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Geochemical investigation of Sasa tailings dam material
and its influence on the Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments
(Republic of Macedonia) – preliminary study
Geokemi~ne raziskave jalovinskega materiala rudi{~a Sasa ter njegov vpliv
na sedimente Kameni{kega jezera (Republika Makedonija) – preliminarna {tudija
& Matej DOLENEC1
1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Department of Geology,
A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Faculty of Mining, Geology and Polytechnics, University “Goce Del~ev – Štip”, Goce Del~ev 89, 2000 Štip,
Prejeto / Received 15. 6. 2011; Sprejeto / Accepted 31. 8. 2011
Key words: Sasa Mine, tailings dam, toxic metals, environmental pollution, Lake Kalimanci
Klju~ne besede: Rudnik Sasa, jalovi{~e, težke kovine, onesnaženje okolja, Kameni{ko jezero
This research is aimed at investigating the mineralogical characteristics of the tailings material and heavy
metal contents of the tailings material deposited close to the Sasa Pb-Zn Mine in the Osogovo Mountains (eastern
Macedonia) and on its possible impact on Lake Kalimanci. The mineral composition of Sasa Mine tailings material
is dominated by quartz, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, magnetite and others. Geochemical analysis was performed in
a certified commercial laboratory for the following elements: Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, As, Cd, Sb, Bi, Ag, Al, Fe, Mn, S.
Analysis revealed very high concentrations of toxic metals in the tailing material – with average values mg kg-1:
Mo 2.9, Cu 279, Pb 3975, Zn 5320, Ni 30, As 69, Cd 84, Sb 4.2, Bi 9.4 and Ag 4.1. The multi-element contamination
of Sasa Mine tailings material was assigned a pollution index greater of 15, indicating that the tailings material
from Sasa Mine contains very high amounts of toxic metals and represents a high environmental risk for surround-
ing ecosystems. For this reason the influence of discharged tailings dam material into Lake Kalimanci which lies
approximately 12 km lower than Sasa Mine, was also established. Calculated pollution index values for Lake Ka-
limanci sediments vary from 21 to 65 and for Sasa mine surficial tailings dam material from 15 to 60.
Raziskava se osredoto~a na mineralo{ko sestavo in vsebnost težkih kovin v jalovi{~u svin~evo-cinkovega ru-
di {~a Sasa, ki se nahaja v Osogovskih planinah (vzhodna Makedonija); kot tudi na vplive rudarjenja na bližnje
Kameni{ko jezero. Mineralno združbo jalovinskega materiala rudi{~a Sasa v ve~ini sestavljajo kremen, pirit, ga-
lenit, sfalerit, magnetit in drugi minerali. Povpre~ne koncentracije izbranih elementov v povr{inskem jalovin-
skem materialu so mg kg–1: Mo 2.9, Cu 279, Pb 3975, Zn 5320, Ni 30, As 69, Cd 84, Sb 4.2, Bi 9.4 in Ag 4.1. Za
obmo~je jalovi{~a, kot tudi za 12 km oddaljene povr{inske sedimente Kameni{kega jezera je bil izra~unan in-
deks onesnaženja (pollution index – PI), njegov razpon v povr{inskem jalovinskem materialu je od 15 do 60 in v
povr{inskih sedimentih Kameni{kega jezera od 21 do 65. Visoke koncentracije težkih kovin ter izra~unan faktor
obogatenja kažeta na mo~no onesnaženje obeh obmo~ij, kar predstavlja veliko tveganje za bližnje ekosisteme.
GEOLOGIJA 54/2, 169–176, Ljubljana 2011
Mining is one of the most important global in-
dustrial activities, occurring in almost every part
of the world. A significant concern facing any
mining area is the disposal of wastes produced
during the mining, milling and smelting of ore
minerals (Moore & luoMa, 1990; laMBors, 1994),
because of the possibility of toxic metals enter-
ing the environment. Through ore extraction and
manufacturing at almost every metal mine site
large amounts of waste material are being pro-
duced. Tailing material from mining activities is
stored in special tailings dams (roGan ŠMuc et
al., 2009), of which at least 3500 currently exist
worldwide (Davies & Martin, 2000), ranging from
a few to thousands of hectares in size. Because
of their scale and composition, they usually have
a negative effect on the surrounding area. Public
concern regarding the risk and potential impact
on the surrounding environment caused by tail-
ings dams has been growing since the first known
occurrence of such incidents.
