understanding of how
a man moves in environment. Perception is
the prime condition for a postural
regulation. It enables us to record and
control a direction of our movement
(Stoffregen, 1985, Warren & Hannon, 1988,
Li & Warren, 2000, 2002). Visual control
may also compensate a lack of postural
control resulting from muscle fatigue
(Vuillerme et al., 2001).
The consequence of visual control
during balance regulation was investigated
by Gautier et al. (Gauthier, Thouvarecq &
Chollet, 2007). The aim of this study was to
deepen the knowledge about the postural
regulations in a handstand position. Authors
evaluated the influence of peripheral and
central vision on balance in a handstand
position in gymnasts. COP shift, angles
between body segments and gymnasts’
height was analyzed during this movement
task. The similarities appeared between the
ways of postural regulation in a handstand
position and in an upright position. In both
positions the COP oscillation increases
when eyes closed, which confirms the
influence of visual control on balance
(Clement & Rezette, 1985).
Lee and Lishman (1975) showed that
the closer the visual target, the smaller the
sagittal oscillations. In a handstand position
owing to a lowered head position the visual
surrounding is closer than in an upright
position. From this point of view it should
be easier to visually control the handstand
position rather than an upright position.
Clement et al. (1988) found out that the
viewpoint is placed app. 5 cm in front of the
wrist in the centre of the area between arms.
They continue that gymnasts unite this point
with an optimal vertical projection of the
centre of gravity.
Gautier et al. (Gauthier, Thouvarecq &
Chollet, 2007) analyzed the handstand
performance in ten gymnasts aged 18 – 25
years. The sportsmen performed the
handstand on a stabilometric platform
equipped with meters which recorded COP
changes in mm in sagittal (Y) and frontal
(X) plane. Simultaneously a video was
recorded from which the angles, dimensions
and angular velocity were evaluated. The
characteristics of handstand were compared
during following conditions: eyes open,
eyes closed, central darkness, peripheral
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darkness. The results showed that in
gymnasts there are no significant
differences among these four conditions
regarding the COP shifts. The biggest
oscillations were recorded in a sagittal plane
– 42.6 mm, saying that the oscillations were
mainly towards the fingers.
Asseman and Gahéry (2005) analyzed
the influence of the head position on
balancing in gymnasts who were asked to
perform handstand with different head
positions and with eyes open and closed.
The professional gymnasts had no problem
with balance in a handstand position with
their eyes closed. However it was found out
that it was much more difficult for them to
balance when their neck was in flexion,
probably because of the change of
orientation of head together with vestibular
apparatus. It shows main influence of had
position on the postural regulation in
We support the notion that in a
handstand position the body is in an upside
down position and the equivalents of ankles
and hips in an upright position are wrists
and shoulders. The new trends in the
technique of performance deal with three
segmental strategies of balance correcting in
a handstand position. An effort is to achieve
a perfect body strengthening by isomeric
contraction of abdominal, gluteal and back
muscles, resulting in connection of
segments legs – trunk and correction is done
at a level wrist – shoulder.
As the gymnast’s aim is to minimalize
the correcting movements, we assume that
the “wrist strategy” will be used when the
whole body stays fixed in a vertical
position. On the other hand, when the area
of support is small, the “shoulder strategy”
may necessarily be used. If the oscillations
are so big that the gymnast’s shoulder girdle
is not strong enough to correct them with
help of wrist and shoulders, then hips and
elbows follow.
As we mentioned above, the position of
head influences the stability on a handstand
position, the handstand technique itself and
it has its development. Formerly, when the
exercise difficulty was not the crucial
variable in artistic gymnastics competitions,
the flexion of head was not considered a
mistake, moreover it was the other way
round. Head was in most movements the
leading force. In recent periods, however, in
exercise techniques we moved towards the
head positioned as a continuation of neck.
This technique can be used by some
coaches. We agree with the opinion that
head should not be fixed in any extreme
position (bending forward, backward). For a
gymnast the visual contact with the ground
without extreme head bending is necessary.
Some authors focused only on 3D
analysis or a stabilometry, however in future
we want to focus on a complex analysis of
balancing strategy, i.e. 3D synchronization
of a kinematic analysis and a stabilometry
complemented with EMG. We want to find
a difference between the balancing
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and balance abilities of a gymnast
influences the quality of performance the
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segmental strategy of balance correcting in
this static movement structure. We think
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little nuances applicable in a handstand drill
and may make the drill more effective.
