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Combined Methods of Highly Polluted Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment - a Case Study of High Recovery

  • University of Zagreb Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Croatia

Abstract and Figures

Our study details the investigation of real pharmaceutical wastewater (PhWW) treatment. A combination of the Fenton process, sand filtration, ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO) was tested. The sample of PhWW was highly polluted, containing high chemical oxygen demand (COD, 25,000 mg•L-1), total organic carbon (TOC, 4,940 mg•L-1), conductivity (κ, 40,000 mg•L-1), and total N (4,054 mg•L-1) values. The pretreatment (Fenton, sand filter, UF) decreased the above parameters for 62%, 56%, 10%, and 88%, respectively. An additional membrane treatment was required since the values obtained in the pretreatment were above maximum contaminant levels (MCLS). The next membrane step with the loose NF membrane (HL) COD, TOC, conductivity, and total N additionally decreased for 87%, 71%, 24%, and 32%, respectively. Tight NF (NF90, NF270) and RO (XLE) membranes were used in the final step and, according to the obtained parameters, membrane permeate streams could be discharged into the sewer without any risk to the ecosystem. Finally, and the most importantly, the combined methods of the pharmaceutical wastewater treatment resulted in high recovery of more than 90%.
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The generation of wastewaters in industrial processes is
unavoidable, and in most cases a process of reducing the
organic load and other contaminants must be employed
before water discharge. Domestic sewage is the largest
source of water pollution, followed by industrial effluents
and agricultural activities [1, 2]. Industrial waste, in partic-
ular when it contains harmful chemicals, heavy metals, and
other toxic substances, can have far more serious conse-
quences than domestic waste. These hazardous substances
pollute surface water, soil, and groundwater and become
concentrated in the food chain, and therefore need special
treatment before being discharged.
The wastewater generated by industrial activities
(chemical, cosmetic, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical indus-
tries, etc.) is one of the most complex wastewaters. This
complexity, strongly related with the difficulty in establish-
ing simple and, at the same time, effective treatment and
disposal method for such a wastewater stream, may be
illustrated in terms of many specific characteristics:
(1) a strong organic carbon content often associated with a
chemical oxygen demand (COD) level in excess of
10,000 mg·L
Pol. J. Environ. Stud. Vol. 22, No. 6 (2013), 1677-1683
Original Research
Combined Methods of Highly Polluted
Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment
a Case Study of High Recovery
Davor Dolar
*, Krešimir Košutić
, Tatjana Ignjatić Zokić
Laszlo Sipos
, Marinko Markić
, Mario Župan
Department of Physical Chemistry,
Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry,
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Marulićev trg 19, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Received: 8 November 2012
Accepted: 19 August 2013
Our study details the investigation of real pharmaceutical wastewater (PhWW) treatment. A combina-
tion of the Fenton process, sand filtration, ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO)
was tested. The sample of PhWW was highly polluted, containing high chemical oxygen demand (COD,
25,000 mg·L
), total organic carbon (TOC, 4,940 mg·L
), conductivity (κ, 40,000 mg·L
), and total N (4,054
) values. The pretreatment (Fenton, sand filter, UF) decreased the above parameters for 62%, 56%, 10%,
and 88%, respectively. An additional membrane treatment was required since the values obtained in the pre-
treatment were above maximum contaminant levels (MCL
). The next membrane step with the loose NF
membrane (HL) COD, TOC, conductivity, and total N additionally decreased for 87%, 71%, 24%, and 32%,
respectively. Tight NF (NF90, NF270) and RO (XLE) membranes were used in the final step and, according
to the obtained parameters, membrane permeate streams could be discharged into the sewer without any risk
to the ecosystem. Finally, and the most importantly, the combined methods of the pharmaceutical wastewater
treatment resulted in high recovery of more than 90%.
Keywords: highly polluted pharmaceutical wastewater, Fenton process, membrane processes, recovery
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(2) an organic carbon content that inherently involves a
great variety of complex organic pollutants with a total
organic carbon (TOC) level of a few thousands [7, 8].
The treatment of various industrial wastewaters has
always been considered as a challenging issue for scien-
tists [4, 9]. In the recent past, different treatment schemes
such as coagulation [2, 8], ozone and activated carbon [4,
10], ion exchange [11], Fenton [10-12], membrane biore-
actors [6, 13], nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis
(RO) [14-16] have been tested and suggested. However,
results also identified significant drawbacks and indicat-
ed that no single technology could be applied to the
industrial wastewater as a stand-alone treatment option.
