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Modified short-term dynamic psychotherapy in patients with bipolar disorder preliminary report of a case series

Modified Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy in Patients with Bipolar Disorder:
Preliminary Report of a Case Series. Canadian Child Psychiatry Review, 11(1) 19-22,
February, 2002.
Allan Abbass, MD, FRCPC, Assistant Professor, Director of Education, Dalhousie
University, Department of Psychiatry
The following paper describes a brief psychotherapeutic approach based upon a
case series of four patients with bipolar disorder who are currently in remission from
manic and major depressive states.
This approach combines both emotional awareness and behavioral elements
with a psycho-educational component that is tailored to the individual patient and
provided flexibly over a course of 5 one-hour sessions. Below, the major components
of the therapy are outlined and illustrated with short vignettes taken from a treatment
session. Following the description of this treatment approach, the preliminary results
from the case series are presented.
Concisely, the objectives of the therapy were to: 1) increase awareness of the
emotional and behavioral factors which can promote depression or mania, 2) allow a
grieving of losses incurred due to the illness, 3) investigate whether and when states of
anxiety, depression or hypomania were precipitated by warded off emotions, and, 4)
improve tolerance of complex emotions such as anger, guilt about anger, grief and
affectionate feelings.
Selection Process
Patients with Bipolar I Disordered who were having some anxiety,
depressiveness, adjustment disorder or interpersonal problems were selected after
referral from another psychiatrist. Patients had to be stabilized outpatients and not
currently manic or depressed. Patients needed to have intact intellectual functioning.
Patients had to have an absence of active suicidal ideation. History of severe separation
reactions was considered a contraindication since treatment is time-limited. Patients
were informed that the therapy would be tried to see if it would be of benefit to them,
and that alternative therapies or medication changes would be recommended as
needed. Patients were encouraged to maintain contact with their primary physician for
medication monitoring. Patients were informed the therapy was time limited to 5 one-
hour sessions.
At the present time, four patients (1 male, 3 females) were included in the case
series. The patients were, on average, 32.2 years old, two were married, and two were
employed. Three of these patients have completed therapy and one is currently in
therapy. Each of the patients was on mood stabilizer medication and three were on
atypical antipsychotic medications in addition to mood stabilizers.
Therapeutic Procedure
Initiation and Assessment of Emotional Dysregulation. After discussing the
history of the patient’s problems and current mood status, patients were offered
inclusion into the therapy trial. The first treatment session began with the central
objective to examine the role of emotions and other factors on mood states. Exploring
specific situations in which the patient noted anxiety, depression or agitation began this
process. On examining the situation, the therapist determined how the patient reacted
to the emotions they were describing. The therapist determined whether they became
anxious, whether they were aware of the accompanying anxiety, and assessed the
physiological format of the anxiety. The therapist also observed whether, on the
approach to these feelings, the patient became tired, self critical or depressive. If the
situation is one in which anger was mobilized, the therapist observed whether the
patient could identify the emotion or whether they became anxious, tired, angry at
themselves or had some other response. When these responses were identified they
were linked cognitively as responses to the emotions.
Vignette A
Therapist: So we spoke about looking together at what emotional factors and
other factors can effect your mood states causing either worsening depression or
high moods. How has your mood been the last week? (Clarifying focus)
Patient: Worse as we get close to Christmas. Its supposed to be a family time,
but, I don’t know how I m supposed to be I get irritated.
Th: can you describe a specific time you noticed that?
Patient: (Pt sighs) Last Monday, at thanksgiving, after a couple of hours, I wanted
to get home.
Th: What happened to make you think that?
Pt: I got tired
Th: Do you know why?
Pt: I was irritated with everyone.
Th: Who was the first one?
Pt: My daughter, I had to walk away or I would have snapped at her.
Th: What produced the irritation?
Pt: She was giving orders. You mash the potatoes, You make the gravy, You set
the table.
Th: How did you feel toward her?
Pt: Irritable. (Patient sighs and hands are clenched)
Th: How did that feel inside your body to feel irritated?
Pt: Tight.
Th: You mean you got tense and anxious?
Pt: Yeah. Nervous and nauseated and a headache.
Th: So is this what happens when you have anger inside, that you get anxious,
nauseated and a headache?……(Recapitulating)
Pt: 10 years ago I used to get so angry I would throw things out the window.
