
Stan zdrowia dzieci i młodzieży w Polsce. Najważniejsze problemy zdrowotne

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... Najczęściej nabyta wada postawy wykształca się w okresie szybkiego wzrastania, czyli w okresie niemowlęcym, między 5., a 7. rokiem życia oraz w okresie dojrzewania [1,3]. W populacji dzieci w Polsce najczęściej występujące wady postawy to: skolioza, młodzieńcza kifoza piersiowa (choroba Scheuermanna) oraz zniekształcenia statyczne kończyn dolnych [1,12]. Inne częste schorzenia to: plecy okrągłe, plecy wklęsłe, plecy wklęsło-okrągłe, plecy płaskie, płaskostopie, kolana szpotawe i koślawe [3]. ...
... Jedną z najbardziej powszechnych i rozpoznawalnych wad posturalnych jest boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa (skoliosis) [1,3,12]. Jest to wielopłaszczyznowe odchylenie osi kręgosłupa od ich fizjologicznych linii [3]. ...
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With the increasing incidence of posture defects in children and adolescents, screening of children's postures in early school periods and in the second stage of education, which is carried out, among others during routine visits to the doctor and during the balance sheet examination, is gaining significance. Early detection of the defect, at the stage of functional changes, enables full recovery, using non-invasive methods, prevents the formation of secondary changes and protects against their consequences, which significantly improves the comfort and quality of life in adulthood
... Physical activity reduces the risk of numerous chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases, excess weight and obesity, type II diabetes and, particularly, breast cancer (by 20-30%) and colon cancer (by 30-40%) [2]. Our study confirms the trend towards sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity and nutrition anomalies in adolescents as reported in many research studies [2,6,7,8]. On the basis of her international review, Mazur [6] pointed out that Poland ranked unfavorable in terms of adolescents' health and health behavior-related parameters in international comparison studies, with trend profiles being particularly unfavorable in the recent years. In addition, observations included transfer of adverse behaviors to younger classes, increased incidence of chronic diseases in the second decade of life and worsening emotional health of adolescents. ...
... Aktywność fizyczna zmniejsza ryzyko wielu chorób przewlekłych , w tym chorób układu krążenia, nadwagi i otyłości, cukrzycy typu 2 oraz w szczególności raka piersi (o 20-30%) i okrężnicy (o 30-40%) [2]. Badania własne potwierdzają utrzymujący się w wielu doniesieniach naukowych trend do sedentarnego stylu życia i niskiej aktywności fizycznej oraz zaburzeń odżywiania wśród młodzieży [2,6,7,8]. Mazur na [6] podstawie międzynarodowych badań podkreśliła, że pozycja Polski, biorąc pod uwagę wskaźniki odnoszące się do zdrowia i zachowań zdrowotnych młodzieży, jest niekorzystna w porównaniach międzynarodowych a trendy przybierają w ostatnich latach szczególnie niekorzystny kształt. Ponadto odnotowano przechodzenie niekorzystnych zachowań do młodszych roczników, narastanie chorób przewlekłych w drugiej dekadzie życia oraz pogorszającą się kondycję psychiczną młodzieży. ...
Aim. The objective of the study was to analyze health behaviors in young people during late adolescence with regard to the dietary habits, physical activity, rest and stress. Material and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 258 high school students aged 18-19 years. The study was conducted in April 2015 in the town of Końskie within the Świętokrzyskie Province. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method. Results. As shown by the study, more than one half of the students declared non-adherence to healthy lifestyle principles (n=136; 53%). More than 63% of students slept less than 7 hours per every 24 hours. The young people preferred passive leisure pastimes; only about 13% of responders practiced sports every day. High stress levels were reported by every third student (34.1%). The most common form of stress-relieving activity consisted in video gaming (35%). Two factors that significantly differentiated health behaviors in adolescents were gender and place of residence. Conclusion. Most young people are satisfied with their health and most commonly consider it to be good. The physical aspects of the lifestyle of subjects requires monitoring and improvement, which particularly pertains to physical activity, changing dietary habits and leisure. The young people declared high levels of stress that was relieved mainly by escaping into the realm of video games.
... The limits of this ratio are: 0.8 for women and 1.0 for men. Higher WHR value indicates androidal obesity and lowergynecoid obesity [21,22,23,24]. ...
... Stress may also result in other psychosomatic symptoms, e.g. heart failure in the course of heart ischemia, sudden increase in arterial blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders (tachycardia, bradycardia) [9,21]. CONCLUSIONS Nowadays, circulatory system illnesses are one of the main risks for health and life worldwide. ...
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Introduction. Lifestyle is one of the factors influencing people’s health and each person should be responsible for own health. Hence, it is necessary to educate people about importance of proper choices of behaviour and life style that have substantial influence on health. Such choices are called ‘pro-health’ and have a positive impact on health improvement. Healthy attitudes are ‘all feelings (emotions), beliefs, opinions, evaluations, views about health as a high value’. The ideal attitude towards health is a strict, consequent attitude characterized by substantial knowledge, awakened feelings and motivations, and particular plans of action, each element being coherent with the others. The shaping and modification of attitudes is based on fixing positive and eliminating negative influences on health. Nowadays, circulatory system illnesses are one of the main risks for health and life of people worldwide. They are the main reason for deaths in the European Union and amount to 40% of all deaths. In Poland, the death rate due to this type of illness is one of the highest in Europe. The study presents the risk for the factors for cardiovascular disease and characterizes their influence on lifestyle and wellness. Conclusions. In order to reduce and limit the incidence rate of circulatory system diseases it is necessary to promote knowledge about the essence of these illnesses and about the benefits resulting from a healthy style of life. Promoting healthy life attitudes eliminates such risk factors as smoking, alcohol drinking, improper nutrition habits, and lack of physical activity
... On the other hand, apart from health effects, not eating the main meals has consequences regarding everyday functioning, e.g. fatigue, apathy or disorders of cognitive processes, which may lead to difficulties in concentrating and worse school results [20]. ...
... Such a diet may result in problems connected with improper bone build. As research revealed, reaching peak bone mass within the first 20 years of life constitutes a significant factor that reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the future [20]. ...
