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Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2(1): 31-35, 2010
ISSN: 2041-0492
©Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2009
Submitted Date: November 14, 2009 Accepted Date: November 26, 2009 Published Date: January 10, 2010
Corresponding Author: J.M. Nzik ou, ENS P-UM NG, Laboratory of Food Physicochemistry and Biotechnology, Pole
of Excellence in Nutrition and Food, P.0. box 69 Brazzaville-Congo
Extraction and Characteristics of Seed Kernel Oil from Mango
(Mangifera indica)
1,4J.M. Nzikou, 1A. Kimbonguila, 1L. Matos, 3B. Loum ouamou, 1N.P.G. P ambou -Tobi,
1C.B. Nd angui, 2A. A. Abena, 3Th. Silou, 4J. Scher and 4S. Desobry
1ENSP-UM NG, Lab oratory of Food P hysicoc hemistry a nd Biotechnology, Pole of Excellence in
Nutrition and Food, P.O. Box 69 Brazzaville-Congo
2 Faculty of Science of Health -University Marien Ngouabi P.O. Box 69 Brazzaville-Congo
3Equipe pluridisciplinaire de recherché en alimentation et nutrition, Centre IRD.
P.O. Box 1286 Pointe-Noire Congo
4ENSAIA-INPL, Laboratory of engineering and biomolecule, 2, avenue de la forêt de Haye,
54505 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (France)
Abstract: Congo mango seeds were collected and the kernels were separated and dried. This study was carried
out on mango seed kernels to clarify their proximate composition and the characteristics of the extracted oil
including unsaponifiable m atter and fatty acid composition. Mango seed kernels contained a con siderable
unsapon ifiable matter, and a low amount of crude protein. Stearic acid w as the main saturated fa tty acid, while
oleic acid w as the major un saturated fatty a cid in all lipid classes. Mangifera indica seeds kernels have ash
content of 3.2% (with the presence of following minerals: Ca, K, Na, Mg and P). This oil is very rich in
unsapon ifiable matter and can thus find its application in cosmotic industry.
Key words: Esse ntial fatty acid, Mangifera indica, minerals, nutritive values, seed kernel and unsaponifiable
Mangos belong to the genus Mangifera of the family
Anacardiaceae. The genus Mangifera contains several
species that bear edible fruit. Most of the fruit trees that
are commonly known as mangos belong to the species
Mangifera indica.
Mango (Mangifera indica) trees are tropical fruit
bearing plants, which thrive well in Asia and Africa. As
with many fruits, the edible fleshly portion or pulp of
mango fruit is relished to the extent of commercialization.
A wide variety of processed products derived there from
include canned whole or sliced m ango pulp in brine or in
syrup, mango juice, nectar, jam, sauce, chutney a nd pickle
(Singh, 1960; Vandrendriessche, 1976). Over 60 varieties
of mango are identifiable (Opeke, 1982). Compositional
studies of the seed kernel of two varieties (Dhingra and
Kapoor, 1985), three varieties (Augustin and Ling, 1987),
eight varieties (Hemavathy et al., 1987) and 4 3 varieties
(Lakshminarayana et al., 1983) have been conducted by
Asian scholars. In a similar manner, the lipid composition
of various mango kernel varieties has drawn immense
research interest because of their potential application in
the confectionery industry as a source of a cocoa-butter
substitute (Lakshminarayana et al., 1983; Rukmini and
Vijayaraghavan, 1984; Gaydou and Bouch et, 1984; Ali
et al., 1985; Hemavathy et al., 1987). On comparison,
however, wide v ariations were found in the fatty acid
compositio n.
The usefulness of the whole mango kernel, the
defatted kernel flour and the oil, in compa rison with
mango juice, is yet to gain both cottage and industrial
attraction in African countries, particularly Congo. The
underutilization could be partly due to the limited
knowledge of the toxicolo gical status of the mango
kernel, the functional properties of the kernel flour and
appropriate processing technology.
This pape r is a report on extraction and
characteristics of seed kernel oil from Mango of several
Congo kernels. Owing to its popularity in a sampled
locality, the minerals, the kernel fat and protein fractions,
were dete rmined and analyzed.