Grieving the Illness. Through this emotional mobilization process, in each of the
cases so far, there has been moments in which grief about the illness has been
experienced. Allowing the patient to describe the things they have endured and
reflecting that there is sadness about it when this is present facilitates this process.
Vignette B
Pt: But I don’t do that anymore
Th: Oh, so was your mood more up or down then?
Pt: It was really terrible, for 10 years I went through that
Th: Really, aw, so it was really bad then eh (reflecting sadness)
Pt: I put my foot through a pane of glass because I was angry and all I did was
hurt myself.
Th: So a lot of stuff happened back then when it was really bad.
Pt: Today, I try not to let myself get angry. I don’t socialize with people and don’t
have any close friends. (Patient looks sad). I rarely go out of my apartment.
Behavioral Elements Related to Relapse. The effects of anxiety, sleep loss, poor
nutrition or self care on mood disorder relapse was highlighted as it became apparent in
the situations explored. If patients were unaware of the role of sleep deprivation on
manic relapse then this was repeatedly reviewed. If patients noted the effects of missing
medications or taking self directed holidays, this was reviewed as a risk factor for
relapse. The impact of substance abuse on medication levels and side effects was
reviewed if this was an issue. Once the patient observed that the pain the illness caused
them they became more motivated to do their best to avoid relapse.
Vignette C
Patient: Now If I’m angry, I don’t feel it I get down and tired.
Th: Is there any other situation in which you felt anger separate from anxiety?
Pt: I don’t feel anger If I do I don’t recognize it.
Th: If we can get handle on that, because if it sneaks up on you and you don’t get
aware of it then it could get you tired, lose sleep and effect your mood, right?
Later in session:
Th: If emotions go up and you get anxious then you may lose sleep, this is very
important because we know that if someone loses sleep it can trigger off mood
states with the mood going up or down.
Pt: Well I don’t sleep (when stressed), I’m an insomniac
Coping with Complex Feelings. The central theme of the short-term dynamic
element of this therapy involves the role of unconscious emotions, including grief, rage
and guilt about rage and craving attachments that have been interrupted. The therapist
assessed whether this was an important issue for the individual patient during Initiation
and Assessment of Emotional Dysregulation. The process of improving coping involved
the following: exploration of specific situations in which anger and other feelings were
mobilized, focus on the underlying feelings, focus on the emotional experience of the
emotions, and focus on the emotions the patient has had with the therapist during the
process. Each of the patients thus far was unable to identify the emotion of anger or to
differentiate it from anxiety or defense mechanisms. The major finding in these cases
was that situations of anger were resulting in anxiety and defensiveness that stressed
their relationships and predisposed them to sleep loss, mania and/or depression.
Vignette D
Th: What type of things generate anger within you?
Pt: People who purposefully abuse people and set out to hurt them. (Patient
looks irritated)
Th So you have had those situations. (Patient sighs) What happens in those
situations? Is there one we can look at?
Pt: Yes I had a neighbor and needed a check deposited.
(Patient describes the situation: The neighbor ended up stealing 1000.00 and
then left town when she went to press charges)
Th: How did you feel towards him?
Pt: I hate him.
Th: How did that feel inside?
Pt: I got sick and nauseated. I got physically ill.
Th: How did the anger feel?
Pt: I wanted him dead.
Th: How did the anger feel physically inside? (Differentiating anger from anxiety)
Pt: I felt worthless…….got mad at myself …… and got depressed.
Th: You mean it went back on yourself? But how did the anger feel before it went
back on yourself. (Clarifying the mechanism of internalizing rage)
Pt: I wanted to explode from my gut (patient has drop in tension, arm is raised
and voice is raised moderately)
Pt And my heart was broke, I had never treated him badly, I saw his children
hungry and fed them, he was a single parent of boys (Patient is becoming sad)
Th: So there is sadness in you too.
Pt: Very sad that someone could do something to me when I did nothing to
deserve it.
Th: That is a sad thing……..
Th: How would you have felt had you actually put the rage onto him?
Pt: I would feel really bad afterward…… That how I felt when I did that to
someone 10 years ago. Really bad. It took 4 people to pull me off. (Patient has
guilt and painful feeling)
Th: What if they had been really damaged?
Pt: It would have been really dreadful……
Th: Pretty bad eh (reflecting guilt)…….
Pt: ……I grew up with violence. As a child I walked in the door once to see my
mother straddling my father with a butcher knife..