Composed of finely-ground rock particles with
no particular economic value and mixed with
water, tailings dams are supposed to last for-
ever, but since 1970 there have been more than
35 major failures reported around the world
(Diehl, 2001; Göransson et al. 2001; GriMalt et al.
1999; UNEP/OCHA, 2000). In 2003 such a major
environmental disaster took place at Sasa Mine
tailings dam. Tailings material from end of dam
No. 3 and beginning of No. 4 collapsed and caused
an intensive flow through the Kamenica River
valley into Lake Kalimanci, with around 70,000
to 100,000 m3 of tailing material discharged into
the surrounding ecosystem. Tailing material con-
tains a large amount of toxic metals (Dolenec et
al, unpublished) and as such can seriously affect
the surrounding environment.
Involving a detailed preliminary search and
re-evaluation of known historical research, here
we present a study of the mineralogical and geo-
chemical signature of tailings dam material. Both
the mineralogical composition and total toxic
metal concentration (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb,
Bi, Zn, Ni, Al, Fe, Mn) of the surficial material
from the Sasa tailings dam are defined, with an
environmental assessment of the 2003 failure of
Sasa tailings dam also provided.
Materials and methods
Study area
Sasa Mine is located at an altitude of around
2000 m in the Osogovo Mountains, near the small
town of Makedonska Kamenica in eastern Ma-
cedonia (Fig. 1). Part of the Serbo-Macedonian
Massif, the area is comprised of highly metamor-
phic rocks containing gneiss, micas, amphibolites
and schist. These rocks are paragenetically rela-
ted to subvolcanic intrusions which are a product
of tertiary calc-alkaline magmas and as a result
there are also subvolcanic equivalents present
which in dykes form favourable conditions for
ore deposition. Sasa Mine has established itself
as one of the largest ore districts within the Be-
sna Kobila Oso govo Tassos metallogenetic zone,
within which the volcanic rocks are predomi-
nantly dacites, quartzlatites and andesites. The
Sasa-Toranica zone has experienced hydrother-
mal alteration processes which have resulted in
the creation of new mineral assemblages: quartz,
orthoclase, co loured minerals (epidote, chlorite,
carbonates) and accessory minerals (apatite, zir-
con and sphene). The typical mineral assemblage
in the Sasa Mine area also includes several ore
minerals: pyrite, galena, sphalerite, as well as
occasional chalcopyrite and traces of ceruzite,
anglesite and malachite (tasev et al., 2005).
The important Pb and Zn ore bodies are usu-
ally found in quartz-muscovite-graphitic schists
but also in greenschists and marbles. With Sasa’s
ore field occupying an area of about 80 km2, Sasa
Mine was in production for over 45 years, annu-
ally yielding around 90,000 tonnes of Pb-Zn high-
quality concentrate (seraFiMovski et al., 2005).
After the first geological surveys of Sasa Mine
began in 1954, by 1966 the mine had an annual
production capacity of 300,000 tonnes of mate-
rial using the underground method. From 1979
to 2003 it produced a collective concentrate, with
annual production reaching about 625,000 tonnes
of material. Total ore production is estimated at
20 Mt, with concentrate grading at 10 % Zn, Pb
and 30-35 g/t Ag. The average annual production
of approximately 450,000 tonnes continued unin-
terrupted until the mine closed in 2003.
The tailings material from Sasa Mine is loca-
ted between the mine and Lake Kalimanci. De-
posited near the Kamenica River, it therefore
poses a severe threat in terms of metal pollution
to the surrounding area, as well as to areas fur-
ther downstream towards both the river and the
lake. The tailings dam at Sasa Mine is divided
into four parts, representing an approximate to-
tal volume of 15,000,000 m3. The first three tail-
ings are abandoned, but tailing No. 4 is still in
production, with half of its projected capacity of
2,000,000 m3 currently met.