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Corresponding author:
Mgr. Petr Hedbávný, Ph.D.
Masaryk University
Faculty of Sports Studies
Kamenice 5
625 00, Brno, Czech rep.
... Handstand task is defined as the action of maintaining the body in an inverted vertical stance with the hands in contact with the support surface [55]. Handstand is one of the most important skills in acrobatic sports [28]. Correct execution of a handstand implies a body position with a straight back and legs to maintain posture enduringly [52], trying to maintain the Centre of Mass (COM) vertical projection within the support area created by hands [53]. ...
... Some of those variables are performer experience [53,55], visual availability [50], suit characteristics [15] or the surface where handstand is executed [3]. One key performance variable is upper limb strength [28] because the antigravitational function is not proper for those muscles. This function requires great muscle activity of the upper extremities [33], so those muscles succumb early to fatigue [28]. ...
... One key performance variable is upper limb strength [28] because the antigravitational function is not proper for those muscles. This function requires great muscle activity of the upper extremities [33], so those muscles succumb early to fatigue [28]. Fatigue is an important constraint in acrobatic sports because affects several aspects (biomechanical response, perception, injury tolerance, etc.) during training and competition [6,40]. ...
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Background The handstand is an essential skill in acrobatic sports. This skill requires the athlete to maintain an inverted upright stance with only the hands supported, which requires a great effort of muscular coordination and motor control. Several factors influence the ability to control the posture, including fatigue, which is a bit studied constraint of handstand performance. Research question With the aim to find out whether variability in movement control can be an indicator of fatigue, the present study was carried out. Method Fourteen male acrobatic gymnasts were required to perform handstands. The time series for analyzing variability were capturing using Force Platforms, which is a traditional laboratory instrument, and Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), which is a more recent and less widely used, but more accessible tool. For this purpose, an analysis of the amount of variability was carried out, using the standard deviation. And analysis of the structure of variability (or complexity), using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) and Fuzzy Entropy (FuEn). Results Our results reveal that fatigue causes significant increases in the amount of variability in the medio-lateral axis on the force platform, and in the IMU located in the area of the L5 vertebra. These changes are accompanied by increased auto-correlation in the medio-lateral axis of the force platform, and more unpredictable behavior in the L5 IMU.
... It is a fundamental skill [1][2][3][4] performed both in dynamic (performed as position passing through swing exercises i.e., parallel bar, pommel horse) and static (maintaining a balanced inverted body position, i.e. floor exercises, rings) forms. The static form of the handstand is of particular relevance as it is frequently the initial and/or the final position of many figures [5,6]. ...
... From the perspective of performance evaluation, static positions such as a handstand, must be held for minimal requested duration of two seconds, with shorter durations being penalized [19] and balancing a handstand with larger corrective movements and sway also results in a worse performance rating (e.g., a higher score deductions for the execution [20]). Maintaining the static handstand is a complex interplay of various factors [21][22][23][24][25] mostly affected by the reciprocal coordination of the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and hips [1,5,[26][27][28][29]. The wrists and wrists' torque are considered as the most important for balance maintenance [1,5,27], followed by flexion in elbows [28] and hips [1,5,26,29] allowing for corrective movements. ...
... Maintaining the static handstand is a complex interplay of various factors [21][22][23][24][25] mostly affected by the reciprocal coordination of the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and hips [1,5,[26][27][28][29]. The wrists and wrists' torque are considered as the most important for balance maintenance [1,5,27], followed by flexion in elbows [28] and hips [1,5,26,29] allowing for corrective movements. Some authors [4,27,29,30] have suggested that for performing a handstand, shoulders are an important joint group as their two main capacities-mobility and stability [31] are influential in the center of mass (COM) shifting [1]. ...
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Handstand is a basic element common across gymnastic disciplines and physical education classes that is frequently evaluated for quality in competition or skill acquisition. The correct handstand execution relies on maintaining balance, for which the shoulders seem particularly important. This study explores the relationship between shoulder joint function and the quality of handstand execution in novice college athletes (n = 111; aged 19–23 years). We assessed the shoulder joint function using standardized field tests (Upper Quarter Y Balance Test and Closed Kinetic Chain Upper Extremity Stability Test) and evaluated handstand execution on official rating scale. Ordinal logistic regression models showed no relationship between the quality of handstand execution (E-score) and measures of shoulder joint stability or mobility in our sample (POR = 0.97 [0.91, 1.03] and 1.00 [0.91, 1.09] for E-score). Two major factors may have caused an observed pattern of results. Firstly, the standardized tests assess shoulder joints in different loads and ranges of motion compared to handstands. Secondly, our novice sample was not able to perform the handstand sufficiently well. In our sample of novice college athletes, shoulder function seems not related to handstand execution as other latent factors hindered their performance.
