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Dairy goats in Indonesia: potential opportunities and challenges



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Proceedings of the 1st Asia Dairy Goat Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9–12 April 2012
Country Report 1
Dairy Goats in Indonesia: Potential, Opportunities and Challenges
Astuti, D.A.*& A. Sudarman
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Campus IPB Darmaga,
Jalan Raya Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia
*Email of corresponding author:
Indonesia has the world‟s second largest animal biodiversity. Farmers in Indonesia have been
introduced to animal agriculture that includes dairy goats. In fact the population of goats in
Indonesia has increased gradually at an average rate of 4.6% in the last ten years, from 12
million in 2000 to 16.8 million in 2010, involving 3.5 million households (BPS, 2010). The
goats are spread throughout 33 provinces with the highest population of 3.5 million heads
(20%) in Central Java followed by East Java with 2.7 million heads (16%) and West Java
with 1.6 million heads (9.5%). Goats offers good business opportunities in Indonesia because
they are very well-adapted to the tropical environment and require low investments. Farmers
usually rear a few animals without intensive management, as a living bank for emergencies
and expenses and as a source of fertiliser for crops. Also, they play an important role in the
social life of the villagers. Goats are usually reared to produce meat and milk. In Indonesia
there are many goat breeds for example the bali, boerawa, etawah, gembrong, jawa randu,
kacang, kosta, marica, muara, samosir, kapra, etawah crossbreds and saanen. Among them
only etawah, etawah crossbred (etawah × local kacang goat) and saanen goats are dairy goats.
The breeding center of dairy goats in Indonesia is in Kaligesing-Purworejo, Central Java.
From the centre, animals are distributed to areas, which have potential to improve their
performance, like Yogyakarta, Bogor, Bandung and Pasuruan.
The nutrient composition of goat milk is 17 to 13% DM, 3.3 to 4.9% CP, 4 to 7% fat,
4.6% carbohydrate, 129 mg Ca, 106 mg P, 185 mg vitamin A and 0.3 mg niacin. Moeljanto,
et al. (2002) reported some benefits of goat milk over cow milk including flouride
concentration being 10 to 100 times higher in goat than cow milk, thus it can be used as
natural antiseptic, alkaline and healthy food. The milk is safe to consume and could neutralise
stomach pH, digestible smooth proteins, easy to digest small size of fat particle, high sodium,
calcium and phosphorus minerals content, white color with no odor and protective properties
against osteoporosis.
Milk production in Indonesia has increased in the last five years from 616,549 tonnes in
2006 to 927,838 tonnes in 2010, with an average increment of 9.25% per year, but most of
the milk comes from dairy cattle. In a few regions, the dairy goat has contributed to the total
milk supply, especially in big cities such as Jakarta and Surabaya fetching high prices of US$
2.5 to 3.0 per litre.
The population of Indonesia is on the increase and consequently the need for healthy food has
also increased. In 2008, the consumption of meat was 7.75 kg/capita/year, an increase of
7.4% over the previous year. Egg consumption was 17.42 kg/capita/year while milk
consumption was 6.92 kg/capita/year. The infant milk powder and sweet canned liquid milk
are the major contributors to the overall milk consumption. Thus the production of fresh milk
could potentially increase to meet increasing demands for either processed or fresh milk.
Milk consumption in 2009 (0.17 L/capita/d) increased compared with that of the previous
year (0.13 L/capita/d), the demand cannot be met by local production. Thus to meet this
requirement, the government had to import milk powder. To overcome the lack of local milk
supply, goat milk can play a role as an alternative source. Deficit of fresh milk supply from
the cow is equivalent to approximately 750,000 lactating goats, which means an estimated
75,000 small farmers or households can contribute to the dairy farming business. This
certainly will provide opportunities for the dairy goat farmer. Goat milk however is still not
as popular as cow milk, although it is consumed for health purposes even at a high cost of
US$ 5/L. The dairy goat industry in Indonesia needs to be supported by the business and
research community.
One good example of a dairy goat small business in Indonesia is at Unggul farm in Bogor
District. In this farm, in 2007, the dairy goat population increased by 129% compared to other
districts in Bogor. A case study of a smallholding dairy goats in Unggul farm in the Ciampea
district, Bogor, which has 50 animals showed that it has good business indicators, with Net
Present Value (NPV) of Rp 359,966,477 or US$ 36,000, an Internal Rate Return (IRR)
127%, a Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C) of 5.77 and a Payback Period (PBP) of 2 years.
