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Abstract and Figures

Mixed fruit wine (pineapple and watermelon) was produced using Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine. Primary and secondary fermentation of the fruits lasted for 7 and 28 days respectively, during which aliquot samples analysis of pH, titrable acidity, specific gravity, alcohol content and reducing sugar were carried out using standard procedures. Specific gravity of the wine was observed to reduce drastically as the fermentation progresses. The pH of the fruit must during the period of fermentation ranged from 3.0 to 4.46. During the fermentation period, consistent increase in alcohol content was observed with time. At the end of the 28 th day of fermentation, the alcohol content was observed to be 3.2%. The titrable acidity of the wine was observed to show steady trend with time throughout the period of fermentation. This study showed that acceptable wine can be produced from mixed fruits pineapple and watermelon using yeasts especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine.
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Universal Journal of Microbiology Research 3(4): 41-45, 2015
DOI: 10.13189/ujmr.2015.030401
Wine Production from Mixed Fruits (Pineapple and
Watermelon) Using High Alcohol Tolerant Yeast Isolated
from Palm Wine
Okeke, B.C, Agu, K.C.*, Uba, P.O., Awah, N.S., Anaukwu C.G., Archibong, E.J.,
Uwanta, L.I., Ezeneche, J.N. Ezenwa, C.U. Orji, M.U.
Department of Applied Microbiology and Brewing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria
Copyright © 2015 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Mixed fruit wine (pineapple and watermelon)
was produced using Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from
palm wine. Primary and secondary fermentation of the fruits
lasted for 7 and 28 days respectively, during which aliquot
samples analysis of pH, titrable acidity, specific gravity,
alcohol content and reducing sugar were carried out using
standard procedures. Specific gravity of the wine was
observed to reduce drastically as the fermentation progresses.
The pH of the fruit must during the period of fermentation
ranged from 3.0 to 4.46. During the fermentation period,
consistent increase in alcohol content was observed with
time. At the end of the 28th day of fermentation, the alcohol
content was observed to be 3.2%. The titrable acidity of the
wine was observed to show steady trend with time
throughout the period of fermentation. This study showed
that acceptable wine can be produced from mixed fruits
pineapple and watermelon using yeasts especially
Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine.
Keywords Wine, Palm Wine, Pineapple, Watermelon,
Yeast, Fermentation
1. Introduction
Wine is any alcoholic beverage produced from juices of
variety of fruits by fermentative action of microorganisms
either spontaneously or seeding with a particular strain
mainly of yeast species to adopt a particular quality of wine.
Wine is one of the most recognizable high value added
products from fruits.
Most commercially produced wines are usually made
from fermented grapes; this fermentation process is not done
by introducing any chemicals or sugar but by adding
different species of yeast to the crushed grapes. Yeast has the
capability of converting grapes into an alcoholic compound
and removing the sugar content in it for the production of
different types of wines. Sometimes wines are produced
from different types of fruits like; Paw-Paw, mango,
Pineapple, Banana, Lemon, Watermelon etc., here the wine
so produced bears the name of the fruit or fruit mixture used
in its production1.
In the European Union, wine is legally defined as the
fermented juice of grapes3. Wine can be made from virtually
many plant matters that can be fermented3. Most fruits and
berries have the potential to produce wine. Wine making
involves the use of yeast to ferment the ‘must’ of a chosen
fruit or fruits for a number of days, depending on the
objective of the winemaker. The yeast which is the main
organism responsible for alcoholic fermentation usually
belongs to the genus Saccharomyces.
Palm wine is the fermented sap of the tropical plant of the
palmae family. It is produced and consumed in very large
quantities in the Southeastern Nigeria. It contains
nutritionally important components including amino acids,
proteins, Vitamins and sugar2. These make this wine a
veritable medium for the growth of a consortium of
microorganisms, where growth in turn, change the
physicochemical conditions of the wine giving rise to
competition and succession of organism. Ogbonna (1984)
and Onyedinma (1983) used palm wine isolates of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce artificial palm wine
and beer, respectively.
Palm wine is tapped from the sap of Elaesi Species and the
sap of Raphia Species which contains a heavy suspension of
live yeasts and bacteria2. Most studies on palm win have
reported its potentials are source of yeast isolate for the
fermentation industries. Okafor, (2007) in his study isolated
seventeen yeast strains, four belonging to the species of
Candida, twelve to the genus of Saccharomyces and one to
Endomycopsis species.
The objective of this study is to produce wine from mixed
fruits: Pineapple and Watermelon to study the fermentation
42 Wine Production from Mixed Fruits (Pineapple and Watermelon) Using High Alcohol
Tolerant Yeast Isolated from Palm Wi ne
process of the wine and encourage its occurrence. pH,
temperature, Reducing sugar and filterable acidity tests were
all analyzed quantitatively in the course of this work.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample Collection
Ripe watermelon fruits (Citrullus lanatus var lanatus) and
pineapple fruits (Ananas comosus) were bought from Eke
Market, Awka, Anambra State. The fruits were washed
thoroughly with sterile water and rinsed with deionized
water containing 0.1% formaldehyde. Fresh palm wine was
obtained from a palm wine tapper in Amanseavillage, Awka,
Anambra State, Nigeria.
2.2. Isolation of Yeast from Palm Wine
Fresh palm wine was obtained from Amensea village
Awka, Anambra State and fermented for 24hours.The fresh
palm-wine was allow to sediment and the sediment was
inoculated onto Malt extract agar in duplicates. The plates
were incubated at room temperature for 24 hours.