... Con relación a lo anterior, es vital aclarar que la propiocepción es definida entonces como la información aferente relacionada con la posición y ubicación del cuerpo y sus extremidades en el espacio, las vías aferentes son llamadas motoneuronas alfa provenientes del músculo esquelético (Widmaier, Raff, Strang, & Shoepe, 2019). De esta manera, Hedbávný, Sklenaříková, Hupka & Kalichová (2013 ) resaltan que los gimnastas durante los movimientos, tanto estáticos como dinámicos, requieren la capacidad de equilibrar y mantener el control postural a través de las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Además, desarrollar la capacidad para controlar los factores que afectan la estabilidad del cuerpo durante ejercicios que incluyen el tamaño de la base de sustentación, la altura del centro de gravedad y el número de apoyos en contacto con el aparato. ...
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El presente libro, titulado como Consideraciones de innovación e investigación metodológica aplicadas a las ciencias del entrenamiento deportivo, analiza la metodología de la investigación como un instrumento de las ciencias aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo. Es un libro necesario para formar nuevos conocimientos, así como para dar recurso a los problemas relacionados con el beneficio de resultados a nivel competitivo. En este sentido, resulta común que los investigadores del entrenamiento deportivo den solución a los problemas de bajo rendimiento, sesión de entrenamiento más eficiente que otras, y cómo estas se remedian con el trabajo sistémico, proceso de investigación, metodologías adecuadas, instrumentos válidos y confiables. En términos normales, se deben emplear procesos de investigación adecuado al momento de acoger el sentido práctico y operativo del entrenamiento deportivo. La ciencia del entrenamiento deportivo simboliza un legítimo fenómeno social que ha rebasado un alto nivel de progreso y complejidad en los medios utilizados para el beneficio de sus objetivos generales y específicos, posición que demanda el concurso de otras ciencias que contienen en su campo de estudio y utilizan su aparato categorial. El entrenamiento deportivo contribuye a conocimientos para resolver el proceso de formación psicológica, táctica, física, técnica y cognitiva especializada en los diferentes deportes. En tal sentido, Consideraciones de innovación e investigación metodológica aplicadas a las ciencias del entrenamiento deportivo proporciona aportes científicos de eminente valor, que se exhiben en los efectos alcanzados por los autores en cada capítulo. Cada capítulo demanda resolver con eficiencia el carácter interdisciplinario de las distintas ciencias aquí reflejadas (biomecánica, fisiología, anatomía, psicología, cineantropometría y otras), que dan a conocer una orientación teórico-práctica y científica a las esferas del deporte y cómo se integra respecto a un objeto particular. Por lo anterior, encontraremos capítulos como el presentado por Diego Fernando Polanco Bustos y Jorge Ricardo Sanna Guerrero titulado “análisis de los efectos sobre la efectividad técnica y resistencia intermitente de los métodos periodización táctica y ATR en jugadores universitarios de tenis de campo”. El de Ángel Antonio Lozano Ariza, Oscar Miguel Villarreal Rocha y Edwin José Torres Herrera: “Diseño metodológico basado en ejercicios de variabilidad y su efecto para desarrollar la velocidad en el lanzamiento de la recta en pitchers de 16 años en la escuela de béisbol de Comfenalco de Cartagena de Indias” y el escrito por los magísteres Félix Enrique Pájaro Olivo, Yehinson Barajas Ramón y Juan Manuel Torres Plata titulado “Diseño metodológico basado en ejercicios pliométricos y su efecto para desarrollar la potencia de miembros inferiores en arqueros de 16 a 17 años de la academia de fútbol de crespo de Cartagena de Indias”, los cuales son trabajos metodológicos para los deportes con programas que parten de los resultados del Pretest como evaluación de la condición física inicial de los deportistas, se lleva a cabo previo periodo de familiarización y adaptación de las metodologías de intervención como: ATR, Variabilidad, Método