
Towards the Knowledge Economy: New Institutions for Human Capital Accounting

  • Ecole des Ponts Business School; University of New Brunswick; University of Stavanger
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... It should be emphasized that the role and importance of the development of human capital is determined by the fact that further progressive shifts [3][4] in social and economic life, ensuring the competitiveness and security of Uzbekistan as a whole and its regions depend on its level. Human capital management should take into account the demographic characteristics of our country. ...
... Prema nekim analizama, krajem 1980-ih godina, industrijske investicije u nematerijalni kapital nadvisile su investiranje u fizi~ki kapital u Njema~koj, [vedskoj i Velikoj Britaniji(Miller, 1996.). ...
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The first thing analyzed in the article is the new theoretical framework of modernization, which originates from the theory of innovative society and knowledge-based economies. Modern or innovative societies are founded on knowledge-based economies whose main reproductive resources are knowledge (research and development) and intellectual capital (education). The most modern firms are science/knowledge-based firms. The key process in so defined modernization is the mastering of processes that manage technological change. Therefore, the capability to manage technological change imposes itself as a new and unavoidable theoretical framework for studying managerial elites in Croatia on whose abilities, finally, economic growth and social welfare depend. The second part of the study deals with the analysis of influence possibilities on how managerial elites are formed and how they act, using the model of constructive technology assessment. Theories of social shaping of technology as one of the paradigms within sociology of technology stress the contingent characteristic of technological change depending on relevant actors. The possibilities and problems in the implementation of constructive technology assessment model on specific and very important actor group-managerial elites are discussed.
... (1) Povećana ulaganja industrije u nematerijalni kapital, ponajprije R&D i u obrazovanje, koja su prema nekim procjenama nadvisila investicije u fizički kapital u pojedinim zemljama, kao što su Njemačka, Švedska i Velika Britanija (Miller, 1996.). ...
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The paper deals with the appearance and meaning of national innovative system (NIS)in conditions of new techno-economic paradigm, economy of knowledge and making technological changes endogenous, and considers the possibilities of building NIS in Croatia. It concludes that NIS as strategic integration of scientific, technological and industrial policyis unique mechanism of adjustment of Croatian economy to new economies, but its development is restrained by condition of “semi-modernity” of Croatian society due to which management of technological change, production, diffusion and capitalization of knowledge which are the basis of innovative system, are not recognized as originator of economic development and social welfare.
... Prema nekim analizama, krajem 1980-ih godina, industrijske investicije u nematerijalni kapital nadvisile su investiranje u fizi~ki kapital u Njema~koj, [vedskoj i Velikoj Britaniji(Miller, 1996.). ...
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The first thing analyzed in the article is the new theoretical framework of modernization, which originates from the theory of innovative society and knowledge-based economies. Modern or innovative societies are founded on knowledge-based economies whose main reproductive resources are knowledge (research and development) and intellectual capital (education). The most modern firms are science/knowledge-based firms. The key process in so defined modernization is the mastering of processes that manage technological change. Therefore, the capability to manage technological change imposes itself as a new and unavoidable theoretical framework for studying managerial elites in Croatia on whose abilities, finally, economic growth and social welfare depend. The second part of the study deals with the analysis of influence possibilities on how managerial elites are formed and how they act, using the model of constructive technology assessment. Theories of social shaping of technology as one of the paradigms within sociology of technology stress the contingent characteristic of technological change depending on relevant actors. The possibilities and problems in the implementation of constructive technology assessment model on specific and very important actor group-managerial elites are discussed.
‘Lifelong learning’ is a theme that highlights ‘learning’ but the meaning of this term has shifted over time. In the 1970s, UNESCO advocated a humanist-democratic agenda around learning throughout life. Supporting lifelong education, by recognising informal, non-formal as well as formal learning across the life course, was endorsed as a means of building learning societies. By the 1990s, these themes had been reoriented to support economic and employment agenda that were advocated by business and governments. Learning societies would tap ‘learning’ as a contribution to economic development.
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En esta investigación, se analiza las causas del aumento relativo en el empleo y en los ingresos de los trabajadores con mayor grado de educación escolarizada en México. Se presenta información, proporcionada principalmente por los microdatos de las Encuestas Nacionales de Empleo de 1991 y 1996, sobre la estructura educativa de la población ocupada y los crecientes diferenciales de los ingresos laborales en favor de los trabajadores más educados. Se utiliza la metodología de cambio y participación, propuesta por Katz y Murphy (1992), para inferir las posibles variaciones en la oferta y la demanda de trabajo, y se concluye que el aumento en los diferenciales de ingreso y en el empleo de trabajadores más instruidos se debe a un desplazamiento preponderante en la demanda relativa de trabajo de los mismos. Además, se aborda la discusión teórica sobre el efecto de la educación en la productividad y la posibilidad de un proceso de credencialización del mercado laboral mexicano.
The profound changes in the world economy in the last few decades have brought ‘new’ economic geographies to the fore: in the Third World, as a consequence of the displacement of considerable segments of production, and in the peripheries of North America and Western Europe. Alongside these significant shifts, the developed world has seen the emergence of numerous new industrial spaces, the expression of both the consolidation of Hillman, A. (such as Silicon Valley or Route 128), and the revitalisation of areas with a manufacturing tradition (Third Italy, Denmark, Baden-Württenberg). The rise of the ‘world cities’, around which intense interdisciplinary debate has developed, is part of this process. These phenomena, accompanied by the weakening of the old industrial cores which had expressed and sustained the mass production system, cannot be isolated from a dual and dialectical process, which Ann Markusen defines as the paradox of “sticky places within slippery spaces” ( Markusen, 1996): on the one hand, the hypermobility of financial capital and technology; on the other hand, the strength of the clustering ( agglomeration) of industries and companies. This is not the place to debate whether this is not a paradox but a real phenomenon. The duality between deterritorialising and territorialising forces is a question that those involved in economic sciences and geography have examined at length. Significant contributions have been made recently by geographers, and also by political economists, sociologists and inter national business scholars (Becattini and Rullani, 1993; Granovetter and Swedberg,
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"Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise ès sciences (M.Sc.)" Thèse (M. Sc.)--École des hautes études commerciales, 2007.
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