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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): A Guide to Best Practice

  • Independent Researcher


This first hands-on guide to ISO-compliant Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) makes this powerful tool immediately accessible to both professionals and students. Following a general introduction on the philosophy and purpose of LCA, the reader is taken through all the stages of a complete LCA analysis, with each step exemplified by real-life data from a major LCA project on beverage packaging. Measures as carbon and water footprint, based on the most recent international standards and definitions, are addressed. Written by two pioneers of LCA, this practical volume is targeted at first-time LCA users but equally makes a much-valued reference for more experienced practitioners. From the content: Goal and Scope Definition; Life Cycle Inventory Analysis; Life Cycle Impact Assessment; Interpretation, Reporting and Critical Review; From LCA to Sustainability Assessment and more.
To date Life Cycle Assessment (German: “Ökobilanz”) is a method
defined by standards ISO EN 14040 and 14044 to analyse environmental
aspects and impact of product systems. Introduction of the method in
chapters 2 to 5 therefore relates to these standards. As preliminaries, scope
and development of the method are introduced in this chapter.
What is meant by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?
Definition and Limitations
According to our knowledge, the German term Ökobilanz, in the sense of
“ecological balance” or later named life cycle assessment, (LCA), was
initially used in a study by the Environmental Confederation Agency of
Switzerland1. This study had a great influence on the issue, especially in
German speaking countries and from here results the colloquial expression
which is more adequately termed Life Cycle Assessment in English.
In the introductory part of International Standard ISO 140402 serving as
framework, LCA is defined as follows:
A life cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life cycle analysis,
ecobalance) is a technique for an product related estimation of
environmental aspects and impact … LCA assesses each and every impact
associated with all stages of a process from cradle-to-grave (i.e., from raw
materials through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use,
repair, maintenance, and disposal or recycling.”
A similar definition of LCA had been adopted as early as 1993 by the
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)3 in its
“Code of Practice”4.
1German: Schweitzer Bundesamt für Umweltschutz; BUS, 1984
2ISO 1997
3 Foundation year 1979
4 SETAC 1993
Similar definitions can be found in basic guidelines of DIN-NAGUS5 as
well as in the “Nordic Guidelines”6 commissioned by Scandinavian
Ministers of the Environment.
Those deliberate limitations of an LCA to analysis and valuation of
environmental impacts has as consequence that the method is restricted
to only quantify7 one, an ecological, aspect of persistence (see Chapter 6).
The exclusion of economical and social factors separates LCA from
product line analysis (PLA) and similar methods8. This separation was
made to avoid a method overload being aware of the fact that with a
development of persistent products these factors cannot and must not be
Life Cycle of a Product
The main idea of an analysis cradle-to-grave or life cycle is illustrated,
simplified, in Fig 1.1. Starting point for building a product tree is the
production of an end product plus the phase of operation. Further
diversification of the boxes in Fig. 1.1 into singular processes, so called
process units as well as the inclusion of transports, diverse energy supply,
by-products, etc. turn this simplistic scheme even with simple products
into very complex “product trees” (diverse raw material and energy
supply, interim products, by-products, waste management including
diverse disposal types or recycling).
Fig. 1.1 Simplified life cycle of an (industrial) product
Interconnected process units (life cycle of product tree) form a system. At
the centre will be a product, a process, a service or human activity 10- in
the widest sense. In an LCA, systems serving a specific function and
which therefore have a benefit will be analysed.
Therefore the benefit of a system will be the actual factor of
comparison for a comparison of products. It is regarded as the sole
5 DIN-Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes (NAGUS), Germany, 1994
6 Lindfors et al. 1995
7 Klöpffer 2003, 2008
8 Projektgruppe Ökologische Wirtschaft 1987; O‘Brien et al. 1996
9 Klöpffer 2008
10 SETAC 1993
correct basis for the definition of a “functional unit”11.
Functional Unit
Besides an analysis cradle-to-grave that is thinking in systems, life cycles
or production trees, the functional unit is the other basic term in an LCA
and should therefore already be explained here:
The benefit of a beverage packing is besides a shielding of the liquid
above all transportability and storability. A functional unit will most
frequently be defined as an eligibility of 1000 L liquid in a way to obtain a
technical supply of benefit. This function can for instance be mapped as
follows with packing specifications arbitrarily chosen:
- 5000 0.2 L12 sachets
- 2000 0.5 L reusable bottles of glass
- 1000 1 L single-use beverage cardboard
- 500 2 L PET single-use bottles
Thus, for a comparison of packing systems, the life cycle of 500 barrels,
2000 bottles, 1000 cardboards and 500 2 L PET bottles needs to be
analysed and compared, or four systems serving roughly the same benefit.
Slight variations of benefit (convenience, e.g. weight, customer
orientation, aesthetics, performance, advertising and other commercially
exploitable side effects) do not have to interfere in the simplistic example.
It is important to note that systems (not products) with similar benefit are
compared13. By this it is also possible to compare industrial products
(goods) with services, as long as they have a same or very similar benefit.
Within a LCA, products are defined as goods and services. As with
products, services require energy, transport, etc. Therefore it is possible to
define services as systems and to compare them with industrial product
systems on the basis of equivalent benefit by means of the functional unit.
LCA as System Analysis
11 Fleischer and Schmidt 1996
12 1L = 2.1 PT
13 Boustead 1996
Differently put, a LCA is based on a simplified system analysis.
Simplification consists of extensive linearisation (see system boundary and
cut-off criteria in Section 2.2). Interconnections of parts of the life cycle of
a product which always exist in reality, lead to extremely complex
relationships in the modelling. There are nevertheless possibilities to
handle the formation of loops and other deviations from linear structure
e.g. by an iterative approach or matrices calculus14.
LCA deals with a comparison of product systems not products. What is
meant by this?
Within the product segment towel dispenser, paper towels and fabric
caster are distinguished. The fabric needs to be cleaned to fulfil its
function. This means, the cleansing process (detergent, water and energy
consumption) is part of the product system and must surely be
considered. Washing machines must be applied for cleaning.
Does the production of washing machines also have to be considered?