Developing isolates were purified by repeated subculture
techniques and slides of pure culture were prepared for
microscopic observation and identification using lactophenol
cotton blue and the pure cultures were identified by their
morphological characteristics.
2.3. Inoculum Development
The pineapple and watermelon were washed thoroughly
with 0.1% sodium metabisulphite in water. The fruits were
cut, manually deseeded, blended and filtered to obtain the
juice. About 200ml of the juice (100ml of pineapple juice
and 100ml of Water melon juice) were introduced into a
clean sterile 500 ml conical flask and sterilized by
autoclaving. Upon cooling, 3 loopful of the yeast culture
isolated from the palm-wine was used to inoculate the juice
and incubated in a rotary shaker for 48 hours.
All procedures were done under aseptic condition.
2.4. Must Fermentation
The pineapple and watermelon were washed thoroughly
with 0.1% sodium metabisulphite in water. The fruits were
cut, manually deseeded, blended and filtered to obtain the
must.Aliquots of the extracted juice obtained and used for
pH, temperature, titrable acidity and reducing sugar analysis.
The must was transferred into a sterile 500 ml glass
fermenter, until it was ¾ filled. This was followed by the
addition of 0.4g Sodium metabisulphite, 100g of granulated
sugar (for fortification), 29.4g of 0.84% Ammonium
sulphate 4.2g of 0.12% potassium dihydrogen for yeast
supplementation. The juice was inoculated with yeast
obtained by inoculum development and the set-up allowed to
ferment for 28 days, with daily analysis of parameters such
as: pH, temperature, reducing sugar and titrable acidity.
2.5. Physiochemical Analyses
pH Determination
Ten ml of the “must” was put into a sterile beaker, and the
pH of the must determine using a pH a digital pH meter
(Model No: pH S-25)
2.6. Determination of Reducing Sugar
The quantitative estimation of reducing sugar of the wine
was determined using the method described by Miller (1971).
One ml of 3,5-Dinitrosalicyclic acid (DNS) was added to
1ml of supernatant of sample, in a test tube and the mixture
heated in boiling water for 10minutes. The test tube was
cooled rapidly in tap water and the volume adjusted to 12ml
with distilled water. A blank containing 1ml of distilled
water and 1ml of DNS was prepared. The optical density of
the sample was read against the blank in the
spectrophotometer or 540nm absorbance. The concentration
of reducing sugar in the supernatant was estimated from the
glucose standard curve.
2.7. Determination of Specific Gravity
Fifty ml specific gravity bottle was thoroughly cleaned
with distilled water, dried in an oven for 50oC and allowed to
cool. The weight of the cooled dried bottle (W1) was
recorded. The dried bottle was filled with deionized water
and surface of the bottle was cleaned with a cotton wool and
weighed as (W2).
The bottle was empty and cleaned twice with 10ml of the
“must” thereafter the bottle was filled to the brim with the
“must” and the bottle cleaned with cotton wool and weighed
as (W3). The specific gravity (S.G) was calculated
2 1�
= =
S = weight of volume of must (W3 – W1)
W = weight of volume of water (W21)
2.8. Estimation of Titrable Acidity
This was determined by the methods described by
Amerine and Ough14. 200ml of distilled water was
introduced into a sterile 500ml conical flask and boiled. 1ml
of 1% aqueous alcoholic phenolphthalein indicator solution
was added. This was titrated with 0.1M NaOH solution to
give a faint pink colour. 5ml of the “must” was pipette and
introduced into the boiling neutralized solution and titrated
again to the end point using the same 0.1M NaOH solution.
The titrable acidity was expressed as tartaric acid and was
calculated thus:
Universal Journal of Microbiology Research 3(4): 41-45, 2015 43
75 100
V xM x x
Tartaric acid g ml xV
V= Volume of NaOH (final reading- initial reading).
M = Molarity of NaOH
V = Volume of “must”
3. Results
Tab le 1. Analysis of the fruit Juice
Parameters Mean values ± S.D
Pineapple Watermelon Mixed juice
pH 4.22 ± 0.01 5.07 ± 0.01 4.47 ± 0.01
Reducing sugars 0.80 ± 0.00 0.81 ± 0.00 0.71 ± 0.00
Specific gravity 43.91 ± 0.01 43.04 ± 0.06 40.93 ± 0.04
Tab l e 2 . Protein and Moisture content values of Pineapple and
Parameters Values (mean ± S.D)
Pineapple (per 100g) Watermelon (per 100g)
Protein content 0.55 ± 0.01 0.62 ± 0.01
Moisture content 86.05 ± 0.07 91.46 ± 0.01
Throughout the period of fermentation, pH of the must
was within the acidic range. This was irrespective of the
yeast strain used for fermentation. pH ranged from 4.46 to
3.2 (Fig.1). As shown in Fig.1, a steady increase in alcohol
content was observed in the fruit wine throughout the period
of fermentation with the fermenting yeast strain. The
increases were irrespective of the yeast strain and the fruit
used. At the end of the 28th day, of the fermentation, the
concentration of alcohol in the fruit wines were observed to
range from 0% to 3.0.