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Background: Children and youth constitute a group that is particularly prone to the effects of improper diet. In the puberty period, numerous significant lifestyle choices are made, for instance regarding particular nutritional behaviours which may be repeated later in life and may determine the state of health. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess nutritional behaviours of children aged 7-12 attending to primary schools in Biala Podlaska county (Eastern Region of Poland). Material and methods: The study included 1643 children aged 7-12 from primary schools in Biala Podlaska county. The research was carried out in 2015. The questions included in the questionnaire prepared by the authors regarded the number and regularity of meals, the types of products (mainly fruit and vegetables, sweets, fizzy drinks, fast food, milk and dairy products) and the frequency of consuming them during these meals and between them. Differences between the responses to the questions in groups divided according to gender were analysed with the use of χ2 test (G function). Results: It was revealed that 672 girls (81.7%) and 633 boys (71.9%) had at least four meals a day, while as many as 23% of the girls and boys did not have breakfast before going to school and 33.5% of the girls and 37.4% of the boys did not take lunch to school. The main meal (dinner) was eaten every day by 652 girls (78.5%) and 605 boys (74.5%). Products most commonly eaten between the main meals were fruit and vegetables (51% of the girls and 42.4% of the boys), while sweets were consumed 2-3 times a week by 37.2% of the girls and 36.1% of the boys. The consumption of dairy products (milk, natural yoghurt and/or kefir) once a week or less frequently was declared by 53% of the girls and boys. Conclusions: Assessment of nutritional behaviours revealed numerous mistakes which may negatively affect the development of the study participants. In the light of the above findings, it seems necessary to provide children and their parents with nutritional education in order to develop proper nutritional behaviours and correct the mistakes.
... Therefore, it is difficult to measure it [1]. Biosocial attitude toward health caused an extend of the scope and measurements, including all aspects and health condition, positive measurements and subjective health indicators [2,3]. ...
... The results of study conducted by Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) from 2010 that among people in age between 11 and 18 years old, in the opinion of the majority of the Polish adolescents their health if good or very good. Data from the same study also show that worse health self-assessment considers girls than boys (differences in the gender increase along with the age) and older than younger [2]. From the other hand negative changes in physical fitness resulting in worse physical fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness among young Polish generation between 1989 and 1990, as well as in later period of time are observed [19]. ...
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Introduction: Health perception is a complex issue and determined by various factors. When assessing health there are positive, negative and intermediate measurements, as well as health indicators including the following criteria: subjective, objective and social. Purpose: To determine the relationship between subjective health assessment, physical fitness and cardiorespiratory fitness. Materials and Methods: The study included 1.000 high school adolescents from Poland and Ukraine. Two questionnaires were used in the study: an original questionnaire, and a standardized 20 m shuttle run test with PACER (Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run), enabling indirect assess of VO 2 max.
... The study involved 80 patients aged [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. The research tool was a questionnaire of own authorship. ...
... Wewnętrzne poczucie dyskomfortu wraz z brakiem nadziei na przyszłość popychają jednostkę do podejmowania zachowań ryzykownych, w tym PS. Jak wynika z raportu Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia z 2014 roku, samobójstwa młodzieży stanowią trzecią przyczynę zgonów w grupie wiekowej 10-19 lat, dotykając tym samym 26% chłopców oraz 16% dziewcząt [11,12,13,14,15]. ...
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Gmitrowicz Agnieszka, Wolanek Urszula, Madej Agata, Makara-Studzińska Marta. Czynniki chroniące przed samobójstwem młodzieży w wieku 13-19 lat = Factors preventing suicide among youth aged 13-19. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(9):671-684. ISSN 2391-8306. DOI10.5281/zenodo.31766 Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014 Deklaracja. Specyfika i zawartość merytoryczna czasopisma nie ulega zmianie. Zgodnie z informacją MNiSW z dnia 2 czerwca 2014 r., że w roku 2014 nie będzie przeprowadzana ocena czasopism naukowych; czasopismo o zmienionym tytule otrzymuje tyle samo punktów co na wykazie czasopism naukowych z dnia 31 grudnia 2014 r. The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1089. (31.12.2014). © The Author (s) 2015; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland and Radom University in Radom, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 02.08.2015. Revised 05.09.2015. Accepted: 29.09.2015. CZYNNIKI CHRONIĄCE PRZED SAMOBÓJSTWEM MŁODZIEŻY W WIEKU 13-19 LAT FACTORS PREVENTING SUICIDE AMONG YOUTH AGED 13-19 Agnieszka Gmitrowicz1, Urszula Wolanek2, Agata Madej3, Marta Makara-Studzińska3 Klinika Psychiatrii Młodzieżowej CSK IS UM w Łodzi1 Youth Psychiatry Clinic, Central Clinical Hospital, Institute of Dentistry, Medical University of Łódź1 Oddział Psychiatrii Młodzieżowej UM w Łodzi2 Youth Psychiatry Ward, Medical University of Łódź2 Zakład Psychologii Stosowanej UM w Lublinie3 Department of Applied Psychology, Medical University of Lublin3 Streszczenie Wstęp. Zachowania samobójcze stanowią powszechny i poważny problem zdrowotny i społeczny na całym świecie. W literaturze istnieją doniesienia mówiące, iż samobójstwo to jedna z najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów nastolatków w wieku 15-19 lat. Młodzi ludzie dokonują prób samobójczych (PS) będąc pod wpływem następujących czynników: negatywna presja rówieśnicza, wydarzenia o charakterze stresowym, brak umiejętności życiowych. Dlatego też istotne wydaje się poszukiwanie czynników mogących ograniczać to niepokojące zjawisko, do których niewątpliwie zalicza się PS. Cel pracy. Określenie czynników chroniących przed podejmowaniem prób samobójczych (PS) oraz oczekiwań odnośnie skutecznej pomocy po PS. Materiał i metoda. W badaniu udział wzięło 80 pacjentów w wieku 13-19 lat. Narzędzie badawcze stanowił kwestionariusz ankiety własnego autorstwa. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie procentowej. Wyniki. Co trzeci badany nastolatek swoje problemy omawiał wspólnie z rówieśnikami, natomiast tylko co ósmy badany mógł liczyć na pomocy ze strony rodziców. Oczekiwania pacjentów w zakresie otrzymywania pomocy jako formy zapobiegania przed PS dotyczą głównie ich relacji rodzinnych. Oczekują oni również zmian w systemie leczenia. Wnioski. Badani potrzebują czuć się kochani, bezpieczni, mieć wsparcie ze strony rodziców oraz rówieśników. Chcą mieszkać w domach rodzinnych. Nie chcą być obiektami przemocy, być źle traktowanymi przez innych oraz wychowywać się w patologicznym środowisku. Potrzebują zwiększenia poczucia własnej wartości i zaakceptowania siebie. Słowa kluczowe: psychiatria, młodzież, próby samobójcze, czynniki ochronne, samobójstwo. Abstract Introduction. Suicidal behavior is a common and serious health and social problem worldwide. In the literature there are reports stating that suicide is one of the most common causes of death among teenagers aged 15-19. Young people make suicidal attempts (SA) when influenced by the following factors: negative peer pressure, events of stress, lack of life skills. Therefore, it seems important to search for factors that may limit this disturbing phenomenon, in which SA is undoubtedly included. Aim of the study. The aims are to determine the protective factors preventing suicide attempts (SA) and develop expectations for effective assistance after SA. Materials and methods. The study involved 80 patients aged 13-19. The research tool was a questionnaire of own authorship. The results were subject to percentage analysis. Results. Every third teenager respondent discussed their problems with their peers, while only every eighth respondent could count on help from parents. Patients' expectations in terms of receiving aid as a form of prevention against SA relate mainly to their family relations. They also expect changes in the system of treatment. Conclusions. Respondents need to feel loved, safe and having support from parents and peers. They want to live with their families. They do not want to be objects of violence, be badly treated by others and grow up in a pathological environment. They need increasing self-esteem and self-acceptance. Keywords: psychiatry, youth, suicidal attempts, suicide.
