
Creativity, Divergent Thinking, and Openness to Experience

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Test scores of divergent thinking obtained between 1959 and 1972 were correlated with a variety of personality measures administered since 1980. In this sample of 268 men, divergent thinking was consistently associated with self-reports and ratings of openness to experience, but not with neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, or conscientiousness. Both divergent thinking and openness were also modestly correlated with Gough's (1979)empirically derived Creative Personality Scale. Several other personality variables mentioned in the literature were also examined; those that were associated with divergent thinking were also generally correlated with openness. These data suggest that creativity is particularly related to the personality domain of openness to experience.

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... Beş faktörlü kişilik modelinin bir unsuru olan deneyime açıklık, kişinin kendi iyiliği için farklı deneyimlere olan ilgisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (McCrae, 1987) ve insanların ne ölçüde geniş fikirli, sofistike, meraklı, yaratıcı, çekici ve orijinal olduklarını açıklamaktadır (Costa ve McCrae, 1992;McCrae, 1987). Deneyime açıklık, kişinin güçlü hayal gücünü, estetik duyarlılığını, içsel duygulara dikkatini, çeşitlilik tercihini ve entelektüel merakını içermektedir (McCrae, 1987). ...
... Beş faktörlü kişilik modelinin bir unsuru olan deneyime açıklık, kişinin kendi iyiliği için farklı deneyimlere olan ilgisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (McCrae, 1987) ve insanların ne ölçüde geniş fikirli, sofistike, meraklı, yaratıcı, çekici ve orijinal olduklarını açıklamaktadır (Costa ve McCrae, 1992;McCrae, 1987). Deneyime açıklık, kişinin güçlü hayal gücünü, estetik duyarlılığını, içsel duygulara dikkatini, çeşitlilik tercihini ve entelektüel merakını içermektedir (McCrae, 1987). ...
... Beş faktörlü kişilik modelinin bir unsuru olan deneyime açıklık, kişinin kendi iyiliği için farklı deneyimlere olan ilgisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır (McCrae, 1987) ve insanların ne ölçüde geniş fikirli, sofistike, meraklı, yaratıcı, çekici ve orijinal olduklarını açıklamaktadır (Costa ve McCrae, 1992;McCrae, 1987). Deneyime açıklık, kişinin güçlü hayal gücünü, estetik duyarlılığını, içsel duygulara dikkatini, çeşitlilik tercihini ve entelektüel merakını içermektedir (McCrae, 1987). Ayrıca, sosyal tutumlar ve kariyer değişiklikleri gibi çeşitli konularla ilgili olan kişiliğin temel boyutlarından biri olarak ifade edilmektedir. ...
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Mevcut araştırmanın temel amacı, deneyime açıklığın işle bütünleşme üzerindeki doğrudan ve dolaylı etkilerini (öz-yeterlik aracılığıyla) mükemmeliyetçiliğin koşullu etkilerine göre düzenleyici-aracı model kapsamında incelemektir. Araştırmada nicel araştırma yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Analizler akademisyenlerden ve öğretmenlerden toplanan 539 veriyle gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma hipotezlerini test etmek için Hayes Process Macro uzantısı (Model 58) kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, deneyime açıklık, hem öz-yeterliği hem de işle bütünleşmeyi pozitif etkilemektedir. Öz-yeterlik de işle bütünleşmeyi pozitif etkilemektedir. Ayrıca, deneyime açıklık ve öz-yeterlik arasındaki ilişkide mükemmeliyetçiliğin düzenleyici role sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda düşük mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda deneyime açıklık, öz-yeterliği pozitif etkilemektedir. Ancak yüksek mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda deneyime açıklık, öz-yeterliği negatif etkilemektedir. Öte yandan, orta mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda deneyime açıklık, öz-yeterliği etkilememektedir. Benzer şekilde, öz-yeterlik ve işle bütünleşme arasında mükemmeliyetçiliğin düzenleyici rolü olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Düşük ve orta mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda öz-yeterliğin işle bütünleşmeyi pozitif etkilediği, yüksek mükemmeliyetçilik durumunda öz-yeterliğin işle bütünleşmeyi istatiksel olarak etkilemediği görülmüştür. Deneyime açıklığın işle bütünleşme üzerinde öz-yeterlik aracılığıyla dolaylı pozitif etkisinin sadece düşük düzeyde mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, ikili zıtlıklar sadece düşük ve orta düzeyde mükemmeliyetçilik koşulunda anlamlı olduklarından, düşük ve orta düzeyde mükemmeliyetçi bireylerde, deneyime açıklığın öz-yeterlik aracılığıyla işle bütünleşme üzerindeki dolaylı etkilerin mükemmeliyetçilik seviyelerine göre koşullu olduğu; yüksek mükemmeliyetçilik düzeyine sahip bireylerde deneyime açıklığın öz-yeterlik aracılığıyla işle bütünleşme üzerindeki dolaylı etkisinin, mükemmeliyetçiliğe bağlı olmadığı ortaya konmuştur.
... It should be noted that analyses of the first-administration NEO-PI data have already been reported in a variety of articles (e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1985a, 1985bMcCrae, 1982McCrae, , 1987McCrae&Costa, 1982,1983,1985,1987McCrae etaL, 1986). However, data from the 1986 administration of the NEO-PI, which form the basis of all the analyses in this article, have not been reported previously. ...
... It should be noted that analyses of the first-administration NEO-PI data have already been reported in a variety of articles (e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1985a, 1985bMcCrae, 1982McCrae, , 1987McCrae&Costa, 1982,1983,1985,1987McCrae etaL, 1986). However, data from the 1986 administration of the NEO-PI, which form the basis of all the analyses in this article, have not been reported previously. ...
... It is sometimes argued that Openness is better interpreted as a correlate of intelligence or other mental abilities, and it might be hypothesized that the stability of O scores seen here is due to the continuing influence of cognitive abilities, which are known to be very stable. To test this hypothesis, we examined retest data for 166 men who also had scores on WUS Vocabulary and a Total Divergent Thinking test (McCrae, 1987). The simple retest coefficient for this subsample was .83; the partial retest correlation, controlling simultaneously for Vocabulary and Total Divergent Thinking, was .81. ...
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Previous longitudinal studies of personality in adulthood have been limited in the range of traits examined, have chiefly made use of self-reports, and have frequently included only men. In this study, self-reports (N = 983) and spouse ratings (N = 167) were gathered on the NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1985b), which measures all five of the major dimensions of normal personality. Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses on data from men and women aged 21 to 96 years showed evidence of small declines in Activity, Positive Emotions, and openness to Actions that might be attributed to maturation, but none of these effects was replicated in sequential analyses. The 20 other scales examined showed no consistent pattern of maturational effects. In contrast, retest stability was quite high for all five dimensions in self-reports and for the three dimensions measured at both times in spouse ratings. Comparable levels of stability were seen for men and women and for younger and older subjects. The data support the position that personality is stable after age 30.
... We suggest that recollecting tourism memory can activate one's state personality of openness to experience, which in turn, enhances people's creativity at the individual level. This is because openness to experience has been demonstrated to positively correlate with creativity (Batey, Furnham, & Safiullina, 2010;McCrae, 1987), and such traits can be momentarily activated by memory reflection. Building on the sociality foundation of self-esteem (Crocker & Wolfe, 2001;Leary, 2005) and neuroscientific evidence related to human imaginative cognition (Beaty et al., 2016;DeYoung, 2015), we demonstrate that due to its central components, including its social nature and vividness (Kim & Chen, 2019;Kim et al., 2022a), tourism memory (vs. ...