Sampling and sample preparation
Six surficial samples from Sasa tailings dam
(No. 3 (H-1, H-2, H-3) and beginning of No. 4
(H-4, H-5, H-6)) were taken in October 2003, with
the chosen sampling locations forming a profile
along the dam from N to SE (Fig. 2). Surficial
tailings dam material is compose chiefly of grey
brown grinded Pb-Zn ores with grinded back-
ground rocks. Sandy samples were collected in
plastic bags and stored in the laboratory at 4 °C,
before being dried at 50 °C for 48 hours. Samples
were then sieved through a 0.315 mm polyethy-
lene sieve and homogenised in a mechanical agate
grinder to a fine powder for further analysis. Se-
ven samples of surface sediments were collected
from Lake Kalimanci in September 2008 in trans-
versal profiles (marked with roman numerals on
Fig. 2). Measured pH in lake sediments is ranged
from 5.5 to 7.5. Sampling was performed during
a dry period (no precipitation – summer season)
when the lake was empty. Surficial lake samples
are compose of sand, silt and organic matter, and
were collected with a plastic spade, transferred to
pre-cleaned plastic bags, and stored in the labo-
ratory at 4 °C. After collection, the samples were
oven dried before dry sieving at a temperature of
50 °C for 48 hours until a constant weight was at-
tained. Sam ples were sieved through a 0.315 mm
polyethylene sieve to remove plant debris homo-
genised by mechanical agate grinder to a fine
powder for subsequent analysis.
Mineralogy of the surficial samples was deter-
mined at the Department of Geology, Ljubljana
Geochemical investigation of Sasa tailings dam material and its influence on the Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments ...
Fig. 1.
Map of the study area. Sasa
mine and its tailings dams
are connected with Lake
Kalimanci with Kamenica
Sl. 1.
Karta obravnavanega
obmo~ja. Rudnik in jalovi{~e
Sase sta povezana
s Kameni{kim jezerom
preko reke Kamenice.
Fig. 2.
Sampling locations in Sasa
tailings dam (left) and Lake
Kalimanci (right), where
Roman numerals indicate
profile number.
Sl. 2.
Vzor~evalne to~ke na
jalovi{~u Sasa (levo) in
Kameni{kem jezeru (desno),
kjer rimske {t. ozna~ujejo
profile jezera.
(Slovenia) by X-ray powder diffractometry using
a Philips PW 3710 diffractometer and CuKa ra-
diation. Diffraction patterns were identified with
the Powder Diffraction File (1977) JPDS system.
Geochemical analysis of the elements Mo, Cu,
Pb, Zn, Ni, As, Cd, Sb, Bi, Ag, Al, Fe, Mn and S
was obtained in a certified commercial laboratory
in Canada (ACME Analytical Laboratories, Ltd.).
0.5 g of each sample was leached in hot (95 °C)
Aqua Regia and analysed by ICP Mass Spectro-
Duplicate samples and blanks were inclu-
ded to ensure the accuracy of the analytical me-
thods employing during the process. Additionally,
ACME Analytical Laboratories analyzed waste-
water standards and replicate analysis for each
sample batch to determine the accuracy and pre-
cision of ICP MS analyses. The analytical preci-
sion and accuracy were better than ±5 % for the
analysed elements, as indicated by the results of
duplicate measurement of surficial tailing sam-
ples and surficial lake samples.
Basic statistical analyses were performed
using the original statistical software program
Statistica 8.
Results and discussion
XRD analysis
According to XRD analysis (Table 1) the inve-
stigated material was dominated by the following
minerals: quartz, calcite, mica, cordierite, epi-
dote, chlinochlore, sphalerite and clinopyroxene.
Sample three (H-3) included pyrite and sample
four (H-4) also contained magnetite, galena, he-
matite and chlorite. tasev et al. (2005) classified
the aforementioned minerals as belonging to the
Sasa-Toranica zone. Sphalerite and galena, two
of the most important minerals in the Sasa ore
district, were not found in all samples as was ex-
pected. One explanation for this may have been
because samples were collected from the upper
oxidation section, where reduction minerals are
absent. In addition, seraFiMovski et al. (2006) re-
ported that in the Zletovo ore district, located
near the Sasa mine, sphalerite is usually found
only in a few generations and is sometimes is
interstitionally replaced by quartz, galena and
other minerals.
