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Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
Effect of Reflexology on Pain and Quality of Life in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
1Nadia Mohamed Taha and 2Zeinab Hussain Ali
1Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, University of Zagazig, Zagazig, Egypt
2Adult Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, of Helwan, Helwan, Egypt
Abstract: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) face considerable physical, social and emotional disabilities. In
this chronic disease, for which a cure is not yet available, improving patients’ health, quality of life and reduce pain
is of the utmost concern. The purpose of this work was to measure the effect reflexology has on pain and quality of
life (QOL) in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Using an 8-week course of reflexology treatments were given to a
patient who has RA. A quasi experimental research design was used with 2- month follow-up. The study was
conducted in the outpatient clinic of the RA Departments at Zagazig University Hospitals. On 39 female adult
patients diagnosed as having RA without deformity of bones or destruction of joints. The exclusion criterion was the
presence of any other chronic illness that may affect patient's QOL as diabetes, ischemic heart disease, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, and stroke. Perceived pain and QOL were assessed using three validated outcome
measures: Bio-socio-demographic and disease (RA) characteristics, the Rheumatoid Arthritis Quality of Life
(RAQOL) questionnaire, the Pain Assessment Questionnaire (Numerical Rating Scale) and Health assessment
questionnaire (HAQ). The study results revealed that, improvements in patients' QOL, pain and health status at the
post-intervention phase and at the follow-up phase. Satisfaction QOL scores had moderate statistically significant
negative correlations with the duration of illness throughout the study phases, while the scores of the importance of
QOL had weak to moderate statistically significant negative correlations with age and duration of illness. On the
other hand, the poor health status scores had moderate statistically significant positive correlations with age and
duration of illness throughout the study phases, while pain had no correlation with either of them. The study
concludes that hands and feet reflexology applied to rheumatoid arthritis patients is effective in reducing their pain,
improving their QOL and their total health status, and these positive impacts are not affected by patient’s age and
duration of illness. Therefore, reflexology must be considered as a complementary treatment modality in rheumatoid
arthritis. It should be introduced to nursing and medical students, and in postgraduate staff development programs.
Further research is recommended for the long-term effects of this treatment modality in terms of pain and
disablement. Research may also extend to assess the effectiveness of as a useful modality in geriatric care and for
patients with other chronic conditions.
[Nadia Mohamed Taha and Zeinab Hussain Ali. Effect of Reflexology on Pain and Quality of Life in a Patient
with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Life Science Journal. 2011;8(2):457-365] (ISSN:1097-8135).
Keywords: Reflexology; Rheumatoid arthritis; Quality of life; Pain; Health assessment questionnaire
1. Introduction
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an ongoing,
progressive auto-immune disease that affects about
1% of the general population (Palferman, 2003;
Helmick et al., 2008; Rheumatoid Arthritis Fact
Sheet, 2010). It affects women three times more than
men (American Medical Women’s Association,
2011). It is mainly a disease of the joints of the body
with episodes of painful inflammation, but may also
affect other organs of the body and can result in the
destruction of joints, disability, and in severe cases,
life threatening complications (Chorus et al., 2003).
The onset of RA can occur at any age and affects
women three time more than men. In general, the
younger a person is when he or she develops
rheumatoid arthritis, the more rapidly that disease
progresses. About 10% of people with the disease
become severely disabled. In addition, life
expectancy may be shortened by about 3 to 7 years,
and those with severe forms of RA may die 10-15
years earlier than expected due to possible life
threatening complications (National Institutes of
Health, 2006; Helmick et al., 2008).
There is no cure for RA, but with early
recognition and treatment, it is possible to minimize
joint damage and complications of the disease. The
main symptoms, disability and pain, the variability of
disease-activity, alternating between improvement
and exacerbation, and the chronic nature of the
disease cause numerous problems which affect the
quality of life. Active participation by the patient in
their therapy can help to improve the disease process
and its impact in terms of health results (Holman and
Lorig, 2004). Because of the progressive chronic
nature of the disease, treatment usually needs to be
continuous, even lifelong in some cases (Jakobsson
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
and Hallberg, 2002). The most successful treatment
plans usually use a multipronged approach,
including; pain relief, buffered aspirin, salicylate
medications, hydrotherapy, meditation, and mind-
body exercise (British Medical Association, 2000;
Gharate, 2007).