This study was led to the laboratory of engineering
and biomolecule of the ENSAIA-INPL, Vandoeuvre –
lès-Nancy (France) for the period of Apr. 5, 2008 to Jun.
27, 2008.
Materials: Mango (Mangife ra indica ) fruits were plucked
directly from several trees and studied during the 2007
and 2008 fruiting seasons. The Kibangou variety, which
ripens from late October un til late December, was
Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 2(1): 31-35, 2010
obtained from about 447± 10 km so uth of the Brazzaville,
capital of Congo. The kernels were removed from their
tenacious leathery coat, dried and finely ground into flour.
Methods: Proxima te analysis of Mangifera indica seed
Moisture, crude protein (micro-Kjeldahl), crude fiber and
oil (Soxhlet) co ntents were determined using the methods
described by Pearson (1976), whereas the ash content was
determined using the method of Pomeranz and M eloan
(1994) and total carbohydrate was determined by
difference. All determinations were done in triplicate.
Oil extraction: For solvent extraction (soxlhet m ethod),
50g of mango kernel flour were placed into a cellulose
paper cone and extracted using light petroleum ether
(b.p 40–60 ºC) in a 5-l Soxhlet extractor for 8 h (Pena
et al., 1992). The oil was then recovered by evaporating
off the solvent using rotary evapo rator Model N-1 (Eyela,
Tokyo Rikakikal Co., Ltd., Japan) and residual solvent
was removed by drying in an oven at 60 ºC for 1 h and
flushing with 99.9% nitrogen. For methanol/chloroform
extraction (Bligh and Dyer, 1959), 100g of the mango
seeds kernels were hom ogenised with a chloroform
mixture methanol (1:1) and water. Two phases was
obtained, aqueous layer (methanol-water) and organic
layer (chloroform). Oil was recovered by evaporating off
the solvent (chloroform) using rotary evaporator Model
N-1 (Eyela, Tokyo Rikakikal Co., Ltd., Japan) and
residual solvent w as removed by drying in an oven at
60 ºC for 1 h and flushing with 99.9% nitrogen All
experime nts were done in triplicates and the mean and
standard deviations were calculated.
Physical an d chem ical analysis o f crude oil:
Thermal behaviour: The thermal property of the oil
samples was investigated by differential scanning
calorimetry using a Perkin–Elmer Diamond DSC
(Norwalk, USA). The instrument w as calibrated using
indium and zinc. The purge gas used was 99.99% nitrogen
with a flow rate of 100 m l.minG1 and a pressure of 20 psi.
Sample weights ranged from 5–7 mg and were subjected
to the following temperature program: Frozen oil sa mple
was heated at 50 ºC in an oven until completely melted.
Oil sample was placed in an aluminium volatile pan and
was cooled to -50 ºC and held for 2 min, it was then
heated from - 50 to 50 ºC at the rate of 5 ºC.minG1 (normal
rate) (Che Man and Swe, 1995), and held - 50 ºC
isothermally for 2 min and cooled from -50 to 50 ºC at the
rate of 5 ºC per minute. The heating and cooling thermo
grams for the normal and the fast (hyper DSC) scan rates
were recorded and the onset, peak, and offset
temperatures were tabulated. These values provide
information on the temperature at w hich the melting
process starts, the temperature at which most of the TAG
have melted, and the complete melting temperature of the
oil, respectively.
Chemical analysis: Determinations for peroxide, iodine,
and saponification values, unsaponifiable matter and free
fatty acid contents were carried out using Pena et al.,
(1992) standard analytical methods. The fatty acid
composition was determined by conversion of oil to fatty
acid methyl esters prepared by adding 950 :l of n-hexane
50 mg of oil followed by 50 :l of sodium methoxide
using the method of Cocks et al., (1966). The mixtures
were vortex for 5s and allowed to settle for 5 min. The top
layer (1 :l) was injected into a gas chromatograph (Model
GC- 14A, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) equipped
with a flame-ionisation detector and a polar capillary
column (BPX70 0.25), 0.32 mm internal diameter, 60 m
length and 0.25 :m film thickness (SGE Incorporated,
USA) to obtain individual peaks of fatty acid methyl
esters. The detector temperature was 240 ºC and column
temperature was 110 ºC held for one minute and increased
at the rate of 8 ºC.minG1 to 220 ºC and held for one
minute. The run tim e was 32 min. comparing their
retention time with those of standards identified the fa tty
acid methyl esters peaks. Percent relative fatty acid was
calculated based on the peak area of a fatty acid species to
the total peak area of all the fatty acids in the oil sample.
