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Pollutants of textile industry wastewater and assessment of its discharge limits by water quality standards


Abstract and Figures

Textile industry is one of the most important and rapidly developing industrial sectors in Türkiye. It has a high importance in terms of its environmental impact, since it consumes considerably high amounts of processed water andproduces highly polluted discharge water in large amounts. Textile mills in Türkiye are required to control their discharge and therefore have started installing treatment plants in the name of environmental protection. The wastewater treatment plants of 11 textile mills in the woven fabric and knit fabric finishing industry were investigated in this study. Performances of the treatment plants were evaluated by in situ inspections and analyses of influent and effluent samples. The cost of the existing treatment plants is also evaluated. For the treatment of textile industry wastewater, biological treatment, chemical treatment and combinations of these are used. Plants utilizing biological treatment rather than chemical processes claim that their preference is due to less excess sludge production, lower operational costs and better COD removal in biological treatment. Waste water parameters in the effluent of biological treatment plants were in compliance with the ISKI (Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration) discharge standards. However, if sodium sulphate in dyeing process and sulphuric acid in neutralization processes are used before a biological treatment, sulphate in the effluent exceeds 1700 mg/l. This problem can be avoided by using HCl or CO2 rather than H2SO4 in neutralization and NaCl instead of Na2SO4, if the use of Na2SO4 is not necessary.
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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7: 97-103 (2007)
© Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Pollutants of Textile Industry Wastewater and Assessment of its Discharge
Limits by Water Quality Standards
The textile industry uses vegetable fibres such as
cotton, animal fibres such as wool and silk, and a
wide range of synthetic materials such as nylon,
polyester, and acrylics. The production of natural
fibres is approximately equal to the amount of
production of synthetic materials (of which polyester
accounts for about half) (Commission, 2002).
Because textile operations produce so much
wastewater, mills may be tempted to assume that they
cannot avoid large volumes of wastewater, and
therefore, they may become lax in pollution
prevention. In practice, mills vary considerably in the
amount of water and wastewater pollutants they
discharge. One essential and often difficult step in
water pollution prevention is to accurately and
realistically assess the current status of mill and its
potential for improvement. This assessment is
necessary to target specific waste streams that will
maximize pollution prevention. The first step in a
pollution prevention strategy for water is a thorough
audit and characterization of wastewater from textile
operations (Wood, 1992). Comparing the information
from this audit with benchmark data allows for
realistic goal-setting and economic projections for
water pollution reduction activities. Several options
exist for benchmarking an operation and, hence, for
identifying pollution prevention targets. Fibres used in
the textile industry can be divided into two main
categories: natural fibres (e.g. wool, hair, silk, cotton,
flax etc.) and synthetic fibres (e.g. rayon, nylon etc.)
(Sahin, 1996). Pollutants in wastewater from textile
factories vary greatly and depend on the chemicals
and treatment processes used. Pollutants that are
likely to be present include suspended solids,
biodegradable organic matter, toxic organic
compounds (e.g. phenols), and heavy metals (URL 1).
Many studies have been published on water
pollution from textile operations. Brown and Anliker
summarised the effects of textile effluent on the
environment and the toxicity with respect to fish and
other aquatic organisms, sewage bacteria and plants
(URL 2). For example, suspended solids can clog fish
gills, either killing them or reducing their growth rate.
Other important impact, they also reduce light
penetration. This reduces the ability of algae to
produce food and oxygen (URL 3).
The other parameter, sulphates (SO4=) can be
naturally occurring or as a result of municipal or
industrial discharges. Point sources include sewage
treatment plants and industrial discharges such as
tanneries, pulp mills and textile mills. Sulphates are
not considered toxic to plants or animals at normal
concentrations. In humans, small concentrations cause
a temporary laxative effect. However, doses of several
Textile industry is one of the most important and rapidly developing industrial sectors in Türkiye. It has a high
importance in terms of its environmental impact, since it consumes considerably high amounts of processed water and
produces highly polluted discharge water in large amounts. Textile mills in Türkiye are required to control their discharge
and therefore have started installing treatment plants in the name of environmental protection.
