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Eur Food Res Technol (2014) 238:1063–1066
DOI 10.1007/s00217-014-2240-x
Evaluation of chocolate as a source of dietary copper
Thomas Weber · Marc Solioz
Received: 4 February 2014 / Revised: 14 April 2014 / Accepted: 28 April 2014 / Published online: 10 May 2014
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
day recommended for grown-up, healthy adults [1]. Copper
intake beyond the DRI should probably be of no concern
for healthy adults. According to a recent study, a copper
intake of up to 8 mg/day for 6 months did not appear to
have any adverse effects in healthy individuals [2]. There
are, however, conditions in which excessive copper intake
may pose a risk, such as for individuals with Wilson dis-
ease, a genetic defect in copper secretion [24].
There is considerable debate of whether the DRI levels
are sufficient and in fact, recommendations for adults in the
United Kingdom, the European Community, and Australia/
New Zealand are higher and range from 1.1 to 1.2 mg/day.
The required copper intake may vary a great deal depend-
ing on the source of the copper and the nutritional context,
both of which can affect the bioavailability (bioaccessibil-
ity) of the copper [3]. The focus in establishing nutritional
guidelines for copper and maximal tolerable copper levels
in drinking water has traditionally been placed on toxic-
ity rather than essentiality. Currently, there is concern that
some populations may be copper deficient and this prob-
lem may be exacerbated in special circumstances, such as
in disease or following bariatric surgery, which is dramati-
cally on the rise [4–8].
The copper content of food varies over a wide range. It
is lowest in fats and oils, dairy products, sugar, tuna, and
lettuce (<0.4 μg/g). Higher copper levels are present in leg-
umes, mushrooms, chocolate, nuts, and seeds (>2.4 μg/g).
The best sources of copper are beef liver and oysters, which
typically contain 70–200 μg/g of copper [9, 10]. With the
increasing awareness in nutrition, particularly in the West-
ern world, people frequently turn to Internet sites for infor-
mation on nutritional aspects. As a good nutritional source
of copper, chocolate is often being recommended (e.g.,
foods.php). On the other hand, liver and oysters are absent
Abstract Chocolate has frequently been proposed to be
a valuable source of dietary copper, but data on the copper
content of major contemporary chocolate brands are scarce.
The copper content of 22 brands of chocolate, many of
which are sold worldwide, is thus presented here. A reliable
hot ashing procedure to determine the copper content of
chocolate by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission
spectroscopy is also described. It was found that the copper
contents of the chocolates analyzed here varied in the range
of 1.85 ± 0.10 to 16.50 ± 1.29 μg/g. There was a linear
correlation of the copper content of chocolate to its cocoa
content with a correlation coefficient R2 of 0.89, showing
that the copper was largely contributed to the chocolate by
the cocoa. The value of chocolate as a source of dietary
copper is discussed.
Keywords Chocolate · Copper content · Nutrition ·
Copper is an essential micronutrient and functions as a
cofactor in over 30 enzymes in humans. The latest dietary
reference intakes (DRI) for copper range form 0.5 g/day for
infants to 1.3 mg/day for lactating women, with 0.9 mg/
T. Weber · M. Solioz (*)
Department Clinical Research, University of Bern, Murtenstrasse 35,
3010 Berne, Switzerland
M. Solioz
Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Tomsk
State University, Prospect Lenina 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russian
1064 Eur Food Res Technol (2014) 238:1063–1066
1 3
in many recommendations for copper-rich foods, probably
due to the lack of tradition of eating these foods in some
Due to a lack of data on the copper content of contem-
porary chocolates, we here determined the copper content
of 22 major brands of chocolate by dry ashing and induc-
tively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP–
AES). It was found that the copper content linearly corre-
lated with the cocoa content. Thus, cocoa-rich chocolates
should be recommended if chocolate is to serve as a source
of dietary copper.