The Serbo-Macedonian Massif is mostly meta-
morphic, with typically highly metamorphic
rocks such as gneiss, micas, amphibolites and
schist. This explains why XRD analysis showed
(Table 1) mainly those minerals present in meta-
morphic rocks (quartz, calcite, mica, cordierite,
epidote). Evidence was also found for the pre-
sence of chlinopyroxenes, which are monoclinic
and contain Ca, Na, Al, Fe3+ or Li. Because of lo-
cal hydrothermal processes, rocks of the Serbo-
Macedonian Massif contain large amounts of
lead, zinc, aluminium, iron, copper, manganese
and other elements which are bound into diffe-
rent minerals such as pyrite, sphalerite, galena
and magnetite.
Geochemistry and statistics of Sasa tailings dam
Results of toxic metal (Ag, As, Cd, Cu, Mo, Pb,
Sb, Bi, Zn, Ni, Al, Fe, Mn) and sulphur (S) content
analysis are given in Table 2.
If the average concentrations of examined ele-
ments from Sasa tailings dam are compared with
average concentrations (Ag 16 mg kg-1, As 7.1 mg
kg-1, Cd 56 mg kg-1, Cu 2.5 mg kg-1, Mn 730 mg
kg-1, Ni 29 mg kg-1, Pb 172 mg kg-1, Sb 62 mg kg-1,
Zn 1.7 mg kg-1 and Fe 8.7 %) from Barroca Grande
tailings dam (Ávila et al., 2008), it can be seen that
concentrations of almost all toxic metals are much
higher in surficial material from Sasa tailings
dam. However, in both cases, toxic metals concen-
trations exceed the permissible levels adopted by
the National Environmental Protection Agency of
Slovenia (UR. LIST RS 68/96).
To identify multi-element contamination of
the investigated material that may increase ove-
rall metal toxicity (nishiDa et al., 1982), the pol-
lution index (PI) of samples was calculated. PI
is computed by averaging the ratio of the total
concentration of toxic metals to the assumed per-
missible level of metals (junG, 2001), in this study
represented by equation (1):
PI = (Σ(Total conc. of element/Tolerable level
of element)) / Number of elements (1)
Table 1. Results of XRD analysis.
Tabela 1. Rezultati rentgenske analize.
Minerals Samples
H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6
Quartz – SiO2☻☻☻☻☻☻
Calcite – CaCO3☻☻☻☻☻
Sphalerite – (Zn, Fe2+)S ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
Chlinochlore – (Mg, Fe2+)5 Al(Si3Al)O10(OH8)☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻
Mica – KAl2//K(Mg, Fe2+)3 AlSi3O10(OH,F)2☻☻☻☻☻☻
Cordierite – (Mg, Fe)2Al4Si5O18 ☻☻☻☻☻☻
Clinopyroxenes – X2Si2O6 (x=Ca, Na, Al, Fe3+, Li) ☻ ☻ ☻
Epidote – Ca2(Al,Fe3+)3(SiO4)3(OH) ☻☻☻☻ ☻
Pyrite – FeS2☻
Magnetite – Fe3+Fe2+2O4☻
Galena – PbS ☻
Hematite – Fe2O3☻
Chlorite – (Mg, Fe, Mn, Al)4–6(Si, Al)4O10(OH, O)8☻
Table 2. Concentrations of different elements and pollution index values in Sasa surficial tailings dam material.
Tabela 2. Vsebnosti izbranih elementov in vrednosti indeksa onesnaženja v povr{inskem jalovinskem materialu rudi{~a Sasa.
