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Abstract and Figures

The concept of soil quality deserves scientific investigation as well as societal recognition due to the multifaceted role of the dynamic soil resource, which interacts with all other components of terrestrial ecosystems, namely, water, air, flora and fauna, and ultimately influences human well-being. It is defined as "the capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural and managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation". Work in developed countries have shown that mitigating soil degradation and enhancing productive capacity requires an holistic approach which goes beyond merely dealing with erosion and fertility decline. In Nepal, primarv focus of farmers, land managers and policy makers alike has been that of enhancing agricultural production, hence the emphasis on soil fertility monitoring and augmentation, as well as, erosion control. The vast majority of studies encountered in a comprehensive review of available literature provided only fertility and occasionally basic physical soil property data. Hence there is a need for systematic and extensive monitoring of key physiochemical and biological parameters that would serve as reliable soil quality indices for Nepal and the Himalayan region. Secondary data from available literature were analysed to propose a soil quality rating index for soils of Nepal. A composite soil quality rating system using a weighted ranking procedure for soil textural class, soil organic matter, pH and major nutrients may be a feasible semi-quantitative approach for assessing the quality of soil in relation to productivity and susceptibility to erosion. The rating index, however, requires additional testing and validation systematically across the wide range of agroecological zones of the region.
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International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 33(2-3): 143-158, 2007
Soil Quality in the Nepalese Context – An Analytical Review
1 Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Kathmandu University,
2 Department of International Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC), University of Life Sciences,PO Box
5003, N-1432 Ås, Norway
3Bioforsk Centre for Soil and Environmental Research, Ås, Norway
*Corresponding author: E mail:
The concept of soil quality deserves scientific investigation as well as societal recognition due to the
multifaceted role of the dynamic soil resource, which interacts with all other components of terrestrial
ecosystems, namely, water, air, flora and fauna, and ultimately influences human well-being. It is defined as "the
capacity of a specific kind of soil to function, within natural and managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant
and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation".
Work in developed countries have shown that mitigating soil degradation and enhancing productive capacity
requires an holistic approach which goes beyond merely dealing with erosion and fertility decline. In Nepal,
primary focus of farmers, land managers and policy makers alike has been that of enhancing agricultural
production, hence the emphasis on soil fertility monitoring and augmentation, as well as, erosion control. The
vast majority of studies encountered in a comprehensive review of available literature provided only fertility and
occasionally basic physical soil property data. Hence there is a need for systematic and extensive monitoring
of key physiochemical and biological parameters that would serve as reliable soil quality indices for Nepal and
the Himalayan region. Secondary data from available literature were analysed to propose a soil quality rating
index for soils of Nepal. A composite soil quality rating system using a weighted ranking procedure for soil
textural class, soil organic matter, pH and major nutrients may be a feasible semi-quantitative approach for
assessing the quality of soil in relation to productivity and susceptibility to erosion. The rating index, however,
requires additional testing and validation systematically across the wide range of agroecological zones of the
Key Words: Soil Fertility, Organic Matter, Land Quality, Watershed Degradation, Soil Erosion
Like other components of our physical environment,
such as water or air, the quality of soil has, in recent
years, become a topic of increasing concern and research.
Soil quality has been defined as "the capacity of a
specific kind of soil to function, within natural and
managed ecosystem boundaries, to sustain plant and
animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air
quality, and support human health and habitation"
(Karlen et al. 1997, Karlen et al. 2003, Karlen 2004).
The notion of soil quality is deserving of scientific
investigation as well as societal recognition due to the
multifaceted role of the dynamic soil resource, which
interacts with all other components of terrestrial
ecosystems, namely, water, air, flora and fauna, and
ultimately influences human well-being. The agriculture
sector faces the daunting task of meeting ever-increasing
demands for food and fiber, while simultaneously
conserving and developing the soil resource for future
generations (Sturz and Christie 2003). Hence, there is
an undisputed need for regular, rapid and cost effective
means of assessing the quality or "health" of soils.
The concept of soil quality was first proposed for
development in the late 1970's, in view of the many
functions that soil must fulfill, such as, food/fibre
production, nutrient and water cycling, filtering and
buffering of pollutants, decomposition and because of
the increasing pressures and demands placed upon it. It
was also recognized that due to the inherent differences
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
among soils, a single measure applicable under all
situations could not be expected for evaluating soil
quality (Warekentin and Fletche 1977). During the
following decade or so after its introduction, little direct
attention was paid to the soil quality concept mainly
because the focus of soil management was on soil erosion
control and reducing the effects of soil loss on
productivity. However, by 1990, it became evident that
addressing soil degradation and its restoration required
a more holistic approach which went beyond merely
dealing with erosion and productivity decline (Pierce et
al. 1984, Karlen et al. 2003). Thus, the concept of soil
quality was once again revived when Larson and Pierce
(1991) defined it as "the capacity of a soil to function
within the ecosystem boundaries and to interact
positively with surrounding ecosystems". Thereafter,
workers began to view soil quality as a useful and
dynamic tool for assessing overall soil status or "health",
response to management or resilience towards natural or
human degradative forces (Sturtz and Christie 2003,
Seybold et al. 1999, Norfleet et al. 2003).
Two distinct approaches have been followed in the
evolution of the soil quality concept, namely, education
and assessment (Karlen et al. 2003). The education
aspect emphasizes increasing public and farmer
awareness and understanding about the complex nature
and multiple functions of soils and the importance of
monitoring, maintaining and enhancing its biological,
chemical and physical quality. This is being done
through the development of educational materials for
use at both local and institutional levels. On the other
hand, assessment involves research to develop useful
simple or holistic methods and/or indices for monitoring
and evaluating soil quality and for recommending
alternatives for restoring or enhancing it (Shukla et al.
2004a & b).
The assessment of soil quality in different parts of
the world, as influenced by land management practices
and human intervention, also appears to take two
approaches. The first is a research based approach aimed
at determining the usefulness, accuracy and sensitivity
of various soil parameters to serve as indicators of soil
quality or sustainability of practices. While the other is
a practical approach involving the development of
assessment tools for farmer-based evaluation and
education regarding the effects of crop and soil
management practices on the soil resource, such as, test
kits and score-cards (Karlen et al. 2003, Karlen 2004).
Despite the difference in their focus, both these
approaches recognize that soil quality is clearly
dependent upon both the inherent and dynamic
properties and processes occurring within soils, and that
it is holistic, encompassing biological, chemical, as well
as, physical aspects of soils (Cambardella et al. 2004,
Karlen et al. 2003, Norfleet et al. 2003). Dynamic soil
quality considers the top 20-30 cm of the profile and
describes the status of a soil due to recent land use and
management, while inherent properties determine the
absolute capacities of the soil and can be used to
establish boundaries for quantifying the dynamic
properties. Moreover, the quality of a soil is also closely
related to and reflected in its resilience or resistance to
disturbance. Hence, the notion of soil resilience is also
relevant to the assessment of soil quality and is governed
largely by factors such as soil type, vegetation, climate,
land use, scale and disturbance regime (Seybold et al.
Considerable amount of research has already been
conducted in the developed world to describe soil
quality in discreet terms. A hitherto common approach
has been to determine a few key physical and chemical
parameters that closely relate to the stability, fertility
and productivity of soils. These include parameters such
as water stable aggregates, soil organic carbon (SOC),
bulk density, available water capacity, pH, water
infiltration, etc. (Shukla et al. 2004a & b, Logsdon and
Karlen 2004). Physical indices are useful for evaluating
management effects on soil condition, for instance, the
effect of tillage on compaction, erodibility and water
movement in agricultural soils. On the other hand,
productivity and fertility of soils may be better reflected
by SOC, forms of labile carbon, such as, particulate
organic carbon (POC), oxidizable C and microbial
biomass C, as well as by microbial biomass nitrogen, N
mineralization, and soil respiration (Murage et al. 2000,
Chan et al. 2001, Bowman et al. 2000). Fulvic acid
carbon has also been investigated by workers as a
sensitive diagnostic indicator of farming systems/
management influences on soil quality in Argentina
(Zalba and Quiroga 1999).
In the Asian region, China, in particular, has begun
to focus on soil quality work. It has been recognized that
human intervention has not only altered the quality of
soil through intensive farming and mining activities, but
that some practices have led to the formation of new
kinds of soils, such as in paddy cultivation and
horticulture (Chen 2003). Moreover, the long-term use
of wastewater for irrigation could have either beneficial
or adverse impacts on soil quality (such as reduced
porosity and magnesium holding capacity, Wang et al.
2003). Land use changes also have undoubted impacts
on soil quality. Islam and Weil (2000) in Bangladesh
33: 143-158 Bajracharya et al.: Soil Quality in Nepal 145
noted a deterioration of soil under cultivation compared
to natural forests, as reflected by increased compaction
accompanied by decreased porosity, aggregate stability,
nitrogen, fulvic acid C, labile C and microbial biomass
C. Similar effects of land use were noted by Shrestha et
al. (2007) in a mid-hill watershed in Nepal.
Of recent, biological indicators of soil quality
appear to be gaining importance and recognition
particularly in Europe (Ruf et al. 2003, Scholter et al.