Another farm in West Java is the Ciangsana farm specialising in breeding dairy goats. They
breed the SAPERA goat, which is a crossbred of a male Saanen with a female Etawah.
At Turi District-Yogyakarta, a cooperative dairy goat farming named Suyadi Farm
supervised by the Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University, has been running an
intensive dairy goat farm over the past ten years. In this farm, milk production from the
lactating goats is 0.5–1.2 L/d at market price of US$ 2.5 to 3.0/L. In this district, the goat
population is around 250 heads with 38 households and the average milk production is 2.7
Another district, Kemirikebo in Yogyakarta, has 623 goats involving 65 households.
Urine and feces of the animals are used as fertilizer at market price of US$ 1.5/L and US$
5/zak, respectively. The „wastes are sold to the Salak fruit plantation in the vicinity of the
farm. This business has improved the income of the goat farmers. In case of overproduction,
the excess milk is processed into caramel milk candy, ice cream, milk crackers, „dodol‟ and
yoghurt with a variety of flavors including strawberry, apple and coconut.
Rosyidi from the Pakem district of Yogyakarta is a progressive farmer who has a
milking machine for his goats and a mini-factory for making yoghurt. Another farmer,
Bondan from the Condongcatur district of Yogyakarta, has introduced a special way to sell
the fresh milk by a door-price system (Kompas, 2011).
Universities and research institutions of the Department of Agriculture have provided
information and technology on good farming practices to improve production performance of
dairy goats. Feed is the most important in production animals. One study determined the
requirement and utilisation of traditional rations (native grass plus rice bran) in digestion,
metabolism and dynamics of nutrients for lactating goats, as shown in Table 1 (Astuti et al.,
2000). This study also developed equations to calculate the energy and protein requirements
of the lactating etawah crossbred goats using multiple regression analysis of independent
metabolic and performance parameter data as follows:
ME (Mj/ BW0.75) = 0.50 + 0.068 RE (Mj/d) or
ME (Mj/d) = 4.23 + 0.71 RE + 0.003 ADG + 0.006 RP + 0.002 MY
Protein (g/ BW0.75) = 10.81 – 0.02 RP (g/d)
Protein (g/d) = 85.05 – 5.36 RE + 0.055 ADG – 0.16 RP + 0.068 MY
Table 1. Digestion, metabolism and glucose kinetics of lactating Etawah crossbred
Nutritional parameters
ad lib
90% of ad lib
80% of ad lib
DM intake (g/d)
Protein intake (g/d)
Energy intake (MJ/d)
DM digestibility (%)
Protein digestibility (%)
Energy digestibility (%)
ME intake (MJ/d)
ME/DE (%)
HP (MJ/d)*
Retained Energy (MJ/d)
Retained Protein (g/d)
Glucose kinetics:
Plasma glucose (mg/dl)
Pool glucose (g/head)*
Glucose flux (mg/min.head)*
TQ (%)*
GNG (mg/min.head)*
Values are means
a,b,cMeans in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.01); * isotope
technique. SEM = Standard error of mean.
Tempe (fermented peanuts) is one of the popular Indonesian foods. Tempe waste,
which is produced as a by-product of the home industry, has potential to be used in dairy goat
rations. Solid waste still has a good quality with 16% crude protein and liquid waste is
available as a drink. Processing technology has introduced ways to improve the quality of
tempe waste by using Aspergillus niger to ferment the waste to be used in dairy goat rations.
A study on the use of tempe waste (Table 2) was conducted in the field on dairy goats at
Yogyakarta under the supervision of the IPB-Gadjah Mada University collaboration project
(Astuti et al., 2003). Nutrient uptake by the mammary gland was determined, based on the
mammary artero-venous difference (Sastradipradja et al., 1996).
Table 2. Milk yield and nutrient uptake in the mammary gland of Etawah
Crossbred goats fed with tempe waste.
Tempe waste
Values are means
a,b,cMeans in the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.01); Control
= ration with 50% grass: 50% concentrate; Fresh tempe waste = ration with 50% grass: 25%
concentrate: 25% fresh tempe waste; Fermented tempe waste = ration with 50% grass: 25%
concentrate: 25% fermented tempe waste.
Government Support
The number of dairy goats in Indonesia is still small compared to total animal agriculture.