The patient proceeds to describe an incident in which the mother severely
humiliated her. The patient developed a rage inside but got depressed and tired. In the
session she experienced a violent urge toward the mother with accompanying guilt
about this rage. The picture of the rage was identical to the violent outburst she had had
toward the person in the past. Intermittently and at the end of the session, the link
between the past and recent emotions is highlighted. Further, the link between the
complex feelings, anxiety, sleep loss, fatigue and mood disorder relapse is repeated
Other aspects central to this approach include:
1) Therapeutic Stance: The therapist is actively engaged and focused on the task at
hand. One works as a co-pilot or co-investigator, avoiding an omnipotent or
authoritarian position. One is actively exploring what happens to emotions and other
behaviors and the effects this has on mood states.
2) Absence of interpretation: There is no use of interpretation in the classic
psychoanalytic description. Rather, one restricts one’s activity to exploring and
linking phenomena that are discussed by the patient. For example, when emotions
were explored with one patient, the link between old rage/guilt with an abusive
parent and the depressing of the rage when her neighbor abused her (or when her
daughter bossed her around) became clear to both therapist and patient.
3) Work with feelings toward the therapist: This approach mobilizes complex feelings
including positive feelings and irritation. These emotions are explored the same way
as the feelings toward anyone else in the current life sphere. These emotions will
often link up to complex emotions including rage and guilt about past people. Seeing
the link between past and present feelings helps the patient see how these
transference phenomena distort their present interpersonal experiences.
4) Highlighting the Complexity of the feelings: Each situation of rage explored with the
patients has accompanying guilt about the rage. This needs to be highlighted to
reflect to the patient why the emotions are shut down into depression, fatigue, or
anxiety. It also reflects the positive feelings the patient has toward the other person.
5) Repetition of what is learned: The linkage between emotional states or other
behaviors on mood states is reviewed repetitively to increase the chance of recalling
the behavioral cycles.
6) A Bio-psycho-social Perspective: One adapts and maintains a biopsychosocial
perspective on the condition, thus avoiding any split between “biological prescriber”
and “psychological therapist”. This allows the patient to see the importance of all
aspects of her care.
At the present time, all four patients are partially or fully remitted from both manic
and depressive states. Patients were assessed with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)
(1), which captures broad symptom domains and the Inventory of Interpersonal
Problems (IIP) (2), which captures domains including assertiveness and style of coping
with anger. The mean BSI score decreased from abnormally high (M = 1.2, SD = 0.5) to
within normal range (M = 0.6, SD = 0.1). The mean IIP score decreased from 1.5 (SD =
0.17) to 1.1 (SD = 0.2), approaching the normal cut off of 1.0. The mean time since
completing therapy is now 3.8 months, and there have been no hospitalizations,
emergency room visits or other untoward effects noted from the intervention.
Additionally, there were no medication changes during the therapy and there were no
untoward effects related to termination after these courses of therapy.
The above describes a brief integrated therapy approach to augment adjustment
and coping in stabilized Bipolar I Disorder patients. The positive response observed in
this small series, albeit, preliminary, suggests that there may be specific merits of such
an approach as a component of care. These merits may include emotional awareness,
an emotional healing process and awareness of behavioral cycles that may trigger a
mood disorder relapse.
Emotional awareness and experience appeared to be a centrally therapeutic
component from both therapist and patient perspective. It was common finding that
blocked feelings of anger and guilt resulted in anxiety, avoidance and depression in the
moment. (Vignette D) One may anticipate that the ability to experience anger, guilt and
grief, may account for the reported improvements in assertiveness, thus, improving
relationship functioning. In addition, such an exposure appears to reduce the
depression, anxiety and physical symptoms associated with the avoidance of these
feelings. Experiencing grief of the losses incurred due to the illness seemed to raise the
patient’s interest in avoiding relapse.
Finally, it is worth noting that the use of video recording in this approach allows
for empirical qualitative research and provides useful material for teaching this
approach. Additionally, the brevity of the approach makes it amenable to quantitative
research that employs randomized controlled trials to examine whether the results can
be specifically attributed to the brief psychotherapeutic intervention or to other non-
specific factors (e.g., the passage of time).
Special thanks to Jeff Hancock PhD (cand), to Dr Doug Kahn and to the
Dalhousie Department of Psychiatry and Nova Scotia Department of Health for
supporting this research.