They are made of steel which is assembled of ore which needs to be
produced etc. Limitations are therefore necessary. On the other hand
nothing essential may be omitted.
System analysis and the selection of system boundaries are therefore
important tasks within a LCA.
The main advantage of this approach lies in its abilities to easily detect
deferrals of environmental loads, so called trade-offs, which for example
occur within substitutions: it is of no use if environmental loads are
seemingly eliminated if, later on or at different places, in different life
cycles or environmental media additional problems will occur, or if an
unrelated entry or resource consumption is involved.
It is not arguable that in rare cases especially in health threatening
circumstances (e.g. substitution of hazardous substances) decisions
categorized as suboptimal must be made.
As fossil resources diminish, substitution of raw material by renewable
14 Heijungs 1997; Heijungs and Suh 2002
resources is an objective of science and development.
By LCA, variants of loose-fill packing substances such as polystryol and
potato starch15 have e.g. been examined As production processes of both
material fundamentally differ, a thorough analysis is necessary. For
instance, the overall agricultural system including growth, maintenance,
and harvest needs to be considered during the production of raw material,
in the other case the raw oil production. Other life cycles of loose-fill
packings differ depending on type of raw material. It cannot be decided
at first sight whether substitution on the basis of raw material will have
an ecological advantage or not.
LCA and Operational Life Cycle Assessment
There is always a risk of problem shift if spatial boundaries and those of
time have been over restrictive. This is often the case, if only operational
life cycle assessments (misguidedly termed ecobalance of the enterprise or
ecobalance without supplementary explanation) have been conducted. If
for instance the system boundary is set equal to site of the enterprise, an
adjustment to the fundamental concept of LCA is not made: Neither the
production of deliveries nor their disposal is considered. Transports,
outsourcing and parts of waste removal will not be accounted.
Pseudo Improvement by Outsourcing
The manufacturer of fine foods had intended not only to advertise his
products based on taste and salubriousness but also by environmental
aspects. For this, data concerning energy and water consumption was
procured in an operational life cycle assessment to allow an allocation of
the salad composition. Potato salad had an immense water supply, the
reason being that potatoes were usually covered by earth and had to be
cleaned. The waste water was then assigned to the potato salad. Some
weeks later water supply per salad had drastically diminished. This was
not due to an innovation on the cleansing gadget but because the washing
had been outsourced to another enterprise. For this reason washing water
did not occur in the operational life cycle assessment
15 Bifa/IFEU/Flo-Pak 2002
Nevertheless operational life cycle assessment may for many applications
be useful, for example as data base in an environmental management
A simple consideration shows that operational life cycle assessments
provide data bases for product life cycle assessment: every process for the
production of e.g. 500 g potato salad in screwed cap glasses takes place at
a specific place at a specific time. If data, e.g. for energy and water
consumption of the system “1000 screw cap glasses, each containing 500g
potato salad, cucumber, egg and yoghurt dressing” has to be procured,
every company that is part of production and transport of the packed
product as well as businesses for waste disposal, must have their processes
analysed in such a way that these could be allocated to the original
product. This is not trivial: an agricultural corporation, generally does not
only produce milk, dairies not only yoghurt, the manufacturer of glass
manufactures provides glasses for diverse customers, etc. If all entities
involved in the manufacture of the product already disposed of a LCA
containing product related data, these results could be merged. Product
related data acquisition is nevertheless not common practice in operational
life cycle assessments.
Coupling of such operational life cycle assessments along the life cycle of
products would provide the possibility of chaining of agents17. Agents that
are part of a product system could detect and realize a common potential
for optimization. A new state of mind inclined to thinking and, by far,
acting in life cycles (Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycles Management
LCM) may emerge.
Early LCAs
Life Cycle Assessment is a recent technology but not as recent as many
believe. There are approaches to life cycle thinking in literature. Scottish
economist and biologist Patrick Geddes has as early as in the 80s of 19th
century developed a procedure which can serve as precursor for LCA18.
16 Braunschweig and Müller-Wenk 1993; Beck 1993; Schaltegger 1996
17 Udo de Haes and De Snoo 1996, 1997
18 Quoted by Suter et al. 1995
His interest was focused on energy supply, especially of coal.
First LCAs in the modern sense were conducted around the 1970s termed
“Resource and Environmental Pacific Analysis (REPA)” at Midwest
Research Institute in the USA19. As with nearly all early LCAs or “proto-
LCs”20 these were an analysis of resource consumption and releases of
product systems, so called inventories without impact assessment. To date
such studies are mostly called life inventory-LCA studies21. The new
comparative method was first applied for a comparison of beverage
packing. The same applies for the first LCA conducted in Germany22. The
latter was done under an administration of B. Oberbacher in 1972 at the
Battelle-Institute in Frankfurt. The method developed by Franklin and
Hunt was applied with an additional procurement of costs, among others
those of disposal. It is interesting to observe that light polyethylene sachets
now and later on obtained best results23.
Similar early LCAs were conducted by Ian Boustead in the UK24 and
Gustav Sundström in Sweden25. Also Swiss studies26 date back to the
1970s. They were conducted at the EMPA in St. Gallen, see memories of
Paul Fink, former director of the EMPA27.
Environmental Background
Why did the development of LCA start in the 1970s? At least two reasons
can be determined:
1. Rising problems of waste (therefore studies on packing)
2. Short-cuts in energy supply, acknowledgement of limited resources
While the former issue was introduced into a just emerging politics of the
environment, public awareness for the latter was raised by the bestseller
“Limits to Growth” and the report to the Club of Rome28. Something must
have been in the air because the book caused a sensation in the year of its
19 Hunt and Franklin 1996
20 Klöpffer 2006
21 ISO 1997
22 Oberbacher et al. 1996
23 Schmitz et al. 1995
24 Boustead 1996
25 Lundholm and Sundström 1985, 1986
26 BUS 1984
27 Fink 1997
28 Meadows et al: 1972, 1973
publication 1972. To date one refers to a change of paradigm taking place:
throw away mentality of post war generation was suddenly under scrutiny.
