
Protocols for the physiological assessment of team sport players

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... Particularly, high aerobic fitness is an important feature to improve basketball performance (5,8,23), for example, enhancing the ability to recover from the anaerobic efforts during a game (26), to reiterate sprints or high-intensity accelerations with short recovery intervals (17,21), and to prepare players to sustain an appropriate training load volume (24). Consequently, the ability to assess the aerobic fitness in basketball players may play a significant role for both coaches and sport scientists engaged in basketball performance and physiological evaluation (22). ...
... Over the years, as an alternative to the laboratory protocols that are time consuming and require trained staff and expensive equipment, several field tests have been proposed as practical alternatives for the assessment of aerobic fitness in basketball players (22). Particularly, the 20-m multistage shuttle run is widely used by basketball athletes as a field test for determining aerobic fitness (22), having a strong correlation with VO 2 max (r = 0.92-0.93) ...
... Over the years, as an alternative to the laboratory protocols that are time consuming and require trained staff and expensive equipment, several field tests have been proposed as practical alternatives for the assessment of aerobic fitness in basketball players (22). Particularly, the 20-m multistage shuttle run is widely used by basketball athletes as a field test for determining aerobic fitness (22), having a strong correlation with VO 2 max (r = 0.92-0.93) (19,20). ...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) ability to discriminate between elite, subelite junior basketball players, and a group of nonathletic healthy male athletes at 3 different age groups (U-14 to U-17). In a cross-sectional design, 119 age-matched participants spread over 3 groups, elite (n = 46), subelite (n = 42) junior basketball players, and nonathletic healthy male athletes (n = 31), were evaluated over a 5-week period. The participants undertook 2 familiarization trials of the Yo-Yo test performance and 3 test sessions on an indoor basketball court. When controlling for the effect of the participants' body mass, the results showed that elite athletes had a significantly higher Yo-Yo performance compared with the subelite athletes (1,271 ± 385 vs. 861 ± 428 m; p < 0.0017; effect size [ES] 1.0 ± 0.35) and the nonathletic group (1,271 ± 385 vs. 738 ± 345 m; p < 0.0017; ES 1.45 ± 0.38). No statistical differences (p > 0.0017; ES from 0.02 to 0.39) were noted between participants' performance levels across age groups. Typical between-performance levels and -age groups differences in the Yo-Yo IR1 were observed. However, when controlling for the effect of the participants' body mass, this study demonstrates that the Yo-Yo test is accurate only to discriminate elite junior basketball players but cannot be used to differentiate the basketball-specific aerobic performance for age.
... Bunlar; koordinasyon, denge ve patlayıcılıktır [58] . Çeviklik, hem hızlı bir şekilde durma hem de harekete tekrar başlama yeteneği olarak tanımlandığı gibi; iyi bir çeviklik özelliğine sahip sporcunun, çoğunlukla dinamik denge, görsel işleme, uzaysal farkındalık, ritim gibi kişisel becerilerinin de sergilenmesine katkı sağlamaktadır [59,60] . ...
... Test, her denek için iki kez uygulanmış ve performans olarak en iyi derece "saniye" cinsinden kaydedilmiştir. 59 ...
... This is a reliable test used to measure athletes' capacity for changing directions quickly (Ellis et al., 2000; Alves at al., 2010). As presented in Image 2, 10+5 m sized course is marked on the field. ...
... When the athletes reach the beginning of the following 5 m part the time starts, and after athletes do 1800 turn and reacceleration, the time stops and is recorded when the athletes reach at the finish line of the second 5 m distance. At the end of first 5 m run, athletes must set one foot on the turn line (Ellis et al., 2000). The photocell placed at the start of first 5 m enabled the automatic start and stop of the start and finish times. ...
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In this study, it is aimed to examine the agility skills of football players in case of fatigue. 12 male amateur trained soccer players (age=23.33±1.83 years; experience= 12.00±2.00 years) were voluntarily participated in this research. The Illinois Agility Test and 5-0-5 Agility Test, which are often used in the measurement of the agility skills, were first performed by the players without any physical strain (pre-test). The agility tests (post-test) were immediately performed after the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test 1 (YYIRT1), which caused fatigue in the players, was performed by the player. The resting, maximal, pre-and post-test heart rate frequencies of the players were recorded via a heart rate monitor (Polar RS800CX, Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland). Pearson correlation analysis and difference test (Paired-Sample t test) were used for pre-test and post-test agility test scores and heart rate values which showed normal distribution by normality test (Shapiro-Wilk.) and the results were evaluated at the level of significance 0.05. It was determined that the maximal heart rate was 90.13 ± 1.49% after YYIRT1 test. The pre-test and post-test scores of the Illinois and 5-0-5 agility tests showed a significant positive correlation between intra-and intergroup groups (p<0,05). While it was found that there was statistically significant difference between the pre-and post-test scores of 5-0-5 agility test (t=-3.74; p<0,01) in favour of the pre-test, it was found that there was no significant difference between the pre-and post-test scores of the values of the Illinois post-test (t=-0.147; p>0.05). Although significant relationship between the two tests confirms that these tests can be used to measure agility skill based on the findings of the study, it can be inferred that these tests measure the different properties of the agility skill because of different effects of fatigue on these agility tests.
... Reaches short of the toes were recorded as negative forward reach scores and reaches beyond the toes were recorded as positive forward reach scores in centimetres to the nearest 0.5 cm using the scale on the box. The measurement was repeated three times, and the highest value was recorded for analysis 31 . ...
... In the SJ, knee-hip angle was set at 110 degrees which was measured using a universal goniometer. Three attempts were performed for each jump test (CMJ followed by SJ) and the best result was used in the analysis of the jump performance 31 . ...
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Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of static stretching and the application of massage on flexibility and jump performance. Methods: Thirty-five athletes studying Physical Education at University (mean age 23.6±1.3 years, mean height 177.8±6.3 cm and mean weight 72.2±6.7 kg) performed one of three different warmup protocols on non-consecutive days. Protocols included static stretching [SS], combined static stretching and massage [SSM], and neither stretching nor massage [CONT]. The athletes performed flexibility, countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) tests. Results: SS and SSM protocols demonstrated 12% (p<0.05) and 16% (p<0.05) respectively greater flexibility than the CONT protocol. SJ and CMJ performances were significantly decreased 10.4% (p<0.05) and 5.5% (p<0.05) respectively after the SS protocol. There was no significant difference between SSM and CONT protocol in terms of SJ and CMJ performance. Conclusion: This research indicates that whereas static stretching increases the flexibility it decreases the jumping performance of the athletes. On the other hand, the application of massage immediately following static stretching increases flexibility but does not reduce jumping performance. Considering the known negative acute effects of static stretching on performance, the application of massage is thought to be beneficial in alleviating such effects. Keywords: Warm-Up, Stretching, Massage, Flexibility, Jumping
... Greitumo jėgos ir koordinacinių gebėjimų testas. Šuolis į aukštį iš vietos be rankų mosto (Stapff, 2000;Balčiūnas ir kt., 2009;Erčulj et al., 2009) ir šuolis į aukštį su rankų mostu (Skernevi-čius ir kt., 2004; Balčiūnas ir kt., 2009 b). Šuolio į aukštį iš vietos be rankų mosto (rankas laikant ant liemens, šuolis pradedamas iš statinės padėties, kelio sąnario kampas 90°), rezultatas -geriausias bandymas iš trijų. ...
... buvo geresni už kitų autorių pateiktus įvairaus amžiaus rodiklius: 13-14 m. -3,39 s (Karpowicz, 2006), 15 m. -3,00 (Gore, 2000) ir 3,18 s (Santo et al., 1997) Greitumo jėgai įvertinti ir nustatyti pasirinkome šuolį iš vietos į aukštį mojant rankomis ir be rankų mosto (Stapff, 2000). Nors tiriamieji ir buvo skirtingi, tačiau vertinant vyresniojo amžiaus krepšininkus su metais jaunesniais jų augimo ir brendimo metais šuolio iš vietos į aukštį mojant rankas rodiklių reikšmės statistiškai reikšmingai (p < 0,05) didėjo. ...