Industrial production can also be considered a source of
significant amounts of reusable effluents. Thus, industry
should be encouraged to invest in improved water manage-
ment, more recycling, and more efficient treatments. It is
also important to raise awareness in government and various
industries in the world to invest in wastewater treatment and
recycling in order to preserve the natural water resources.
This experimental study was performed to evaluate the
efficacy of the combination technique for the treatment of
pharmaceutical wastewater (PhWW) effluent obtained
from a local site. Since the majority of the reported litera-
ture deals with simulated effluents, the current investigation
emphasizes the treatment of real industrial wastewater. Due
to the complexity of the highly polluted pharmaceutical
wastewater, various techniques in this work were used for
its treatment. The pretreatment was done by the advanced
oxidation process (Fenton), sand filtration, and ultrafiltra-
tion (UF). After that, effluent was treated by NF and RO.
Materials and Methods
Characterization of Highly Polluted Raw
Pharmaceutical Wastewater
A fresh sample of wastewater was obtained from phar-
maceutical industry and no pretreatment (decantation, fil-
tration, etc.) was done. The major physico-chemical prop-
erties are given in Table 1, column 2, including COD, con-
ductivity (κ), TOC, pH, etc., where COD indicates the con-
centration of all organic compounds that can be fully oxi-
dized using strong oxidizing agents, whereas TOC usually
indicates the amount of all the organics present in the sys-
tem. The PhWW (200 L) was stored in a plastic carboy and
used within 1 h in the treatment experiments.
The wastewater treatment process consisted of several
steps (Fig. 1), the first involving Fenton’s oxidation treat-
ment with sand filtration and UF of the PhWW to reduce
COD and TOC, among others. The second stage consisted
of a loose NF membrane and the third stage involved tight
NF and RO membranes to eliminate the salts contained in
the loose nanofiltration permeate.
Fenton’s Oxidation Experiments
The first step of the treatment was Fenton’s advanced
oxidation experiment (Fig. 1, part A). The advanced oxida-
tion processes (AOP) proved to be highly effective for the
removal of most of the pollutants in wastewaters [17]. Also,
Photo-Fenton reaction is well-known in the literature as an
efficient method for wastewater and soil treatment [18].
Furthermore, the Fenton system Fe
is one of the
most promising oxidative techniques for the abatement of
refractory and/or toxic organic pollutants in water and
wastewater [12, 19]. The high removal efficiencies of this
technique can be explained by the formation of strong
hydroxyl radical (HO˙) and oxidation of Fe
to Fe
. Both
and Fe
ions are coagulants. Therefore, the Fenton
process can have dual function in the treatment processes,
namely oxidation and coagulation. Moreover, iron is an
abundant, non-toxic element and can be easily removed,
while hydrogen peroxide is easy to handle environmentally.
The parameters affecting the Fenton process include
dosages of FeSO
and H
and operating pH. The opti-
mum pH has been found to be around 3 in the majority of
1678 Dolar D., et al.
Table 1. Wastewater analysis during the first two steps of treatment.
PhWW Effluent 1 Effluent 2
Conc. Conc. R(step 1)/% Conc. R(step 2)/%
COD (mg O
25,000 9,400 62.4 1,238 86.6
Conductivity (μS·cm
) 40,000 35,700 10.7 27,200 23.8
TOC (mg C·L
) 4,940 2.150 56.5 615.2 71.4
pH 6.00 8.24 - 7.60 -
(mg N·L
170 457 - 370 19.0
Alkalinity (mg·L
1,780 1,460 18.0 683.7 53.1
Cl¯ (mg·L
) 7,300 8,640 - 6,521 24.5
520.0 340.0 34.6 22.24 93.5
Total N (mg·L
) 4,054 498 87.7 340 31.7
Total P (mg·L
) 6.96 0.53 0.32 39.6
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cases [11, 20] and hence is recommended as the operating
pH. On the other hand, adjusting the original pH of the used
PhWW (6.0, Table 1) to the optimal range (around 3) would
consume a considerable amount of acid, increasing the treat-
ment cost. Therefore, the parameter choice should be a
tradeoff between reaction efficiency and treatment cost. Due
to economic reasons, a reduction of COD by 50% was cho-
sen as the optimal condition. The optimal concentration of
and Fe
was determined by the JAR test. The PhWW
(1 L) was treated with different concentrations of H
150 g·L
) and Fe
(0.1-110 g·L
) and various combinations
of these concentrations. The optimal dosage of H
was found to be 32 and 0.6 g·L
, respectively.
