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Towards an Ontology of Terms on Technical Debt
Nicolli S. R. Alves1, Leilane F. Ribeiro1, Vivyane Caires1, Thiago S. Mendes2,3, Rodrigo O. Spínola1,2
1Graduate Program in Systems and Computer
Salvador University – UNIFACS, Salvador, Brazil
2 Fraunhofer Project Center for Software and System Engineering
Federal University of Bahia – UFBA, Salvador, Brazil
3Information Technology Department,
Federal Institute of Bahia – IFBA, Santo Amaro, Bahia, Brazil,,,,
Abstract—Technical debt is a term that has been used to describe
the increased cost of changing or maintaining a system due to
shortcuts taken during its development. As technical debt is a recent
research area, its different types and their indicators are not
organized yet. Therefore, this paper proposes an ontology of terms
on technical debt in order to organize a common vocabulary for the
area. The organized concepts derived from the results of a
systematic literature mapping. The proposed ontology was evaluated
in two steps. In the first one, some ontology design quality criteria
were used. For the second one, a specialist in the area performed an
initial evaluation. This work contributes to evolve the Technical
Debt Landscape through the organization of the different types of
technical debt and their indicators. We consider this an important
contribution for both researchers and practitioners because this
information was spread out in the literature hindering their use in
research and development activities.
Keywords—technical debt; technical debt types; technical debt
indicators; ontology; software maintenance
The Technical Debt (TD) metaphor was first mentioned by
Ward Cunningham in 1992 and was described as those internal
tasks you choose do not to perform now, but that run the risk of
causing future problems if not done [1]. Thus, the metaphor
defines the debt that the development team takes when it opts for
an easy approach to implement in the short term, but that has a
great possibility of having a negative impact in the long term.
Lately, the term TD has been used to describe different issues
during the software development life cycle, covering aspects that
impact negatively on deployment activities, evolution of a system
or any obstacle that hinders the progress of activities involved in
its development [2].
The acceptance and use of the TD metaphor is in large part
because it is easily understood [36]. However, as TD is a new
research area, having published papers only from 2010, its
different types and indicators are not organized yet and are
currently spread out through a lot of papers making it difficult to
define a common vocabulary for the area and to indicate which
directions to follow in order to find out the existing debt on
software projects.
There are some initiatives in order to organize the different
types of TD. For example, Martin Fowler [6] classified the debts
considering the following characteristics: Reckless/Prudent and
Deliberate/Inadvertent. These characteristics compose what he
called Technical Debt Quadrant and allow to classify the debt
analyzing if it was inserted intentionally or not and, in both cases,
if it can be considered the result of a careless action or was
inserted with prudence. Not so far from the Fowler’s
classification, Steve McConnell [7] organized the debt into two
groups: intentional and unintentional. In another related work, the
types of debt were organized in dimensions [37]. To organize
these dimensions, the authors performed a multivocal literature
review and a set of interviews with software practitioners and
academics. As a result, a list of seven dimensions of debt was
initially identified.
However, those initiatives do not consider the nature of the
debt as a factor to be considered in its classification. By nature
we mean the activity of the development process execution where
the debt was inserted or it is associated with. For example, a debt
incurred by a tester who does not execute a set of planned test
scenarios can be considered a test debt. Another example is a
developer to take an inadequate design decision to solve a short
term problem at the expense of a more robust solution; this
decision may cause the insertion of a design or architecture debt.
In this context, this paper proposes an ontology to organize
the different types of technical debt considering their nature as a
classification criterion. Based on this organization, it was
possible to identify different indicators that have been proposed
to find out each type of TD on software projects. It is important
to mention that all organized knowledge was originated from the
results of a systematic literature mapping whose results will be
available soon.
The proposed ontology of terms in technical debt was
assessed in two steps. In the first one, the quality criteria defined
in [13] were considered. In the second step, an expert that did not
participate of the ontology development performed an initial
evaluation of the organized knowledge.
The first contribution of this work is the organization of the
different types of TD. This organization contributes to the
evolution of the Technical Debt Landscape [22] [2]. Besides, as
second contribution, the indicators that have been used or
proposed to support the identification of TD items on software
projects were organized too. The identified TD types and their
respective indicators were structured in an ontology, which
allows sharing of a common vocabulary for the research
community in TD and practitioners.