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Tyrimu siekta nustatyti, įvertinti ir sudaryti 10—17 m. jaunųjų krepšininkų atletinio bei techninio parengtumo ranginę skalę. Tiriamąją imtį sudarė 673 jaunieji 10—17 m. Arvydo Sabonio krepšinio mokyklos krepšininkai iš 8 skirtingo amžiaus grupių: 10 m. (n = 58), 11 m. (n = 116), 12 m. (n = 89), 13 m. (n = 124), 14 m. (n = 117), 15 m. (n = 88), 16 m. (n = 44), 17 m. (n = 37). Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2004—2006 m. povaržybiniu laikotarpiu. Taikytas testavimo metodas, kuriuo buvo vertinamas 10—17 m. jaunųjų krepšininkų atletinis (lokomocinis greitumas, greitumo jėga, koordinaciniai gebėjimai) ir techninis (kamuolio varymo ir judėjimo ginantis įgūdžių kokybė, metimų į krepšį iš skirtingų aikštės vietų tikslumas esant intensyviam fi ziniam krūviui ir 30 baudos metimų tikslumas nesant intensyviam fi ziniam krūviui) parengtumas. Skaičiuotas aritmetinis rezultatų vidurkis ( x ), vidutinis standartinis nuokrypis (SD), vidurkių skirtumo reikšmingumas pagal Stjudento t (Student t) nepriklausomų imčių kriterijų. Skirtumas su galima mažesne nei 0,05 paklaida buvo vertinamas kaip statistiškai patikimas (p < 0,05). Taip pat buvo naudojama „SPSS 12.0 for Windows“ programa, kuria sudarėme atletinio ir techninio parengtumo rangines skales (puikiai 80—100%; labai gerai 60—79%; gerai 40—59%; vidutiniškai 20—39%; nepakankamai 0—19%). Išskirtini mūsų tirtų skirtingų amžiaus grupių jaunųjų krepšininkų ūgio rodiklių skirtumai: 13-ais (5,1%; p < 0,05, lyginant su dvylikmečiais) ir 15-ais metais (5,2%; p < 0,05, lyginant su keturiolikmečiais). Kūno masės rodiklių skirtumai nustatyti lyginant vienuolikmečius su dešimtmečiais (p < 0,05; 13,8%) ir penkiolikmečius su keturiolik- mečiais (p < 0,05; 13,2%). Kūno masė kiekvienais metais kito statistiškai reikšmingai (p < 0,05): labiausiai kito vienuolikmečių ir penkiolikmečių — atitinkamai padidėjo 13,8 ir 13,2%, lyginant su ankstesniais metais. Nevieno- dus skirtingų tiriamųjų ūgio ir kūno masės skirtumus tarp 11 ir 12 metų krepšininkų galėjo lemti prepubertetinio ir pubertetinio laikotarpio sandūra. Kojų raumenų galingumas — skirtingai nei ūgis ir kūno masė — labiausiai padidėjo dvylikmečių (pubertetinio laikotarpio pradžioje: šuolio į aukštį iš vietos be rankų mosto padidėjo 12% — p < 0,05, lyginant su vienuolikme- čiais). Lokomocinio greitumo rodikliai (20 m bėgimas iš aukšto starto) kaip ir kojų raumenų galingumas, atliekant specifi nio pobūdžio veiksmus (šuolį aukštį su rankų mostu) labiausiai pakito penkiolikmečių — atitinkamai 6,1% ir 11,1% (statistiškai reikšmingai, lyginant su keturiolikmečiais). Metais vėliau — šešiolikmečių smarkiai (p < 0,05) pagerėjo koordinaciniai gebėjimai — 22,7% (lyginant su penkiolikmečiais). Techninį parengtumą apibūdinantys skirtingų testų rodikliai kito nevienodai: statistiškai reikšmingai (lyginant su ankstesniais amžiaus metais, p < 0,05) kamuolį greičiau varė trylikmečiai (7,2%), penkiolikmečiai geriau judėjo gindamiesi (13,5%) ir mesdami baudos metimus (19,7%), tačiau taikliausiai per 1 minutę kamuolį į krepšį metė vienuolikmečiai (23,2%). Tokius kitimus galėjo lemti ir genotipiniai, ir fenotipiniai veiksniai. Sudaryta jaunųjų krepšininkų (10—17 metų) atletinio ir techninio parengtumo ranginė skalė leis Lietuvos krepšinio treneriams įvertinti treniruojamų krepšininkų parengtumo lygį. Raktažodžiai: daugiametis sportinis rengimas, atletinis parengtumas, techninis parengtumas.
... To evaluate agility, we used the 505 test [33], which includes both acceleration and deceleration phases of a run with a 180 • turn on the dominant (A505D) or non-dominant leg (A505N). This test was used for a single change of direction speed. ...
... To evaluate agility, we used the 505 test [33], which includes both acceleration and deceleration phases of a run with a 180° turn on the dominant (A505D) or non-dominant leg (A505N). This test was used for a single change of direction speed. ...
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The aim of this study was to determine whether the speed, agility, aerobic and anaerobic capacities of football players varied by playing positions. Elite youth football players (n = 123, age = 15.7 ± 0.5 years) who played in six different positions, as goalkeepers (GK), full backs (FB), central defenders (CD), wide midfielders (WM), central midfielders (CM), and attackers (AT), were assessed. Multivariate analysis of variances was used to compare the following variables: Linear running sprint for 5 m (S5) and 10 m (S10), flying sprint for 20 m (F20), agility 505 test with turn on the dominant (A505D) and non-dominant leg (A505N), agility K-test, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery (YYIR1) test and repeat sprint ability (RSA) test. The results showed significant influence of playing positions on linear-running sprint performance (F1,123 = 6.19, p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.23). Midfielders reached significantly higher performance levels (CM = 2.44 ± 0.08 s, WM = 2.47 ± 0.13 s) in the A505N test compared to GK (2.61 ± 0.23 s). Outfield players had significantly higher performance in both YYIR1 and RSA tests compared to GK (p < 0.01). The results of this study may provide insightful strategies for coaches and clinical practitioners for developing position-specific conditioning programs.
... Agility is one of the necessary physical components in football to achieve successful performance. (Ellis, 2000). Agility, however, is a key performance component that determines the quality of movements, such as acceleration and deceleration of the football player. ...
... Compared to general population, an elite football player could be differentiated in terms of power, strength, and flexibility (Reilly, 2000). However, in general, in the case of sports involving rapid movement of body weight and movement patterns that require a change of direction, a high body-fat ratio will negatively affect performance both mechanically and metabolically (Hogstrom et al., 2011;Boileau and Horswill, 2002;Heyward and Stolarczyk, 1996;Ellis et al., 2000). High body-fat ratio will reflect as an extra weight in addition to tissues that provides power to body weight in terms of movements patterns that require horizontal and vertical acceleration. ...
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The study is to examine the relationship between young football players' body composition and their anaerobic performance. 30 young football players with an average age of 6.3 ± 0.73 years and average height of 175.2 ± 4.58 cm participated in the study. Body weight and body fat index were tested through Tanita BC-418 model using bioimpidence analysis while anaerobic performance was analyzed with the Illinois agility test, 30m speed test and two feet long jump. The correlations between the participants' body compositions and anaerobic performance were analyzed. A positive correlation between agility and speed (r=0.518), between speed and long jump (r=0.914), and a negative correlation between long jump and lean body weight (r=-0.362) was found. The fact that the participant professional football players possessed similar levels of training and physical features showed that there was no relation between body composition and agility. For all the sport branches including anaerobic training, the high amount of body negatively affected performance. In other words, high amounts of body fat rate results in lower performance and energy loss. Athletes' body weight, body fat index, height are among the determinants of their anaerobic performances.
... Co., Ltd., DGTK-5403, JP). All flexibility tests were repeated three times, and the highest value recorded for analysis (19). ...
... The knee-hip angle of the athletes during the squat jump was kept at 110 degrees through measurement with a standard goniometer. For both jump styles (first CMJ, then SJ), three repetitions were made, and the highest value used in the analysis of jump performance (19). ...