... It can be assumed then, that around 10-15% of all children and adolescents are afflicted with serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The most common of these are: scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine), juvenile kyphosis, Scheuermana disease and static distortion of the limbs [23]. In our survey, we asked whether the respondent had undergone treatment for clinical posture correction in childhood. ...
... Appropriate prevention practices must be enacted to minimize the consequences of bad posture. Such practices include a high degree of physical activity, ergonomically correct bedding, home and school furniture, as well as good foot-ware [23]. Prophylaxis includes daily care to maintain correct body posture, elimination of factors that endanger correct posture, the provision of exercise to enable comprehensive and harmonious Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences development of the physical body, as well as regular health check-ups [5]. ...
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At the present time, back pain and posture problems affect a growing number of young people. This is probably due to a changing lifestyle which has led to less physical activity. The aims of our study were to evaluate the prevalence of pain associated with the spine, as well as to ascertain the relationship of these symptoms with the degree of physical activity among a group of students of the Medical University of Lublin. The research group consisted of 301 students (201 women and 100 men) aged between 19 and 27 years. The survey was performed at the turn of the year 2014/2015. Based on an anonymous questionnaires, we found that treatment and advice obtained at the faulty posture and/or orthopedic clinic benefited slightly more than 32% of all respondents. In this group, about 20% were women, while among men, it was a little over 12%. Physical therapy to treat back problems was also entered into by about 29% of the respondents, while 5% of students undertook such treatment very frequently. What is more, 89% of all respondents stated they regularly attend physical education classes. Moreover, more than 81% of all students surveyed practiced some sport, in this group - about 51% of the respondents stating so were women, and a little over 29% were men. Although medical students are a group of people with high health issue awareness, they are not deprived of problems related to the musculoskeletal system.
... The limits of this ratio are: 0.8 for women and 1.0 for men. Higher WHR value indicates androidal obesity and lowergynecoid obesity [21,22,23,24]. ...
... Stress may also result in other psychosomatic symptoms, e.g. heart failure in the course of heart ischemia, sudden increase in arterial blood pressure and heart rhythm disorders (tachycardia, bradycardia) [9,21]. CONCLUSIONS Nowadays, circulatory system illnesses are one of the main risks for health and life worldwide. ...
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A large number of traffic accident casualties are subjects to head traumas, causing difficulties in fast and correct diagnostics on site. It may lead to so called underdiagnosis and qualification of the case as 'not urgent'. Objective. The objective of the study was to obtain data, which would help to foresee the nature of intracranial injuries in traffic accident casualties based on circumstances of the trauma and visible injuries within head integument. We tried to capture possible relations between the mechanism of trauma, external injuries and serious intracranial pathologies, eventually causing the victim's death. Material and methods. Documentation of 219 traffic accident casualties kept by the Forensic Medicine Department, Medical University of Warsaw. Results. Among casualties of traffic accidents leading to a fatal head trauma, males constituted the considerable majority (78.1%). The average age amounted to 29.9 in male casualties and 44.77 in female casualties. Victims exposed to angular acceleration or angular acceleration associated with direct impact suffered from injuries in the form of subarachnoid bleeding, intracerebral/intraventricular bleeding and/or tear of deep cerebral structures, whereas casualties with the injury mechanism qualified as linear acceleration significantly more often suffered from cortical contusion and epidural haematomas. Among injuries of deep cerebral structures, cases of brain stem contusion most frequently referred to casualties who experienced rotation as an additional damage mechanism. Conclusions. Casualties of accidents suffering of trauma caused by rotation mechanism are exposed to considerably more severe injuries of cranial cavity structures than casualties of traumas caused by a different mechanism. Cerebral injuries induced by the mechanism of angular acceleration refer to the brain stem in particular. In cases where head protection has been used, they may occur without visible head injuries.
... Styl zarządzania jest ma charakter hierarchiczny i nastawiony jest na podporządkowanie. Działania są ukierunkowane na procedury, a nie na efekty czy potrzeby, jak ma to miejsce w przypadku alternatywnych modeli: przedsiębiorczego i strategicznego 154 . Jego organizacja jest rozproszona pomiędzy różnymi typami "bytów"/instytucji i ich regionalnych oddziałów. ...
... 23). 154 Model strategiczny realizowany jest np. w Niemczech. ...
... Zachowania samobójcze dzieci i młodzieży to poważny problem zdrowotny i społeczny. Są one -obok wypadków drogowych, urazów i zatruć -jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonów wśród nastolatków w Polsce (Szeredzińska, 2017;Woynarowska, Oblacińska, 2014). Są to przyczyny, co do których istnieje uzasadnione przekonanie, że można im zapobiegać (Kelley, Schochet, Landry, 2004;Miniño, 2010). ...