Periodización Táctica y Pliometria para finalizar con los Postest y evidenciar la mejora en el rendimiento deportivo. Las experiencias profesionales aquí descritas por los autores son de carácter integrador, incluyendo temas de gran importancia en el entrenamiento deportivo como valoración, rendimiento, observación, principios, leyes, estructuras, técnicas, medios y los métodos de control. Así como las bases que lo respaldan, es decir, la dirección científica e innovadora del proceso de entrenamiento, como son los trabajos de Yaina Panciera Di Zoppola, Juan David Niño Restrepo y Katherine Barros, con el trabajo titulado “Segmentación de la composición corporal según la posición de juego de los deportistas pertenecientes a la selección de rugby de la Universidad de la Guajira Distrito Riohacha”; Wilder Geovanny Valencia Sánchez, Ricardo León Díaz García y Elkin Alberto Arias Arias, con “La enseñanza del fútbol: modelo didáctico de competencias de acción de juego”, y Jesús León Lozada Medina, con “Rendimiento anaeróbico en niñas prepúberes que practican patinaje de carreras”. Estos son escritos que muestran procesos en los que se tomó en cuenta las experiencias adquiridas en la práctica investigativa, sobre todo en la esfera de las ciencias aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo, con el objetivo de suscitar el cambio, el perfeccionamiento y la innovación; desarrollando de esa manera la competencia profesional de los autores, en función de las demandas del contexto. Finalmente, la escritura del presente libro, en el que se argumentan los fundamentos que confirman a las ciencias aplicadas al entrenamiento deportivo como la enseñanza de la práctica deportiva de alto rendimiento al reflejarse el carácter científico de esta, señala en cada capítulo la innovación científica de los autores en sus diferentes horizontes; como por ejemplo, el capítulo de Luis Ángel Cardozo Pacheco y Manuel de Jesús Cortina Núñez titulado “Programa de intervención con cargas concentradas de coordinación para el mejoramiento de la defensa de campo en jugadores de cuadro de 4 a 8 años en la escuela de béisbol Club de Leones de Cartagena”; el de Juan Sebastián Upegui Agudelo y Enoc Valentín González Palacio, titulado “Incidencia de un programa de aprendizaje basado en el fútbol, en las habilidades motrices básicas en niños de 6 y 7 años participantes de un semillero extraclase; de Idis Alfaro Ponce y Linda Martínez Díaz, titulado “Las prácticas deportivas en clave de género, aproximaciones desde otros bordes”; de Diana Díaz Vidal y Keily Puerta Mateus, titulado “Actividad física y deporte en las narrativas de dirigentes y promotores en una institución del Distrito de Cartagena de Indias- Colombia: Una línea de base”; y el de Julián Mauricio Soto Morcote y Fernando Alberto Bohórquez Campos, titulado “Características fisiológicas en gimnasia artística masculina”. Estas son propuestas de intervención docente que utilizan la corporeidad de los sujetos, por consiguiente, conjugando las cualidades físicas, actividad física y deportiva en pro del conocimiento consiente de las posibilidades de comprender las distintas perspectivas del contexto deportivo y sus técnicas. En ese orden de ideas, querido lector, los invitamos a considerar dentro de sus libros académicos y de formación, la amena lectura (y no por ellos menos científica) de Consideraciones de innovación e investigación metodológica aplicadas a las ciencias del entrenamiento. Es una ventana abierta para que académicos, maestros y profesionales de las ciencias del deporte puedan enrutar metodológicamente sus investigaciones. Félix Enrique Pájaro Olivo Editor académico
... This learning requires complex technical skills (Minganti et al., 2010), and involves several physical components such as strength, flexibility, and balance skills (Bradshaw et al., 2010;Sleeper et al., 2016). This includes handstand skills which are useful for acquiring other skills that are more difficult and complex (Hedbávný et al., 2013). After 3-4 years of practice, often between the age of 7-11 years, young gymnasts begin performing handstands on a flat surface like the floor (Kochanowicz et al., 2015). ...