... Openness to experience (hereafter, openness), as a fundamental aspect of Big Five personality trait, is closely connected to curiosity and imagination, which also denotes a favorable disposition toward novelty and exploration (DeYoung, Quilty, Peterson, & Gray, 2014). Reflectiveness and inventiveness are among its qualities (McCrae, 1987;McCrae & Costa, 1987). Insights from the state theory of personality (Fleeson, 2001;Hotchin and West, 2021) suggest that although traits such as openness are deemed to be stable, it is now recognized that personality states, which refer to the momentary expression of a trait reflected in an individual's current thoughts or feelings, can be influenced by various factors, including interventions (Roberts et al., 2017), goal activation (Hudson & Fraley, 2015), and memory reflection (Van Tilburg, Sedikides, & Wildschut, 2015). ...
... Openness, in turn, has been extensively linked to creative endeavors. In the past decades, ample scholarly attention has been paid to examining the relationship between personality and creativity, and it has come to a wide consensus that openness to experience positive correlates with creativity (Batey et al., 2010;McCrae, 1987). According to McCrae (1987), experimental research suggested that people with high levels of openness are captivated by ambiguity or open-ended activities, and they are equipped with better cognitive skills needed for creativity. ...
... Açıklık hususu bu noktada önem kazanmaktadır. Açıklık, farklı ve keşfedici bir şekilde düşünme yeteneğimizle bağlantılı olduğu ifade edilmiştir (McCrae, 1987;Tan vd., 2019). Bu noktada, eğilimlerimiz açıklıktan yana olmasa bile, açık olmakla ilişkili becerileri geliştirmenin yollarını keşfetmek ve örgüt içinde bu eğilime göre hareket etmek gerekmektedir. ...
... Iraksak ve yakınsak düşünme (Dollinger vd., 2004;McCrae, 1987) Yenilikçilik, birlikte çalışan birey ya da küçük bir grubun yeni ve faydalı fikirler üretmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. ...
In this chapter, where new technologies and working life are examined, in this section where creativity and innovation management in business life is discussed, it will be discussed how businesses and individuals who want to maintain their place and exist in the future should handle creativity and innovation management.
... This suggests that creativity is not merely related to Factor V (cf. McCrae, 1987) but rather lies at the core of the meaning of Factor V A creativity interpretation of Factor V has been suggested also by Saucier (1992b). ...
... We propose as a tentative conceptual standard for each factor the intersection of the work of Goldberg (1990), Hogan and Johnson (1981), McCrae andCosta (1985b), andNorman (1963). Future research can assess whether the inclusion of measures offered by other researchers would substantially change the present findings. ...
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This article shows how the Abridged Big Five Dimensional Circumplex (AB5C; W. K. Hofstee, B. de Raad, & L. R. Goldberg, 1992) clarifies disputes about the Big Five or five-factor model. Trait ratings from instruments representing 4 versions of the Big Five (L. R. Goldberg, 1992; R. Hogan & J. A. Johnson, 1981; R. R. McCrae & P. T. Costa, 1985b, 1987; W. T. Norman, 1963) were subjected to separate AB5C analyses for 2,148 American and 1,285 German Ss. Replicated results formed standard designation codes representing trait adjectives’ primary and secondary factor loadings. These codes unveiled the unique coloring imparted by secondary loadings to different scales proffered by researchers to represent the 5 factors.
... However, an excessive inclination toward novel solutions or unconventional approaches may introduce risk or uncertainty, particularly in high-stress situations where consistency and reliability are preferred (George & Zhou, 2001). Therefore, the impact of openness on decision-making under stress can be either positive or negative depending on the nature of the stressor and the situational context (Mccrae, 1987). For instance, higher levels of openness can enhance problem-solving capabilities and decision-making competence, particularly in contexts where individuals may feel bored or disengaged, thereby mitigating negative impacts on confidence and performance (Preez et al., 2020). ...
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Today in this competitive world people dealing with stress at work is common and thus finding out stress reduction factors becomes critical. This paper checks the moderating effect of Personality Traits on the relationship between 'Work Stress' and 'Decision-Making'. The five big personality traits have been measured: Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience as personality factors. The research digs into the complex interplay between work stress, personality traits and decision-making effectiveness based on the extensive prior literature and empirical evidence. The data were collected from 263 professionals across diverse industries in Taiwan, employing a structured survey-based methodology. A quantitative research methodology has been used and statistical data have been analysed using SPSS 27.0 and SmartPLS 4.1. The findings highlight that work stress negatively affects decision-making quality, with personality traits such as neuroticism playing a pivotal moderating role. While traits like agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion and openness to experience show their indirect moderating effect, however, low neuroticism buffers against stress, enabling better decision-making under pressure, additionally, high neuroticism exacerbates stress's detrimental effects. These insights provide a deep understanding of how personality factors influence decision-making processes in high-stress environments. The contribution of this study extends the stress-decision-making framework by incorporating personality traits. It also offers practical implications, especially for decision-makers to manage the stressful situations at their workplace and manage their talent by understanding individuals' personality traits.
... Participants completed a personality survey measuring trait openness to experience, one of the traits in the five-factor model of personality which is correlated with many aspects of creativity (McCrae, 1987). We measured openness using the NEO-FFI-3 (McCrae & Costa, 2007), a 12-item self-report measure. ...
... Kreativitet ligger i skjaeringspunktet mellom ekspertise, motivasjon og evne til kreativ tenking [21]. Fantasi er også en kritisk del av kreativitet, ved å muliggjøre evnen til å tenke utenfor etablerte rammer og forestille seg nye ideer, konsepter og muligheter som ikke er umiddelbart synlige eller basert på eksisterende virkelighet [22]. Selv om individuell kreativitet også kan påvirkes av personlighetstrekk og kognitive evner, har en rekke studier vektlagt miljøets innflytelse på kreativitet [23]. ...
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Abstrakt. Denne artikkelen presenterer resultater av en studie som ser på hvilken innvirkning bruk av generativ kunstig intelligens kan ha på individuell kreativitet hos kunnskapsarbeidere i konsulentbransjen. Studien er basert på intervjuer med ni informanter fra to konsulentselskaper. Vi finner at bruk av generativ KI kan ha både positiv og negativ innvirkning, og diskuterer viktige forutsetninger for at KI skal fremme snarere enn hemme menneskelig kreativitet. Studien bidrar til forsk-ning på betydningen av KI for organisasjoner, og er relevant ikke bare for kon-sulentbransjen, men også i andre former for kunnskapsarbeid. Nøkkelord: Kunstig intelligens, KI, Kreativitet, Kunnskapsarbeidere 1 Innledning Kunstig intelligens kan medføre fundamentale endringer i hvordan vi forstår og an-vender kreativitet [1]. Generativ KI viser en omfattende kapasitet til å utføre oppgaver som kan karakteriseres som kreative, inkludert generering av tekst, musikk, kode, bilder og video. Utviklingen og bruken av generativ kunst
... We assessed openness via the NEO-FFI ( 29 ; German translation 30 ). Openness is consistently associated with creative ideation performance, as well as real-life creative activities and creative achievements 24,31,32 . The internal consistency of the openness scale in the present study was good with α = 0.76 (M = 2.89, SD = 0.54). ...