2003). Biological and microbial assessment of soil
quality may offer a cost-effective and rapid means of
determining the impact of agriculture or other human
activities on the condition of the soil (Kennedy and
Gewin 1997). Organisms such as beetles, earthworms
and soil microbial activity were seen to be potentially
useful indicators of land use intensity in Germany
(Heyer et al. 2003). Along with such field-related
organisms, humus supply levels, weed cover and N
surplus/losses were noted to be important as part of
"indicator sets" for evaluating soil condition. Scholter et
al. (2003) suggested that the soil microbial consortium
should be a good indicator of soil quality due to their
ability to accommodate environmental constraints by
adjusting activity rates, biomass and community
structure, hence the latter parameters could be
monitored for fungal and bacterial populations in the
soil. A biological soil classification scheme was proposed
by Ruf et al., (2003) in Germany using a combination
of soil macro- and meso-fauna such as earthworms,
chilopods, diplopods and isopods, along with
enchytraeids and mites, which could serve as a reference
for assessing biological soil quality.
The two primary hazards facing soils in the steep,
geologically active and fragile Himalayan agro-eco-
systems are soil erosion and fertility/productivity
decline. It, therefore, follows that a soil quality index
useful for farmers, conservation workers and planners
should encompass both these aspects of soil quality. The
following is a review and analysis leading up to the
suggestion of such an index through examination of
physical, chemical and biological aspects of soil quality
in Nepal.
The assessment of soil quality per se is lacking in Nepal.
The primary focus of farmers, land managers and policy
makers alike has been that of enhancing agricultural
production, hence the emphasis on soil fertility
monitoring and augmentation, as well as, erosion
control. The vast majority of studies encountered in a
comprehensive review of available literature provided
only fertility and occasionally basic physical soil
property data.
Categorization and classification of soil types have
been done only on a few occasions as a part of a broader
land resource mapping (LRMP 1987) and for agro-
ecological zoning for sustainable agricultural planning
and development (Sharma et al. 1994). In the latter,
general soil quality determinations were made in order
to evaluate land qualities and produce GIS maps for
sustainable agricultural land use planning. Sharma et al.
(1994) described in some detail the soil units of Bagmati
Zone, Central Development Region, Nepal, on the basis
of: inherent soil fertility, textural class, drainage, rooting
depth, workability, flood risk and erosion hazard. The
descriptions were of a qualitative nature, with the
different levels of each quality parameter being ranked
into relative groupings (high, medium, low; good,
moderate, low; etc.). The study revealed a majority of
soil units (out of 15) within the Bagmati Zone to be of
moderate to high inherent fertility and good to moderate
workability, being of medium textures (loam, sandy
loam, silt loam). The main limitations of some of the soil
units appeared to be poor drainage, flood risk, shallow
depth or erosion hazard.
Soil Chemical Quality (Fertility-Related)
A comprehensive compendium of the fertility status of
soils covering all five development regions from east to
west, as well as, hills and plains, was compiled at a
workshop to assess soil fertility management in Nepal by
the Department of Agriculture in collaboration with
JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) in 1999
(DOA/STSS 1999). Although data for thousands of
samples analyzed at the various Regional Agricultural
Research Centers was summarized, only qualitative
information regarding five chemical parameters, namely
soil pH, organic matter (OM), total nitrogen (TN),
available phosphorous (P2O5) and exchangeable
potassium (K2O) was provided (Table 1). On the basis
of the information presented, it could be deduced that
the majority (92 to 96%) of soils in Nepal fall into the
low to medium classes with respect to OM and TN
status. Also, a good proportion of soils (55%) are acidic
in nature, while the majority tends not to be low in
available P or exchangeable K (Table 1).
Other researchers have attempted to evaluate over-
all soil fertility status of soils in relation to dominant
crop grown, altitudinal effects and slope aspect effects in
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
Table 1. Overall fertility status of soils (percent of soils in various classes) in five development regions of Nepal (from DOA/STSS 1999).
Development Sample Soil pH Organic Matter (%) Total Nitrogen (%) Available P (ppm) Exchangeable K (ppm)
Region* Nos. Acidic Neutral Basic Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High Low Medium High
Range <6.5 6.5-7.8 >7.8 <1 1-3 >3 <0.1 0.1-0.2 >0.2 <50 50-180 >180 <50 50-250 >250
EDR – plains 913 66 12 22 80 17 3 73 23 4 27 25 48 38 41 21
EDR – hills 194 87 10 3 37 54 9 23 55 22 11 16 73 13 25 62
CDR – plains 255 31 53 16 44 55 1 33 65 2 27 34 39 47 42 11
CDR – hills 748 87 12 1 54 42 4 39 52 9 24 25 51 24 39 37
WDR 2100 65 34 1 43 50 7 33 55 12 34 22 44 6 31 63
MWDR –hills 252 31 28 31 80 17 3 79 18 3 50 24 26 62 18 20
MWDR -plains 980 40 36 24 63 28 9 52 38 10 61 21 18 54 27 19
FWDR 1000 37 35 28 78 21 1 63 33 4 50 22 28 4 50 46
Nepal (means) 6442 56 28 16 60 36 4 50 42 8 35 24 41 31 34 35
Std. deviation 23.8 15.2 12.5 17.9 16.6 3.3 20.6 16.9 6.6 16.7 5.1 17.4 22.4 10.6 20.3
*EDR = Eastern Development Region; CDR = Central Development Region; WDR = Western Development Region; MWDR = Mid-Western Development Region; FWDR =
Far-Western Development Region.
Table 2. Influence of altitude and slope aspect on soil nutrient status under various dominant crops.
Wheat Rice Maize Barley
Altitude / OM TN Av. P Ex. K OM TN Av. P Ex. K OM TN Av. P Ex. K OM TN Av. P Ex. K
Aspect % % mg kg-1 soil % % mg kg-1 soil % % mg kg-1 soil % % mg kg-1 soil
Elevation, m
300 - 1000 2.0 0.2 38 51 1.8 0.14 32 55 3.3 0.28 258 250
1000 - 1500 3.0 0.26 174 94 2.8 0.23 81 78 3.2 0.23 296 227 2.4 0.18 129 55
1500 - 2300 3.2 0.26 170 94 2.9 0.23 165 86 3.8 0.32 228 203 3.3 0.29 97 152
Slope Aspect
N, NE, NW 2.8 0.24 80 90 2.9 0.25 108 63 3.8 0.31 211 180 3.0 0.27 93 129
S, SE, SW 3.0 0.2 198 94 2.8 0.22 87 70 3.3 0.24 312 258 3.7 0.33 103 141
Source: Tuladhar (1995); OM = soil organic matter, TN = total soil nitrogen, Av. P = available soil phosphorus, Ex. K = exchangeable potassium
33: 143-158 Bajracharya et al.: Soil Quality in Nepal 147
the Western Region of Nepal (Tuladhar 1995, Tripathi
2000a). Consistent trends in altitudinal and aspect
effects on soil parameters were noted mainly for soil OM
and TN, and this was also reflected in the dominant
crop grown, which tends to be a function of elevation
(Tables 2, 3, and 4). That is, soil OM and TN generally
increased with increasing altitude and northern aspect
due to cooler, moist conditions and slower
decomposition rates as compared with lower elevations
and southern aspect (Table 2 and 4). Similarly, soil OM
and TN were higher under maize and barley, being
grown at higher elevations, than under rice and wheat,
which are grown in the warmer low lands with higher
decomposition and turnover rates (Table 3).
Table 3. Fertility status of soils of the LARC* command
area in Western Nepal as influenced by dominant
crop type (from Tuladhar 1995).
Dominant Soil pH OM TN Avail. P Exch. K
crop (%) (%) (mg kg-1 soil)
Wheat 5.6 2.9 0.25 159 90
Rice 5.5 2.8 0.22 100 82
Maize 5.4 3.4 0.27 264 227
Barley 5.9 3.3 0.29 95 149
Mean 5.6 3.10 0.26 155 137
S. D. 0.22 0.29 0.03 78 67
*Lumle Agricultural Research Centre
OM = Soil organic matter, TN = Total soil nitrogen, Av. P =
Available soil phosphorus, Ex. K = Exchangeable potassium
Change in soil fertility status and crop productivity
has been studied by numerous workers, particularly in
the Western and Eastern regions of Nepal (Tripathi et
al. 2000, Tripathi and Shrestha 2000, Sherchan et al.
1997 and 1998). In western Nepal, Tripathi and
Shrestha (2000) assessed the change in soil fertility due
to the application of organic and inorganic fertilizers.
They observed a generally decreasing trend in soil pH,
organic carbon, and total nitrogen over a period of 4
years at four different locations as shown in Table 5. In
contrast, however, Sherchan et al. (1997 & 1998)
noted an increasing trend in soil pH, OM, available P &
K, and exchangeable Ca & Mg over a four-year period
under both maize-millet and rice-wheat cropping
systems in eastern Nepal (Table 5). The status of micro-
nutrients, namely, iron, manganese, copper and zinc all,
however, declined in the same period. These results may
be due to addition of adequate compost, urea,
phosphorous and potassium fertilizers, which is
generally the practice, and neglecting of micro-nutrient
elements. Studies on available micro-nutrients in
western and eastern Nepal generally indicate the status
of Zn and B to be low (Table 4 and 6), while Fe, Mn
and Cu tend to be adequate (Tripathi 1999a & b,
Sherchan et al. 1998, Andersen 2000).
Soil Physical Quality and Erosion
Studies evaluating the physical quality of soils in
relation to tillage, management or erosion are few in
number, scattered and inconsistent in Nepal. Most of
the work is concentrated in the central and western
regions of the country. Available literature reports
mainly the soil texture, with very little data on other
physical parameters, such as available water capacity
Table 4. Variation of soil chemical quality (fertility) with elevation in Western Nepal.