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Whole-body vibration (WBV) treatments have acute effects on strength, power, and range of motion (ROM) by affecting the nervemuscle function. However, there is little evidence about what could be the optimal practice for acute WBV. The purpose of this study is to reveal the acute effects of vibrations applied at different frequencies to preadolescent karate athletes on jump and ROM performance. Forty-six competing preadolescent karate athletes, who trained regularly (12.7±1.7 years, 155.2±3.1 cm, 50.9±4.7 kg) and were blue belt and above, were included in the study. Each athlete followed a vibration protocol with four different frequencies (0, 25, 30, and 35 Hz) in random order on nonconsecutive days. After a 5 min light-paced warm-up jog before each protocol, three repetitions of 20 sec (20 sec rest between repetitions) vibration treatments were applied. Jump and ROM tests were carried out after each vibration treatment. Vibration protocols were compared in repeated measurements using the ANOVA and post-hoc methods. Based on the test results, a vibration frequency range of 30 to 35 Hz positively affected the countermovement jump, while the 30 Hz frequency range positively affected squat jumps. Furthermore, frequency ranges of 25, 30, and 35 Hz positively affected the ROM. This effect was most intensely revealed in the 35 Hz frequency range. Applying vibrations between the ranges of 30-35 Hz on preadolescent karate practitioners is believed to acutely improve both jump and ROM performance.
... Agility is one of the necessary physical components in football to achieve successful performance. (Ellis, 2000). Agility, however, is a key performance component that determines the quality of movements, such as acceleration and deceleration of the football player. ...
... Compared to general population, an elite football player could be differentiated in terms of power, strength, and flexibility (Reilly, 2000). However, in general, in the case of sports involving rapid movement of body weight and movement patterns that require a change of direction, a high body-fat ratio will negatively affect performance both mechanically and metabolically (Hogstrom et al., 2011;Boileau and Horswill, 2002;Heyward and Stolarczyk, 1996;Ellis et al., 2000). High body-fat ratio will reflect as an extra weight in addition to tissues that provides power to body weight in terms of movements patterns that require horizontal and vertical acceleration. ...
... The IAT measured subjects' agility performance (Sener et al., 2021). The sit-and-reach test was used to assess the flexibility of the lower extremities (Ellis, 2000). Push-ups assessed upper-body muscular endurance (Miller, 2012;Cordingley et al., 2019). ...
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This study aimed to explore the impact of functional training on the physical fitness of young elite field hockey players. The study comprised 40 young elite male field hockey players with the following characteristics (mean ± SD age: 21.5 ± 0.8 years; height: 176.9 ± 2.6 cm; weight: 68.4 ± 5.1 kg; BMI: 21.8 ± 1.3; training experience: 51.2 ± 5.4 months). Twenty participants were allocated to two groups: the functional training group (FTG) and the control training group (CG). Each group received 60-minute training sessions three times per week for 12 weeks. Generalized estimating equation analysis and a Bonferroni test for pairwise comparisons were used to assess the intervention's efficacy. Before the start of the exercise program, no statistically significant differences were observed in physical fitness measures between the FTG and CG (p > 0.05). However, by the sixth week, a significant difference appeared in both the T-Agility test (p < 0.001) and endurance (p = 0.024) between the two groups, while no notable distinctions were detected in other fitness parameters (p > 0.05). After a 12-week training program, the FTG demonstrated improvements in all physical fitness measures [flexibility (p < 0.001); Illinois agility test (p < 0.001); T-agility test (p = 0.020); endurance (p < 0.001)] except speed, which exhibited no significant impact (p = 0.175). Notable enhancements in T-agility and endurance were evident after just six weeks of functional training, and a 12-week functional training regimen showed superiority over standard training approaches in young elite male field hockey players. These findings encourage the efficacy of functional training exercises over traditional methods in enhancing athletes' fitness parameters.
... The basic movement patterns in Soccer require the ability to efficiently use the stretch-shortening cycle in ballistic movements, in addition to rapid force development and high power output 18,19 . ...
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Objectives The aim of this study is to examine the effect of a six-week French contrast method applied to professional Soccer players on jumping, sprinting, and dynamic balance performance values. Methods A total of 21 male Soccer players voluntarily participated in the study, all of whom played professionally for 1461 Trabzonspor club. Data on gender, age, body weight (kg), body fat percentage (%BF), body mass index (BMI), vertical jump (cm), 30m sprint, and dynamic balance were obtained from the players. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to assess the normality of the data. Since the data showed normal distribution, paired samples T-test statistical analysis was applied. Results According to the statistical results obtained from professional Soccer players, there is a statistically significant difference between vertical jump, 30m sprint, and dynamic balance values (p<0.05). Based on these findings, it can be stated that the applied French contrast training method is effective on the mentioned variables. Conclusion French contrast training program applied to professional Soccer players can be considered effective in improving vertical jump, 30m sprint, and dynamic balance values.
... Depending on their mutual combinations, some new specific abilities will be produced (speed power, strong endurance, agility) [10]. Athletes with good agility generally also have a good level of development of other abilities in the domain of energy and central regulation of movement, good visual perception and forecast of events during the activity [11]. So, although agility implies efficient and quick stopping and the possibility of continuing movement, there is a high degree of complexity of this motor component. ...
... it's miles the potential to change the position entirely and accurately either in the area or in the ground (Wynn & Johnson, 1970). An athlete that displays excellent agility will most possibly possess other features inclusive of dynamic stability, spatial consciousness, and rhythm, in addition to visible processing (Ellis et al., 2000). So even as agility can be without a doubt described as a capacity to fast stop and re-begin movement, there may be an excessive diploma of complexity to this motor skill. ...
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In physical health, body composition is used to explain the odds of fat, bone, and muscle in human bodies. Due to the fact, muscular tissue takes up less space in our body than fat tissue, our body composition, as well as our weight, determines leanness. Due to their unique body compositions, two persons of the same height and weight may appear different from one another. The goal of the current study was to determine the effects of circuit training on the physical fitness factor of Kabaddi players. For this purpose, 120 physically active male Kabaddi players were selected as subjects, and their ages varied from 20 to 30. The experimental group received 8 weeks of circuit training from the researcher, who also administered pre- and post-tests before and after the training period respectively. Five days a week, for eight-week training were given to the experimental group. The gathered results were examined using a t-test with a significance level of 0.05. The results of the test showed that the Kabaddi player's level of physical fitness had significantly improved.
... It is connected with the speed, endurance and flexibility (Lefterov, (Лефтеров, 2006). An athlete who shows good agility most likely has other qualities as a dynamic balance, spatial orientation, rhythm and visual processing (Ellis, et al., 2000). Quality control of agility requires measuring the time of going through specialized tests and subsequent quantification. ...
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This study aims at determining the reliability of three tests for control of agility in contestants in boxing and kickboxing. It featured 31 sportsmen, 16 boxers aged 21±10 years and 15 kick boxers aged 22±16 years. Tests, used in the study are "Compass-2" from the site agility-cone-drill.htm, "Stork" by Brian McKenzie-2011. "Davis"-https: / / types-exercise/how-do-i-perform-the-davies-test. All are similar in nature of competitive activity of boxer and kick boxers. By the method test-retest, we determined which of them are with satisfying reliability. It turned out that the highest reliability (the value of the coefficient r = 0,83 and r = 0,90) in both groups showed the "Davis" test. The reliability of the "Stork" test is unsatisfactory and this test is not suitable for control of agility.
... Percent body fat, the percentage of total weight represented by fat weight, is the preferred index used to evaluate a person's body composition. Assessing body composition in the course of a sports season provides valuable information that can help sports professionals assess and monitor the success of training programs (Stapff 2000;Drinkwater et al. 2008) [21,8] and also monitor the health status of athletes ( [15,23] . It is generally accepted that a lower relative body fat is desirable for successful competition in most of the sports. ...
... The speed assessment was performed using 5 m, 10 m, and 20 m sprint tests according to the described protocol [25]. The participants performed three repetitions with 120 s pauses in between, with the fastest performance taken for statistical analysis. ...
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The aim of this study was to establish the role of maturation on the development of physical performance in adolescent athletes and nonathletes. The total studied sample consisted of 231 participants (131 athletes: 72 boys with an average chronological age of 13.53 ± 0.7 and 59 girls with an average chronological age of 11.97 ± 0.8; 100 nonathletes: 47 boys with an average chronological age of 13.73 ± 0.47 and 53 girls with an average chronological age of 11.93 ± 0.33), distributed according to their biological maturity stage (Pre-, Mid-, and Post-Peak Height Velocity [PHV]) and to their gender. The assessment of physical performance was performed using the following tests: Countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement jump with arm swing (CMJA), squat jump (SJ), five-jump test (5JT), 5 m sprint (5 m), 10 m sprint (10 m), 20 m sprint (20 m), T-test, Zig Zag, and Slalom. The differences in athletes according to biological maturity were identified in all variables except for 5 m (p = 0.33) and Slalom (p = 0.07), while in nonathletes the differences were found in 5JT (p = 0.01), 5 m (p = 0.02), 10 m (p = 0.01), and 20m (p = 0.01) tests. Additionally, a significant interaction of gender and biological maturity was detected for CMJ (p = 0.03), CMJA (p = 0.01), and Zig Zag (p = 0.05) in athletes. The findings of the current study confirm the importance of maturity status in the assessment of physical performance. As a consequence, a more rational selection of talented athletes could be provided, also enabling the timely development of physical performance in nonathletes as a “window of opportunity”.