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Beyond health, physical activity (PA) is associated with better creative ideation performance. People who are habitually more physically active produce more original ideas when asked to think creatively about an alternative use of an everyday object such as a brick. This aligns with findings indicating a positive relationship of PA with more basic cognition, such as memory, attention, as well as executive functioning. However, to the best of our knowledge, to date, no empirical research examined the link between PA (or inactivity) and real-life creative behavior. Therefore, this study investigated how objective and subjective assessments of PA relate to creative activities and achievements. In a sample of 156 participants wearing a mobile sensor for up to five consecutive days, less sedentary behavior and more moderate-to-vigorous PA were associated with more frequent creative activities. A similar pattern of associations occurred for self-rated habitual PA, which explained additional and unique variance of creative activities as well as creative achievements. For objective PA (assessed via sensor), we did not find associations with creative achievements, openness, and creative behavior. The results of this study suggest that the positive effects of habitual PA may generalize from better health, cognition, and creative ideation performance outcomes to more real-life creative behavior such as cooking original dishes and making music. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-80714-6.
... Although these analytical methods were designed for use with contemporary research participants, they often can be applied directly to historical data with minor or even minimal modifications (Simonton, 1990;. Thus, by adapting already established psychometric measures, historical figures have been assessed on characteristics as diverse as intelligence, cognitive style, personality, motivation, psychopathology, interests, beliefs, and values (McClelland, 1961;McCrae, 1987;Tetlock, Armor, & Peterson, 1994;Winter, 1987;Zullow, Oettingen, Peterson, & Seligman, 1988). Admittedly, it is not uncommon for psychologists to devise special measurement strategies unique to historical data. ...
... McCrae (1994) showed that Hartmann's Boundary Questionnaire was strongly (r = 0.66) correlated with Openness to Experience, implying that open individuals have weak and permeable mental boundaries. That conclusion is consistent with evidence that Openness is associated with tolerance of ambiguity, perceptual synesthesia, and divergent thinking (McCrae, 1987;McCrae and Costa, 1997). ...
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Aesthetic experience is an altered state of consciousness characterized by a detached absorption in an aesthetic object; it is a pleasant—sometimes ecstatic—liberation from the self and its agenda. I briefly review perceptual-cognitive and affective approaches used by psychologists to understand the phenomenon and suggest the need for a volitional perspective. To illustrate the nature and scope of aesthetic experience, I discuss nine varieties, elicited by different qualities in objects and evoking distinctive responses in perceivers. Over centuries, aesthetic devices have been developed that induce the aesthetic state by manipulating such psychological mechanisms as attention, appraisal, and empathy. I propose explanations for how several important devices operate, and why they are particularly effective in individuals high in the personality trait of Openness to Experience.
... [7] tłumaczą związek AES i "Otwartości" Teorią wrażliwości na wzmocnienia Greya (Reinforcement Sensivity Theory -RST) [36], gdzie aktywacja układu BIS zachodzi jedynie jednocześnie z pobudzeniem behawioralnego układu aktywacyjnego (Behavioral Approach System -BAS). Przypuszczenie to jest zgodne z wcześniejszymi wynikami uzyskanymi przez McCrae'a [37], gdzie otwartość korelowała z cechą "poszukiwanie doznań". Zgodnie z opisem Costy i McCrae'a [38] skala "Otwartości" obejmuje takie obszary jak: fantazja, wrażenia estetyczne, uczucia, działania, idee i wartości. ...
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Cel pracy Celem badania było utworzenie polskiej adaptacji Skali Wysokiej Wrażliwości (Highly Sensitive Person Scale, HSPS), ocena jej właściwości psychometrycznych oraz analiza czynnikowa, w grupie osób dorosłych. Metoda Ocenę polskiej adaptacji przeprowadzono wśród 502 studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu w wieku od 19 do 40 lat, z zastosowaniem 27-itemowej skali HSPS, Inwentarza Depresji Becka (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI) oraz Kwestionariusza NEO-FFI. Analizę czynnikową eksploracyjną i konfirmacyjną, przeprowadzono w 2 podgrupach (odpowiednio N=250 oraz N=252). Wyniki Polska wersja została zaakceptowana przez autorów skali. Współczynnik α Cronbacha wyniósł 0,90, a współczynnik korelacji międzyklasowej ICC 0,95 dla danych retestowych. Eksploracyjna analiza czynnikowa wyróżniła 3-czynnikowy model skali HSPS (czynniki EOE, LST i AES), a analiza konfirmacyjna potwierdziła jego lepsze dopasowanie. Skala HSPS, czynnik EOE i LST wykazały istotną zależność z BDI i Neurotyzmem, a ujemną z Ekstrawersją, natomiast czynnik AES był silnie związany z Otwartością. Kobiety uzyskały wyższe wyniki we wszystkich podskalach HSPS, w wyniku całkowitym HSPS i sumienności. Wnioski Polska wersja skali HSPS charakteryzuje się dobrą rzetelnością, zgodnością i trafnością, a wyniki wskazują na model 3-czynnikowy. Rekomendujemy wykorzystanie skali HSPS w warunkach polskich przez profesjonalistów związanych ze zdrowiem psychicznym.
... McCrae and Costa (1985) defined openness as an interest in novelty for its own sake; the open person simply likes to go beyond the conventional, is spurred on by the unexpected, and seeks alternative explanations for everything. McCrae (1987) demonstrated the relationship between openness and creativity in an empirical study. I have emphasized the importance of "openness to the spark of inspiration" (Cropley, 1992b). ...
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The upsurge of interest in creativity following the Sputnik shock in the 1950s was initially driven by educational issues. These centered on the view that schools and universities were producing large numbers of graduates, but that most of them were trained simply to apply the already known in conventional ways. The call was for forms of education that encourage creativity. This call initially aroused a controversy centering on the argument advanced by some thinkers that creativity is a special property found in only a few individuals, and that it cannot be promoted or fostered. Most educators reject this view, concentrating on psychological aspects of creativity that they believe are present, at least as potentials, in everyone. Deliberately fostering creativity in schools rests on the proposition that characteristics necessary for creativity can be helped to unfold by providing appropriate learning conditions. This chapter concentrates on defining what it is that teachers should foster and on principles they can apply in order to do this.
... Idear nuevos modelos para la enseñanza demanda de creatividad, pues, como se sabe, ella, como precepto, se funda en el hecho de modificar, de combinar lo que existe para proponer algo nuevo (Rodríguez, 2013), de transformar, de, precisamente, aplicar disrupción. En ese sentido, se hace manifiesta la importancia de los diferentes aspectos de tipo cognitivo que alimentan el acto creativo, lo que a su vez implica la invención de nuevos modelos didácticos de clase soportados en preceptos como el pensamiento lateral o divergente (Abdul-Kadir & Lim, 2022;McCrae, 1987), el cual está fundamentado en el hecho de ver las cosas desde perspectivas diferentes para así modificar modelos establecidos (Rodríguez, 2016). La enseñanza dada para alentar la reestructuración de perceptos visuales más el fomento de los procesos de flexibilidad perceptual y cognitiva pueden, en efecto, suponer una mejoría en la creatividad y perspicacia de las personas (e.g. ...