Figure 1. Wine Analyses
In the case of specific gravity of the fruit wine gradual
decrease in valves were observed throughout the period of
fermentation. These decreases were observed to be
irrespective of the yeast strain and the fruits used in the wine
production. Between 21 days to 28 days of the fermentation,
specific gravity valves were observed to range from 0.922 to
Fig.1 also showed the trend in titrable acidity, this was
observed to show a steady increase with time throughout the
period of fermentation. At the 28th day of fermentation, acid
concentration in the fruit wine was observed to increase from
the initial concentration ranges of 0.55% to 1.01%. In the
case of reducing sugar of the wine during the period of
fermentation, the values of the reducing sugar of the wine
were observed to be decreasing. It was high on the first day
which was the start of the wine fermentation and due to the
presence of sugar in the fermenting wine, the reduction in the
reducing sugar is due to the activities of the fermenting yeast
on the wine and the production of alcohol. The reducing
sugar ranged from 0.712g on the first day to 0.202g on the
28th day.
4. Discussion
In this research work, the choice of the fruits: Pineapple
and Watermelon were deliberate. From table 1, it was
observed that the moisture content of the fruits ranged from
86g to 91.45g and accounts for their high perishable nature
and their short shelf life under normal storage condition6.The
fruits contained reasonable amount of carbohydrate, which
gives an account of their high caloric value.
This work has shown that the pH ranges of the pineapple,
watermelon, and mixed fruit juice used for the production of
the wine for this research were 4.22 ± 0.01, 5.07 ± 0.01 and
4.47 ± 0.01 respectively, while there was no significant
difference in the values of the reducing sugars amongst the
three samples. In the case of Specific Gravity, there was no
obvious difference between pineapple and watermelon, but
diifered slightly with the value obtained for mixed fruits.
Also revealed are consistent increases in acidity (titrable)
of the wine throughout the period of fermentation. Studies
have shown that during fermentation of fruits, low pH is
inhibitory to the growth of spoilage organisms but creates
conducive environment for the growth of desirable
organisms. Also, low pH and high acidity are known to give
fermenting yeasts competitive advantage in natural
environments4. The titrable acidity of the final wine is
expected to be between 0.5 to 1.0%.
In this study, the results of titrable acidity of the wine fell
within this limit.In order to supplement the sugar content of
the “musts” granulated sugar which is from cane sugar and a
source of “sucrose” was part of the additives. Reports have
shown that the major problem associated with the use of
tropical fruits in wine production is their low sugar content8.
Remarkable amount of alcohol was produced from the
fruit wines during fermentation with the yeast strain used.
This trend was consistent during the course of fermentation.
In general, the percentage alcohol produced from the fruits
used for the fermentation by the yeast strain was above 2%
which is comparable with moderate grape wines 9,5,11. The
44 Wine Production from Mixed Fruits (Pineapple and Watermelon) Using High Alcohol
Tolerant Yeast Isolated from Palm Wi ne
performance and potential of the yeast strain as substituent
for the commercial baker’s yeast was measured by the
amount of alcohol produced. High alcohols are known to be
important precursors for the formation of esters, which are
associated with pleasant aromas10.
In the present study, the amount of alcohol produced by
the isolate the yeast from the palmwine did not show any
difference from palm wine10.
Reports have shown that alcoholic fermentation leads to a
series of by-products in addition to ethanol. Some of the
by-products include carbonyl compounds, alcohols, esters,
acids and acetals, all of them influencing the quality of the
finished product. The composition and concentration levels
of the by-products can vary widely (mg/L to hundreds of
In this study, pH of the fruit wine throughout the period of
fermentation ranged from 3.0 to 3.5. A similar observation
has been reported by Reddy and Reddy; in their study on
mango fruit, Optimum pH value for quality wine production
was 4.04.
The specific gravity of the fruit wine produced in this
study reduces as the fermentation days of the wine increases.
After the 28 days fermentation the specific gravity of the
wine reduced drastically to 0.901kgm-3 this was due to the
type of yeast used in the wine production. Saccharomyces
cerevisiae isolated from palm wine has been reported to
reduce specific quality of fruit wines during fermentation9.
The short shelf-life of beverages are however a major
problem faced by their producers and consumers in
The specific gravity values of the wine were observed to
diminish by significant value of p 1.01 ± 0.011. The type
and aroma produced during wine production is reported to
depend on yeast, environmental factors and
physico-chemical characteristics of the “musts”.
I acknowledge the entire Laboratory staff of the
Department Of Applied Microbiology and Brewing for their
efforts in the Isolation, characterization and identification of
the Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) used for this study.
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... This was determined by the methods described by [2]. Two hundred milliliters of distilled water were introduced into a sterile 500ml conical flask and boiled. ...
... The result was in agreement with the result reported by [10]. The moisture content of wa-termelon was similar to the result reported by [2]. ...