The wastewater treatment plants of 11 textile mills in the woven fabric and knit fabric finishing industry were
investigated in this study. Performances of the treatment plants were evaluated by in situ inspections and analyses of influent
and effluent samples. The cost of the existing treatment plants is also evaluated.
For the treatment of textile industry wastewater, biological treatment, chemical treatment and combinations of these are
used. Plants utilizing biological treatment rather than chemical processes claim that their preference is due to less excess
sludge production, lower operational costs and better COD removal in biological treatment.
Waste water parameters in the effluent of biological treatment plants were in compliance with the ISKI (Istanbul Water
and Sewerage Administration) discharge standards.
However, if sodium sulphate in dyeing process and sulphuric acid in neutralization processes are used before a
biological treatment, sulphate in the effluent exceeds 1700 mg/l. This problem can be avoided by using HCl or CO2 rather
than H2SO4 in neutralization and NaCl instead of Na2SO4, if the use of Na2SO4 is not necessary.
Key words: Phytoplankton, estuarine, pollution, tide, floodwaters, creek.
Neşe Tüfekci1, Nüket Sivri1,*, İsmail Toroz2
1 Istanbul University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, 34320, Avcılar, İstanbul, Türkiye.
2 Istanbul Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 80626, Maslak, İstanbul, Türkiye.
* Corresponding Author: Tel.: +90 212 473 70 70 /17651; Fax: +90 212 473 71 80;
Received 03 July 2006
Accepted 18 June 2007
98 N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007)
thousand units cause all long-term illness effects.
Sulphates are toxic at very high concentrations.
Problems caused by sulphates are most frequently
related to their ability to form strong acids which
changes the pH. In this way, phosphates are not toxic
to humanbeings or animals unless they are present at
very high levels. Digestive problems could occur
from extremely high levels of phosphate (URL 1).
Textile industry in Türkiye is concentrated in
Istanbul where there exist 116 plants that are
specifically treating wastewaters of textile industry.
Seventeen of these treatment plants are biological, 83
are chemical, 14 are chemical and biological, and 2
are physical and chemical (Ucar, 1995).
The discharge standards for the textile industry
in Istanbul are set by Istanbul Water and Sewerage
Administration (ISKI), which also controls and
inspects the industrial wastewater discharges.
Industries are required to pretreat their wastewaters to
meet the standards set by ISKI, according to which
they are allowed to be discharge to the city sewer
system (ISKI, 1994).
In this study, 11 textile mills that have treatment
facility were chosen to investigate their material
production, use of processed water, wastewater
production, and treatment facility. The cost of
treatment from these plants is also investigated. The
products and processes of these 11 mills are
summarized in Table 1.
When these industries were selected, waste
water treatment plants that included different
treatment methods were considered. The chemical
and/or biological treatment methods used in the
treatment of textile industry wastewater were
characterized, problems in treatment plants were
explained and solutions were proposed.
Materials and Methods
The most important parameters in wastewater
from textile industry are COD (Chemical Oxygen
Demand), BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand), pH,
fats, oil, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphate and SS
(suspended solids) (Tufekci et al., 1998). The influent
Table 1. Production and wastewater flow rates of the mills investigated
Mill Material Process Dyeing Wastewater Flow (m3/day)
A Cotton Cotton Knitting
90% Reactive
10% Direct
Dyeing: 150
Washing: 90
Total: 240
B Cotton Cotton Knitting
90% Reactive
10% Direct
C Cotton Weaving
Jeans Dyeing
Jeans Washing
Dyeing: 100
Washing: 240
Total: 340
D Cotton Kasar
Reactive 400
E Polyester
Socks Knitting
F Cotton Kasar
85% Reactive
10% Direct
5% Pigment
G Cotton Jeans Washing
Cloth Making
H Cotton
Cloth Printing
80% Reactive
10% Direct
10% Pigment
I Polyester
Cord Production
Cord Dyeing
Dispersive 60
K Polyester
Cord Production
40% Acrylic
20% Polyester
40% Wool
L Cotton
Cord Production
Polyester Dyeing:20
Cotton Dyeing:150
Total: 170
99 N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007)
Table 2. Measured influent and effluent values and removal efficiencies
Mill A B C D
Parameter Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem.