... Many different field tests have been applied to assess COD ability (e.g., Pro-Agility test, L-run test, T-test, Illinois Agility test, and 505 test) (36). Owing to its simplicity and the minimal equipment required, the 505 test is becoming increasingly popular for the evaluation of COD ability in many different sports (13). Nevertheless, the 505 test completion time is likely to overestimate or underestimate COD ability because the time that is actually spent on executing the turning movement corresponds only to approximately 31% of the total test's duration (34). ...
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This study examined whether the stage of biological maturation can affect interlimb asymmetries during a change of direction (COD) test. Seventy-six young soccer players were divided into 2 different groups according to their peak height velocity stage (PHV): pre-PHV (n = 45, age = 11.8 ± 1.2 years, height = 149.8 ± 9.3 cm, body mass = 43.9 ± 11.2 kg) and post-PHV (n = 31, age = 14.4 ± 0.9 years, height = 170.0 ± 4.9 cm, body mass = 61.5 ± 8.9 kg). Subjects performed a 505 test to measure the completion time in both directions and a 20-m maximum sprint test. Change of direction deficit (CODD) was used as a measure for isolating COD ability. An independent sample t-test detected no significant differences between the asymmetry index values for the 505 test completion time when the pre-PHV group and the post-PHV group were compared (−3.49 ± 2.49% vs. −3.45 ± 2.47%, effect size [ES] = 0.02, p = 0.923). Similarly, the CODD asymmetry index indicated no differences between the 2 groups (−8.21 ± 5.95% vs. −7.37 ± 5.12%, ES = 0.15, p = 0.457). A paired sample t-test revealed that the values of the CODD asymmetry index were larger than those of the 505 asymmetry index (−7.88 ± 5.61% vs. −3.49 ± 2.46%, ES = 1.09, p < 0.001). According to these results, maturational status has no influence on the interlimb asymmetries of COD ability. Furthermore, subjects showed greater asymmetry values in CODD compared with the 505 test completion time, reinforcing that the evaluation of COD asymmetries should be based on CODD. As interlimb asymmetries are not altered during the maturation process, practitioners should address abnormal COD asymmetries early on during athletes' development processes.
... The complexity of agility is reflected in the open character of motor skills [11], ie in the rapid change of direction in response to a stimulus [9]. [8,9,10] The assessment of agility is performed by various tests that contain acceleration, deceleration, and change of direction, and test protocols involve more or less specific patterns of movement (complexity of movement) concerning the movement characteristics in certain sports and disciplines such as football, basketball, handball, volleyball, tennis, etc. Examples of agility assessment protocols include 505 test, T-test, Step aside, Zigzag test, etc. [12]. It is clear that these tests contain the speed of running and changing direction, but the result obtained by measuring these tests is calculated as a result that shows us the agility of the subjects, although in all these cases we have given distances 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 meters. ...
... 15 Furthermore, the forward jai center positions include a higher level of physical contact to which size is helpful since the game evolved into a game of strength. 16 The conclusions of previous studies 17 show that guards were significantly faster than centers in the agility tests. guards are smaller in size and also is required to be the main carriers of the ball during the game since they have stability, flexibility and a potential benefit as the lower center of gravity. ...
Coaches in basketball often need to know how specific rotation line-ups perform in either offense or defense and choose the most efficient formation, according to their specific needs. In this research, a sample of 1131 ball possession phases of Greek Basket League was utilized, in order to estimate the offensive and defensive performance of each formation. Offensive and defensive ratings for each formation were calculated as a function of points scored or received, respectively, over possessions, where possessions were estimated using a multiple regression model. Furthermore, a Markov chain model was implemented to estimate the probabilities of the associated formation’s performance in the long run. The model could allow us to distinguish between overperforming and underperforming formations and revealed the probabilities over the evolution of the game, for each formation to be in a specific rating category. The results indicated that the most dominant formation, in terms of offense, is Point Guard-Point Guard-Small Forward-Power Forward-Center, while defensively schema Point Guard-Shooting Guard-Small Forward-Center-Center had the highest rating. Such results provide information, which could operate as a supplementary tool for the coach’s decisions, related to which rotation line-up patterns are mostly suitable during a basketball game.
... Desde el punto de vista condicional, los eventos más interesantes durante un partido de fútbol son representados por situaciones de alta intensidad tales como sprints, giros, saltos, lanzamientos, golpeos o entradas (Hoff & Hegerud, 2004), en las que tienen mucha incidencia las capacidades físicas mencionadas anteriormente. Los patrones básicos de movimiento en el fútbol requieren un alto desarrollo de la fuerza rápida y potencia, además de la habilidad para utilizar eficientemente el ciclo estiramiento-acortamiento en movimientos balísticos (Ellis, et al., 2000;Plisk, 2000;Thomas, French & Hayes, 2009). En el desarrollo de estas habilidades, es destacable la influencia de la variable edad (Méndez-Villanueva, Buchheit, Kuitunen, Douglas, Peltola & Bourdon, 2011;Soarez, et al., 2012) y del puesto específico en el terreno de juego (Calahorro, et al., 2012). ...
El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la influencia del puesto específico desarrollado en el terreno de juego por jóvenes futbolistas en la capacidad de salto, sprint, agilidad y velocidad de golpeo. Participaron 36 jugadores de nivel sub-élite provenientes de las categorías inferiores (cadete y juvenil) de equipos de fútbol andaluces (edad: 15.87 ± 1,43 años; masa corporal: 65.38 ± 10,84 kg; altura: 1.71 ± .06 m). Se evaluó la composición corporal, el rendimiento en salto vertical (CMJ), la agilidad mediante el test de Balsom, velocidad de sprint en 5, 10, 20 y 30 metros, y la velocidad de golpeo con ambas piernas. Los análisis mostraron que existen diferencias entre delanteros y defensas en la velocidad en 20m (p = .012) y entre delanteros y mediocampistas en la velocidad en 30m (p = .008). En las demás variables no existen diferencias entre las distintas posiciones de juego. Se concluye que durante la etapa de formación del futbolista, en este caso adolescencia, el nivel de especialización de los mismos no es alto y, en consecuencia, su condición física no presenta unos rasgos marcados, específicos de una determinada posición en el campo, probablemente debido a que en estas edades y niveles, se persigue una formación integral del deportista y un desarrollo lo más amplio posible, tanto a nivel físico como técnico-táctico.Palabras clave. Fuerza; fútbol; adolescentes; posición en el campo; habilidades; test físicos.Abstract. The main objective of this paper was to analyze the influence of specific position in vertical jump ability, sprint, agility and kicking speed in young soccer players. 36 soccer players of sub-elite level from Andalusian youth soccer academies participated voluntarily in this study (age: 15.87 ± 1.43 years; body mass: 65.38 ± 10.84 kg; height: 1.71 ± .06 m). Body composition, vertical jump performance (CMJ), agility through Agility Balsom Test, sprint in 5, 10, 20 and 30 meters, and kicking speed with both legs, were performed. Analysis showed differences between forwards and defenders with respect to 20m speed test (p = .012), and between forwards and midfielders with respect to 30m speed test (p = .008). In other variables there were not significant differences according to the specific position. It is concluded that during the formation stage of a soccer placer, in this case, for adolescence, specialization level is not high, therefore differences were not found by specific position probably because in these ages and levels, the aims are a comprehensive training and physical and technical-tactical soccer player development.KeyWords. Strength; soccer; adolescents; position in field; skills; physical test.
... fatigue) to assess repeatedsprint performance (Pyne, Saunders, Montgomery, Hewitt, & Sheehan, 2008). Stapff (2000) suggests that the target WD of basketball players is < 7 %, and the work carried out > 330 J‧kg -1 . It can be assumed that performing RSA at low work decrement must be aimed at high total work. ...