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Creatividad en el aula de clase: la importancia de las didácticas disruptivas en relación a la generación de motivaciones para enseñar y aprender Criatividade em sala de aula: a importância da didática disruptiva em relação à geração de motivações para ensinar e aprender RESUMEN Los procesos de aprendizaje implican una mediación de procesos de pensamiento creativo. Así mismo, se ha considerado que la ruptura de paradigmas fundamentada en el uso de la flexibilidad perceptual y cognitiva aporta en el aprendizaje. En atención a estos preceptos, se propuso adelantar un estudio teórico de corte reflexivo y exploratorio con el ánimo de hacer un acercamiento a la relación que existe entre creatividad y didácticas de clase, entre modelos disruptivos y prácticas pedagógicas. Tras hacer una revisión metódica de diversas publicaciones y haciendo contrastes entre teorías de aprendizaje y modelos didácticos disruptivos, se obtuvieron resultados que permiten reconocer vínculos entre la innovación pedagógica, la creatividad y el aprendizaje. Se concluye que la implementación de nuevos modelos didácticos es algo que debe tener en consideración la necesidad de establecer cómo las motivaciones intrínsecas y extrínsecas afectan al estudiante tanto en la apropiación y construcción del conocimiento como en el involucramiento con sus propios procesos de aprendizaje. Palabras clave: aprendizaje, enseñanza, creatividad, innovación pedagógica. RESUMO Os processos de aprendizagem envolvem a mediação de processos de pensamento criativo. Da mesma forma, tem sido considerado que a quebra de paradigmas baseados no uso da flexibilidade perceptiva e cognitiva contribui para a aprendizagem. Em resposta a estes preceitos, foi proposto realizar um estudo teórico reflexivo e exploratório com o objetivo de abordar a relação entre criatividade e didática na sala de aula, entre modelos disruptivos e práticas pedagógicas. Após uma revisão metódica de várias publicações e contrastes entre teorias de aprendizagem e modelos didáticos disruptivos, foram obtidos resultados que nos permitem reconhecer as ligações entre inovação pedagógica,
... ▪ Adversity and openness to new ideas and experiences (McCrae, 1987). ▪ Expanded openness and creative problem-solving through: o "diversifying experiences" (Damian & Simonton, 2015). ...
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This study investigated the relationship between childhood experiences (positive or negative) and creativity and examined if adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are moderated or mediated by resilience. Two creativity measures, The Inventory of Creative Activities and Achievements (ICAA) and two verbal Alternate Uses Test (AUT) items, were used. Hypotheses were tested by hierarchical multiple regression analysis, where the dependent variable was creativity, and the predictor variables were ACE, BCE, and resilience (Step 2), which were added into the regression model after the demographic variables of age and gender (Step 1). ACE X resilience interaction effect was tested in the next step to test the moderation effect (Step 3). A separate path model tested the mediating effect of resilience between ACE and creativity. Overall, the results showed that the model in Step 2 was significant, and both ACE and resilience were significantly and positively associated with creativity as measured by ICAA whereas none predicted AUT performance. While ACE was negatively correlated with resilience, BCE was positively correlated with resilience and did not predict creativity. There was no support for mediating or moderating effect of resilience. Findings are discussed in terms of theories of creativity and human development.
... Openness to experience, a personality trait associated with intellectual curiosity [116], exhibited a statistically significant negative correlation in the Honduran sample, aligning with findings from several studies [24,117,118]. This congruence suggests that students with a high level of openness to experience, characterized by intellectual curiosity and intrinsic motivation for learning [119], are more inclined to enjoy studying. ...
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Academic procrastination, a prevalent issue in higher education, has been associated with various adverse outcomes. This study aims to discern and compare the degrees of academic procrastination among university students in Honduras and Spain while also investigating the relationship between academic procrastination and the Big Five personality factors alongside self-esteem. The sample comprised 457 university students, encompassing 237 Hondurans and 220 Spaniards. The research employed descriptive, comparative, correlational, and regression analyses. Honduran university students exhibited a significantly lower level of academic procrastination. Correlational analyses revealed that self-esteem and all Big Five personality factors, except for neuroticism in the Spanish cohort, displayed noteworthy associations with academic procrastination. Further regression analyses demonstrated that conscientiousness emerged as a significant predictor of procrastination in both samples. This study's findings can be pivotal in identifying students at risk of procrastination at an early stage. Additionally, the results can inform the development of intervention programs designed to mitigate procrastination tendencies among university students.
... Participants completed a personality survey measuring trait openness to experience, one of the traits in the five-factor model of personality which is correlated with many aspects of creativity (McCrae, 1987). We measured openness using the NEO-FFI-3 (McCrae & Costa, 2007), a 12-item self-report measure. ...
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Overinclusive thinking, characterized by flexible category boundaries and broad associative networks, is closely linked to creativity. However, there has been a lack of rigorous psychometric evaluation of tasks measuring overinclusive thinking. In this paper, we introduce the Categorical Overinclusive Thinking Task (COverTT) and evaluate its reliability and validity. Across three studies involving 749 participants, we explore the relationship between overinclusive thinking, creativity, openness, creative behaviors, intelligence, and schizotypy. Our findings demonstrate that the COverTT is a reliable tool for assessing overinclusive thinking. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between the COverTT and the criterion validity measures. To enable other researchers to readily use the COverTT for measuring overinclusive thinking, we provide open access to our data, code, and materials at OSF (
... The personality trait openness to experience is among the most robust predictors of creativity across various domains (Feist, 1998;Kaufman et al., 2016;McCrae, 1987;Wolfradt & Pretz, 2001). This trait describes individuals who are open-minded, intellectual, unconventional, adventurous, reflective, introspective, and artistic (Abuhamdeh & Csikszentmihalyi, 2012;DeYoung, 2015). ...
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This study aimed to understand the factors predicting creative activities and creative achievements among university students. Based on a recently proposed framework of 10 creative spaces, we hypothesized that exploring those creative spaces, alongside the personality trait openness to experience and divergent thinking abilities would predict creative activities and achievements in specific domains. Using the Inventory of Creative Activities and Achievements (ICAA) to evaluate eight domains of creativity, two divergent thinking tasks, and one associative task, we analyzed a sample of n = 300 university students. The results of Structural Equation Models revealed that the creative spaces significantly predicted creative activities and creative achievements in the eight domains assessed. The model explained in average 27% of the variance in creative activities and 17% in creative achievements. Openness significantly predicted creative activities in music, literature, and arts and crafts. Intellect did not significantly predict any domain. Lastly, fluency in divergent thinking was positively associated with all domains (average coefficient of b = .15), despite not always reaching significance. We discuss the roles of the recently proposed creative spaces, as well as openness to experience, and fluency in predicting creativity across various domains.
... This 21-item inventory measured the Big-Five factors openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism with five to six statements each, scored from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Even though all dimensions of personality are included in this measure, the openness to experience scale is of particular interest in the present investigation as creativity has been consistently related to this personality trait (Feist, 1998;McCrae, 1987;Puryear et al., 2017). Additionally, we assessed openness to experience with the openness and intellect subscales (10 items per facet) of the German version of the Big Five Aspects Scale (DeYoung et al., 2007;Mussel & Paelecke, 2018). ...
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Divergent thinking (DT) ability is widely regarded as a central cognitive capacity underlying creativity. The scoring of DT performance, however, is challenging since DT tasks yield a variable number of responses with varying levels of creative quality. Over the years, many different approaches for the scoring of DT tasks have been proposed, which differ in how single responses are evaluated and how response scores are aggregated within a task. The present study aimed to identify methods that maximize psychometric quality while also reducing the confounding effect of DT fluency. We compared traditional scoring approaches of summative scoring and average scoring to more recent methods such as snapshot scoring as well as top- and max-scoring for varying numbers of top/max responses. We further explored the potential moderating role of task complexity as well as metacognitive abilities. A diverse sample of 300 participants was recruited via Prolific. Reliability evidence of DT scores was assessed in terms of internal consistency, and concurrent criterion validity in terms of correlations with real-life creative behavior, creative self-beliefs, and openness to experience. Findings confirm that alternative aggregation methods effectively reduce the confounding effect of DT fluency observed in summative scoring. Reliability tends to increase as a function of the number of included responses with three responses as a minimal requirement for decent reliability evidence. Convergent validity was highest for snapshot scoring as well as max-scoring when using a medium number of about three ideas.
... 15 Pola berpikir ini selalu dikaitkan dengan kreativitas. Melalui studi kognitifnya, Guilford memfokuskan kreativitas pada pola berpikir divergen (McCrae, 1987). 16 Guilford menambahkan berpikir divergen mengarah kepada kemampuan untuk menghasilkan ide dengan menggabungkan berbagai jenis informasi dengan cara yang baru (Madore et al., 2016). ...
