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Catalogue commenté des Crustacés Isopodes terrestres de France métropolitaine (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) [Annotated catalogue of the terrestrial isopod Crustaceans of metropolitan France (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)]

  • Independent Researcher
  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

An updated taxonomic catalogue of the terrestrial isopod crustaceans (Oniscidea) of metropolitan France (including Corsica) is provided. Based on a review of over 300 bibliographical citations, changes in taxonomy and nomenclature that have occurred since the 1960s are considered and discussed. Comments include elements of nomenclature, biogeography, ecology and some discussion about the validity of some taxa or their presence in the reference lists, especially Fauna Europaea (2013). National geographical distribution of taxa is established from more than 170 references published since the Faune de France (VANDEL 1960, 1962) and updated with some unpublished data where relevant. A total of 36 terminal taxa are added to the list established by VANDEL (1960, 1962), including 24 newly described ones. Three species are recorded for the first time in mainland France: Trachelipus razzautii (ARCANGELI, 1913), Nagurus cristatus (DOLLFUS, 1889) and Porcellio dispar VERHOEFF, 1901. The French terrestrial isopod fauna currently has 299 terminal taxa (218 species) with an endemism rate of 45 %. Both names Cyphotendana VERHOEFF, 1936 and Escualdoniscus VANDEL, 1948 being not available (ICZN, art. 13.3), two new generic names are designated: Cyphotendana g. nov. and Escualdoniscus g. nov. The resulting taxonomic correspondence is then established as: Cyphotendana dalmazzensis VERHOEFF, 1936 = Cyphotendana dalmazzensis (VERHOEFF, 1936) comb. nov., Cyphotendana ligurina VERHOEFF, 1936 = Cyphotendana ligurina (VERHOEFF, 1936) comb. nov., Escualdoniscus coiffaiti VANDEL, 1948 = Escualdoniscus coiffaiti (VANDEL, 1948) comb. nov. and Escualdoniscus triocellatus VANDEL, 1948 = Escualdoniscus triocellatus (VANDEL, 1948) comb. nov. A checklist is appended listing current valid names and synonyms used in VANDEL (1960, 1962) and Fauna Europaea (2013).
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2015 N° ISSN 1272-6184
Catalogue commenté des Crustacés
Isopodes terrestres de France métropolitaine
(Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)
Annotated catalogue of the terrestrial isopod Crustaceans
of metropolitan France (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)
Emmanuel SÉCHET & Franck NOËL
Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux
Tome 16 – 2015
Table des matières
Remerciements ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Résumé .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Matériel et méthodes .............................................................................................................................. 8
I. Catalogue commenté des Crustacés Isopodes terrestres de France continentale et de Corse 9
Abréviations ................................................................................................................................ 10
II. Bilan des changements opérés depuis la Faune de France (V
, 1960, 1962) ................ 117
II.1. Genres nouveaux (3) ................................................................................................................... 117
II.2. Ajouts à la faune de France (36 taxons terminaux, 31 espèces) ................................................ 117
II.3. Bilan neutre : changements de noms ou confirmation d’occurrence .......................................... 118
II.4. Bilan négatif : taxons retirés de la faune de France .................................................................... 119
II.5. Discussion sur l’état des connaissances de la systématique des Isopodes terrestres de France
métropolitaine ..................................................................................................................................... 120
III. Caractéristiques de la faune française des Isopodes terrestres............................................. 121
Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 122
Références bibliographiques .............................................................................................................. 123
Index ................................................................................................................................................... 144
Planches ............................................................................................................................................. 152
Catalogue commenté des Crustacés Isopodes terrestres de France
métropolitaine (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)
Résumé Un catalogue taxinomique actualisé des Crustacés Isopodes terrestres (Oniscidea) de France
métropolitaine (Corse comprise) est proposé. La liste est fondée sur l’examen critique d’un corpus bibliographique
de plus de 300 références. Les changements dans la taxinomie et la nomenclature intervenus depuis les années
soixante sont pris en compte et commentés. Les commentaires comportent des éléments de nomenclature, de
biogéographie, d’écologie ainsi que quelques discussions sur la validité de certains taxons ou de leur présence
dans les listes de référence, en particulier Fauna Europaea (2013). La distribution géographique nationale des
taxons est actualisée à partir de plus de 170 références bibliographiques publiées depuis la Faune de France
1960, 1962) et enrichie de quelques données inédites le cas échéant. Au total, ce sont 36 taxons
terminaux qui viennent s’ajouter à la liste établie par V
(1960, 1962) dont 24 nouvellement décrits. Trois
espèces sont pour la première fois signalées de France métropolitaine : Trachelipus razzautii (A
, 1913),
Nagurus cristatus (D
, 1889) et Porcellio dispar V
, 1901. La faune française des Isopodes
terrestres compte actuellement 299 taxons terminaux (218 espèces) avec un taux d’endémisme de 45 %. Les
noms Cyphotendana V
, 1936 et Escualdoniscus V
, 1948 étant non disponibles au sens du Code
(ICZN, art. 13.3), deux nouveaux noms de genre sont désignés : Cyphotendana g. nov. et Escualdoniscus g.