Theory was confirmed by reality by the first oil crises in 1973. Estimations
in the study concerning the time for exhaustion of resources had been too
rigid, in this respect it was over-pessimistic, it however demonstrates the
vulnerability of an industrial society which to a great extend relies on
crude oil. To date, nothing has changed, on the contrary.
System analysis, well known by specialists for some time since, has had its
breakthrough as a commonly accepted method. The International Institute
for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) at Laxenburg, Vienna, was
founded. In Germany, there have been car-free Sundays to which everyone
adhered, and a spirit of optimism, to date unimaginable, a plethora of ideas
on how alternative as well as common resources of energy could be used
more efficiently. Some of them were realized, but most of them not (yet).
Energy Analysis
On this background it is not surprising that initially an energy analysis or
process chain analysis theoretically evolved as an important contribution
to life cycle analysis29 (see Chapter 3). In Germany this development was
mainly promoted by Professor Schäfer at Technical University in
Munich30 but also in industry31. A (primary) energy demand summarized
through all steps of the life cycle was formerly named “equivalent energy
value”. Recently the expression cumulated energy demand (CED)32
By way of political solutions to the oil crisis in the 1980s an interest in
LCA and its precursors declined to experience a totally unexpected upraise
at the end of the decade.
The 1980s
Studies on LCA were sparse in the first half of the 1980s. An exception
form the study of BUS, later Federal Agency for Environment, Forestry
29 Mauch and Schäfer 1996
30 Mauch and Schäfer 1996; Eyrer 1996
31 Kindler and Nikles 1978, 1979
32 VDI 1997
and Agriculture, Bern33, which has already been named, a thesis by
Marina Franke at TU Berlin34 and the development of product line
analysis (PLA) by the Ökoinstitut35. PLA supersedes LCA as it includes
an analysis on demand (DA), social (SA) and economical aspects (EA):
PLA = BA + LCA + SA + EA
It therefore comprises all three concepts of sustainability according to the
Brundlandt-Commission36 (see Chapter 6) and Agenda 2137 which passed
legislation at UNO World Conference in Rio de Janeiro, 1992.
The SETAC38 Contribution
A strong upraise of interest in LCA in Europe and North America -where
the designation life cycle analysis and assessment originated- was met by
two international conferences as a starting point for a new development.
In 1990 a workshop was organized by Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) in Smugglers Notch39 on A
Technical Framework for Life Cycle Assessment. One month later a
European workshop took place on the same topic in Leuven39.
In Smugglers Notch a famous LCA triangle was conceptualized, later
persiflaged as “holy triangle” (Fig.1.2). From 1990 to 1993 SETAC and
SETAC Europe were leading agents in the development, harmonization
and standardization of LCA. Their reports40 concerning the development
of the methodology were only superseded by German “Ecobalance of
Packings 1990”41, updated in 1996 and 199842. The UBA study in 1992
also had great influence43. A French adoption of history and methodology,
“L'Ecobilan”, was published44.
Special contributions from the Centre of Environment of University
Leiden (CML) under the leadership of Professor Helias de Haes were
33 BUS 1984
34 Franke 1984
35 Projektgruppe Ökologische Wirtschaft 1987
36 World Commission on Environment and Development 1987
37 Agenda 21: UNO 1982
38 Klöpffer 2006
39 Leuven 1990
40 SETAC 1991, 1993; SETAC Europe 1992; Fava et al. 1993,1994
41 BUWAL 1991
42 BUWAL 1996, 1998
43 UBA 1992
44 Blouet and Rivoire 1995
appreciated in a socio-economic study by Gabathuler45 and in a special
issue of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment46. Greatest
achievement of CML was without doubt a stronger focus on ecological
aspects of LCA compared to previously more technical ones. Nevertheless,
a prior Swiss LCA had already featured a simple method of impact
analysis47. In practice, the CML method tended to overstress chemical
releases in the impact analysis, at the same time due to an absence of
generally adhered indicators an overuse of natural resources such as
minerals, fossils, biology and land was shielded48 (see Chapter 4).
Structure of LCA
Structure according to SETAC
A first attempt to introduce a structure into LCA was the SETAC triangle
of 1990/91 already quoted.
<<Fig. 1.2>>
Fig. 1.2 The SETAC-triangle in LCA guidelines (“Code of Practice”)49
The original components of SETAC 1990/91 were adapted by the UBA50
Berlin in 1992 as
- LCA, Inventory
- Impact Analysis
- Improvement Analysis
Here LCA, formerly called inventory, means material and energy analysis
of the examined system from cradle-to-grave. The resulting inventory
table contains a list of all inputs and outputs (see Fig. 1.3 and Chapter 3).
“Bare numbers” of LCA need an ecological analysis or weighting, inputs
and outputs will be sorted corresponding to their impact to the
45 Gabathuler 1998
46 Huijbregts et al. 2006
47 BUS 1984
48 Klöpffer and Renner 2003
49 SETAC 1993
50 UBA 1992
environment. Thus for instance all releases into the air causing acid rain
will be aggregated (see chapter 4). This procedure was formerly called
Impact Analysis, later Impact Assessment.
<<Fig. 1.3>>
Fig. 1.3 Analysis of matter and energy of a product system
A valuation of the data procured in LCA was postulated in Smugglers
Notch. It was called Improvement Analysis, later renamed Improvement
Assessment. Introduction of this component was regarded as great
progress, because the interpretation of the data was conducted according to
specific rules. The Environmental Agency Berlin51 has included this task
in its recommendation to the conduct of LCAs in 1992 as an option. The
rules for interpretation were later modified during the standardization
process of ISO (see section 1.3.2). To date this component is known by
valuation52 (see Fig. 1.4).
Structure of LCA according to ISO
Up to now the structure developed by SETAC has essentially been
maintained by ISO53 with the exception of Improvement Assessment which
was replaced by “interpretation” (valuation). An optimization of product
systems was not adapted as standard content by ISO, but was listed besides
other applications of the standard. The structure of the international
standard is depicted in Fig. 1.4.
<<Fig. 1.4>>
Fig. 1.4 LCA Phases according to ISO EN 14040:1997/2006
Tab. 1.1 Examples of LCA applications according to ISO 140.