The use of complementary and alternative
medicines (CAM) has increased in conventional
healthcare settings (Ernst and Fugh-Berman, 2002;
Pagan and Pauly, 2005). The fear of medication side-
effects and desire for symptom relief are possible
reasons for the increasing use of CAM by patients
(Vincent and Furnham, 1999; Ross et al., 2002). With
consumer interest in CAM, nurses have increasingly
incorporated these modalities into their practice. For
example, reflexology has been widely used in fields
such as midwifery, orthopedics, neuroscience and
palliative care (Stephenson et al. 2003). However,
many CAM modalities lack scientific evidence to
support their efficacy and safety.
The supposed theoretical support for reflexology
has been developed since ancient Chinese and
Egyptian times (Wang et al., 2008). It is performed
using the thumb and forefinger to apply pressure to
specific areas on the feet that have been claimed to
correspond to the internal organs, glands and body
parts (Wang et al., 2008). It is different from foot
massage in that it involves more superficial contact,
deeper pressure on certain parts of the foot, and
resembles a caterpillar-like movement (Rose, 2006).
It has been claimed that by pressing the ‘reflex
zones’, energy blocks disturbances such that calcium,
lactate or uric acid crystals are reabsorbed and later
eliminated – a process referred to as ‘detoxification.’
It has also been suggested that reflexology may help
relieve stress and tension, improve blood flow, and
promote homeostasis (Wang et al., 2008).
Anecdotal evidence has shown that reflexology
is beneficial in many conditions such as pre- and
postnatal discomfort, pain, migraine and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (Stephenson et al.
2003, Wilkinson et al. 2006). Other therapeutic
effects, such as strengthening the immune system,
improving sleep quality, and wound healing have also
been claimed (Xavier, 2007). Reflexology has also
been offered to cancer patients to improve the
adverse physical and psychological symptoms
associated with the illness or its treatments (Hodgson,
2000; Stephenson et al, 2000; Ross et al., 2002;
Wright et al., 2002; Quattrin et al., 2006). In addition,
the human touch accompanied by reflexology offers
care and attention for patients, and this psychological
comforting has been reported as one of its primary
benefits (Gambles et al, 2002). However, patients’
reports of benefits from reflexology may be
influenced by bias in the lay literature or limited
information about the use and effectiveness of the
intervention (Montbriand, 1994). As reflexology has
become popular in nursing practice, its effects on
pain and quality of life in a patient with rheumatoid
arthritis need to be evaluated.
Significance of the study
The prevalence rate of RA in Egypt is not well
documented. However, by extrapolation using the
worldwide reported prevalence of 1%, about 800000
Egyptians may be affected. Moreover, about 10% of
people with the disease become severely disabled. In
addition, their life expectancy may be shortened due
to possible life threatening complications. Therefore,
the magnitude and severity of the disease are high.
Since there is no cure for RA, early recognition and
treatment are important to minimize joint damage and
complications of the disease. The use of non-
pharmacological treatment modalities as reflexology
may help in reduce pain and improve the quality of
life of these patients.
Aim of the Study
The aim of this work was to measure the effect
reflexology has on pain and quality of life (QOL) in a
patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The research
hypotheses were that the QOL of patients with RA,
their health status, and pain sensation will
demonstrate statistically significant improvements
after application of the reflexology intervention.
2. Subjects and Methods
Research design:
A quasi experimental research design was used
with 2- month follow-up.
Research setting:
The study was conducted in the outpatient clinic
of the RA Departments at Zagazig University
The subjects of this study consisted of 50
patients. The inclusion criteria were being female
adult patient diagnosed as having RA without
deformity of bones or destruction of joints. The
exclusion criterion was the presence of any other
chronic illness that may affect patient's QOL as
diabetes, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, and stroke.
Tools for data collection:
Four different tools were used to collect data
about QOL, health assessment, and pain. These were
included in a structured interview questionnaire form
that included the following sections.
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
Section I:
Bio-socio-demographic and disease (RA)
characteristics as age, marital status, level of
education, occupation, residence, monthly income, as
well as the duration of the disease and management.