Information on the population, milk production and on dairy goat business centres is still
scarce and not common knowledge. However, the industry can blossom if both the
government and private sectors provide support and focus on increasing dairy goat
production. Presently Indonesia is still improving strategies to promote dairy goat industry by
increasing goat population (breeding), counseling and applying high technology production.
Breeding centre
The biggest breeding centre of etawah goats in Indonesia is in the Kaligesing district, Central
Java, which is supported by the government. Presently, the activities and breeding
programmes in the centre have decreased due to changes in the government roles, increase in
capital requirement, lack of market priority (export), high rate of sterile doe slaughter and
limited post-harvest technology and facilities, among others.
Drinking fresh milk goat culture
The low milk consumption in Indonesia is not only caused by low milk production and the
high price of the product, but also by culture and preference. Very few Indonesians like and
can afford goat milk. Although the government had attempted to promote drinking of goat
milk through programs such “Milk Day”, it has not been sustainable.
Astuti, D.A., E.B. Laconi and D. Sastradipradja, 2003. Studies on milk production of Etawah
crossbreed goat fed with tempe waste. XIXth EAAP Conference, Rostock, Germany.
Astuti, D.A, D. Sastradipradja and T. Sutardi, 2000. Nutrient Balance and Glucose
Metabolism of female growing, late pregnant and lactating Etawah crossbreed goats. Asian-
Australasian J. Anim. Sci. 13 (8): 1068–1075.
BPS, 2010 (Livestock Statistics 2010). Department of Agriculture RI. CV. Ella Citra Utama,
Moeljanto, R. Damayanti and Wiryanta, 2002. The potency of goat milk. Agromedia Pustaka
Depok Indonesia. (Accessed on October, 15).
Kompas, 2011. Etawah goats increase the farmer income and solved environment. Eds. Tim
Website Kompas News, 10: 51: 19 WIB, July 6, 2011.
Sastradipradja, D. and D.A. Astuti, 1996. Milk productive potential of Etawah crossbreed
goats based on mammary artero-venous difference of nutrient contents and milk composition.
VIIIth AAAP Congress, Tokyo, Japan, October 1996.
... Kondisi lingkungan yang kurang stabil sangat berdampak terhadap kondisi performa dan produktifitas ternak khususnya ternak kambing Kacang. Kambing Kacang memiliki beberapa kelebihan di banding dengan ternak lain, diantaranya kambing Kacang mampu beradaptasi dengan baik terhadap kondisi lingkungan baik itu kondisi lingkungan kering hingga basah [9]. Kondisi perubahan iklim dirasa sangat menentukan tingkat keberhasilan produktifitas kambing Kacang khsusnya iklim mikro [10]. ...
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Ternak kambing Kacang merupakan jenis ternak ruminansia kecil yang banyak dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat, khususnya masyarakat pedesaan hingga pinggiran perkotaan. Tujuan dari dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengevaluasi pertumbuhan, status faali, nilai hematologis dan kimia darah kambing Kacang yang diberikan EM4 dengan kadar yang berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Maret hingga 26 Mei tahun 2017 dan bertempat di CV. Prima BREED Kota Palu Sulawesi Tenggah. Kambing Kacang yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebanyak 15 ekor berjenis kelamin betina dengan kisaran umur ± 10 bulan dan bobot badan 14,40-26,92 kg. Penelitian dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 5 perlakuan dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sebagai kelompok. Sebagai perlakuan yaitu: P1 = Larutan EM4 peternakan 0,0% dari konsentrat; P2 = Larutan EM4 peternakan 0,1% dari konsentrat; P3 = Larutan EM4 peternakan 0,2% dari konsentrat; P4 = Larutan EM4 peternakan 0,3% dari konsentrat; P5 = Larutan EM4 peternakan 0,4% dari konsentrat. Hasil kajian pemanfaatan EM4 dalam konsentrat kambing Kacang menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pada pertambahan bobot badan, efisiensi penggunaan ransum, jumlah sel darah merah, kadar hemoglobin, nilai hematokrit, jumlah glukosa darah dan jumlah urea darah kambing Kacang, akan tetapi tingkat konsumsi bahan kering, suhu tubuh, frekuensi respirasi, frekuensi pulsus, dan jumlah sel darah putih kambing tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh nyata.
... The number of commercial dairy goat farms in Indonesia is now increasing due to an increased demand of goat milk especially for medicinal purposes; however, the milk production per goat is still low (Astuti and Sudarman, 2012). Several factors may contribute to low goat milk production, one of which is subclinical mastitis (Gelasakis et al., 2016). ...