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Current developments in technology and art have an impact on creativity and critical thinking which has brought major changes to arts education. The new paradigm includes the integration of technology in the arts curriculum, as well as the use of new media for artistic expression and creative learning. A holistic approach to artistic values also makes this paradigm encourage art teaching that considers environmental impacts, as well as promoting awareness of environmental issues through works of art. Arts education remains sustainable over a long period of time, without destroying the environment so that it can continue to offer a good artistic life for every individual. Assessment of artistic creativity in a learning context is an assessment that accommodates process and outcome aspects. Evaluation of arts education in assessing learning as creative education. The teacher's task is to assess student creativity starting from the learning process to the learning outcomes, because creativity is a process that is inherently related to reflection on a person's self-development process.
... Table 7 shows the testing results. Table 8 shows the link between the Big Five model traits and the body postures [60], [27], [61], [62]. Typically, an upright standing position or open arms indicates the intention to communicate, while a close-arm stance suggests a lack of interest in communication. ...
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Personality analysis allows the experts to get insights into an individual’s conduct, vulnerabilities, and prospective capabilities. Some common methods employed for personality prediction include text analysis, social media data, facial expressions, and emotional speech extraction. Recently, some studies have utilized the big five model to predict personality traits using non-verbal cues (gaze score, body motion, head motion). However, these studies mostly target only three aspects of the big five mode. None of the studies so far have used non-verbal cues to target all five traits (extraversion, openness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) of the Big Five model. In this paper, we propose a multi-modal system that predicts all five personality traits of the Big Five model using non-verbal cues (facial expressions, head poses, body poses), 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI) questionnaire, and expert analysis. The facial expression module utilizes the Face Emotion Recognition Plus (FER+) dataset trained with Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model achieving 95.14% accuracy. Evaluating 16 subjects in verbal interaction with humanoid robot NAO, we combined questionnaire feedback, human-robot interaction data, and expert perspectives to deduce their Big Five traits. Findings reveal 100% accuracy in personality prediction via expert insights and the system, and 75% for the questionnaire-based approach.
... Different from other personality traits, participants with a high level of openness had a smaller mean pitch in CDB. Openness is associated with traits such as creativity, innovation and untradition (McCrae, 1987;Zhao & Seibert, 2006), leading individuals to adopt unconventional prosodic patterns. More opener broadcasters are thus more likely to deviate from traditional speech patterns to create a unique communication style. ...
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We studied individual differences in broadcasters' multimodal adult-directed and child-directed communication. Forty-six female future broadcasters simulated live broadcasts for both adults and children. Effects of speakers' individual styles, empathy and the Big Five personality traits on adult-directed and child-directed language (e.g., prosody, linguistic features and gestures) were examined. Results showed that all multimodal cues in adult-directed and child-directed language were highly correlated, but there were large individual variations in the degree of adjustments between the two language registers. Moreover, empathy and certain personality traits could not only predict multimodal language production, but also the degree of adjustments for child-directed communication. For example, higher-empathetic participants speak faster, louder with a higher pitch, use diverse but more frequent words, and produce more salient referential gestures. In conclusion, despite an individual language style, empathy and the Big Five personality traits influence speakers' multimodal language production and the degree of audience design.
... Research has identified a range of robust predictors of real-life creativity, such as divergent thinking ability (Jauk, Benedek, & Neubauer, 2014), creative self-beliefs (Karwowski, Lebuda, & Beghetto, 2019), and openness to experience (McCrae, 1987). Openness has further been associated with greater social media use (e.g., Correa, Hinsley, & de Zúñiga, 2010), and Instagram users pursuing creative motives were also more open (Kocak et al., 2020). ...
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Creative behaviors are increasingly impacted by digital technologies, but little is known about the way digital technologies support everyday creativity and what factors predict their creative use. We investigated to what extent individual differences in person‐specific (creativity, personality) and platform‐specific (e.g., perceived creativity support) characteristics relate to the creative use of Instagram. The results from a sample of 191 Instagram users revealed that more frequent creative use of Instagram was related to greater engagement in everyday creative behaviors, creative self‐beliefs, the openness facet of creative imagination, extraversion, a more positive attitude toward Instagram, greater platform‐related self‐efficacy, and greater perceived creativity‐support. Regression analysis further revealed a unique contribution of everyday creativity, creative personal identity, extraversion, attitude toward Instagram, Instagram self‐efficacy, and perceived creativity‐support for creative use of Instagram. Although creativity was not the most central motive for using Instagram, the results from the present study indicated considerable levels of creative use, suggesting that common online spheres are important for everyday creative behavior. Together, this study identified relevant person‐ and platform‐specific factors predicting creative behavior at Instagram, while also highlighting the relevance of creativity in the digital world even outside of devoted digital creativity tools.
... In terms of personality traits, a disconnected psychologist may therefore score high on openness to experience (McCrae, 1987), psychological reactance (Hong and Faedda, 1996), need for cognition (Cacioppo and Petty, 1982), personality intrinsic motivation (Amabile et al., 1994), the propensity to experience awe (Yaden et al., 2018), or reflection (Trapnell and Campbell, 1999), and low on affiliation group and affiliation exclusion concern as fundamental social motives (Neel et al., 2016). ...
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Disconnected psychology is a form of psychological science in which researchers ground their work upon the main principles of psychological method but are detached from a "field" consisting of other psychologists that comprises connected psychology. It has previously been proposed that combining the two forms of psychology would result in the most significant advancement of psychological knowledge (Krpan, 2020). However, disconnected psychology may seem to be an "abstract utopia", given that it has not been previously detailed how to put it into practice. The present article therefore sets the practical foundations of disconnected psychology. In this regard, I first describe a hypothetical disconnected psychologist and discuss relevant methodological and epistemological implications. I then propose how this variant of psychology could be integrated with the current academic system (i.e., with connected psychology). Overall, the present article transforms disconnected psychology from a hazy dream into substance that could eventually maximize psychological knowledge, even if implementing it would require a radical transformation of psychological science.
... Feist, 1998;Oleynick et al., 2017), cognitive mechanisms such as divergent thinking (e.g. Guilford, 1950;McCrae, 1987;Torrance, 1962;Wallach & Kogan, 1965), and the quality of one's motivation (e.g. Amabile & Hennessey, 1992) stimulate the generation of creative ideas. ...
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Despite significant transformations in most domains of activities, there might still be some constancies in the creativespaces explored throughout history. This paper introduces theCreative Space Theory(CST), a conceptual frameworkdelineating 10 distinct creative spaces, analogous to creative landscapes. These creative spaces are proposed as navi-gational terrains for an array of media, tools, activities, and domains. The 10 spaces of the theory aremovement,sound,image,sensation,emotion,strategy,story,symbol,network,andsystem. Notably, these creative spaces transcendspecific media, and cover artistic as well as intellectual domains. For example, the sound space would be relevant tomusic, poetry, filmmaking, and acting among others, whereas the system space may be relevant to engineering, medi-cine, science, and design among others. The proposed theory holds potential utility in three key areas: (1) nurturingindividual’s creative potential, (2) helping creators adapt to continuously changing circumstances, and (3) fosteringpositive creative self-beliefs in overlooked domains of creation. The current paper is a theoretical elaboration. Wedescribe the creative spaces and discuss the implications of the theory towards individuals, educational practices, andresearch within the fields of cognition and Artificial Intelligence.
