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Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts and Adaptation Measures

... The country features a diverse topography, ranging from mountainous regions in the north and central areas to rolling plains in the south. Its extensive coastline, stretching over 1700 km [36], also plays a significant role in shaping local climate conditions. This geographic diversity, combined with the influence of the North Atlantic Ocean, results in distinct climatic features across the country, making it an ideal region for studying spatial and temporal patterns in temperature extremes. ...
... The climate of mainland Portugal is predominantly Mediterranean, characterised by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers, though significant variation exists between coastal and inland areas. Coastal regions tend to experience more moderate temperatures due to maritime influence, whereas interior areas at higher altitudes, face more extreme temperature conditions, with hotter summers and colder winters [5,36]. In some southern inland regions, summer temperatures frequently exceed 40 • C , while winter temperatures in mountainous areas (e.g., Serra da Estrela, Figure 1a) can drop below freezing [36]. ...
... Coastal regions tend to experience more moderate temperatures due to maritime influence, whereas interior areas at higher altitudes, face more extreme temperature conditions, with hotter summers and colder winters [5,36]. In some southern inland regions, summer temperatures frequently exceed 40 • C , while winter temperatures in mountainous areas (e.g., Serra da Estrela, Figure 1a) can drop below freezing [36]. ...
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This study examines the trends in heatwave characteristics across mainland Portugal from 1980/1981 to 2022/2023, utilising ERA5-Land reanalysis data. To achieve this, the study applies the Heatwave Magnitude Index (HWMI) to identify heatwave days for minimum (Tmin) and maximum (Tmax) temperatures across 15 grid-points representing Portugal’s diverse geography and climate. Three key annual parameters are analysed: the number of heatwave days (ANDH), the average temperature during heatwaves (AATW), and the intensity of heatwave events (AIHD). Results reveal a consistent increase in heatwave persistence throughout mainland Portugal, with more pronounced trends observed for Tmax compared to Tmin. ANDH Tmin shows upward trends across all grid-points, with increases ranging from 0.8 to 4.2 days per decade. ANDH Tmax exhibits even more significant increases, with 11 out of 15 grid-points showing statistically significant rises, ranging from 2.2 to 4.4 days per decade. Coastal areas, particularly in the south, demonstrate the most substantial increases in heatwave persistence. The intensity of heatwaves, as measured by AIHD, also shows positive trends across all grid-points for both Tmin and Tmax, with southern locations experiencing the most significant increases. The study also discusses decadal trends in annual averages of Tmin and Tmax, as well as extreme measures such as annual minimum (AMIN) and annual maximum (AMAX), daily temperatures spatially represented across mainland Portugal. These analyses reveal widespread warming trends, with more pronounced increases in Tmax compared to Tmin. The AMIN and AMAX trends further corroborate the overall warming pattern from the heatwave analyses, with notable spatial variations observed. The findings indicate a substantial worsening in the occurrence, duration, and intensity of heatwave events. This increased persistence of heatwaves, especially evident from the early 2000s onwards, suggests a potential climate regime shift in mainland Portugal. The results underscore the need for adaptive strategies to address the growing challenges posed by more frequent and intense heatwaves in the region.
... These simulations are based on scenarios following in several projects, with particular focus on the KNMI Climate Change model endorsed by IPCC (Figure 2). The results reveal significant impacts on the region with a high level of uncertainty, consistent with findings in both the national Douro region and Spain, as reported in other studies (Fortes et al., 2022;Guerreiro et al., 2017;Santos et al., 2002). These impacts include a projected decrease in average annual precipitation of 15-20% by the end of the 21st century. ...
... Additionally, seasonal variations in precipitation show a 30% increase during winter, but a decrease of up to 75% during summer for the period 2071-2100. Furthermore, there is an expected increase in average air temperature ranging from 2°C to 6°C by the end of the 21st century (IPCC, 2021;Santos et al., 2002). ...