Fenton’s oxidation of PhWW was carried out in a reac-
tor as follows: firstly, Fe
catalyst was added to PhWW
from a freshly prepared FeSO
O stock solution under a
continuous bubbling of air. Thereafter, wastewater was
heated at approximately 60ºC. Then, H
was gradually
added directly to the reaction solution during 40 min. The
reaction was completed by spiking the sample with con-
centrated NaOH solution to increase the pH to 7-8. After
cooling the reaction solution to the ambient temperature,
and prior to treatment with NF and RO membranes, the
samples were filtered by the sand filter with a granulation
of 0.8-1.2 mm and UF in order to remove the formed
flocs. The sand filtration and UF were used after
the Fenton process, since the sand filter has good potential
for removing ferric precipitates that would otherwise cause
a significant flux decline and membrane fouling [21].
Ultrafiltration is very often used as a pretreatment to NF
and RO processes [22, 23]. It is a powerful tool for the
reduction of fouling potential of NF/RO membranes, which
increases the overall efficiency and is also very suitable,
since the turbidity of the influent can be up to 100 NTU.
The working pressure was 3 bar, while the active surface of
the membrane was 0.20 m
The ferrous sulfate (FeSO
O, p.a.) was purchased
from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany), while the
hydrogen peroxide solution (30%, w/w) and NaOH were all
purchased from Gram-Mol (Zagreb, Croatia).
The subsequent steps in the experiment were the mem-
brane treatment processes (Fig. 1 parts B and C).
The following procedure of NF was performed in a
pilot plant. No pH adjustment was made prior to the exper-
imental studies, since the pH values of the investigated
wastewater samples (6.0-8.45) fell within the ranges rec-
ommended by the manufacturers. The pilot plant [24] was
designed for a maximum operating pressure of 20 bar.
Effluent 1 from the pretreatment was used as feed in the
NF experiments on a pilot plant unit (Fig. 1 part B), where
a commercially available loose nanofiltration membrane,
an HL module with molecular weight cut-off (MWCO)
value of 150-300 Da, was employed. The membrane mod-
ule was spiral wound 2540: L-1000 mm and D-64 mm pro-
vided by Desal, Osmonics, GE Infrastructure Water &
Process Tech., Vista, CA. The active surface of the mem-
branes was 2.5 m
. The operation conditions during the
experiments were: the pressure feed P
-9.2 bar; the pres-
sure on membrane element P
-8 bar, and recirculation of
retentate Q-600 L·h
. The membrane module was stored in
a 1.5% sodium disulfite and before treatment of effluent 1
it was rinsed with pipe water. After the treatment, a mem-
brane module was cleaned with alkali (1.5%-RoClean
Combined Methods of Highly Polluted... 1679
Fig. 1. Scheme of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment.
Wastewater Inlet
NF membrane
RO membrane
NF membrane
NF membrane
pH Corr.
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P211, Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd) and acidic (1.5%-
RoClean P303, Avista Technologies (UK) Ltd) agents for
cleaning, washed with the pipe water and then with the
demineralized water.
The initial volume of the pretreated PhWW was 200 L
and during the operation the retentate stream was recircu-
lated to the feed tank. Therefore, the feed solution was con-
tinuously concentrated (volume reduction factor, VRP).
VRP was defined as:
...where V
represents the processed feed volume, while V
and V
represent the retentate and permeate volumes (L),
The permeate recovery was calculated according to the
following formula:
The Final Membrane Treatment
The final step was a treatment of effluent 2 with dense
nanofiltration membranes (NF90 and NF270) and reverse
osmosis membranes (XLE). All the membranes were from
Dow/FilmTec, Midland MI, and were used in laboratory
set-up as described in the previous research [25].
The aliquots collected after each step were subsequent-
ly subjected to analytical measurements.
Analytical (Environmental) Parameters
The conductivity, COD, TOC, total N, total P, free
ammonia (NH
), phosphate (PO
), nitrate (NO
¯), nitrite
¯), sulfate (SO
), chloride (Cl¯), and pH were moni-
tored. All parameters were measured three times and the
average values are given in all tables. Standard deviations
were under 11%.
Conductivity was determined by conductometer
(SCHOTT Instruments Lab 960, Germany), while concen-
trations of TOC were determined by a Shimadzu TOC-
VWS carbon analyzer (Japan). All other chemical charac-
teristics of the PhWW (mentioned in this section) before
and after treatment were analyzed according to standard
methods for the examination of water and wastewater [26].
All chemicals used throughout the experiment were at least
of analytical grade.