Application Query Project
environmental packing regulation beverage packing54
51 German: Umwelbundesamt (UBA)
52 ISO 1997
53 ISO 1997, 2006a
law and - politics waste oil regulation waste oil disposal55
genetically modified
organisms (GMO) GMO in agricultural LCA56
agriculture weed control in viticulture57
PVC PVC in Sweden58
public procurement comparison of cost and benefit of
environmental procurement59
integration of
product politics EuP guideline60
comparison of
tenside ECOSOL LCAs61
beverage packing comparison of packings62
food packing comparison of packings63
floor coverings ERFMI survey64
isolation materials insulation of buildings65
communication consumer consultation ISO type III declaration66
chain management PCR67: electricity, steam,
ecological building EPD69: building products70
carbon footprinting PCR: climatic product
54 Schmitz et al. 1995; UBA 2000, 2002
55 UBA 2000a
56 Klöpffer et al. 1999
57 IFEU/SLFA 1998
58 Tukker et al. 1996
59 Rüdenauer et al. 2007
60 Kemma et al. 2005
61 Stalmans et al. 1995; Janzen 1995
62 IFEU 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007
63 IFEU 2006a; Humbert et al. 2008
64 Günther and Lambowski 1997, 1998
65 Schmidt et al. 2004
66 Schmincke and Grahl 2006
67 Product Category Rules
68 Vattenfall et al. 2007
69 Environmental Product Declaration
70 Deutsches Institut für Bauen und Umwelt 2007
71 Svenska Miljösttyrningsrådet 2006; BSI 2008
carbon-neutral enterprise72
concepts of disposal graphic papers73
recycling plastics74
enterprise ecological valuation of
business lines
environmental achievement of an
Components of LCA have been renamed and the following are now
mandatory in Germany:
- Definition of Goal and Scope
- Life Cycle Inventory
- Impact Assessment
- Valuation
The arrows in Fig 1.4 allow an iterative approach that is often necessary
(see Chapter 2). Direct applications of an LCA lie out of scope of
standardized components of an LCA.
This makes sense because besides foreseeable applications during the
standardization process, others exist in real life and have been summarized
as “miscellaneous applications”. Examples can be found in Table 1.1.
Valuation – A Separate Component?
Special fate is attached to the component valuation which has not been
assigned as standard. A valuation will always be necessary if the results of
a comparative LCA are not straightforward. A trade-off of system A
against system B needs to be made if the former has lower energy
consumption, but on the other hand has releases of substances leading to
water eutrophication and to the emergence of ozone near the surface: What
will be of greater importance? For these decisions, subjective or standard
notions of value are necessary, common in daily life e.g. during purchase
decisions76. For this reason a valuation based on exclusively scientific
methods cannot be made.
72 Gensch 2008
73 Tiedemann 2000
74 Heye and Kremer 1999
75 Wright et al. 1997
76 DIN-NAGUS 1994; Giegrich et al. 1995; Klöpffer and Volkwein 1995; Neitzel 1996
Because of this, it was proposed by SETAC Europe at Leiden 199177 to
introduce valuation as a component of its own. This proposition was
seized by UBA Berlin78 and by DIN NAGUS79 later on. But as subjective
notions of value cannot be standardized, a methodology was developed to
support the process of conclusion. In SETAC “Code of Practice”80 these
regulations were subordinated to the component impact assessment.
However, no changes were made by the standardization process of ISO:
regulations are integrated into the component impact assessment81 (see
section 4.3). The final survey of results which leads to a conclusion82 is
supposed to take place in the final component “valuation“83 of an LCA
(see Chapter 5).
The discussion on valuation has during the final years of the 1990s
increased to such an extent that former Minister of the Environment
Angela Merkel84 joined the discussion. As consequence, the association of
the German Industry (BDI) published a policy brief85 and the UBA Berlin
then elaborated an ISO-conformal valuation methodology86.
Standardization of LCA
Process of Formation
LCA standards ISO 14040 and 14044 belong to the ISO 14000 group
concerning environmental management (Fig. 1.5).
The committee responsible of DIN in Germany is the NAGUS87. National
propositions are brought together in the Technical Committee 207 (TC
207) at the International Standards Organization ISO at international level,
with a participation of all nations which are members of the TC 207 by
their standardizations organizations, and international standards are
developed. Generally this process takes a couple of years.
77 SETAC Europe 1992
78 UBA 1994
79 DIN NAGUS 1994; Neitzel 1996
80 SETAC 1993
81 ISO 2000a
82 Grahl and Schmincke 1996
83 ISO 2000b
84 Merkel 1997
85 BDI 1999
87 Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes i.e. Environmental Standardisation Organisation
LCA standardization by national standardization organizations88 and
above all by ISO has been conducted since the beginning of the 1990s with
great effort89. This was difficult to achieve because individual components
of LCA were still under development. On a national level, only two
standardization organizations have developed their own LCA
standardization before ratification of ISO 14040: AFNOR (France) and
CSA (Canada). To date, a singular internationally acceptable
standardization is aimed at to promote international communication and
this is why France and Canada have stepped into the ISO process.
<<Fig. 1.5>>
Fig. 1.5 ISO 14000 Model90
The most important standardization activity for LCA is therefore
conducted by ISO. European Standardizations (CEN) and their subsequent
national organizations adapt ISO regulations into languages (CEN 14040
standards are available in three official languages, English, French and
German). DIN-NAGUS and similar national committees activity is
focused on legwork for the ISO council, the work-out and harmonization
of supplementary comments, a translation of ISO texts and on
supplementary standardization for specifically German or national issues.
The first series of the international LCA standards abutted on the structure
of Fig 1.4:
- ISO 14040 LCA – Principles and general demands; international standard
- ISO 14041: LCA – Definition of goal and scope as well as LCI;
international standard 1998
- ISO 14042: LCA – Impact assessment; international standard 2000;
- ISO 14043: LCA – Valuation; international standard 2000.
