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Singh V, Varshney P, Dash SK and Lal HP (2013) Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats in and around
Mathura, India, Vet. World 6(5):260-262, doi:10.5455/vetworld.2013.260-262
Introduction parasites in these animals during the study period
2008-09 (Table-1). The faecal samples were collected
Sheep and goats are the earliest ruminants to be directly from the rectum of each animal. Gross
domesticated. They can withstand a period of drought examination was done for colour, consistency and for
better than any other livestock and they can use those presence of any adult worms. The faecal samples were
pastures, which cannot be used by other livestock. processed and screened by direct smear method, Willi's
Goats can survive under limited fodder need and they floatation and sedimentation techniques. The ova of
are capable to withstand water scarcity [1]. Sheep and parasites were identified from their morphological
goats are important source of animal protein. features [4]. Quantitative examination of faeces was
Gastrointestinal parasitic infections in sheep and goats conducted to know the intensity of parasitic infestation
are of much economic importance because small (EPG) by McMaster's technique. Animals detected
ruminants' rearing has been a major source of income positive by faecal examination were classified in to sub
especially to the marginal farmers of the country [2]. clinical (EPG<1600) and clinical (EPG>1600) [5]
Recurring losses in productivity due to widely prevalent (Table-2). Further classification was made by type of
parasitic infection is an important and common parasites eggs present and as pure and mixed infections
problem for small ruminant production in most parts of (Table-3).
the world [3].
Commonly occurring gastrointestinal parasitic Results
diseases in goats and sheep are Haemonchosis, In the Veterinary college farm, 30 out of 40 goats
Ostertagiasis, Strongyloidosis, Oesophagostomiasis, (75%) were found to be positive for gastrointestinal
Bunostomiasis and Trichostrongylosis. Among the parasites. In Aurangabad farm, out of 150 faecal
nematodes, Haemonchus contortus is the most important. samples of goats 101 samples (67.33%) were found
The degree of infestation may be sub clinical or clinical positive whereas at the Madhurikund farm, 34 out of 50
depending on level of parasitic load. Sub clinical sheep (68%) were found to be positive. By EPG values
infections remain dominant and as such are not for parasitic infected goat, the prevalence of subclinical
recognized by the clinicians and owners. Thus the sub infection (<1600) at Veterinary College, was 43.34%,
clinical and clinical infection should be tackled timely while the clinical infection was 56.66% (Table-4). The
for better economic return. prevalence of subclinical infection at Aurangabad goat
Materials and Methods farm was 39.65% in Barbari goats and 41.87% in
Jamunapari goats. While the clinical infection (>1600)
In the present study faecal samples of 240 sheep was 60.34% in Barbari and 58.14% in Jamunapari
and goats from three locations around Mathura were goats. At Madhurikund farm the subclinical infection
examined to know the prevalence of gastrointestinal
www.veterinaryworld.org 260
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats in and
around Mathura, India
1 2 2 1
V. Singh , P. Varshney , S. K. Dash and H. P. Lal
1 Department of Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences (DUVASU), Mathura, India; 2 Department of Microbiology and Immunology College of Veterinary Science, Pt.
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (DUVASU), Mathura, India.
Corresponding author: Sandeep Kumar Dash, email: sandeepkumar.dash@gmail.com
Received: 08-09-2012, Accepted: 29-09-2012, Published online: 06-02-2013
Aim: To study the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats of Mathura region.
Materials and Methods: A total of 240 faecal samples collected from three different farms were examined by direct smear,
Willi's floatation and sedimentation techniques. Quantitative examination was done by McMaster's technique.
Results: Out of 240 samples processed 165 samples were found positive for gastrointestinal parasites. The overall prevalence
was 68.75%. The most common gastrointestinal parasites were Haemonchus, Moniezia and coccidia.
Conclusions: The results of the present study suggest that Haemonchus is the main gastrointestinal parasite of sheep and goats
in Mathura region. Necessary steps should be taken in timely manner to improve the productivity from these animals.
Keywords: gastrointestinal parasites, Haemonchus, sheep and goats, Mathura
was 41.17%., while the clinical infection in sheep was bursate worm, composed of Strongyles spp, Bunostomum
58.82% (Table- 4). spp., Oesophagostomum spp. and Trichostrongylus
spp. (Table-3). Out of 70 Jamunapari goats in
Discussion Aurangabad farm, 43(61.43%) goats were found to be
Infection of gastrointestinal parasites was recorded positive for G.I.T parasites infection, out of which
(75%), the highest in Veterinary college farm. This 15(34.88%) goats harboured bursate worm (Haemo-
finding is also in close agreement to early work carried nchus), 11(25.58%) coccidian worms, 5(11.62%)
out by Sharma (1998) who reported 29.6 to 100% Moniezia and 12 harboured infections of bursate worm
infection spread over the entire year at college campus composed of Strongyles spp, Bunostomum spp.,
[6]. However, higher rates of infection throughout the Oesophagostomum spp. and Trichostrongylus spp.
year in goats were reported by previous workers [7,8] . (Table-3). Breed variation have been reported earlier
Various studies have been conducted on prevalence of [14].The data revealed highest percentage of bursate
gastrointestinal parasites in sheep and goats in this worm infection in both Jamunapari and Barbari goats,
country and abroad [2,7-12]. This variation in prevalence Further the overall prevalence of parasitism was
of parasitic infestation depends upon difference in agro slightly lower in Jamunapari (61.43%) than Barbari
climatic condition and availability of susceptible host goats (73.5%) (Table-3). Occurrence of Moniezia
[13]. Out of 30 parasitic infected goats in Veterinary infection along with bursate worm is not uncommon.