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Handstand skills are one of the materials that must be mastered by students through Physical Education (PE) learning. However, the learning media used by the teacher has not been effective in achieving this goal. Therefore, this study aims to develop Android-based gymnastics learning media to improve handstand skills in junior high school students. The design used is Research and Development (R & D) which adopts the Plomp model and pre-experimental to test its effectiveness. A total of 47 junior high school students in Indonesia participated in this study. Then, 9 experts were also involved to assess the feasibility of the product before it was implemented. The procedures in this study consisted of preliminary research, prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Product effectiveness testing includes pre-test data, use of Android-based learning media, and post-test data. The instrument used was a handstand skills test, and the duration of the treatment was ± 1 month. Validity and reliability data were analysed using the validity coefficient V from Aiken and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), while product effectiveness used a t-test. The results showed that the average validity was 0.87 (high) and the reliability was 0.88 (very high). The results of testing the effectiveness of the product also showed that the Android-based gymnastics learning media was effective for improving handstand skills (p < .05), with an average post-test of 70.93 > pre-test of 63.45 and the difference is 7.48. In conclusion, students in junior high school can develop their handstand skills by using Android-based gymnastics learning media. This research is expected to be able to overcome the limitations in learning, both for PE teachers, junior high school students, and gymnastics practitioners in improving handstand skills.
... As a result, the reduced surface area of the hand acts like the foot to maintain body balance with the wrists and shoulders acting as the ankle and hip (strategy adopted during bipedal stance) [11]. It is well-known that keeping a straight body shape without any angles in the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints and a strong balance between agonists and antagonist's muscles is required for high-quality handstand postures [29][30][31]. Therefore, such findings highlight that shoulder torque plays a more important role than hip torque in the handstand postural control strategy [7,12,32]. ...
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Upright bipedal posture is the physiological human posture; however, it is not the only possible form of human standing; indeed, an inverted position, a handstand, is required during gymnastics or other sports. Thus, this study aimed to understand the differences between the two standing strategies from a postural and neuromuscular perspective. Thirteen gymnasts with at least three years of sports experience underwent a baropodometric assessment and a surface electromy-ography (sEMG) examination in a standard upright bipodalic stance and during a handstand. The sEMG examination was performed on the gastrocnemius during an upright stance and on the flexor carpi radialis during the handstand. Limb weight distribution presented differences between the two vertical stances (p < 0.01). During the handstand, the weight ratio was prevalently observed on the palm of the hand for both hands with a significant difference between the front and rear aspect of the hand compared to the standing tasks (p < 0.01). Normalized sEMG amplitude showed significant differences during bipedal standing and hand standing; however, over a 5 s period, the normalized median frequency (MDF) value was similar for the two tasks. Both standing tasks presented similar postural weight managing patterns when analysed on the frontal plane, but they were different on the sagittal plane. In addition, the neuromuscular patterns during a 5 s window differ in amplitude but not for the frequency domain.
... Con relación a lo anterior, es vital aclarar que la propiocepción es definida entonces como la información aferente relacionada con la posición y ubicación del cuerpo y sus extremidades en el espacio, las vías aferentes son llamadas motoneuronas alfa provenientes del músculo esquelético (Widmaier, Raff, Strang, & Shoepe, 2019). De esta manera, Hedbávný, Sklenaříková, Hupka & Kalichová (2013 ) resaltan que los gimnastas durante los movimientos, tanto estáticos como dinámicos, requieren la capacidad de equilibrar y mantener el control postural a través de las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Además, desarrollar la capacidad para controlar los factores que afectan la estabilidad del cuerpo durante ejercicios que incluyen el tamaño de la base de sustentación, la altura del centro de gravedad y el número de apoyos en contacto con el aparato. ...