Besides this introduction, this paper has other three sections.
In section II, the definitions of ontology, its types and the process
used to create the proposed ontology will be presented. Then, in
section III, the ontology for the technical debt area will be
discussed. Finally, section IV presents some final remarks and
future works.
Knowledge representation and organization systems are
considered fundamental processes amid rising information
production [3]. Taxonomies and ontologies are tools that have
been used as the basis for the development of these types of
systems. Taxonomies allow to organize information and/or
knowledge in hierarchical relationships between terms [8]. On
the other side, ontology is a vocabulary representation that is
often specialized to some domain or subject [4]. Thus, it supports
the capture, representation, search, storage and standardization of
knowledge, describing a consistent, complete and unambiguous
vocabulary [5].
Different types of ontologies can be developed according to
their level of generality. They can be classified as Top-level,
Domain, Task, and Application Ontology [5]. According to
Guarino [5], a top-level ontology describes generic elements that
are not part of a specific domain such as space, time, action,
event and objects. A domain ontology maps concepts of a
particular domain, specializing the terms of a top-level ontology.
The domain ontology must specify the relationships, rules and
exceptions of all objects present in the domain
conceptualization. Although the task ontology is similar to
domain ontology, it differs by describing a vocabulary related to
a task or activity through specialization of the concepts
introduced in a top-level ontology [10]. And finally, an
application ontology contains concepts that belong
simultaneously to a domain and a task, through specialization of
the concepts of a domain and a task ontology [5].
It is still possible to classify ontologies according to the detail
level of their internal structure as lightweight and heavyweight
[10]. The first one considers basically the concepts, their
properties and relationships between them. On the other side,
heavyweight ontologies define the knowledge more deeply and
add axioms and constraints in order to clarify the meaning of
terms [10]. In this paper, it was developed a lightweight domain
The development of domain ontologies is not a simple task.
Like any other activity of conceptual modeling, this activity
should be supported by software engineering practices. A
systematic approach for constructing ontologies (SABiO) was
defined in [11]. Although there are other approaches, SABiO was
chosen in this work because it has already been used to support
the definition of different ontologies [14]. SABiO considers the
following activities [11]:
Purpose Identification and Requirements
Specification: clearly identify the purpose and intended
use of the ontology, i.e., the competence of the ontology;
Ontology Capture: the most important step in the
development of the ontology. Its goal is to capture the
domain’s concept based on the ontology competency. In
addition, a model using a graphical language with a
dictionary of terms must be used to facilitate the
communication with domain specialists;
Ontology Formalization: a formalism to represent the
ontology must be used;
Integrating Existing Ontologies: during capture and/or
formalization processes, it may be necessary to integrate
the current ontology with existing ones in order to take
advantage of concepts already established previously [12];
Ontology Evaluation: the ontology should be evaluated
to determine whether the specification satisfies its
requirements. Moreover, it can also be evaluated against
some design quality criteria [13];
Ontology Documentation: all ontology development
must be documented, including purposes, requirements
and motivating scenarios, textual descriptions of
conceptualization, the formal ontology and the adopted
design criteria.
This process must be seen as an iterative process rather than
sequential steps. For example, the ontology capture step can point
to new requirements or, during the evaluation; one can see that
the identified terms are not sufficient to conclude the ontology.
A. Purpose Identification and Requirements Specification
This is the first activity when building an ontology. In this
activity the competence of the ontology is identified, i.e., its use
and purpose, through the delimitation of what is or not relevant
for it. In this work, the purpose of the ontology is to organize the
different TD types considering its nature as classification
criterion. Thus, the following competency question was defined:
What are the types of technical debt and their indicators that
can be considered in software projects?
The answer to this question is important because until now, to
the best of our knowledge, there is no initiative in order to
organize the types of TD considering their nature as a
classification perspective as well as their current indicators.
B. Ontology Capture and Formalization
Ontology capture involves the identification and specification
of concepts (classes), their relationships and all other elements
necessary for the representation of the ontology, such as
properties, axioms, instances, etc.. As indicated previously, in
this study the relevant elements will be identified to define a
lightweight ontology.