Elevation range Land type Soil pH OM TN Av. P Ex. K Ex. Zn Ex. B
(m) (%) (%) (mg kg-1 soil) (mg kg-1 soil)
<600 River basin 6.1 1.1 0.15 30 156 0.91 0.5
600 - 1000 Low hills 5.8 1.6 0.17 44 125 1.05 0.55
1000 - 1600 Middle hills 5.6 2.2 0.22 98 164 0.87 0.65
1600 - 2200 High hills 5.7 2.9 0.27 202 176 0.85 0.66
Mean 5.8 2.0 0.20 94 155 0.92 0.59
Std. deviation 0.22 0.78 0.05 78 22 0.09 0.08
Source: Tripathi (2000b); OM = soil organic matter, TN = total soil nitrogen,
Av. P = Available phosphorus, Ex. K = Exchangeable potassium, Ex. Zn = Extractable zinc, Ex. B = Extractable boron
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
Table 5. Change in soil chemical quality (fertility) due to application of organic and inorganic fertilizers at four
locations in Western Nepal and under two different copping patterns in Eastern Nepal.
------------------------- Western Nepal --------------------------- Eastern Nepal
Soil property Chambas Pakuwa Dordor Tar Dordor Gau Maize-millet Rice-wheat
1997 2000 1997 2000 1997 2000 1997 2000 1994 1997 1994 1997
Soil pH 6.4 6.1 5.9 5 5.7 4.1 5.4 4.3 5.5 6.7 4.4 5.6
OC (%) 0.92 0.82 0.95 1.09 1.04 0.96 0.82 0.54 1.4 2.3 1.9 2.4
TN (%) 0.1 0.09 0.11 0.06 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.07 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Av. P (mg kg-1)75 3628 45 3124 29411633
Ex. K (mg kg-1) 55 12 39 16 196 39 59 13 61 119 62 154
Sources: Tripathi and Shrestha (2000) - Lumle Agricultural Research Centre; Sherchan et al. (1997, 1998) - Pakhribas Agriculture Centre
OC = Organic carbon; TN = Total nitrogen; Av. P = Available phosphorus; Ex. K. = Exchangeable potassium
Table 6. Micronutrient* status (mg kg-1 soil) of some
soils in eastern, central and western Nepal.
District Zn Fe Mn Cu B
Dhankuta 1.21 107 12 2.27 n.a.
Gorkha 1.19 206 29 0.05 0.23
Kaski 1.03 142 70 2.23 0.40
Kaski 0.70 262 66 1.36 0.88
Kaski 0.77 161 66 2.06 0.54
Myagdi 0.71 174 58 1.64 0.70
Myagdi 1.00 187 112 2.01 0.73
Palpa 0.72 225 36 1.18 0.93
Parbat 1.26 179 57 1.72 0.38
Parbat 1.28 193 54 1.32 0.53
Tanahun 0.75 175 33 1.17 0.41
Tanahun 0.85 143 52 0.86 0.73
Tanahun 0.94 160 12 2.27 0.82
Means 0.95 178 51 1.55 0.61
Std.Dev. 0.22 39 27 0.65 0.22
Sources: Tripathi (1999b), Scherchan et al. (1998)
*Zn = zinc, Fe = iron, Mn = manganese, Cu = copper, B = boron
and bulk density. While textural composition is an
inherent soil property dependent upon the parent
material and geology, it could serve as an indirect
indicator of soil quality if it is related to the depth of
soil and underlying parent material, which in turn is
correlated with degree of erosion or deposition across a
landscape (Lal 1997, Shrestha 2000, Bajracharya
Data on soil physical quality could be obtained
from the few soil survey reports prepared by the Soil
Survey Staff of the National Agricultural Research
Council (NARC) and occasional reports of the Soil
Science Division of NARC (SSS1983 1984, 1998,
1999, SSD 1996). For a wide range of soils from 8
districts in the central and western regions of Nepal,
textural classes ranged from loamy sand to clay loam
based on particle-size distribution data for the top 25 to
30 cm of the soil profile (Tables 7 and 8). In the case of
agricultural soil shown in Table 7, soil textures reflected
geomorphology, i.e., landscape position, and degree of
exposure of subsoil layers. Increasingly heavy (fine) soil
textures tend to occur on upland soils where gradual
removal of the topsoil layers over decades of cultivation
exposes the clay-rich B-horizon layers within the soil
profile. On the other hand, sandy surface soils tend to
occur in low-lying depositional areas in the floodplains
of major streams and valley bottoms, or ancient river-
terraces in which sediment deposition by flowing water
occurred in the geologic past. For forest and grazing land
soils in the central and western districts, texture was
generally light ranging from sandy loam to sandy clay
loam (Table 8).
Soil runoff and erosion are highly variable in the
hills and mountain regions of Nepal due to the diverse
land use, soil, slope and climatic characteristics (Chalise
and Khanal 1997). In an extensive review of erosion
processes in the Nepal Himalayas, Chalise and Khanal
(1997) reported that runoff varied from as little as 0.5%
to as much as 35% of incident rainfall in various parts
of Nepal. High runoff proportions (20-25% of rainfall)
were noted for shifting cultivation practices
33: 143-158 Bajracharya et al.: Soil Quality in Nepal 149
Table 7. Means of soil physical and chemical properties† according to textural class for agricultural soils of various
districts of Nepal.
District Soil Texture pH OM % TN % Av. P Ex. K CEC SQR§
Texture‡ Sand Silt Clay mg kg-1 cmolc kg-1
Class (%) (%) (%)
Panchthar SL 61 29 10 6.1 1.9 303 19.8 0.66
Okhaldhunga SL 5.6 2.9 0.12 113 530 0.72
Dailekh SL 50 32 18 6.6 1.8 128 725 0.66
Gorkha SL 56 25 19 5.4 1.7 0.10 40 293 0.58
Dhading SL 68 14 18 5.6 1.6 0.09 14 25 18.2 0.58
Tanahun SL 57 25 18 6.2 1.2 0.04 20 119 0.54
Kaski SL 55 39 6 5.9 2.8 0.18 65 103 0.72
Kavre SL 4.8 1.5 0.10 21 78 8.0 0.56
Mean 58 27 15 5.8 1.9 0.11 57 272 15.3 0.63
Panchthar L 34 41 25 6.2 1.8 519 29.1 0.66
Okhaldhunga L 5.4 5.7 0.27 198 492 0.92
Dailekh L 44 43 13 6.0 2.3 144 344 0.74
Gorkha L 52 31 18 5.5 2.7 14 294 0.66
Gorkha L 36 43 22 5.5 2.9 0.26 34 319 0.78
Dhading L 40 48 12 6.7 2.5 0.19 18 32 14.0 0.68
Dhading L 51 27 22 5.3 1.3 0.11 17 30 21.2 0.58
Palpa L 38 36 26 6.2 2.8 0.09 20 149 0.68
Lalitpur L 36 46 18 5.4 3.0 0.13 350 310 24.0 0.72
Mean 41 39 19 5.8 2.8 0.17 99 277 22.1 0.71
Panchthar SiL 33 52 16 6.0 4.0 363 40.7 0.74
Okhaldhunga SiL 5.8 3.3 0.20 129 513 0.78
Dailekh SiL 33 53 14 6.2 2.5 110 368 0.74
Dhading SiL 25 58 17 5.9 1.9 0.20 360 350 18.0 0.70
Lalitpur SiL 21 61 18 5.3 2.9 0.14 360 285 21.0 0.72
Kabhre SiL 33 53 14 5.5 3.3 0.19 350 215 33.0 0.78
Kabhre SiL 37 50 13 5.2 3.0 0.19 330 350 29.0 0.78
Kathmandu SiL 22 52 26 5.1 2.4 0.13 240 240 23.0 0.72
Kathmandu SiL 20 61 19 4.3 1.9 0.12 258 19.0 0.62
Kathmandu SiL 38 50 12 5.5 3.2 0.17 254 21.0 0.72
Kathmandu SiL 14 63 23 5.2 1.7 0.11 340 35.0 0.64
Makwanpur SiL 30 53 17 4.9 3.2 0.17 340 270 25.0 0.76
Makwanpur SiL 31 49 20 5.2 2.8 0.15 385 395 23.0 0.72
Mean 28 55 17 5.4 2.8 0.16 289 323 26.2 0.72
Tanahun CL 23 31 46 6.3 1.0 0.06 7 342 0.38
Panchthar CL 22 38 40 6.2 1.7 750 34.0 0.58
Mean 23 35 43 6.2 1.4 0.06 7 546 34.0 0.48
Panchthar SiCL 24 48 28 5.8 2.3 400 35.0 0.76
Okhaldhunga SiCL 5.8 3.5 0.14 99 514 0.76
Gorkha SiCL 38 28 35 6.1 1.8 0.15 72 1200 0.70
Tanahun SiCL 20 51 29 6.4 1.8 0.08 24 182 0.64
Kathmandu SiCL 22 45 33 4.4 2.6 0.14 220 390 22.0 0.74
Mean 26 43 31 5.7 2.4 0.13 104 537 28.5 0.72
Okhaldhunga SCL 5.6 1.5 0.07 19 80 0.56
Dhading SCL 55 18 28 5.9 1.2 0.08 6 11 18.9 0.56
Mean 55 18 28 5.7 1.4 0.07 13 45 18.9 0.56
Gorkha LS 74 17 7 5.5 1.5 76 293 0.60
Sources: SSS 1983, SSS 1989, SSS 1996, SSS 1997, SSD 1999, Bajracharya 1999, Sherchan et al. 2003
†OM = soil organic matter, TN = total soil nitrogen, Av. P. = available phosphorus, Ex. K = exchangeable potassium,
CEC = cation exchange capacity.