BOD5 (mg/l) 293 42 86 370 26 93 600 152 75 420 30.3 93
COD (mg/l) 614 120 80 714 92 87 1200 518 57 980 200 80
SS (mg/l) 56 22 60 120 9 92 300 96 68 300 32 89
TKN (mg/l) 10 7.4 26 10 8 20 30 15.2 49 20 11.3 43
TP (mg/l) 1.3 0.7 46 2 0.8 60 2 0.34 83 4 3.6 10
Grease (mg/l) 34 4 88 40 4 90 50 13 74 40 6.7 83
Mill E F G H
Parameter Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem.
BOD5 (mg/l) 1140 181 84 715 363 49 520 162 69 410 48 88
COD (mg/l) 1960 877 55 1130 780 31 1030 599 42 900 129 86
SS (mg/l) 653 247 62 420 109 74 670 431 36 230 10 95
TKN (mg/l) 60 49 18 43 27 37 37 17.6 52 19 14.6 23
TP (mg/l) 11 3 73 9 4 55 2,8 0.7 75 2.4 0.2 92
Grease (mg/l) 133 62 53 97 31 68 71 19.4 73 48 6 87
Mill I K L
Parameter Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem. Inf Eff. Rem.
BOD5 (mg/l) 974 186 81 615 242 61 280 112 60
COD (mg/l) 1740 636 63 1605 800 50 720 298 59
SS (mg/l) 600 77 87 470 288 39 180 33 82
TKN (mg/l) 11 1,8 84 92.5 53 43 17 9 47
TP (mg/l) 3 0,33 89 4 0.3 92 3 1 66
Grease (mg/l) 120 65 46 127 32 75 52 9.2 82
Inf.: Influent
Eff.: Effluent
Rem.: Removal Efficiency (%)
and effluent characteristics and efficiencies of
treatment plants of the mills, most of which are
cotton-fabric refining mills and polyester, wool,
acrylic, were investigated in this study. The effluents
values are average of at least 6 samples taken at
arbitrary times (Table 2). The effluent concentrations
of BOD5, COD, SS, TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen),
TP (Total Phosphor) and Grease were analyzed
according to Standard Methods (APHA, 1998).
These analyses along with the discharge
standards set by ISKI and indicated in the Water
Pollution Control Regulation (SKKY) (ITKIB, 1995)
are also presented in Figure 1 to 8.
It is seen in Table 2 that all the parameters from
mill A are under the discharge limits, except for
BOD5 and sulphate. The results of analysis however
imply that the treatment plant is operated only when it
is inspected by the authorities. When the effluent
characteristics of mill B are examined closely, the
treatment efficiency is close to 90%. The fact that
effluent suspended solids (SS) and BOD5 values are
quite low implies that the sample might have taken
from the supernatant of the final sedimentation tank.
Despite some violations of the limits for BOD5 COD,
total sulphur and pH, it is seen that the treatment
facility of mill C was operated efficiently enough.
The treatment facility at mill D treats 300
m3/day industrial wastewater on top of 100 m3/day
municipal wastewater. It works with high efficiency.
However, the raw water characteristics of this
treatment plant are not above the discharge limits.
When the influent and effluent values are compared, it
seems that a two-stage treatment may not be
necessary for this mill. The analysis carried out at the
treatment plant of mill E shows that TKN, COD and
SS were above the discharge limits of ISKI at 50% of
all times. It is seen in Table 2 that the treatment plant
of mill F was one of the low efficiency facilities.
However, this did not pose a significant problem for
the firm, except for BOD5 and COD. Apart from SS,
there was not a single parameter that caused a
problem for mill G, which is a jeans-washing facility.
When the values given in Table 2 are compared
to the discharge limits, it is seen that the additional
activated carbon unit to the prefabricated chemical
treatment facility is not really necessary for this mill.
The effluent values of mill H is one of the lowest.