Full-text available
Winemaking is one of the most ancient technologies and is now one of the most commercially prosperous biotechnological processes. Fruits are one of the most important foods of mankind. They are important for the maintenance of health and improving the quality of our diet. Fruit juices are fermented to produce wine, an alcoholic beverage containing 8 to 11 percent alcohol and 2 to 3 percent sugar with energy values ranging between 70 and 90 kcal per 100ml. Due to the release of amino acids and other nutrients from yeast during fermentation, fruit wines are nutritive and tastier. For this reason, the conversion of fruits to value-added products like wine is very essential. This work aimed to produce and optimize mixed fruit (Banana and Watermelon) wine using saccharomyces cerevisiae. The proximate composition of banana with74 ± 00 of moisture content, 0.33 ± 00 of ash content, 0.23 ± 0.01 crude fat content, 1.65 ± 0.05 crude fiber content, 1.2 ± 0.1 protein content and 22.59% carbohydrate content and 91.5±1.5 moisture content, 0.49 ± 0.017ash content, 0.25 ± 0.01crude fat content, 0.6 ± 0.05 crude fiber content, 0.46 ± 0.02 crude protein content and 6.75% of carbohydrate content watermelon fruit were used for wine production. Primary and secondary fermentation of the fruits lasted for 9 and 21 days respectively, pH, titrable acidity, specific gravity and, total soluble solids (brix) were determined before and after fermentation using standard procedures. The specific gravity of the wine was observed to reduce drastically as the fermentation progressed. The pH of the fruit must decrease from 3 to 2.89 and 4 to 3.2 in different percentage of mixture and titrable acidity also increased 0.67- 0.92 in 75B:25Wm, 0.64 -0.9 in 50B:50Wm, and 0.63-0.89 in 25B:75Wm after fermentation. The highest percentages of alcohol content (9.5) was observed in 75B to 25Wm mixed fruit wine in pH 4 and inoculum size 5, and sensory evaluation revealed that the attributes of the wine were acceptable to the majority of the respondents. This study showed that acceptable wine can be produced from mixed fruits banana and watermelon using yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
... The result obtained from this study shows that yeast isolated from palm wine was S. cerevisiae. It is in agreement with earlier studies which involved the use of S. cerevisiae isolated from fresh palm wine to ferment fruit juice into wine (Okoro, 2007;Ogodo et al., 2015;Okeke et al., 2015;Hafsat et al., 2015;Nwinyi and Hassan, 2021). A slight increase in population of S. cerevisiae during fermentation of watermelon-sugarcane 'must' is an indication that metabolizable nutrients in the medium were low. ...
... kg/m 3 , respectively. The reduction in specific gravity of the wines agrees with the findings by Okeke et al. (2015). In a related study, Zainab et al. (2018) reported that specific gravity of watermelon 'must' and watermelon wine was 1.075 and 1.020, respectively. ...
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Clarification of wine is aimed at improving the quality of the product by removing haze. In this study, the effect of two clarification methods namely membrane filtration technique and the use of Keiselguhr diatomaceous earth powder on the physico-chemical and sensory attributes of wine produced using sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) and watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris L) juice blended in the ratio 1:1 (v/v) and fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolated from palm wine was determined. Sugarcane-watermelon wine not clarified was the control. Physicochemical analysis of the wine at 0 h indicates the following: sugar (10.73 °Brix), specific gravity (1.043 kg/m 3), pH (3.9), alcohol content (5.9%), titratable acidity (0.720 g/l), turbidity (94.32 NTU) and colour intensity (0.892 nm). During maturation of wine, the sugar content, specific gravity, pH, alcohol content, titratable acidity, turbidity and colour intensity of the samples clarified by membrane filtration/diatomaceous earth powder at 72 and 336 h were 6.5/9.9 and 7.2/10.8 °Brix, 1.026/1.040 and 1.029/1.043 kg/m 3 , 3.7/3.8 and 3.0/3.13, 3.57/5.48 and 3.7/5.7%, 0.375/0.405 and 0.517/0.628 g/l, 29/32.6 and 15/20 NTU, and 0.649/0.873 and 0.642/0.628 nm, respectively. The cumulative sensory scores of wine clarified using Keiselguhr diatomaceous earth powder were slightly higher than the wine clarified by membrane filtration. Taking other parameters into consideration, the clarification of sugarcane-watermelon wine using membrane filtration is relatively better than Keiselguhr diatomaceous earth powder.
... The juice may be produced from single fruit or combination of fruits and sold by the street vendors. Also, most fruits and berries have the potential to produce wine (Okeke et al., 2015). Jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus), a member of the family Moraceae is the largest tree-borne fruit. ...
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This research was conducted to study the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and sour-sop smoothies derived from jackfruit and sour-sop. Whole jackfruit and sour-sop with precut jackfruit were purchased from Eke-Awka Market, washed, peeled, cut, and blended with a sterile blender to achieve a jackfruit and sour-sop smoothie. Qualitative phytochemical screening was carried out on the smoothie samples for the detection of saponins, tannins, phenolics, alkaloids, steroids, triterpenes, phlobatannins, glycosides, and flavonoids. A microbiological evaluation of jackfruit and soursop smoothies was also carried out to determine the bacteria and fungi isolates present in the smoothie sample. The total viable bacteria count of 9.1 x 10 3 and the total fungi count of 5.9 x 10 3 were obtained from the study of the smoothie sample. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter spp., Shigella spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the bacteria isolates obtained, while the fungal isolates obtained were Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Penicillium spp., and Aspergillus spp. The bacteria isolated were all gramme-negative, rod-shaped bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Biochemical characteristics of bacteria isolates, such as gramme staining, catalase tests, coagulase tests, sugar fermentation tests, motility tests, and citrate tests, were carried out. The bacteria isolates were all catalase positive and all coagulase negative, the former indicating the presence of catalase, an enzyme that catalyses the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide when broken down, and the latter indicating the absence of Staphylococcus aerus. Phytochemical analyses of jackfruit were carried out, indicating the presence of saponin, tanin, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, coumarins, glycosides, triterpenes, phenolics, and alkaloids, and the absence of anthocyanin, amino acids, and phlobatannin. This research helps to exploit the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and soursop smoothies. The research is also helpful in determining the microbial contaminants in smoothies purchased to eradicate food poisoning.