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Uczeń wysoko wrażliwy określany bywa często jako nieśmiały, zbyt emocjonalny, zbyt delikatny, lękowy czy przewrażliwiony. Określany bywa również jako posłuszny, grzeczny, sumienny i pracowity. Cechy dziecka wrażliwego, sposób ich postrzegania i identyfikowanie ich przyczyn mogą prowokować bądź kształtować różne oddziaływania nauczycieli (często zależne od ich oczekiwań, np. żeby dziecko zachowywało się tak samo jak rówieśnicy). Jeśli nauczyciel przyjmie na przykład, że zachowanie dziecka jest wynikiem zbyt pobłażliwego traktowania, zacznie traktować je w sposób bardziej surowy, stanowczy. Nauczyciel będzie starał się dostosować metodę oddziaływania odpowiednio do zidentyfikowanej trudności. Stąd wiedza na temat zachowań charakterystycznych dla wysokiej wrażliwości może pomóc w procesie adekwatnego wsparcia w budowaniu odporności dzieci i młodzieży. Doświadczenia rodziców wysoko wrażliwych dzieci zwykle mają podobny przebieg. Początkowo doświadczają niepokoju, że ich dziecko jest „inne” niż rówieśnicy, że częściej płacze, trudniej mu odnaleźć się w nowych miejscach, rozpocząć zabawę w grupie, że niepokoją go różne dźwięki, odrzuca niektóre smaki. Doświadczają też przyjemności z osiągnięć szkolnych, wyjątkowej spostrzegawczości, wnikliwości, empatii dziecka.
... In the literature, the estimated incidence of postural defects depends on the assessment method and the adopted criteria for correct body posture. Studies on the health of children and adolescents in Poland have shown that the incidence of posture defects ranges from 10 to 80% [5]. ...
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Unlabelled: A considerable number of problems begin in childhood due to lifestyle changes, which include a transition from a previous period of extensive movement to prolonged hours of staying in a sitting position at school. The aim of this study was to examine the occurrence of back and side view postural defects in the study group of school-aged children and identify risk factors associated with the formation of postural abnormalities in the study group. Methods: This study was conducted on a group of 141 children aged 7-10, attending the first to third grades at a primary school in Białystok (northeastern Poland). This study involved measuring the children's height and weight, assessing the children's body posture based on the FITS method (Functional Individual Scoliosis Therapy) by Białek and M'hango (the authors of this study), and administering a diagnostic survey addressed to parents and guardians of the children (n = 104) using a self-designed questionnaire. Results: Almost all defects were more prevalent in boys, especially in the case of stature triangles (p = 0.0489) and knee alignment in the sagittal plane (p = 0.038). The age of the subjects differentiated the incidence of defects in the scapulae (p = 0.0037) and shoulder (p = 0.0129) alignment, correlating negatively with age. The risk of postural defects for knees (p = 0.0391) and abdominal arching (p = 0.0240) was significant with a higher BMI. The following lifestyle-related factors were significant: the seat for doing homework (stature triangles p = 0.0253), time spent in front of a computer (positioning of the scapulae in relation to each other p = 0.0233; vertical view of the intergluteal cleft p = 0.0324), and snacking between meals (feet p = 0.0003; shoulder positioning p = 0.0013; stature triangles p = 0.0186; positioning of the scapulae in relation to each other p = 0.0404). Conclusions: The body posture of the examined children was closed with the head pushed forward and drooped, rounded shoulders, hyperlordosis, and pelvic anteversion. Most exhibited various types of abnormalities related to the feet. The recognized risk factors for posture defects are overweight/obesity, the male gender, children who are older, lack of an adjustable work chair, 2 h a day or more spent using the computer, and snacking between meals.
... Liczba studentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi ujawnianymi w trakcie studiowania oraz samobójstwa studentów na kampusach uniwersyteckich zdaje się być niepokojąca [Nowak--Adamczyk, 2014, s. 75]. W literaturze psychologicznej i psychiatrycznej pojawia się coraz więcej prac, które wskazują na narastające problemy zdrowia psychicznego wśród studentów [Stallman, 2010;Franczyk, 2016, Mojs, Bartkowska, Kaczmarek, Ziarko, Bujacz, Warchoł -Biedermann, 2015Marek, Białoń, Wichowicz, Melloch, Nitka -Siemińska, 2005;Woynarowska, Oblacińska, 2014;Białkowska, Mroczkowska, Zomkowska, Rakowska, 2014]. Z badań N.R. Aggarwal [2012] wynika, iż znaczna część studentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi nie sięga po wsparcie specjalistów bądź zgłasza się po nie dopiero w momencie, gdy stają się one znacznym utrudnieniem studiowania. ...
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SUMMARY This article is an attempt to discuss the topic of selective mutism in adults. For his needs, a pilot study was conducted among adults who have studied with selective mutism (MW). The aim of the analyzes was to characterize the problems that a student of MW can face and to present suggestions for solutions to these dificulties. The way to achieve these goals was to analyze the results of the questionnaire survey. KEYWORDS selective mutism, anxiety, study, students, ACT, support system
... Także wśród badanej młodzieży ze środowiska wiejskiego, podobnie jak i w innych środowiskach, wśród zachowań dotyczących nie tylko sposobu odżywiania, ale i aktywności fizycznej przeważają antyzdrowotne nad prozdrowotnymi. Z badań przeprowadzonych przez Woynarowską i Oblacińską wynika, że ponad 30% badanej młodzieży ocenia swój poziom aktywności na poziomie dostatecznym; młodzi ludzie sporadycznie spożywają pierwsze śniadanie (35%), rzadko biorą do szkoły drugie śniadanie (46%); preferują spożywanie takich produktów jak: słodycze, dania typu fast food, produkty mączne, napoje słodzone [19]. ...
... Liczną grupę w polskiej szkole stanowią uczniowie przewlekle chorzy. Szacunkowo problem chorób przewlekłych (z wyłączeniem otyłości) dotyka 20-25% uczniowskiej populacji (Woynarowska, Oblacińska 2014;Małkowska-Szkutnik, Mazur 2011). Przewlekła choroba dziecka wpływa niekorzystnie nie tylko na jego rozwój psychiczny czy fizyczny, ale również na przebieg procesu edukacji i sytuację społeczną ucznia w grupie rówieśników (Huygen, Kuis, Sinnema 2000;Nowicka 2001;Shiu 2004;Góralczyk 2009;Woynarowska 2010). ...