... Contrary to our hypothesis (H3), we found that openness, a personality trait generally associated with an interest in art and creativity [67][68][69] , positively predicted liking of images that were perceived as AI-generated. Furthermore, participants scoring high in open to experience liked the images more and experienced more positive emotions in general compared to individuals on average. ...
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The study primarily aimed to understand whether individual factors could predict how people perceive and evaluate artworks that are perceived to be produced by AI. Additionally, the study attempted to investigate and confirm the existence of a negative bias toward AI-generated artworks and to reveal possible individual factors predicting such negative bias. A total of 201 participants completed a survey, rating images on liking, perceived positive emotion, and believed human or AI origin. The findings of the study showed that some individual characteristics as creative personal identity and openness to experience personality influence how people perceive the presented artworks in function of their believed source. Participants were unable to consistently distinguish between human and AI-created images. Furthermore, despite generally preferring the AI-generated artworks over human-made ones, the participants displayed a negative bias against AI-generated artworks when subjective perception of source attribution was considered, thus rating as less preferable the artworks perceived more as AI-generated, independently on their true source. Our findings hold potential value for comprehending the acceptability of products generated by AI technology.
... Neuroticism is a classic psychiatric term used to describe emotionality. Openness to Experience was popularized by McCrae and Costa (1997) to capture broad creative and philosophical mindedness (see McCrae, 1987). The other two, agreeableness and conscientiousness, are common words used in a technical way (for a history of the Big five see Goldberg, 1993). ...
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Financial planning has moved beyond a purely economic model and now incorporates aspects of behavioral economics and counseling psychology to better serve clients. In this review, we suggest that personality psychology, particularly the Big Five or OCEAN model of general personality might also be useful in financial planning. Financial planners are well aware that different clients with different personalities bring different opportunities and challenges into the planning session, but planners might benefit from a more formal understanding of client personality. To this end, we describe the Big Five traits – Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism or OCEAN – and the basic personality science surrounding them. We next examine how each of the OCEAN traits is associated with key financial outcomes including: income, net-worth or wealth, financial literacy, financial risk tolerance, and financial happiness. We discuss profiles of the Big Five traits, including Resilient, Under controlled, and Over controlled profiles. Finally, we discuss some potential benefits for of incorporating personality science into financial planning research and practice.
... Creativity often requires a willingness to be different; creative individuals must experiment with novel and unusual ideas to generate original work, and they must often go against conventional ways of approaching problems (Sternberg, 1988). Research on the personality correlates of creativity suggests that creative individuals show autonomy and independence of judgment (for a review, see Barron & Harrington, 1981), as well as openness to experience (McCrae, 1987). Thus, high individuators should be more creative than low individuators, because their willingness to be different allows them to explore novel approaches to problems and express their unusual ideas to others. ...
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The present research examined relations between individuation, the willingness to publicly differentiate oneself from others, and three dimensions that may lead to high social impact: creativity, leadership, and nonverbal expressiveness. Study 1 describes the development of a Q-sort prototype of the high individuator. In Study 2 the prototype was used to construct a new measure of individuation; individuation showed predicted relations with creativity, leadership, and nonverbal expressiveness. In Study 3 the prototype measure was used to examine the behavioral expression of individuation within the context of a combined managerial and personality assessment center. High individuators engaged in more creativity, leadership, and nonverbal expressiveness; they were more willing to express dissenting opinions; and they contributed more to a group discussion task than did low individuators. The results clarify the link between high individuation and high social impact.
... Like veg*n lifestyles, it is generally associated with left-leaning political preferences and egalitarian beliefs (van Hiel, Kossowska, & Mervielde, 2000). Moreover, open people may be more willing to try new things and be less resistant to standing apart from the crowd (McCrae, 1987). Whatever the specific reasons, this research highlights that Openness is a central variable for understanding veg*n dietary choices in future research. ...
... The idea is to get customers to think creatively about the information they are exposed to when they are buying or consuming something (Schmitt, 1999;Gentile et al., 2007). The capacity of customers to establish connections and completely comprehend ideas when they are in a position to buy or consume, according to McCrae (1987), is improved by creative thinking. ...
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Researchers have shifted their focus to investigating the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural elements of the customer’s consumption experience following the application of a customer-centric approach by businesses in their operations. This review paper attempts to conceptualize the role of customer experiences (CE) of retail organic foods using the lens of the Cognitive-Affective-Behaviour (C-A-B) theory. C-A-B is chosen as it is a widely used theory to explain an individual’s comprehensive evaluation of an object, which represents their personal cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses. Particularly, the C-A-B model reflects the direct effect that cognition has on emotional responses, which then drives collective behaviour, which in turn works as the motivation for a person to participate in a certain behaviour. From the review, CE is suggested to show positive and negative influences respectively on green experiential satisfaction and retail organic food repurchase intention. The links suggested amongst the variables would help to extend the cognition-affection-behavioural framework to the green retail contexts by testing a novel relationship of understanding consumers’ green behaviour. The findings may also demonstrate the importance of promoting sustainable store strategies that create favourable customer experiences of themselves. It is also expected that this insight will help to improve, both practically and theoretically, the customer experience measurement tools used in the green retail service industry, as well as to broaden and deepen our understanding of The Theory of Cognitive-Affective-Behaviour (CAB).
... Of the five personality traits (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism), only openness to experience was significantly related to DT (both fluency and originality). This finding replicated McCrae's (1987). McCrae found a significant relationship between DT and openness as rated by self and peers and with extraversion as rated by self-report. ...
... Creativity has been widely studied in relation to personality traits, such as creative personality, divergent thinking ability, intelligence, or big-five personality traits (Gough, 1979;McCrae, 1987;Furnham and Bachtiar, 2008). This is a topic of enduring interest (Zhang et al., 2020;Mammadov, 2020) However, creativity also depends on the interaction of cognitive and motivational personality traits with a supportive environment, i.e. the interactionist perspective (Woodman et al., 1993). ...
Purpose The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between personal mastery orientation and employee creativity through internalized extrinsic motivation (identified regulation) and intrinsic motivation while testing job complexity as a boundary condition. Design/methodology/approach The authors tested this study model using a cross-sectional design with a sample of (N = 361). The study population was software developers from across different cities of Pakistan. Respondents were asked to rate themselves on creative behavior. Partial least square structural equation (PLS-SEM) and PROCESS macro were used for data analysis. Findings The results of the study confirm that personal mastery orientation positively affects employee creativity. Furthermore, both identified regulation and intrinsic motivation mediate the relationship between personal mastery and employee creativity. Job complexity was shown to moderate the direct relationship between personal mastery, identified regulation and intrinsic motivation such that for higher job complexity levels, the relationship between personal mastery and both types of motivation (identified and intrinsic) becomes stronger. The authors confirm that the indirect relationship between personal mastery and employee creativity through identified regulation was contingent upon job complexity level. In comparison, the indirect relationship between personal mastery and employee creativity through intrinsic motivation is not contingent upon the level of job complexity. Research limitations/implications There are a few limitations to the authors' study. The current study is based on a cross-sectional design; therefore, this is of limited causal value. The authors suggest the studies examining similar relations to this study model use a longitudinal design. The incumbent of the job reports creative behavior; therefore, this is susceptible to common method bias (CMB). A peer-reported or supervisor-reported creative behavior should be used to eliminate the CMB in future studies. Practical implications The authors' study provides valuable input in identifying the complex mechanism through which creative behavior is induced involving individual personality disposition, job attributes and various types of motivations. In this study, the authors tried to reveal the mechanism through which personal mastery orientation predicts creative behavior. In the authors' endeavor of testing the motivational paths through which personal mastery orientation predicts creative behavior, the authors confirmed the efficacy of autonomous-complex motivation based on the self-determination framework. The authors' findings add to the evidence of the importance of intrinsic motivation in inducing creative behavior and recommend that the researcher should not ignore intrinsic motivation when exploring the effectiveness of extrinsic motivation. Originality/value The study's findings strengthen the argument of the continuum-like structure of the motivation types under self-determination theory(SDT). The authors argued that intrinsic motivation is a relatively stable type of motivation when creative behavior is involved and is not contingent upon the job attributes. These findings add to the evidence that intrinsic motivation is stable compared to extrinsic motivation. Another important contribution of this study is that the authors identified a boundary condition for the internalized extrinsic motivation when serving as creativity predicting mechanism and ruled the presence of a conditional effect when intrinsic motivation is involved.