The minerals were determined by atomicabsorption
spectrophotometry. One gram samples, in triplicate, were
dry ashed in a muffle furnace at 550 ºC for 8 h until a
white residue of constant weight was obtained. The
minerals were extracted from ash by adding 20.0 ml of
2.5% HCl, heated in a steam bath to reduce the volume to
about 7.0 ml, and this was transferred quantitatively to a
50 ml volumetric flask. It was diluted to volume (50 ml)
with deionised water, stored in clean polyethylene bottles
and mineral contents determined using an atomic
absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer, Model
2380, USA). T hese bottles and flas ks were rinsed in d ilute
hydroch loric acid (0.10 M HCl) to arrest microbial action
which may affect the concentrations of the anions and
cations in the samples. The instrum ent was calibrated with
standard solutions.
Statistical analysis: Values represented are the means
and standard de viations for three replicates. Statistical
analysis was carried out by Excel Version 8.0 software.
Significance was defined at P < 0.05.
Proximate analysis of Mango seed kernel: Results
obtained showed that the seeds contained 45.2% moisture,
13% crude oil, 6.36% crude proteins, 32.24%
carbohyd rate (by difference), 2.02% crude fiber and 3.2%
ash (Table 1). The light percentage of oil makes this seed
kernel a not distinct potential for the oil industry.
According to Dhingra and Kapoor ( 1985). Variation in
oil yield may be due to the differences in v ariety of plant,
cultivation climate, ripening stage, the harvesting time of
the seeds kernels and the extraction method used.
Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 2(1): 31-35, 2010
Table 1: Proximate analysis of Mango seed kernel
Characteristic Obtained valuesa Reported valuesb
(M ± S .D.) ------------------------------
Moisture content (%) 45.2 ± 0.17 38.55 50.98
Crude p roteinc(%) 6.36 ± 1.07 5.34 5.25
Fats/oils (%) 13.0 ± 1.28 7.82 6.98
Crude fiber (%) 2.02 ± 0.80 1.75 1.65
Ash content (%) 3.2 ± 0.30 2.75 2.47
Total carb ohydrate d (%) 32.24 nd nd
nd, not determined.
a M ± S.D. mean ± standard deviation.
b (1) D hingra and K apoor (19 85), variety Chausa.
b (2) Dhing ra and Kapo or (1985), varie ty Dush eri.
c Crude protein = N (%) x 6.25
d Carbohydrate obtained by difference
Table 2: Mineral elemental Composition of Mango seed flour
Mineral Elements Composition (mg/100g) of Seed
Calcium, Ca 10.21±0.05
Magnesium, Mg 22.34±0.01
Potass ium, K 158.0±0.12
Sodium, Na 2.70±0.02
Phosp horus, P 20.0±0.42
Values are mean ± S.D of triplicate determination
Table 3: Physical and chem ical properties of Mango seed kernel oil extracted
using solvent process
Properties Obtained values Reported valuesa
-------------------------------------- -----------------------
Bligh & Dyer Soxlhet Solvent extract
Oilb (%) 12.0±1.32B14.0 ± 2.14A7.4
PV 0.32±0.12A0.20 ± 0. 48And
FFA (as % oleic acid) 4.48±0.44A3.93 ± 0.18B5.35
IV (wijs) 32.0±0.31A43.0 ± 1.24A39.5
Saponification value 210.0 ± 2.54A206.0 ± 2. 81A207 .5
Unsaponifiable matter 4.80 ± 0.12A4.35 ± 0.18Bnd
Content (%)
nd, not determined.