... Soccer players use a combination of running, jumping, and changing directions. The basic movement patterns in soccer also require high levels of agility (Ellis et al., 2000;Reilly & Dorand, 2003). Agility requires rapid force development and high-power output, as well as the ability to efficiently utilize the stretch-shortening cycle in ballistic movements (Plisk, 2000). ...
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This randomized controlled study aimed to investigate the effects of a 10-week in-season plyometric training program on agility performance. Thirty-one male soccer players (age = 28.8 ± 4.1 years; body mass = 73.7 ± 7.2 kg; height = 175.2 ± 6.0 cm) from an amateur soccer team were assigned into two groups, an experimental (EG; n=15) or a control (CG; n=16) group. The EG group performed a 10-week plyometric training program and the CG did not perform any plyometric training techniques. The program included one training session per week in place of a weekly usual soccer training session and lower limbs plyometric exercises at maximal intensity (total of 90-140-foot contacts/session) were executed. All subjects participated in two agility tests before and after the experiment: T-test and Illinois Agility Test. The EG group showed significantly (p < 0.05, d = 0.7) improvement than CG in the T-test (-0.5 vs. 0.5 sec.,-4.3 vs. 4.4%, respectively) and Illinois Agility test (-0.6 vs. 0.5 sec.,-3.7 vs. 3.1%, respectively) after 10-week. Results suggest that amateur adult male soccer players that are participating in a plyometric training program can enhance their agility performance by replacing a part of their standard regimen with an in-season 10-week one-weekly program of plyometric training for the lower limbs. This study provided the first objective demonstration of plyometric training value in amateur soccer players.
... 40 After the 4th sprint, the player was assessed for flexibility with the sit and reach flexibility test (SR) according to guidelines and protocols described by the literature. [41][42][43][44] Maximum full stretch was held for at least three seconds to avoid the effect of bouncing. Each player performed four attempts while the first one was as a trial and the next three as official measurements to the nearest centimetre with 30 sec interval between attempts. ...
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Article for publication for MSc in Sports and Exercise Rehabilitation at St. Mary's University College Twickenham London. The subject of the dissertation is about the immediate effects of pre-event high velocity manipulation on sit and reach flexibility, acceleration and velocity speed in rugby union. The methodology used was a pilot double blinded RCT study.
... These tests are used to evaluate sprint performance at distances of 5 and 10 meters (Ellis et al., 2000). Electronic timing gates (Witty system, Microgate, Bolzano, Italy) were set on the starting line, and at distances of 5 and 10 meters from the line, and were used to measure the sprint time in seconds. ...
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The aim of the research was to determine the influence of sprint performance and explosive strength on ball throwing velocity in Goalball. The sample of participants consisted of 12 nationally and internationally ranked Goalball players, with an average age of (25.17±8.03). To evaluate sprint performance, the 5 and 10 meter sprint tests were used. To evaluate explosive strength, the standing long jump and seated medicine ball throw were used. The results of the regression analysis have indicated that the entire system of applied variables is statistically significantly connected and influences ball throwing velocity. At the same time, we evaluated the statistically significant influence of the seated medicine ball throw variable. We can conclude that as part of the fitness training of Goalball players, it is necessary to work on improving sprint performance and explosive strength due to the ability of rapid transition of the players from the defensive phase to the attack phase. It is especially important to develop upper-body explosive strength in order to increase ball throwing velocity and create the possibility for greater effectiveness of Goalball players.
... The evaluation of the speed of the participants was carried out on the 5m, 10m, and 20m sprint ( Ellis et al., 2000). The participants performed three repetitions with 30s pauses between each repetition, while the fastest performance was included as data for the statistical analysis. ...
The aim of this research was to determine the differences between the results from the tests of motor abilities carried out on a selected group of handball players in relation to their biological maturation. A total of 23 handball players, belonging to a selected group, took part in this research. The overall sample of participants was divided into three groups based on their biological maturation. The measurements of motor abilities were carried out using the following tests: explosive power, sprint speed and rapid changes in direction. The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, a univariate analysis of variance and the Bonferroni PostHoc test in order to determine whether a statistically significant difference could be detected between the groups on the tests of motor abilities. Based on the statistical analysis (ANOVA method), a difference was determined between the peak height velocity (PHV) groups for all the variables. The PostHoc test later determined that there were no differences for any of the variables between the PrePHV and MidPHV groups. Differences in all the variables were determined between the PrePHV and PostPHV groups. Differences between the MidPHV and PostPHV groups were determined for 7 variables, while no statistically significant difference was determined for 3 of the variables (5JT, T-test and the Slalom). The main contribution of this research is that it indicates to coaches the inevitability of being familiar with the biological maturation of their players for optimal selection, for adequate training design, and a decrease in the risk of injury.
... Football is a branch consisting of high intensity, intermittent exercises that requires multiple sprint, negative and positive acceleration, jump and agility in different severity and duration, despite resembling to aerobic (Shephard, 1999). Agility is necessary for a superior performance in football as in many other branches (Ellis et al., 2000). Agility has different definitions in the literature. ...
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Objective: This study aims at investigating the relationship between reactive agility and cognitive performance of amateur male football players. Material and Method: Twenty-four male football players from 11 Nisan Sports Club in Şanlıurfa struggling in Regional Amateur Football League (BAL) participated in the study voluntarily. The mean age, height and weight of the football players participating in the study were 22.88 ± 4.15 year, 176.76 ± 5.90 cm and 69.76 ± 7.61 kg, respectively. Psycho-Technical Vienna system was used for Participants’ Cognitive tests, IQ (SPM), Continuous Attention (SIGNAL, SIGINAL TIME), Visual Memory (TAVTB), Determination Test (DT, DT TIME), Attention and Problem Solving (COG), Line Tracking (LVT), and Speed Distance Estimation (HMT). For the reactive agility test, the Fusion Sport Smart Speed device was used. Correlation statistics were used for the relationships between the variables. SPSS 23.0 package program was used for statistical operations. For the interpretation of statistical analyze, the significance level was accepted as 0.05. Results: There was no significant relationship between IQ (SPM), Continuous Attention (SIGNAL), Visual Memory (TAVTMB), Determination Test (DT), Attention and Problem Solving (COG), Line Tracking (LVT) with reactive agility values of male football players (p > 0.05), a significant relationship was found between Continuous Attention Reaction Time (SIGINAL TIME) the rRaction Time of the Determination test (DT TIME) and Speed Distance Estimation (HMT) (p < 0.05). Conclusion: As the content of the reactive agility test was based only on the speed and reaction speed against light and noise, it was found that the players were only associated with speed distance estimation and response time among the reactive agility performance and the cognitive tests. In order to determine the relationship between reactive agility and cognitive performance, there is a need for new reactive agility tests which are designed according to the branches where there is a distinction between competitor and team player requiring visual memory, attention, reaction, and double action skills.
... Anaerobic performance tests, such as the Margarita-Kalamen Test and the Vertical Jump Test (Sargent Test) may be used to assess speed and explosiveness of the athletes' lower extremities 1,16,17,18 . ...
BACKGROUND: Since the human being functions as a multidimensional system with highly adaptable automatic features and with strong correlations among the subsystems, the scientists have been encouraged to explore the predictive possibilities of one human characteristic/ability according to different morpho-functional characteristics/abilities. The goal of this study was to explore the biological relations between morpho-functional variables and the voice-acoustic parameters, and the possibility to predict the explosive power of the lower extremities based on the registered voice acoustic parameters. METHODS: Seven morpho-functional variables and six voice-acoustic parameters were measured on 37 male athletes aged 15-29 years. The statistical analysis was accomplished through the SPSS-program version-20 and Statistica-12. The obtained data were analyzed through Canonical Analyses, Regressive Analyses, and t-test for Paired Samples. RESULTS: Canonical analysis has enabled the extraction of one significant canonical root (P=0.043), which explains 73.7% of the shared variance. The results of the regression analysis indicate that the system of voice-acoustic parameters significantly predicts 34.7% of total variance of the criterion variable Margarita-Kalamen test. CONCLUSIONS: The final results of this study confirm very close biological relations between morpho-functional and voice-acoustic parameters. Additionally, according to these results, it might be suggested that based on the voice-acoustic parameters: MeanF0 and MinF0, may be predicted the athlete’s explosive power of the lower extremities.