nov. La correspondance taxinomique qui en découle est alors ainsi établie : Cyphotendana dalmazzensis
, 1936 = Cyphotendana dalmazzensis (V
, 1936) comb. nov., Cyphotendana ligurina
, 1936 = Cyphotendana ligurina (V
, 1936) comb. nov., Escualdoniscus coiffaiti V
, 1948
= Escualdoniscus coiffaiti (V
, 1948) comb. nov. et Escualdoniscus triocellatus V
, 1948 =
Escualdoniscus triocellatus (V
, 1948) comb. nov. En annexe figure un index nomenclatural établissant
les correspondances entre les noms valides et ceux rencontrés dans V
(1960, 1962) et Fauna Europaea
Mots-clés. — Isopoda, Oniscidea, cloportes, liste de référence, taxinomie, matériel type, France, répartition,
endémiques, Cyphotendana g. nov., Escualdoniscus g. nov.
Annotated catalogue of the terrestrial isopod Crustaceans
of metropolitan France (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea)
Abstract An updated taxonomic catalogue of the terrestrial isopod crustaceans (Oniscidea) of metropolitan
France (including Corsica) is provided. Based on a review of over 300 bibliographical citations, changes in
taxonomy and nomenclature that have occurred since the 1960s are considered and discussed. Comments
include elements of nomenclature, biogeography, ecology and some discussion about the validity of some taxa or
their presence in the reference lists, especially Fauna Europaea (2013). National geographical distribution of taxa
is established from more than 170 references published since the Faune de France (V
1960, 1962) and
updated with some unpublished data where relevant. A total of 36 terminal taxa are added to the list established
by V
(1960, 1962), including 24 newly described ones. Three species are recorded for the first time in
mainland France: Trachelipus razzautii (A
, 1913), Nagurus cristatus (D
, 1889) and Porcellio
dispar V
, 1901. The French terrestrial isopod fauna currently has 299 terminal taxa (218 species) with an
endemism rate of 45 %. Both names Cyphotendana V
, 1936 and Escualdoniscus V
, 1948 being not
available (ICZN, art. 13.3), two new generic names are designated: Cyphotendana g. nov. and Escualdoniscus
g. nov. The resulting taxonomic correspondence is then established as: Cyphotendana dalmazzensis V
1936 = Cyphotendana dalmazzensis (V
, 1936) comb. nov., Cyphotendana ligurina V
, 1936 =
Cyphotendana ligurina (V
, 1936) comb. nov., Escualdoniscus coiffaiti V
, 1948 =
Escualdoniscus coiffaiti (V
, 1948) comb. nov. and Escualdoniscus triocellatus V
, 1948 =
Escualdoniscus triocellatus (V
, 1948) comb. nov. A checklist is appended listing current valid names
and synonyms used in V
(1960, 1962) and Fauna Europaea (2013).
Keywords. Isopoda, Oniscidea, woodlice, checklist, taxonomy, type material, France, distribution, endemic,
Cyphotendana g. nov., Escualdoniscus g. nov.
... Philoscia affinis has a widespread European distribution from northern Spain, France, Germany, Italy to Croatia and also known from Northern Algeria (Schmalfuss, 2003). Relatively recently P. affinis has proved to be locally distributed in countries adjacent to the UK such as northern France (Séchet & Noël, 2015) and Belgium (Boeraeve et al., 2017). In these countries it is thought that P. affinis has been long present, but overlooked. ...