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The effect was investigated of dietary supplementation of binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) leaf meal, betel nut (Arecha catechu L.) meal or their combination on serum albumin and globulin, fecal endoparasites and bacterial counts in the milk of Saanen goats suffering from subclinical mastitis. The goats were randomly allotted to one of four experimental groups: control diet (diet without binahong leaf meal or betel nut meal; CON), diet supplemented with binahong leaf meal (1 g/kg body weight; BNH), diet supplemented with betel nut meal (1 g/kg body weight; BTN) and diet supplemented with a combination of binahong leaf meal and betel nut meal (both 0.5 g/kg body weight; BNH + BTN). After 14 d treatment, the pH was higher (p < 0.05) in the milk of the CON group compared to the treated groups. The numbers of udders positive for subclinical mastitis were reduced (p < 0.05) following the treatments with BNH, BTN or BNH + BTN. Total viable bacteria were higher (p < 0.05) in the milk of the CON group than in the treated groups. The numbers of oocytes and coccidial oocysts were higher (p < 0.05) in the feces of the CON group than those in the treated groups. There were no differences (p > 0.05) in levels of serum albumin and globulin and milk production across the treatment diets. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of binahong leaf meal, betel nut meal and a combination of both showed potential to reduce the load of endoparasites in the gastrointestinal tract and to reduce subclinical mastitis in lactating Saanen goats.
... The population of goat in Indonesia has been growing around 4.6% per annum over the past 10 years [1]. Goats are preferred by local farmers due to the better suited to the tropical condition and native environment of this country. ...
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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is widely used as culture starters in dairy fermentation. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of fermented goat milk and cow milk, as well as the viability of LAB in the same products. Fermentations were performed with pasteurized goat milk or cow milk added with skim milk (18% of solids) using three separately different starters; yoghurt starter (a combination of Streptococcus thermophilus FNCC-0040 and Lactobacillus bulgaricus FNCC-0041), single starter of Lactobacillus acidophilus FNCC-0029 and Lactobacillus casei FNCC-0051. The parameters observed were pH, acidity, nutritional quality including protein, fat and lactose content and product's viscosity. Acidity, pH and viability of LAB were also monitored during storage at refrigerated temperature (4 °C) for 28 days. Results show that the different LAB starters did not affect the pH, acidity, lactose and protein content. Differences on LAB starters affected fat content and viscosity. The highest score of viscosity (30.00 Pa·s ± 7.02 Pa·s) was observed on products fermented by yoghurt starters, followed by products obtained using starter of L. acidophilus (17.7 ± 11.4) and L. casei (8.62 ± 0.35). Protein content, acidity, pH and viscosity were not significantly different between products obtained from goat milk and cow milk. Fat content in fermented goat milk was higher (5.03% ± 0.62%) than in fermented cow milk (3.52% ± 0.37%), however, lactose content was higher in fermented cow milk (5.16% ± 0.40%) than in fermented goat milk (4.53% ± 0.35%). Total LAB concentration in fermented cow milk during storage was 8.03 ± 0.52 log 10 cfu/mL, while in fermented goat milk was 7.81 log 10 cfu/mL ± 0.67 log 10 cfu/mL. There was a 10.83% decrease in LAB viability in fermented cow milk and 11.40% in fermented goat milk after 28 days of storage. In conclusion, quality of fermented milk is affected by the starters applied, raw milk source and storage period.
The justification for improving dairy goats and increased milk production in Asia is driven by several important factors, e.g. the demand for higher priced goat milk, compared to dairy cow milk; specific benefits of goat milk in human nutrition and food security; the need for more animal protein and genetic diversity. The world goat population of approximately 921 million includes 570 breeds. In the developing countries, there exist over 30 potentially important indigenous “improver breeds”, 15 of which are in Asia. “Improver breeds” being defined as potentially important breeds, capable of making a special genetic contribution – having above average levels of performance potential to enhance productivity, or being specially adapted to particular harsh environments. Asia has the largest world population of goats of about 60% (556 million, followed by Africa with 311 million). India (35.2%), China (29.3%) and Pakistan (12.0%), together maintain 77% of the world population and 42% of all goat breed types. Asia then has a 26% goat breed share in global terms, equivalent to 146 indigenous breeds- of which only 13 are dairy breeds, or 9% of all breeds being classifiable. Many of the “improver breeds” are underutilised, are less well known and have variable milk yields – emphasising the need for the assessment of their potential. Globally, goat milk production is only 2.2% of the total milk production, of which 58% is produced in Asia. The informal marketing of milk is very common, but recently there has been a trend towards the commercial sale in urban areas at two to three times a higher price. Currently development strategies to overcome major constraints are (i) generation of numbers of appropriate breeds, (ii) clear production objectives, (iii) improved utilisation of the total available feeds, and (iv) linking production to post-production and consumption systems. In cognisance of the importance and potential in developing dairy goats, discussions at the first Asia Dairy goat conference resulted in consensus to form the Asia Dairy Goat Conference.