... Psychomotor reaction time (PRT) and frequency of movements (FM) in 10 s, which reflects mobility of central nervous system, was measured by electric reactiometer (Baltec Sport, Lithuania). Repeated anaerobic alactic working test of 5x6 seconds duration with 24 seconds rest intervals performed with ergometer "Monark 894 E" (Sweden) was included into testing program (Ellis et al., 2000). Average capacity for each working interval was calculated, and fatigue index estimated with regard to capacity decrease after each time carrying out the load. ...
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Background. The purpose of the present study was to establish and evaluate body capacity and functional capacity of Lithuanian deaf basketball national team players, 2013 Deaflympic champions, and to provide the data analysis of the players’ participation in Deaflympic Games comparing it with the data of participation in the Games of 2005 and 2009. Deaflympic Games comparing it with the data of participation in the Games of 2005 and 2009. Methods. The group of investigated persons included 12 Lithuanian deaf basketball national team members. Basketball players’ body development, body and functional capacity testing was performed. Method of systemic analysis was employed to perform comparative analysis of Lithuanian deaf basketball national team players’ game indicators. Results. The results of our research showed that body development and physical capacity indices of Lithuanian deaf basketball national team players who participated in 2013 Deaflympic Games allowed accomplishing the technical and tactical requirements of contemporary basketball for players of such level. Lithuanian deaf basketball national team members have demonstrated better results in muscle mass and reached higher physical capacities comparing to those of the participants of the previous Games. This increase resulted in improved quality of the game and for the first time becoming gold medals winners. Conclusion. Comparative analysis of game indices of the teams having participated in various Games showed that the majority of the competitive activity indices were better in 2013 Games in Sofia: field of goals precision was 49.2%, the high number of defensive rebounds and less turnovers during competitions allowed very effective fast breaks. Keywords: muscle power, body composition, psychomotor functions, agility game activity.
... Labai svarbūs krepšininkams yra anaerobiniai energijos ištekliai raumenyse. Krepšininkės veiksmingai atlieka mažos trukmės darbą, tačiau reikalaujant palyginti nedidelės ištvermės (Krause et al., 1999;Ellis et al., 2000;Joy, Macintyre, 2001). Neretai jų veiksmuose, kurie trunka iki 40 sekundžių, ima vyrauti mišrios anaerobinės alaktatinės-glikolitionės energijos gamybos reakcijos. ...
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Krepšinio žaidėjams labai svarbūs anaerobiniai energijos ištekliai raumenyse. Geriausios krepšininkės veiksmingai atlieka mažos trukmės darbą, tačiau jos yra palyginti nedidelės ištvermės. Visgi, kaip skiriasi skirtingo meistriškumo žaidėjų fi zinis pajėgumas, nėra pakankamai išnagrinėta. Mūsų tyrimo tikslas ⎯ ištirti Lietuvos moterų krepšinio rinktinės, moterų Eurolygoje žaidžiančios didelio meistriš- kumo komandos, jaunųjų 16 metų žaidėjų raumenų galingumą, kraujotakos sistemos funkcinį pajėgumą ir atlikti lyginamąją analizę. Siekdami šio tikslo tyrėme didžiausiąjį anaerobinį alaktatinį raumenų galingumą tiriamosioms atliekant darbą veloergometru, mišraus tipo anaerobinį alaktatinį-glikolitinį raumenų galingumą atliekant 30 s Vingeito testą. Nu- statėme širdies susitraukimų dažnį (ŠSD), kraujospūdį reaguojant į 30 s didžiausiąjį fi zinį krūvį ir atsigaunant per 3 minutes. Didžiausiojo anaerobinio alaktatinio raumenų galingumo ⎯ moterų Eurolygoje žaidžiančios komandos sportinin- kės, tarp kurių buvo ir pajėgių užsienio šalių krepšininkių. Mažiausio raumenų galingumo buvo Lietuvos jaunosios krepšininkės. Didžiausiojo galingumo ištvermė tirtų grupių žaidėjų mažai skyrėsi. Mišrus anaerobinis alaktatinis-glikolitinis raumenų galingumas Lietuvos moterų krepšinio rinktinės žaidėjų buvo mažesnis negu klubo krepšininkių ir nesiskyrė nuo 16 metų sportininkių. Tai rodo, kad geriausiųjų Lietuvos krepši- ninkių šios svarbios fi zinės ypatybės lygis yra nepakankamas. Jau parengiamuoju laikotarpiu visų grupių žaidėjų ŠSD reakcija į 30 s didžiausių pastangų fi zinį krūvį statistiškai nesiskyrė, tačiau sistolinio kraujospūdžio reakcijos skirtumai akivaizdūs. Raktažodžiai: fizinis pajėgumas, raumenų galingumas, kraujospūdis, fizinis krūvis, širdies susitraukimų dažnis, adaptacija.
... Based on some previous studies (see Ellis et al., 2000;Harman et al., 2000;Hasegawa et al., 2002;Kirkendall, 2000;Lacy & Hastad, 2007;Miller, 2006;Pollitt, 2003;Vescovi & McGuigan, 2008), the researcher selected eight general and Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. ...
... Based on previous studies (Ellis et al., 2000;Harman, Garhammer, & Pandorf, 2000;Hasegawa et al., 2002;Kirkendall, 2000;Lacy & Hastad, 2007;Miller, 2006;Pollitt, 2003;Vescovi & McGuigan, 2008), the researcher has selected eight general and validated agility tests. These are referred to as alternatives according to AHP approach. ...
... Subjects' acceleration performances were measured using a photocell in a distance of 10-m length (Newtest 2000). Subjects' lower extremity flexibilities were assessed by the sit and reach (Takei Sci., Co., Ltd, DGTK-5403, JP) test as in Ellis et al. (12). T-test was preferred to measure agility performance. ...
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Yildiz, S, Pinar, S, and Gelen, E. Effects of 8-week functional vs. traditional training on athletic performance and functional movement on prepubertal tennis players. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-In recent years, studies on functional training (FT) have gained importance among older adults and health care services, but there is a lack of research on the athletic performance of children. Fundamental movement skills are basic skills that need to be improved by the age of 10, and these skills are fundamental to every sport. While developing these basic movement skills, some athletic abilities of children should not be neglected and will be a basis for the future. In this way, children will have the ability to perform their sport-specific movement skills easily when the age of specialization comes. Our hypothesis is that increased functional movement will enhance athletic performance of child tennis players. Question of the study is "will increased functional movement enhance athletic performance of child tennis players?" The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the FT model on the athletic performance of young athletes. This study included 28 young tennis players (mean age: 9.6 ± 0.7, height: 134.1 ± 6.8, body mass: 31.3 ± 4.1, and fitness age: 3.1 ± 1.1) who have an 80% or more dominant side based on the lateralization test and a functional movement screen (FMS) score below 75%. Ten subjects were included in each of the FT group (FTG) and the traditional training group (TTG), 8 subjects were included in the control group (CG). The training program was implemented on 3 nonconsecutive days in a week for 8 weeks. All subjects performed CG exercises; FTG performed additional exercises based on the FT model, and TTG performed additional exercises based on the TT model. Flexibility, vertical jump, acceleration, agility, balance, and FMS tests were conducted before the training program, at the end of the fourth and the eighth week. The Friedman test analysis method bearing intragroup repeated measurements was used to evaluate the effects of the training program on the dependent variables among weeks (beginning the fourth week and the eighth week) since groups display distribution in nonparametric order. The differences between the averages were tested with Wilcoxon post hoc analyses. The Kruskal-Wallis Test analyses method was used to evaluate the effects of the training program on dependent variables among the groups (CG, TTG, and FTG). The differences between the averages were tested with Mann-Whitney U post hoc analyses. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values were calculated to determine the test-retest reliability of all measurements. According to the data, there was no difference in performance measurements between CG, TTG, and FTG before the exercise program (p > 0.05), but the differences between the groups were significant (p < 0.01) after 4 weeks and 8 weeks. A significant decrease was found in FMS score in CG (p < 0.01), while no difference was found in other parameters (p > 0.05). In TTG, FMS score significantly decreased (p < 0.01), dynamic right balance (p < 0.01) and dynamic left balance (p < 0.05) increased. But, no statistically significant difference was found in other parameters (p > 0.05) in TTG. In FTG, all parameters improved, and differences were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001). Based on these results, the FT model seems to be more effective than the TT model in terms of increasing athletic performance.