... Previous research has various findings about the effects of openness to experience trait (Mohan & Mulla, 2013;Burke & Witt, 2002;Baer & Oldham, 2006;Schilpzand et al., 2011). McCrae (1987) presented that openness to experience involves active imagination, attentiveness to feelings, search for variety, and intellectual curiosity. These characteristics have been found to facilitate motivation to actively seek out new and diverse experiences, and when faced with new situations, individuals with high levels of openness to experience are more adaptable (Nieß & Zacher, 2015;Baer & Oldham, 2006). ...
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The present study aims to investigate the effects of organizational culture and openness to experience personality trait on work engagement in a collectivistic country context. A within-subject, vignette-based experiment was conducted to compare the effects of clan and hierarchy cultures on work engagement among Turkish employees. Results indicated that hierarchy culture and clan culture both lead to high work engagement. However, mixed-design ANOVA results revealed that organizational culture type neither individually nor interacting with openness to experience lead significant differences in work engagement levels. The coexistence of a clan culture and hierarchy culture in Turkish companies may be one explanation for these findings. The knowledge of how and under what conditions organizational culture affects work engagement may be enhanced by future cross- country comparative studies.
... Different oriented values from GLs may also stimulate employees to accept change (Slater, 2003). Thereby enabling divergent thinking (McCrae, 1987), which is a vital resource for creativity (Kruyen & van Genugten, 2017). ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Generative leadership (GL) in fostering employees toward green creativity (GrCRT) in tourism and hospitality industry. The present study theorized a model with the help of the theory of componential creativity to investigate GL, PGC, and GC as precursors of GrCRT. In addition to positing the direct associations, the model anticipates the mediation effect of PGC and GC on the association between GL and GrCRT. The data collected from a sample of 380 frontline workers in the hospitality industry of Pakistan assessed by their respective 112 supervisors is analyzed using Process macro. Empirical results confirm that GL significantly fosters employees toward GrCRT. Furthermore, results confirm that psychological green climate (PGC) and green commitment (GC) partially mediate the link between GL-GrCRT. Moreover, the results show that serial mediation is positive and significant. This is maidan study to empirically examine a new construct, such as Generative leadership on green creativity in tourism and hospitality. Further, this study is the first one to study the mediating role of psychological green climate and green commitment on the said relationship and validating the theory of componential creativity. Furthermore, this study would be among the few ones that has examined the serial mediation of psychological green climate and green commitment between GL-GrCRT. This study also make valuable contributions to policy makers in the tourism and hospitality industry to understand how they can reduce the environmental footprints through generative leaders who can encourage employees toward green creativity.
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It has been demonstrated that moving together in synchrony to music makes us feel connected. Yet, little is known about the individual differences that shape the relationship between interpersonal synchronization to music and social bonding. The present research tests the hypothesis that this association is influenced by differences in empathy and creativity–two highly relevant factors in many musical activities. We implemented a synchronization task featuring a virtual drummer and measured self–other integration (SOI), a core component of social bonding. We employed a dual-measurement paradigm, incorporating both an explicit assessment (Inclusion of Other in the Self scale) and an implicit assessment (joint-Simon effect) of SOI. Surprisingly, our analysis did not reveal explicit and implicit measurements correlating, nor were they similarly affected by interpersonal synchronization. This raises questions about the assessment of SOI in interpersonal synchronization experiments. Furthermore, we observed no moderating role of empathy or creativity in the association between interpersonal synchronization and SOI. Nevertheless, we found creativity to correlate with SOI. In light of this finding, we recommend placing greater emphasis on creativity as a decisive factor in the study of musical interaction.
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Plain language summary Purpose: This study aims to explore how entrepreneurial alertness can promote entrepreneurial bricolage, and then contribute to improving the new venture performance, with the environmental dynamism as the moderating variable. Methods: We adopted a hierarchical regression analysis to test our hypotheses, using data from 463 founders of new ventures in China. Conclusions: Entrepreneurial alertness has a positive effect on new venture performance, entrepreneurial bricolage mediates the effect of entrepreneurial alertness on new venture performance, and environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between entrepreneurial bricolage and new venture performance. Moreover, the mediating effect of entrepreneurial bricolage is also moderated by environmental dynamism. Implications: This study (1) completes the theoretical model of how entrepreneurial alertness influences performance by studying the influence mechanism of entrepreneurial alertness on the performance in the context of new ventures, (2) provides novel insights to the entrepreneurship literature by investigating the mediating effect of entrepreneurial bricolage, and (3) contributes to strengthening the understanding of entrepreneurship process and expanding the knowledge base regarding contingency theory in the entrepreneurship field. Limitations: The cross-sectional data herein suggest that the conclusions may not reflect causality. Therefore, the dynamic model should be tested using longitudinal data in the future. This study focuses on the mechanism of entrepreneurial alertness on the performance in the context of new ventures, without considering the different stages of firm development, which should be tested in the future. CMV could still present a limitation, and future research should better control CMV via using questionnaires from multiple data sources.
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Previous research has found that striving towards perfection was negatively associated with the generation of original ideas, as measured with Divergent Thinking (DT) tasks. In contrast, striving towards excellence has been positively associated with DT abilities. This effect has been replicated; however explanatory variables have not yet been tested. The aim of the current study was twofold. First, we investigated the mediating role of concerns over mistakes , doubts about actions , openness to experience , empathy , and emotions felt during the task . Second, we investigated an emotional DT task, consisting of two items (e.g., name things which can be frustrating). From a sample of n = 282 university students, we replicated the negative association between perfectionism and DT abilities. Perfection strivers were less original on the emotional task compared to the classic DT task. However, the effects were smaller than in the preliminary study. Mediation analyses suggested that doubts and concerns were not statistically related to DT abilities. Openness to experience and empathy were both positively and uniquely associated to DT. Lastly, positive and worrisome emotions (but not negative ) were positively related to the originality of ideas. We discuss the relationship between emotions and DT abilities.
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Across multiple studies, we found that people with a growth mindset (whose abilities are believed to be developable) are more likely to see artificial intelligence (AI) devices as human‐like. This effect holds for intelligent personal assistants, where growth‐mindset users attributed more human qualities to these AI helpers. Furthermore, people with a growth mindset were more open to new experiences and felt less threatened by AI, which in turn made them see AI as more human‐like. Interestingly, the more human‐like the AI features became, the less a growth mindset influenced how human‐like people perceived the AI. Our findings highlight the importance of designing AI that can be personalized and adapt to user needs. They also suggest a connection between how human‐like AI appears and how threatening people perceive it. This knowledge can be used to create AI technology that is user‐centered and fosters positive interactions.