Section II:
This consisted of the Arthritis Quality of Life
Questionnaire sheet version IV (Ferrans & Powers,
1998). It is the most recent version composed of 70
questions, for assessing health-related QOL. The tool
assesses four subscales of QOL: health and
functioning, social and economic,
psychological/spiritual, and family. Each subscale
has six items on a 6-point scale which are assessed
twice: once for satisfaction with the item, and once
for the importance of the item. The scale for
satisfaction is: very dissatisfied, moderately
dissatisfied, slightly dissatisfied, slightly satisfied,
moderately satisfied, and very satisfied, which are
scored from 1 to 6 respectively. The scale for
importance is: very unimportant, moderately
unimportant, slightly unimportant, slightly important,
moderately important, and very important, also
scored from 1 to 6 respectively. A higher score means
more QOL satisfaction and higher perception of
Section III:
This section included the Health Assessment
Questionnaire (HAQ-DI), which assesses upper
extremity fine movements, lower extremity
locomotors activities, and other activities of both
upper and lower extremities. Scoring takes into
account the use of aids and devices or assistance from
another person. The tool has 20 items in eight
categories of functional activities during the past
week: dressing, rising, eating, walking, hygiene,
reach, grip, and usual activities. Each category
contains at least two specific sub-category questions.
For example, under the category “walking,” patients
are asked about their ability to walk outdoors on flat
ground and to climb up five steps. Scoring of the
HAQ-DI is modeled after the American Rheumatism
Association/ American College of Rheumatology
functional classes (Hoch Bergm et al., 1992; Bruce
and Fries, 2005). For each item, there is a four-level
response set scored from 0 to 3, with higher scores
indicating more disability (0 = without any difficulty;
1 = with some difficulty; 2 = with much difficulty;
and 3 = unable to do). The highest sub-category score
determines the value for each category, unless aids or
devices are used. The category scores are then
averaged into an overall HAQ-DI from zero to three.
A higher score points to more disability.
Section IV:
This consisted of a Numerical Rating Scale
where the user has the option to verbally rate pain
severity on scale from 0 to 10; zero indicates absence
of pain, while 10 represents the most intense pain
possible (Ware et al., 1988; Kagee, 2001; McGill,
The reflexology intervention:
Reflexology therapy is not massage, and it is not
a substitute for medical treatment. Source: The
reflexology manipulations in this intervention have
been adapted from the techniques taught in David
Vennells' book entitled Healing Hands: Simple and
practical reflexology techniques for developing good
health and inner peace (David Vennell 2007). A
reflexology session involves pressure treatment that
is most commonly administered in foot therapy
sessions of approximately 20 minutes in duration.
The foot therapy may be followed by a brief 15-
minute hand therapy session and 5 minute for video
film on reflexology treatment. No artificial devices or
special equipment are associated with this therapy. If
the part of the body corresponding to the reflex area
is out of balance then a degree of tenderness will be
felt in the foot when pressure is applied. Treatment to
all of the reflex areas in both feet takes about 40
minutes and during this time the patient is sitting in a
comfortable, reclining position with the feet raised.
Treatment is not applied to inflamed or painful joints.
After receiving a massage treatment, the patient is
instructed to drink water to eliminate toxin and lactic
acids developed during the massage process.
Content validity and reliability:
It was established by a panel of two expertises who
reviewed the instruments translation from English
version to Arabic and back to English the differences
between expertises were calculated and proved high
inter reliability (r=89).
Pilot Study:
A pilot study was conducted on five RA patients
from the study setting to check and ensure the clarity,
applicability, relevance, and feasibility of the tools, to
identify the difficulties that may be faced during the
application, and to estimate the time needed for data
collection. Then modifications of the tools were done
to reach to the finalized form. Subjects who shared in
the pilot study were not included in the main study
Administrative design and ethical considerations:
To carry out the study, the necessary
approvals were obtained from the Head of outpatient
Department, and from the General Director of the
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
Zagazig University Hospitals. Letters were issued to
them from the Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig
University explaining the aim of the study in order to
obtain permission and help. The study protocol was
approved by the pertinent official authorities at the
Faculties of Nursing and Medicine, Zagazig
University. Oral informed consents were secured
from each subject to participate after explaining the
nature, purpose, and benefits of the study.
Participants were informed that participation is
voluntary, with no obligation to continue against will.
Confidentiality and anonymity were ensured. The
study maneuvers would improve participant's health,
with no potentials of harmful effects.