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p>Przekraczanie kolejnego progu edukacji, jak również codzienne sytuacje szkolne wywołują u uczniów przykre emocje. W konsekwencji przyczyniają się do zaburzenia samooceny, relacji z innymi osobami, spowalniają rozwój umiejętności emocjonalnych. Prowadzi to do trudności przystosowawczych, rozumianych jako dezaptacyjne reakcje na sytuacje stresowe. Te z kolei wiążą się z brakiem kompetencji społecznych. Jak wynika z badań prezentowanych w literaturze polskiej i obcojęzycznej, uczniowie, w tym ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, mają nierzadko problemy ze zdobywaniem umiejętności społecznych i emocjonalnych. W konsekwencji doświadczają trudności przystosowawczych, zarówno o charakterze indywidualnym, jak i społecznym. W artykule analizowane zagadnienie zobrazowano indywidualnym przypadkiem ucznia szkoły podstawowej ze zdiagnozowanymi mieszanymi zaburzeniami zachowania i emocji. Wskazano również na potrzebę konsekwentnego rozwijania umiejętności emocjonalnych od początku edukacji szkolnej. Niwelowanie trudności przystosowawczych uczniów jest możliwe poprzez wspieranie ich w zdobywaniu kompetencji emocjonalnych, w tym inteligencji emocjonalnej. Dane naukowe dowodzą, że niektóre zdolności emocjonalne można zyskać w toku nauki. Inteligencja emocjonalna, jak każdy nowy konstrukt, budzi wiele kontrowersji, ale też nadziei, że z upływem czasu poznamy jej znaczenie w życiu człowieka.</p
... Jedynie w Niemczech są one wyższe. Zdecydowana większość zgonów polskich nastolatków ma przyczyny zewnętrzne, takie jak wypadki, urazy, zatrucia i samobójstwa (Szredzińska, 2017;Woynarowska, Oblacińska, 2014). Są to więc przyczyny, co do których istnieje uzasadnione przekonanie, że można im zapobiec (Kelley, Schochet, Landry, 2004;Miniño, 2010). ...
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Suicidal thoughts in the context of family situation, and internalizing / externalizing problems among youth between 14 and 16 years of age Children and adolescents suicides is a serious health and social problem. Modern suicidology treats suicide as a process or sequence of events in which suicidal thoughts, in addition to suicide plans and attempts, play an important role. The aim of this longitudinal study was to assess changes in the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescents between 14 and 16 years of age, as well as to study the relationship between family factors, mental health problems and risk behaviors and the occurrence of suicidal ideation in adolescents. he tests were longitudinal. This study was based on the self-report data taken from a two-wave longitudinal study conducted in Warsaw. 747 middle school students (46% boys) were twice surveyed during middle school. Results indicated that about 20% of teenagers had suicidal thoughts during the last year preceding the study. Logistic regression analyzes showed that parenting in an incomplete family and insufficient parental support measured at the age of 14 significantly increased the risk of suicidal thoughts at the age of 16. The risk factors of suicidal thoughts also included symptoms of depression, psychological distress, mental well-being and frequent alcohol use. The results confirm the relationship between the family situation and the mental condition of adolescents. This is why it is so important to cooperate with parents in suicide prevention and in solving other mental health problems of young people. Key words: suicidal thoughts, youth, family factors, internalizing problems, externalizing problems Samobójstwa dzieci i młodzieży to poważny problem zdrowotny oraz społeczny. Współczesna suicydologia traktuje samobójstwo jako proces lub ciąg zdarzeń, w któ-rym istotną rolę obok planów i prób samobójczych odgrywają myśli samobójcze. Celem badań była ocena zmian w rozpowszechnieniu myśli samobójczych oraz pro-blemów inter-i eksternalizacyjnych u młodzieży między 14 a 16 r.ż., a także badanie związków między czynnikami rodzinnymi, problemami zdrowia psychicznego oraz zachowaniami ryzykownymi a występowaniem myśli samobójczych u nastolatków. Badania miały charakter podłużny. Dwukrotnymi badaniami ankietowymi objęto 747 uczniów gimnazjów z Warszawy (46% stanowili chłopcy). U około 20% nastolatków występowały myśli samobójcze w roku poprzedzającym badanie. Analizy regresji logistycznej wykazały, że wychowywanie w rodzinie niepełnej i niewystar-czające wsparcie rodzicielskie mierzone w wieku 14 lat w sposób istotny zwiększały ryzyko występowania myśli samobójczych w wieku 16 lat. Do czynników ryzyka myśli samobójczych należały również nasilone objawy depresji, dystres, złe samo-poczucie psychiczne i częste picie alkoholu. Wyniki potwierdzają związek sytuacji rodzinnej z kondycją psychiczną nastolatków, dlatego w profilaktyce samobójstw i rozwiązywaniu innych problemów zdrowia psychicznego młodych ludzi tak ważna jest współpraca szkoły z rodzicami. Słowa kluczowe: myśli Samobójcze, młodzież, czynniki rodzinne, problemy internalizacyjne, problemy eksternalizacyjne
... As a comparison, the research of health condition of children aged between 0 and 14 conducted by the Central Statistical Office of Poland in 2014 demonstrated that only 1.3% of parents and guardians estimated the health condition of their children as bad and very bad (Stan zdrowia ludnoś-ci…, 2016). Research conducted by Woynarowska and Oblacińska (2014) in Poland demonstrated that more than 93% of the surveyed parents of children aged between 0 and 14 thought that the condition of their health was good or very good while our research concerning Lviv showed that only 56.1% of children had a good or very good health condition. ...
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In conditions of modern economic and political destabilisation in Ukraine, human capital of the child population is considered as the most reliable indicator of socioeconomic development of the country and its regions. The primary goal of the study is the analysis of health status as the main element of human capital among the child population aged 0-14, and external and family environmental factors influencing this population group in the city of Lviv (in the light of available statistics and materials of the author’s own sociological research). Research results show a potential crisis of human capital among the child population in Lviv city. Results of own field research show a statistically important correlation between the willingness of parents to have more children and the following independent variables: number of members in the household, and the household’s income. The state of health among the child population showed a significant correlation between the following variables: household’s income, life satisfaction among parents, availability of healthcare in the place of residence, financial affordability of healthcare, physical activity among children, influence of noise and unpleasant scents.
