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Antimicrobial and antifungal potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles in comparison to conventional zinc oxide particles


Abstract and Figures

Nanotechnology has become increasingly internalized into pharmaceuticals & cosmetics and is of great significance as an approach to killing or reducing the activity of numerous microorganisms. Natural antibacterial materials, such as zinc and silver, are being claimed to possess good antibacterial properties. Nano-sized particles of ZnO have been claimed to have pronounced antimicrobial activities than large particles. Antimicrobial/antifungal potential of ZnO on five pathogens (Escherichia coli MTCC 443, Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 441, Aspergillus niger MTCC 281, Candida albicans MTCC 227) and the influence of particles size of these inorganic powder on its antimicrobial /antifungal efficacy was considered in the present study. Results indicated that zinc oxide nanoparticles do have strong antibacterial and good antifungal activity against selected strains of bacteria and fungus as compared to that of conventional zinc oxide particles.
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Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2013, 5(11):457-463
Research Article
ISSN : 0975-7384
Antimicrobial and antifungal potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles in
comparison to conventional zinc oxide particles
Priyanka Singh* and Arun Nanda
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana
Nanotechnology has become increasingly internalized into pharmaceuticals & cosmetics and is of great significance
as an approach to killing or reducing the activity of numerous microorganisms. Natural antibacterial materials,
such as zinc and silver, are being claimed to possess good antibacterial properties. Nano-sized particles of ZnO
have been claimed to have pronounced antimicrobial activities than large particles. Antimicrobial/antifungal
potential of ZnO on five pathogens (Escherichia coli MTCC 443, Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160, Bacillus
subtilis MTCC 441, Aspergillus niger MTCC 281, Candida albicans MTCC 227) and the influence of particles size
of these inorganic powder on its antimicrobial /antifungal efficacy was considered in the present study. Results
indicated that zinc oxide nanoparticles do have strong antibacterial and good antifungal activity against selected
strains of bacteria and fungus as compared to that of conventional zinc oxide particles.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, antibacterial, antifungal, efficacy.
Nanotechnology is being envisioned as a hurriedly developing field, it has potential to revolutionize pharmaceuticals
and cosmetics. Nanotechnology, or the use of materials with constituent dimensions on the atomic or molecular
scale, has become increasingly applied to pharmaceuticals & cosmetics and is of great interest as an approach to
killing or reducing the activity of numerous microorganisms. Some natural antibacterial materials, such as zinc and
silver, are being claimed to possess good antibacterial properties.
Microbial spoilage of cosmetic formulation has always been of special concern for cosmetic industry. The use of
authorized preservatives of the new regulation 1123/209 is required to prevent product damage caused by micro-
organisms and to protect the product from unwanted contamination by the consumer during its shelf –life. However
since few years, the cosmetic industry is facing some restrictions regarding the use of some preservatives. So, there
has been considerable interest in the development of new preservatives. Among raw materials exhibiting
antimicrobial/antifungal properties, inorganic powders such as zinc oxide (ZnO) represent a promising alternative to
these chemical preservatives [1, 2].
Zinc oxide is a non-toxic , II-VI semiconductor with wide band gap (3.37eV) and natural n-type electrical
conductivity [3, 4]. Zinc oxide because of its interesting properties, such as optical transparency, electrical
conductivity, piezoelectricity, near-UV emission [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] and various morphologies, has become one of the
most attractive nanomaterials for research objectives. Its significant properties has made it applicable in UV-light
emitters, varistors, transparent high power electronics, surface acoustic wave devices, piezo-electric transducers, gas
sensors, etc.[11].
Introduction of zinc oxide in cosmetic creams and gels makes them sunlight-protective and antibacterial [12]. The
efficiency of their action largely depends not only on the concentration of the active substance, zinc oxide, but also
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
on the size of its particles, their modification, and the degree of polydispersity. Moreover, zinc oxide (ZnO) is listed
as “generally recognized as safe”(GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (21CFR182.8991). Nano-sized
particles of ZnO have been claimed to have pronounced antimicrobial activities than large particles, considering the
fact that the small size (less than 100 nm) and high surface-to-volume ratio of nanoparticles may allow for better
interaction with bacteria. Recent studies have shown that these nanoparticles have selective toxicity to bacteria but
exhibit minimal effects on human cells [1, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19].
Even if ZnO has been used for a long time in cosmetic or pharmaceutical ointments, its antimicrobial properties had
not been fully investigated in context of cosmetic preservation. A systematic and detailed study was designed, taking
into account above claims, to investigate the enhanced antimicrobial and antifungal properties of nano-zinc oxide
over conventional one.