Study maneuver:
The researchers met with participants who gave
their consent and were willing to comply with the
entire study protocol and interviewed them
individually in the outpatient clinic. The researchers
started to apply the intervention and educate the
subjects on how to perform reflexology treatment.
Teaching included giving a good therapeutic foot and
hand massage, massaging own feet and hands for self
healing, and stress management. Also, they were
advised to comply with the medications prescribed by
their physicians. The researchers scheduled times for
attending to the clinic on Saturday, Monday, and
Wednesday of each week (days for females in
outpatient clinic) for physiotherapy, exercises, and
reflexology treatment. They encouraged participants
to attend regularly three times per week for two
weeks these 40-minute sessions. They also ask the
patients to perform these exercises and reflexology
regularly at home. Follow-up assessment was done
after 8 weeks. Data collection extended over a period
of one year from June 2009 to June 2010. Available
patients (39 patients) who fulfilled the inclusion and
exclusion criteria were assigned to implemented
nursing intervention three times per week. While
patients can not received nursing intervention three
times per week excluded from the study.
Statistical analysis:
Data entry and statistical analysis were done
using SPSS 14.0 statistical software package. The
non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis was used for multiple
group comparisons of quantitative data as normal
distribution of the data could not be assumed.
Pearson correlation analysis was used for assessment
of the inter-relationships among quantitative
variables. Statistical significance was considered at
p-value <0.05.
Limitations of the study:
The researchers were faced with many
logistic problems and spent much effort to convince
and promote the objectives of the study. Drop out
cases: the total subjects number at the pre,
intervention and post phases were 50 participants.
While during the follow up phase 11 participants
were dropout from the study for personal reasons and
did not complete the study. The small number of the
study sample of patients doesn't allow generalization
of the result. Patients who suddenly get complications
were excluded.
3. Results:
The study included 39 female patients in the
age range from 19 to 70 years (mean±SD 45.9±11.8
years). As Table 1 shows, the majority were illiterate
(79.5%), married (82.1%), and from rural areas
(74.4%). The duration of their illness ranged between
less than one to 16 years with mean±SD 4.4±4.0
years. About two thirds of them had regular follow-
up (66.7%).
Table 1. Socio-demographic and diseases characteristics
of patients in the study sample
Frequency Percent
Age (years):
<50 24 61.5
50+ 15 38.5
Range 19-70
Mean±SD 45.9±11.8
Marital status:
Single 7 17.9
Married 32 82.1
Illiterate 31 79.5
Educated 8 20.5
Unemployed 35 89.7
Working 4 10.3
Alone 2 5.1
With family 31 79.5
With children 6 15.4
Rural 29 74.4
Urban 10 25.6
Sufficient 20 51.3
Insufficient 19 48.7
Duration of illness (years):
<5 25 64.1
5+ 14 35.9
Range <1-16
Mean±SD 4.4±4.0
Regular follow-up:
No 13 33.3
Yes 26 66.7
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
Table 2 show statistically significant
improvements in patients' QOL at the post-
intervention phase. The improvements were also
sustained at the follow-up phase. The only domain
that did not improve was that related to family, both
for satisfaction and importance. As for the poor
health status, the areas of statistically significant
improvements were those related to walking
(p<0.001), self-care (p=0.01), reaching (p<0.001),
and pinching (p=0.003). The improvements also
persisted during the follow-up phase in these areas.
Also, the pain scale scores demonstrated a
statistically significant decline at the post-
intervention phase, with a slight increase at the
follow-up phase (p<0.001).
Figure 1 summarizes the total scores of various
parameters throughout the intervention phase. It
demonstrates significant increase in the scores of
QOL (satisfaction and importance) at the post-
intervention phase, which was sustained at the
follow-up phase. Also, the pain and poor health status
scores showed decline at the post-intervention phase,
which was maintained at the follow-up phase.
Concerning the correlations with patients' age
and duration of illness, Table 3 indicates that scores
of satisfaction with QOL had moderate statistically
significant negative correlations with the duration of
illness throughout the study phases, while the scores
of the importance of QOL had weak to moderate
statistically significant negative correlations with age
and duration of illness. On the other hand, the poor
health status scores had moderate statistically
significant positive correlations with age and duration
of illness throughout the study phases, while pain had
no correlation with either of them.