1. Derogatis L & Melisaratos N. (1983) The Brief Symptom Inventory: An
introductory report. Psychological Medicine,13:595-605.
2. Horowitz L, Rosenberg S, Baer B, Ureno G & Villasenor V. (1988) Inventory of
Interpersonal Problems: Psychometric properties and clinical applications.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology;56(6):885-892.
... Among the 8 included studies, two were randomized controlled trials (Ajilchi et al., 2016;Town et al., 2017), the other six were all observational studies (Abbass, 2002;Abbass, 2006;Abbass et al., 2008;Solbakken and Abbass, 2016;Abbass et al., 2019). Almost all patients included in these trials were receiving pharmacotherapy. ...
... Two observational studies examined patients affected by BD and demonstrated ISTDP could reduce symptoms and healthcare use. A first paper by Abbass (2002) reported the amelioration of depressive symptoms in 4 bipolar patients after the administration of ISTDP (a mean of 5 sessions with a 3.8-month follow-up). These patients were all in treatment with mood stabilizers and 3 also with an atypical antipsychotic. ...
... Nearly all studies included patients on psychotropic medications during treatment. Data are more robust for MDD, including in 3 treatment refractory samples, while data are limited with regard to BD (40 patients in total) (Abbass, 2002;Abbass, 2006;Solbakken and Abbass, 2016). ...
Background Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an intervention introduced by Davanloo in order to treat affective and somatic symptoms, and personality disorders. It is a brief intervention aimed to reach awareness of painful or forbidden emotions and consequently to override symptoms and self-destructive tendencies. In this review we examine the efficacy of ISTDP on symptoms of patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Bipolar Disorder (BD). Methods A thorough search of articles in Pubmed, PsycINFO, Isi Web of Knowledge was carried out in order to obtain available studies of ISTDP for BD and MDD. We included all studies conducted on patients with a diagnosis of MDD or BD and who received ISTDP. Results Eight studies were included. These were two randomized controlled trials and six observational studies. Overall the results of the included manuscripts suggest a positive effect of ISTDP on depressive symptoms for patients affected by mood disorders. Furthermore, they suggest ISTDP maybe cost-effective through reducing doctor visits and hospitalizations in follow-up. Limitations Most studies had small samples and consisted of non-randomized trials. Conclusions These are preliminary positive results on the effectiveness of this approach for the treatment of depressive symptoms. They have to be confirmed by studies with larger sample sizes and by comparing this technique with other psychological treatments such as cognitive-behavioural therapy.
... Broad-focused psychotherapies including newer models of psychodynamic models may be of assistance with these deficits and comorbidities. One contemporary psychodynamic model intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) can be tailored to specific features of individual patients with bipolar disorder (Abbass, 2002(Abbass, , 2015. It is a supportive emotion-focused brief format of talking therapy that is adapted to the capacity of each patient. ...
... For patients with bipolar disorder, ISTDP treatment is supportive and tailored to the individual patient's anxiety tolerance (Abbass, 2002(Abbass, , 2015. Treatment sessions typically focus on specific situations in which the patient reports the onset or worsening of symptoms. ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in long-term health care costs and symptom severity after adjunctive intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) individually tailored and administered to patients with bipolar disorder undergoing standard psychiatric care. Eleven therapists with different levels of expertise delivered an average of 4.6 one-hour sessions of ISTDP to 29 patients with bipolar disorders. Health care service costs were compiled for a one-year period prior to the start of ISTDP along with four one-year periods after termination. Two validated self-report scales, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, were administered at intake and termination of ISTDP. Hospital cost reductions were significant for the one-year post-treatment period relative to baseline year, and all cost reductions were sustained for the follow-up period of four post-treatment years. Self-reported psychiatric symptoms and interpersonal problems were significantly reduced. These preliminary findings suggest that this brief adjunctive psychotherapy may be beneficial and cost-effective in select patients with bipolar disorders, and that gains may be sustained in long-term follow-up. Future research directions are discussed.
... The method also helped improve social and occupational function (Hogarty et al, 1997). Another contemporary psychodynamic model, intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP), can be modified for psychosis (Abbass, 2001;Abbass, 2002;Abbass and Bechard, 2007). It is a supportive, emotionfocused format of talking therapy that is graded and adapted to the capacity of each patient. ...