... Aby osiągnąć dobry stan zdrowia ludności, należy przede wszystkim zadbać o prawidłowy rozwój dzieci ponieważ to one stanowią inwestycję w przyszłe społeczeństwo. [2] Wiadomo, iż nadal duża liczba dzieci narażona jest na uszczerbek na zdrowiu w wyniku angażowania ich do prac niebezpiecznych lub przekraczających ich możliwości. W 2012 roku 168 mln dzieci na świecie wykonywało pracę, a 85 mln dzieci angażowanych było do prac niebezpiecznych. ...
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Ciechańska Beata, Olejniczak Dominik, Skonieczna Joanna, Dykowska Grażyna. Zagrożenia zdrowia mieszkańców wsi, w tym dzieci, w kontekście prac wykonywanych w gospodarstwie rolnym = Threats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):181-192. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 20.03.2016. Revised 17.04.2016. Accepted: 17.04.2016. Zagrożenia zdrowia mieszkańców wsi, w tym dzieci, w kontekście prac wykonywanych w gospodarstwie rolnymThreats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm Beata Ciechańska1, Dominik Olejniczak2, Joanna Skonieczna2, Grażyna Dykowska2 1Studenckie Koło Naukowe Zdrowia Publicznego, sekcja Promocji Zdrowia, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny 2Zakład Zdrowia Publicznego, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny Słowa kluczowe: zagrożenia zdrowia, środowiskowe uwarunkowania zdrowia, ludność wiejska. Key words: health threats, health determinants, rural population. lic zdr. publ. Beata Ciechańska1 dr n. med. Dominik Olejniczak2 mgr Joanna Skonieczna2 dr n. o zdr. Grażyna Dykowska2 Streszczenie Stopień narażenia na choroby i urazy wśród ludności wiejskiej jest inny, niż w przypadku mieszkańców miast. Wynika to z uwarunkowań środowiskowych, a także ze specyfiki pracy. Wart podkreślenia jest fakt, iż, nadal duża liczba dzieci narażona jest na uszczerbek na zdrowiu w wyniku angażowania ich do prac niebezpiecznych lub przekraczających ich możliwości. W 2012 roku 168 mln dzieci na świecie wykonywało pracę, a 85 mln dzieci angażowanych było do prac niebezpiecznych. Gałęzią działalności gospodarczej, w której najczęściej pracują dzieci, jest rolnictwo [1]. W Polsce praca dzieci w rodzinnym gospodarstwie rolnym jest społecznie akceptowalna. Pomimo, iż udział dzieci w tych zajęciach niewątpliwie może mieć pozytywny wpływ na ich zdrowie praca na wsi często wiąże się z licznymi groźnymi dla zdrowia i życia urazami. Istnieje szereg instytucji, które prowadzą działania, mające na celu zminimalizowanie ryzyka zdrowotnego wśród mieszkańców wsi. Działania te polegają między innymi na realizowaniu programów zdrowotnych, opartych na edukacji. Te inicjatywy, choć słuszne, wymagają jednak zintensyfikowania, by objąć swoim zasięgiem jak największą grupę ludności wiejskiej, szczególnie dzieci i młodzieży. Threats to the health of villagers, including children, in the context of the work carried out on the farm Abstract The degree of exposure to disease and injuries among the rural population is different in the case of urban residents. This is due to environmental conditions, as well as the specifics of the work. It is worth emphasizing that, still a large number of children are exposed to bodily harm as a result of engaging their use for dangerous work or exceeding their capabilities. In 2012, 168 million children worldwide involved in jobs, and 85 million children were involved hazardous work. Branch of economic activity in which children usually work, is agriculture. [1]In Poland, the work of children in a family farm is socially acceptable. Although the share of children in these classes can undoubtedly have a positive impact on their health work in the countryside it is often associated with numerous dangerous to life and limb injuries.There are a number of institutions that carry out activities aimed at minimizing health risks among the villagers. These measures consist, inter alia, implementation of health programs based on education. These initiatives, though correct, however, intensify the need to embrace its reach as the largest group of rural population, especially children and adolescents.
... Not only an injury, but a disease or an occurrence of psycho-social problems, may be the medical consequence of an accident. [2] Injuries in children and adolescents are a serious medical problem, as they lead to substantial health-related and socio-economic effects [6,7]. Injuries are the main cause for long-term or short-term disability [8,9], they effect in high costs of treatment and rehabilitation. ...
Barczykowska Ewa, Ślusarz Robert, Lewicka Marta, Lewandowska Barbara, Kurylak Andrzej. Evaluation of paediatric injury hospitalization incidence at Hospital Ward in Grudziądz. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):429-446. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 05.04.2016. Revised 25.04.2016. Accepted: 27.04.2016. Evaluation of paediatric injury hospitalization incidence at Hospital Ward in Grudziądz Ewa Barczykowska1, Robert Ślusarz2, Marta Lewicka1,3, Barbara Lewandowska4, Andrzej Kurylak1,3 1Paediatric Nursing Department, L. Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK) in Toruń 2Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing Department, L. Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK) in Toruń 3J. Brudziński Voivodship Paediatric Hospital in Bydgoszcz 4Correction Unit No. 2 in Grudziadz Mailing address: Marta Lewicka, Collegium Medicum im. L. Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy, UMK w Toruniu, ul. Techników 3, 85-801 Bydgoszcz, Poland; Phone 52 585 21 93, e-mail: Abstract Introduction. Children's and adolescents' injuries are a serious medical problem, as they lead to substantial medical and socio-economic effects. Aim of the paper. The aim of the conducted research was to analyze incidence and causes of hospitalizing children between birth and 18 years of age on the grounds of injuries. Material and methods. Medical histories of 2 832 children between birth and 18 years of age treated for injuries in 2006-2010 in Wladyslaw Bieganski Regional Specialist Hospital in Grudziadz were analyzed. Results. Correlations between treatment method and subsequent years of research (p
... is is a time of a growing need for independence and self-reliance in taking di erent kinds of decisions, including those connected with one's health [12]. Although this period of human life is considered "the healthiest": about 20-25% of teenagers su er from chronic diseases or disabilities [13,14], they frequently su er from many ailments and negative emotional states connected with di erent biological and psychological changes [15], they undertake many kinds of behaviour which pose risks to their health [16]. All of those are connected with frequent contacts with health care providers, using medical services, i.e. taking the role of the patient. ...