college farm, 16(53.34%) goats harboured bursate Other researchers also reported Moniezia infection
worms (Haemonchus), 7(23.34%) harboured coccidian along with bursate worm infections in goats and sheep
worms and 7(23.34%) animals had mixed parasitic in India and abroad [15,16,17].
infection. At the unit of Madhurikund farm, out of 50 sheep
At Aurangabad goat farm, breed wise infection 34(68%) were found to be positive for gastrointestinal
was recorded. Out of 80 Barbari goats, 58(75.5%) parasitic infection. Out of 34 infected sheep, 16(47%)
goats were found to be positive for parasitic infection, harboured bursate worms (Haemonchus), 9(26.47%)
out of which 21 (36.2%) goats harboured bursate harboured coccidian worms and 9(26.47%) had mixed
worms (Haemonchus), 14 (24.13%) coccidian, 6 infections (Table-3). In this study, high prevalence of
(10.34%) Moniezia and 17 goats contain infections of bursate worm infection in both sheep and goats has
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Table- 1. Animal population studied
Species Place Number of Animals
Goats Goat farm, Veterinary college, Mathura 40
Goat farm, Aurangabad, Mathura 150
Sheep Sheep farm, Madhurikund, Mathura 50
Total 240
Table-2. Range of EPG values in sub clinical and clinical gastrointestinal parasites in goats and sheep at different places of
Mathura district.
Place Animal Range of EPG Value Average EPG Value
Sub clinical Clinical Sub clinical Clinical
Goat Farm Veterinary College, Mathura Barbari (40) 380-1410 1680-3100 895 2390
Goat Farm Aurangabad, Mathura Barbari (80) 550-1560 1800-3600 1055 2700
Jamunapari (70) 540-1520 1750-3540 1030 2645
Sheep Farm Madhurikund, Mathura Sheep (50) 440-1480 1640-3300 960 2470
Table-3. Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats and sheep at different places of Mathura district
Place Animal Pure infection Mixed infection Total
Mo Bur Coc Bur+Coc Bur+Mo Mo+Coc Bur+Mo+Coc
Goat Farm Veterinary College, Mathura Barbari (40) 0 16 7 4 3 0 0 30(75%)
Goat Farm Aurangabad, Mathura Barbari (80) 6 21 14 7 5 3 2 58(73.5%)
Jamunapari (70) 5 15 11 4 4 2 2 43(61.43%)
Sheep Farm Madhurikund, Mathura Sheep (50) 0 16 9 9 0 0 0 34(68%)
Table-4. Prevalence of clinical and sub clinical gastrointestinal parasites in goats and sheep at different places of
Mathura district.
Place Animal Prevalence Over all Prevalence
Subclinical Clinical
Goat Farm Veterinary College, Mathura Barbari (40) 13(43.34%) 17 (56.66%) 30 (75%)
Goat Farm Aurangabad, Mathura Barbari (80) 23 (39.65%) 35 (60.34%) 58 (73.5%)
Jamunapari (70) 18 (41.87%) 25 (58.14%) 43 (61.43%)
Sheep Farm Madhurikund, Mathura Sheep (50) 14 (41.17%) 20 (58.82%) 34 (68%)
Bur = bursate, Coc =Coccidia, Mo =Moniezia
of Haemonchus infection on goats under semi-intensive
been observed which has also been reported earlier system. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 73 (11): 1200-
[18,19,20]. The overall bursate worm infections in this 1201.
study as both pure and mixed infections were 35.71% 6. Sharma, D. K. (1998) Studies on interaction between
in Jamunapari goats and 48.34% in Barbari breeds of Trypanosoma evansi and Haemonchus contortus infections
in goats with special reference to clinico-pathologic changes
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and 36% of sheep at Madhurikund farm and 26.66% of 8. Saha, S. B., Pramanik, S. and Mukherjee, G. S. (1996)
Aurangabad farm were found to be positive for Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes of goats in West
coccidial oocyst. However previous researchers have Bengal. Indian Journal of Animals Science, 11 (1): 51-52.
reported 32-41% prevalence of coccidia in sheep of 9. Singh, A., Hazarika, G. C., Pukhan, A., Hussain, P. (2010)
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Conclusions 10. Sutar, A. U., Kengar, S. B., Patil, S. S., Khan, M. R. (2010)
Prevalence of gastrointestinal Parasites in Goats of
The results of the present study suggest that Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra. Vet. World 3(10): 456-
Haemonchus is the main gastrointestinal parasite of 457.
sheep and goats in Mathura region. Necessary steps 11. Om, H., Kumar, S., Singh, P. (2010) Prevalence of Coccidia
in Mathura Region of Uttarpradesh. Vet. World. 3(11): 503-
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productivity from these animals. 12. Pant, K., Rajput, M. K. S., Kumar, J., Sahu, S., Rajkumari, V.,
Gangwar, P. (2009). Prevalence of helminthes in small
Authors' contribution ruminants in Tarai region of Uttarakhand. Vet. World. 2 (7):
All the authors contributed equally for this study. All 265-266.
13. Radostits, O. M., Gay, G. C., Blood, D. C., Hinchkiliff, K. W.
author read and approved the final manuscript. (2000) Veterinary medicine 9th ed. EIBS and Bailliere
Acknowledgements Tindal.
14. Yadav, S. C. and Senegar, O. P. S. (1982) Breed variations in
Authors are thankful to the University authorities gastrointestinal parasitism of Indian goats. Proc. III
for providing necessary facilities to carry out this International Conf. Goat Prod. Dis., Turson Arizona, p.342.
15. Leimbacher, F. and Liabeuf, J. M. (1984) Information on the
research work. nature, economic importance and epizootiology of the
Competing interests principal diseases of small ruminants in French West Indies.
In Les Maladies da la chevre Colloque International, Niort,
Authors declare that they have no competing interest. France, Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique
(INRA), pp. 731-742.
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