... After the patient has the capacity to tolerate emotions, some of these unprocessed emotions may be experienced to facilitate grieving of losses and resolution of internal conflicts (Abbass and Bechard, 2007). Losses related to the illness, hospitalizations and imposed treatments are also grieved (Abbass, 2001;Abbass, 2002). The treatment is, however, primarily focused on the "in office" processes of regulating emotions, even if the topic is past experiences. ...
The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the changes in symptom severity and long-term health care cost after intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) individually tailored and administered to patients with psychotic disorders undergoing standard psychiatric care. Eleven therapists with different levels of expertise delivered an average of 13 one-hour sessions of graded ISTDP to 38 patients with psychotic disorders. Costs for health care services were compiled for a one-year period prior to the start of ISTDP (baseline) along with four one-year periods after termination. Two validated self-report scales, the Brief Symptom Inventory and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, were administered at intake and termination of ISTDP. Results revealed that health care cost reductions were significant for the one-year post-treatment period relative to baseline year, for both physician costs and hospital costs, and the reductions were sustained for the follow-up period of four post-treatment years. Furthermore, at treatment termination self-reported symptoms and interpersonal problems were significantly reduced. These preliminary findings suggest that this brief adjunctive psychotherapy may be beneficial and reduce costs in selected patients with psychotic disorders, and that gains are sustained in long-term follow-up. Future research directions are discussed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
... The ISTDP model has undergone repeated empirical testing, including, to date, over 25 randomized controlled trials (Lilliengren, 2022;Lilliengren, Johansson, Lindqvist, Mechler, & Andersson, 2016), a series of effectiveness studies (see Abbass, 2015), a variety of cost-effectiveness analyses (e.g., Abbass, Bernier, Kisely, Town, & Johansson, 2015;Abbass, Kisley et al., 2015), and qualitative research (Town, Salvadori, Falkenström, Bradley, & Hardy, 2017). Notably, most of these studies have targeted complex and treatment resistant patient populations, including treatment-resistant depression (Abbass, 2006;Town, Abbass, Stride, & Bernier, 2017), personality disorders (Abbass, Sheldon, Gyra, & Kalpin, 2008;Hellerstein et al., 1998;Winston et al., 1994), bipolar disorder (Abbass, 2002b;Abbass, Town, Johansson, Lahti, & Kisely, 2019), psychotic disorders (Abbass, Bernier, et al., 2015), psychiatric inpatients (Abbass, Town, & Bernier, 2013), severe mental illness with substance addiction (Frederickson, DenDooven, Abbass, Solbakken, & Rousmaniere, 2018) and prevention of electroconvulsive therapy in refractory depressed patients (Abbass & Bains, 2009). Additionally, ISTDP has been tested in patients with a variety of somatic disorders, including medically unexplained symptoms, functional disorders, and chronic pain (see Town & Driessen, 2013;Abbass et al., 2020;Abbass et al., 2021), with positive outcomes resulting in significant reduction in medical costs (Abbass, Kisely, Rasic, Town, & Johansson, 2015). ...
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A variety of contemporary cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) frameworks have collectively converged on acceptance of emotion as a therapeutic process central to producing positive outcomes. However, evidence shows that not all patients respond to these treatments, such as those with more severe and complicated symptomatology and more entrenched emotion avoidance tendencies. Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) is a specific, highly active, emotion-focused model of therapy grounded in empirical research that was designed to treat complex patients with entrenched emotion avoidance behaviors. This paper presents the clinical techniques of ISTDP to illustrate its methods of facilitating acceptance of emotion, which is likely unfamiliar to many CBT therapists. Leaders of the field in CBT have recently made calls for psychotherapy, including CBT, to move toward a focus on process-based therapy (PBT), which seeks to highlight and investigate promising change processes and their related change procedures, no matter their original therapeutic framework. In introducing ISTDP techniques to CBT and PBT researchers and therapists, we seek to stimulate awareness, curiosity, and further collaboration in the study and use of these techniques in the hopes that ISTDP may contribute to the PBT movement.
... Secondly, Abbass (2006) studied ISTDP efficacy in ten patients with treatment resistant depression and reported large effects on depressive symptom measures and interpersonal problems, which were maintained at 6-month follow-up. Thirdly, Abbass (2002c) reported that five sessions of modified format of ISTDP based on enhancing emotional awareness resulted in reductions on measures of general psychopathology and interpersonal functioning for four patients with stable bipolar disorder, with general psychopathology measures entering the non-clinical range. ...