Therefore, the purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate firstly the antimicrobial/antifungal potential of ZnO on
five pathogens (Escherichia coli MTCC 443, Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160, Bacillus subtilis MTCC 441,
Aspergillus niger MTCC 281, Candida albicans MTCC 227) that are used for challenge tests, and secondly to
determine the influence of particles size of these inorganic powder on its antimicrobial /antifungal efficacy.
Nanoparticles of ZnO with a diameter of either ~65 nm were synthesized and used in this study. A representative
TEM image of the ~65 nm ZnO nanoparticles is shown in fig. 1. Conventional zinc oxide nanoparticles with a
diameter ~1000nm were used for the comparison.
Selection of Test Pathogens
Pathogenic microorganisms selected for the study include three bacteria, viz., Escherichia coli (MTCC 443),
Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 3160), Bacillus subtilis (MTCC 441) and two fungus, viz., Aspergillus niger
(MTCC 281) and Candida albicans (MTCC 227).
Preparation of dilutions of synthesized compounds
10 mg of the each particle (nano and conventional zinc oxide) was weighed accurately and dissolved in 10 ml
DMSO giving a solution of 1mg/ml concentration. 1 ml of the above solution was again diluted to 10 ml with
DMSO giving a solution of 100µg/ml concentration.
Preparation of Agar nutrient broth (for bacteria)
5.6g of Agar was dissolved in 150ml distilled water and heated. The medium was the sterilized by autoclaving at
C for 30 mins.
Preparation of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (for fungi)
9.20g of Sabouraud Dextrose Agar was dissolved in distilled water and heated. The medium was the sterilized by
autoclaving at 115
C for 30 mins.
Preparation of nutrient broth medium
0.75 g of media (Bacterial/fungal) was dissolved in 30 ml of distilled water and heated. The medium was then
sterilized by autoclaving at 115
C for 30 mins.
Preparation of bacterial and fungal slants
Five Nessler cylinders were sterilized by hot sterilization method in an oven at 160
C for 30 min. Laminar air flow
cabinet was wiped with cotton immersed in ethanol and UV was switched ON for 15mins. Sterlized bacterial and
fungal media were poured into 5 sterilized Nessler cylinders (3 bacterial, 2 fungal) and were allowed to stand in
slant position till the media in the cylinders was solidified. Sterlized loop wire was used to transfer bacterial and
fungal strains to nessler cylinders. The nessler cylinders were then labelled and cotton plugs were fitted into their
mouth and were incubated at 37
C except aspergillus niger (which was incubated at 25
C) for 24 hr. From each of
the strain, small portion was transferred to 3ml of nutrient broth media separately and incubated at 37
C for 24hrs.
0.1 ml of the above five medias were transferred to five different stoppered conical flasks containing 0.9% NaCl
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
Antimicrobial activity: Determination of Minimum inhibitory concentration and Minimum Bactericidal/
Fungicidal concentration
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for conventional and nano-sized zinc oxide nanoparticles
showing antimicrobial and antifungal activity against test pathogens by serial dilution method. Broth microdilution
method was followed for determination of MIC values. 1ml of media was taken in a test tube, to which, 1ml of test
solution (10g/ml) was added. Thereafter, 0.1ml of the microbial strain (bacterial/ fungal) prepared in 0.9% NaCl
was added to the test tube containing media and test solution. Serial dilution were done five times giving
concentrations of 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.75, 1.5 µg/ml. The test tube were stoppered with cotton and incubated at
C. The time incubation time varied for different strains (bacteria/fungus), i.e., 24 hrs for bacteria and one week
for fungus.
The MIC values were taken as the lowest concentration of the particles in the test tube that showed no turbidity after
incubation. The turbidity of the contents in the test tube was interpreted as visible growth of microorganisms. The
minimum bacterial/fungicidal concentration (MBC/MFC) was determined by subculturing 50µl from each test tube
showing no apparent growth. Least concentration of test substance showing no visible growth on subculturing was
taken as MBC/MFC.
Zinc oxide nanoparticles particles were fully characterized. A representative TEM image of the ZnO nanoparticles
(~65 nm) is shown in figure 1.