... The SIAM project -Climate Change in Portugal: Scenarios, Impacts, and Adaptation Measures (SIAM I and II) -which concluded in 2002, identified several effects and impacts of climate change on water resources (Santos et al., 2002). These include four related dimensions: water availability, water needs, risk of extreme hydrological events and water quality. ...
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The Douro international region in Portugal is vulnerable to reduced water availability due to climate change. By using spatial data, it is possible to synthesize the hydrometeorological effects in the medium and long term on water storage volume. Given the importance of the Douro River for hydroelectric power generation in Portugal, it is crucial to ensure that adaptation strategies align with international agreements that provide guidelines for managing trans-boundary water resources.
... Com base no projeto Cenários, Impactos e Medidas de Adaptação (Santos et al., 2002;Santos & Miranda, 2006) ...
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O mundo faz-se de mudanças, de inovação, de resposta a desafios. As transições digitais, ecológica e para a sustentabilidade, aliadas a fenómenos globais mais ou menos imprevisíveis tornam cada vez mais evidente a necessidade e importância do conhecimento como suporte à tomada de decisão. Neste processo, a Geografia assume um papel central. Este foi o mote para organizar um livro sobre os desafios geográficos da gestão territorial, analisando a evolução recente e os caminhos para a sua implementação plena em Portugal. Esta obra pretende ser uma ferramenta de apoio ao planeamento e governação do território, considerando as recentes dinâmicas sociais, económicas, culturais e ambientais em Portugal, bem como a necessidade de políticas públicas mais eficientes e no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência, do Portugal 2030 e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030.
... Com base no projeto Cenários, Impactos e Medidas de Adaptação (Santos et al., 2002;Santos & Miranda, 2006), iniciado em 1999, com o objetivo de realizar a primeira avaliação integrada da vulnerabilidade e da adaptabilidade às mudanças climáticas em Portugal durante o século XXI, podemos referir que séries temporais da anomalia da temperatura média (diferença em relação aos cenários de controle) na Península Ibérica, obtidas a partir de vários modelos climáticos globais (MCG), mostram claramente uma tendência crescente e um aquecimento significativo durante o século XXI. O aumento da temperatura na Península Ibérica na última metade do século XX é da ordem de 1 °C, o que é comparável com as observações climáticas. ...
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O mundo faz-se de mudanças, de inovação, de resposta a desafios. As transições digitais, ecológica e para a sustentabilidade, aliadas a fenómenos globais mais ou menos imprevisíveis tornam cada vez mais evidente a necessidade e importância do conhecimento como suporte à tomada de decisão. Neste processo, a Geografia assume um papel central. Este foi o mote para organizar um livro sobre os desafios geográficos da gestão territorial, analisando a evolução recente e os caminhos para a sua implementação plena em Portugal. Esta obra pretende ser uma ferramenta de apoio ao planeamento e governação do território, considerando as recentes dinâmicas sociais, económicas, culturais e ambientais em Portugal, bem como a necessidade de políticas públicas mais eficientes e no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência, do Portugal 2030 e dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030.
... The arising threats from climate change, namely those resulting from the rise in the mean sea level, as well as the increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme events, leads to the increase of the hazardous processes related to coastal areas mentioned above (Bertin et al., 2013). In terms of wave climate, the coast of mainland Portugal, particularly the west coast, is characterized by a high energy regime strongly influenced by the northwest swell (Andrade and Freitas, 2002), being among the most active and vulnerable coastlines on the European Atlantic facade, presenting high values of coastal drift (Santos et al., 2014). Related to the wave climate arises the regime of storms which Portugal is subject annually and which cause different impacts. ...
Conference Paper
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Modern societies can be characterised by how fast information spreads, advantage of this phenomenon is crucial for an efficient and effective response to emergencies and ultimately create a resilient society. One way that can be achieved is through citizen participation, official authorities can establish with these organisations a symbiotic relationship. In this paper, we present and discuss VOST-PT’s activities and lessons learnt from its experience in different fields. The examples shared are based on 6 pillars: Dissemination; Monitoring; Pedagogy; Tech4Good; Combating misinformation; Research & Development.
