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Abstract and Figures

We present a method for analysing the phase space of star-forming regions. In particular we are searching for clumpy structures in the 3D sub-space formed by two position coordinates and radial velocity. The aim of the method is the detection of kinematic segregated radial velocity groups, that is, radial velocity intervals whose associated stars are spatially concentrated. To this end we define a kinematic segregation index, Λ~\tilde{\Lambda }(RV), based on the Minimum Spanning Tree graph algorithm, which is estimated for a set of radial velocity intervals in the region. When Λ~\tilde{\Lambda }(RV) is significantly greater than 1 we consider that this bin represents a grouping in the phase space. We split a star-forming region into radial velocity bins and calculate the kinematic segregation index for each bin, and then we obtain the spectrum of kinematic groupings, which enables a quick visualization of the kinematic behaviour of the region under study. We carried out numerical models of different configurations in the sub-space of the phase space formed by the coordinates and the that various case studies illustrate. The analysis of the test cases demonstrates the potential of the new methodology for detecting different kind of groupings in phase space.
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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 000,???? (2015) Printed 4 December 2015 (MN L
X style file v2.2)
Looking for phase-space structures in star-forming regions:
An MST-based methodology
Emilio J. Alfaro?and Marta Gonz´alez
Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Andaluc´ıa, CSIC, Glorieta de la Astronom´ıa, s/n, Granada 18008, Spain
Accepted year month day. Received year month day; in original form year month day
We present a method for analysing the phase space of star-forming regions. In
particular we are searching for clumpy structures in the 3D subspace formed by two
position coordinates and radial velocity. The aim of the method is the detection of
kinematic segregated radial velocity groups, that is, radial velocity intervals whose
associated stars are spatially concentrated. To this end we define a kinematic segre-
gation index, ˜
Λ(RV), based on the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) graph algorithm,
which is estimated for a set of radial velocity intervals in the region. When ˜
is significantly greater than 1 we consider that this bin represents a grouping in the
phase space. We split a star-forming region into radial velocity bins and calculate the
kinematic segregation index for each bin, and then we obtain the spectrum of kine-
matic groupings, which enables a quick visualization of the kinematic behaviour of
the region under study. We carried out numerical models of different configurations
in the subspace of the phase space formed by the coordinates and the radial velocity
that various case studies illustrate. The analysis of the test cases demonstrates the
potential of the new methodology for detecting different kind of groupings in phase
Key words: astronomical data bases: miscellaneous stars: kinematics and dynam-
ics stars: formation radial velocities Galaxy: open clusters and associations
methods: data analysis methods: statistical.
One of the main observational objectives in the study of stel-
lar clusters and star-forming regions is the search for charac-
teristic patterns in the phase space and their evolution over
time. While there are many works published on the spa-
tial distribution of cluster members at different evolution-
ary stages (Cartwright & Whitworth 2004; Ma´ız-Apell´aniz,
erez, & Mas-Hesse 2004; Kumar & Schmeja 2007; Wang et
al. 2008; Schmeja, Kumar, & Ferreira 2008; Bastian et al.
2009; anchez & Alfaro 2009; Gregorio-Hetem et al. 2015,
among others), this number noticeably shrinks when we look
for pattern analysis of the kinematic subspace. So far only
four clusters seem to show a clumpy structure in radial ve-
locity data: NGC 2264 (F˝ur´esz et al. 2006; Tobin et al. 2015),
Orion Nebula Cluster (F˝ur´esz et al. 2008), and more recently
the kinematic analysis of two clusters, Gamma Velorum (Jef-
fries et al. 2014) and NGC 2547 (Sacco et al. 2015), based on
Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) data. The low number of studies
is due to the lack of precise and complete kinematic data
for the cluster members as well as to the absence of reliable
statistical tools specifically designed for this purpose.
The studies cited above were mainly based on hand-
made exploratory analysis of the spatial and kinematic infor-
mation, providing a qualitative description of the kinematic
patterns and raw quantitative estimates of the main vari-
ables characterizing sub-structures. In addition, this kind of
customized procedure is far from being the most suitable,
in terms of time and homogeneity, for analysing the amount
of data expected either from ground-based projects such as
APOGEE (Majewski et al. 2010), LAMOST (Zhao et al.
2012), and GES (Gilmore et al. 2012), or from the Gaia
space mission (Lindegren et al. 2008).
In this work we propose a methodology that relies on the
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) graph algorithm (Jarn´ık
1930; Prim 1957). It can be easily implemented in any
pipeline developed to mine large databases and leads to a
quantitative description of the kinematic pattern allowing
a comparative analysis between different clusters, environ-
ments and datasets in a homogeneous way. The paper is di-
vided in four sections, the first being this introduction. The
foundation and description of the procedure are shown in
2015 RAS
arXiv:1512.01182v1 [astro-ph.IM] 3 Dec 2015
2Emilio J. Alfaro & Marta Gonz´alez
section 2, the modelled case studies and the results of their
analysis by the proposed methodology are presented in sec-
tions 3 and 4, respectively. Finally, the main conclusions of
this work are summarised in section 5.
The search for phase-space structures in stellar systems re-
quires specific tools that respond to different concepts of
what a stellar grouping is. Here we consider the existence
of a clumpy velocity pattern where there are velocity ranges
(channels) whose spatial distribution is more concentrated
than that of the whole kinematic interval.
The Minimum Spanning Tree graph algorithm has been
shown to be a useful tool for tackling a large variety of as-
tronomical problems (e.g. Cartwright & Whitworth 2004;
Cartwright, Whitworth, & Nutter 2006; Campana et al.
2008; Allison et al. 2009; Parker et al. 2011; Billot et al.