The types of TD as well as their definitions were identified
from the results of a systematic literature mapping performed in
the area. Table I shows the definitions of each identified TD type.
Those types do not intend to be mutually exclusive and their
relationship with each other will be discussed later on this paper.
Associated with each TD type, other relevant information’s
were also specified: indicators that can be used to identify the TD
in software projects, and references where the information was
extracted. Table II shows the indicators that were identified in the
technical literature for each TD type.
Analyzing Table II, it is possible to observe that, although
indicators have not yet been found or proposed for some types of
TD (process, infrastructure, test automation, and people), the
number of indicators is already relatively large. However, few of
them were effectively evaluated through experimental studies.
After capturing the ontology concepts, their formalization
was started. Several languages can be used for this purpose, such
as OWL (Web Ontology Language) [15] [16], SHOE (Simple
HTML Ontology Extensions) [17], XOL (Ontology Exchange
Language) [19], OIL (Ontology Inference Layer) [18] and
DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) [20]. In this work,
OWL was used.
Among the reasons considered for choosing OWL, it is
considered a standard for the development of ontologies
(recommended by W3C), because it was designed to be used by
applications that need to process the content of information
instead of just presenting it. Fig. 1 shows a fragment of the
ontology on TD defined in OWL. The fragment represents the
concept of design debt. Note that the TD types were defined as
subclasses of Technical Debt and other information (definition,
indicators and references) were specified using Annotations.
Architecture Debt
[2] [26] [37]
Refers to the problems encountered in project architecture, for example, violation of modularity, which can
affect architectural requirements (performance, robustness, among others). Normally this type of debt cannot
be paid with simple interventions in the code, implying in more extensive development activities.
Build Debt [27]
Refers to build related issues that make this task harder, and more time/processing consuming unnecessarily.
The build process of a project can contain very unnecessary code to the customer. Moreover, if the build
process needs to run ill-defined dependencies, the process becomes unnecessarily slow. When this occurs,
one can identify a build debt.
Code Debt [28]
[35] [37]
Refers to the problems found in the source code which can affect negatively the legibility of the code
making it more difficult to be maintained. Usually, this debt can be identified by examining the source code
of the project considering issues related to bad coding practices.
Defect Debt [29]
Software projects may have known and unknown defects in the source code. Defect debt consists of known
defects, usually identified by testing activities or by the user and reported on bug track systems, that the
CCB agrees should be fixed, but due to competing priorities, and limited resources have to be deferred to a
later time. Decisions made by the CCB to defer addressing defects can accumulate a significant amount of
technical debt for a product making it harder to fix them later.
Design Debt [22]
[30] [35] [37]
Refers to debt that can be discovered by analyzing the source code by identifying the use of practices which
violated the principles of good object-oriented design (e.g. very large or tightly coupled classes).
Debt [30] [37]
Refers to the problems found in software project documentation and can be identified by looking for
missing, inadequate, or incomplete documentation of any type. Inadequate documentation is those that
currently work correctly in the system, but fail to meet certain quality criteria of software projects.
Debt [34]
Refers to infrastructure issues that, if present in the software organization, can delay or hinder some
development activities. Some examples of this kind of debt are delaying an upgrade or infrastructure fix.
People Debt [34]
Refers to people issues that, if present in the software organization, can delay or hinder some development
activities. An example of this kind of debt is expertise concentrated in too few people, as an effect of
delayed training and/or hiring.
Process Debt [31]
Refers to inefficient processes, e.g. what the process was designed to handle may be no longer appropriate.
Debt [2]
Requirements debt refers to tradeoffs made with respect to what requirements the development team need to
implement or how to implement them. Some examples of this type of debt are: requirements that are only
partially implemented, requirements that are implemented but not for all cases, requirements that are
implemented but in a way that doesn’t fully satisfy all the non-functional requirements (e.g. security,
performance, etc.).
Service Debt [33]
The need for web service substitution could be driven by business or technical objectives. The substitution
can introduce a TD, which needs to be managed, cleared and transformed from liability to value-added.
Technical debt can cover several dimensions, which are related to selection, composition, and operation of
the service.