Las ciencias del deporte son un campo multidisciplinario relacionado con la comprensión y la mejora del rendimiento humano. Incluye el conocimiento, los métodos y las aplicaciones de las subdisciplinas de los estudios del movimiento humano, es decir, fisiología del ejercicio, cineantropometría, biomecánica, desarrollo, aprendizaje y control motor, psicología del ejercicio y del deporte, entre otras. Las ciencias del deporte se ocupan también de la interacción de estas ciencias para proponer respuestas a los problemas del desarrollo de los deportistas y su formación para el rendimiento. La idea es proporcionar intervenciones basadas en evidencia a los deportistas para ayudarlos a lograr el mejor rendimiento deportivo posible. La investigación en las ciencias del deporte produce conocimiento que frecuentemente es muy relevante para el deporte de alto rendimiento. Sin embargo, existe una brecha entre la ciencia actual y el entrenamiento aplicado, la transferencia a la práctica de los desarrollos científicos no es una tarea sencilla. Los descubrimientos de las ciencias del deporte no siempre son transferidos de forma fluida a la práctica del entrenamiento en los campos deportivos y, al contrario, el entrenamiento no siempre está apoyado en los desarrollos científicos. Abordar y salvar esta brecha desde ambos lados de la investigación es una ambición importante. El presente texto presenta una serie interesante de propuestas que pretenden abordar esta problemática y fundamentar el entrenamiento deportivo a partir de la recolección de evidencias. Se trata de una contribución desde diferentes subdisciplinas, como la fisiología del ejercicio, el aprendizaje motor, la pedagogía, la cineantropometría y la psicología del deporte, en donde se pone a prueba, utilizando enfoques de investigación tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos, procedimientos para proponer solución a problemas de rendimiento en diversas modalidades deportivas tales como fútbol, rugby, patinaje de carreras, tenis de campo, gimnasia artísitica y béisbol. Me complace mucho presentar este compendio de 11 capítulos en donde se presentan en sociedad los esfuerzos llevados a cabo por autores que confían en que la investigación es la base fundamental del rendimiento deportivo. De esta manera, los esfuerzos de entrenadores y deportistas serán mucho más productivos y los recursos mejor empleados cuando logramos implementar en la práctica los procedimientos comprobados empíricamente. Los 11 trabajos muestran una estrecha relación entre la teoría y la práctica, y su lectura nos dotará de conocimientos y nuevas ideas. Invito a los lectores a sumergirse en la lectura de este escrito, en el cual se discute el maravilloso, pero a menudo implacable, desafío de mejorar el rendimiento de los deportistas. Combinando el conocimiento existente (lo que sabemos que funciona), el conocimiento transferible (lo que ha funcionado en otros lugares), las observaciones anecdóticas (lo que hemos visto funcionar) y la innovación (como las que se proponen en los 11 capítulos de este texto) nos permitirá encontrar la solución correcta, en el momento adecuado, para el individuo específico (y a menudo único) para superar el desafiante "arte" de la aplicación. Aquí se explora este desafío relacionado con el aprendizaje y entrenamiento de deportes muy populares y con gran cantidad de practicantes en Colombia. Para todos los que nos gusta la combinación ciencia y deporte, es un disfrute pasar las páginas y descubrir algo nuevo y relevante en cada una de ellas. El esfuerzo editorial de Félix y los compañeros de la USB de Cartagena es un regalo para cada uno de nosotros que nos deleitamos con deportes como el béisbol, fútbol y fugby. También apreciamos y nos emocionamos con los desarrollos técnicos y científicos en tenis, patinaje de carreras y gimnasia artísitica. Agradezco a cada uno de los autores por permitirnos disfrutar de su trabajo y por compartir con nosotros los métodos por los cuales llegaron a obtener resultados científicos relevantes para la práctica. Su trabajo será también fuente de ideas para otros investigadores que, a partir de lo construido por los autores participantes en este libro, podrán aportar también su porción de conocimiento para continuar construyendo este gran puzzle de las ciencias del deporte y del entrenamiento deportivo. Elkin Alberto Arias Arias Dr.
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Background/Objectives: The handstand is an exercise performed in many sports, either for its own sake or as part of physical training. Unlike the upright bipedal standing posture, little is known about the sagittal alignment and balance of the spine during a handstand, which may hinder coaching and reduce the benefits of this exercise if not performed correctly. The purpose of this study was to quantify the sagittal alignment and balance of the spine during a handstand using radiographic images to characterize the strategies employed by the spino-pelvic complex during this posture. Methods: Nineteen national-level artistic gymnasts participated in this study and underwent a low-dose biplanar (frontal and lateral) radiograph in both upright bipedal standing posture and during a handstand. Then, 3D reconstruction of the spine, based on biplanar radiographic images, enabled the determination of key pelvic (pelvic incidence, sacral slope, pelvic tilt) and spinal (lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, T9 sagittal offset) parameters in both postures. Results: The results showed that most gymnasts performed pelvic retroversion during the handstand, which was accompanied by an average decrease in lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and T9 sagittal offset. Additionally, lumbar curvature was found to depend on pelvic orientation in upright bipedal standing posture, whereas it was associated with the thoracic spine during the handstand. Conclusions: This study provides new insights into how the spine kinematically adapts to an inverted body load. The results may help coaches and physiotherapists in teaching the handstand or using it to rehabilitate and strengthen the spine through the handstand posture.