2011; Parker, Maschberger, & Alves de Oliveira 2012; Mac-
farlane, Gibson, & Flynn 2015). In the following we will
deal with the so-called Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree,
where the edge weight is defined by the Euclidean distance
between vertices. For the sake of simplicity we call it MST
and it can be defined as follows: given a set of points on the
plane, the MST is the minimum length path connecting all
the vertices together without closed loops (Prim 1957).
Thus, the MST is the tree where the distance between
each two adjacent points, edge length (l), is minimum. This
property of the MST provides the clue for solving our prob-
lem. The edge-length distribution of an MST graph will show
a lower central value when the point distribution is more
spatially concentrated.
If we divide a set of points on the plane, sorted by radial
velocity (RV) values, into bins of equal number of objects,
and determine the MST for each bin, those with the lower
central value of the edge distribution are expected to form
spatial sub-structures in the sense of being more densely
grouped. In order to normalize the results, the central value
of the edge distribution for each bin has to be compared with
that of a set representative of the whole sample distribution
containing the same number of objects per bin. The ratio
between the central length of the random sample and that
corresponding to each bin should provide a measure of how
both sets are distributed. Values close to 1 would indicate
that objects in the selected bin share the spatial distribution
of the whole sample, and the selected RV range appears not
to be spatially segregated. On the contrary, if this value is
significantly higher than 1 we would get evidence of a spatial
grouping associated with a specific RV interval.
We base our procedure for detecting and analysing the
kinematic pattern of star-forming regions on the aforemen-
tioned arguments. The ideas discussed above are conceptu-
ally similar to those presented by other groups (see Allison
et al. 2009; Parker et al. 2011; Maschberger & Clarke 2011)
for the case of mass segregation. However, this methodolog-
ical approach should not necessarily be limited to analysing
the mass distribution and can be easily extended to other
physical variables, such as radial velocity, proper motions,
metallicity, etc., measured on the cluster stellar population.
The main constraint on this methodology is data qual-
ity. If the precision of the measured variables is not good
enough, internal errors will dominate over the data intrin-
sic variance and any kind of spatial structure would remain
hidden. Radial velocity is, for the time being, the only kine-
matic variable measured with enough precision for a sig-
nificant number of stars in a large number of clusters and
star-forming regions. Thus, in the next sub-section we will
address the analysis of this kinematic information and how
it can be used to draw the phase-space pattern of stellar
clusters and star-forming regions.
2.1 Detecting the kinematic groupings
The procedure designed to search for kinematic segregation
starts from a sample of objects in the region under study,
with accurate spatial coordinates and precise radial velocity
The first step is to sort the data by radial velocity val-
ues. Ascending or descending order is not important.
Next, we separate the sample into bins of equal number
of data. When working with RV data that show, at first
approach, a Gaussian distribution, we chose a bin size given
by the closest integer to N, which, henceforth, we denote
as R. We also introduce an incremental step S, so any bin
is shifted Spositions of the sorted variable with respect to
the previous one. The choice of Sdepends on the sampling
strategy, and we recommend a fine scanning of the complete
velocity spectrum which corresponds to S= 1 and would be
covered by 1 + NRbins.
Then, we calculate the median for the spatial coordi-
nates as well as for the radial velocity for each data bin.
Median, as a central value estimator, is more robust than
mean against the presence of outliers, and we expect to find
some points away from the central value in most cases. A
robust estimator of the standard deviation is given by:
σmed =b×
Xi| b×MAD (1)
(see Gott et al. 2001, for a detailed discussion of median
statistics), where MAD is the median of the absolute devi-
ations from the data median. The error of this central value
can then be approached as σmed/R. The bparameter is
dependent on the distribution function underlying the data.
In the following we will take b= 1.4826 as default.
The next step is to obtain the MST graph for the Rob-
jets in each bin. The median of the edge length distribution
is the first indicator of the group compactness (equation 2).
As discussed by Maschberger & Clarke (2011), median is the
best estimator of the central value of the edge length when
we could be facing a clumpy distribution for a given velocity
The same is applied to a set of Rrandomly extracted
objects from the complete sample. We repeat this step 500
times and calculate the mean and the standard deviation of
the 500 medians. We chose 500 repetitions to get a reliable
average of the edge length median for the Rsized random
sample, as recommended by Allison et al. (2009). This way
we estimate the edge length median of the MST for a refer-
ence set of Robjects, representing the whole sample.
Then we estimate the kinematic segregation index,
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
Phase-space structures in star-forming regions 3
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the six test cases. From top to bottom and from left to right they are: 1.- Two spatially separated
clusters with the same central velocity of 1 km s1; 2.- Two clusters separated both in space and in velocity, where the mean velocities of
the clusters are 1 and 2 km s1, respectively; 3.- Two spatially superimposed clusters with velocities of 1 and 2 km s1, respectively; 4.-
Two filaments that intersect at one of the ends with homogeneous spatial distribution and a velocity gradient in each one proportional
to the spatial coordinate Y; 5.- One filament with a homogeneous spatial distribution and a mean velocity distribution of 1 km s1and
the same dispersion as that estimated for the clusters; 6.- Four clusters that partially overlap in space and velocity distributions with
means of 1, 2, 3, and 4 km s1, respectively, and the same velocity dispersions given by its virial equilibrium. Different colours mean for
different central velocities. Case 3 is coloured by blending blue (1 km s1) and red (2 km s1) colours. Spatial coordinates, Xand Y
axes, are in parsecs.
Λ(RVj), as
Λ(RVj) = ˜
where jis the bin identification and iis the order of the
first element in the bin, both being connected through the
relation i= 1 + (j1) ×S. Supra-index 500 indicates that
the average is calculated over 500 stochastic realizations.