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Aim: To analyse the results of research on how adolescents understand the "active patient" concept, how often they undertake that role depending on gender and on whether they are suffering from a chronic disease. Material and methods: The research was conducted in a group of 14-15 year-olds. It comprised qualitative research (focus groups, N=24) concerning the way the concept of an "active patient" is understood and quantitative research (questionnaire study, N=716). The research tool was an anonymous authored questionnaire with questions concerning the role of the active patient and chronic illnesses. Results: The idea of the "active patient" was not understandable to the teenagers, but they were able to enumerate many kinds of behaviours which are typical for such a patient. Among the 7 kinds of such behaviours, only two (presenting their ailments to the doctor and following the doctor's recommendations) were always or almost always followed by over half the respondents. The frequencies of undertaking behaviours typical for an active patient by girls and boys were similar. Teenagers with chronic diseases more often behaved actively during their visit to the doctor, but less frequently followed the doctor's recommendations. Conclusions: Few adolescents actively participate in the process of diagnosis and treatment. There is a need for early education of children and young people to become active patients, since such an attitude promotes health throughout one's lifetime. Such education is first of all the task of doctors and nurses, and it can be effective only if the intercommunication skills with patients are improved. It is a necessity to support young people with chronic diseases in their treatment and in coping with their disease.
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(1) Background: Within the last 30 years, growing rates of child overweight and obesity have been observed as a very concerning phenomenon in most countries worldwide. The research aim was to assess what effect increased physical activity has on reducing body mass and adipose tissue in children between 10 and 11 years of age as well as to answer the question of whether physical activity could be considered as a factor in preventing child overweight and obesity when maintaining their existing diet and lifestyle. (2) Material and methods: There were 419 sports class primary school pupils in the experimental group who, in addition to four obligatory weekly physical education hours, attended six training hours. The control group comprised 485 children from parallel non-sports classes. In all pupils, height and weight measurements as well as physical fitness measurements were taken twice, at the beginning and end of the school year. Cole’s method was used to assess the children’s normal body weight. With the help of this method, children with excessive body weight were selected from the entire study group (N = 904), who additionally had skinfolds and adipose tissue measured using the BIA electrical bioimpedance method. The obtained results were interpreted using the variance analysis for repeated measurements and LSD test. (3) Results: The number of children with excessive body mass after 10 months of increased physical activity decreased (in the case of overweight: p = 0.0014, obesity: p = 0.0022), as did their skinfolds (p ≤ 0.001) and body fat (p ≤ 0.001), while their physical fitness considerably improved compared to the control group. (4) Conclusions: The introduction of increased physical activity in the experimental group children when maintaining their existing diet and lifestyle contributed to reducing their obesity and overweight and, at the same time, proved to be an effective factor in the process of decreasing their excessive body mass.
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The purpose of this study was to report sex- and age-specific physical fitness level in Polish children aged 4 to 7. 11.709 children participated in the study, including 5.684 girls and 6.025 boys aged 4 to 7 who attended kindergarten institutions throughout Poland. Physical fitness was assessed using four tests developed by Sekita including shuttle run 4 × 5 m with moving the block, standing long jump, throwing 1 kg medicine ball with two hands above the head and 20 m run. Percentile charts were developed separately for males and females using the LMS method. Boys showed higher physical fitness values than girls. In addition, an increase in the level of physical fitness was observed along with the age of the subjects. The developed reference values by age and sex in the field of physical fitness can be used for diagnostic purposes and assessing the level of physical fitness of preschool children. In addition, they can be helpful for healthcare professionals, parents and teachers to develop children’s motor activation programs and monitor their physical fitness.
The main objective of this chapter is to determine the existence of a relationship between eHealth literacy and self-regulation in eating behaviour in young people. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to develop a confirmatory factorial analysis to determine the goodness-of-fit of the instruments utilized. The method included the administration of the eHealth Literacy Scale (eHEALS) and the self-regulated eating habits (SEH) to 1057 university students in the city of Tijuana Mexico followed by the calculation of Pearson’s product-moment correlation matrix. Results indicated that both instruments obtained acceptable goodness-of-fit. Thus, a correlational analysis was feasible. Results from the Pearson analysis indicated a correlation between eHealth literacy and the self-regulation of eating behaviour. In conclusion, this research demonstrated the viability to administrate the eHEALS and the SEH scale. Furthermore, this research provides empirical evidence regarding the relationship between eHealth literacy and self-regulation as a novel approach in health research.
This chapter focuses on the growing problem of overweight and obesity among children and its consequences. One of the ways to fight these problems is to pay attention to food and nutrition issues. The chapter is based on the analysis of Polish publications where “Food” and “Nutrition” are being discussed, and then checking how many of them concern the overweight and obesity among children. The analysis of 128 scientific articles in the field of “Food” and “Nutrition” shows that only 10 of them tackle the important issue of overweight and obesity among children. Based on the analysis, several recommendations are put forward to allow shaping pro-health behaviours starting from early childhood.
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The aim of the study was to analyze the problem of anxiety experienced by patients in the situation of a visit to a dentist, i.e. dentophobia, of which the potential cause may be a certain type of personality shaped by, among others, based on childhood experience. For this purpose, there were used two questionnaires : one for analyse personality and one for analyse anxiety. The results of the analysis showed that there are some connections between a particular type of personality and anxiety. It seems therefore important that the problem of possible dentophobia should be eliminated during childhood, when the child shapes various cognitive categories and develops patterns of coping in various situations. For this purpose, educational and preventive programs, involving both representatives of education and the health care system should be addressed specially to children and youth.