‡SL = sandy loam, L = loam, SiL = silt loam, CL = clay loam, SiCL = silty clay loam, SCL = sandy clay laom, LS = loamy sand
§ Soil quality rating value
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
Table 8. Soil physical and chemical properties† under forest and grazing (shrub, grass or degraded forest) land for
various districts in Nepal.
District Land Soil Texture pH OM TN Av. P Ex. K CEC SQR§
use Texture ‡ Sand Silt Clay (%) (%) (mg kg-1)cmolc kg-1
Class (%) (%) (%)
Dailekh Forest SL 47 39 15 5.8 3.7 34 337 0.66
Dhading Forest LS 74 17 9 4.6 1.0 0.09 6 11 0.38
Dhading Forest L 42 44 14 4.9 3.7 0.22 180 160 30.0 0.76
Kabhre Forest SL 50 25 25 5.3 1.8 0.11 2 156 0.52
Kabhre Forest L 36 26 38 5.7 1.0 0.05 1 130 0.44
Kabhre Forest SL 55 35 10 5.3 4.7 0.26 190 400 29.0 0.86
Kabhre Forest SiL 39 46 15 4.5 1.8 0.16 240 230 22.0 0.62
Kathmandu Forest SiL 32 52 16 4.8 3.8 0.15 130 180 17.0 0.70
Kathmandu Forest SiCL 25 45 30 4.5 3.7 0.14 195 176 28.0 0.74
Lalitpur Forest L 42 42 16 4.3 7.6 0.31 140 125 24.0 0.84
Lalitpur Forest L 43 46 11 4.5 4.6 0.29 240 420 40.0 0.84
Makwanpur Forest SiL 28 50 22 4.6 2.8 0.10 300 180 19.0 0.70
Makwanpur Forest SL 48 37 15 4.2 5.8 0.19 186 226 21.0 0.84
Panchthar Forest SL 51 37 13 5.3 6.7 287 33.0 0.78
Okhaldhunga Forest 5.2 5.5 0.19 48 243 0.76
Mean 44 39 18 4.9 3.9 0.17 135 217 26.3 0.70
Dailekh Grazing L 44 47 9 5.8 4.7 57 194 0.74
Dhading Grazing SL 68 15 17 4.4 2.0 0.17 3 4 18.5 0.50
Dhading Grazing SCL 66 10 24 4.0 1.0 0.05 7 12 13.0 0.46
Dhading Grazing SiL 32 52 16 6.4 2.2 0.12 240 150 15.0 0.60
Kavre Grazing 4.5 0.5 0.10 2 117 15.2 0.30
Kavre Grazing SiL 43 46 11 4.5 3.4 0.20 200 180 22.0 0.70
Kavre Grazing SiL 37 52 11 5.2 1.2 0.06 285 140 15.0 0.58
Kathmandu Grazing SiL 37 49 14 6.2 4.6 0.25 146 130 21.0 0.88
Kathmandu Grazing SiL 32 50 18 5.3 3.8 0.17 140 180 28.0 0.72
Lalitpur Grazing L 37 31 32 6.3 3.4 0.19 210 350 19.0 0.80
Lalitpur Grazing SiL 36 47 17 4.8 3.1 0.09 290 110 17.0 0.64
Makwanpur Grazing SiL 22 60 18 5.3 2.8 0.11 270 185 14.0 0.64
Makwanpur Grazing L 35 44 21 4.8 3.5 0.20 245 416 24.0 0.76
Okhaldhunga Grazing 5.1 8.0 0.35 47 343 0.76
Panchthar Grazing SL 58 36 6 5.4 8.0 360 33.0 0.80
Mean 42 41 16 5.2 3.5 0.16 153 191 19.6 0.66
Sources: SSS 1983, SSS 1989, SSS 1996, SSS 1997, SSD 1999, Bajracharya 1999, Sherchan et al. 2003
†OM = soil organic matter, TN = total soil nitrogen, Av. P. = available phosphorus, Ex. K = exchangeable potassium,
CEC = cation exchange capacity, AWC = available water capacity, BD = bulk density.
‡SL = sandy loam, L = loam, SiL = silt loam, CL = clay loam, SiCL = silty clay loam, SCL = sandy clay laom, LS = loamy sand
§ Soil quality rating value
and bare agricultural plots, while low runoff (3%) was
observed from dense forest and moderate (13-15%) from
degraded forest and pasture (Ries 1993, Schaffner
1987). Differences occurred due either to management
and soil types/conditions or to scale of measurement,
i.e., plot versus watershed scale (Chalise and Khanal
1987, Merz et al. 2000, Merz 2004).
Correspondingly, soil erosion rates also tend to vary
widely both spatially and temporally. Here too, land use
types, as well as, the scale of measurement considerably
influences the absolute range in values of annual soil loss
(Chalise and Khanal 1997). Annual soil loss rates from
agricultural land ranged from nearly 0 to about 105 t/ha
depending mainly on factors such as soil
33: 143-158 Bajracharya et al.: Soil Quality in Nepal 151
Table 9. Ranges of measured and estimated soil loss rates under different land uses for various locations in Nepal.
Location/Watershed Land use/Type Soil loss Data Source
rate (Mg ha-1)
Pakhribas Agriculture 17 - 37 Sherchan and Chand (1991)
Chyandanda Agriculture 54 - 105 Maskey and Joshi (1991)
Chisapani Agriculture - lowland 0.2 - 0.6
Kulekhani Upland/lowland agric. 0.3 - 4 Upadhyaya et al. 91991); DSCWM (1995a)
Jhikhu Khola Upland/lowland agric. 0.1 - 42 Carver and Nakarmi (1995)
Surkhet Agriculture 1.1 - 2.7 DSCWM (1995b)
Dailekh Agriculture 2 - 7 Carson (1985)
Phewa Mixed (watershed) 15.3 DSCWM (1996)
Trijuga Upland agriculture 35 - 41 Sah (1996)
Andhi Khola Upland agriculture 70 Pahari (1993)
Kulekhani Agriculture 1.5 - 2.3 Joshi (1994)
Likhu Khola Upland agriculture 6 - 56 Shrestha and Zinck (1999); Shrestha (2000)
Lowland agriculture 0.1 - 0.8
Trijuga Forest - protected 1.7 - 2 Sah (1996)
Forest - degraded 6 - 11
Andhi Khola Primary forest 2.2 Pahari (1993)
Secondary forest 15.3
Nakkhu Khola Forest 5 Tiwari (1990)
Likhu Khola Dense forest 0.1 - 0.4 Shrestha and Zinck (1999); Shrestha (2000)
Degraded forest 0.1 - 8.6
Kathmandu Forest 8 Laban (1978)
Phewa Forest 0.34 Mulder (1978)
Dailekh Degraded forest 5 - 15 Carson (1985)
Chatra Forest 7.8 Laban (1978)
Bamti-Bhandara Forest 1.4 Ries (1993)
Khumbu Forest 0.3 - 4.9 Byers (1987)
Trijuga Shrubland 123 - 180 Sah (1996)
Andhi Khola Shrubland 30 Pahari (1993)
Grazing 213
Nakkhu Khola Shrubland 42.5 Tiwari (1990)
Grazing 173
Likhu Khola Grazing 1.6 - 20 Shrestha and Zinck (1999); Shreshta (2000)
Phewa Pasture 9 - 35 Mulder (1978)
Dailekh Pasture 20 Carson (1985)
Chatra Pasture 37 Laban (1978)
Lothar Pasture 32 - 420
Dandapakhar Pasture 0.4 - 19 Schaffner (1987)
Bonch Pasture 3.7 - 67
Bamti-Bhandara Pasture 0.4 Ries (1993)
Khumbu Pasture 2.2 - 17 Byers (1987)
Langtang Pasture 0.4 - 3 Watanabe (1994)
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
Table 10. Soil quality rating guide based on assigned range of values§ for commonly used soil parameters in Nepal.
Parameter Ranking values
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Soil textural class* C, S CL, SC, SiC Si, LS L, SiL, SL SiCL, SCL
Soil pH #4, >8.5 4.1 to 4.9 5 to 5.9 6 to 6.4; 7.6 to 8.5 6.5 to 7.5
Soil OC % #0.5 0.6 to 1.5 1.6 to 2.9 2.9 to 5.7 $5.8
Fertility (N+P+K) Low Moderate Low Moderate Moderate High High
SQR† Very poor Poor Fair Good Best
§ Based on DOA/STSS (1999); Sitaula et al. (2004) and D.P. Sherchan, personal communications (NARC)
*C=clay, S=sand, CL=clay loam, SC=sandy clay, SiC=silty clay, Si=silt, LS=loamy sand, L=loam, SiL=silt loam,
SL=sandy loam, SiCL=silty clay loam, SCL=sandy clay loam.
†Soil Quality Rating
surface conditions and cover, slope and rainfall charac-
teristics (Table 9). Lowland paddy areas have level
bench terraces with minimal soil loss, while upland areas
have sloping terraces of various widths and slopes, and
hence, higher, more variable soil loss rates. None-the-
less, a clear pattern of greatest proportion of the annual
soil loss being concentrated in the early mon-soon period
(March-June) for agricultural land has been observed by
numerous workers (Atreya et al. 2002, Nakarmi et al.