... Agility in team sports can be defined as basic movements requiring the player to perform sudden changes in body direction in combination with rapid movement of the limbs (Ellis et al., 2000). Another explanation for agility is often recognized as the ability to quickly change directions and to start and to stop quickly (Little, Williams, 2005). ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the reproducibility of three different agility tests in basketball, soccer and water polo team sports. To determine the reliability 44 young male athletes (Basketball age 16.5 ±0.6, height 177.9 ±7.7 weight 70.0 ±7.1; Soccer age 16.3 ±0.5, height 169.2 ±5.0, weight 71.2 ±7.9; Water Polo age 17.1 ±0.7, height 181.3 ±6.7, weight 76.7 ±7.2) performed 3 different agility tests (Zig-Zag, Illinois and AS) on two occasions 1 wk. apart for test-retest. Sprint time scores were analyzed for each test. To determine the reliability Paired Sample T-test and Pearson Correlation Statistics were computed. Scores of teams were compared with ANOVA statistics to determine the difference. Test results showed that there was no significant difference between the two occasions for all agility test on subjects and teams (p > 0.01). There was higher correlation between test-retest values of subjects (r = 0.90–0.97). Three different agility tests were found valid in determining agility with significant moderate level correlation. (r = 0.36–0.44; p < 0.01). Differences among sport branches were found significant for agility scores (p < 0.05). All three agility tests are reliable and valid for team sport athletes. Soccer players had better scores than other branches in soccer specific test (AS). This study showed that sport specific agility tests are more useful than general agility tests.
... Flexibility was measured using the sitand-reach test (Ellis et al., 2000), which has testretest reliability of 0.89 (Johnson and Nelson, 2000). The total displacement of the fingertips between reach and stretch distance was recorded to the nearest 0.5 cm, and the best of three trials was accepted as the final score (Clark, 2007). ...
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Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide. Despite its global acclaim, scientific studies of soccer have tended to focus on tactics and techniques, thereby neglecting the physical and physiological profile of the players. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine physical and anthropometric characteristics of male South African university soccer players. Twenty-seven male soccer players aged 19 to 24 (mean age: 22.1 years; s = 1.5 years) volunteered to participate in the study. The results showed that goalkeepers (77.5 ± 9.7 kg) and defenders (68.2 ± 6.5 kg) were the heaviest compared to players in other playing positions. The goalkeepers also had the highest percentage of body fat (11.3 ± 2.3%), in contrast to midfielders who had the lowest body fat content (9.1 ± 0.9%). With regard to flexibility, defenders (45.1 ± 4.9 cm) and midfielders (45.9 ± 5.4 cm) performed better than goalkeepers (37.1 ± 4.3 cm) and strikers (40.1 ± 3.4 cm). Midfielders (57.2 ± 3.1 ml
... .Agility is the ability of a player to make changes in body direction and position rapidly and accurately without losing balance, in combination with fast movements of limbs (Ellis et al., 2000;Kent, 2004). Roozen (2004) found what determined agility was the ability to combine muscle strength, starting strength, explosive strength, balance, acceleration, and deceleration. ...
Conference Paper
The aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relationship between body composition and motor abilities. A total of 50 participants, non-athletes, school-aged, from the school "Vožd Karađorđe" from Niš, male and female, average age 12.9 years, participated in this research. The research examined whether there is a relationship between parameters of the body composition and tests of explosive power, speed and agility. Tests were used to asses explosive power: countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement jump with free arms (CMJA), squat jump (SJ) and five jump test (5JT). To asses speed we conducted tests 5m sprint (5m), 10m sprint (10m) and 20m sprint (20m). The following tests were used to assess agility: T-test, Zig Zag and Slalom. We used Pearson's correlation analysis to determine the relationship between body composition variables and motor abilities variables. As a result, it was proven that there are statistically significant correlation between body composition and motor abilities of school-age children.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, genç yaş kategorisindeki futbolculardaki sürat, çeviklik, denge ve dikey sıçrama arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını Muğla yerel amatör lig akademisinde temel futbol eğitimi alan 13,04±1,04 (yıl) yaş ortalamasına sahip (Boy uzunluğu: 154,6±9,4 cm; Vücut Ağırlığı: 48,3.±11,4 kg; BKI: 20,0±2,76) 22 erkek sporcu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmaya katılan sporcuların ailelerinden izin alınarak, yapılan ölçümler sporcuların dinlenik olduğu bir zamanda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada sürat, çeviklik, dikey sıçrama ve denge ölçümleri Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Fizyoloji laboratuvarı (dikey sıçrama ve denge) ile sentetik zemin futbol sahasında (çeviklik ve sürat) gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar SPSS 26 paket programıyla yapılmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi p˂0.05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgulara göre, 30 metre sürat ile dikey sıçrama ve çeviklik T testi değerleri arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Diğer değişkenler arasında ise herhangi bir ilişkiye rastlanmamıştır. Sonuç olarak, temel eğitim alan futbolcu çocukların futbolda önemli performans göstergelerinden biri olan ve patlayıcılık gerektiren dikey sıçrama, çeviklik, 30 m sürat özelliğinin birbirini etkilemesi, bu yaş grubu sporcularının özelliklerinin uygun sınırlarda tutulabilmesinin ve takım antrenmanları hazırlanırken göz önünde bulundurulmasının performans için önemli katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Çeviklik, Çocuk, Denge, Futbol, Sürat
With an array of critical and engaging pedagogical features, the fifth edition of Motor Learning and Control for Practitioners offers the best practical introduction to motor learning available. This reader-friendly text approaches motor learning in accessible and simple terms and lays a theoretical foundation for assessing performance; providing effective instruction; and designing practice, rehabilitation, and training experiences that promote skill acquisition. Features such as Exploration Activities and Cerebral Challenges involve students at every stage, while a broad range of examples helps readers put theory into practice. The book also provides access to a fully updated companion website, which includes laboratory exercises, an instructors’ manual, a test bank, and lecture slides. As a complete resource for teaching an evidence-based approach to practical motor learning, this is an essential text for undergrad and post-grad students, researchers, and practitioners alike who plan to work in the areas of motor learning, motor control, physical education, kinesiology, exercise science, coaching, physical therapy, or dance.
Background: Systematic training of basketball causes morphological cardiac and cardiorespiratory adaptations. Previous studies have mainly focused either on only cardiac or respiratory changes. However, the extent of these cardiac adaptations and their relationship with aerobic capacity remain unclear in basketball athletes of different ages. Methods: Eighty male basketball players participated in the experimental group and 80 healthy and sedentary male individuals served as controls. All participants underwent to athletic history, anthropometric measurements, 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography, resting spirometry and cardiopulmonary exercise stress test. Results: Left ventricular mass (LVM), left ventricular mass index (LVMI), left ventricular end-diastolic internal dimension (LVIDd), end-diastolic volume (EDV), stroke volume (SV) and interventricular septal thickness at diastole (IVSd) were significantly higher in all groups of athletes compared to controls (p<0.05). End-diastolic volume index (EDVI) was significant higher only in adult players compared to controls (p<0.05). Posterior wall thickness at diastole (PWd) was significantly greater in groups of children and adult players compared to controls (p<0.05). Maximal oxygen uptake (V̇ O2max) in relative values was higher in all groups of athletes compared to controls (P< 0.05). Conclusions: The increased LVM is attributed to concentric hypertrophy. This is further supported by the finding that there was no relationship between V̇ O2max and echo parameters. The results of the present study indicate that the cardiorespiratory adaptations caused by basketball training are mainly formed in the early age stages without further increase throughout the years of action.
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The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of interval training programme on selected physiological parameters of University soccer players. The study was conducted at the University of Ibadan stadium, in Nigeria. Pretest-posttest experimental research design was adopted for this study. Soccer players used for this study participated in different interval training program exercises such as Bench blast, Squat jumps, Tuck jumps, Lateral hops, Zigzag hops, Push ups, Squat thrust, 100 meter, 200 meters and 400 meters races for eight weeks. The physiological parameters of resting systolic blood pressure, resting diastolic blood pressure, heart rate reserve (HRR) and vital capacity (VC) were measured before and after the training program. Paired sample t test was used to analyze the data at p< 0.05. One of the hypotheses shows a no-significant difference in the pretest and posttest measures i.e. resting systolic blood pressure. Therefore, the hypothesis was not rejected. The mean measure of resting systolic blood pressure of 109 indicates good score in the classification of blood pressure classification; that the experimental group has systolic blood pressure range of 100 to 120, mean and SD difference of-1.950±5.808 while the control group had systolic blood pressure range of 100 to 120, mean and SD difference of-3.60±4.16. All other hypotheses were rejected which indicates a significant difference between the pretest and posttest with the following mean values and SD differences: resting diastolic blood pressure-4.65±5.66, HRR 11.35±6.98 and VC 0.5250±.3492. The control group did not show significant differences in the performance variables following the interval training programme. It is therefore recommended amongst others that the intensity of the athletes' cardio workout should be measured.