... The juice may be produced from single fruit or combination of fruits and sold by the street vendors. Also, most fruits and berries have the potential to produce wine (Okeke et al., 2015). Jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus), a member of the family Moraceae is the largest tree-borne fruit. ...
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This research was conducted to study the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and sour-sop smoothies derived from jackfruit and sour-sop. Whole jackfruit and sour-sop with precut jackfruit were purchased from Eke-Awka Market, washed, peeled, cut, and blended with a sterile blender to achieve a jackfruit and sour-sop smoothie. Qualitative phytochemical screening was carried out on the smoothie samples for the detection of saponins, tannins, phenolics, alkaloids, steroids, triterpenes, phlobatannins, glycosides, and flavonoids. A microbiological evaluation of jackfruit and soursop smoothies was also carried out to determine the bacteria and fungi isolates present in the smoothie sample. The total viable bacteria count of 9.1 x 10 3 and the total fungi count of 5.9 x 10 3 were obtained from the study of the smoothie sample. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter spp., Shigella spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the bacteria isolates obtained, while the fungal isolates obtained were Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Penicillium spp., and Aspergillus spp. The bacteria isolated were all gramme-negative, rod-shaped bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Biochemical characteristics of bacteria isolates, such as gramme staining, catalase tests, coagulase tests, sugar fermentation tests, motility tests, and citrate tests, were carried out. The bacteria isolates were all catalase positive and all coagulase negative, the former indicating the presence of catalase, an enzyme that catalyses the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide when broken down, and the latter indicating the absence of Staphylococcus aerus. Phytochemical analyses of jackfruit were carried out, indicating the presence of saponin, tanin, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, coumarins, glycosides, triterpenes, phenolics, and alkaloids, and the absence of anthocyanin, amino acids, and phlobatannin. This research helps to exploit the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and soursop smoothies. The research is also helpful in determining the microbial contaminants in smoothies purchased to eradicate food poisoning.
... The juice may be produced from single fruit or combination of fruits and sold by the street vendors. Also, most fruits and berries have the potential to produce wine (Okeke et al., 2015). Jackfruit (Artocarpusheterophyllus), a member of the family Moraceae is the largest tree-borne fruit. ...
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This research was conducted to study the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and sour-sop smoothies derived from jackfruit and sour-sop. Whole jackfruit and sour-sop with precut jackfruit were purchased from Eke-Awka Market, washed, peeled, cut, and blended with a sterile blender to achieve a jackfruit and sour-sop smoothie. Qualitative phytochemical screening was carried out on the smoothie samples for the detection of saponins, tannins, phenolics, alkaloids, steroids, triterpenes, phlobatannins, glycosides, and flavonoids. A microbiological evaluation of jackfruit and soursop smoothies was also carried out to determine the bacteria and fungi isolates present in the smoothie sample. The total viable bacteria count of 9.1 x 103and the total fungi count of 5.9 x 103 were obtained from the study of the smoothie sample. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter spp., Shigella spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were the bacteria isolates obtained, while the fungal isolates obtained were Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Penicillium spp., and Aspergillus spp. The bacteria isolated were all gramme-negative, rod-shaped bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae. Biochemical characteristics of bacteria isolates, such as gramme staining, catalase tests, coagulase tests, sugar fermentation tests, motility tests, and citrate tests, were carried out. The bacteria isolates were all catalase positive and all coagulase negative, the former indicating the presence of catalase, an enzyme that catalyses the release of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide when broken down, and the latter indicating the absence of Staphylococcus aerus. Phytochemical analyses of jackfruit were carried out, indicating the presence of saponin, tanin, steroids, flavonoids, terpenoids, coumarins, glycosides, triterpenes, phenolics, and alkaloids, and the absence of anthocyanin, amino acids, and phlobatannin. This research helps to exploit the microbiological and phytochemical composition of jackfruit and soursop smoothies. The research is also helpful in determining the microbial contaminants in smoothies purchased to eradicate food poisoning.
... Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of a liquid to the density of water. It means the more the sugar the higher is the SG (Okeke et al., 2015). The following SG formula was used: ...
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Abstract Fermentation of fruits offers a diverse range of flavors, smells, and colors. Colored fruits are rich in naturally occurring pigments, such as betacyanin. Hence, they are considered to possess powerful antioxidant activities. However, in wine production, such pigments often diversify the flavor and color of the wine. The objective of this study was to compare the quality of two types of wines: a single‐fruit (pitaya) wine and a mixed‐fruit wine that contains watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), mint (Mintha spicata), and pitaya (Hylocereus costaricensis). In this study, fresh pitaya, watermelon, and mint leaves were fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Juice extracts underwent fermentation at room temperature for 7 days under dark conditions. Physicochemical changes, such as pH, sugar content, specific gravity, and alcohol content, were observed daily. The antioxidant activities were measured by the 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay, and total phenolic contents (TPCs). After 14 days of fermentation, the alcohol contents of mixed and pitaya wine were 11.22% (v/v) and 11.25%, respectively. The total sugar content of the mixed wine was 8.0 °Brix, while that of pitaya wine was 7.0 °Brix. Moreover, pitaya wine exhibited a higher TPC (22.7 mg GAE/100 g D.W.), and better FRAP (3578 μmole/L) and DPPH scavenging ability (80.2%) compared to the mixed wine with a TPC of 21.4 mg GAE/100 g D.W., FRAP of 2528 μmole/L, and DPPH of 75.6%., while the addition of watermelon and mint did not change the alcohol percentage contents of wine.