... During 2019 it was also found at three coastal sites. In recent years it has undergone a north-west expansion of range within France (Séchet & Noël, 2015), where its colonisation is thought to have been aided by human activity (Séchet & Noël, 2007). Thus, it is probably a relatively recent colonist of the Channel Islands and it is possible that it may soon reach the south coast of England. ...
... Chaetophiloscia cellaria is widespread across the northern Mediterranean region from Spain to Greece (Schmalfuss, 2003). However, in recent years it has undertaken a marked northwards expansion of range within France and now occupies many areas in north of the country, both on the coast and inland (Séchet & Noël, 2015;MNHN, 2024). ...
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In 2009 the 'Woodlouse Atlas', Woodlice and Waterlice of Britain and Ireland, was published. Since that date three native or naturalised species of terrestrial woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea), Philoscia affinis Verhoeff, Chaetophiloscia cellaria (Dollfus) and Hyloniscus riparius (C. Koch), have been added to the British and Irish checklist. In addition our understanding of the distribution and habitat requirements of other woodlouse species has improved significantly, of which eleven species are highlighted in this paper. These are: Buddelundiella cataractae Verhoeff, Metatrichoniscoides celticus Oliver & Trew, M. leydigii (Weber), Oritoniscus flavus (Budde-Lund), Trichoniscoides sarsi Patience, Stenophiloscia glarearum Verhoeff, Porcellio laevis Latreille, Acaeroplastes melanurus (Budde-Lund), Trachelipus rathkii (Brandt), Armadillidium depressum Brandt and Armadillidium nasatum Budde-Lund. Changes in species conservation status are highlighted and an updated checklist of the waterlice and woodlice (Isopoda; Asellota & Oniscidea) occurring in Britain and Ireland is given.
... Species distribution: Escualdoniscus triocellatus (Vandel, 1948) Distribution: SW-France: dépt. Basse-Pyrénées: Larrau, entrance of Ustarbé Cave, 700m; NE-Spain: Valcarlos, Navarra (VANDEL, 1948;1960;CRUZ, 1991;SÉCHET & NOËL, 2015). ...
... Escualdoniscus coiffaiti (Vandel, 1948) Distribution: SW-France: Sare, "Grande Grotte de Sare", dépt. Basse-Pyrénées; Northern Spain: Cueva de Landarbaso Renteria, Guipuscoa (VANDEL, 1948;1960;ESCOLA, 1980;SÉCHET & NOËL, 2015;CIFUENTES & AL., 2021). ...
... Literature used:VANDEL, 1948 (FIGS.), 1953C, 1960;SCHMÖLZER, 1965;ESCOLA, 1980;CRUZ, 1991;SÉCHET & NOËL, 2015. Main characters of the genus EscualdoniscusSéchet & Noël, 2015 Size: 5-6 mm; body weakly pigmented (E. ...
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Following a historical review of the tribe Typhlotricholigioidini, we define the tribe and the genera which, according to our view, are included in it. The genus Brackenphiloscia Ortiz, Garcia Debraz & Lalana, 1999 we interpret as part of this tribe. The examination of the holotype of the species Caucasonethes borutzkyi Verhoeff, 1932, the type species of the genus Caucasonethes, as well as individuals from the type series of several species attributed to the genus Amerigoniscus Vandel, 1950, allowed us to endorse the viability of the synonymy established by Vandel (1953a): Caucasonethes Verhoeff, 1932 syn. Amerigoniscus Vandel, 1950. The study of several species of Caucasonethes led us to the conclusion that Tauronethes lebedinskyi Borutzky, 1949 should be included in the genus Caucasonethes and we suggested the synonymy Caucasonethes Verhoeff, 1932 syn. Tauronethes Borutzky, 1949 nov. syn. We establish an identification key for the genera included in the Tribe Typhlotricholigioidini.
... Abbreviations of the greenhouse names as in Table 1. Remarks: This species has been recorded in Seychelles, Mauritius, Malaysia and Hawaii, as well as in greenhouses of Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, and in the United Kingdom (Bagnall, 1909;Kesselyák, 1930;Holthuis, 1945Holthuis, , 1947Holthuis, , 1948Gruner, 1966;Berg, 1997;Soesbergen, 2003;Kontschán, 2004;Berg et al., 2008;Vilisics & Hornung, 2009;Cochard et al., 2010;Gregory, 2009Gregory, , 2014Séchet & Noël, 2015;De Smedt et al., 2017, 2018. This is the fi rst record for Switzerland. ...