Table 2. Changes in patients' QOL, health status, and pain scores throughout intervention phases
Time Kruskal
Test p-value
Pre (n=39) Post (n=39) FU (n=39)
Mean±SD Median Mean±SD Median Mean±SD Median
QOL satisfaction:
ing 2.9±0.9 2.50 4.2±0.4 4.10 4.2±0.4 4.10 55.69 <0.001*
c 2.7±0.8 2.60 3.4±0.6 3.30 3.4±0.6 3.30 36.16 <0.001*
al 3.4±0.7 3.30 4.7±0.3 4.60 4.7±0.3 4.60 56.82 <0.001*
Family 4.9±0.5 5.00 5.0±0.5 5.00 5.0±0.5 5.00 0.10 0.95
QOL importance:
ing 4.2±0.9 4.40 4.9±0.5 4.90 4.9±0.5 4.85 14.50 0.001*
c 3.0±1.0 2.90 3.9±0.6 3.70 3.9±0.6 3.70 26.67 <0.001*
al 4.2±0.9 4.00 5.0±0.4 4.90 5.0±0.4 4.90 23.21 <0.001*
Family 5.0±0.9 5.20 5.3±0.5 5.40 5.3±0.5 5.40 3.41 0.18
Poor health status:
ne 1.7±0.8 2.00 1.6±0.8 2.00 1.7±0.7 2.00 0.29 0.87
Lifting 1.2±0.9 1.00 1.1±0.9 1.00 1.3±0.8 1.00 0.65 0.72
Eating 2.2±0.7 2.00 2.1±0.6 2.00 2.1±0.6 2.00 1.05 0.59
Walking 2.1±0.9 2.00 1.3±0.7 1.00 1.4±0.6 1.00 20.43 <0.001*
Self-care 1.9±1.0 2.00 1.4±0.6 1.00 1.4±0.6 1.00 8.70 0.01*
Reaching 2.2±0.7 2.00 1.6±0.5 2.00 1.6±0.5 2.00 22.57 <0.001*
Pinching 1.9±0.9 2.00 1.3±0.6 1.00 1.3±0.6 1.00 11.44 0.003*
activities 2.7±0.5 3.00 2.6±0.5 3.00 2.6±0.5 3.00 1.77 0.41
Pain scale 6.7±1.0 7.00 5.3±0.8 5.00 5.5±0.6 5.00 44.75 <0.001*
(*) Statistically significant at p<0.05
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
Pre Post FU
QOL satisfaction QOL importance Poor health status Pain
Table 3. Correlations of patients' scores of QOL, pain, and health status and their age and duration of illness
throughout intervention phases
Pearson correlation coefficient
Pre Post FU
Age Duration of
Illness Age Duration of
Illness Age Duration of Illness
QOL satisfaction -.253 -.442** -.166 -.418** -.192 -.419**
QOL importance -.638** -.380* -.561** -.331* -.592** -.455**
Pain -.094 .202 .017 .192 .055 .140
Poor health status .581** .510** .631** .486** .609** .480**
(*) Statistically significant at p<0.05; (**) Statistically significant at p<0.01
Figure 1. Changes in patients' total QOL, health status, and pain scores throughout intervention phases
4. Discussion:
The present study was carried out to test the
research hypothesis that the QOL of patients with
RA, their health status, and pain sensation will
demonstrate statistically significant improvements
after application of the reflexology intervention. The
study findings lead to accepting this research
hypothesis since they point to statistically significant
increases in QOL scores and decreases in poor health
status and pain scores after implementation of the
reflexology intervention. The improvements were
also sustained during the follow-up phase.
In the present study, the researchers used the
Short-Form 36 (SF-36), Rheumatoid Arthritis Quality
of Life (RAQOL) questionnaire, Health Assessment
Questionnaire (HAQ), and visual analog scales for
pain, all of them having high degrees of validity and
reliability. Additionally, their validity was further
confirmed in the study of rheumatoid arthritis in
particular Bansback et al, 2008; (Linde et al, 2008).
The authors compared the measurement properties of
these tools and showed that all of them were able to
discriminate between low, moderate, and severe
rheumatoid arthritis activity as measured by the
Disease Activity Score. These findings add to the
validity of these instruments, and consequently
support the results of the present study.