... Titratable acidity increased during fermentation; the titratable acidity was seen to rise from a minimum of 0.16 ± 0.05 to 0.52 ± 0.02 which was in line with the increase in titratable acidity for roselle wine specified by Ref. [37]. An increase in titratable acidity was a result of the utilization of nutrients by yeast and the production of organic acids during fermentation [38]. ...
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Atom fruit (Dacryodes macrophylla) is a Non-timber Forest Product (NTFP) that comprises a large seed, thick pulp, and a thin hard outer covering. The structural component of its cell wall and thick pulp make it difficult in extracting the juice. Also, Dacryodes macrophylla fruit is greatly underutilized, therefore the need to process and transform it into other value-added products. This work aims to enzymatically extract juice from Dacryodes macrophylla fruit with the aid of pectinase, ferment and test the acceptability of wine produced from this extract. The enzyme and non-enzyme treatments were carried out under the same conditions and their physicochemical properties such as pH, juice yield, total soluble solids, and Vitamin C were compared. A central composite design was used for the optimization of the processing factors for the enzyme extraction process. Enzyme treatment had a great impact on the juice yield (%) and Total soluble solids (TSS) (0Brix) of samples as it was as high as 81 ± 0.7% and 10.6 ± 0.02 0Brix whereas, that of the non-enzyme treatments were 46 ± 0.7% and 9.5 ± 0.02 0Brix respectively. However, the Vitamin C content of enzyme-treated juice decreased to 11.32 ± 0.13 mg/ml as compared to that of the non-enzyme-treated juice sample (15.7 ± 0.04 mg/ml). The optimum processing condition in the extraction of juice from the atom fruit was 1.84% enzyme concentration, 49.02 ֯C Incubation temperature, and 43.58 min Incubation time. During wine processing within 14 days of primary fermentation, the pH of the must decreased from 3.42 ± 0.07 to 3.26 ± 0.07 whereas the Titratable acidity (TA) increased from 0.16 ± 0.05 to 0.51 ± 0.0. The wine produced from Dacryodes macrophylla fruit showed promising results as its sensorial scores for all attributes including color, clarity, flavor, mouthfeel, alcoholic burn after taste and overall acceptability were all above 5. Thus, enzymes can be used to improve the juice yield of Dacryodes macrophylla fruit and hence, can be a potential bioresource for wine production.
... This accounts for their highly perishable nature and short shelf life under normal storage conditions [14]. "This high moisture content makes the beverage suitable as a refreshing and thirst-quenching product which qualifies it as a good beverage" [15]. This high moisture content was similar to the results , also recorded a moisture content of 70.94% in their study [16]. ...
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Wine is an alcoholic beverage produced from juices of a variety of fruits by the fermentative action of microorganisms. There is a quest for alternative sources of must for wine fermentation, however, the proximate composition should be known to ascertain how nutritious it is. The study was thus aimed at determining the proximate composition of the wines fermented by Meyerozyma guilliermondii and Pichia guilliermondii. Two isolates identified as Meyerozyma guilliermondii strain 1621 and Pichia guilliermondii strain PAX-PAT 18S were used for the fermentation of the substrates obtained from a mixture of pineapple and banana pulp. The fermentation process was for 28 days, followed by a series of racking, clarification, and aging process which was for 2 months. The fermentation process comprised two setups: one was fermented by Meyerozyma guilliermondii strain 1621 and the other by Pichia guilliermondii strain PAX-PAT 18S. The process was monitored and the proximate analysis of the wines was ascertained. The wine produced by Meyerozyma guilliermondii strain 1621 had a moisture content of 82.56 %, ash content of 1.41 %, fat content of 0.08 %, protein content of 1.43%, and carbohydrate content of 9.77%. The wine produced by Pichia guilliermondii strain PAX-PAT 18S had a moisture content of 79.51%, ash content of 1.19%, fat content of 0.15%, protein content of 0.49%, and carbohydrate content of 10.49%. Although this study is not exhaustive, it shows that wines with good nutritional composition can be successfully produced using Meyerozyma guilliermondii strain 1621 and Pichia guilliermondii strain PAX-PAT 18S.
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Depression is a debilitating mental health condition affecting millions worldwide. Traditional treatments include a range of antidepressant medications and therapies, yet not all patients respond adequately. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of lactic acid-rich akamu on depression and its antidepressant like quality in rodents. Eighteen rats were used in the study, 6 were fed akamu a local food produced from the fermentation of Zea mays, rich in lactate, 6 were administered a standard antidepressant (escitalopram) while the other 6 served as control. The chronic mild stress protocol was used to induce depression. After 3weeks, there was a 71.43% reduction (on the average) in sucrose consumption which was indicative of depression. On the 56th day of the study, 3 weeks after treatment commenced, there was a reversal of depressive symptoms and a rapid increase in the weight of rats that were fed akamu while there was a 14% decrease in the rats that were administered the standard drug. Although this reduction was statistically non-significant (p>0.05). Furthermore, after feeding the rats with akamu, there was a 62.5% average increase in sucrose consumption, indicative of recovery from depression. The level of lactate in the stool of rats before the feeding trial was between 66-80mg/kg. After the feeding trial, it ranged between 153-216mg/kg with the akamu group having the highest value.