2000, Carver and Nakarmi 1995, Schaffner 1987). This
is reportedly due to the fact that agricultural soils tend
to be bare, freshly ploughed, and vulnerable at this time
whilst pre-monsoon rains tend to be intense. In the case
of entire watersheds, the greatest proportion of soil loss
(63 to 97%) tends to occur during the latter part of the
monsoon season (July to October) due presumably to a
lag effect in the concentration of sediment discharged
from the major stream at the mouth of the watershed
(Chalise and Kanal 1997, Merz 2004).
Soil loss from forest areas was least variable, with
a comparatively narrow range of values from 0.3 to 15.3
t/ha/y (Table 10). The key factors determining runoff
and soil erosion rates from forest land are tree density,
crown cover, ground vegetation/litter cover and slope
steepness. Of these, the coverage of ground vegetation
and leaf litter appears to be most influential. By contrast
the widest variation in soil loss rates occurred on grazing
or pastures lands, ranging from 0.4 to 420 t/ha/y (Table
9). Such high rates of soil loss from degraded grazing
lands is presumably due to soil type (clayey lateritic),
steep slopes, compaction of the surface layer, and
exposure resulting in the formation of large gullies
(Laban 1978, Carson 1985, Pahari 1993, Sah 1996,
UNEP 2001).
A recent study by Shrestha et al. (2007) examined
the structural quality of soils in a mid-hill watershed of
western Nepal in relation to land use and SOC content.
Cultivated soils were notably higher in bulk density,
reduced in wet and dry stable aggregates and generally
had lower SOC compared to naturally vegetated soils.
Among the naturally vegetated soils, grazing or shrub
land areas were more susceptible to erosion and degra-
dation than forest, which had least change in aggregate
size distribution under wet and dry sieving (data not
shown, Shrestha et al. 2007).
Biological Soil Quality
The biological quality of soil involves a variety of factors
occurring within the soil profile, at the surface or above
the ground, that are associated with the living
component of the soil ecosystem, or that derive from it.
This includes the diversity and species composition of
soil organisms, namely, meso- and macro-fauna, micro-
organisms, and flora (the types of plants, their root
systems and the vegetative litter produced at the soil
surface). In this respect, the amount and quality of soil
organic matter (SOM) or organic carbon (SOC) is a
reflection of the nature and abundance of soil flora and
fauna and can be considered a biological soil quality
Work dealing with biological soil quality is
virtually non-existent in Nepal. A few studies on the
status and dynamics of SOC have been conducted,
33: 143-158 Bajracharya et al.: Soil Quality in Nepal 153
however, hardly any research related to soil fauna and
microbial activity has been done. Bajracharya et al.
(2004) analyzed existing SOC data from the literature
and concluded that expectantly forest and shrub land
soils had higher SOC contents in the top 30 cm,
however, due to shallow soils and low density, forest
soils had overall lower total OC stocks than other land
uses. While cultivation tends to reduce OC contents of
soils, practices such as mulching, minimum tillage,
retention/addition of organic residues and cover crops
could all enhance productivity and reduce erosion
losses. Concurrently, degraded forest and grazing lands
were noted to be severely depleted in SOC (on the order
of 0.1%). Sitaula et al. (2004) attempted to gather the
available data on SOC status under various land uses in
different watersheds of Nepal and to infer the total OC
stocks and pools. Mean SOC contents in topsoil ranged
from a low of 0.1% for severely degraded forests and
grazing lands to a modest 4% under well managed
forest. For agricultural soils the SOC contents fell mostly
between 1 and 3% in topsoil. Median SOC pools in the
upper 1 m soil profile was estimated to range from 2.6
kg C m-2 for Arenosols, to a maximum of 17.8 kg C m-2
for Humic Acrisols (Sitaula et al. 2004). Shrestha et al.
(2007) investigated SOC stocks and C sequestration in
a mid-hill watershed in western Nepal and reported a
significant influence of land use on SOC contents and
distribution in various aggregate size classes. Among the
cultivated land use types, upland soil had higher SOC,
while natural forest had the highest overall OC stocks.
A net loss of 29% of SOC stock in the upper 40 cm soil
layer was calculated due to changes in land use over the
period from 1978 to 1996 (Shrestha et al. 2007).
The above examination of the available soil data from
soil survey reports and other studies dealing with soil
fertility or erosion revealed that the most frequently
reported parameters included: soil texture, pH, OM (or
OC), and nutrient content (mainly N, P, K). It follows,
therefore, that these most commonly available soil
parameters could be used to develop an index to reflect
the quality or the condition of a soil with respect to its
productivity and relative susceptibility to degradation.
While other soil parameters, such as, bulk density,
available water capacity, infiltration rate and aggregate
stability are also important and frequently included in
the development of soil quality indices (Lal 1994,
Karlen et al. 2003), they were not used in the present
study due to lack of data for these parameters in Nepal.
We have attempted to develop a soil quality rating
(SQR) system by raking a soil based upon a composite
SQR value derived by summing the product of the
weighting factors with the assigned parameter ranking
values for the four most common soil parameters (Table
10) to arrive at a number between 0 and 1 (1 being best
and 0 the worst possible soil quality). This approach is
proposed as a simple and readily applicable, semi-
quantitative approach to assessing overall relative soil
quality from a production perspective. The represen-
tation of the model used is as follows:
SQR = [(a*RSTC) + (b*RpH) + (c*ROM) + (d*RNPK)]
where: RSTC, RpH, ROM, and RNPK are the assigned
ranking values for soil textural class, soil pH, OM
content, and fertility (considering N, P and K); and a,
b, c, and d, are weighting values corresponding to each
of the four parameters.
The relative ranking of soil with respect to each
parameter based on ranges of values is described in Table
10. The ranges for which each of the parameter values
are assigned are based upon corresponding ratings from
low to high levels recommended in guidelines by the
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (D.P. Sherchan,
personal communication; DOA/STSS 1999, Sitaula et
al. 2004). Of the parameters soil OM is considered the
most important parameter as it influences many other
aspects of soil quality in the mid-hills of Nepal, such as,
nutrient availability, aggregate stability, water retention,
erosion susceptibility, etc., hence it was given a value of
0.4 (c). The status of major nutrients N, P and K are
taken to be next in importance since crop production is
the highest on the priority of both farmers and policy-
makers alike (d = 0.3). Soil texture is also of importance
in both water conduction and retention as well as
erosion susceptibility (a = 0.2). Soil pH is viewed to be
of lower degree of importance (b = 0.1) but should be
within a critical range for optimum productivity and
quality of soil. The above assignment of weightages
corresponding to each of the four parameters was based
upon judgment and consultation with NARC and the
Department of Agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives.
The soil data in Tables 7 and 8 were used to
determine soil quality ratings for agricultural, forest and
grazing land soils by the ranking system given in Table
10 and described above (see Tables 7 and 8 for SQR
values). Of the 40 agricultural soils from 12 districts
Bajracharya et al.: Soil quality in Nepal Int. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci.
representing a cross-section of the country's farmland, a
majority (68%, Table 7) were found to fall in the "good"
soil quality rating. Another 27% of the cropland soils
were rated as "fair", while only 5% were in "poor"
condition. Similarly, of the 15 forest soils from 8
districts of Nepal, 33% were rated as "fair", 20% as
"poor", and the majority (47%) were of "good" quality
(Table 8). For the 15 grazing (shrub/grass) land sites the
majority of soils (47%) were rated "fair", while 33% were
in "good" and 20% in "poor" condition, respectively
(Table 8). While no direct assessments of soil quality per
se could be found in the existing literature, data on
overall status or quality of watersheds in the Middle
Mountains of Nepal, as evaluated by numerous workers
in the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed
Management (FAO 1994, Shrestha 2006) and by the
International Center for Integrated Mountain
Development (UNEP 2001), indicate that up to a third
of mountain watersheds in Nepal are in moderate to
severely degraded condition. If the agricultural, forest
and grazing land soil condi-tions in watersheds of the
above 12 districts can be regarded as reflecting the
overall watershed conditions, then our analysis would
appear to be in general agree-ment with the status of
watersheds across the nation. It should be noted,
however, that further work is needed to correlate
soil/land conditions and quality with overall watershed
The review of literature and examination of existing soil
data in Nepal revealed that the available information is
at best scattered and incomplete. No published
information could be found relating soil physical or
chemical parameters with desired soil quality indicators
such as crop yields or biomass production. From a
production point of view, the fertility status of soils as
reflected by a combined measure of the macro-nutrient
and selected micro-nutrient status could be useful. These
would, however, need to be related to yields of major
crops for different agro-ecological zones. Other physical
parameters such as aggregate stability and bulk density
could serve as good indicators for evaluating soil
resistance to disturbance and erosion. Biological
characteristics of soil such as SOC content and soil
microbial or faunal diversity, biomass and species
composition may serve as more comprehensive indicators
of overall soil health and ecosystem functioning. Based
on the available existing soils data in Nepal, a composite
soil quality rating using a weighted ranking procedure
for soil textural class, soil organic matter, pH and major
nutrients appeared to be a feasible semi-quantitative
system for assessing the quality of soil in relation to
productivity and susceptibility to erosion. This rating
index, however, needs further systematic testing with a
more robust data set, and validation on soils across
various agro-ecological zones in Nepal and the
Himalayan region.
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... Since soil quality cannot be directly measured, it is inferred from other soil properties and expressed as the soil quality index (SQI) [8,12,23]. Te approaches discussed were used in the study to assess the soil quality: [7,9,24]. Te process involved three main steps: (i) selecting appropriate indicators; (ii) converting indicators into scores; and (iii) combining the scores into an index [13,25]. ...