... This is the fi rst record for Switzerland. Remarks: This species is native to tropical and subtropical regions, and it has been introduced in greenhouses of France, the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom (Soesbergen, 2003;Berg et al., 2008;Cochard et al., 2010;Gregory, 2009Gregory, , 2014Séchet & Noël, 2015). This is the fi rst record for Switzerland. ...
... This has also contributed to its dispersal. In Europe, the species can be found in greenhouses of many countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom, and Switzerland (Dollfus, 1896;Foster, 1911;Pack-Beresford & Foster, 1913;Meinertz, 1934Meinertz, , 1936Holthuis, 1945Holthuis, , 1948Holthuis, , 1956Polk, 1959;Jędryczkowski, 1979Jędryczkowski, , 1981Olsen, 1995;Berg, 1997;Wouters et al., 2000;Korsós et al., 2002;Soesbergen, 2003;Farkas, 2007;Berg et al., 2008;Vilisics & Hornung, 2009;Cochard et al., 2010;Farkas & Vilisics, 2013;Gregory, 2009Gregory, , 2014Séchet & Noël, 2015;De Smedt et al., 2017, 2018Jaskul et al., 2019). ...
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Woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea) represents a group of arthropods that has been neglected in Switzerland. The last comprehensive review on Swiss woodlice was published more than a cent ury ago. In the present work, we update the checklist of woodlice in Switzerland and provide information on the distribution of each species as well as further remarks. We considered information on recent records of woodlice from different regions and habitats of Switzerland and present new species records, which are mainly based on a survey of heated reenhouses in nine botanical gardens and other institutions across Switzerland and a fi eld survey in the Swiss National Park. Altogether, we found six new species for Switzerland. Five of them are exotic species, captured so far exclusively in heated greenhouses: Reductoniscus costulatus Kesselyák, 1930, Venezillo parvus (Budde-Lund, 1885), Chaetophiloscia cellaria (Dollfus, 1884), Nagurus cristatus (Dollfus, 1889), Buddelundiella cataractae Verhoeff, 1930b, and Miktoniscus linearis (Patience, 1908). Thus, the updated checklist of terrestrial woodlice in Switzerland comprises 50 species.
... Malgré des particularités écologiques et biogéographiques remarquables, ils constituent un groupe d'invertébrés peu étudié voire délaissé par les naturalistes provençaux. Ceci est regrettable d'autant plus qu'il existe à leur sujet une faune de France complète (Vandel, 1960(Vandel, et 1962, mais surtout une liste nationale actualisée (Séchet et Noël, 2015) ainsi qu'un inventaire régional préliminaire dressé à l'occasion de l'évaluation des espèces pour les znieff de la région Paca (Séchet et al., 2011). C'est dans ce cadre que nous avons entrepris, ces dernières années, de multiplier les observations locales aboutissant notamment à la rédaction d'un chapitre illustré et spécifiquement consacré aux cloportes dans un ouvrage de vulgarisation grand public largement diffusé à travers le département (Pavon, 2019). ...
... • La découverte de Stenophiloscia glarearum Verhoeff, 1908[= Stenophiloscia zosterae (Verhoeff, 1928], un isopode terrestre apparemment jamais mentionné dans le département des Bouches -du -Rhône (voir notamment Aubert et Dolffus, 1890 ;Berner, 1966 ;Dollfus, 1899ab ;Séchet et Noël, 2015) ; ...
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The authors report the occurrence in the province of Bouches-du-Rhône (south-eastern France) of Stenophiloscia glarearum and the observation of Armadillidium esterelanum, a species unnoticed for several decades.
... Exopods trapezoidal and much wider than long. its known distribution extends through the Iberian Peninsula, as previously mentioned, North Africa, the Atlantic islands of the Azores, Canaries and Madeira, and from the west of France to the British Isles (see Vandel 1944Vandel , 1946Vandel , 1962Schmalfuss 2003;Séchet & Noël 2015), having also been introduced in Tasmania ( Schmalfuss 2003). Eluma tuberculata (Fig. 2D-F) was described from São Mamede, Fátima (Portugal) by Cruz (1991), and afterwards was only mentioned in the MSS of the Estremenho Massif and one cave in the Sicó Massif in Portugal (Reboleira et al. 2015). ...