Test Automation
Debt [32]
Test Automation debt is defined as the work involved in automating tests of previously developed
functionality to support continuous integration and faster development cycles.
Test Debt [30]
Refers to issues found in testing activities which can affect the quality of testing activities. Examples of this
type of debt are planned tests that were not run, or known deficiencies in the test suite (e.g. low code
Besides, disjoint classes restriction was also used. Classes are
assumed to overlap. Thus, we cannot assume that an individual is
not a member of a particular class simply because it has not been
asserted to be a member of that class. In order to separate a group
of classes we must make them disjoint from one another. This
ensures that an individual who has been asserted to be a member
of one of the classes in the group cannot be a member of any
other classes in that group. For example, a TD item cannot be
categorized at the same time as process and test debt because it
does not make sense. Thus, test and process debt are considered
disjoint classes. On the other side, it is also possible that, in some
cases, TD items are categorized in more than one type. For
example, a problem at the design level can be categorized as a
design or architecture debt. For situations like this, the
disjunction constraint was not defined. Table III shows the
disjoint classes for each identified TD type. The marked cells
indicate that there is a disjunction constraint between TD types.
Protégé [21] tool was used to support the formalization of the
ontology in OWL. Fig. 2 shows the ontology visual
C. Ontology Evaluation
The ontology of terms on TD was evaluated considering its
requirements and some design quality criteria. This process was
performed in two steps: (1) evaluation regarding the quality
criteria defined in [13]; (2) evaluation by an expert in the area.
Fig. 1. Fragment of the ontology defined in OWL.
TD Type
Architecture Debt
Betweeness Centrality
Issues in software architecture
Structural Analysis
Structural Dependencies
Violation of Modularity
Build Debt
“Dead Flags”
“Zombie Targets”
Code Debt
ASA Issues
Code Metrics
Code outside of standards
Duplicated code
Multithread correctness (ASA)
Slow Algorithm
Defect Debt
Uncorrected known defects
Design Debt
ASA Issues
Brain Method
Code Metrics
Code Smells
Data Class
Data clumps
Dispersed Coupling
Duplicated Code
God class (or large class)
Intensive Coupling
Issues in the software design
Refused Parent Bequest
Schizophrenic Class
Structural Analysis
Documentation Debt
Documentation does not exist
Incomplete Design Specification
Incomplete Documentation
Insufficient comments in code
Outdated Documentation
Test Documentation
Infrastructure Debt
People Debt
Process Debt
Requirement Debt
Requirement Backlog List
Service Debt
Selection/Replacement of web
Test Automation Debt
Test Debt
Incomplete Tests
Low coverage
For the first step, the ontology was sent to two of the
researchers involved in the writing of this paper, but different
from the one responsible for the ontology definition. For each TD
type, the researcher was asked to evaluate it considering the
following possible results:
Fully Compliance (FC): the ontology complies with all
variables considered in the criterion being evaluated;
Partially Compliance (PC): the ontology is partially
consistent with the variables considered in the criterion
being evaluated;
Not Compliance (NC): the ontology does not comply
with all variables considered in the criterion.
If the evaluation result was Partially Compliance or Not
Compliance, the evaluators should report the identified issues so
that the ontology could be improved.
The result of this evaluation can be seen in Table IV. It shows
the used quality criteria [13], and the result of their application.
In general, minor adjustments were required in order to clarify
the differences between some TD types and also to improve the
explanation of some examples. From these results, improvements
were made in the ontology so that it could address the reported
The second step of the evaluation considered the
recommendations of [5] [13] that indicate that ontologies should
be based on the consensus of a group of specialists. In order to
get an initial feedback, the defined ontology on TD was evaluated
by a specialist in the area who was not involved on its definition.
For this, the identified types and their definitions were organized
in a form that was sent for review.