Means for the d etermined values in the same row followed by the same superscript
letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).
a Dhingra and Kapoor (1985)
b Oil = weight of extracted oil x 100/weight of seed.
Abbreviations: PV: Peroxide Value, FFA: Free Fatty Acid, IV: Iodine Value.
Table 4: Melting behaviour of Mango seed kernel oil using different
scan rates. Experimental conditions: temperature program set
at -50 °C f or 10 m in, rising to 5 0 °C at rate o f 5 °C.min G1.
Thermogram 5 °C/min
Bligh and Dyer Soxlhet
Peak 1 [°C] -22.58 -22.53
)H [J/g] -14.43 -15.37
Peak 2 [°C] -1.25 -1.33
)H [J/g] +54.36 +59.86
Peak 3 [°C] +7.51 +6.30
)H [J/g] +9.17 +6.49
Minerals: It is of interest to note that the most prevalent
mineral element in Mangifera indica seeds kernels is
potassium which is a high as 158.0 ± 0.12 mg/100g dry
mater (Table 2), followed in descending order by
Magn esium (22.34±0.01 mg/100g dry mater), Phosphorus
(20.0±0.42 mg/100g dry mater), Calcium (10.21±0.05
mg/100g dry mater) and Sodium (2.70 ±0.42 mg/100g dry
mater). Potassium is an essential nutrient and has an
important role is the synthesis of amino acids and proteins
(Malik, 1982). Calcium and Magnesium plays a
significant role in photosynthesis, carbohydrate
metabolism, nucleic acids and binding agen ts of cell walls
(Russel, 1973). Calcium assists in teeth development
(Brody, 1994). Magnesium is essential mineral for
enzyme activity, like calcium and chloride; magnesium
also plays a role in regulating the acid-alkaline balance in
the body. Phosphorus is needed for bone growth, kidney
function and cell growth. It also p lays a role in
maintaining the body’s acid-alkaline balance
(Fallon, 2001).
Oil extraction: Characteristics of the oil were compared
with Mangifera indica varieties others country, described
by Dhingra and Kapoor (1985). The extracted oils were
solid at room temperature. The oil content of Mangifera
indica “Congo-Bra zzaville” seeds ke rnels and the level at
which the differences are significant are shown in
Table 3. The oil extraction with the Soxlhet method had
the highest yield, due to the increased ability of the
solvent to overcome forces that bind lipids within the
sample matrix (Lumley et al., 1991). The Blye and Dyer
method, showed the low yield due to losses during the
separation of the two phases, aqueous layer (methanol-
water) and organic layer (chloroform). The results of the
above au thors agree w ith those of the p resent work.
Physical an d chem ical prope rties of oil:
Physical properties:
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC):DSC is
suitable to determine these physical properties. The
results of therm al analysis of oils are presented in
Table 4. The obtained peaks were asymmetries and may
indicate the presence of three components in oil extracted
from the two me thods. The first peaks at low melting
points appe ar at – 22.58 ºC ( Hf = -14.43 J.gG1) for Blye
and Dyer method and – 22.53 ºC ( Hf = -15.37 J.gG1) for
Soxlhet method. These peaks correspond to triglycerides
formed by poly unsaturated acids (PUFA). The second
melting points are at – 1.25 ºC ( Hf = +5 4.36 J.gG1) for
Blye and Dyer method and – 1.33 ºC ( Hf = +59.86 J.gG1)
for Soxlhet method. This is a characteristic of mono
unsaturated acids (MUFA). The last peaks appear
to +7.51 ºC ( Hf = +9.17J.gG1) for Blye and Dyer method
and +6.30 ºC ( Hf = +6.49 J.gG1) for Soxlhet method,
suggest the presence of mixed triglycerides g roups with
different melting points.