The total number of bins is given by the integer part of
1 + ((NR)/S).
A plot of ˜
Λ(RVj) versus the median of the radial veloc-
ity in the RVjinterval
RV for all j, shows what we name
the spectrum of kinematic groupings which provides an in-
teresting and useful tool for the exploratory analysis of the
stellar system phase space.
Those ˜
Λ(RVj) that verify the inequality
Λ(RVj)>1 (3)
mark the radial velocity channels, RVj, where a kinematic
segregation has been detected. Here we decided to multiply
by two the standard deviation term as a conservative crite-
rion in the detection of groupings (confidence level greater
than 95%). Note that ˜σ500
Ris not the median of the 500
standard deviations but the standard deviation of the 500
In order to analyse the potential of the new methodology,
we have numerically generated six different case studies. The
cases analysed are:
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
4Emilio J. Alfaro & Marta Gonz´alez
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
42 0 2 4
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
Figure 2. Upper mosaic: Case 1 (see Fig. 1 and description in the text). The mosaic contains four panels, corresponding to: a) The
spectrum of velocity segregation, which represents ˜
Λ against the radial velocity for each one of the intervals selected. The red circles mark
the segregated velocity intervals according to the inequality defined by the equation (3) (upper left panel); b) The position of all the stars
of the sample (blue circles) superimposed on its spatial density map, and with the stars, within the segregated velocity intervals, marked
in red (upper right panel); c) Velocity histogram of the sample, onto which the velocity histogram of the stars within the segregated
intervals has been superimposed (colour red) (lower left panel); d) Density contours of the segregated stars (colour) on the density map
of the sample (greyscale). Lower mosaic: Case 2 with the same panel distribution and explanation as the upper mosaic.
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
Phase-space structures in star-forming regions 5
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
42 0 2 4
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
Figure 3. Upper and lower mosaics correspond to cases 3 and 4, respectively. Description and explanation as in Figure 2.
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
6Emilio J. Alfaro & Marta Gonz´alez
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
RV (km s1)
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (pc)
Y (pc)
Figure 4. Upper and lower mosaics correspond to cases 5 and 6, respectively. Description and explanation as in Figure 2.
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
Phase-space structures in star-forming regions 7
1.- Two spatially separated clusters with the same central
velocity of 1 km s1
2.- Two clusters separated both in space and in velocity,
where the mean velocities of the clusters are 1 and 2 km s1,
3.- Two spatially superimposed clusters with velocities of
1 and 2 km s1, respectively
4.- Two filaments that intersect at one of the ends with
homogeneous spatial distribution and a velocity gradient in
each one proportional to the spatial coordinate Y
5.- One filament with a homogeneous spatial distribution
and a mean velocity distribution of 1 km s1and the same
dispersion as that estimated for the clusters
6.- Four clusters that partially overlap in space and velocity
distributions with means of 1, 2, 3, and 4 km s1, respec-
tively, and the same velocity dispersions given by its virial
See Fig. 1 for a schematic representation of the different
cases in the phase space. Spatial coordinates are in parsecs.
In all of them there is an underlying field of 200 stars
with homogeneous spatial distribution and Gaussian radial
velocity with zero mean and 10 ×σdispersion, σbeing the
internal dispersion of the groupings in phase space, consid-
ering that they are in virial equilibrium. When the grouping
in phase space is a cluster, we have modelled 50 stars with a
radial spatial distribution of exponent -2 and radius 1. The
velocities always follow a Gaussian distribution with differ-
ent means and dispersions corresponding to virial equilib-
rium. In the case of the filamentary distributions, we have
spatially modelled them as a narrow rectangle containing
50 randomly distributed stars, and with Gaussian velocity
distribution and the same sigma as that estimated for the
clusters. The case with two spatial filaments, showing a lin-
eal velocity gradient in each one, can be seen as a particular
challenge for this methodology, as this is designed to de-
tect groupings in phase space, and a lineal distribution of
velocities does not correspond to a phase-space central con-
centration but to a filamentary structure in itself. In other
words, this method makes it possible to detect spatial struc-
tures of almost any form as long as the velocity is concen-
trated around a central value, but, in principle, the internal
structure of the algorithm is not designed for other cases
of velocity distribution. Nonetheless, we have modelled and
analysed it, and surprisingly the results are more positive
than we might have hoped.
In all of the cases the number of stars per bin, R, has been
chosen equal to Nand the step Sequal to 1. In this way,
and following the protocol established in section 2, we have
determined the spectrum of the kinematic groupings. This
spectrum, the first result of the application of this method-
ology, has become a very efficient tool for the analysis of the
existence and detection of groupings in phase space. As a
graphical synthesis of the results we have designed a figure
that contains four panels, corresponding to: a) The spec-
trum of velocity segregation, which represents ˜
Λ against the
radial velocity for each one of the intervals selected. The
red circles mark the segregated velocity intervals according
to the inequality defined by the equation (3) (upper left
panel); b) The position of all the stars of the sample (blue
circles) superimposed on its spatial density map, and with
the stars, within the segregated velocity intervals, marked in
red (upper right panel); c) Velocity histogram of the sam-
ple, onto which the velocity histogram of the stars within
the segregated intervals has been superimposed (colour red)
(lower left panel); d) Density contours of the segregated
stars (colour) on the density map of the sample (greyscale).
These four panels make it possible to visualise directly this
method’s potential for detecting and isolating the different
groupings in phase space contained in the test cases.
The results, grouped in pairs, are visualized in figures
2, 3, and 4, corresponding to the six test cases carried out.