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Based on over forty years of videotaped case-based research, Habib Davanloo of McGill University, Canada, discovered some of the core ingredients that can enable direct and rapid access to the unconscious in resistant3 patients, patients with func-tional disorders, and patients with fragile character structure. We will describe here some of the main research findings that culminated in his description of a central therapeutic process involved in the intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) model. We will also describe the evolution of the technique over the past thirty years and summarize the empirical base for Davanloo’s ISTDP.
... Secondly, Abbass (2006) studied ISTDP efficacy in ten patients with treatment resistant depression and reported large effects on depressive symptom measures and interpersonal problems, which were maintained at 6-month follow-up. Thirdly, Abbass (2002c) reported that five sessions of modified format of ISTDP based on enhancing emotional awareness resulted in reductions on measures of general psychopathology and interpersonal functioning for four patients with stable bipolar disorder, with general psychopathology measures entering the non-clinical range. ...
Based on over forty years of videotaped case-based research, Habib Davanloo of McGill University, Canada, discovered some of the core ingredients that can enable direct and rapid access to the unconscious in resistant3 patients, patients with functional disorders, and patients with fragile character structure. We will describe here some of the main research findings that culminated in his description of a central therapeutic process involved in the intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) model. We will also describe the evolution of the technique over the past thirty years and summarize the empirical base for Davanloo's ISTDP. © 2013 Italian Area Group of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
... This latter format also applies to patients with severe depression and somatic conditions such as conversion and irritable bowel syndrome (Davanloo, 2005). Patients with psychotic disorders can also benefit from this capacity-building format of ISTDP (A Abbass, D Bernier, S Kisely, JM Town & R Johansson, 2014, unpublished data; Abbass, 2002). When working with ISTDP for psychotic patients the therapy is supportive and devoid of any challenge to defenses. ...
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Background. Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), as developed by Habib Davanloo, is an intensive emotion-focused psychodynamic therapy with an explicit focus on handling resistance in treatment. A core assumption in ISTDP is that psychotherapeutic effects are dependent on in-session emotional processing in the form of rise in complex transference feelings that occurs when treatment resistance is challenged. Recent research indicates that an unlocking of the unconscious, a powerful emotional breakthrough achieved at a high rise in complex transference feelings, can potentially enhance ISTDP’s effectiveness. While ISTDP has a growing evidence base, most of the research conducted has used small samples and has tested therapy delivered by expert therapists. The aims of this study were to evaluate the overall effectiveness of ISTDP when delivered in a tertiary psychotherapy service, and to investigate if having an unlocking of the unconscious during therapy predicted enhanced treatment effectiveness. Methods. A total of 412 patients were included in the analyses. The average length of treatment was 10.2 sessions (SD 13.3). Multilevel growth curve modeling was used to evaluate treatment effectiveness and the association between unlocking the unconscious and outcome. A number of control predictors including type of treatment resistance were selected and included in the analyses. Outcome measures were the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP). About half of the patients in the study were treated by therapists in training and the other half by more experienced therapists. Results. Growth curve analyses using the full intention-to-treat sample revealed significant within-group effects of ISTDP on both the BSI and the IIP. Effect sizes were large (>0.80). Unlocking the unconscious during therapy was associated with significantly larger treatment outcome. The relationship was further moderated by type of treatment resistance. Conclusion. This study adds to the empirical base of Davanloo’s ISTDP with confirmed treatment effectiveness in a large-scale patient sample when ISTDP was delivered by therapists with a range of experience. Furthermore, emotional mobilization in the form of unlocking the unconscious was confirmed as a process factor enhancing the effectiveness of ISTDP.
Im Folgenden wird unter 5.1 zunächst ein Überblick über den Verlauf der Behandlung einer Bipolaren Störung, inklusive Voraussetzungen und Ziele zu Beginn und im Verlauf einer Behandlung, gegeben. Dabei werden verschiedene Behandlungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt, die das Setting (ambulant, (teil-stationär), die Behandlungsphase (Akutbehandlung, Phasenprophylaxe und die Art der Behandlung (Pharmakotherapie, Psychotherapie, nicht-medikamentöse somatische Therapieverfahren, komplementäre Behandlungsverfahren) beinhalten.