When the effluent analysis from mill K is examined,
it is seen that they have a chronic nitrogen problem.
The treatment efficiency for the other parameters is
not very satisfactory either. For this mill, where wool
100 N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007)
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent BOD5
ISKI Limit
SKKY Limit
Figure 1. Average effluent BOD5 from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent COD ISKI Limit SKKY Limit
Figure 2. Average effluent COD from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent SS
ISKI Limit
SKKY Limit
Figure 3. Average effluent SS from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent TKN
ISKI Limit
Figure 4. Average effluent TKN from the mills.
N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007) 101
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent Total Sulfur
ISKI Limit
Figure 5. Average effluent total sulphur from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent Phenol
ISKI Limit
SKKY Limit
Figure 6. Average effluent phenol from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent Sulfate
ISKI Limit
Figure 7. Average effluent sulphate from the mills.
Discharge Values (mg/l)
Average Effluent Total Phosphor
ISKI Limit
Figure 8. Average effluent phosphorus from the mills.
102 N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007)
dying with acrylic is also carried out, a combination
of chemical and biological treatment should produce
better results. The influent values of mill L, which
also have a mercerizing unit, are relatively low.
However, the treatment efficiency of this plant is
Cost of Treatment
The cost of the treatment facilities of the textile
industries investigated in this study is given in Figure
9. The cost of the chemicals included in calculations
in Figure 9 is based on the unit prices as of April
The cost of electricity is based on the present
motor power of the facility and the assumption that
the treatment facility is operated 24 hours. The mills
that do not have maintenance cost declared that they
carry their maintenance on their own.
The yearly equivalence of the capital cost is
calculated by assuming a 10-year operational life and
20% yearly interest. The total cost per unit wastewater
for each mill includes the capital and operational
It is observed in this study that 11 textile mills
that carry refining of knit and woven fabric have
mostly chemical treatment facilities. In addition, some
mills prefer biological or biological/chemical
treatment. Polyethylene (PE), FeSO4, Alum, Lime,
FeCl3 and several modifications of these chemicals
are used in chemical treatment facilities (Sahin, 1996;
Ucar, 1995). Because of the mandatory use of SO4=
based chemical in several process of textile industry,
high sulphate concentration in effluent is observed. It
will be beneficial to modify some processes in a way
that it would be possible to use less salt for dyeing, to
prefer chlorine instead of sulphate and to use HCl or
CO2 for neutralization. When the effluent values and
discharge standards by national authority are
compared, the parameters other than BOD5, COD and
SS do not require high degree of treatment. If it was
desired to discharge the effluent to receiving
environments rather than to the sewer system,
additional treatment units would require SKKY would
in order to meet their standards. It is possible that
advanced treatment technologies might be used to
treat the wastewater from these industries to a quality
that could allow reuse of wastewater. By this way, the
reduction in the use of processed water along with the
less costly treatment through reuse might contribute to
the faster amortization. It is a priority to consider the
advanced treatment technologies along with the
source reduction of waste rather than limiting the
treatment to single-stage. Like in the European
countries, many firms in textile industry are
concentrated on the use of environmentally friendly
chemicals and processes that use less water (Barclay
and Buckley, 2000). It is imperative for us to carry out
similar studies and to keep up with the technological
In addition, it is necessary to have educated
operators to run the treatment facilities. ISKI and
similar authorities should provide more strict
mechanisms of control based on the scientific
methods. Moreover, the firms that need to pay the
maximum attention to prevent pollution should be
encouraged by the local and central authorities. As
explained above, if more economical local treatment
facilities are opened, firms which do not require high
degree of treatment can control the pollution more
easily. And these firms should pretreat pH, SS and
temperature before they discharge them into the local
treatment plants. This is a much better approach than
having unfunctional or unoperating treatment
facilities. Between 1986 and 1989, ISKI and mostly
textile industry firms, wastewater of which is
conventional, signed a contract that required these
firms to pay their share in capital and operational cost
of treatment. The purpose was to build a central
treatment facility with this money that would treat
both municipal and industrial wastewater. However,
later on this plan was cancelled and each firm was
required to have its own treatment facility. However,
Cost of Treatment ($/m3)
Figure 9. The cost treatment for the ınvestigated facilities.