In all of the cases the velocity segregation spectrum detects
statistically significant groupings in phase space. Even in
simple view (upper left panel in every figure) it can be seen
how the local maxima of ˜
Λ are coincident with the mean
values of the velocity in the simulated groupings. Only in
the case of the two filaments that intersect at a vertex and
with a lineal gradient of velocity in each one of the filaments,
the method detects two groups of segregated velocities cor-
responding to the ends of the velocity gradient of each of the
filaments. We stress again that the designed procedure does
not contemplate, a priori, the detection of these types of ve-
locity distributions, since the fundamental condition is that
each velocity interval is more spatially concentrated than
any random selection of the sample with the same number
of points. Each filament contains 50 stars, and given that the
space occupied is greater in this case than for the clusters,
the spatial density is less. This density is also less in the
velocity subspace, as the 50 stars are distributed between 5
and -5 km/s. When the velocities are well separated from
that of the mean of the field, the groupings are detected,
but when the velocity of the stars in the filament are close
to that of the field mean (0 km/s), the combined effect of
the low density in both subspaces leads to non-detection
of groupings in the phase space. Below we will discuss the
general characteristics of the phase-space groups for all the
test cases except for the case of the two filaments. In ev-
ery case the groupings detected are contaminated by field
stars that share the same velocity interval but do not con-
ceal or blur the spatial localization of the density maxima
(see upper right panel in figures 2, 3, and 4). The selection
of bona fide members each of the clusters or filaments will
require a subsequent careful membership analysis by any of
the methods available in the literature (Sampedro & Alfaro
2015; Cabrera-Ca˜no & Alfaro 1990, and references in that
The structure of the velocity field of the sample is re-
flected in the segregated velocities histogram and in the spa-
tial density map of the stars belonging to these kinematic in-
tervals (left and right lower panels, respectively). In all cases
we see how the spatially segregated velocities histogram (in
red) reproduces the distributions of the sample modelled.
The spatial density of the members of the groupings de-
tected also shows the velocity spatial distribution simulated
in the models.
The parameters chosen for thetest cases correspond to
feasible cases that we can find on the large radial velocity
surveys that are currently being performed. However, Gaia
is the ultimate goal, and this methodology can easily be
expanded to the distribution of proper motions that this
2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
8Emilio J. Alfaro & Marta Gonz´alez
space mission will provide us with. It is evident that this
analysis can be extended to a broad set of parameters but
we believe that that task lies beyond this article’s objectives,
which are to make the method known, explain how it works
and apply it to a few concrete cases that simulate part of
the extensive types of cases that can be found in reality.
Based on the MST graph algorithm we developed a
new methodology to identify kinematic segregated groups,
i.e. velocity ranges that show a significantly more concen-
trated spatial distribution than the average of the whole
velocity distribution.
We have defined the kinematic segregation index,
Λ(RVj) (equation 2) that forms the basis or our analysis.
The variation of this index with the radial velocity depicts
the so-called spectrum of kinematic groupings which be-
comes a singular tool for visualising, at a single glance, the
kinematic behavior of the clustered population in the stellar
The spectrum of kinematic groupings thus constitutes
the fundamental nucleus of study from which a varied quan-
tity of sub-products can subsequently be derived that enable
different visualizations of the problem in order to improve
its further analysis.
For those cases analysed the method provides an excel-
lent description of the map of the velocities modelled and de-
tects the phase-space groupings present in the sample, with
the exception of the case of the filaments with an internal
velocity gradient.
The algorithm is easy to implement in any pipeline
aimed at analysing the phase space of stellar systems and
has been specially designed for the study of data expected
from the Gaia mission. Although in this paper we have fo-
cused on the analysis of the radial velocity, the method can
be easily extrapolated to other velocity components, such as
the proper motions.
We warmly thank Simon Goodwin, this paper’s referee, for
his enlightened and useful comments that have helped to im-
prove the content and presentation of this work. Likewise,
we also wish to thank Richard Parker for his reading of the
draft and the discussion held concerning specific points of
the article. We acknowledge support from the Spanish Min-
istry for Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds
through grant AYA2013-40611-P.
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2015 RAS, MNRAS 000,????
... This determination prevents a single outlying object from heavily influencing the uncertainty, which could be an issue if using the Gaussian dispersion as the uncertainty estimator. If Λ MSR > 1, then the most massive cores are more spatially concentrated than the average cores, and we designate this as significant if the lower error bar also exceeds unity (see also Alfaro & González 2016;González & Alfaro 2017). Parker & Goodwin (2015) show that Λ MSR can sometimes be too sensitive in that it sometimes finds that random fluctuations in low-number distributions lead to mass segregation according to our definition. ...
We quantify the spatial distributions of dense cores in three spatially distinct areas of the Orion B star-forming region. For L1622, NGC2068/NGC2071 and NGC2023/NGC2024 we measure the amount of spatial substructure using the Q\mathcal{Q}-parameter and find all three regions to be spatially substructured (Q<0.8\mathcal{Q} < 0.8). We quantify the amount of mass segregation using ΛMSR\Lambda_{\rm MSR} and find that the most massive cores are mildly mass segregated in NGC2068/NGC2071 (ΛMSR2\Lambda_{\rm MSR} \sim 2), and very mass segregated in NGC2023/NGC2024 (ΛMSR=2810+13\Lambda_{\rm MSR} = 28^{+13}_{-10} for the four most massive cores). Whereas the most massive cores in L1622 are not in areas of relatively high surface density, or deeper gravitational potentials, the massive cores in NGC2068/NGC2071 and NGC2023/NGC2024 are significantly so. Given the low density (10 cores pc2^{-2}) and spatial substructure of cores in Orion B, the mass segregation cannot be dynamical. Our results are also inconsistent with simulations in which the most massive stars form via competitive accretion, and instead hint that magnetic fields may be important in influencing the primordial spatial distributions of gas and stars in star-forming regions.