Results and Discussion
Characterization of the Raw Pharmaceutical
The analysis of the PhWW in terms of conventional
environmental parameters is given in Table 1, column 3. As
shown in this table, the organic content of the PhWW was
characterized by a high COD and TOC levels of around
25,000 and 5,000 mg·L
, respectively. These results indi-
cate that the PhWW contained a very high load of organic
matter. The high concentrations of total N (4,054 mg·L
and total P (6.96 mg·L
) can have great impact on the envi-
ronment. The most common problem with the effluents dis-
charged in the environment from the municipal or industri-
al plants is eutrophication. This phenomenon is responsible
for the dramatic growth of algae occurring in the internal
and the coastal waters. Also, a significant fraction of total N
and total P may:
(1) accumulate in soils
(2) move from the land into surface waters
(3) migrate into groundwaters
(4) enter the atmosphere via ammonia volatilization and
nitrous oxide production
Also, the PhWW was characterized by very high con-
ductivity, ammonium, and chloride concentrations of
40,000 μS·cm
, 170 mg·L
, and 7,300 mg·L
, respectively.
According to the presented results, the selected PhWW
was highly polluted pharmaceutical wastewater and has to
be treated combining several treatments. The choice in this
work was Fenton process, sand filtration, UF, NF, and RO
in order to meet maximum contaminant levels (MCL
) for
the discharged effluent in natural aquifers or sewer systems.
Fenton Process, Sand Filtration,
and Ultrafiltration
Analysis of effluent 1 (PhWW after Fenton process,
sand filtration and UF) is given in Table 1, column 3. The
results show that the above-mentioned processes reduced
COD and TOC for 62% and 56%, respectively. A little
lower decrease of TOC value compared to COD implies
that some of the organic compounds were degraded into
organic byproducts instead of being mineralized to CO
O. The conductivity was still high (reduced for 10%),
due to the addition of FeSO
during the Fenton process. The
total N and total P were satisfactorily removed, 88% and
95%, respectively. The concentration of total P decreased
below MCL
, but the concentrations of total N and other
parameters were above MCL
values and required addi-
tional treatment.
Nanofiltration Using the Looser Membranes
Effluent 1 was further treated by nanofiltration on the
pilot plant using an HL membrane spiral wound module.
Column 4 of Table 1 presents results from the beginning
(first hour) of the nanofiltration procedure. The COD and
TOC contents during step 2 were additionally reduced for
86.6 and 71.4%, respectively. According to these results, it
can be concluded that the effluent after NF contains a high
concentration of ions and organic components of low mol-
ecular mass. This could have been expected due to the HL
membrane pore size bigger than 0.71 nm [25] and MWCO
between 150-300 Da. The conductivity was reduced only
for 24%, due to the very high initial conductivity value
1680 Dolar D., et al.
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(35,000 μS·cm
). Dolar et al. [25] reduced conductivity
with the same membrane for 66%, but with much lower
conductivity in the feed (2,000 μS·cm
). At this stage of
treatment two parameters were below MCL
(sulfate and
total P).
The initial volume of the PhWW was 200 L, and after
the treatment there was 15 L of retentate, so VRP and recov-
ery were 13.3 and 92.5%, respectively. A recovery higher
than 90% shows that the volume of the retentate can be
small compared to the large amount of the PhWW influent.
Final Step –
Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis
The feed sample for the last step of the treatment
(NF/RO treatment) was fractions (10 L) of the whole
amount of permeate after the nanofiltration treatment with
HL membrane. The results of step 3 are presented in Table
2. The differences between the initial content of the step 2
permeate (effluent 2) and the feed concentration values in
Table 2 (2
column) were caused by the changing separa-
tion effect during batch circulation mode of step 2. Namely,
the feed during step 2 became more and more concentrated
and therefore the membrane rejection gradually decreased,
which is a well-known effect in batch membrane processes
[27, 28].
The last two columns of Table 2 present the MCL
ues for discharging the treated water to a sewer system or
natural aquifers (surface water), according to Croatian
Environmental law NN 94/2008. The data in Table 2 obvi-
ously show that the reverse osmosis XLE membrane pro-
vided the highest COD (97.1%), TOC (92.2%) and the con-
ductivity (96.2%) reduction in the NF/RO process, while
the nanofiltration NF270 membrane showed the lowest
efficiency (79.8%, 63.3%, and 93.4%). This also is in
agreement with the MWCO values and pore sizes of the
investigated membranes. According to Košutić et al. [29],
pore sizes were 0.67 nm for XLE, 0.81 nm for NF90, and
0.90 + 1.56 nm for NF270, while the membranes’ thin layer
porosity (pore size and pore size distribution) were deter-
mined indirectly by the solute transport method using the
fine-pore model. At the operating pressure of 25 bar, the
COD, TOC, and κ values of the permeate (effluent) from
NF90 membrane were 288.1 mg·L
(93.9%), 155.2 mg·L
(90.2%), and 1,835 µS·cm
(94.2%), respectively. The sep-
aration efficiency of the NF90 membrane was very close to
that of the reverse osmosis XLE membrane, because the
active layer structure of the tight NF membrane (NF90) was
at the narrow pore end of the NF separation range. The
results of the other measured parameters show high effi-
ciencies with all the examined membranes.