... Very poor Poor Fair Good Best Source: Bajracharya et al. [24], where C-clay;S-sand;CL-clay loam; SC-sandy clay; SiC-silty clay; Si-silt;LS-loamy sand; L-loam;SiL-silty loam; SL-sandy loam; LS-loamy sand; SiL-silty loam; SL-sandy loam; SiCL-silty clay loam; SCL-sandy clay loam; SQI-soil quality index. Note. ...
... Bajracharya et al. [24]; Nepal and Mandal [9]; Manisha et al. [7] while in Luvisols, it was entirely under optimum level [27]. ...
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Soil quality serves as the basis for both food security and environmental sustainability. To optimize production and implement soil management interventions, understanding the state of the soil quality is fundamental. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the soil quality of arable lands situated in the Nitisols and Luvisols using different assessment techniques. A total of 57 georeferenced soil samples were taken at a depth of 20 cm (18 from Nitisols and 39 from Luvisols land). The soil samples were analyzed for particle size distribution (PSD), texture, pH, organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), exchangeable bases (calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K)), soil micronutrients (boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn)), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The techniques used to estimate soil quality includes principal component analysis (PCA), a normalized PCA, and common soil parameters (soil texture, pH, OC, N, P, and K). The results were expressed in terms of soil quality index (SQI). In addition, the soil fertility/nutrient/index (NI) approach was used. The result showed that the SQI values using the common parameters approach were 0.17 and 0.30 for the lands belonging to Nitisols and Luvisols and categorized as very poor (
... The high specific surface area of colloids and their net charges on them determines the ability to hold and release ions. The nature of ionic charges determines the exchange capacity of the soil and influences its chemical properties (Kharal et al., 2018 andBajracharya et al., 2007). With the decrease in pH, the capacity for holding anions increases, with rainfall or irrigation the available nitrogen becomes water-soluble and moves through the soil profile (Mussa et al., 2009). ...
... Unscientific lands of land, deforestation, erosion and improper use of chemical fertilizer have affected a large population depending upon agriculture leading to decease in soil fertility, land degradation and poor soil health (Kharal et al., 2018). The function of specific kinds of soil within natural and managed ecosystem is to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain water and air quality, and support human health and habitation (Bajracharya et al., 2007). The inorganic anions and cations released from domestic and industrial effluent deteriorate the water quality. ...
Title: Estimation of Nitrite (NO2−), Phosphate ( PO34− ) and Sulfate ( SO24− ) in Soil Samplesof Kathmandu Valley and Western Nepal Soil is a dynamic resource that interacts with the ecosystems such as water, air, flora and fauna that influence plant, life on earth. Soil fertility largely affects agriculture, plant and animal productivity. It requires to preserve water and air quality to sustain human health and habitation. Nitrite, phosphate, and sulfate of soil samples from 10 different places were estimated. Nitrite was analyzed by the addition of benzidine, hydrochloric acid solution, dimethylaniline followed by the addition of NaOH, a pink red colored azo dye was formed and was measured spectrophotometrically in the range of 0.068 to 0.213 mg/L. At a pH of 8.5 the available phosphates were extracted with sodium bicarbonate solution and acidified with H2SO4. In the presence of ammonium molybdate and hydrazine hydrate, a light blue colored ammonium phosphomolybdate complex was formed and was measured by spectrophotometer in the range of 0.158 to 0.279 mg/L. In presence of excess of BaCl2, sulfate ion was then determined by turbidimetry method in the range of 0.130 to 0.271 mg/L.
... This objective, data-driven approach contrasts with subjective methods but highlights the importance of selecting appropriate indicators based on local soil conditions. Bajracharya et al. (2006) applied a common soil parameters technique to estimate SQI in Nepal's Kavre district, focusing on key variables such as soil texture, pH, organic carbon, and nutrient content i.e. nitrogen (N), potassium (K), and phosphorus (P). This method was subsequently used to study the dynamics of soil quality concerning agricultural intensi cation and land-use changes in Nepal's Udayapur, Doti, and Baitadi districts (Manisha et al., 2020;Nepal and Mandal, 2018). ...
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Globally, bamboo covers 37 million hectares (about 1% of the world's forests), with over 50% growing outside forests on degraded, marginal, and agricultural lands. However, little research has explored the relationship between soil properties and bamboo in these non-forest areas, as most studies focus on bamboo forest. Using strati ed random sampling, this study assessed soil quality under bamboo stands outside forests in the Udayapur district of Nepal across three elevation zones: lower (0-400 m), middle (400-800 m), and higher (800-1200 m). A total of thirty 100 m² circular plots (10 in each zone) were sampled at two soil depths; the surface layer (0-15 cm) and the subsurface layer (15-30 cm) to assess soil quality using different soil quality indicators. At the 0-15 cm depth, soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and available potassium were significantly higher at middle elevation (p < 0.05). Available phosphorus and soil pH were significantly higher at middle elevation, while available potassium was significantly higher at higher elevation at 15-30 cm depth (p < 0.05). SQI was higher at the 0-15cm depth (0.53) compared to the 0-30 cm depth (0.49), though this difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Elevation had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on SQI only at the 0-15 cm depth. This study observed significantly higher SQI at middle elevation (0.57) whereas lower SQI at lower elevation (0.48). Further studies with larger samples and broader geographic coverage, incorporating additional soil indicators and environmental variables, could more effectively inform sustainable land management and local livelihood improvements in bamboo stands outside forest areas.
... Soil plays a crucial role in the ecosystem functioning and provisioning of its services [6,7]. Te function and viability of soil depends on the dynamic symmetry among its biophysical and chemical properties [8]. ...
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Understanding the role of soil carbon (C) dynamics and quantitative changes as affected by various land use patterns is very critical given the significance of carbon sequestration. In this context, the current study was conducted in the Lal Bakaiya watershed in Makawanpur District, Nepal, to assess the variation of soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (N) stocks in three different land use types, namely, natural forest, grassland, and cultivated land. Incremental soil depths method (i.e., 0–15 cm, 16–30 cm, and 31–45 cm) was applied to collect soil samples in bulk from each of the land use under the study to estimate SOC and N stocks in laboratory. A total of 90 soil samples were collected from three soil layers down the soil profile up to 45 cm for each land uses. The results show that both SOC and N contents decreased with soil depths; however, substantial amount of SOC and N stocks were reported in lower soil depths under land use with natural forest. Both SOC and N contents were found relatively higher at 0–15 cm depth in natural forest soil (1.40 ± 0.20% and 0.26 ± 0.04%) than those in grassland and cultivated land, respectively. The mean total SOC stock and N stock ranged from 46.3 ± 4.24 t ha−1 and 7.11 ± 1.86 t ha−1 in cultivated land to 62.05 ± 9.17 t ha−1 and 11.40 ± 1.92 t ha−1 in the land use with natural forest, respectively. Furthermore, the mean total carbon and nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) of the soil was found to be higher in cultivated land (7.07 ± 1.93) than that in natural forest (5.75 ± 1.47) and grassland (5.62 ± 1.49), respectively. Two-way analysis of variance results showed that both land use type and soil depth have significantly ( p < 0.05 ) affected the SOC and N stocks in the study. From the results, it is suggested that well-managed land use can contribute significantly in offsetting global carbon emission.
... Sandy loam texture was observed in the S. robusta forest. The result is in line with Bajracharya et al. (2007), who reported that the textural class of forest soil of Makawanpur district is sandy loam to silt loam. The study found that BD in S. robusta forest was increased with an increase in soil profile depths with an average BD of 1.16 gmcm -3 throughout 1 m soil profile depth. ...
Lamichhane U, Ghimire P. 2022. Vertical distribution of soil properties and soil organic carbon in community managed forest of Siwalik Hill, Nepal. Asian J For 6: 91-96. Nepal's Community Forestry (CF) approach is globally recognized as an innovative and successful approach to forest resource management. Shorea robusta Gaertn. is the dominant tree species of Nepal's forest which covers 19.28% of the total stem volume of the country's forest area. Soil represents a significant terrestrial Carbon (C) pool and can play a significant role in mitigating global warming. Therefore, analyzing soil physicochemical properties and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stock is essential because they are key parameters for evaluating land use management systems. The present study was conducted in the Durga Mai Community Forest (DMCF) of Makawanpur District, Nepal, to assess the vertical distribution of soil physicochemical properties and SOC stock. Soil samples within a 1 m profile in five depth layers (0-20 cm, 21-40 cm, 41-60 cm, 61-80cm, and 81-100 cm) were collected and analyzed for Bulk Density (BD), soil texture, soil pH, soil carbon content, Total Nitrogen (TN), Available Phosphorous (AP), Available Potassium (AK) and SOC stock. Sandy loam was the dominant soil textural class reported throughout the study area. Average BD, soil pH, TN, AP, and AK in the S. robusta forest's soil in 1 m soil profile depth were found to be 1.16 ±0.07 gmcm-3, 5.78 ±0.62, 0.14 ±0.04 %, 5.94 ±1.04 kgha-1, and 104.20 ±19.66 kgha-1, respectively. The results estimated 107.57 ±3.06 tha-1 of SOC stock in 1 m soil profile, with 0.93 ±0.21% average SOC content. Further, average TN, AP, and AK were found to be decreased with an increase in soil profile depths. Similarly, soil profile depths significantly affected SOC stock and soil properties like BD, soil pH, TN, AP, and AK.