... Star-forming regions form with spatial and kinematic substructure (Larson 1981;Gomez et al. 1993;Cartwright & Whitworth 2004;Sánchez & Alfaro 2009;Alfaro & González 2016), and our simulations are designed to mimic this before any dynamical evolution takes place. For this reason, more stars reside in a high or ambiguous Mahalanobis phase space before dynamical evolution. ...
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The architectures of extrasolar planetary systems often deviate considerably from the “standard” model for planet formation, which is largely based on our own solar system. In particular, gas giants on close orbits are not predicted by planet formation theory and so some processes are thought to move the planets closer to their host stars. Recent research has suggested that hot-Jupiter host stars display a different phase space compared to stars that do not host hot Jupiters. This has been attributed to these stars forming in star-forming regions of high stellar density, where dynamical interactions with passing stars have perturbed the planets. We test this hypothesis by quantifying the phase space of planet-hosting stars in dynamical N -body simulations of star-forming regions. We find that stars that retain their planets have a higher phase space than nonhosts, regardless of their initial physical density. This is because an imprint of the kinematic substructure from the regions birth is retained, as these stars have experienced fewer and less disruptive encounters than stars whose planets have been liberated and become free-floating. However, host stars whose planets remain bound but have had their orbits significantly altered by dynamical encounters are also primarily found in high phase space regimes. We therefore corroborate other research in this area that has suggested the high phase space of hot-Jupiter host stars is not caused by dynamical encounters or stellar clustering, but rather reflects an age bias in that these stars are (kinematically) younger than other exoplanet host stars.
... Star-forming regions form with spatial and kinematic substructure (Larson 1981;Gomez et al. 1993;Cartwright & Whitworth 2004;Sánchez & Alfaro 2009;Alfaro & González 2016), and our simulations are designed to mimic this before any dynamical evolution takes place. For this reason, more stars reside in a high or ambiguous Mahalanobis phase space before dynamical evolution. ...
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The architectures of extrasolar planetary systems often deviate considerably from the ``standard" model for planet formation, which is largely based on our own Solar System. In particular, gas giants on close orbits are not predicted by planet formation theory and so some process(es) are thought to move the planets closer to their host stars. Recent research has suggested that Hot Jupiter host stars display a different phase space compared to stars that do not host Hot Jupiters. This has been attributed to these stars forming in star-forming regions of high stellar density, where dynamical interactions with passing stars have perturbed the planets. We test this hypothesis by quantifying the phase space of planet-hosting stars in dynamical N-body simulations of star-forming regions. We find that stars that retain their planets have a higher phase space than non-hosts, regardless of their initial physical density. This is because an imprint of the kinematic substructure from the regions birth is retained, as these stars have experienced fewer and less disruptive encounters than stars whose planets have been liberated and become free-floating. However, host stars whose planets remain bound but have had their orbits significantly altered by dynamical encounters are also primarily found in high phase space regimes. We therefore corroborate other research in this area which has suggested the high phase space of Hot Jupiter host stars is not caused by dynamical encounters or stellar clustering, but rather reflects an age bias in that these stars are (kinematically) younger than other exoplanet host stars.
... An alternative method, first proposed by Parker et al. (2011) and since used by other groups (e.g. Alfaro & González 2016;González & Alfaro 2017;Alfaro & Román-Zúñiga 2018), keeps N MST fixed and instead slides through the dataset. For example, one can start with the 10 least massive objects, calculate Λ MSR , and then move to the 11 -20 least massive objects, and so on. ...
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The dominant formation mechanism of brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects in star-forming regions is presently uncertain. Do they form like stars, via the collapse and fragmentation of cores in Giant Molecular clouds, or do they form like planets in the discs around stars and are ejected via dynamical interactions? In this paper, we quantify the spatial distribution of substellar objects in NGC1333, in particular focusing on planetary-mass objects that have been the target of recent deep imaging observations. We find that these objects have a spatial distribution that is indistinguishable from the stars, and more massive brown dwarfs. We also analyse N-body simulations and find that a population of ejected planets would have a significantly different spatial and kinematic distribution to stars, and brown dwarfs that also formed through gravitational collapse and fragmentation. We therefore conclude that the low-mass substellar objects in NGC1333 formed more like stars than planets, although we predict that a population of hitherto undetected ejected planetary mass objects may be lurking in this, and other star-forming regions.
The dominant formation mechanism of brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects in star-forming regions is presently uncertain. Do they form like stars, via the collapse and fragmentation of cores in Giant Molecular clouds, or do they form like planets in the discs around stars and are ejected via dynamical interactions? In this paper, we quantify the spatial distribution of substellar objects in NGC 1333, in particular focusing on planetary-mass objects that have been the target of recent deep imaging observations. We find that these objects have a spatial distribution that is indistinguishable from the stars, and more massive brown dwarfs. We also analyse N-body simulations and find that a population of ejected planets would have a significantly different spatial and kinematic distribution to stars, and brown dwarfs that also formed through gravitational collapse and fragmentation. We therefore conclude that the low-mass substellar objects in NGC 1333 formed more like stars than planets, although we predict that a population of hitherto undetected ejected planetary mass objects may be lurking in this, and other star-forming regions.
