... 38). Over the past several decades, various CA-based studies have driven this research agenda by investigating how teaching and learning are accomplished in a vast array of instructional contexts, including traditional classroom settings (e.g., Duran & Sert, 2019, Duran & Sert, 2021Lee, 2007;Seedhouse, 2004;Sert, 2015;Waring, 2008Waring, , H. Z., 2011, conversation-for-learning situations (e.g., Hauser, 2017;Kasper & Kim, 2015;Kim, 2012Kim, , Y., 2019Mori & Hayashi, 2006), and tutoring sessions (e.g., Belhiah, 2009Belhiah, , 2012Duran & Kääntä, 2023;Park, 2017Park, , I. 2019Ro, 2021;Ro & Kim, 2023;Seo, 2011Seo, , M.-S. 2021Seo & Koshik, 2010). ...