Secondly, the antimicrobial properties of conventional ZnO particles and ZnO nanoparticles were studied. Both, the
conventional particles and nanoparticles, showed antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli MTCC 443,
Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160 and Bacillus subtilis MTCC 441 with a size dependent effect. Figure 2 & figure
3 portray the behaviour of bacterial populations following the incubation with conventional ZnO particles and ZnO
nanoparticles for 24 hrs. The Minimum inhibitory concentration of ZnO nanoparticles (as shown in table 1) against
the three bacterias, viz., Escherichia coli MTCC 443, Staphylococcus aureus MTCC 3160 and Bacillus subtilis
MTCC 441 was found to be 6.25µg/ml, 6.25µg/ml, 12.5µg/ml, respectively which is very less concentration as
compared to that of conventional zinc oxide particles (25µg/ml, 12.5µg/ml, 12.5µg/ml, respectively). Similarly the
Minimum bacterial count for ZnO nanoparticles was less in each case as compared to conventional ZnO particles
(table 1 & 2). Figure 4 & figure 5 portray the intense bacterial growth on the plate in the presence of conventional
zinc oxide particles and fewer bacterial growths on the plate in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles. The difference of
sensitivity to same test substance between these three strains can be attributed to structural and chemical differences
of their bacterial cell walls [20].
According to a study by Yamamoto et al., 2000 [21], the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by
ZnO nanoparticles is responsible for their bactericidal activity. Zhang et al., 2010 [22], further proposed that the
antibacterial behaviour of ZnO nanoparticles could be due to chemical interactions between hydrogen peroxide and
membrane proteins, or between other chemical species produced in the presence of ZnO nanoparticles and the outer
lipid bilayer of bacteria. The hydrogen peroxide produced enters the cell membrane of bacteria and kills them. The
study also showed that nano-sized ZnO particles are responsible for inhibiting bacterial growth [22]. Further,
Padmavathy and Vijayaraghavan, 2008 [23], showed the bactericidal activity of ZnO nanoparticles. As per their
findings, once hydrogen peroxide is generated by ZnO nanoparticles, the nanoparticles remains in contact with the
dead bacteria to prevent further bacterial action and continue to generate and discharge hydrogen peroxide to the
medium. The results of the present study correspond with the results of the authors above, showing that ZnO
nanoparticles have an excellent antimicrobial activity.
Zin oxide also exhibited antifungal activity but in a minor extent than the antibacterial one since no fungicidal
activity is reported. The ZnO nanoparticles did show activity against Aspergilllus Niger and Cadida ablicans at a
concentration of 12.5µg/ml and 6.25µg/ml, respectively. Again these concentration were higher for conventional
ZnO particles, i.e., 25 and 12.5, respectively (table 1). The Minimum fungal count for zinc oxide nanoparticles was
found to be same as Minimum inhibitory concentration, i.e., 12.5µg/ml and 6.25µg/ml, respectively. Same was the
case with conventional ZnO particles in case of Aspergillus niger, where MFC (25µg/ml) was same as MIC
(25µg/ml). But the antifungal activity against candida albicans showed different pattern in view that MFC (25µg/ml)
was more than MIC (12.5µg/ml). Figure 6 & figure 7 represent the intense fungal growth on the plate in the
presence of conventional zinc oxide particles and fewer fungal growths on the plate in the presence of ZnO
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
Table 1 Determination of MIC and MBC for conventional zinc oxide particles
Pathogen Concentration
(µg/ml) Observation Minimum Inhibitory
Minimum bacterial
Escherichia coli
(MTCC 443)
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Staphylococcus aureus
(MTCC 3160)
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Bacillus subtilis
(MTCC 441)
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Aspergillus niger
(MTCC 281)
No turbidity
No turbidity
Candida albicans
(MTCC 227)
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Table 2 Determination of MIC and MBC for zinc oxide nanoparticles
Pathogen Concentration
(µg/ml) Observation Minimum Inhibitory
Minimum bacterial
Escherichia coli
(MTCC 443)
No turbidity
6.25 6.25
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
(MTCC 3160)
No turbidity
6.25 6.25
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Bacillus subtilis
(MTCC 441)
No turbidity
12.5 12.5
No turbidity
No turbidity
Aspergillus niger
(MTCC 281)
No turbidity
12.5 12.5
No turbidity
No turbidity
Candida albicans
(MTCC 227)
No turbidity
6.25 6.25
No turbidity
No turbidity
No turbidity
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
Figure 1 TEM image of zinc oxide nanoparticles
Figure 2 Determination of MIC for conventional zinc oxide particles against bacterial strain
Figure 3 Determination of MIC for zinc oxide nanoparticles against bacterial strain
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
Figure 4 Bacterial growth in the presence of conventional zinc oxide particles
Figure 5 Bacterial growth in the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles
Figure 6 Fungal growth in the presence of conventional zinc oxide particles
Figure 7 Fungal growth in the presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles
Results in present study indicate that zinc oxide nanoparticles had strong antibacterial and good antifungal activity
against selected strains of bacteria and fungus as compared to that of conventional zinc oxide particles. In summary,
Priyanka Singh and Arun Nanda J. Chem. Pharm. Res., 2013, 5(11): 457-463
the present study reveals that zinc oxide nanoparticles could potentially be an antibacterial and antifungal agent to
treat infections caused by bacteria and fungus. In future, these nanoparticles might replace conventional
preservatives in cosmetics. However, antibacterial/antifungal effects, safety, and detailed mechanisms of zinc oxide
nanoparticles should be further studied in vitro and in vivo.