Background Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP), as developed by Habib Davanloo, is an intensive emotion-focused psychodynamic therapy with an explicit focus on handling resistance in treatment. A core assumption in ISTDP is that psychotherapeutic effects are dependent on in-session emotional processing in the form of an increase in complex transference feelings that occur when treatment resistance is challenged. Recent research indicates that an unlocking of the unconscious, a powerful emotional breakthrough achieved by a rise in complex transference feelings, can potentially enhance the effectiveness of ISTDP. While ISTDP has a growing evidence base, most of the research conducted has used small samples and has tested therapy delivered by expert therapists. The aims of this study were to evaluate the overall effectiveness of ISTDP when delivered in a tertiary psychotherapy service and to investigate whether unlocking the unconscious during therapy promotes enhanced treatment effectiveness. Methods A total of 412 patients were included in the analysis. The average length of treatment was 10.2 sessions (SD 13.3). Multilevel growth curve modeling was used to evaluate treatment effectiveness and the association between unlocking the unconscious and outcome. A number of control predictors including type of treatment resistance were selected and included in the analysis. Outcome was measured with the brief symptom inventory (BSI) and the inventory of interpersonal problems (IIP). Approximately half of the patients in the study were treated by therapists in training and the rest by more experienced therapists. Results Growth curve analyses using the full intention to treat sample revealed significant within-group effects of ISTDP on both the BSI and the IIP. Effect sizes were large (> 0.80). Unlocking the unconscious during therapy was associated with a significant improvement in treatment outcome. The relationship was further moderated by the type of treatment resistance. Conclusion This study adds to the empirical base of Davanloo’s ISTDP with confirmed treatment effectiveness in a large-scale patient sample when ISTDP was delivered by therapists with a wide range of experience. Furthermore, emotional mobilization in the form of unlocking the unconscious was confirmed as a process factor enhancing the effectiveness of ISTDP.
Habib Davanloo has spent his career developing and teaching methods to accelerate dynamic psychotherapy, including his technique of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP). Over the past 20 years, outcome studies using this treatment have been conducted and published. We performed a systematic review of the literature to obtain studies presenting ISTDP outcome data. We found 21 studies (10 controlled, and 11 uncontrolled) reporting the effects of ISTDP in patients with mood, anxiety, personality, and somatic disorders. Using the random-effects model, we performed meta-analyses including 13 of these studies and found pre- to post-treatment effect sizes (Cohen's d) ranging from 0.84 (interpersonal problems) to 1.51 (depression). Post-treatment to follow-up effect sizes suggested that these gains were maintained at follow-up. Based on post-treatment effect sizes, ISTDP was significantly more efficacious than control conditions (d = 1.18; general psychopathology measures). Study quality was highly variable, and there was significant heterogeneity in some analyses. Eight studies using various measures suggested ISTDP was cost-effective. Within limitations of study methodologies, this evidence supports the application of ISTDP across a broad range of populations. Further rigorous and targeted research into this method is warranted.
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Describes a new instrument, the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems (IIP), which measures distress arising from interpersonal sources. The IIP meets the need for an easily administered self-report inventory that describes the types of interpersonal problems that people experience and the level of distress associated with them before, during, and after psychotherapy. In Study 1, psychometric data are presented for 103 patients who were tested at the beginning and end of a waiting period before they began brief dynamic psychotherapy. On both occasions, a factor analysis yielded the same six subscales; these scales showed high internal consistency and high test–retest reliability. Study 2 demonstrated the instrument's sensitivity to clinical change. In this study, a subset of patients was tested before, during, and after 20 sessions of psychotherapy. Their improvement on the IIP agreed well with all other measures of their improvement, including those generated by the therapist and by an independent evaluator. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Synopsis This is an introductory report for the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), a brief psychological self-report symptom scale. The BSI was developed from its longer parent instrument, the SCL-90-R, and psychometric evaluation reveals it to be an acceptable short alternative to the complete scale. Both test-retest and internal consistency reliabilities are shown to be very good for the primary symptom dimensions of the BSI, and its correlations with the comparable dimensions of the SCL-90-R are quite high. In terms of validation, high convergence between BSI scales and like dimensions of the MMPI provide good evidence of convergent validity, and factor analytic studies of the internal structure of the scale contribute evidence of construct validity. Several criterion-oriented validity studies have also been completed with this instrument