Status Quo
A review of International Standards in 2001-2006 led to restructuring
without any essential changes91. The standard continues to be called ISO
88 e.g.: CSA 1992; DIN-NAGUS 1994; AFNOR 1994
89 ISO 1997, 1998, 2000A, 2000B; MARSMANN 1997; SAUR 1997; KLÜPPEL 1997, 2002
90 Normenausschuss Grundlagen des Umweltschutzes (NAGUS) in DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. 2008.
91 Finkbeiner et al. 2006
1404092 with no mandatory directives. Directives have been summarised
in a new standard ISO 1404493 comprising all LCA elements in Fig.1.4.
Two technical reports (TR) and one technical specification has been
added, which are only available in English:
- ISO/TR 14047 Illustrative example on how to apply ISO 140042
- ISO/TS 14048 Data documentation format
- ISO/TR 14049 Examples of the application of ISO 14041 to goal and
scope definition and inventory analysis
These are non-mandatory documents meant for help and support.
As many as 24 national standardization organizations participated in a first
round of ISO standardization talks. The final vote led to an overall
acceptance of 95%. LCA is therefore the only internationally accepted
standardized method for an analysis of environmental aspects and
potential impact of product systems. The standards are verified on a five
year basis. Revision of 2006 will therefore be valid until 2011.
Chapter 5 will focus on objective content of individual components of
LCA, their advantages and disadvantages.
Literature and Information on LCA
Until the mid of the 1990s only “gray” LCA literature was available.
Meanwhile, a couple of books mostly in English have been published94.
Papers from national and international organizations provide essential
information to LCA, mostly SETAC and SETAC Europe95, The Nordic
Council96, US EPA97, UBA Berlin98, BUS/BUWAL Bern99 and the
European Environment Agency Copenhagen (EEA)100.
Since 1996 “The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment” (Int. J.
LCA) is published at ecomed publishing Landsberg/Lech and Heidelberg
92 ISO 2006A
93 ISO 2006B
94 Schmidt and Schorb 1995; Curran 1996; Eyrer 1996; Fullana and Puig 1997; Wenzel et al. 1997; Hauschild and
Wenzel 1998; Badino and Baldo 1998; Guinée et al. 2002; Baumann and Tillman 2004
95 SETAC 1991, 1993; SETAC Europe 1992; Fava et al. 1993, 1994; Huppes and Schneider 1994;
96 Lindfors et al. 1994,1994b, 1995
97 EPA 1993, 2006
98 UBA 1992, 1997; Klöpffer and Renner 1995; Schmitz and Paulini 1999
99 BUS 1984; BUWAL 1990, 1991, 1996, 1998
100 Jensen et al. 1997
(since 1.1.2008 at Springer, Heidelberg). Queries on current information
on this journal and similar publications can be made by the internet101. The
journal has recently developed into a leading publication organ of the
promotion of the LCA methodology, supplemented by the series “LCA
Documents” of Ecoinforma Press, (since 2008 part of Wiley-Blackwell),
Bayreuth, in cooperation with ecomed. The Int. J. LCA is also available
electronically and short cuts, editorials and similar publications can be
downloaded. Further journals with regular contributions to LCA are the
Journal of Industrial Ecology (MIT Press, part of Wiley-Blackwell since
2008), Cleaner Production (Elsevier) and Integrated Environmental
Assessment and Management, IEAM (SETAC Press).
Other specialized journals also publish LCA literature. In 1995 for
instance, an ECOSOL-Tenside-LCA of the European tenside producers
was conducted by Franklin Associates, comprising two booklets, titled
“Tenside, Surfactants, and Detergents”102.
The significance of publication for propagation and discussion of methods,
theories and results of research cannot be over-evaluated. Especially
within new branches of science, peer reviews judge on a day-to-day basis
upon scientific validity103. They serve as veneer for the big principles of
epistemology with special focus according to Popper on falsifiability104
which for LCA cannot be examined unambiguously. Individual LCA
components will undergo a critical review.
References ((NICHT übersetzt))
AFNOR 1994: Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR): Analyse de cycle de vie. Norme NF X
30–300. 3/1994.
Badino und Baldo 1998: Badino, V.; Baldo, G. L.: LCA – Istruzioni per l’uso. Progetto Leonardo,
Esculapio Editore, Bologna.
Baumann und Tillman 2004: Baumann, H.; Tillman, A.-M.: The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to LCA. An
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... Open-loop recycling involves using recycled materials in different products, typically resulting in lower quality or downcycled materials. The EoL-recycling approach in LCA is debated within attributional contexts (this approach quantifies the environmental impacts directly attributable to a product or system within a defined, static framework, typically reflecting the current state of the system [20]) because it alters system boundaries, aligning more closely with consequential (this approach assesses the environmental impacts resulting from changes or decisions in the system, considering market dynamics and indirect effects [20]) LCA. It is particularly suited for open-loop scenarios, where recycled materials are used in different products, but can also be applied to closed-loop recycling if material quality is preserved. ...
... Open-loop recycling involves using recycled materials in different products, typically resulting in lower quality or downcycled materials. The EoL-recycling approach in LCA is debated within attributional contexts (this approach quantifies the environmental impacts directly attributable to a product or system within a defined, static framework, typically reflecting the current state of the system [20]) because it alters system boundaries, aligning more closely with consequential (this approach assesses the environmental impacts resulting from changes or decisions in the system, considering market dynamics and indirect effects [20]) LCA. It is particularly suited for open-loop scenarios, where recycled materials are used in different products, but can also be applied to closed-loop recycling if material quality is preserved. ...