The authors are thankful to CSIR for providing funding in the form of SRF and encouragement to carry out this
research work.
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... Compared to large-sized particles of ZnO, ZnO NPs possess greater antimicrobial activity. This is attributed to their small size and high surface area: volume ratio, which facilitates their interaction with bacteria [12]. Researchers have reported that ZnO NPs are effective disinfectants, and they have been recommended for the treatment of nosocomial infections [13]. ...
... The RopD reference gene was taken as the average standard against which gene expression was assessed. Figure 8 shows the relative expression of QS-regulated genes in the P. aeruginosa strains exposed to 12 ...
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Introduction Hormesis describes an inverse dose-response relationship, whereby a high dose of a toxic compound is inhibitory, and a low dose is stimulatory. This study explores the hormetic response of low concentrations of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) toward Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Method Samples of P. aeruginosa, i.e. the reference strain, ATCC 27,853, together with six strains recovered from patients with cystic fibrosis, were exposed to ten decreasing ZnO NPs doses (0.78–400 µg/mL). The ZnO NPs were manufactured from Peganum harmala using a chemical green synthesis approach, and their properties were verified utilizing X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. A microtiter plate technique was employed to investigate the impact of ZnO NPs on the growth, biofilm formation and metabolic activity of P. aeruginosa. Real-time polymerase chain reactions were performed to determine the effect of ZnO NPs on the expression of seven biofilm-encoding genes. Result The ZnO NPs demonstrated concentration-dependent bactericidal and antibiofilm efficiency at concentrations of 100–400 µg/mL. However, growth was significantly stimulated at ZnO NPs concentration of 25 µg/mL (ATCC 27853, Pa 3 and Pa 4) and at 12.5 µg/mL and 6.25 µg/mL (ATCC 27853, Pa 2, Pa 4 and Pa 5). No significant positive growth was detected at dilutions < 6.25 µg/mL. similarly, biofilm formation was stimulated at concentration of 12.5 µg/mL (ATCC 27853 and Pa 1) and at 6.25 µg/mL (Pa 4). At concentration of 12.5 µg/mL, ZnO NPs upregulated the expression of LasB ( ATCC 27853, Pa 1 and Pa 4) and LasR and LasI (ATCC 27853 and Pa 1) as well as RhII expression (ATCC 27853, Pa 2 and Pa 4). Conclusion When exposed to low ZnO NPs concentrations, P. aeruginosa behaves in a hormetic manner, undergoing positive growth and biofilm formation. These results highlight the importance of understanding the response of P. aeruginosa following exposure to low ZnO NPs concentrations.
... ZnONP, zinc oxide nanoparticle. using a double-beam spectrophotometer [9]. Concentration of zinc acetate was varied at 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, and 0.02 M; pH was varied from 6 to 12 and 25, 45, 65, and 90 • C were used. ...
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This study examined the synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) with ethanolic extract from leaf and fruit of Dennettia tripetala (Class: Annonaceae) and the assessment of their biological activities. Mixing of Zn (C2H3O2)2.2H2O solution and the ethanolic extracts resulted in color change, indicating the formation of ZnONPs. pH, temperature, and concentration of metal ions were varied to optimize the amount of nanoparticles formed. Ultraviolet‐visible (UV‐Vis) spectroscopy gave a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak at 356 nm (DTL‐ZnONPs) and 367 nm (DTF‐ZnONPs), confirming the presence of the synthesized ZnONPs. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) shows aggregation of spherical and rod‐like shaped nanoparticles. x‐Ray diffraction (XRD) analysis is crystalline in nature with an average crystallite size of 17.17 ((DTL‐ZnONPs) and 12.90 (DTF‐ZnONPs) nm. FT‐IR analysis showed O─H, C═O, N─H, and C─C stretching and aliphatic vibrations of hydrocarbon chains of the synthesized ZnONPs. The ZnONPs gave the maximum zone of inhibition of 18.07 (DTL‐ZnONP) and 17.14 mm (DTF‐ZnONP). Antioxidant activity carried out using DPPH radical scavenging gave an IC50 value of 227.18 (DTL‐ZnONP) and 201.21 (DTF‐ZnONP) µg/mL. Moreover, the cytotoxic effect of ZnONPs is in a concentration‐dependent manner. Therefore, this work showed that ZnONPs are good potential therapeutic agents for treating microbial infection, oxidative stress, and other pertinent disease.