Materials and methods
Different brands of chocolate were bought in local shops
and supermarkets in Berne, Switzerland, and stored at
room temperature. The cocoa content was taken either from
the product label or was inquired at the manufacturer. For
copper measurements, samples of 1–1.5 g of chocolate
were ashed in a kiln at 400 °C for 3 h and at 600 °C for
14 h. Fused silica crucibles (99.7 % Al2O3, Alsint, Faust
Laborbedarf AG, Schaffhausen, Switzerland) rather than
ceramic crucibles had to be used. Extensive experiments in
our laboratory had shown that standard ceramic crucibles
were unsuitable as they absorbed variable amounts of cop-
per, depending on the history of the crucibles. After cooling
of the ashed samples, the residues were dissolved in 1 ml
of 67 % HNO3 for 1 h under agitation. After addition of
1 ml of 30 % H2O2 and further incubation for 1 h at room
temperature, the sample was brought to a final volume of
6 ml with water. This resulted in a clear solution without
insoluble residues. Copper concentrations were meas-
ured by ICP–AES, using a Jobin–Yvon JY 24 instrument
(HORIBA Jobin–Yvon GmbH, Munich, Germany) at a
wavelength of 324.754 nm and using Gauss integration for
0.5 min. The lower limit of detection for copper was five
parts per billion.
A number of published methods were assessed in their
reliability to measure copper in chocolate. It was found
that published wet ashing procedures in mixtures of con-
centrated HNO3 and H2O2, or dry ashing at 500 °C gave
poor reproducibility across chocolates with widely dif-
fering cocoa and fat contents [11, 12]. These published
methods had been evaluated with standard reference mate-
rials, which were based on bovine liver or rice flour sam-
ple matrices. However, these matrices are a poor reference
material for chocolate, which is rich in fats highly resistant
to wet oxidation. So, these published methods necessitate
filtration or centrifugation of the samples. The dry ashing
procedure described here resulted in clear, residue-free
samples, which gave reproducible copper values across all
Table 1 shows the copper contents of 22 brands of choc-
olate. Many of the brands are marketed worldwide, while
a few are products specific to the Swiss market. The low-
est copper contents were found in two brands of white
chocolate, which are not chocolates in the strict sense of
the word, since they do not contain cocoa. They had cop-
per contents of 0.11 ± 0.05 and 1.02 ± 0.13 μg/g. For
the cocoa-containing chocolate brands, the copper values
ranged from 1.85 ± 0.10 to 16.50 ± 1.29 μg/g. Interest-
ingly, there was a very good, linear correlation between the
cocoa content and the copper content of chocolate brands
(R2 = 0.89), without any dramatic outliers (Fig. 1). This
suggests that the copper content of chocolate originates
largely from the cocoa. This is also supported by the two
white “chocolates”, which did not contain cocoa and exhib-
ited the lowest copper contents. Thus, the value of choco-
late as a source of dietary copper directly depends on the
cocoa content: Chocolates with a high cocoa content are
a better source of dietary copper than those with a low
The copper content of chocolate has not systematically
been addressed in the scientific literature. Although a num-
ber of reports deal with the copper content of chocolate and
other cocoa products such as chocolate drinks, cakes, etc.,
chocolate brands and cocoa contents were not given [8, 9,
12–16]. We thus saw a need to assess the copper content
of specific chocolate brands and relate them to the cocoa
We here determined the copper content of 22 differ-
ent chocolates, many of which find worldwide distribu-
tion today. There was a linear correlation between the
cocoa content of these chocolates and the copper content,
which ranged from 1.85 ± 0.10 μg/g of a chocolate con-
taining 31 % cocoa to 16.50 ± 1.29 μg/g of a chocolate
with 85 % cocoa. This clearly suggests that the copper is
contributed by the cocoa. Indeed, cocoa beans are high in
copper. The copper content of fermented cocoa beans from
Ghana was reported to range from 88 to 173 μg/g, depend-
ing on the length of pod storage [17]. How storage could
affect the copper content is hard to perceive and may reflect
a methodological problem. The copper content of cocoa
powder from local markets in Greece, Pakistan, and Brazil
ranged from 27 to 52 μg/g [12, 18, 19]. Hernandez et al.
[20] analyzed the copper, zinc, manganese, iron, and mag-
nesium content of primary chocolate mass from different
1065Eur Food Res Technol (2014) 238:1063–1066
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manufacturers and found copper to vary between 11 and
27 μg/g. They concluded that the metal contents depended
on both, the origin of the cocoa beans and the grinding
and milling process, necessary to obtain a smooth choco-
late texture. Grinding and milling involves heavy equip-
ment and extended contact times of the cocoa mass with
various metal alloys. This can of course lead to enrich-
ment of the cocoa with metal ions. Raw cocoa beans from
plantations in Nigeria had a copper contents ranging from
104 to 642 μg/g [21]. According to the authors, the higher
copper contents were due to the use of copper sulfate for
disease prevention on these plantations. Clearly, cocoa in
various forms has an intrinsically high copper content. It
would be interesting to know how this relates to cocoa spe-
cies, origin, and growth conditions. However, in today’s
global markets, it has become impossible to track the origin
and species of the cocoa beans and chocolate producers are
unwilling or probably even unable to provide correspond-
ing information.