Current and future climate challenges are an important field of study regarding their impact on building performance. The predicted increase of summer severity in many Iberian Peninsula locations increases the need to quantify the performance of social housing buildings exposed to extremely hot climatic conditions, given the poor thermal criteria of their constructions and the predominance of energy poverty in these contexts. The objective of the present study is to understand the indoor temperature and relative humidity conditions monitored in a social housing dwelling, without the use of active cooling systems and during a particularly demanding period in the summer, so as to assess the suitability of its performance. The results obtained were evaluated according to reference values defined in national regulations and international standards, demonstrating that buildings present thermal performances that are very distant from those recommended, when exposed to these conditions and without resorting to active systems. This work therefore contributes to reinforcing the need for strategies and/or programs to retrofit social housing buildings regarding the climate challenges, in order to safeguard the well-being and health of residents, including risk groups.
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Planktonic heterotrophic prokaryotes (HProks) are a pivotal functional group in marine ecosystems and are highly sensitive to environmental variability and climate change. This study aimed to investigate the short-term effects of increasing carbon dioxide (CO2), ultraviolet radiation (UVR), and temperature on natural assemblages of HProks in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon during winter. Two multi-stressor microcosm experiments were used to evaluate the isolated and combined effects of these environmental changes on HProk abundance, production, growth, and mortality rates. The isolated and combined effects of increased CO2 on HProks were not significant. However, HProk production, cellular activity, instantaneous growth rate, and mortality rate were negatively influenced by elevated UVR and positively influenced by warming. Stronger effects were detected on HProk mortality in relation to specific growth rate, leading to higher HProk net growth rates and abundance under elevated UVR and lower values under warming conditions.
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One of the most complex discussions concerning climate emergency is the possible rise in sea level. Existing data show that rising water levels is already a reality, but the question is: how much will this rise be? And, how long do we have to act? SOS Climate Waterfront is a research project financed by Research European Agency that make a reflection about some philosophical and project design questions that relate climate change and waterfront issues. This book present: Cascais-public space on the seafront; Mafra-World Reserve for Waves and Surf and Alcochete-Samouco Saltpans and the human made coastline. Thematics were set in this book spelling out a set of discussions, ideas and potentials exposed by design project proposals, scientific papers and some opinion articles. The variety of approaches is a goal into the connection between the different parts in this discussion.
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One of the most complex discussions concerning climate emergency is the possible rise in sea level. Existing data show that rising water levels is already a reality, but the question is: how much will this rise be? And, how long do we have to act? SOS Climate Waterfront is a research project financed by Research European Agency that make a reflection about some philosophical and project design questions that relate climate change and waterfront issues. This book present: Cascais-public space on the seafront; Mafra-World Reserve for Waves and Surf and Alcochete-Samouco Saltpans and the human made coastline. Thematics were set in this book spelling out a set of discussions, ideas and potentials exposed by design project proposals, scientific papers and some opinion articles. The variety of approaches is a goal into the connection between the different parts in this discussion.
European ecosystems and species remain under pressure from intensive agriculture and forestry, fishing, pollution, urban sprawl, invasive species and climate change. This book provides a detailed description and critical analysis of nature conservation responses, achievements and failures, motivated by the concerning state of nature and missed biodiversity targets. It summarises Europe's nature and the impact of human activities, and then gives an overview of relevant international biodiversity treaties and the EU nature conservation policy and legislative framework. The core of the book comprises chapters written by national experts, which cover the UK and twenty-five EU Member States, providing comparative case studies from which valuable lessons are drawn. Covering wide-ranging topics such as biodiversity pressures, legislation and governance, biodiversity strategies, species protection, protected areas, habitat management, and funding, this book is of interest to a wide audience, including academics and professionals involved in nature conservation and related environmental fields.
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