Chemical properties: The chemical properties of oil are
amongst the most important properties that determines the
present condition of the oil. Free fatty acid and peroxide
values are valuable mea sures of oil quality. The iodine
value is the measure of the degree of unsaturation of the
oil. The free fatty acid and the unsaponifiable matter
content of the Soxlhet method were significantly higher
(P < 0.05) than those of the Blye and dyer method
(Table 3). There was no significant difference in the
Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 2(1): 31-35, 2010
Table 5: R elative percent c ompos ition of fatty a cid in M ango se ed oil
Fatty acid Determined values Reported valuesa
--------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
Bligh and Dyer Soxlhet 12 3
C14 :0 –––-–
C16 :0 6.38 ± 0.82A6.48 ± 0.33A
7.18 7.5 10.5
C16 :1 -----
C18 :0 37.51± 1.20 A
37.94± 2.10 A38.9 38.7 27 .0
C18 : 1 46. 67± 0. 32B45.76± 0. 50B42.6 43 .2 48.3
C18 :2 7.21 ± 0.88 A 7.45 ± 2.18 A 5.7 6.2 14 .0
C18 :3 2.22±0.53 A 2.37±0.42 A 5.3 2.9 –
Saturated 43.89 44.42 46.08 46.2 37 .5
Unsaturated 56.1 55.58 53 .6 52.3 62 .3
Means fo r the determined v alues in the sam e row follow ed by the same superscript letter are not significantly d ifferent (P < 0.05).
a (1) D hingra and K apoo r (1985 ), variety Chausa.
a (2) Dhing ra and Kapo or (1985), varie ty Dush eri.
a (1) S unda y S Arog ba (1997 ).
Table 6. Comparison of the p rofile in fatty vegetable oil acids
Oils C14 :0 C14 :1 C16 :0 C16 :1 C18 :0 C1 8 :1 C18 :2 C18 :3 C20 : 0
Palm 1.0 -44.5 0.2 4.6 38 .7 10.5 0.3 0.3
Safou --45.5 -2.8 28 24 .9 1.24 -
Maize --10.5 -2.5 28 58 .5 1.0 0.5
Groundnut --10.0 -2.0 46 .0 31.0 --
Cotton 0.9 -23.0 -2.2 17 .7 55.8 --
Hazel nut --7.0 0.1 2.0 74.5 16 .5 --
Soybean --11.0 -4.0 22 .0 54.3 7.5 -
Jatropha --15.6 1.0 5.8 40.1 37 .6 --
Mango --6.43 -37.73 46.22 7.33 2.30 -
iodine and saponification values, in the two extraction
methods (P > 0.05). The slightly higher value of
unsaponifiable matter in the Soxlhet method may be due
to the ability of the solvent to extrac t other lipid
associated substances like, sterols, fat soluble vitamins,
hydrocarbons and pigments (B astic et al., 1978; Salunke
et al., 1992).
Fatty acid composition: The major saturated fatty acids
in Mangifera indica seed kernel oil were stearic (37.73%)
and palmitic (6.43%) acids and the main unsatura ted fatty
acids are oleic (46.22%), linoleic (7.33% ) and linolenic
(2.30%) acids (Table 5). There was no significant
difference (P > 0.05) in the amounts of the major fatty
acids in the two oil samples. In the two oil samples of
Mangifera indica contained saturated and unsaturated
acids (44.16 and 55.84%) respectively. The proportion of
unsaturated fatty acids w as greater than the s aturated fatty
acids. Mangifera indica seed kernel oil is predominantly
made up of stearic and oleic acids (37.73 and 46.22%)
respectively. One notes 2.22 and 2.37% of linolenic acid
C18:3 respectively in the two methods Blye and Dyer and
Soxlhet (Table 5). The results obtained are in agreement
with those of the literature Dhingra and Kapoor (1985).
The comparison of the composition in fatty acids of
Mangifera indica seed kernel oil with that of vegetable
oils indicates that this plant is rich in acids stearic (C18:0)
and oleic (C18:1), Table 6.
Mangifera indica seed kernel oil has a low content of
protein. Stearic and oleic acids we re the principa l fatty
acids and the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids was
greater than the saturated fatty acids. High unsaponifiable
matters content (4.58%) guarantees the use the oils in
cosmetics industry.
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