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It was aimed to develop a Creative Personality Scale for Children to determine the creative personality traits of 48-72 months old children. The study group of the research consists of 277 children studying in the Istanbul province, which were selected convenient sampling from non-probability sampling types in the 2019-2020 academic year. As a result of the research, it was determined that the content validity index of the Creative Personality Traits Scale for Children was 0.67 and the item-total correlation values were appropriate. It was determined that the measurement tool was suitable for factor analysis. It was seen that the scale explained 41.9% of the total variance value in three factors. The sub-dimension of Adaptation to Innovation and Tolerance of the scale consists of 9 items and its reliability coefficient is 0.76. The Persistence and Willingness to Produce sub-dimension consists of 7 items and the reliability coefficient is 0.75, and the Curiosity to Uncertainty and Openness to Change sub-dimension consists of 6 items and the reliability coefficient is 0.75. The reliability coefficient for the overall scale was calculated as 0.76. As a result of the study, it was determined that the Creative Personality Traits Scale for Children is a valid and reliable measurement tool consisting of 22 items and three sub-dimensions that can be used to evaluate the creative personality traits of 48-72 months old children. Araştırmada 48-72 aylık çocukların yaratıcı kişilik özelliklerini tespit etmek amacıyla okul öncesi çocuklar için yaratıcı kişilik ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubu, 2019-2020 eğitim ve öğretim yılı güz yarıyılında olasılığa dayalı olmayan örnekleme türlerinden uygun örnekleme esas alınarak seçilen İstanbul ilindeki okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarında öğrenim gören 277 çocuktan oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonucunda Okul Öncesi Çocuklar için Yaratıcı Kişilik Ölçeği’nin kapsam geçerlik indeksinin 0.67 ve madde-toplam korelasyon değerlerinin uygun olduğu ve ölçme aracının faktör analizine uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ölçeğin üç faktörde toplam varyans değerinin %41.9’unu açıkladığı görülmüştür. Ölçeğin Yeniliğe Uyum ve Hoşgörü alt boyutu 9 maddeden oluşmakta ve güvenirlik katsayısı 0.76’dır. Sebat Etme ve Üretme İsteği alt boyutu 7 maddeden oluşmakta ve güvenirlik katsayısı 0.75’tir ve Belirsizliğe Merak alt boyutu 6 maddeden oluşmakta ve güvenirlik katsayısı 0.75’tir. Ölçeğin geneli için güvenirlik katsayısı 0.76 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Okul Öncesi Çocuklar için Yaratıcı Kişilik Ölçeği’nin 48-72 aylık çocukların yaratıcı kişilik özelliklerini değerlendirmek üzere kullanılabilecek 22 madde ve üç alt boyuttan oluşan geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olduğu görülmüştür.
يستهدف البحث الحالي التعرف على : ١- البحث عن الجدة لدى مدراء المدارس الابتدائية. ٢-البحث عن الجدة لدى مدراء المدارس الأبتدائية تبعاً لمتغير الجنس (ذكر، انثى) وتحقيقا لأهداف البحث الحالي قاما الباحثان بتبني مقياس البحث عن الجدة الذي تم بناءه من قبل ( اللامي , 2020)ويتكون من (40) فقرة استنادا الى النظرية (كلوننجر,1993)، وقد اجرت الباحثة على عينة بناء عددها (210) مديرا ومديرة لدى المدارس الابتدائية في مديرية تربية الناصرية محافظة ذي قار , ثم حللت فقرات المقياس منطقيا واحصائيا لحساب قدرتها التمييزية , معاملات صدقها , وقد تحققت الباحثان من الصدق الظاهري ومؤشرات صدق بناء المقياسين , وحساب ثبات المقياسين بطريقة ( الفا كرونباخ - اعادة الاختبار ) , لغرض التأكد من اجراءات البحث , ونتائجه استعملت الباحثة الوسائل الاحصائية الاتية : الاختبار التائي لعينة واحدة – الاختبار التائي لعينتين مستقلتين – معامل ارتباط بيرسون – تحليل الانحدار البسيط النسبة المئوية وتوصلت النتائج الى ما يأتي : 1-ان عينة البحث لديهم البحث عن الجدة بمستوى مرتفع. 2-لايوجد فرق في البحث عن الجدة تبعا لمتغير الجنس (ذكور, اناث).
Este texto introduz o leitor na temática da indústria criativa. Para tanto elabora sobre a definição deste campo de atividade e de saber assim como de seus principais elementos constituintes. Entre eles estão a criatividade, a comunicação, o contexto criativo, as emoções envolvidas neste labor, as características do criador e as reações contrárias ao novo ambiente, a que favorece e estimula a inventividade. O tema é relevante às iniciativas do empreendorismo que visam, em última instância, assegurar qualidade às inovações. Elas dependem das virtudes acumuladas no que se convencionou chamar de capital humano. No passado o objeto de interesse eram os gênios. Agora o foco das intenções é o pensamento lateral e suas consequências. Este estudo mostra também que os vocábulos Criatividade, Indústria Cultural e Inovação são os mais valiosos no tráfego da Internet sobre este tema. Há que se mencionar por fim que estes fatores são decisivos às 14 profissões que integram este setor assim como são relevantes a pelo menos 130 mil empresas que empregam no Brasil quase um milhão de pessoas.
Finding creative solutions to organizations' challenges is critical to determining the ability to thrive. Creative leadership promotes an organizational culture based on creative problem‐solving skills. Five leadership elements (being digitally and technologically savvy, having a results orientation, promoting collaborative teamwork, possessing business skills, and providing resources to the team) enable leaders to pursue creative or uncreative problem‐solving solutions. The current study used a fuzzy‐set qualitative comparative analysis to identify the elements of creative leadership. The analysis comprises data from 123 leaders worldwide from different sectors collected from an online survey. The results showed five leadership profiles leading to creative problem‐solving and another five profiles leading to an uncreative outcome. The results provided a tangible approach to the behaviors needed to be creative leaders and the configurations of uncreative behaviors to avoid. The study integrates academic and practitioner perspectives on creative leadership and offers a model supported in the academic literature and relevant to practical needs.
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Divergent thinking is the ability to produce numerous and diverse responses to questions or tasks, and it is used as a predictor of creative achievement. It plays a significant role in the business organization’s innovation process and the recognition of new business opportunities. Drawing upon the cumulative process model of creativity in entrepreneurship, we hypothesize that divergent thinking has a lasting effect on post-launch entrepreneurial outcomes related to innovation and growth, but that this relation might not always be linear. Additionally, we hypothesize that domain-specific experience has a moderating role in this relation. We test our hypotheses based on a representative longitudinal sample of 457 German business founders, which we observe up until 40 months after start-up. We find strong relative effects for innovation and growth outcomes. For survival, we find conclusive evidence for non-linearities in the effects of divergent thinking. Additionally, we show that such effects are moderated by the type of domain-specific experience that entrepreneurs gathered pre-launch, as it shapes the individual’s ideational abilities to fit into more sophisticated strategies regarding entrepreneurial creative achievement. Our findings have relevant policy implications in characterizing and identifying business start-ups with growth and innovation potential, allowing a more efficient allocation of public and private funds.
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The purpose of this article was to examine the relations that exist between bistable perception and divergent thinking, taking as a reference that flexibility emerges in both mechanisms, perceptually or cognitively. To achieve the objective, a literary review was carried out using six databases. The keywords used were: bistable perception, perceptual reversals, insight, creative cognition, creative flexibility, perceptual flexibility. 19 articles on the relationship between bistable perception, flexibility and creativity were found. 44 studies regarding both bistable perception and the mechanisms that are involved while cognitive flexibility emerges were considered. 2 reviews on bistable perception were also included. 6 articles related to creativity as a cognitive phenomenon were collated, plus another 3 on perceptual processes. After having made the analysis, it is concluded that the modulating mechanisms of bistable perception have a possibility of being incorporated to develop creativity from perceptual reconfiguration processes that involve flexibility mechanisms.
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