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Healthy soil is the key component for growing high-quality crops and sustaining agriculture. The study was carried out to evaluate the impacts of tobacco cultivation on the soil ecosystem using soil fertility, quality, and health indices. Twenty-four (24) soil samples were collected and analyzed for important soil inherent properties, as well as soil macro-and micronutrients. The results revealed that tobacco cultivation significantly reduced soil organic matter (SOM), carbon-nitrogen ratio (C: N), total nitrogen (TN), exchangeable potassium (EK), and available copper (ACu). Soil fertility index (SFI) suggested that the decline rate of soil fertility in the tobacco field (TF) (5.84%) was lower than in the non-tobacco field (NTF) (16.33%). However, the degradation rate of soil quality index (SQI) and soil chemical health index (SHI) in TF (19.23% and 27.87%) was higher than in NTF (9.98% and 14.08%). The SHI values had a positive linear relationship (0.760) with tobacco productivity. For every degree (0.01) increase in SHI value, tobacco leaf production increased by 6.40 kg/ha, while the contribution of SHI to productivity was 57.81%. Excessive application of chemical fertilizers in TF may sustain short-term soil fertility but gradually degrade soil quality and health, disrupting the long-term productivity of the soil ecosystem.
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The problem of soil quality degradation has been becoming more severe in the highlands of Ethiopia due to soil erosion; land use and land cover change, and poor land management. The level of soil quality degradation was not well known and documented in the study area and the results of this study could provide new information to improve soil conditions. The present study was conducted to evaluate soil quality in terms of its physical and chemical fertility under different land use types in the Suha watershed, northwestern highlands of Ethiopia. A total of 27 composite surface soil samples (0–30 cm) were collected from adjacently located land-uses in three replications from two elevation gradients. Standard procedures were followed to analyze selected soil physical and chemical quality indicators. The differences in the mean values of the parameters were tested using a two-way analysis of variance. In addition, Soil Quality Degradation Index was evaluated to see the direction and magnitude of change in soil quality indicators. The analysis of variance results revealed that soil quality indicators such as index of soil aggregate stability, organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), and C:N ratio were significantly decreased in the cultivated land use system compared to other land use systems. On the other hand, the content of available Phosphorus was significantly higher in the cultivated land. Soil quality deterioration index values were highly negative for SOC (− 71.3%) and TN (− 67.7%) in the cultivated land, followed by grazing land (SOM = − 35.5% and TN = − 27.7%). Aggregated Soil Quality Index values also indicated that the status of soil quality under cultivated fields is rated as low, grazing land as optimal, and forest land as high. Generally, results indicated that land use and cover changes had adverse effects on soil quality indicators. Hence, soil management strategies, mainly Integrated Soil Fertility Management which integrates soil and water conservation strategies, are required to alleviate the problem of soil quality deterioration and improve agricultural productivity.
Himalayan region is considered as the roof of the world. The nature of the Himalayan Mountain ecosystems is very complex. The climatic diversity of this region is significantly affected by the altitudinal diversity of Himalayan ecosystems. A large portion of area of this region is covered by glaciers as well as seasonal snow. The Himalayan Mountain ecosystems have great influence on the global climate, rainfall, atmospheric circulation, agricultural production, etc. The water resources from the Himalayan region drain through ten major rivers in Asia. The Himalayan Mountain ecosystem is very much vulnerable to climate change impacts. There is a significant knowledge gap of the long-term impact of climate change on water in the Himalayas, and their river basins in the downstream areas. Degradation of natural resources in the Himalayan region are found to be serious environmental issue. The water resources of entire Himalayan region are now facing high threats from various driving forces. Land degradation is also another serious problem in the Himalayan ecosystems. Various natural as well as man-made factors are responsible for the land degradation. Soil erosion is one of the major reasons of soil degradation of this region. Climate change in the Himalayan region induced various hazards like floods, landslides, and droughts which significantly affect the livelihoods of downstream population. Soil erosion may be of various types including mass erosion, sheet erosion, water erosion, terrace failure, and so on. Soil erosion decreases crop productivity and soil Fertility. This review article mainly focuses on the information regarding various factors of water and soil degradation in the Himalayan region and their probable remedial steps.
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Soil fertility maps are crucial for sustainable soil and land use management system for predicting soil health status. However, many regions of Nepal lack updated or reliable soil fertility maps. This study aimed to develop the soil fertility map of agricultural areas in Resunga Municipality, Gulmi district of Nepal using the geographical information system (GIS) technique. A total of 57 composite geo-referenced soil samples from the depth (0–20 cm) were taken from the agricultural land of an area of 52 km². Soil samples were analyzed for their texture, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, available potassium, available boron, and available zinc. These parameters were modelled to develop a soil quality index (SQI). Using the kriging tool, obtained parameters were interpolated and digital maps were produced along with soil quality and nutrient indices. The result showed that the study area lies within the fair (0.4 to 0.6) and good (0.6 to 0.8) range of SQI representing 96% and 3% respectively. Soil organic matter and nitrogen showed moderate variability exhibiting a low status in 95% and 86% of the total study area. Phosphorous and potassium showed medium status in 88% and 75% of the study area, respectively. Zinc was low and boron status was medium in most of the area. To maintain soil fertility is by improving the rate of exogenous application of fertilizers and manures. The application of micronutrients like boron and zinc is highly recommended in the study area along with organic manures. The soil fertility map can be used as a baseline for soil and land use management in Resunga Municipality. We recommend further studies to validate the map and assess the factors affecting soil fertility in this region. Soil fertility maps provide researchers, farmers, students, and land use planners with easier decision-making tools for sustainable crop production systems and land use management systems.
Soils are dynamic natural bodies comprising the upper layer of the earth. The parent material strongly influences soil composition both through its chemical characteristics, some of which are transferred to the derived soil, and through its physical constitution which influences leaching rate and soil aeration. The climate change, land use change, deforestation, and overgrazing are affecting mountains soils in HKH region. These soils are vulnerable to climatic changes, and the anthropogenic factors support and magnify these changes. Hazards such as floods, landslides, debris flows, and glacial lake outbursts are on the rise in HKH region, especially those areas with rapidly expanding populations and poor infrastructure. Climate change is amplifying the impact of hazards as it increases the frequency of extreme events, causing heavy rainfall, droughts, and glacier melt. Soils found in the Himalayas are diverse in character depending upon altitude, vegetation cover, slope, structure, and stage. The major soils groups in the Himalayas are brown hill soil (600–1700 m amsl), sub-mountain soils (formed under dense forest cover), mountain meadow soils (found in alpine and subalpine zones up to an altitude of 4400 m), and red loamy soils, apart from other less significant types. Most of the soils in the region are acidic in nature. The high-altitude meadow soils are found in high-altitude meadows near the snow line in all parts of the higher and trans-Himalayas. Since the texture of the soils is very coarse with high gravel content, they are prone to displacement due to slides and avalanches. These soils are dark in color having a high content of humus. Desert (Arid) soils are found in the cold desert area of Ladakh (India) and other mountain areas of the region with similar climate and altitude; red and black soils are found in isolated areas of Nepal, Bhutan, and Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh state of India. Podzols are found in Western Himalayas. Apart from the above-mentioned soils, traces of alluvial and lateritic soils are found in some parts of the Himalayas. Mountain soils are highly dynamic and sensitive systems that react to environmental changes such as climate change and intense land use. Human-induced erosion rates are, in some mountain areas, much beyond soil production rates. Extensive erosion rates lead to rapid soil degradation and loss of areas for plant growth which, in turn, also negatively affects carbon sequestration. The Hindu Kush Himalayas is a densely populated area and human activities are the major cause of environmental and land degradation. Soil degradation and forest depletion are the most serious environmental issues in the region. The ecosystem of the great Himalaya Mountains is one of the most important life support systems on the earth. The rivers, which arise from the Himalayas, flow down to the plains and contribute to agriculture, industry, and energy sectors that sustain millions of people. The chapter mostly deals with soils of HKH region according to the new system of soil classification.KeywordDrivers of changeFuture protocol of soil managementMountain soil managementNetworking of soil managementRegional collaboration in soil managementSoils resources
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The irrigated fields of the low-lying areas in Nepal face sedimentation problem due to irrigation water. Yearly deposition of sediments gradually lowers the fertility status of the soils, deteriorates soil physical properties and eventually results in lower yields. The sedimentation issue in the Chitwan valley raises three main research questions: where do the sediments come from, which processes are involved in sediment production, and to what extent human activities play a role? In order to investigate these questions and search for answers, three study areas were selected: (1) the watershed of Langtang Khola in the High Himal and High Mountain regions, (2) the watershed of Likhu Khola in the Middle Mountain region, and (3) the Chitwan valley in the lowlands. In the High Himal and High Mountain regions, climate plays an important role. Freezing and thawing, ice and snow avalanches and debris slides contribute to the physical disintegration of bedrocks and bring debris down the steep slopes. Glaciers help in further disintegration of rocks by their grinding effect. They also collect dust during dry season. Melting water from the glacier ice during summer months brings lots of suspended sediments (< 2 mm) to the river system. Sediment production in the upper watershed areas by mass movements and glacier activity is essentially controlled by natural processes, without human intervention. In the Middle Mountains, population density is high and the majority of the rural population is involved in agriculture. Cultivation is carried out on steep slopes by making terraces. Two types of terraces exist: sloping terraces for growing rainfed crops and level terraces for growing rice. Land degradation occurs through debris slides, slumps and water erosion. Debris slides dominate on south-facing slopes, while slumps occur mainly in rice fields. Rainfed cultivation on sloping terraces causes high erosion rates. In degraded forest and rangeland, soil loss varies from 1 to 20 tonnes/ha/yr. In contrast, erosion is minimal in dense forest and rice fields. The rice irrigation practice of allowing the water to flow from higher to lower terraces contributes to trapping the sediments coming from upper slopes. Farmers also carry out conservation measures on a yearly basis, especially after the rainy season. Thus, the watersheds in the Middle Mountains behave as close systems, retaining in-situ a large proportion of the sediments produced. In the Chitwan valley, sedimentation on the agricultural fields causes the deterioration of the physical soil properties, lowering porosity and impairing farming practices. Areas affected by sedimentation depend on the location of the fields with respect to the irrigation canals. Strongly degraded areas are within 100 m from the irrigation canals. The sediments include a high proportion of silt and fine sand (50-250 mm). Quartz, mica and feldspar dominate the mineralogy of the silt fraction. Organic matter content is very low. Sediments causing siltation in the Chitwan irrigation scheme are more related to the sediments coming from the High Himal and High Mountain regions than to those delivered by the Middle Mountains. The study shows that the erosion issue in Nepal seems to be more related to natural processes than to human intervention. In the High Himal and High Mountain regions, human influence is negligible since population is scarce. Although population density is high in the Middle Mountains, human activity does not aggravate the erosion problem. Farmers rather contribute to conserving the soil by building and maintaining terraces and by taking part in community forestry. In general, there seems to be good balance between natural processes and human activities in conserving the land in the Middle Mountains. However, if farmer’s behaviour changes, for some reason, towards less intensive land care, the whole system may collapse and become no longer sustainable.