A study involving nutrient balances and radioisotope labeling techniques was undertaken to study energy and protein metabolism and glucose kinetics of female crossbred Etawah goats, using 12 weaned (BW 14.0+/-2.0 kg), 12 late pregnant (BW 27.8+/-1.8 kg) and 12 first lactation does (BW 25.0+/-5.0 kg). Each class of animal was randomly allotted into 3 dietary treatment groups R1, R2 and R3, that received 100%, 85%, and 70% of ad libitum feed. The rations offend were pellets containing 21.8% CP and 19.3 MJ GE/kg, except for the lactating does who received pellets (17.2% CP and 18.9 MJ GE/kg) rind fresh Penisetum purpureum grass. Energy and nitrogen balance studies were conducted during a two-week trial. Daily he:at production (HP, estimated by the carbon dioxide entry rate technique), glucose pool and flux were measured. Equations were found for metabolizable energy (ME) and protein intake (IP) requirements for growing goats: ME (MJ/d)=1.87+0.55 RE-0.001 ADG+0.044 RP (R-2=0.89) and IP (g/d)=48.47+2.99 RE+0.029 ADG+0.79 RP (R-2=0.90); for pregnant does: ME (MJ/d)=5.92+0.96 RE-0.002 ADG+0.003 RP (R-2=0.99) and IP (g/d)=58.34+5.41 RE+0.625 ADG-0.30 RP (R-2=0.98); and for lactating does: ME (MJ/d)=4.23+0.713 RE+0.003 ADG+0.006 RP+0.002 MY (R-2=0.86); IP (g/d)=84.05-5.36 RE+0.055 ADG-0.16 RP+0.068 MY (R-2=0.45), where RE is retained energy (MJ/d), ADG is average daily gain in weight (g/d), RP is retained protein (g/d) and MY is milk yield (ml/d). ME and IP requirements for maintenance for growing goats were 0.46 MJ/ BW0.75 and 7.43 g/ BW0.75, respectively. Values for the pregnant and lactating does were in the same order, 0.55 MJ/ BW0.75 and 11.7 g/ BW0.75, and 0.50 MJ/ BW0.75 and 10.8 g/ BW0.75, respectively. Milk protein ranged from 3.06 to 3.5% and milk fat averaged 5.2%. Glucose metabolism in Etawah crossbred female goat is active, but glucose flux is low compared to temperate ruminant breeds which may implicate its role to support production.
Studies on milk production of Etawah crossbreed goat fed with tempe waste
  • D A Astuti
  • E B Laconi
  • D Sastradipradja
Astuti, D.A., E.B. Laconi and D. Sastradipradja, 2003. Studies on milk production of Etawah crossbreed goat fed with tempe waste. XIX th EAAP Conference, Rostock, Germany.
Department of Agriculture RI. CV. Ella Citra Utama
BPS, 2010 (Livestock Statistics 2010). Department of Agriculture RI. CV. Ella Citra Utama, Jakarta.
The potency of goat milk
  • R Moeljanto
  • Wiryanta Damayanti
Moeljanto, R. Damayanti and Wiryanta, 2002. The potency of goat milk. Agromedia Pustaka Depok Indonesia. (Accessed on October, 15).
Etawah goats increase the farmer income and solved environment
  • Kompas
Kompas, 2011. Etawah goats increase the farmer income and solved environment. Eds. Tim Website Kompas News, 10: 51: 19 WIB, July 6, 2011.
Milk productive potential of Etawah crossbreed goats based on mammary artero-venous difference of nutrient contents and milk composition
  • D Sastradipradja
  • D A Astuti
Sastradipradja, D. and D.A. Astuti, 1996. Milk productive potential of Etawah crossbreed goats based on mammary artero-venous difference of nutrient contents and milk composition. VIII th AAAP Congress, Tokyo, Japan, October 1996.