N. Tüfekçi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 7: 97-103 (2007) 103
it is becoming harder in Istanbul to inspect whether
these facilities are operated properly. The effluent
phosphor, sulphate, and phenol values are below the
limits set by ISKI and it makes it necessary not to use
such parameters for control. The cost of effluent
analysis at ISKI laboratories will be reduced by these
Certain pollutants in textile wastewater are more
important to target for pollution prevention than
others. For example, most dyeing machines have lint
filters and other primary control measures to keep lint
out of heat exchangers and off of the cloth; therefore,
total suspended solids (TSS) levels are low in raw
textile dyeing wastewater compared to many other
industries. On the other hand, biological oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)
are relatively high in slashing, fabric formation, and
wet processing and therefore, are more important
pollution prevention targets. The aquatic toxicity of
textile industry wastewater varies considerably among
production facilities. Data are available showing that
some facilities have fairly high aquatic toxicity, while
others show little or no toxicity. If the discharge of
these facilities is assessed according to EC criteria,
additional treatment units would be required to meet
the standards. Despite the fact that it is not a common
practice in our country, the advanced treatment
technologies might be used to treat the wastewater
from these industries to such an extent of a quality
that could allow reuse of wastewater. By these means,
the reduction in the use of processed water along with
less costly treatment through reuse might contribute to
fast amortization. In addition, it is necessary to have
educated operators to run the treatment facilities.
Local and other authorities should provide more strict
regulations and directives like the EC (EPA, 1996).
American Public Health Association (APHA-AWWA-
WPCH). 1998. Standard Methods for the Examination
of Water and Waste Water. 20th ed. APHA
Washington D.C., 1270 pp.
Barclay, S. and Buckley, C. 2000. Waste Minimisation
Guide for the Textile Industry, A Step Towards
Cleaner Production (Volume 1), by The Pollution
Research Group University of Natal Durban South
Africa, The South African Water Research Com.,
January, 92 pp.
Commission Decision. 2002. The European eco-label for
textile products, 2002/371/EC of 15 May 2002, O.J. n
L 133 of 18.5.2002, Criteria valid until 31 May 2007,
Previous criteria valid until 31 May 2003,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1996. Best
Management Practices for Pollution Prevention in the
Textile Industry, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Document No. EPA/625/R-96/004, Ohio,
ISKI. 1994. Discharge Standards for Sewere System
Discharges for Industrial Wastewaters, The Official
State Bulletin, No: 18340. Istanbul.
ITKIB. 1995. Turkish Textile and Apparel Industry,
General Secretariat of ITKIB, Research Development
and Legislation Department, Istanbul, 16 pp.
Sahin, Y. 1996. Treatment of woven and knit fabric
finishing mills effluent and treatment cost. MSc.
thesis, Istanbul : Istanbul Technical University.
Tufekci, N., San, H.A., Aydın, S., Ucar, S. and Barlas, H.
1998. Wastewater Treatment Problems in the
Operation of Woven and Knit Fabric Industry, FEB,
7: 795-802.
URL 1.
URL 2.
URL 3.
Ucar, S. 1995. Treatment of wowen and knit fabric finishing
mills effluent. MSc. thesis, Istanbul: Istanbul
Technical University.
Wood, K.N. and Bishop, A.L. 1992. Effluent guidelines
compliance through waste minimization, Water Sci.
Tech., 26(1-2): 301-307.
... However, although biological treatment has been considered as one of the prominent methods for treating wastewater due to its eco-friendly features (Narayanan &Narayan 2019), it is not capable of efficiently treating all types of wastewater, particularly those containing refractory biodegradable organic pollutants (Bal &Thakur 2022). As a result, most textile wastewater treatment plants do not rely on activated sludge system (Kragic et al. 2005;Tüfekci et al. 2007, Zhou &Zhou 2019. This presents challenges for the practical application of BOD biosensors based on a bioreactor for on-line and on-site determination of BOD in refractory wastewater, such as textile wastewater, in the absence of a local microbial community. ...