The obtained fluxes were in agreement with the theory,
because according to the MWCO of the membranes used,
the flux sequence should be J(NF270) > J(NF90) > J(XLE).
The effectiveness of the whole treatment (Fenton, sand
filtration, UF, NF, and RO) is presented in the last column
of Table 3. These results indicate that the combination of
the selected treatments was appropriate for this kind of
highly polluted wastewater, because the reduction of mea-
sured parameters was higher than 90%.
A comparison of the results of the current study with
those obtained in previous research on the use of these
membranes for the distinct type of wastewaters shows good
agreement. The COD reduction in this research is consis-
tent with previous works [30, 31]. There are deviations for
a few percentages, but this was to be expected due to depen-
dency on the wastewater characteristics and operating con-
The results obtained in this study show that the PhWW
treated in this manner could be discharged to the sewer sys-
tem, but for discharge to surface waters the approach needs
to be further investigated. The next step of this work will be
to find a treatment to meet MCL
for the discharge to the
surface water or natural aquifers.
Combined Methods of Highly Polluted... 1681
Feed NF90 NF270 XLE
Surface water
Sewer system
COD (mg O
4,725 288.1 952.0 136.4 125 700
Conductivity (µS·cm
) 31,800 1,835 2,100 1,200 - -
TOC (mg C·L
) 1,579 155.2 580.0 123.1 30 -
pH 7.75 8.60 8.06 n.s. 6.50-9.00 6.50-9.50
471 83.0 336 90 10 -
Cl¯ (mg·L
) 6,966 290 5,886 147 - d.s.
14.60 0 1.27 0 250 d.s.
Total N (mg·L
) 523 93.0 281 105 10 d.s.
Total P (mg·L
) 0.18 n.s. 0.08 n.s. 2 d.s.
J (L·m
) - 40.31 98.50 26.41 - -
Table 2. The permeate analysis after NF/RO treatment with flux for each membrane and the corresponding MCL
n.s. – no sample
d.s. – determined separately for discharge into public sewer system if the collection system has wastewater treatment plant
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From the results presented above, the following major
conclusions were drawn:
The combined treatment, including Fenton process,
the sand filter, UF, NF, and RO, used in the treatment
of this pharmaceutical wastewater proved to be effec-
The optimum concentrations of Fe
and H
Fenton process were 0.6 g·L
and 32 g·L
, respectively,
and the pretreatment was found to be effective in the
reduction of COD, TOC, total N, and total P. It can be
considered as an effective pretreatment of this type of
The additional decline of measured parameters was
achieved by membrane processes. With NF and RO
membranes, COD, TOC, conductivity, SO
, total N,
and total P were lowered for 90-99%, 73-94%, 94-97%,
99-100%, 44-81%, and 75%, respectively. Other para-
meters declined more than 30%.
The recovery, which was greater than 90%, significant-
ly reduced the volume of retentate (effluent) for further
treatment or disposal.
The treated effluent could be discharged to the sewer
system under the condition that the appropriate wastewater
monitoring and sampling facilities are installed. The waste-
water flow and composition should be measured by the
wastewater producers and checked by the authorities on a
regular basis.
This work has been supported by the Croatian Ministry
of Education, Science, and Sport projects: 125-1253008-
3009 (Membrane and adsorption processes for removal of
organic compounds in water treatment) and 125-1253008-
2571 (Water purification and stabilization in large water
supply systems).
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(mg N·L
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520.0 99.7-100
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) 6.96 98.8
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Combined Methods of Highly Polluted... 1683
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... Pharmaceutical effluents have a greater impact on human health and environmental exposure due to their acute toxicity, genotoxicity, and mutagenic effects [1]. It is challenging to treat pharmaceutical wastewater to meet with the effluent standards because of the different types of drug production in the pharmaceutical industry [2]. e disposal of such effluent without proper treatment will cause harmful effects to the human as well as the environment [3]. A common treatment method cannot be employed to treat all pharmaceutical effluent because of its different composition [4]. ...
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The treatment of pharmaceutical effluent using an appropriate technology has become so important. Anaerobic packed bed reactor is an efficient method for pharmaceutical effluent treatment because of the high organic content present in it. In this study, a heavy-polluted pharma effluent is treated using an anaerobic packed bed reactor. The performance of the anaerobic reactor was identified with respect to chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal, methane yield, and gas production. The results showed that COD was reduced from 73% to 60% for an organic loading rate (OLR) of 0.6036–1.7487 kg COD m−3·d−1. As the OLR increases, the removal efficiency of COD decreases gradually to around 52% for an OLR of 2.34 kg COD m−3·d−1.