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Celem badania było opra- cowanie i walidacja Inwentarza Zdrowia Psychicznego (IZP), standaryzowanego narzędzia diagnostycznego mierzącego zdrowie psychiczne młodych dorosłych. Oryginalność zaproponowanego podej- ścia polega na tym, że pomiar odnosi się zarówno do pozytywnego (PW), jak i negatywnego (NW) wymiaru zdrowia psychicznego. Przebadano 405 studen- tów, w tym 292 kobiet i 113 mężczyzn. Oceniając trafność nowo powstałego na- rzędzia, oceniono współzmienność jego wyników z wynikami innych narzędzi mierzących zdrowie psychiczne lub je- go aspekty: Kwestionariuszem Ogólnego Zdrowia GHQ-28; Kwestionariuszem Oceny Jakości Życia WHOQL-BREF; Kwestionariuszem Orientacji Życiowej A. Antonovsky’ego oraz miarami funk- cjonowania osobowościowego łączonymi z dobrostanem psychicznym w pięcio- czynnikowym modelu osobowości oraz regulacyjnej teorii temperamentu Stre- laua. Dokonano także analizy struktury czynnikowej kwestionariusza. Wyniki przeprowadzonej analizy czyn- nikowej wskazują na jednoczynnikową strukturę Inwentarza Zdrowia Psychicz- nego, jednak skale pozytywnego i nega- tywnego wymiaru zdrowia psychicznego wykazują współzmienność na poziomie –0,65. Wykazano też współzmienność wy- ników IZP z wynikami innych narzędzi ba- dających zdrowie psychiczne. Ponadto od- notowano związek zarówno pozytywnego wymiaru zdrowia psychicznego, jak i nega- tywnego z neurotycznością i reaktywnością emocjonalną. Wyniki analiz miar osobo- wościowych i temperamentalnych z dany- mi otrzymanymi za pomocą IZP sugerują przydatność narzędzia w ocenie wskaźni- ków zdrowia psychicznego w ujęciu negatywnym, jak również pozytywnym.
Conference Paper
The developed systems for storage of blood and its components are necessary to ensure the availability of these components to the patients. Red blood cell (RBC) components, platelet (PL) components and fresh frozen plasma (FFP) are among the most commonly used in transfusion medicine. During storage of the RBC units in blood banks an accumulation of the storage lesion occurs which can result in the unwanted transfusion-related complications to the recipient. As the red blood cells are stored, they undergo a series of metabolic, oxidative and structural changes. The RBC transfusion are widely used in premature infants, patients in intensive care units and patients with hematological diseases who require multiple transfusions. The current state of knowledge concerning the comparison of the parameters of oxidative stress before and after RBC transfusion in these patients is negligible. Keywords: oxidative stress, red blood cell transfusion, reactive oxygen species, transfusion medicine Opracowane systemy przechowywania krwi i jej składników są niezbędne aby zapewnić dostępność tych składników pacjentom. Do najczęściej stosowanych w transfuzjologii składników krwi należą koncentraty krwinek czerwonych (KKCz), koncentraty krwinek płytkowych (KKP) oraz osocze świeżo mrożone (FFP). Podczas przechowywania KKCz w ośrodkach krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa dochodzi do akumulacji zmian wynikających z czasu przechowywania, które mogą być przyczyną wystąpienia poważnych powikłań poprzetoczeniowych u biorcy. W przechowywanych krwinkach zachodzą zmiany metaboliczne, oksydacyjne i strukturalne. Metody leczenia z użyciem KKCz są powszechnie stosowane u wcześniaków, pacjentów na oddziałach intensywnej terapii oraz u pacjentów ze schorzeniami hematologicznymi, którzy wymagają wielokrotnych przetoczeń. Aktualny stan wiedzy dotyczący porównania parametrów stresu oksydacyjnego przed i po przetoczeniu KKCz w tych grupach pacjentów jest znikomy. Słowa kluczowe: stres oksydacyjny, przetoczenie koncentratu krwinek czerwonych, reaktywne formy tlenu, transfuzjologia
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Kluczowym pytaniem badawczym w przypadku tego opracowania, była próba ustalenia czy media mogą mieć wpływ na postawy prozdrowotne, w szczególności sprzyjające podejmowaniu aktywności fizycznej, a nadto w jakich formach i na jakich płaszczyznach komunikacji medialnej należy skutecznie upowszechniać wzorce postępowania w zakresie promowania postaw prozdrowotnych, aby dotrzeć do grupy docelowej. Podjęta została próba określenia źródeł, z których studenci czerpią informacje na temat sportu, a także jak kształtują się ich zainteresowania dyscyplinami i wydarzeniami sportowymi, oczekiwania, gusta i preferencje związane z przekazami medialnych o tematyce sportowej, jak również postawy prozdrowotne. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w 2017 r. poprzez ankietyzację studentów w wybranych ośrodkach akademickich. Uzyskano łącznie 489 ankiet, zawierających odpowiedzi studentów kilku polskich uczelni z różnych miast.
Alcoholism is a disease that attacks regardless of age, religion, nationality, sex, level of education, mental health, family situation, socio-economic status or character. Research on students' attitudes towards alcohol was carried out in Poland and Ukraine, in the countries where there is widespread positive feedback on its effects. In wide social circles put to the survey, alcohol consumption is a tradition taking place during different celebrations or almost every meeting. In addition, the use of alcohol means a quick drink up of large quantities of strong alcoholic drinks. This way of drinking does not function as a symbol of the meeting or its background, but becomes the center and the main reason. Alcohol used by teens generally does not cause surprise or concern. Many communities treat alcohol drunk in childhood, as natural and inevitable. It sometimes happens that young people and even children receive the first can of beer or a glass of champagne from the hands of their own parents. Until recently, public awareness of the phenomenon of using psychoactive substances has related to the margin of society, people from the so-called pathological and criminal environments. A little later there were reports that the alcohol and other drugs are in the range of interests of adolescents, coming from "good homes" and having good future prospects. The aim of the study was to investigate the attitudes of Polish and Ukrainian students towards alcohol. The main problem of the research focused on the question: Is there a difference in the attitudes of young people towards alcohol because of the country of origin? Research shows that among the students there is a problem of alcohol abuse. We must therefore start to implement effectively, not just "on paper", alcohol prevention programs already in primary schools.
Introduction Vincristine-induced polyneuropathy is a serious clinical problem. According to various sources 40–90% of patients with cancer, undergoing chemotherapy, had symptoms of neuropathy, which may cause dose reduction or even withdrawal from chemotherapy. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of vincristine-induced polyneuropathy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and analysis of coincidence of other factors on the incidence of this complication. Materials and methods A total of 44 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who were treated according to the program ALLIC 2009 were analyzed in the study. Results The symptoms of vincristine-induced polyneuropathy appeared in 86.36% (38/44) of the patients, and 47.36% of them required the use of intensive rehabilitation. It was confirmed that peripheral neuropathy is more often accompanied by other complications, especially haematological and liver toxicity. However, we did not confirm that diabetes and young age can predispose to more frequent appearance of this complication. Our study did not show that cumulation of vincristine dose was the cause of a higher incidence of polyneuropathy. Conclusions Vincristine-induced polyneuropathy is very common complication of treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and it is a serious diagnostic and therapeutic problem in childhood treated for ALL.
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