Samples Mo
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
H – 1 2.9 188 3752 6092 28 54 53 2.5 6.7 2.8 4.6 12 1.6 4.4 19.23
H – 2 3.4 164 4573 3709 29 64 32 7.9 5.9 2.9 4.7 112 1.6 4.2 15.83
H – 3 2.7 244 5657 9747 32 49 81 3.6 12 3.7 4.9 11 1.5 4.8 29.13
H – 4 3.0 641 >10000 >10000 35 72 234 5.0 15 8.2 4.6 14 1.8 6.8 59.53
H – 5 2.7 213 4775 5761 29 85 48 3.0 6.0 3.1 4.9 12 1.5 4.2 20.27
H – 6 2.9 226 4995 6512 30 91 58 3.0 10 3.7 4.8 12 1.6 4.7 22.59
Mean 2.9 279 3975 5320 30 69 84 4.2 9.4 4.1 4.8 12 1.6 4.9 27.76
* 10 60 85 200 50 20 1 / / / / / / / /
*Permissible level of heavy metal content – Ur. list RS 68/96.
Geochemical investigation of Sasa tailings dam material and its influence on the Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments ...
A PI value of greater than 1, indicates that, on
average, toxic metal concentrations are higher
than permissible levels (kiM et al., 2001).
Seven toxic metals (Mo, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, As and
Cd) contained within Sasa tailings dam mate-
rial were chosen to calculate the PI, the results of
which are presented in Table 2. PI was also cal-
culated for the same toxic metals from Lake Ka-
limanci samples (Table 3).
The value of the pollution index across all
samples ranged from 15 to 60. According to kiM
et al. (2001), the calculated PI for South Korean
tailing samples varies from 3.9 to 58.6, which in-
dicates that all tailings, both in South Korea and
Mace donia (Sasa), contain toxic metals at a level
high enough to cause toxicity in the local envi-
ronment and consequently in the biota, including
From the results it is clearly evident that a
large amount of toxic metals has remind as re-
sidual material after the extraction process and
is currently lying abandoned within the tail-
ings dams. The studied toxic metals in Sasa tail-
ings dam represent some of the most important
ore-forming elements which are paragenetically
related to the Pb-Zn polymetallic mineralisa-
tion of Sasa’s ore district. The presence of such
high levels of toxic metals represents a huge en-
vironmental disaster risk. If these metals enter
an aquatic environment, they are redistributed
through the water column where they accumulate
in sediments and/or are consumed by biota (lin-
nik & zuBenko, 2000; Long et al., 1996; sinGh et
al., 2005). roGan ŠMuc et al. (2009) reported that
because of the failure of the Sasa tailings dam in
2003, extremely high levels of toxic metals caused
huge environmental damage to Lake Kalimanci
and the Ko~ani field. However, further study is
needed, to reveal more about the mineral compo-
sition of the Sasa tailings dam as well as a more
in-depth assessment of toxic metal pollution in
the surrounding area. Thus this preliminary study
also includes an initial assessment of the influ-
ence of the discharged toxic metals on Lake Ka-
Impact on the surrounding environment
Geochemistry and statistics of Lake Kalimanci
Sediment samples from Lake Kalimanci were
analysed in terms of their toxic metal content (As,
Mo, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd and Cu; Table 3). Concentra-
tions of almost all metals, except Mo, exceeded
the permissible levels adopted by the National
Environmental Protection Agency of Slovenia
(UR. LIST RS 68/96).
From analysis of the box and whisker plots in
Figure 3, it is obvious that because of the fai lure
of the tailings dam in 2003, higher concentra-
tions of toxic metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and Cd) are
present in Lake Kalimanci sediments than Sasa
tailings dam material – with the exception of Mo
and As. In general Mo is co-precipitated with
fine grained sulphides such as FeS, ZnS, PbS,
CuS and CuFeS2, all which are found in Sasa ore
district material. Minerals within which As is a
major constituent include sulphides, sulphosalts,
oxides and arsenates. In the Sasa ore district, As
is mostly bound to silver minerals (aleksanDrov
et al., 1999) and arsenopyrite, which is the most
abundant ore mineral.
Toxic metals in Lake Kalimanci sediments
generally decrease in concentration from north to
south. Such a pattern can be explained as a con-
sequence of the Sasa tailings dam failure, when
large amounts of material were deposited in the
northern part of the Lake, before being slowly de-
posited southwards along the lake in suspension.