As result, some improvements were suggested in order to
clarify some definitions that, in some cases, were described from
different points of view (“this partially comes from the fact that
you have different types of definitions. Some of your definitions
describe a type of debt from the point of view of how the debt is
identified, while other definitions are more about how the debt
was incurred”). Furthermore, it was also indicated that the
identified types make sense, and no new type was suggested (“I
think the descriptions are very clear...There are some types of
debt you have here that I hadn’t thought of before, but they make
sense. I can’t think of any other types that you haven’t
included.”). Finally, the expert mentioned that there is still no
consensus in the TD research community if the requirements debt
can actually be considered as a type of technical debt (“One other
Fig. 2. Ontology visual representation in Protegé.
issue is requirements debt. There is a lot of disagreement in the
TD research community about whether this should be considered
technical debt or not”). Nevertheless, considered it important to
keep the concepts in the proposed ontology because this can be a
good material for discussion by the research community.
The improvement suggestions were made in the ontology
whose definitions are already adjusted in Table I.
Technical debt is a recent research area and brings a series of
challenges and opportunities. In this paper it was proposed an
organization of the types of TD considering its nature as a
classification criterion.
This work contributes to the Technical Debt Landscape [22]
[2] through the organization of the different types of technical
debt that have been considered in the technical literature. The
identified types were organized using an ontology, which will
allow the sharing of a common vocabulary for the research
community on TD.
Furthermore, indicators that have been used or proposed to
support the identification of TD items on software projects were
also organized for each identified type. We consider this an
important contribution of this work for researchers and
practitioners. The indicators were scattered in the literature
hindering their use in TD items identification activities/research.
This work is in the context of a more comprehensive research
project with the purpose of mapping, beyond the TD types and
their indicators, the main causes of the occurrence of each TD
type. The defined ontology will be the basis for structuring this
The definition of an ontology is a big challenge, especially
when the ontology is expected to have relevance and value to a
broad audience [24]. As the definition of the TD types is an
initial attempt to organize the knowledge on TD, the list of types
presented in this work may evolve to the exclusion or inclusion
of some of them. In order to obtain a better defined domain
ontology, the collaboration between different experts in the area
needs to be stimulated allowing each of them to participate
actively in the development of the ontology [23] [25]. So, as the
next steps of this research, the authors are considering to evaluate
the ontology in a more comprehensive way. To support this task,
we are working on a web based infrastructure (wrapping the
defined ontology) to allow the sharing and the collaborative
maintenance and evolvement of this knowledge on TD.
Besides that, our research group is also working on a set of
tools to support the visualization of TD on software projects. The
choice of which indicators could be useful to identify TD items
and which visual metaphors could be used to represent them will
be supported by the ontology proposed on this work.
Clarity: An ontology should effectively
communicate the intended meaning of defined terms.
Definitions should be objective and, when a
definition can be stated in logical axioms, it should
be. All definitions should be documented with
natural language [13].
Logical axioms were not used in the formalization of
the ontology because it is a lightweight ontology and
the formalized knowledge does not require their use.
On the other side, the TD types were defined and
documented. Some minor adjustments were required in
order to clarify the difference between some TD types.
Coherence: an ontology should sanction inferences
that are consistent with the definitions. At the least,
the defining axioms should be logically consistent.
Coherence should also apply to the concepts that are
defined informally [13].
The defined ontology did not use axioms. Thus, this
criterion was used to evaluate only the documented
definitions. It was not identified any issue for this
Extendibility: An ontology should be designed to
anticipate the uses of the shared vocabulary. In other
words, one should be able to define new terms form
special uses based on the existing vocabulary, in a
way that does not require the revision of the existing
definitions [13].
The defined ontology is the first step towards a more
comprehensive knowledge organization in TD
considering its types, causes and indicators. Thus, it is
expected that it will be evolved from the formalized
definitions. In this context, one of evaluators requested
that some definitions were improved to facilitate their
Minimal encoding bias: The conceptualization
should be specified at the knowledge level without
depending on a particular symbol-level encoding
The defined and documented concepts in the ontology
were not influenced by the restrictions of the chosen
language (OWL) for their representation.
Minimal ontological commitment: An ontology
should require the minimal ontological commitment
sufficient to support the intended knowledge sharing
activities [13].
The defined ontology organizes a common vocabulary
for the DT area, is extensible and does not use a very
extensive formalism making its use easier to the
research community.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Carolyn Seaman for her
comments and insights that helped to improve the ontology of
terms on Technical Debt. The authors also would like to thank
student Rodrigo Silva that is helping with some technical stuff,
and CAPES for the financial support to this work.
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