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The circular economy offers a vital avenue for sustainable development by optimizing resource utilization through reusing and recycling materials. This study focuses on the lifecycle assessment (LCA) of a 5 MW alkaline water electrolysis (AWE) system, emphasizing end-of-life (EoL) strategies, material recovery, and their environmental implications. Focusing on the recycling and reuse of critical materials—including stainless steel and nickel—we argue that enhancing material efficiency in AWE systems can lead to significant reductions in global warming potential (GWP). Our LCA reveals that manufacturing an AWE system from recycled materials results in a 50% decrease in GWP compared to virgin materials. Despite the operational focus of previous studies, our research uniquely incorporates comprehensive EoL considerations, assessing realistic recycling scenarios that highlight potential material recovery and component reuse after the system’s 20-year lifespan. Notably, 77% of materials in the AWE system can be recycled or reused, though the substantial environmental impacts of certain components, particularly the inverter and nickel, necessitate ongoing research and improved recycling technologies. This study underscores the critical role of systematic recycling and the strategic selection of materials to enhance the sustainability profile of hydrogen production technologies. By bridging the gap between operational efficiency and EoL management in AWE systems, our findings contribute to the broader aim of advancing circular economy principles in clean energy transitions. Ultimately, the research emphasizes the need for integrating innovative recycling methods and material reuse strategies to lower carbon footprints and enhance resource security, aligning with sustainable industrial practices and future energy demands.
... Key elements within LCA methodology include goal and scope definition, inventory analysis and impact assessment, as well as life cycle interpretation (Klöpffer and Grahl 2014). This study is based on a review of literature and reports, surveys, and comparative studies. ...
... Taking ecological impacts as an example, it is composed of climate change, acidification, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) and eutrophication. Some impacts are input-related, some output-related or toxicity-related (Klöpffer and Grahl 2014). This study reviewed the impact categories found in the selected paper. ...
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Fruits and vegetables require proper packaging to ensure safe transports from farm to shops and retailers. Poor packaging may result in food losses or waste by reduced shelf life. The production and use of the packaging material generates GHG emissions and so does transports and disposal of packaging. The use of reusable plastic crates (RPC), instead of disposable boxes, was found to be a feasible solution in reducing waste and environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle of secondary and tertiary packaging. The aim of this study is to provide a review of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) of RPC systems for fruits and vegetables under different scenarios. The paper focuses LCA studies of RPC systems for fruits and vegetables from cradle to grave. It aims to review the key designs of the LCA and identify the system boundary, functional unit and main findings. The review presents global warming potential (GWP) results associated with the use of reusable plastic crates, which were observed to be 65–628 g CO2 eq. per cycle of crate during service life. Meanwhile, cross-cutting issues are discussed which can reduce food losses as part of transportation, providing additional benefits for this system as compared to conventional crate solutions.
... However, Lueddeckens et al. [7] mention that the issues insufficiently defined in ISO 14040 need resolution, including the temporal system boundaries and dynamics, which vary based on the goal and scope. They referenced the ILCD Handbook (International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), 2010) [63] and Klöpffer's compendium (Klöpffer and Grahl, 2014) [64] to pinpoint both direct and indirect temporal concerns in LCA. However, the assessment of uncertainty, variability, or technical issues in inventory modelling has various highly case-specific influences. ...
... However, Lueddeckens et al. [7] mention that the issues insufficiently defined in ISO 14040 need resolution, including the temporal system boundaries and dynamics, which vary based on the goal and scope. They referenced the ILCD Handbook (International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD), 2010) [63] and Klöpffer's compendium (Klöpffer and Grahl, 2014) [64] to pinpoint both direct and indirect temporal concerns in LCA. However, the assessment of uncertainty, variability, or technical issues in inventory modelling has various highly case-specific influences. ...
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Climate change presents a worldwide challenge, with buildings significantly contributing to carbon emissions throughout their life cycles. Numerous assessments have been conducted to measure buildings’ global warming potential (GWP). However, the significance of the environmental impacts at different times is affected by varying external conditions, and their magnitude also changes over time, a factor often overlooked in conventional LCA studies. Dynamic LCA, emerging in the past decade, incorporates temporal variations in parameters (e.g., energy mix) and processes (e.g., technological advancement) that influence the results and interpretation of the assessed systems. Influential factors, functional pathways, and assessment outcomes vary across locations, underscoring the need for a comprehensive dynamic LCA framework encompassing diverse, dynamic properties. This review paper aims to pinpoint common dynamic parameters, processes, and methodologies used in building modelling to enhance understanding of the latest trends in predicting associated dynamics of LCA. From the Google Scholar database, this study collected 50 papers. The results were categorised into eight typical dynamic processes and eight common approaches for predicting the dynamic evolution of LCA. Finally, we discuss the limitations and formulate some recommendations in this scope.
... Mechanical Material types, dimensions, weights, scrap rates, electricity emissions factors Carbon intensity of upstream metal sheet production and energy used for metal forming A.2.2 Life-cycle impact assessment. Once an LCI completes, we assess the cradle-to-gate environmental impact of an AI machine by characterizing its LCI using life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) [26]. This process quantifies energy and material flows included in the system boundary, and measures the environmental outcome using a common metric. ...
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Specialized hardware accelerators aid the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), and their efficiency impacts AI's environmental sustainability. This study presents the first publication of a comprehensive AI accelerator life-cycle assessment (LCA) of greenhouse gas emissions, including the first publication of manufacturing emissions of an AI accelerator. Our analysis of five Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) encompasses all stages of the hardware lifespan - from raw material extraction, manufacturing, and disposal, to energy consumption during development, deployment, and serving of AI models. Using first-party data, it offers the most comprehensive evaluation to date of AI hardware's environmental impact. We include detailed descriptions of our LCA to act as a tutorial, road map, and inspiration for other computer engineers to perform similar LCAs to help us all understand the environmental impacts of our chips and of AI. A byproduct of this study is the new metric compute carbon intensity (CCI) that is helpful in evaluating AI hardware sustainability and in estimating the carbon footprint of training and inference. This study shows that CCI improves 3x from TPU v4i to TPU v6e. Moreover, while this paper's focus is on hardware, software advancements leverage and amplify these gains.
Conference Paper
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has become an important tool for evaluating the environmental impacts of energy systems, in the context of sustainable energy management. This paper provides a review of LCA software tools, including OpenLCA, SimaPro, GaBi, Umberto, Brightway2, and OpenEco, with a focus on applications in renewable energy systems. The comparison of these tools in terms of their functionalities, data handling capacities, and impact assessment methodologies, provides the results of how suitable they are for different energy systems and industrial applications. Particular attention is given to the interpretation and reporting of LCA results, bearing in mind the challenges associated with uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, and trade-offs in energy systems. The paper also includes a discussion on how LCA tools contribute to environmental protection measures, energy efficiency improvements, and socioeconomic considerations in energy policies. The implications for policymakers and industries are also given, with recommendations for improving LCA practices in future energy projects. This review offers practical data for stakeholders in order to optimize energy systems and provide a sustainable and low-carbon future.
Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) is critical for enhancing environmental sustainability and resource conservation; however, the environmental and energy impacts of LIB recycling are not yet comprehensively understood due to the diverse applications of LIB cells and the variability in recycling technologies. This study presents a gate-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) of a recycling pre-treatment process at a small-scale plant in the Czech Republic, focusing on spent LIBs from electric vehicles (EVs) and consumer electronics cells (CECs). Using the SimaPro LCA software and the Ecoinvent 3.9 database, the analysis evaluated the environmental impact of recycling operations across several categories, including climate change, eutrophication, freshwater, and resource use, minerals and metals. The findings reveal that the recycling pre-treatment process for CECs achieves greater benefits in climate change mitigation compared to EV batteries, with a 5% lower impact for climate change associated with EV batteries relative to CECs. Moreover, the study highlights the effectiveness of optimized recycling practices in alleviating environmental burdens. A notable finding is the significance of secondary material recovery, particularly metals such as copper and aluminium, as these materials can substitute for primary raw materials, thereby minimizing resource use and reducing emissions. These aspects emphasize the need for high recovery efficiency to enhance environmental benefits. However, further research is essential to fully comprehend the environmental impacts of LIB recycling and to resolve uncertainties concerning battery composition and the effectiveness of different recycling technologies.
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An economic assessment of an innovative solar thermal system called Application to Solar Thermal Energy to Processes (ASTEP) was conducted. It considered its three main subsystems: a novel rotary Fresnel SunDial, Thermal Energy Storage (TES) and Control System. Current Fresnel collectors are unable to provide thermal energy above 150 °C in high-latitude locations. Therefore, the key contribution of this study is the assessment of the economic performance of the ASTEP system used to provide high-temperature process heat up to 400 °C for industries located at low and high latitudes. The ASTEP system is installed at two end-users: Mandrekas (MAND), a dairy factory located in Greece at a latitude of 37.93 N and ArcelorMittal (AMTP), a manufacturer of steel tubes located in Romania at a latitude of 47.1 N. The life cycle costs (LCC), levelised cost of energy (LCOE), energy cost savings, EU carbon cost savings and benefit–cost ratio (BCR) of the ASTEP system were assessed. The results showed that AMTP’s ASTEP system had higher LCC and LCOE than MAND. This can be attributed to the use of two TES tanks and a double-axis solar tracking system for AMTP’s ASTEP system due to its high latitude location, compared to a single TES tank and single-axis solar tracking system used for MAND at low latitude. The total financial savings of the ASTEP system were EUR 249,248 for MAND and EUR 262,931 for AMTP over a period of 30 years. This study demonstrates that the ASTEP system offers financial benefits through its energy and EU carbon cost savings for industries at different latitudes while enhancing their environmental sustainability.
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Given the continuous global degradation of the Earth’s ecosystem due to unsustainable human activity, it is increasingly important for enterprises to evaluate the effects they have on the environment. Consequently, assessing the impact of business processes on sustainability is becoming an important consideration in the discipline of Business Process Management (BPM). However, existing practical approaches that aim at a sustainability-oriented analysis of business processes provide only a limited perspective on the environmental impact caused. Further, they provide no clear and practically applicable mechanism for sustainability-driven process analysis and re-design. Following a design science methodology, we here propose and study SOPA, a framework for sustainability-oriented process analysis and re-design. SOPA extends the BPM life cycle by use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for sustainability analysis in combination with Activity-based Costing (ABC). We evaluate SOPA and its usefulness with a case study, by means of an implementation to support the approach, thereby also illustrating the practical applicability of this work.
Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) seeks to identify potential improvements through all life cycle stages of a product or system in order to lower overall negative impacts (environmental, social, economic) and improve the global use of resources. It helps to create a better understanding of how decisions about a given product system could impact the economy, the environment, and society at all stages and related locations of a product system, becoming a central framework for numerous policies and instruments related to sustainable consumption and production, waste management, and improved product design. This article explains the interconnections of LCT with principles of the circular economy and eco-industrial development and elucidates several examples of successfully implemented LCT approaches for evaluating and improving production systems in Germany and Chile. Furthermore, it describes the incentives that currently exist at the regulatory and voluntary levels for companies to implement LCT in their organizations. Nevertheless, although the implementation of LCT helps provide more information on production systems and motivates innovation for more sustainable production, the behavior and decisions of consumers must also evolve towards a more responsible use of resources in order to achieve a circular economy and ensure global sustainability in the long term.
In the available literature on ecobalances, relatively little attention has until now been devoted to the discussion of the ultimate objectives of ecocontrolling, i.e. to the determination of those elements of nature which deserve highest protection. The goal of this paper is to elaborate and to provide grounds for a target-system of ecocontrolling based upon existing concepts in the environmental ethics. The immediate connection between ethical considerations and the target-system of ecocontrolling arises from the fact that the ethical notion of 'intrinsic value' (applied on elements of nature), and the concept of 'safeguard subject' used in literature on ecocontrolling and ecobalances appear congruent. Principally, it would be desirable that the safeguard subjects consist only of natural elements with an intrinsic value - within the chosen approach of environmental ethics. However, in order to reach an optimal operationalization, it appears unavoidable to put elements of nature with an intrinsic value and those elements that do not possess such a value (but which operationalize elements with an intrinsic value) together in the list of the safeguard subjects. Relying on the theoretical and practical analysis, a list of safeguard subjects similar that from CONSOLI et al. is proposed. The ethical frame allows for a new insight, the idea that there is a hierarchy between the different safeguard subjects, and that a limited influence on a safeguard subject of lower rank does not have to be considered an impairment of the corresponding safeguard subject.