The multi-dimensional phase space density (both position and velocity) of star-forming regions may encode information on the initial conditions of star and planet formation. Recently, a new metric based on the Mahalanobis distance has been used to show that hot Jupiters are more likely to be found around exoplanet host-stars in high 6D phase space density, suggesting a more dynamic formation environment for these planets. However, later work showed that this initial result may be due to a bias in the age of hot Jupiters and the kinematics of their host stars. We test the ability of the Mahalanobis distance and density to differentiate more generally between star-forming regions with different morphologies by applying it to static regions that are either substructured or smooth and centrally concentrated. We find that the Mahalanobis distance is unable to distinguish between different morphologies, and that the initial conditions of the N-body simulations cannot be constrained using only the Mahalanobis distance or density. Furthermore, we find that the more dimensions in the phase space the less effective the Mahalanobis density is at distinguishing between different initial conditions. We show that a combination of the mean three-dimensional (x, y, z) Mahalanobis density and the Q-parameter for a region can constrain its initial virial state. However this is due to the discriminatory power of the Q-parameter and not from any extra information imprinted in the Mahalanobis density. We therefore recommend continued use of multiple diagnostics for determining the initial conditions of star-forming regions, rather than relying on a single multi-dimensional metric.
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Context. The young massive cluster Westerlund 1 offers the promise of a grand laboratory for the study of high-mass star evolution, but its basic parameters are still poorly known. Aims. In this paper, we aim at a better characterisation of the cluster by determining some basic kinematic properties and analysing the area surrounding the cluster and the population in its foreground. Methods. We have used Gaia early data release 3 (EDR3) data, together with spectra of a large sample of luminous stars in the field surrounding Westerlund 1, to explore the extent of the cluster. We carried out a non-parametric analysis of proper motions and membership determination. We investigated the reddening and proper motions of several dozen OB stars and red supergiants less than one degree away from Westerlund 1. Results. We identify a population of kinematic members of Westerlund 1 that largely includes the known spectroscopic members. From their EDR3 parallaxes, we derive a distance to the cluster of 4.230.21+0.23 4.23^{+0.23}_{-0.21} kpc. We analyse the extinction in this direction, finding that it increases by a large amount around 2.8 kpc, which in all likelihood is due to dark clouds associated with the Scutum-Crux arm. As a consequence, we hardly see any stars at distances comparable (or higher) than that of the cluster. The proper motions of Westerlund 1, however, are very similar to those of stars in the field surrounding it which are – almost without exception – less distant, but distinct. We find a second, astrometrically well-defined population in the foreground ( d ≈ 2 kpc), centred ∼8′ away, which is likely connected to the possible open cluster BH 197. Westerlund 1 is very elongated, an effect that seems real and not driven by the very heavy extinction to the east and south. We find a low-density halo extending to distances up to 10′ from the cluster centre, mainly in the north-west quadrant. A few OB stars at larger distances from the cluster, most notably the luminous blue variable (LBV) MN48, share its proper motions, suggesting that Westerlund 1 has little or no peculiar motion with respect to the field population of the Norma arm. Despite this, we are unable to find any red supergiant that could belong to an extended population related to the cluster, although we observe several dozen such objects in the foreground, demonstrating the richness of the field population along this sightline. We find a substantial population of luminous OB members obscured by several more magnitudes of extinction than most known members. These objects, mostly located in the central region of the cluster, increase the population of OB supergiants by about 25%.
Context. With the third release of the high-precision optical-wavelength Gaia survey, we are in a better position than ever before to study young clusters. However, Gaia is limited in the optical down to G ∼ 21 mag, and therefore it is essential to understand the biases introduced by a magnitude-limited sample on spatial distribution studies. Aims. We ascertain how sample incompleteness in Gaia observations of young clusters affects the local spatial analysis tool INDICATE and subsequently the perceived spatial properties of these clusters. Methods. We created a mock Gaia cluster catalogue from a synthetic dataset using the observation generating tool MYOSOTIS. The effect of cluster distance, uniform and variable extinction, binary fraction, population masking by the point spread function wings of high-mass members, and contrast sensitivity limits on the trends identified by INDICATE are explored. A comparison of the typical index values derived by INDICATE for members of the synthetic dataset and their corresponding mock Gaia catalogue observations is made to identify any significant changes. Results. We typically find only small variations in the pre- and post-observation index values of cluster populations, which can increase as a function of incompleteness percentage and binarity. No significant strengthening or false signatures of stellar concentrations are found, but real signatures may be diluted. Conclusions drawn about the spatial behaviour of Gaia -observed cluster populations that are, and are not, associated with their natal nebulosity are reliable for most clusters, but the perceived behaviours of individual members can change, so INDICATE should be used as a measure of spatial behaviours between members as a function of their intrinsic properties (e.g., mass, age, object type), rather than to draw conclusions about any specific observed member. Conclusions. INDICATE is a robust spatial analysis tool to reliably study Gaia -observed young cluster populations within 1 kpc, up to a sample incompleteness of 83.3% and binarity of 50%.
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Context. The spatial and dynamical structure of star-forming regions can offer insights into stellar formation patterns. The amount of data from current and upcoming surveys calls for robust and objective procedures for detecting structures in order to statistically analyse the various regions and compare them. Aims. We aim to provide the community with a tool capable of detecting, above random expectations, the small-scale significant structure in star-forming regions that could serve as an imprint of the stellar formation process. The tool makes use of the one-point correlation function to determine an appropriate length scale for ϵ and uses nearest-neighbour statistics to determine a minimum number of points N min for the DBSCAN algorithm in the neighbourhood of ϵ . Methods. We implemented the procedure and applied it to synthetic star-forming regions of different nature and characteristics to obtain its applicability range. We also applied the method to observed star-forming regions to demonstrate its performance in realistic circumstances and to analyse its results. Results. The procedure successfully detects significant small-scale substructures in heterogeneous regions, fulfilling the goals it was designed for and providing very reliable structures. The analysis of regions close to complete spatial randomness ( Q ∈ [0.7, 0.87]) shows that even when some structure is present and recovered, it is hardly distinguishable from spurious detection in homogeneous regions due to projection effects. Thus, any interpretation should be done with care. For concentrated regions, we detect a main structure surrounded by smaller ones, corresponding to the core plus some Poisson fluctuations around it. We argue that these structures do not correspond to the small compact regions we are looking for. In some realistic cases, a more complete hierarchical, multi-scale analysis would be needed to capture the complexity of the region. Conclusions. We carried out implementations of our procedure and devised a catalogue of the Nested Elementary STructures (NESTs) detected as a result in four star-forming regions (Taurus, IC 348, Upper Scorpius, and Carina). This catalogue is being made publicly available to the community. Implementations of the 3D versionsof the procedure, as well as up to 6D versions, including proper movements, are in progress and will be provided in a future work.
