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Simultaneous estimation of etoricoxib and paracetamol in combined tablet dosage form

  • Priyadarshni J. L. college of Pharmacy, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Abstract and Figures

A simple, precise and accurate spectrophotometric method has been developed for simultaneous estimation of etoricoxib and paracetamol in combined dosage form using multicomponent mode of analysis. It involves the measurements of absorbance at five selected wavelengths 235 nm, 243 nm, 264 nm, 284 nm and 295 nm using methanol and hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) as a solvent. Linearity was observed in the range of 1-50 μ.g/mL for mixture. The recovery studies confirmed the accuracy of the proposed method. The results were validated as per ICH guidelines.
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ISSN: 0975-8585
July September 2010 RJPBCS Volume 1 Issue 3 Page No. 485
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical
Simultaneous Estimation of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol in Combined Tablet
Dosage Form
DR Chaple*, DS Fandi, PD Chaple1
* J. L. Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy, MIDC, Hingna Road, Electronic Zone building, Nagpur-440016
1 Priyadarshani Polytechnic, MIDC, Hingna Road, Nagpur
A simple, precise and accurate spectrophotometric method has been developed for simultaneous
estimation of etoricoxib and paracetamol in combined dosage form using multicomponent mode of analysis. It
involves the measurements of absorbance at five selected wavelengths 235 nm, 243 nm, 264 nm, 284 nm and
295 nm using methanol and hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) as a solvent. Linearity was observed in the range of 1-50
µg/mL for mixture. The recovery studies confirmed the accuracy of the proposed method. The results were
validated as per ICH guidelines.
Key words: Etoricoxib, Paracetamol, Multicomponent mode
*Corresponding author
ISSN: 0975-8585
July September 2010 RJPBCS Volume 1 Issue 3 Page No. 486
Etoricoxib is a new non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with selective
COX-2 inhibitory activity. Chemically it is 5-chloro-2-(6-methylpyridin-3-yl)-3-(4-
methylsulfonylphenyl) pyridine. It is commonly used for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
primary dysmenorrhoea, postoperative dental pain and acute gout. This drug is not official
in any pharmacopoeia. Paracetamol is 4-hydroxy acetanilide used as antipyretic agent.
Literature survey revealed that some analytical methods have been used for individual
estimation of etoricoxib like spectrophotometric, HPLC and HPTLC. Paracetamol is official in
IP, BP and USP. There are many reported UV spectrophotometry and HPLC methods for
determination of paracetamol in bulk drugs, formulation and biological fluids. It has been
found that no method is reported for the simultaneous estimation of etoricoxib and
paracetamol in combined dosage form [1-15].
The pure drug samples of etoricoxib (99.83%) and Paracetamol (98.37%) were
obtained from Cadila Ltd., Raigad, (M.S), India. and Zim Laboratories, Kalmeshwar India.
Methanol AR grade and hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) were used throughout the experimental
work. Tablets were purchased from local market (Nucoxia-P tablet), containing etoricoxib 60
mg and Paracetamol 500 mg per tablet.
All Absorbance measurements were made on Shimadzu model UV 1601 double beam UV-
Visible spectrophotometer with matched quartz cuvettes.
Standard stock solution
Standard stock solutions of etoricoxib (1mg/mL) and Paracetamol (1mg/mL) were
prepared in methanol and further dilutions were carried out in hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) to
get the concentration 2µg/mL and 16.6 µg/mL.
a) Selection of sampling wavelength
Solutions of etoricoxib (2 µg/mL) and Paracetamol (16.6 µg/mL) were scanned under
the range of 400-200 nm. Overlying spectra was obtained. Sampling wavelengths 235 nm,
243 nm, 264 nm, 284 nm and 295 nm were selected on trial and error basis.
ISSN: 0975-8585
July September 2010 RJPBCS Volume 1 Issue 3 Page No. 487
b) Study of Beer lambert’s law
Solution of etoricoxib (1mg/mL) and paracetamol (1mg/mL) were diluted with
hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) to get final concentration in the range of mixed standard as
Laboratory Mixture
Concentration in µg/mL
All the mixed standard solutions were scanned over the range of 400-200 nm in the
multicomponent mode, using five sampling wavelengths as selected on trial basis as given
above. An overlain spectrum of the mixed standard solutions was given in Fig. 1. The graph
was plotted as concentration verses absorbance and it was found to be linear for both the
drugs (Fig. 2).
c) Analysis of tablet formulation
Twenty tablets were weighed and finely powdered and finely powdered. An
accurately weighed quantity of powder equivalent to 50 mg of etoricoxib was transferred to
50 mL volumetric flask and dissolved in 25 mL methanol. It was diluted up to the mark with
with methanol. The solution was filtered through whatmann filter paper no.41. The
resulting solution was further diluted with hydrochloric acid (0.2 N) to get concentration
within concentration range of mixed standards. This solution was subjected to analysis in
the multicomponent mode of instrument at selected wavelength. The result of analysis is
shown in Table 1.
d) Validation of method
The proposed method was validated on the basis of parameters namely accuracy,
precision, linearity and range and ruggedness. The accuracy of the method was ascertained
by carrying out recovery studies using standard addition method and found to be
satisfactory. The result of recovery study is shown in Table 1.