Environmental certification of companies is a promising tool for steering the economy in a more environmentally sound direction. It can also be put in a chain perspective so that companies which constitute a production-consumption chain will conclude agreements between each other with respect to their environmental performance. A legal basis is formed by the EMS of ISO 14001 and the EMAS directive of the EU. However, apart from procedural aspects, substantive aspects should also be included. The major steering factor consists of the image of a company. This in contrast to product policy, where the major steering factor lies in the purchase behaviour of consumers. The two types of life cycle approaches should complement each other.
This paper describes the incorporation of an independent review process into a life-cycle inventory (LCI) study. The peer review process was the first application of the three-stage review of an LCI. The three stages are: Review of the Goal and Scope Definition, performed when the study plan has been established; Review of the Data-Gathering Methodology, performed after the data have been collected; and Review of the Final Report, performed after the draft report has been written. The purpose, process, and benefits of the review are discussed. Examples of benefits include the incorporation of a process to select ancillary materials for inclusion in the study, and a sensitivity analysis rationale.
Detergent-range alcohols are one of the basic chemical intermediates for the production of different surfactant types. These alcohols form the hydrophobic part of nonionic alcohol ethoxylates and anionic alcohol sulphates as well as alcohol ethoxy sulphates. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the resource and energy requirements and environmental emissions arising from the production of 1000 kg of detergent-range alcohols of petrochemical and oleochemical origin, in casu crude oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil.
Goal, Scope and Background. Photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCPs) typically used in life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) to address the impact category 'photo-oxidant formation' only provide factors for particular volatile organic compounds and do not take into account background concentrations and meteorological conditions. However, the formation of ozone from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) is highly dependent on the background pollutant concentrations and meteorological conditions. Some LCIA manuals therefore recommend working with potentials for high background concentrations of NOx (Derwent 1998), and potentials for low background concentrations of NOx (Andersson-Skold 1992). Objectives. This study has introduced an improved set of POCPs independently of meteorological and emission conditions specific to a given period or location. Whereas current POCP values may be relevant to estimate the photo-oxidant formation over a certain (temporally and spatially well-defined) domain, this study has further introduced more relevant values with respect to potential impacts of ozone on human health and environment. Methods. For the computation of POCP values on the scale of Western Europe, independently of meteorological and emission conditions specific to a given period or location, a Euterian chemistry-transport numerical model (CHIMERE-continental) has been implemented over three summer seasons. POCPs have been evaluated for ten VOC species (including the whole VOC group), CO and NOx. The coherence of this new set of POCP values with previous studies has been checked. The spatial representativity of POCP values over the simulation domain in Europe has also been addressed. The robustness of these POCP values to changes in the implemented chemical mechanism used in our model has been checked. Results and Discussion. The POCPs computed in this study were generally lower than the POCPs calculated in previous studies. In the previous studies, but not here, the POCPs have been calculated with particular meteorological conditions (during anticyclonic, fair weather conditions) or emission levels (high polluted backgrounds) known to be optimal with respect to ozone formation. Despite the quantitative variations in the POCP values, we have found a good agreement in the relative ranking of the pollutant species between this study and previous studies. It was also shown that POCP values display significant spatial variability over Western Europe (the largest spatial differences were obtained for NOx where the sign of the POCP value even changes from region to region). Conclusions. Finally, the temporally and spatially averaged values obtained here for the POCP index update previous values and represent an attempt to generate the most appropriate and accurate scale for European conditions independently of meteorological and emission conditions specific to a given period or location. Recommendations and Outlook. These new PCOPs should be useful to LCIA-practitioners in further life cycle impact assessment. However, for the NOx species, we do not recommend the use of the POCP value for LCIA.
Background and Objective. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a highly data intensive undertaking, where collecting the life cycle inventory (LCI) data is the most labour intensive part. The aim of this paper is to show a method for representing the LCI in a simplified manner which not only allows an estimative, quantitative LCA, but also the application of advanced analysis methods to LCA. Procedure and Method. The method is based on two main components: Firstly the parameterisation of the life cycle inventory for complete product ranges, e.g. relative material composition (the parameterisation factor is product mass or product volume), relative manufacturing inputs and wastes (the parameterisation factor is production output, in number of items, mass or volume), inputs, wastes and emissions during use (the parameterisation factors are efficiency, emissions per unit energy converted, etc.). Secondly, the parameterisation factors are related to design parameters, e.g. the efficiency of three-phase induction motors increase as the torque output increases and decreases with the number of poles, while the mass of the same induction motor increases with torque. Determining these relationships is initially labour-intensive, but only has to be done once for a product type and it is just a matter of fitting appropriate models after the collection of the relevant data. Also, required data is not impossible to come by, and respective industries publish many of the relevant data for marketing and design purposes. Due to the wide variety of products - whereby here the term 'product' is used in the widest sense and can be a component, an assembly, a consumer product or service - the relationships are represented as ranges with upper and lower limits. One of the limits represents 'the best practically possible' and is a good indication of what the technologies' capabilities are at the time. Top-down approaches allow the approximate determination of manufacturing inventories for product ranges. Bringing the two components together, the LCA analyst can use known design parameters and so quickly determine an estimate of the life cycle inventory, after which it is then a relatively simple step to carry out the full, approximate LCA. Furthermore, this method can be extended to include life cycle costing as an extension, to simultaneously assess economic aspects of the design. Case Study. The method is further illustrated using a 3-phase asynchronous motor as an example and it is shown how the changing needs during the design process are utilised. Discussion and Conclusion. The paper introduces the concept of parameterised inventories for the use in LCA, describes the general procedure of determining the relationships of the parameterised inventories to design parameters and outlines future developments enabled by this method of inventory representation. The novel parts of the method are a simplified, but quantitative LCA method. For the first time this enables parametric studies and sensitivity analysis, not only for varying material compositions, but varying the underlying design parameters in complex interactions, and finding optimised sets of solutions for those design parameters to achieve one or more optimised criteri(on)a. Perspective. The full potential of the method as an analysis tool, especially in the early design phases, will be reached in an integrated engineering environment, where relevant LCA and cost data are automatically and systematically exchanged along the supply chain.