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We present DECam imaging combined with Gaia DR2 data to study the Canis Major overdensity. The presence of the so-called Blue Plume stars in a low-pollution area of the color-magnitude diagram allows us to derive the distance and proper motions of this stellar feature along the line of sight of its hypothetical core. The stellar overdensity extends on a large area of the sky at low Galactic latitudes, below the plane, and between 230○ < ℓ < 255○. According to the orbit derived for Canis Major, it presents an on-plane rotation around the Milky Way. Moreover, additional overdensities of Blue Plume stars are found around the plane and across the Galaxy, proving that these objects are not only associated with that structure. The spatial distribution of these stars, derived using Gaia astrometric data, confirms that the detection of the Canis Major overdensity results more from the warped structure of the Milky Way disk than from the accretion of a dwarf galaxy.
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A large sample of young stellar groups is analysed aiming to investigate their clustering properties and dynamical evolution. A comparison of the Q statistical parameter, measured for the clusters, with the fractal dimension estimated for the projected clouds shows that 52% of the sample has substructures and tends to follow the theoretically expected relation between clusters and clouds, according to calculations for artificial distribution of points. The fractal statistics was also compared to structural parameters revealing that clusters having radial density profile show a trend of parameter s increasing with mean surface stellar density. The core radius of the sample, as a function of age, follows a distribution similar to that observed in stellar groups of Milky Way and other galaxies. They also have dynamical age, indicated by their crossing time that is similar to unbound associations. The statistical analysis allowed us to separate the sample into two groups showing different clustering characteristics. However, they have the same dynamical evolution, since the whole sample has been revealed as expanding objects, for which the substructures seem to have not been erased. These results are in agreement with simulations that adopt low surface densities and models under supervirial conditions.
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The analysis of the distribution of stars in open clusters may yield important information on the star formation process and early dynamical evolution of stellar clusters. Here we address this issue by systematically characterizing the internal spatial structure of 16 open clusters in the Milky Way spanning a wide range of ages. Cluster stars have been selected from a membership probability analysis based on a non-parametric method that uses both positions and proper motions and does not make any a priori assumption on the underlying distributions. The internal structure is then characterized by means of the minimum spanning tree method (Q parameter), King profile fitting, and the correlation dimension (Dc) for those clusters with fractal patterns. On average, clusters with fractal-like structure are younger than those exhibiting radial star density profiles and an apparent trend between Q and age is observed in agreement with previous ideas about the dynamical evolution of the internal spatial structure of stellar clusters. However, some new results are obtained from a more detailed analysis: (a) a clear correlation between Q and the concentration parameter of the King model for those cluster with radial density profiles, (b) the presence of spatial substructure in clusters as old as 100 Myr, and (c) a significant correlation between fractal dimension and age for those clusters with internal substructure. Moreover, the lowest fractal dimensions seem to be considerably smaller than the average value measured in galactic molecular cloud complexes.
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We use a Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm to characterize the spatial distribution of Galactic Far-IR sources and derive their clustering properties. We aim to reveal the spatial imprint of different types of star forming processes, e.g. isolated spontaneous fragmentation of dense molecular clouds, or events of triggered star formation around HII regions, and highlight global properties of star formation in the Galaxy. We plan to exploit the entire Hi-GAL survey of the inner Galactic plane to gather significant statistics on the clustering properties of star forming regions, and to look for possible correlations with source properties such as mass, temperature or evolutionary stage. In this paper we present a pilot study based on the two 2x2 square degree fields centered at longitudes l=30 and l=59 obtained during the Science Demonstration Phase (SDP) of the Herschel mission. We find that over half of the clustered sources are associated with HII regions and infrared dark clouds. Our analysis also reveals a smooth chromatic evolution of the spatial distribution where sources detected at short-wavelengths, likely proto-stars surrounded by warm circumstellar material emitting in the far-infrared, tend to be clustered in dense and compact groups around HII regions while sources detected at long-wavelengths, presumably cold and dusty density enhancements of the ISM emitting in the sub-millimeter, are distributed in larger and looser groups.
We present an expanded kinematic study of the young cluster NGC 2264 based upon optical radial velocities measured using multi-fiber echelle spectroscopy at the 6.5 meter MMT and Magellan telescopes. We report radial velocities for 695 stars, of which approximately 407 stars are confirmed or very likely members. Our results more than double the number of members with radial velocities from F{\H u}r{\'e}sz et al., resulting in a much better defined kinematic relationship between the stellar population and the associated molecular gas. In particular, we find that there is a significant subset of stars that are systematically blueshifted with respect to the molecular (13^{13}CO) gas. The detection of Lithium absorption and/or infrared excesses in this blue-shifted population suggests that at least some of these stars are cluster members; we suggest some speculative scenarios to explain their kinematics. Our results also more clearly define the redshifted population of stars in the northern end of the cluster; we suggest that the stellar and gas kinematics of this region are the result of a bubble driven by the wind from O7 star S Mon. Our results emphasize the complexity of the spatial and kinematic structure of NGC 2264, important for eventually building up a comprehensive picture of cluster formation.