The highest amounts of all toxic metals found in
Lake Kalimanci sediments were found at sam-
pling location II-3, which lies in the northern
part of the Lake Kalimanci. This is likely due to
the strong influence of the Kamenica River which
enters Lake Kalimanci in the north.
To compare their relative toxic metal conta-
mination with respect to Sasa tailings dam ma-
terial pollution index levels were also calculated
for Lake Kalimanci sediments samples (Table 3).
The value of PI for these sediments varied from
Samples As
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
mg kg–1
I-4 69 2.9 10700 47 9357 74 672 36
II-3 77 4.6 20900 79 16300 136 1162 65
III-3 73 3.7 14000 51 10900 90 723 44
V-7 66 3.7 12600 54 9472 81 596 39
VI-11 59 2.5 11600 53 7557 78 546 34
VII-12 66 2.7 9326 56 5144 54 398 25
VIII-8 62 2.3 7056 49 4863 47 327 21
Mean 67 40705 12312 56 9085 80 632 38
* 20 10 200 50 85 1 60 /
* Permissible level of heavy metal content – Ur. list RS 68/96.
Table 3. Concentrations of the heavy metals and pollution index values in Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments.
Tabela 3. Vsebnosti izbranih elementov in vrednosti indeksa onesnaženja povr{inskih sedimentov Kameni{kega jezera.
Fig. 3.
Box and whisker diagrams for both locations
(H = Sasa Tailings dam; K = Lake Kalimanci)
Sl. 3.
Škatlasti diagrami za jalovi{~e Sasa (H)
in Kameni{ko jezero (K).
Geochemical investigation of Sasa tailings dam material and its influence on the Lake Kalimanci surficial sediments ...
21 to 65, representing much higher levels than
those observed in other lakes; for instance in
Vemband Lake sediments values of PI were in
the range of 0.5-3.7 (Priju & narayana, 2007).
The source of such high levels of toxic metals in
Lake Kalimanci is most likely the tailing dam
failure in August 2003, when large amounts of
such material were discharged into the lake (ro-
Gan ŠMuc et al., 2009).
The PI values of sediments from Lake Kali-
manci vary from 21 to 65, while those of tailings
dam material are in the range 15-60. Normally
the pollution index values of the latter should be
higher than the former, but in this case, samples
were collected from the upper oxic horizon (20 cm
depth) of the tailings dam, where presumably the
majority of toxic metals were washed into lower
reductive horizons. In contrast, after the failure
of the dam a large amount of mostly fine particles
were discharged in suspension into Lake Kali-
manci, with the bulk of that material presumably
toxic metals originating from the tailings dam.
Owning to environmental disaster in 2003,
when Sasa tailings dam (part of No. 3 and No. 4)
collapsed, we studied, in the present preliminary,
the mineralogical and geochemical characteris-
tics of surficial Sasa tailings dam material and
geochemical characteristics of surficial sediments
from Lake Kalimanci. The mineral composition of
surficial tailings dam material generally reflects
the surrounding geological background. How-
ever, calculated concentrations of toxic metals
in Sasa tailings dam are much higher than per-
missible levels. According to the pollution index,
surficial Sasa tailings dam material contains ex-
tremely high levels of toxic metals. All metals and
industrial minerals produced in mining processes
in the Sasa Mine could potentially find their way
through Kamenica River to Lake Kalimanci as
also into the environment and become pollutants.
Evidence of mostly all fine grained pollutants
(analysed toxic metals) found within the Sasa
surficial tailings dam material has also been found
in Lake Kalimanci sediments due to collapsed
tailings dam, and thus the high concentrations of
toxic metals in the former represent a significant
environmental risk. However, after this prelimi-
nary study many questions remain unanswered
therefore further investigations are required. The
most important thing to do is sequential extrac-
tion procedure, of tailings dam material as also
surficial lake sediments, to find out if toxic me-
tals are available for plants, animals and humans.
Because of high concentrations of metals in Sasa
tailings dam it would be also necessary to find out
a proper stabilization process for tailings dam
and nevertheless to find a good mechanism (one of
many remediation techniques) to clean out Lake
Kalimanci sediments. But all this it is the matter
of our future work.
This research was financially supported by the
Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), contract number
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