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This study demonstrated a novel approach to accurately estimate 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) in textile wastewater using a microbial consortium from food processing wastewater fixed on coconut fibers. Although glucose-glutamic acid (GGA) has been widely known as the most preferred substrates for microbial respiration, its calibration surprisingly resulted in an overestimation of BOD5 in textile wastewater due to its lower utilization rate compared to that of textile wastewater. After being adapted with a new nutrient environment composed of GGA and textile wastewater, the adapted packed-bed bioreactors (PBBRs) was capable of accurate estimation of BOD5 in textile wastewater using GGA standard solution. Metagenomic analysis revealed the dominance of the genera Enterobacter, Acinetobacter, Chryseobacterium, and Comamonas in the adapted microbial community, which are recognized for their significant potential in azo dye degradation. The imputed metagenome showed an enhanced showed an enhanced abundance of “Amino Acid Degradation” and “Carbohydrate Degradation” functions, confirming the improved ability of adapted community to utilization of GGA in the standard solution. These findings suggest that adaptation of exogenous microbial consortium to a nutrient environment composed of GGA and target wastewater may shift the community to that dominated by strains having both utilization ability of GGA and target compounds which, in turn, enhance the accuracy of the adapted PBBRs for estimation of BOD5 in target wastewater.
... Due to the large volume of wastewater generated by the textile industry, it can create environmental problems if not treated before disposal (2). Moreover, untreated wastewater can pose risks to human health, such as causing fever, skin irritation, dermatitis, and other health issues (3). The urgency of reducing color content, COD levels, and chromium content within textile wastewater have far-reaching impacts across environmental, health, and economic domains. ...
Background: Inappropriate management of textile wastewater results in environmental pollution. To counter this, biofilters or biofilm systems serve as alternatives. Biofilters work like a filter, with a media stack that aids in the filtration process. In this study, pozzolan and sawdust were used as media. The present study aimed to identify the difference in average color content, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and chromium of textile wastewater after passing through a single biofilter versus a combination biofilter. Methods: This study employs a post-test with a control design experimental research design. The research population is the total textile wastewater produced by the X industry located in Cimahi city, Indonesia. The grab sampling technique was employed to collect 30 L of textile wastewater for each treatment using both the single biofilter (composed solely of sawdust) and the combination biofilter (mixture of sawdust and pozzolan). Results: There are significant differences in color, COD, and chromium content averages between single and combined biofilter treatments, supported by P values of 0.012, 0.004, and 0.010. The single biofilter exhibited higher percentage reductions in color and chromium (14.25% and 90.83%, respectively) compared to the combination biofilter. In contrast, the combination biofilter achieved a remarkable COD reduction of up to 79.45%compared to the single biofilter. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the single biofilter had a higher capacity to remove color and chromium compared to the combination biofilter. Meanwhile, the combination biofilter was found to be more effective in removing COD compared to the single biofilter.
... These effluents contain suspended particulates that might obstruct the gills of fish, leading to a decrease in their growth rate. Coloured discharged waste can reduce the penetration of light, hence decreasing the ability of many algae species to produce food and oxygen [24]. It was noted that synthetic dyes caused toxicity in environment. ...
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The textile processing sector is accountable for the extensive utilisation and pollution of freshwater resources. Due to heightened consumer awareness of environmental legislation regarding freshwater contamination, the textile sector is compelled to review and improve their current water consumption practices. Foan dyeing technique is a highly promising alternative that has the ability to contribute to a more sustainable future. This review paper discussed the current state of foam dyeing technology, highlighting its advantages in terms of re-duced consumption of water and energy, as well as minimal usage of dyes and chemicals compared to conventional methods. The foam configuration allows for more effective application of dyes. As a result, there is a decrease in dye consumption and a reduction in processing time. The process is environmen-tally sustainable since it significantly reduces water pollution. Furthermore, foam dyeing method consumes less energy due to its lower dying temperature need compared to conventional processing technology. Additionally, this paper highlights the continued investigation of foam dyeing on many types of textile substrates (such as fibres, yarns, and fabric) and compositions including cotton, polyester, and their mixtures. In addition, the techno-economic comparison of foam dyeing and conventional dyeing is also given. This review paper addi-tionally endorses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 6, clean water and sanitation) by examining the preservation of usable water and the decrease in wastewater discharge through foam dyeing technology. Lastly, the potential advantages of foam dyeing in terms of significantly reducing water consump-tion and the generation of waste in the textile industry were also addressed.