We use the new minimum spanning tree (MST) method to look for mass segregation in the Taurus association. The method computes the ratio of MST lengths of any chosen subset of objects, including the most massive stars and brown dwarfs, to the MST lengths of random sets of stars and brown dwarfs in the cluster. This mass segregation ratio (ΛMSR) enables a quantitative measure of the spatial distribution of high- and low-mass stars, and brown dwarfs to be made in Taurus. We find that the most massive stars in Taurus are inversely mass segregated with ΛMSR= 0.70 ± 0.10 (ΛMSR= 1 corresponds to no mass segregation), which differs from the strong mass segregation signatures found in more dense and massive clusters such as Orion. The brown dwarfs in Taurus are not mass segregated, although we find evidence that some low-mass stars are, with an ΛMSR= 1.25 ± 0.15. Finally, we compare our results to previous measures of the spatial distribution of stars and brown dwarfs in Taurus, and briefly discuss their implications.
We developed a source detection algorithm based on the Minimal Spanning Tree (MST), that is a graph-theoretical method useful for finding clusters in a given set of points. This algorithm is applied to γ-ray bi-dimensional images where the points correspond to the arrival direction of photons, and the possible sources are associated with the regions where they clusterize. Some filters to select these clusters and to reduce the spurious detections are introduced. An empirical study of the statistical properties of MST on random fields is carried out in order to derive some criteria to estimate the best filter values. We also introduce two parameters useful to verify the goodness of candidate sources. To show how the MST algorithm works in practice, we present an application to an EGRET observation of the Virgo field, at high Galactic latitude and with a low and rather uniform background, in which several sources are detected.
We present an analysis of the spatial distribution of various stellar populations within the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We combine mid-infrared selected young stellar objects, optically selected samples with mean ages between ∼9 and ∼1000 Myr and existing stellar cluster catalogues to investigate how stellar structures form and evolve within the LMC. For the analysis we use Fractured Minimum Spanning Trees, the statistical Q parameter and the two-point correlation function. Restricting our analysis to young massive (OB) stars, we confirm our results obtained for M33, namely that the luminosity function of the groups is well described by a power law with index −2, and that there is no characteristic length-scale of star-forming regions. We find that stars in the LMC are born with a large amount of substructure, consistent with a two-dimensional fractal distribution with dimension and evolve towards a uniform distribution on a time-scale of ∼175 Myr. This is comparable to the crossing time of the galaxy, and we suggest that stellar structure, regardless of spatial scale, will be eliminated in a crossing time. This may explain the smooth distribution of stars in massive/dense young clusters in the Galaxy, while other, less massive, clusters still display large amounts of structure at similar ages. By comparing the stellar and star cluster distributions and evolving time-scales, we show that infant mortality of clusters (or ‘popping clusters’) has a negligible influence on the galactic structure. Finally, we quantify the influence of the elongation, differential extinction and contamination of a population on the measured Q value.
We have previously reported a dimensionless measure, , which can both quantify, and distinguish between, the extent to which a star cluster is centrally concentrated, and the extent to which it contains small-scale subclusters. is the ratio of the normalized correlation length, , (i.e. the mean projected separation between stars, divided by the overall radius of the cluster), to the mean length, , of the segments of a minimal spanning tree (MST) joining all star positions: . In this paper, we attempt to adapt the correlation-length method to the characterization of gas clouds, with a view to comparing directly the structures of gas clouds and star clusters. We also compare the results of the correlation-length method with fractal dimensions estimated using the more familiar perimeter–area method whereby the lengths of closed contours are plotted against the areas they enclose, on a log–log plot. We find that the normalized correlation length, when modified to deal with pixellated grey-scale data, is a robust indicator of either central concentration or fractal subclustering of gas clouds, but cannot distinguish between the two types of structure. It is, however, extremely reliable, easy to implement and works accurately at all scales and over all dynamic ranges, even with poorly sampled data. It implicitly incorporates edge effects, so all the data in the complete cloud are used, and it therefore provides a useful method for comparing the structures of molecular clouds and star clusters. The normalized correlation length produces comparable results to the perimeter–area method when used on molecular cloud data. However, the perimeter–area method is unable to distinguish the degree of clustering in three-dimensional objects with fractal dimensions greater than 2.0. It also suffers from measurement noise and lack of objectivity, particularly if only a few contours are selected for analysis. It cannot be used to compare clouds with star clusters. It is not found possible to construct an MST algorithm which works reliably for grey-scale data and is immune to scaling problems. The previously reported parameter is therefore not useful when considering gas clouds.
The young stellar population data of the Perseus, Ophiuchus and Serpens molecular clouds are obtained from the Spitzer c2d legacy survey in order to investigate the spatial structure of embedded clusters using the nearest neighbour and minimum spanning tree method. We identify the embedded clusters in these clouds as density enhancements and analyse the clustering parameter Q with respect to source luminosity and evolutionary stage. This analysis shows that the older Class 2/3 objects are more centrally condensed than the younger Class 0/1 protostars, indicating that clusters evolve from an initial hierarchical configuration to a centrally condensed one. Only IC348 and the Serpens core, the older clusters in the sample, shows signs of mass segregation (indicated by the dependence of Q on the source magnitude), pointing to a significant effect of dynamical interactions after a few Myr. The structure of a cluster may also be linked to the turbulent energy in the natal cloud as the most centrally condensed cluster is found in the cloud with the lowest Mach number and vice versa. In general these results agree well with theoretical scenarios of star cluster formation by gravoturbulent fragmentation.