... (U.S. F.D.A.) has listed zinc oxide as a safe ingredient that may be used in cosmetic or pharmaceutical ointments and compounds for a long time [66]. According to several studies, ZnO has recently become a viable alternative and is frequently combined with other biomaterials to provide a variety of benefits, including corrosion resistance, cytocompatibility, and antimicrobial properties [67], [68]. ...
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Cosmetic materials, particularly zirconia, have received great attention in dental restoration. Yet, due to the fact that using pure zirconia has significant limitations, specifically in very aesthetically demanding conditions, as it lacks the translucent appearance that various other ceramics possess. Furthermore, multiple uses can be achieved with zinc oxide nanoparticles. Among the subspecialties of dental restoration are periodontics, prosthodontics, as well as dental implantology. Yet there are limited studies that provide the efficiency of ZrO2-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles in enhancing physical, mechanical, and biological features for all type-ceramic restorations. For these reasons, in this work, ten samples of bio-nano composite materials have been used for manufacturing hard artificial tissue using ceramic-based teeth and nano techniques. In order to manufacture the composite material, yttrium oxide (3 Mol. Y2O3) was incorporated with zirconia to stabilize it in the tetragonal form with homogenous distribution and various reinforcement weight percentages of ZnO NPs and SiO2 NPs. The reinforcement weight percentages were between 0 and 2.5 wt%. To yield 3 Mol.Y2O3-ZrO2-ZnONPs and 3 Mol.Y2O3-ZrO2-SiO2NPs nano composite samples of 10 mm diameter, uniaxial pressing was applied in a metal-die cylinder at a pressure of 5 tons. Then, the resulting specimens were sintered in the air in an electrically controlled furnace for two hours at 1400 °C. The experiment was designed with the aim of testing how 3Y-TZP can be improved as a result of reinforcement with ZnO NPs and SiO2 NPs, particularly regarding its density, porosity, water absorption, micro hardness, and surface roughness. FE-SEM , XRD were applied for the analysis of produced samples. In the case of 3YTZP-ZnONPs, XRD results confirmed that the lattice structure of the ZnO belonged to the hexagonal (wurtzite) and tetragonal crystalline structure for zirconium dioxide. In contrast, it was noted that the monoclinic structure was inhibited, and the morphological characteristics indicated the development of nano-spherical zinc oxide. Furthermore, in the case of 3Y-TZP-SiO2NPs, XRD results presented here point to a mixture of majority tetragonal and minority monoclinic crystal phases. Besides, FE-SEM analysis indicates the silica nanoparticles are dispersed uniformly across the ceramic structure and act as a binder material that flows between the zirconia grains.In the case of 3Y-TZP-ZnONPs, the results showed that the maximum values of the densities can be obtained at (2 wt %) ZnO NPs with (3Y-TZP) matrix. In addition, the porosity percentage decreased and reached a minimum value at (2 wt%) addition of ZnO NPs. Whereas in the case of 3Y-TZP-SiO2NPs, during (silica nanoparticles) addition, the porosity decreases clearly to a minimum value at 1.5wt % SiO2 NPs. It could also be confirmed that the densification was further improved, the addition of SiO2 NPs with (3Y-TZP) matrix exerts an effect on the density and reaches a maximum value at (2wt%) addition of SiO2 NPs. Moreover, the results revealed that there was an increase in micro hardness recorded for both reinforcement groups after the application of zinc oxide NPs and silica NPs. In the case of (3YTZP-ZnO NPs), the Vickers hardness ranges between (1340 - 1483.6)HV compared to the pure base material (1279.6)HV. Also, completely dense ceramic materials were obtained with a noticeable increase in hardness by increasing the weight of the reinforcement with silica nanoparticles to reach (1686.6) HV compared to the pure base material (1279.6)HV. Furthermore, the 3Y-TZP-SiO2NPs showed higher antibacterial activity against Gram-negative bacteria than against Gram-positive bacteria, and the most potent inhibitory impact was achieved for 3Y-TZP-ZnONPs nanocomposites in both biological tests (antibacterial activity and biofilm formation).