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The aim of the study was the examination of the relationships among gymnasts’ training age, body mass index (BMI), balance control during the execution of handstand, standing scale forward, and stork standing in relevé position, and their performance in competition settings. Forty young competitive gymnasts (20 males; age: 12.20 ± 1.98 years, and 20 females; age: 12.33 ± 2.07 years, mean ± SD) participated in this study. A portable digital platform for posturography was used to measure maximal pressure, center of pressure (CoP) sway area, CoP linear distance displacement and CoP velocity. The resulting data were analyzed using an integrated software module (Foot Checker, version 4.0). The results confirm the reliability of the measurements. Strong positive correlations were found between gymnasts' performance in the gymnastics competition, and their training age and BMI, with relationships also identified between performance and variables related to balance control. Regression analysis revealed that gymnasts' training age, BMI, and balance control in performing the assessed gymnastics skills had predictive significance in determining their performance in the competition, taking into account differences between age groups. Despite the limitations of the study, the results represent a valuable contribution to the literature by expanding knowledge about predicting gymnastics performance in competition. Furthermore, the results provide evidence for the identification of talent in gymnasts, offer coaches insights to improve training efficiency, and provide recommendations for future research in this area.
Acrobatic gymnastic is a sport where the athletes perform technical elements that presuppose static maintenance of balance, for a defined mandatory period of time. The objective of this preliminary study was to understand aspects such as the type of support characteristic of each exercise, the understanding of the strategies of placement of the center of mass to ensure balance, and the observation of the stability of each athlete. In this way, it is possible to predict the influence of the center of mass position and to improve the athlete’s performance, as well as, to improve the techniques used.
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The purpose of the study was twofold: (a) to examine the impact of various finger placements and utilization on the quality, control, and overall efficiency of handstand performance, and (b) to investigate potential gender differences in relation to these factors. Thirty-one young competitive gymnasts (15 males; age: 12.60 ± 2.08, and 16 females; age: 13.31 ± 2.21) participated in this study. A portable posturographic digital platform was used to record hand area (cm²), maximal pressure (kPa), CoP (center of hand pressure) sway area (mm²), CoP linear distance displacement (mm) and CoP velocity. Derived data were analyzed in an integrated software module (Foot Checker, version 4.0). The intra-class correlation coefficient and the coefficient of variation supported the reliability of the measurements. One-way MANOVA showed better balance control for all gymnasts for the handstand with flat palms and joined and fully stretched fingers, followed by that of flat palms and wide open and fully stretched fingers, and wide flat palms and open and flexed fingers. Results from one-way MANOVA indicated no differences between males and females in age, training age, body mass, height, and body mass index. With control for the effects of age, training age, personal characteristics and hand area of support in place, females had better balance control compared to males based on differences in CoP sway area, CoP linear distance displacement, and CoP velocity. Despite the study's limitations, the findings contribute to the existing literature on balance control techniques in handstands in relation to gender differences. The study provides recommendations for more effective training for coaches and suggests avenues for future research.
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Can moving observers distinguish the direction in which they are moving from the direction in which they are looking? Radial patterns of optical flow could be used to perceive the translational direction of self-motion and to guide locomotion. However, these patterns are confounded by eye movements, which has led previous investigators to reject the outflow pattern and to propose alternative strategies. Using computer-generated displays of optical flow, we show here that humans can perceive their direction of self-motion during stationary fixations, pursuit eye movements, and with displays that simulate the effects of eye movements. We conclude that optical flow is sufficient for perceiving the direction of selfmotion and provide evidence for a theory based on differential element motion.
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Although published studies have indicated the effectiveness of strength exercise for improving muscle strength and functional and neuromotor performance in older adults, there is limited evidence concerning the effects and the intensity of a resistance exercise programme. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a 12-week high- and moderate-resistance exercise programme on functional and neuromotor performance in healthy, inactive older adults. In total, 33 sedentary people (aged 60–74years) were assigned to one of three groups: control; high resistance exercise; and moderate resistance exercise. All three groups were evaluated in the pre- and post-exercise period using the 6-minute walk test, whole body reaction time and one leg stance time. After the exercise period, both resistance exercise groups significantly improved their lower body strength, functional performance (as measured by the 6-minute walk test), whole body reaction time and one leg stance time. Functional and neuromotor performance improved similarly for both high- and moderate-resistance exercise after the training period. The high-resistance exercise was more effective in increasing the lower body strength than moderate-resistance exercise. Results suggest that functional and neuromotor performance can be significantly improved with both high- and moderate-resistance exercise protocols.