... Pharmaceutical waste water is one of the areas where Fenton oxidation has been largely tried. In a study on removing pharmaceuticals from real wastewater where Fenton process was combined with ultrafiltration (UF), sand filtration, reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) resulted in the recovery above 90% [61]. In another study efficiency of pharmaceutical compounds degradation was compared for Fenton reaction, a modified Fenton reaction and different degradation (by wood-rotting fungi, algae and enzymes at effluent versus influent). ...
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Inefficiency of conventional methods of water treatment towards removal of pharmaceutical traces from waste water has raised a global concern. This has always resulted in pharmaceutical traces entering the environments. The effect of allowing effluents with untreated or partially treated pharmaceuticals have been documented for aquatic life. This type of waste has potential health risk to human even at low concentration. In most of developing countries, these wastes are not regulated. While looking at the ways to regulate and monitor of this type of pollutant, it should go hand to hand with increasing the efficiency of removing them from waste water. In this review methods capable of degrading pharmaceuticals at different efficiencies have been explained from those based on adsorption, biological and chemical advanced oxidation processes. Also, some areas for further research have been proposed.
... Zaključili su da kombinacija anaerobnog i aerobnog reaktora vrlo uspješno uklanja oksitetraciklin iz voda s iskorištenjem većim od 95%. Dolar et al. (2013.) ispitali su djelotvornost kombinacije Fentonovog procesa, pješčane filtracije, NF, UF i RO za obradu visoko opterećene otpadne vode iz farmaceutske industrije (KPK=25000 mg dm -3 , TOC=4940 mg dm -3 , κ=40000 mg dm -3 , UN=4054 mg dm -3 ).Tijekom predtretmana (Fenton, pješčani filter, UF) uklanjanje KPK, TOC, κ i UN iznosilo je 62%, 56%, 10% i 88%. ...
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The consumption of pharmaceuticals for human and veterinary uses shows an upward trend, as well as their release into the environment. Pharmaceuticals are found in discharges after wastewater treatment, in surface waters, soil and tap water. Although these concentrations are generally low, there is a growing concern about the possible long-term effects on humans and aquatic organisms due to a prolonged exposure to these compounds. The treatment of such water is very specific and complex, and regularly requires a combination of different treatment methods to render such water harmless and fulfil the legislative criteria for discharges into the environment. The paper lists the sources and potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on the environment and includes data about the composition of wastewater generated in the production of pharmaceuticals in the process of Chemical synthesis, with indications of exact phases in the process when they are generated. An overview of conventional and advanced treatment methods, including their advantages and shortcomings, is also provided.
... To dispose and develop the riverway is neither equal to build high buildings along the 10,000,000 m 2 riverway nor to fossick in the river bed, but to program and devise reasonably according to different positions. Shiyan shall never follow the same old disastrous road such as sluicing to create manmade lakes or water parks, or to pollute the environment and waste resources [12]. ...
The city of Shiyan in Hubei Province is the largest city in the source of the South to North Water Diversion Project in China. The water of this project will be sent to Beijing, so water quality is very important. In the city district there is a 100 km river along a cross-strait with high-rise buildings, dense population, and converged sewage straight flow to the river. In our paper, the design of the "Ming change dark" river closure project can fundamentally solve the city environmental pollution problems, improve the source water quality without any menace from the "rears," and make Shiyan's green economy grow rapidly. On the other hand, this "city agriculture" new thinking will completely change the serious situation of arable land area, which is decreasing year by year in the world. The exploitation of the riverway is an opportunity for Shiyan. It is a green project meaningful to the city's continuing development.
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The rapid increase in population poses a grave threat to environmental sustainability and water availability. India's pharma industry holds the 3rd position globally in pharmaceutical production by volume. However, the industry's wastewater contains harmful substances such as high concentrations of organic matter, microbial toxicity, salts, and non-biodegradable compounds, posing a significant danger to human health and the ecosystem. Regularly assessing wastewater discharge against regulatory standards is vital to ensure water safety. The presence of emerging contaminants in natural and drinking water directly jeopardises water quality and the survival of aquatic life. Advanced treatment methods are imperative, as trace amounts of solids and organic matter can persist even after secondary treatment. Treating pharmaceutical wastewater is particularly challenging due to the wide variety of products produced in the industry. The Advanced Oxidation Process is a highly effective technology for removing pollutants from wastewater. It is crucial to implement safe and effective treatment methods to mitigate the impact of pharmaceutical wastewater. This paper critically evaluates AOPs and their ability to treat pharmaceutical wastewater, providing valuable insights into pharmaceutical industry wastewater, the significance and characteristics of pharmaceutical wastewater, their impact on human health and the ecosystem, various treatment methods, and different AOPs employed for treating pharmaceutical wastewater in detail.