... ZnO is highly biocompatible and possesses numerous anti-bacterial properties [46]. Singh and Nanda [47] demonstrated that ZnO NPs had better anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties than conventional ZnO particles. ...
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Zinc oxide as a nanomaterial has proven to be a powerful technology in the fields of engineering and medicine, where it has an array of applications. It is environment-friendly, cost-effective, and biocompatible and thus proves to be a better alternative than other existing materials. ZnO nanoparticles have many physical applications in various sensing and regulating devices due to their highly tunable morphological and electrical properties. Out of the many physical properties that ZnO NPs possess, the current review focuses only on their piezoelectric properties and draws a comparison between different dopants and morphological modifications on the piezo-response of ZnO. Over the last few years, there has been a rapid shift toward using NPs for various biomedical applications which includes delivery of a drug, photoablation therapy, bioimaging, and biosensing. Due to the unique structure of ZnO, its low toxicity and ability to produce a good amount of reactive oxygen species, it has scope for numerous applications in the biomedical field. The data obtained for different analytes and their detection using doped ZnO NPs clearly indicate their efficacy in the biomedical fields. ZnO NPs prepared via green synthesis, i.e., by using phytochemicals, are eco-friendly and produce better results. Green synthesis of ZnO NPs has also resolved the issue of using non-recyclable or non-degradable raw materials and synthesis of toxic by-products.
... The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorizes zinc oxide (ZnO) as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) 7 . The antimicrobial behavior of ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) is more evident than that of large ZnO particles; this is because their small size and high surfaceto-volume ratio permit increased interaction with bacteria 8 . Studies have proposed that nano-metal oxides, particularly ZnO NPs, can be utilized as disinfectants and antimicrobial agents for nosocomial infections 9,10 . ...
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There is a limitation in the range of effectual antibiotics due to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) infection due to its innate antimicrobial resistance. Researchers have therefore been concentrating their efforts to discover advanced and cost effective antibacterial agents among the ever-increasing PA bacterial resistance strains. It has been discovered that various nanoparticles can be employed as antimicrobial agents. Here, we evaluated the antibacterial properties of the Zinc Oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs), which was biosynthesized, being examined on six hospital strains of PA alongside a reference strain (ATCC 27853). A chemical approach was applied to biosynthesize the ZnO NPs from Olea europaea was performed, and confirmed by using X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopes. The nanoparticles then applied their antibacterial properties to examine them against six clinically isolated PA strains alongside the reference strain. This process tested for the results of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). The Growth, biofilm formation and eradication were analyzed. The influence of the differentiating degrees ZnO NPs in regard to Quorom sensing gene expression were further examined. The ZnO NPs exhibited a crystalline size and diameter (Dc) of 40–60 nm and both the MIC and MBC tests revealed positive outcomes of concentrations of 3 and 6 mg/ml for each PA strain, respectively. At sub inhibitory concentration, The ZnO NPs were found to significantly inhibit the growth and biofilm formation of all PA strains and decreases in the biomass and metabolic behavior of PA established biofilms; these decreases varied depending on the dosage. At ZnO NPs concentrations of 900 µg/ml, the expression of majority of quorum sensing genes of all strains were significantly reduced, at ZnO NPs concentrations of 300 µg/ml, few genes were significantly impacted. In conclusion, the treatment of PA and could be other antibiotic resistant bacteria can therefore be approached by using ZnO NPs as it has been uncovered that they withhold advanced antibacterial properties.
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Triple channeling of zinc metal through Withania coagulans, Cordia myxa, and Fagonia cretica bio-reducing potential was performed using a one-pot synthesis. The main aim of this study was to explore...
Zinc oxide-based nanomaterials (ZONMs) are of significant scientific and industrial interest due to their unique properties, versatility, and cost-effectiveness. This review comprehensively summarizes the potential applications of ZONMs across numerous fields, including dye-sensitized solar cells, the concrete and rubber industries, optoelectronics, gas sensing, the cosmetic industry, the textile industry, antibacterial activity, drug delivery, anticancer activity, antidiabetic activity, immunotherapy, anti-inflammatory activity, agriculture, and photodegradation. The review begins with an overview of ZONMs, highlighting their physical and structural properties. Subsequently, it discusses the applications of ZONMs in the aforementioned fields, emphasizing their outstanding performance and potential for commercialization. Additionally, the review explores the literature where ZONMs have been synthesized using various methods. It provides insights into the fabrication processes employed for ZONMs and discusses the advancements in synthesis techniques. Through an exploration of relevant studies, the review sheds light on the innovative approaches and methodologies utilized for the production of ZONMs across various research endeavours. Overall, this review provides valuable insights into the progressive advances and diversified applications of ZONMs, shedding light on their promising role in addressing various challenges in technology, healthcare, and environmental preservation.