% label claim**
% recovery**
* Nucoxia-P tablet - each tablet contains etoricoxib 60 mg and Paracetamol 500 mg
** indicates mean of five determinations.
ISSN: 0975-8585
July September 2010 RJPBCS Volume 1 Issue 3 Page No. 488
The precision of an analytical method was as SD or RSD. Linearity and range was
carried out in the range of 1-50 µg/mL and absorbance was recorded at selected
wavelength. The linearity of graph is shown in Fig 2. Ruggedness test was carried out under
different conditions by repeating the procedure under different conditions, i.e., on different
days, at different time and by different analysts.
Fig. 1: Overlain Spectrum laboratory mixtures
Fig. 2: Beer Lambert’s law plot
The proposed method for estimation of etoricoxib and paracetamol in combined
dosage forms was found to be simple, accurate, economical and rapid. The method was
validated as per the ICH guidelines. The values of SD and RSD are within the prescribed limit
of 2%, showing high precision of method and recovery was close to 100% for both the drugs.
The authors are thankful to M/S Cadila Ltd., Raigad, and Zim Laboratories,
Kalmeshwar for providing gift sample of drugs.
ISSN: 0975-8585
July September 2010 RJPBCS Volume 1 Issue 3 Page No. 489
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... 18 The identification of these drugs in pharmaceutical dose forms, either alone or in combination with other pharmaceuticals, has been documented using spectrophotometric methods, HPLC methods stabilityindicating methods, and plasma extraction methods, according to a literature review with the combination of the above-mentioned medicines, a few UV, HPLC methods. [19][20][21][22] There are options with smaller linearity ranges and/or longer retention times. The author attempted to design and validate a low-cost and precise RP-HPLC estimation method for Etoricoxib and Paracetamol in formulated dosage forms. ...
An RP-HPLC technique was used to produce a cost-effective simultaneous quantification of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol in combined pharmaceutical tablet dosage forms. The approach was validated for Etoricoxib and Paracetamol using ICH recommendations over a range of 20-120ppm and 20-200ppm, respectively. At a temperature of 250C±0.50C, an analytical column PURITAS™ EXIMIUS C18, 250mmx4.6mm, 5 microns was utilized. At a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min, the mobile phase was acetonitrile and 0.1 percent acetic acid in water in a 70:30V/V ratio. The elution was examined using a PDA detector with a detection wavelength of 235nm. The retention times for Etoricoxib and paracetamol are 4.2 and 2.1 minutes, respectively. The percentage recoveries for Etoricoxib and paracetamol were 98.28% and 102.1%, respectively. The RSD values are not greater than 2%.
A simple, accurate, precise, and rapid UV spectrophotometric method was developed for simultaneous estimation of Etoricoxib and Thiocolchicoside in the tablet dosage form. Etoricoxib showed maximum absorbance at 270 nm, while Thiocolchicoside showed maximum absorbance at 260 nm. These two wavelengths were selected for further analysis. The developed method was validated as ICH guidelines including parameters as linearity, range, precision, LOD, LOQ, and accuracy. The absorbance range for Etoricoxib (5-30 µg/ml) was found to be 0.210-0.799. These aliquots obeyed Beer-Lambert’s law with regression of 0.995. The absorbance range of Thiocolchicoside (5-30 µg/ml) was found to be 0.147-0.468 with a regression of 0.998. The method of precision (interday, intraday) was found within limits (RSD>2). The % recovery was found to be within the range. As per the ICH Q2 R1 guideline, the result was validated statistically and was found to be satisfactory.
A new simple, accurate, and precise densitometric method for determination of Paracetamol and Etoricoxib in spiked human plasma has been developed and validated. A Simple precipitation method was carried out by using methanol and a known amount of supernatant solution was spotted on precoated silica gel 60 F 254 plates using a Camag Linomat V autosampler. The mobile phase selected was Toluene: Dichloromethane: Methanol (6:2.5:1.5 v/v/v) with UV detection at 240 nm. The retention factors for Paracetamol and Etoricoxib were found to be 0.30 ± 0.03 and 0.48 ± 0.05, respectively. The calibration curve was linear in the concentration range 100 to 600 ng per band for both the drugs in human plasma. The limit of quantitation for Paracetamol and Etoricoxib in human plasma was 100 ng for both the drugs and no interference was found from endogenous compounds. The % recovery from human plasma using the precipitation method was found to be 90.46 for Paracetamol and 87.24 for Etoricoxib, respectively. The method provides a direct estimate of the amount of Paracetamol and present in human plasma. The method was validated with respect to linearity, accuracy, precision and stability as per the Guidance for Industry, Bioanlytical Method Validation guidelines.