According to the present study findings, the
application of reflexology had a positive impact on
participants' QOL, health status, and pain scores
throughout intervention phases. These improvements
may be attributed to the process of reflexology as it
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
has been claimed that local finger pressure on reflex
points on the hands or feet can influence the function
of corresponding target organs to promote
homeostasis, relaxation, and sense of human touch.
Moreover, the reduction of pain intensity by
reflexology may improve patients' independent
involvement in personal and self-care, as well as
social functioning, with further positive impact on
self-esteem and QOL. Therefore, it has been
recommended as a promising complementary therapy
which can improve quality of life in persons with
rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions (Lynn,
The present study revealed improvements in
all QOL domains except that related to family. This
might be attributed to that the scores of this domain
were the highest at the pre-intervention phase and in
all subsequent phases. This implies that the family
domain of QOL is the least affected by the disease.
The finding is expected given the importance of the
family solidarity and values in our community, where
chronic disease patients are provided with more care
in their families. In agreement with this, El-Mansoury
et al. (2008), comparing loneliness among Egyptian
and Dutch women with rheumatoid arthritis found
that the role of the family in perceived loneliness is
greater in Egypt than the Netherlands. The
importance of family relations and functioning in
rheumatoid arthritis has been addressed in previous
studies (Cunha-Miranda et al, 2010; Strand and
Khanna, 2010). Furthermore, Coty and Wallston
(2010) in a study that examined the relationship of
problematic social support and family functioning in
women with rheumatoid arthritis. The study
concluded that subjective well-being in women with
rheumatoid arthritis is related to perceptions of
family functioning and the amount and type of
support received.
As regards health status, the reflexology
intervention had significant positive impacts on
certain areas but did not affect others. The areas that
showed improvements were those of walking, self-
care, reaching, and pinching, whereas the areas of
clothing, eating, lifting, and outdoor activities were
not affected. This might have two different
explanations. The first is related to the severity of
rheumatoid arthritis and the types of joints affected
and their relation to these different activities. The
other explanation is related to the proper application
of reflexology and compliance with the instructions
so that all functions are improved. In line with this
explanation, Somchock (2006) mentioned that most
of the studies addressing reflexology claimed that
reflexology induced general relaxation evidenced by
physiological changes has been reported, but whether
its therapeutic effects were associated with pressure
on specific foot zones remains unanswered because
none of the researchers used an objective indicator to
verify changes in blood perfusion in the foot zones
pressed. Meanwhile, the differential effects of
reflexology on functional aspects of rheumatoid
arthritis patients of the present study are in
congruence with Wang et al. (2008) who reported
variations among reviewed studies regarding the
efficacy of reflexology.
Patient’s age and duration of illness may also
be confounding factors affecting the impact of
reflexology on QOL, and health status, and pain. The
study findings revealed no effect of age or duration of
illness on pain throughout the intervention phases. As
regards QOL, it had statistically negative significant
correlations with the duration of illness in both its
aspects, and with patient's age in its importance
aspect. This means that patient's QOL declines with
increased age and duration of illness. Similarly, the
scores of poor health status increase with age and
duration of illness. The findings are quite plausible
given the added effects of aging, and the progress of
the disease severity with increased duration as
previously reported (Schneider et al., 2008; Collins et
al., 2009). However, all these correlations did not
change throughout the study phases, which means
that patient's age and duration of illness were not
confounding factors, and consequently the observed
positive impact of the intervention was true. In other
words, the intervention was successful in alleviating
pain and improving QOL and health status regardless
patient age and duration of illness.
5. Conclusion and recommendations
The study concludes that hands and feet
reflexology applied to rheumatoid arthritis patients is
effective in reducing their pain, improving their QOL
and their total health status, and these positive
impacts are not affected by patient’s age and duration
of illness. Therefore, reflexology must be considered
as a complementary treatment modality in
rheumatoid arthritis. It should be introduced to
nursing and medical students, and in postgraduate
staff development programs. Further research is
recommended for the long-term effects of this
treatment modality in terms of pain and disablement.
Research may also extend to assess the effectiveness
of as a useful modality in geriatric care and for
patients with other chronic conditions.
Corresponding author:
Nadia Mohamed Taha
Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing,
University of Zagazig, Zagazig, Egypt
Life Science Journal, 2011;8(2)
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