Cherry tomatoes have many health benefits and have high economic value. However, cherry tomatoes are perishable and short lived. To protect and maintain the quality of cherry tomatoes, you can apply an edible coating. The materials used in this study were jackfruit seed starch, alginate, and ZnO nanoparticles. This study aims to determine the effect of edible coating on jackfruit seed starch and alginate incorporating ZnO nanoparticles applied to cherry tomatoes in terms of antibacterial activity and shelf life. Variations in the treatment in this study were edible coating materials for jackfruit seed starch and alginate, and the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles (0%; 5%; 10%; 15%). Antibacterial activity was analyzed against E. coli and S. aureus bacteria. The results showed that the edible coating of jackfruit seed starch with 10% and 15% ZnO nanoparticles incorporation was able to form an inhibition zone against E. coli bacteria, while the 5%, 10%, and 15% ZnO nanoparticle variations were able to form an inhibition zone against S bacteria. aureus. In edible coating alginate with 15% ZnO nanoparticles incorporation was able to form an inhibition zone against E. coli bacteria, whereas in all variations of ZnO nanoparticles it was able to form an inhibition zone against S. aureus bacteria. The addition of ZnO nanoparticles proved the formation of a larger bacterial inhibition zone compared to edible coatings without ZnO nanoparticles. The results also showed that cherry tomatoes coated with an edible coating of jackfruit seed starch and alginate with a variation of ZnO nanoparticles had a longer shelf life compared to cherry tomatoes that were not coated with an edible coating.
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In this study, a three-stage process consisting of mechanical milling, heat treatment, and washing has been used to manufacture nanoparticulate ZnO powders with a controlled particle size and minimal agglomeration. By varying the temperature of the post-milling heat treatment, it was possible to control the average particle size over the range of 28–57nm. The photocatalytic activity of these powders was characterized by measuring the hydroxyl radical concentration as a function of irradiation time using the spin-trapping technique with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. It was found that there exists an optimum particle size of approximately 33nm for which the photocatalytic activity is maximized. The existence of this optimal particle size is attributable to an increase in the charge carrier recombination rate, which counteracts the increased activity arising from the higher specific surface area for a sufficiently small particle size.
The increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospitals and the community has significantly limited the effectiveness of current drugs resulting in treatment failure. Moreover, bacterial cells growing within biofilms exhibit increased resistance to antibacterial agents, making it imperative that alternative approaches be explored to improve treatment strategies. The present study investigates the antimicrobial activity of chitosan (CS), quaternary ammonium chitosan derivative (QCS) and their nanoparticulate forms against clinically derived methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and extended-spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli. Chitosan nanoparticles (CS NP) and quaternary ammonium chitosan derivative nanoparticles (QCS NP) were prepared using the ionic gelation method and characterised using scanning electron microscope and zeta potential analyzer. The minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal concentration of all the particles was determined. There was about 1.5 to 4 fold reduction in the minimum inhibitory concentration of CS NP and QCS NP for both the test organisms when compared to the parent CS and QCS particles. Potent invitro activity against biofilms of MRSA and ESBL-producing Escherichia coli was observed using CS and QCS nanoparticles. Our data demonstrates the antimicrobial efficacy of nanoparticulate forms of chitosan and its quarternized N-alkyl derivative and suggests their potential as novel therapeutic agents against emerging drug resistant bacteria.
As a microexplosion recording material, we propose polymer films including ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO polyester composite) for write-once multilayered recording media. These media with the ZnO composite material can be fabricated by a spin-coating method and can be read at the violet wavelength of 0.405 mum. By the electromagnetic analysis of diffraction loss, we clarified the pit design and the optical performance for void formation recording. From the results of experiments performed using three kinds of mode-locked pulsed lasers (pulse widths of 150fs, 16 ps and 6 ns), with a clear reflection microscope image of submicrometer pits, the microexplosion sensitivity was confirmed to be greatly improved by 14, 38 and 50 times, respectively.