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A simple, precise, accurate and rapid high performance thin layer chromatographic method has been developed and validated for the determination of etoricoxib in dosage forms. The stationary phase used was precoated silica gel 60F 254 . The mobile phase used was a mixture of chloroform: methanol: toluene (4:2:4 v/v). The detection of spot was carried out at 289 nm. The calibration curve was found to be linear between 100 to 600 ng/spot for etoricoxib. The proposed method can be used to determine the drug content of marketed formulations.
Simple UV and first derivative spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of etoricoxib in bulk drug and its pharmaceutical formulations. In simple UV spectrum of etoricoxib in 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, it exhibits absorption maxima (λ max) at 284 nm where as in first derivative spectrum it shows maxima at 301.0 nm and minima at 266.8 nm. Both the methods were found to be simple, economical, accurate, reproducible and can be adopted in routine analysis of etoricoxib in bulk drug and its pharmaceutical formulations.
An accurate, simple, reproducible and sensitive HPLC method for the determination of ceterizine hydrochloride (CTZH) and paracetamol (PARA) has been developed and validated. The separation of CTZH, PARA and Nimesulide (the internal standard) was achieved on a CLC C(18) (5 mu, 25 cm x 4.6 mm i.d) column using UV detection at 230 nm. The mobile phase was consisted of acetonitrile-water (55:45 v/v). The linear ranges of detection for CTZH and PARA were found to be 0.715-55 microg/ml (r(2)=0.9985) and 0.55-39 microg/ml (r(2)=0.9957) respectively. Intra- and inter-day assay relative standard deviations were less than 1%. The method has been applied successfully to the determination of binary combination of CTZH and PARA in human plasma and pharmaceutical preparations. There was no interference from drugs commonly administered with CTZH and PARA. The method has been shown to be linear, reproducible, specific, and rugged.
A simple, sensitive and specific HPLC method with UV detection (284 nm) was developed and validated for quantitation of Etoricoxib in human plasma, the newest addition to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-a highly selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor. Following a single-step liquid-liquid extraction with diethyl ether/dichloromethane (70/30, v/v), the analyte and internal standard (Zaleplon) were separated using an isocratic mobile phase of water/acetonitrile (58/42, v/v) on reverse phase Waters symmetry C(18) column. The lower limit of quantitation was 5 ng/mL, with a relative standard deviation of less than 20%. A linear range of 5-2500 ng/mL was established. This HPLC method was validated with between- and within-batch precision of 4.1-5.1% and 1.1-2.4%, respectively. The between- and within-batch bias was -3.8-4.7% and -0.6-9.4%, respectively. Frequently coadministered drugs did not interfere with the described methodology. Stability of Etoricoxib in plasma was >90%, with no evidence of degradation during sample processing (autosampler) and 30 days storage in a freezer. This validated method is sensitive and simple with between-batch precision of <6% and was used in pharmacokinetic studies.
The validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) method for the determination of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor etoricoxib in human plasma with phenazone as internal standard is described. The plasma samples were extracted by solid-phase extraction using polymer-based cartridges. Chromatography was carried out on a short, narrow bore RP C(18) column (30x2 mm). Detection was achieved by a Sciex API 3000 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with a turbo ion spray source working in positive ion mode. The respective mass transitions used for quantification of etoricoxib and phenazone were m/z 359.2-->280.2 and m/z 189.0-->104.1. The analytical method was validated over the concentration range 0.2-200 ng/ml. The limit of quantification was 0.2 ng/ml. The method is applicable to pharmacokinetic studies in humans.
  • D J Cochrane
  • Jarvis B Keating
Cochrane DJ, Jarvis B and Keating GM. Drug 2002; 62: 2637.
  • Rm Singh
  • Y Kumar
  • Dk Sharma
  • Sc Mathur
  • Gn Singh
  • Ta Ansari
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Singh RM, Kumar Y, Sharma DK, Mathur SC, Singh GN, Ansari TA and Jamil S. Indian Drugs 2005; 42: 535. [3]
  • B N Suhagia
  • H M Patel
  • S A Shah
  • Rathod Is
  • B P Marolia
Suhagia BN, Patel HM, Shah SA, Rathod IS and Marolia BP. Indian J Pharm Sci 2005; 67: 634-637.
  • Dr Chaple
  • Kp Bhusari
  • Nvs Ramakrishna
  • Kn Vishwottam
  • S Wishu
  • M Koteshwara
Chaple DR and Bhusari KP. Research J Pharm and Tech 2009; 2: 597-598. [5] Ramakrishna NVS, Vishwottam KN, Wishu S and Koteshwara M. J Chromat B 2005; 816: 215. [6]
  • L Bräutigam
  • Jens U Nefflen
  • G Geisslinger
Bräutigam L, Jens U. Nefflen JU and Geisslinger G. J Chromat B 2003; 788: 309.