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This review of literature published in 2013 focuses on waste related to chemical and allied products. The topics cover the waste management practices, hospital waste, perfume waste, pesticide waste, chemical wastewater, pesticide wastewater and pharmaceutical wastewater. The other topics include aerobic treatment, anaerobic treatment, sorption and ozonation.
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Textile industries consume substantial volumes of water and chemicals for wet processing of textiles. Effluent discharge from textile industries to neighbouring water bodies and wastewater treatment systems is currently causing significant health concerns. Chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) involves the use of chemical coagulants to enhance the coagulation or flocculation of wastewater particles. The chemicals of aluminum sulphate (alum), ferric chloride (FeCl3) and cationic polymer were studied by jar test to select the most suitable coagulant for effective treatment of textile industrial effluents. The results showed that the optimum dosage for the removal of 75% of colour, 64% turbidity and 69% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was 300 ppm of alum after pH adjustment at pH = 7.2. An experiment further revealed that the addition of 300 mg 1-1 of alum and 1 mg 1-1 of polymer could provide a reduction of colour, turbidity, COD and phosphorous higher than 95%, 75%, 76% and 90%, respectively. The experimental results confirmed that CEPT can be adopted as a decolorization of textile industrial effluents. Moreover, it can improve sludge setting and dehydration properties, and decrease the treatment cost.
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In this study a recently built NF/RO pilot unit for removal of emerging contaminants from a plant producing veterinary pharmaceuticals was tested. A wastewater stream of the plant, containing residuals of antibiotics and other organics was treated by three different types of reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration membranes: XLE, NF90 and HL. Target compounds selected for this study included three different classes of antibiotics: sulphonamides, diaminopyrimidine and fluoroquinolone. A developed chromatographic method for determination of pharmaceuticals in a complex wastewater was applied. The method involved a sample pretreatment by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and analytical determination by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with DAD detectors. The results showed the complete removal of all the antibiotics by the typical RO XLE membrane and by the tight nanofiltration membrane NF90. Only the loose nanofiltration membrane element HL incompletely rejected the smaller sulphonamide molecules. The satisfactory rejection of other solutes from a complex wastewater stream was also obtained.
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The objective of this study was to investigate distinctive reverse osmosis (RO)/nanofiltration (NF) membrane characteristics that could be used to describe the porosity of the membrane’s active layer without resorting to theoretical models. From the membrane’s flux dependency on pressure, two characteristic parameters were determined: (1) the susceptibility of the active layer structure under pressure and (2) the membrane’s pure water permeability. The significance of the characteristic parameters was confirmed by relating them to the pore size distributions (PSD) and to the effective number of pores, N in the active membrane layer. The examined RO/NF membranes were classified according to the values of the characteristic parameters, and the classification was illustrated by determining the membranes’ rejection properties for various, mostly organic solutes.
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A coupledcoagulation–Fenton process was applied for the treatment of cosmetic industry effluents. In a first step, FeSO4 was used as coagulant and the non-precipitated Fe2+ remaining in dissolution was used as catalyst in the further Fenton process. In the coagulation process a huge decrease in total organic carbon (TOC) was achieved, but the high concentration of phenol derivatives was not diminished. The decrease in TOC in the coagulation step significantly reduces the amount of H2O2 required in the Fenton process for phenol depletion. The coupled process, using a H2O2 dose of only 2 g l−1, reduced TOC and total phenol to values lower than 40 and 0.10 mg l−1, respectively. The short reaction period (less than 15 min) in TOC and phenol degradation bodes well for improving treatment in a continuous regime. The combination of both processes significantly reduced the ecotoxicity of raw effluent and markedly increased its biodegradability, thus allowing easier treatment by the conventional biological units in conventional sewage treatment plants (STPs).