Objectives To determine whether proprioception or muscular strength is the dominant factor in balance and joint stability and define what type of ankle rehabilitation is most effective for these purposes. Setting The University of North Carolina Sports Medicine Research Laboratory. Subjects Thirty-two healthy volunteers free of head injury, dominant leg injury, and vestibular deficits. Design Subjects were divided into control, strength-training, proprioceptive-training, and strength-proprioception combination training groups. Balance was assessed before and after 6-week training programs. Measurements Static, semidynamic, and dynamic balance were assessed. Results Subjects showed no improvement for static balance but improved significantly for semidynamic ( P = .038) and dynamic (P = .002) balance. No significant differences were observed between groups. Conclusions Enhancement of proprioception and muscular strength are equally effective in promoting joint stability and balance maintenance. In addition, no 1 type of training program is superior to another for these purposes.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of resistance training alone or in combination with balance and gait training on balance and gait measures in seniors. Subjects, ranging in age from 65 to 83 years, were randomly assigned to a strength and balance/gait group (SB, n = 21) or a control group (S, n = 18) receiving strength and relaxation training. Both groups significantly increased their strength and gait speed over the 12-week training period, but step length remained unchanged. The results suggest that elders can make significant gains in muscular strength and walking speed through resistance training, and that adding balance and gait training to resistance training can significantly improve some balance and gait measures beyond improvements achieved from strength training alone. If replicated, these results set the stage for investigations of injury control benefits possible from balance training.
In a previous study, balance training yielded a gain in strength in middle-aged men and women [6]. However, whether such training can yield positive results in highly conditioned athletes has not been addressed. A group of 10 male and 10 female judokas volunteered for a 6-week balance training on rolling boards, pegtops, soft mats and large rubber balls 3 times per week. Pre- and post training of two-legged balance was measured on a stabilometer, one-legged standing time on a narrow rim and bilateral isokinetic strength at 60°/s concentric and eccentric modes, 120°/s concentric mode and isometrically for the knee extensors and flexors. Except for concentric movement at 60°/s in women, significant improvements in strength were indicated. It is therefore concluded that balance training may be useful for both male and female judokas for increasing strength and balance.
This study provides a comparative analysis of certain features of upright and inverted stance in collegiate-level competitive gymnastic and diving athletes. A particular focus was the compensatory movement strategies used to maintain inverted stance. The analyses revealed that the motion of the center of pressure was significantly greater in the hand stance as opposed to the upright stance condition. Instability increased over the duration of a 15-s hand stance trial, and it was paralleled by the introduction of a small set of compensatory movement strategies that included enhanced motion at the distal segments of the legs and at the elbow joint. The compensatory movement strategies appeared to be in support of minimizing variability of motion in the head and trunk. The relative contribution of the principal sources of this instability in the hand stance remains to be determined.
After ensuring postural stability a constant supply of information via different types of sensors is necessary as well as an efficient guiding activity of the CNS and a functioning locomotor system. Frequently the importance of exteroception is overlooked and the influence of the psychic state is omitted. The understanding of the principles of postural stability is significantly assisted by clinical findings of developmental kinesiology and investigation of pathological conditions in adult age. In the sphere of research in recent years the method of so-called stabilography is rapidly developing as well as the follow up of changes in the position of COP and other parameters by means of tensometric planes. For assessment of the centre of gravity (COM) 3D analysis can be used.
This study investigated the relationship between static balance scores and muscle strength in older adults. The subjects were 618 older adults (male 259, female 359) aged 67 to 91 years living in Nangai Village in Japan. 1) Body sway test: The subjects stood stationary and upright on a force platform with their feet together (Romberg stance) for 20 seconds with eyes open and eyes closed. Body sway length and body sway area were calculated as magnitude of body sway. 2) One leg standing: Duration of standing while using the preferred leg was measured for a maximum of 60 seconds with eyes open, and for 30 seconds with eyes dosed. Muscle strength: The grip strength of the preferred hand was measured using a hand-held Smedley-type dynamometer as muscle strength. Among the three balance scores with eyes open, the most significant relation to grip strength was the one leg standing score. The relationship between muscle strength and body sway area with eyes open was significant, but that between muscle strength and body sway length with eyes open not significant. The relationship between grip strength and the balance scores with eyes closed was not clear.