A majority of chocolates on the market have a cocoa
content in the range of 30–60 % and thus an average copper
content of around 4 μg/g. A typical 100 g bar of choco-
late thus contains 400 μg of copper and would contribute
44 % of the daily DRI for adults. On the other hand, 50 g of
chocolate high in cocoa would contribute 100 % of the DRI
for copper. In contrast to the copper content, the caloric
value of chocolate does not differ much between brands
and is around 5 kcal/g (21 kJ/g). If chocolate is considered
as a copper source, preference should clearly be given to
brands with a high cocoa and thus a high copper content to
minimize fat and energy intake.
According to an analysis of the eating habits of the
elderly in the USA in 2000, chocolate contributed only
12 % to the individual copper consumption [22]. This
implies the consumption of 5–40 g/day of chocolate,
Table 1 Copper and cocoa
content of different chocolate
a STD, standard deviation
based on at least three
Nr. Chocolate brand Cocoa (%) Cu (μg/g) STDa (μg/g)
1 Lindt Excellence 70 12.14 1.04
2 Cailler Frigor Black 46 5.78 0.36
3 Cailler Frigor Milk 36 4.20 0.08
4 Lindt Excellence Prodigieux 90 15.28 1.17
5 Lindt Cresta Classic 30 2.64 0.13
6 Cailler Crémant Intense 64 10.80 0.47
7 Toblerone, legendary triangular chocolate 28 2.47 0.03
8 Lindt Excellence Puissant 85 16.50 1.29
9 Coop Prix Garantie chocolate with milk 30 2.42 0.10
10 Frey Giandor Noir 44 5.05 0.09
11 Coop Qualité & Prix Milk 31 1.85 0.10
12 Frey Milk Extra 31 2.37 0.10
13 Coop Qualité & Prix Les Classiques Crémant 60 7.51 0.39
14 Frey Noir Special 72 9.84 0.29
15 Criollo 1er Cru Orinoco 72 9.67 0.60
16 MBudget chocolate white 0 0.11 0.05
17 Wander Ovomaltine noir (Ovaltine) 60 6.91 0.47
18 MBudget milk chocolate 30 2.23 0.13
19 Suchard Marzipan 18 2.50 0.07
20 Frey Giandor milk chocolate with almond cream 37 3.58 0.30
21 Camille Bloch Torino 34 3.19 0.44
22 Frey Giandor White 0 1.02 0.13
R² = 0.8929
0 20406080100
Copper content [μg/g]
Cocoa content [%]
Fig. 1 Relationship of copper content and cocoa content of choco-
late. The copper content of 22 brands of chocolate was plotted against
the cocoa content. The error bars show the standard deviations of at
least three independent measurements. The linear regression exhib-
ited a correlation of R2 = 0.89
1066 Eur Food Res Technol (2014) 238:1063–1066
1 3
depending on the cocoa content. Chocolate is clearly a
good source of copper, and cocoa powder has successfully
been used to combat copper deficiency associated with tube
feeding in Japan [23]. Nevertheless, better sources for extra
copper would be beef liver or oysters, of which 5–15 g
would suffice to provide the DRI and would be accompa-
nied by a lower fat and energy intake.
Chocolate contains several biologically active con-
stituents such as methylxanthines, biogenic amines, and
cannabinoid-like fatty acids, all of which are potentially
addictive substances. Indeed, excessive craving for choco-
late is a well-known phenomenon [25]. In addition, choco-
late has also been advocated as an antioxidant nutrient for
cardiovascular health [26]. These aspects are beyond the
realm of this discussion, but it should be noted that, aside
of its value as a copper source, chocolate remains a highly
interesting and enigmatic component of the human diet and
clearly deserves further research.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by Grant
CR32I3E-136073 from the Swiss National Science Foundation and a
Russian Federation Government Grant to leading scientists.
Conflict of interest None.
Compliance with Ethics Requirements This article does not con-
tain any studies with human or animal subjects.
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