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In this study, the production and quality evaluation of wine from soursop (Annona muricata) and watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) fruit juice blend was studied. A preliminary was carried out to ascertain the optimum blend acceptable level of soursop and watermelon wine production using 0-50 % v/v juice, samples were subjected to sensory evaluation, and the most acceptable samples were chosen. Hence, in the main study, the level of watermelon juice was varied using 0, 20, 40, and 60 % w/w inclusion giving rise to four samples. Physico-chemical properties, selected mineral and vitamin C content, total phenols, antioxidant properties, microbiological content, and sensory evaluation were done using standard methods. The effects of fermentation on physicochemical properties were also studied. pH and Brix value decreased while TTA and specific gravity increased with increasing fermentation days beginning from day 1 to day 7. Na, K, Fe, and vitamin C ranged from 82.52-107.50, 208.20-282.20, 2.04-2.84, and 15.0-316.30 mg/100g respectively, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in mean samples. Potassium and sodium were the predominant minerals in the formulated wine while Iron and magnesium were found in low concentrations. The values of total phenol and anti-oxidant ranged from 0.90 to 1.34 mg/100g and 82.52-107.50 % (DPPH), 13.37-15.93 mmol/GAE (FRAP), 208.20-282.08 % (OH. Radical) and 2.04 to 2.84 % (Chelation metal) as the proportion of watermelon juice increases from 0 to 60 % in the blends used in wine preparation. The results for total bacteria count and fungi count for wine samples from soursop wine (control) were 2.71x10 2 and 1.81x10 2 CFU/ml respectively. The corresponding values for wine from 40 % soursop juice and 60 % watermelon were 2.28 x 10 2 and 1.43 x 10 2 CFU/ml respectively. Blend formulation 40:60 soursop: watermelon was mostly acceptable. This study therefore has presented a way of increasing consumption and utilization of soursop: with low economic value and high nutritional content yet is underutilized increasing food security, creating varieties of wine from locally available food sources, and further converting waste to wealth.
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Burukutu samples were randomly purchased from different shops at Elele market, Army Barracks, Alimini, River state and Obinze market, Army Barracks, Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria. A total of 30 samples were aseptically collected and compositely screened for total aerobic plate count, total coliform count, total fecal coliform count and total fungal count using Nutrient agar (NA), MacConkey (MCA), Eosin methylene blue (EMB) and Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) respectively by pour plating technique. The microorganisms isolated belong to the genera Escherichia, Staphylococcus, Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Saccharomyces. The Total aerobic plate count of the samples from Elele and Obinze market were 6.20±0.26 cfu/ml and 5.85±0.26 cfu/ml respectively. Total fecal coliform count of the samples from Elele market was 5.10±0.10 cfu/ml, while that from Obinze market was 5.06±0.23cfu/ml. The total coliform count and total fungal count of the samples from Elele market were 5.80±0.08 and 6.20±0.22cfu/ml, while samples from Obinze market recorded 5.50±0.17 and 6.08±0.08cfu/ml. Staphylococcus aureus was the highest occurring bacteria at 27.27% while Sacccharomyces cerevisiae was the highest occurring fungi at 40.91%. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the microbial counts of the samples collected from Elele market and Obinze market at p-value > 0.05.
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Kunu drink sold in Calabar was analysed to determine the microbiological quality. Colony forming units per millilitre of kunu ranged from 2.1 x 10 3 to 6.1 x 10 3 , 2.1 x 10 3 to 6.5 x 10 3 and 2.3 x 10 3 to too numerous to count (TNC) for fresh kunu sample, kunu stored at refrigeration temperature (2-3 days) and kunu stored at room temperature (2-3 days) respectively. Bacterial identification revealed the presence of Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., and Bacillus sp. in fresh kunu. Staphylococcus sp., Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were found in kunu stored under refrigeration conditions. The above mentioned organisms including E. coli were found in kunu stored at room temperature. Streptococcus sp. had the highest occurrence of 43.31% and E. coli having the least occurrence of 5%. Fungal isolates revealed the presence of Penicilliumsp., Aspergillussp. and Fusariumsp. in fresh kunu, with the emergence of yeast after 2-3 days storage at room and refrigeration temperatures. Penicilliumsp. had the highest occurrence of 34.6% and yeast having the least occurrence of 7.7%. From the data obtained, it was recommended that kunu drink should be consumed within 24 hr of preparation or preserved using chemical preservatives rather than the refrigerator. INTRODUCTION Kunu is an important non-alcoholic beverage mostly found in Northern Nigeria. It is prepared from sorghum, millet, maize or wheat [1]. Studies have shown that kunu contains 0.3% protein, 1.0% fat, 1.52% ash and 12.2% carbohydrate [2]. Oyeleke and Shittu [3] reported 8.9mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), 20.2g of carbohydrates and 7.2g of protein per 100ml of kunu. Kunu which used to be consumed mainly in the Northern parts of Nigeria is now widely acceptable in almost all parts of Nigeria, owing to its refreshing qualities [4]. It is acceptable to people of all works of life and is being served at home and public places as food appetizer, refreshing drink and complementary food for infants. It forms the major source of protein for many Nigerians especially the rural populace who could not afford imported milk products. Olasupoet al. [5] reported that fermented cereals like ogi, burukutu, fura, kunu, etc. are particularly important as weaning foods for infants and as dietary staples for adults. The short shelf-life of these beverages are however a major problem faced by their producers and consumers. A large number of lactic acid bacteria, coliforms, molds and yeasts cause spoilage in these drinks thereby producing undesirable changes [6]. Food pathogens such as Escherichia coli have been implicated in food poisoning resulting from their consumption. The effect of storage on each drink varies and the time lag during which the drinks lose their nutritional properties vary, hence there is a need to know the more appropriate method of storage, whether ambient or refrigerated, to reduce the incidence of certain diseases [7].