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The genus Eluma Budde-Lund, 1885, was composed until now by three species, with a Betic-Rif distribution type. In this work a new species of the genus is described, Eluma matae sp. nov., from the West region of Portugal. The distribution of the two other known species present in the Iberian Peninsula is updated, and figures of the three Iberian species are provided to facilitate their identification. Finally, a dichotomic key for the entire Eluma genus was also created.
... The species Scotoniscus macromelos, endemic of central Pyrenees, is split into nine parapatric subspecies, all strictly troglobiotic. S. macromelos macromelos is the easternmost form, endemic of a cluster of karstic massifs including Arbas and Lestelas [51][52][53]. ...
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Located in Northern Pyrenees, in the Arbas massif, France, the system of the Coume Ouarnède, also known as Réseau Félix Trombe—Henne Morte, is the longest and the most complex cave system of France. The system, developed in massive Mesozoic limestone, has two distinct resurgences. Despite relatively limited sampling, its subterranean fauna is rich, composed of a number of local endemics, terrestrial as well as aquatic, including two remarkable relictual species, Arbasus caecus (Simon, 1911) and Tritomurus falcifer Cassagnau, 1958. With 38 stygobiotic and troglobiotic species recorded so far, the Coume Ouarnède system is the second richest subterranean hotspot in France and the first one in Pyrenees. This species richness is, however, expected to increase because several taxonomic groups, like Ostracoda, as well as important subterranean habitats, like MSS (“Milieu Souterrain Superficiel”), have not been considered so far in inventories. Similar levels of subterranean biodiversity are expected to occur in less-sampled karsts of central and western Pyrenees.
Defining species boundaries may result challenging and has been a widely debated issue in the last decades. In cases of cryptic or "pseudocryptic" species, molecular approaches can be a valuable tool to provide taxonomic hypotheses and significantly complement morphological taxonomy. Here, two mitochondrial and one nuclear markers were used to study the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Tiroloscia, paying particular attention to Tiroloscia exigua. Moreover, we used a molecular clock to define a time window for the diversification of the main lineages within the species and explore aspects of its evolutionary history. Finally, four species delimitation methods were applied to clarify taxonomy and validate species boundaries. We found strong evidence against the monophyly of Tiroloscia and a surprisingly high level of genetic diversity within Tiroloscia exigua, supported by morphology. Notably, five evolutionary lineages were identified within T. exigua, suggesting the presence of distinct taxonomic entities. Divergence time estimation places the onset of T. exigua diversification around the middle Miocene (~12.2 Mya). Based on phylogenetic and morphological results, we propose the resurrection of Tiroloscia squamuligera as a valid species. Our results underscore the importance of molecular approaches to uncover hidden diversity, particularly in terrestrial isopods which may hide still underestimated biodiversity.
Archaeoentomology of the presumed sarcophagus of French philosopher Michel de Montaigne.
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The island of São Tomé is located in the Gulf of Guinea on the western coast of Africa and is one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. It is known by its large number of endemic vertebrate and plant species; however, many arthropod groups are little known including terrestrial isopods (Isopoda, Oniscidea). We studied 121 specimens from 14 species and six families collected in the island of São Tomé. Six species are registered for the first time in the island: Agnara madagascariensis (Budde-Lund, 1885); Ctenorillo bananae (Van Name, 1920); Cubaris murina Brandt, 1833; Elumoides atlanticus Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1983; Trichorhina kribensis Ferrara & Schmalfuss, 1983 and Nagurus cristatus (Dollfus, 1889). Additionally, we describe two new Armadillidae Brandt, 1831 species: Ctenorillo atlanticus n. sp. and Gabunillo thomensis n. sp. Currently, 17 species of this group are known from the island of São Tome, four of which are only known from this island.
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Se describe una nueva especie de isópodo terrestre de la familia Trichoniscidae Sars, 1899, Trichoniscoides basozaina sp. nov., encontrada en la cueva de Otxola (Navarra) y se discuten sus caracteres diagnósticos que permiten separarla de otras especies del género. La estructura del endopodito del segundo pleópodo del macho, la sitúa en el grupo de especies que sirvieron de puente en la transición entre el grupo “pirenaico” de Trichoniscoides Sars, 1899 y el género pirenaico Scotoniscus Racovitza, 1908.
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