The influence of particle size on the antibacterial activity of ZnO powders was investigated using powders with different particle sizes ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 μm. By measuring the change in electrical conductivity with bacterial growth, it was found that the antibacterial activity of ZnO increased with decreasing particle size and increasing powder concentration. The changes of antibacterial action for Staphylococcus aureus were similar to those for Escherichia coli. However, the influence of particle size for Staphylococcus aureus was less than that for Escherichia coli.
Using Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), the present study investigated the antibacterial effect of ZnO nanoparticles both in the absence and presence of ultrasound stimulation. While the antibacterial effect of control nanoparticle chemistries (Al(2)O(3)) alone was either weak or unobservable under the conditions tested, the antibacterial effect of ZnO alone was significant, providing over a four log reduction (equivalent to antibiotics) compared to no treatment after just 8 h. The antibacterial effect was enhanced as ZnO particle diameter decreased. Specifically, when testing the antibacterial effect against bacteria populations relevant to infection, a 500 μg ml(-1) dose of zinc oxide nanoparticles with a diameter of 20 nm reduced S. aureus populations by four orders of magnitude after 8 and 24 h, compared to control groups with no nanoparticles. This was accomplished without the use of antibiotics, to which bacteria are developing a resistance anyway. The addition of ultrasound stimulation further reduced the number of viable colony-forming units present in a planktonic cell suspension by 76% compared to nanoparticles alone. Lastly, this study provided a mechanism for how ZnO nanoparticles in the presence of ultrasound decrease bacteria functions by demonstrating greater hydrogen peroxide generation by S. aureus compared to controls. These results indicated that small-diameter ZnO nanoparticles exhibited strong antibacterial properties that can be additionally enhanced in the presence of ultrasound and, thus, should be further studied for a wide range of medical device anti-infection applications.
The electrochemical method has been used to deposit zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films from aqueous zinc nitrate solution at 80 °C onto fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) coated glass substrates. ZnO thin films were grown between − 0.900 and − 1.025 V vs Ag/AgCl as established by voltammogram. Characterisation of ZnO films was carried out for both as-deposited and annealed films in order to study the effect of annealing. Structural analysis of the ZnO films was performed using X-ray diffraction, which showed polycrystalline films of hexagonal phase with (002) preferential orientation. Atomic force microscopy was used to study the surface morphology. Optical studies identified the bandgap to be ∼ 3.20 eV and refractive index to 2.35. The photoelectrochemical cell signal indicated that the films had n-type electrical conductivity and current–voltage measurements showed the glass/FTO/ZnO/Au devices exhibit rectifying properties. The thickness of the ZnO films was found to be 0.40 μm as measured using the Talysurf instrument, after deposition for 3 min. Environmental scanning electron microscopy was used to view the cross-section of glass/FTO/ZnO layers.
Methods for synthesis of zinc oxide hydrosols by peptization and condensation were developed. The basic colloid-chemical properties of the sols were determined: electrokinetic properties, size and phase composition of particles, and stability of hydrosols against introduction of electrolytes. The possibility of obtaining antibacterial and UV-protecting cosmetic preparations from the hydrosols obtained was demonstrated.
The scope of this work consisted of precipitating directly zinc oxide particles from zinc nitrate and zinc sulphate solutions using sodium hydroxide at pH10,5, 2h and 25 or 60 °C. For the zinc nitrate system, the effect of additives at 25 °C, such as sodium sulphate and sodium dodecyl sulphate, was also investigated. Precipitated powders were characterized in terms of their crystalline structure (X-ray diffraction), morphology and size (scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy). Precipitation in distilled water with zinc nitrate produced homogeneous star-type particles (1μm) composed of assembled 30-nm crystallites at 25 °C and ellipsoidal and spherical particles (100nm to 1μm) at 60 °C. On the other hand, for the zinc sulphate system at 25 °C, several different morphologies were obtained as ellipsoids (250 × 800nm), half ellipsoids (250 × 350nm), fibres (40 × 700nm) and unshaped particles (700nm), whilst half ellipsoids (100nm) were precipitated as well as smaller particles (25–60nm) at 60 °C. The investigation of the additive effect showed that precipitation from zinc nitrate solution in the presence of sodium sulphate led to half ellipsoids with a size range from 100 to 300nm. In contrast, the addition of sodium dodecyl sulphate resulted in a mixture of morphologies that included half ellipsoids (150–200nm), asymmetrical and symmetrical ellipsoids, as well as small particles of 30nm. This study evidenced the effect of additives on morphology and size control of submicrometric particles constituted of assembled nanocrystallites. KeywordsZinc oxide–Chemical synthesis–Particle morphology–Self-assembly–Additives
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