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As a non-recombinant means of strain improvement, adaptive evolution is a technique with great potential. In this first report of the use of adaptive evolution in the improvement of a commercial wine yeast strain, a sequential batch fermentation system was used to adaptively evolve the wine strain L-2056 and its haploid derivative, C9. Mutants were isolated under the selective pressures of a winelike fermentation after approximately 350 generations (from L-2056) and 250 generations (from C9) and were demonstrated to have altered production of metabolites, including ethanol, glycerol, and succinic and acetic acid. Additionally, the evolved isolate of the commercial wine yeast was able to more rapidly catabolize all available sugars under these conditions. These results endorse the potential of adaptive evolution as a tool for the non-recombinant modification and optimization of industrial yeast strains.
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The alcoholic fermentative ability of yeast strains; Saccharomyces cerevisiae (isolated from yam), S. cerevisiae (from sugarcane molasses), S. carlsbergensis (from sugarcane molasses) and S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus (from orange juice) were examined on orange juice (Citrus sinensis). The quality of the wine produced on the basis of the acidity, ash content, vitamin C and the alcohol content were assayed. The fermentation efficiency varied between 48.05% with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and 99.46% with S. carlsbergensis. The highest ethanol concentration, yield and productivity were 6.80 ± ± ± ± 0.07% (w/v), 0.46 gg -1 and 0.57g l-1h -1 , respectively. The rate of sugar utilization was least, (2.76 g/day) with S. carlsbergensis and highest (3.07 g/day) with S. cerevisiae from yam. The total alcohol produced was least (3.19 ± ± ± ± 0.21%, w/v) with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and highest (6.80 ± ± ± ± 0.07%, w/v) with S. carlsbergensis. The optimum pH ranged between 3.81 for S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and 3.71 for S. cerevisiae (from yam). The Vitamin C level was highest (9.02 mg/100 g) with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and lowest (6.65 mg/100 g) with S. carlsbergensis.
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The alcoholic fermentative ability of yeast strains; Saccharomyces cerevisiae (isolated from yam), S. cerevisiae (from sugarcane molasses), S. carlsbergensis (from sugarcane molasses) and S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus (from orange juice) were examined on orange juice (Citrus sinensis). The quality of the wine produced on the basis of the acidity, ash content, vitamin C and the alcohol content were assayed. The fermentation efficiency varied between 48.05% with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and 99.46% with S. carlsbergensis. The highest ethanol concentration, yield and productivity were 6.80 ± ± ± ± 0.07% (w/v), 0.46 gg -1 and 0.57g l-1h -1 , respectively. The rate of sugar utilization was least, (2.76 g/day) with S. carlsbergensis and highest (3.07 g/day) with S. cerevisiae from yam. The total alcohol produced was least (3.19 ± ± ± ± 0.21%, w/v) with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and highest (6.80 ± ± ± ± 0.07%, w/v) with S. carlsbergensis. The optimum pH ranged between 3.81 for S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and 3.71 for S. cerevisiae (from yam). The Vitamin C level was highest (9.02 mg/100 g) with S. cerevisiae var. ellipsoideus and lowest (6.65 mg/100 g) with S. carlsbergensis.
The field of industrial microbiology involves a thorough knowledge of the microbial physiology behind the processes in the large-scale, profit-oriented production of microbe-related goods which are the subject of the field. In recent times a paradigm shift has occurred, and a molecular understanding of the various processes by which plants, animals and microorganisms are manipulated is now central to industrial microbiology. Thus the various applications of industrial microbiology are covered broadly, with emphasis on the physiological and genomic principles behind these applications. Relevance of the new elements such as bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, site-directed mutation and metabolic engineering, which have necessitated the paradigm shift in industrial microbiology are discussed.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae species were isolated from the fermenting sap of Elaesis guineansis (palm wine) as a source of yeast for wine making from pineapple fruits. One of these isolates was used to pitch a pineapple must prepared as the fermenting medium. A high ethanol yield of 10·2% (v/v) was obtained when compared with a commercial wine yeast (control) which gave 7·4% (v/v), indicative of higher ethanol tolerance by this isolate. Nigerian palm wine, which harbours quite a number of these yeasts, could serve as an alternative source of yeast for commercial wine making from fruits.
Seventeen yeasts were isolated from samples of palm wine fermented from the sap of Elaeis sp. (9) and from the sap of Raphia sp. (8) in widely different localities in Nigeria. Twelve of the yeasts belonged to the genus Saccharomyces, four were Candida sp. and one was an Endomycopsis sp. The distribution of the yeasts did not appear to depend on the sap which was fermented or on locality. The implication of the findings with respect to palm-wine fermentation studies is emphasised.