In order to upgrade the quality of anaerobically treated effluent to a level recommended for irrigation, integration of a UASB reactor with UV and AOPs (advanced oxidation processes) (Ozone, H2O2/UV, Fenton, and photo-Fenton) could be a better option for almost complete colour, COD removal, and disinfection of pathogens. High efficiency of the UASB can be maintained by proper process conditions, including temperature, sludge age, pH, hydraulic retention time, and gas-liquid-solid separator (GLSS) design. A fraction of the COD and colour is usually non-biodegradable and renders difficulty for anaerobic digestion. AOPs degrade the organic molecules and converting completely the organic compounds to non-toxic components such as CO2 and/or water. As far as disinfection is concerned, advanced oxidation processes are proved to be extremely effective in killing pathogens (total coliform, fecal coliform, fecal streptococci, salmonella, and E. coli) due to their strong oxidative characters. Although AOPs effectively accomplish pathogen elimination, re-growth of pathogenic microorganisms can take place in the treated effluent. Re-growth potential of pathogens provides helpful information about the quality of the treated water, which is very important in all possible reuse options. The combined application of AOPs with anaerobic treatment minimizes the chances of regrowth due to irreparable damage to nucleic acid. This review paper focuses primarily on the process conditions and treatment efficiency for UASB treatment systems, and to evaluate the advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) as an option for post treatment.
This paper reviews the performance of MBR in treating high strength industrial wastewater. The scope covers the operation, constraints and mitigation of the system in general views. High strength wastewater can be successfully treated by using membrane bioreactor (MBR) in different conditions according to the types and characteristics of wastewater and also MBR parameters operational control. High strength wastewater contains fats, oil and grease or other organic or inorganic compounds in great amount according to the types of sources that take part. Several factors need to be taken into consideration during the operation such as hydraulic retention time (HRT), solid retention time (SRT), mix liquor suspended solid (MLSS), food to microorganism (F/M), transmembrane pressure (TMP) and flux. Fouling factors need to be taken seriously because they are the major problems affecting the performance of the MBR and quality of the effluent. There are specific methods to reduce and clean the clogging membrane depending on the level of severity of the fouling. Besides that, the performance of MBR in removing soluble organic waste can be increased by adding a fouling reducer such as powdered activated carbon (PAC).
Integration of ozone and granular activated carbon (GAC) was applied to treat highly concentrated real wastewater from chemical industry. The results revealed that the integrated process had more advantages than the individual ozonation and GAC adsorption. The integrated process enhanced COD removal, increased ozone utilization and avoided frequent GAC regeneration. The pH value was found to exert a great effect on COD removal; a positive effect on COD removal was more pronounced at basic conditions than at acidic conditions. Furthermore, there were some differences in reaction mechanisms at different pH conditions, as confirmed by FTIR and SEM analysis. At the acidic conditions, the primary reaction mechanism was adsorption–ozonation regeneration, while at the basic conditions, GAC adsorption ability was restrained, and the primary mechanism was catalytic oxidation.
This paper focuses on the applicability of microfiltration (MF)/ultrafiltration (UF) as a pretreatment to nanofiltration (NF) for the reclamation of rinsing waters of indigo dyeing process. Two different MF alternatives, single 5 μm MF and sequential 5 μm+0.45 μm MF, were evaluated as prefiltration to improve the performance of the proceeding UF stage. UF tests performed after 5 μm MF using 100 kDa, 50 kDa, 20 kDa, 2 kDa and 1 kDa membranes have indicated that all the UF membranes provided the same cumulative color retention of 98–99%. However, in terms of COD retention, UF membranes presented different performances and the highest retentions were by both 50 kDa (56%) and 100 kDa (59%) membranes. As regards permeation rate, 100 kDa and 50 kDa UF membranes appeared to have the highest flux decline due to fouling. When sequential MF (5 μm+0.45 μm) was adopted to decrease this fouling, 0.45 μm MF before UF was found not to provide any significant improvement. Thus, single stage 5 μm MF followed by 100 kDa UF was selected as the best prefiltration train to NF that permits the textile producer to reclaim indigo dyeing wastewater.
The potential of enhancing As(III) removal was investigated in a pilot study for the process of oxidation, precipitation and direct sand filtration as pretreatment before ultrafiltration. The pretreatment effectively facilitated As(III) removal and residual arsenic was below 10 μg/L for membrane effluent. Sand filters exhibit good potential for removing ferric precipitates with adsorbed arsenic, and membrane filtration is more significant in controlling effluent turbidity in this process. Permanganate was more promising than chlorine in this process, mainly ascribing to the positive seeding effects of in situ formed hydrous MnO2(s) and the formation of larger floc. A bench-scale study demonstrated the remarkable influence of in situ formed hydrous MnO2(s) on flocculant aggregation. The widely presented silicate (10 mg/L as Si) showed remarkable negative effects on arsenic removal. The process is effective in enhancing As(III) removal as a pretreatment for ultrafiltration; however, arsenic removal should be enhanced while silicate presenting to assure residual arsenic below 10 μg/L.