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The distribution of shallow soil-erosion scars (up to 1.2 m in depth) was mapped on a scale of 1:19,200 in the upper valley of the Langtang Himal, central Nepal. It coincides with the yak-grazing grassland along transhumance routes. Since soil erosion occurs on the stepped slopes, slope origin was examined using the grazing model of Howard and Higgins (1987). The result shows that all stepped slopes were formed by yak grazing, except those near Tangshap which were caused by sheep. The denudation rates by soil erosion on the yak-grazing steps are estimated at 0.02-0.16 mm/yr, when the period of intensive grazing is assumed to be 50 years. Soil erosion on yak-grazing steps is the most conspicuous phenomenon on the valley slopes. In terms of overall soil transportation from the High Himalaya to the lower plains, however, soil erosion on yak-grazing steps in the Langtang Valley appears to be a negligible contributor. It is concluded, therefore, that sediment transport to the lower elevations during the 50-year period since the introduction of transhumance is not significant. /// La distribution des cicatrices superficielles d'érosion du sol (moins de 1,2 m de profondeur) a été reportée sur une carte à l'échelle 1/19 200 de la vallée supérieure du Langtang Himal, Népal central. Elle coïncide avec la prairie de pacage de yacks le long des voies de transhumance. Du fait que l'érosion du sol se produit sur les versants en gradins, l'origine des versants a été examinée à l'aide du modèle de pacage de Howard et Higgins (1987). Les résultats indiquent que tous les versants en gradins ont été formés par le pacage de yacks, à l'exception de ceux situés près de Tangshap qui ont été causés par les moutons. La plage de vitesses de dénudation par érosion du sol sur les gradins de pacage de yacks a été estimée à 0,02-0,16 mm par an, si l'on admet une période de pacage intensif de 50 ans. L'érosion du sol sur les gradins de pacage de yacks constitue le phénomène le plus visible sur les versants de la vallée. Néanmoins, en termes de transport global du sol de l'Himalaya supérieur vers les basses plaines, l'érosion du sol sur les gradins de pacage de yacks dans la vallée du Langtang ne semble guère y contribuer. Pour cette raison, la conclusion en est que le transport solide vers les plus basses altitudes au cours des 50 années depuis l'introduction de la transhumance, n'est pas significatif. /// Für das obere Tal des Langtang Himal, Zentralnepal, wurde im Maßstab 1:19.200 eine Karte erstellt, die die Oberflächenverteilung von Erosionsspuren (bis zu 1,2m Tiefe) aufzeichnet. Diese Verteilung stimmt mit den Grasflächen entlang der Viehtriebrouten überein. Da Bodenerosion auf den Trampelpfaden an Hängen erfolgt, wurde der ursprüngliche Hangzustand unter Berücksichtigung des Weidemodells von Howard und Higgins (1987) untersucht. Das Ergebnis zeigt, daß alle hanggelegenen Trampelpfade durch weidende Jaks entstanden sind; außer denen um Tangshap, die von Schafen verursacht wurden. Die Abtragungsraten durch Bodenerosion auf den Weidepfaden der Jaks werden, unter der Annahme einer 50-jährigen intensiven Weideperiode, mit 0,02-0,16 mm/Jahr eingeschätzt. Die Bodenerosion auf von Jaks beweideten Terrassen ist die auffälligste Erscheinung an den Berghängen. Bezüglich der gesamten Bodenverlagerung vom hohen Himalaya zu den niedriger gelegenen Ebenen, erscheint die Bodenerosion auf den von Jak beweideten Terrassen des Langtang Tals als unerheblich. Abschließend wird bemerkt, daß der Sedimenttransport nach niedrigeren Lagen über den 50-jährigen Zeitraum seit Einführung des Viehtriebs unbedeutsam ist.
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Land degradation is a crucial issue in mountainous areas due to slope steepness. Soil loss caused by sheet erosion and mass movement processes is common in such highly fragile environments. Although deforestation, overgrazing and intensive agriculture, in many cases related to population pressure, cause accelerated erosion, natural phenomena such as exceptional rains or earthquakes also induce erosion. Slope gradient, an important parameter for the assessment of land degradation, can be automatically generated from elevation data. Information on land resources and land cover/use can be extracted by multi- spectral classification of remote sensing data. At watershed level, indicators of land degradation can be used for modeling hazard zonation. Models based on a geographic information system (GIS) help generate sheet erosion and mass movement hazard maps, which can be used to produce alternative land use scenarios. A case study describes and assesses land degradation in a watershed belonging to the river Likhu Khola, in the middle mountain region of Nepal. Results provided by running a soil erosion model (Morgan et al., 1984) show that erosion is highest under rainfed agriculture, with maximum soil losses up to 56 tons/ha/yr. The lowest soil losses (less than 1 ton/ha/yr) are recorded under dense forest cover and in rice fields. In degraded forests and on rangeland, soil losses vary from 1 to 9 tons/ha/yr. Soil losses are higher on the south-facing subwatershed than on the north-facing one. The main mass movement types in the area are debris slides and slumping. Slumping is common in rice fields. Debris slides seem to occur more under degraded forests and on rangeland than in cultivated areas and dense forest. Mass movement hazards were generated by using decision rules. The results show that half of the area (51%) is potentially susceptible to slumping at various degrees. About one fourth (26%) of the area has potential hazard to debris slides. The south-facing slopes are more susceptible than the north facing ones. Slope aspect seems not to be relevant for slumping. The results also show that human intervention plays an important role in making the land vulnerable to erosion and, at the same time, controlling land degradation.
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The problem of soil erosion due to human and natural processes, and its consequences in terms of sedimentation and changes in hydrological regimes in downstream areas in the Himalayas in general and in Nepal in particular, has been a subject of national and global concerns. Considering the lack of long-term pertinent data the uncertainty that surrounds this debate has already been well highlighted. Recently some works at plot level, micro and meso watershed level erosion processes have been carried out in different physiographic and elevation zones in Nepal Himalaya which have been used to examine the role of land management in modifying the runoff and soil loss from the hillslopes in this area. The paper is based on secondary data and information on runoff and soil erosion processes reported from different parts of the country. Significant differences were observed in the rate of soil loss and the percentage of runoff to total precipitation with time, physiographic regions and different land cover/use and land management practices. The data so far available are limited in time and space and it is difficult to generalize these processes. However, it appears that there is a possibility of minimizing the loss of soil and enhancing productivity upstream through simple and innovative land use and land management practices which could also contribute significantly to reduce flood hazards in downstream areas of the watershed.
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This paper attempts to pool available data on SOC and other information required for estimating total carbon stock in soils under different land uses in the Middle Mountains Region of Nepal. The available data indicated a wide range in SOC status of mid-hill soils under various land uses. Upland soils had the lowest SOC contents overall (mostly between 1-2%), while lowland areas were mainly in the range of 1.5-2.6% by weight. Shrub and forest soils had on average, more SOC in the top 0-30 cm (2.0 & 2.3%, respectively) than cultivated soils. Mean SOC pools to a depth of 1m were estimated to be 10.91, 14.75, and 10.42 kgC/m2 for forest, shrub/grass, and agricultural land respectively. This yielded total OC stocks to be 196 Mt C (million tonnes carbon) for forest, 100.3 Mt C under shrub land, and 127.1 Mt C in cultivated upland and lowland areas. Land use and management significantly affect SOC status and dynamics. Mulching, cover crops, minimum tillage as well as compost applied with small amount of N fertilizer, all enhance SOC status over conventional farming practices and chemical fertilizer alone. Straw mulching and reduced tillage decrease SOC losses (and erosion). Forest soils have good potential to sequester carbon because more SOC is concentrated in micro-aggregates (<1mm) and thus, less readily decomposed. Shrub/grass land soils may also sequester carbon by allocation to substantial depths (1 or more meters), where it is less accessible and hence more persistent. Modified agricultural practices, minimizing tillage and maximizing OM addition or retention could lead to net carbon sequestration and sustainable production in the Middle Mountains.
This document describes the research that the Nuclear Science performed in 2002. There is a research overview by the Director and Division Heads. Each group has contributed one page abstracts describing their research.