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The goal of this study was to find out the change of direction with short quick sprint training on acceleration and agility among women soccer players. To achieve the purpose of this study, twenty women soccer players were randomly selected as participants from Rani Anna Government College for Women’s, Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu, India. Their age were ranged from 18 to 25 years, who were participated intercollegiate tournament in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University intercollegiate competitions during the academic year of 2018-2019. The selected participants were randomly divided into two groups such as Group ‘I’ underwent change of direction with short quick sprint training (n=10) and Group ‘II’ acted as control group (n-10). Group ‘I’ underwent change of direction with short quick sprint training for three alternative days and one session per day and each session lasted for an hour for six week period. Group ‘II’ was not exposed to any specific training but they were participated in regular activities. The data on acceleration was measured by 30 meters acceleration test (seconds) and agility was measured by Illinois Agility Test (seconds). The pre and post- tests data were collected on selected criterion variables prior to and immediately after the training programme. The pre and post-tests scores were statistically examined by the dependent‘t’ test and Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) for each and every selected variables separately. It was concluded that the change of direction with short quick sprint training group were improved on acceleration and agility when compared to the control group. However the control group had not shown any significant improvement on selected dependent variables such as acceleration and agility.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı elit kadın voleybolcuların FHT test skorları ile atletik performans arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmaya Vestel Venüs Sultanlar Liginde mücadele eden (yaş = 20,6 ± 5,20, boy = 181,4 ±7,81 cm, kg= 69,1 ± 9,02 voleybol yaşı = 9,9 ± 5,6) olan 24 kadın profesyonel voleybolcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Verilerin istatistik analizi için IBM SPSS 23 Statistics programı kullanılmıştır. Verilerin Normallik varsayımı sağlanmadığından ilişkilerin araştırılmasında Spearman korelasyon katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Mevkilere göre testlerin karşılaştırılmasında Kruskal-Wallis testi uygulanmıştır. Çalışma grubuna FHT testini oluşturan, derin çökme (deep squat), engel adımı (hurdle step), ileri düz çökme (in line lunge), omuz hareketliliği (shoulder mobility), aktif düz bacak kaldırma (active straight leg raise), şınav (trunk stability push up), gövde rotasyon dengesi (rotary stability) uygulanmıştır. Atletik performans parametreleri olarak, 20 metre sürat, t çeviklik testi, flamingo denge y dinamik denge testi, dikey sıçrama, otur uzan esneklik, izokinetik bacak ve omuz kuvvetleri değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmanın sonuncunda FHT toplam skor ile atletik performans arasındaki ilişkinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı bulunmuştur (p>0,05). Ancak FHT test bataryasını oluşturan alt testlerden derin çökme hareketi ile sürat performansı arasında negatif yönlü, esneklik ve sıçrama performansları arasında pozitif yönlü (p<0,05) düzeyinde; derin çökme hareketi ile bacak kuvveti arasında ise pozitif yönlü (p<0,01) düzeyinde anlamlı ilişki görülmüştür. Şınav ile izokinetik bacak kuvveti arasında ilişkinin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif yönde ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Aktif düz bacak kaldırma ile otur-uzan esneklik testi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı pozitif yönlü ilişki bulunmuştur (p<0,05).
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Research background and hypothesis. Players need to repeat performance of highly intensive work for a particular time combining it with rest intervals. The muscle power and anaerobic repetitive muscle work capacity of elite basketball players is higher than those in young athletes. Research aim was to investigate anaerobic power and repetitive muscle work capacity of older elite (n = 13) and young basketball players (n = 12) and to carry out comparative analysis of indicators in these groups. Research methods. During competition period, laboratory 5 × 6 s repeated effort test with rest intervals of 24 s was employed. The average indicator of power during each work interval was provided and fatigue index was calculated. Three minutes after the physical load, the concentration of lactate in the blood was measured. Research results. A statistically significant difference was observed for absolute muscle power of elite and young basketball players in the first sprint (p < 0.004) The research on relative indicators for one kilogram of the body mass showed that the power of elite (13.06 W·kg -1 ) and young players (11.74 W·kg -1 ) did not differ statistically (p < 0.09). The fatigue index investigated in both groups did not differ (p < 0.77). Discussion and conclusions. The research revealed that relative indicators of muscle power of elite basketball players did not significant differ from those of young athletes. The same anaerobic repetitive muscle work capacity was observed in both groups. It was established that the concentration of lactate in the blood increased after physical load more than to 9 mol·l -1 and did not differ in the two groups. This means that working for 6 seconds at maximum strength and relaxing 4 times longer, repeating this work five times, PCr is not enough for ATP resynthesis and, therefore, anaerobic glycolic reactions are activated. Keywords: fatigue, lactate, recovery, muscles.
In the last few years, it has been a significant change in the area of strength and conditioning, with a significant increase in terms of volume and intensity, especially in training programs focused in young athletes [1]. This coupled with the increase in sport-specific year-round training has led to a discussion around the possible negative effects provoked by the amount of training during the development process of these young athletes, at a time when they are experiencing a wide range of physical, physiological, and psychological changes as a result of growth and maturation [2, 3]. Young athletes can be considered as a “special” population [4]. Regarding young tennis players, they are routinely exposed to sport-specific training and extensive competitive schedules which can result in inadequate overall preparation, leading to suboptimal recovery, and a higher risk of injury [5]. In this regard, young athletes cannot merely be considered adults in miniature [1], and the physiological adaptations caused by training in children and adolescents are significantly different from that of mature adults [6]. Although competing in sport and strength and conditioning programs have many benefits, the training and competition schedules and program design should reflect the many differences in the young athlete compared to a fully developed adult athlete.
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The purpose of this study was to describe the dynamics of a repeated sprint ability (RSA) cycling protocol in young elite basketball players. Twenty-two elite male basketball players (aged 18.3±0.6 years; training years 9.1±1.3 years) performed 3 bouts of a repeated sprint ability (RSA) protocols, consisting of 5 x 6-s cycling sprints with a 24-s rest interval between sprints. The work decrement during the first trial was high (14.1±4.8%) and after 5-minute rest did not change significantly. The total work decreased by 5.5% in the second work interval and by 2.9% in the third interval. During the 5-minute passive rest, young basketball players’ peak power recovered about 90% of the initial levels. It is suggested that rest intervals are sufficient to continue the game with adequate performance potential. A reduction in work decrement, while maintaining the capacity of all sprints, is needed to achieve a higher repeated sprint ability. © 2018 Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte.All right reserved.
Coetzee, B, and Malan, D. Laboratory-based physical and physiological test results that serve as predictors of male, amateur road cyclists' performance levels. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2018-The purposes of this study were first, to determine the practical significant differences of laboratory-based physical and physiological test results between a selected group of successful and less successful amateur, male road cyclists from Africa; and second, to determine the significance, adequacy, accurateness, and usefulness of laboratory-based physical and physiological test results to serve as predictors of these amateur, male road cyclists' performance levels. Male road cyclists, identified as the top amateur road cyclists of the cycling federations of 13 African countries, were subjected to a test battery for the measurement of lower-body flexibility, abdominal strength, peak and average anaerobic power output as well as maximum aerobic power. Practical significant differences between the successful and less successful road cyclists were found for almost all the Wingate related variables, some of the sub-maximum parameters, and most of the maximum physiological variables. Finally, the abdominal muscle strength test value, vertical jump distance, Wingate relative peak power, and respiratory compensation point expressed as percentage of V[Combining Dot Above]O2max and as relative power output were the physiological components that acted as adequate, accurate, and useful predictors of performance levels. Coaches and sport scientists should therefore include these components in testing protocols that are aimed at evaluating and improving cyclists' physical conditioning programs.
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