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Plant life has dominated this planet from the beginning of time. With over 82% of biomass (BM) coming from plants, primarily trees, plants are the dominant form of life on Earth. BM represents a readily available, ecologically favorable, and renewable low‐cost carbon source. Its rational disposal has emerged as a critical challenge in modern times due to its widespread generation from farming, manufacturing, and forestry activities. Nanotechnology (NT) has enormous potential for a wide range of BM‐related applications, including BM development, processing technique, modification, and utilization. Richard Feynman, a physicist who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics, presented a discussion in 1959 titled “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom.” This address was the beginning of the New Theory of Physics, which is NT, where he discusses the potential of NT for manipulating matter at the atomic level. In recent years, there has been a significant surge in interest surrounding carbon nanomaterials (CNMs), specifically carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene. These materials have captured the interest of researchers due to their extraordinary characteristics and widespread applications. Utilizing BM as a source shows great potential in creating functional carbon materials (CMs) due to its sustainability, affordability, and high carbon content. Nowadays, CNMs derived from BM have been a popular area of study. Various structures, synthesis techniques, and widespread applications of CNMs have been documented. Thus, this review provides a detailed overview that outlines the latest technological advancements in the fabrication of BM‐derived CMs. It also studies the production of high‐value‐added CNMs from BM and delves into the utilization of BM‐based CNMs as a precursor for textile wastewater treatment. Furthermore, this study also outlines the progress of BM‐derived CNMs in supercapacitors (SCs), sensors, battery electrode materials, fuel cells (FCs), and E‐textiles, showcasing their pivotal role in advancing sustainable technologies for the future.
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Scientific innovators have provided the inhabitants of Earth with a better quality of life. However, sometimes the road to self-destruction is paved with good intentions. Humankind is under existential threat. The burning issue on planet Earth is now the mitigation of climate change and sustaining our lifestyle with less energy, materials, and other factors of production. This chapter aims to guide process designers in treating textile processing wastewater in a less energy-intensive manner with a lower carbon footprint and reusing the wastes that have been rejected in various biological and chemical processes. The second law of thermodynamics explains how much materials or energy are wasted in the transformation processes. The objective is to recover the potential material or energy and reuse it to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Circular economy of wastewater treatment and how waste by-products from textile processing wastewater treatment plants can be turned into value-added components to build sustainability. In this regard, wastewater recycling will be treated substantially by discussing technologies and processes available and the economy—examples of smart operating facilities where wastewater is turned into assets.
Developing smart cities is vital for ensuring sustainable development and improving human well-being. One critical aspect of building smart cities is designing intelligent methods to address various decision-making problems that arise in urban areas. As machine learning techniques continue to advance rapidly, a growing body of research has been focused on utilizing these methods to achieve intelligent urban decision making. In this survey, we conduct a systematic literature review on the application of machine learning methods in urban decision making, with a focus on planning, transportation, and healthcare. First, we provide a taxonomy based on typical applications of machine learning methods for urban decision making. We then present background knowledge on these tasks and the machine learning techniques that have been adopted to solve them. Next, we examine the challenges and advantages of applying machine learning in urban decision making, including issues related to urban complexity, urban heterogeneity and computational cost. Afterward and primarily, we elaborate on the existing machine learning methods that aim to solve urban decision making tasks in planning, transportation, and healthcare, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Finally, we discuss open problems and the future directions of applying machine learning to enable intelligent urban decision making, such as developing foundation models and combining reinforcement learning algorithms with human feedback. We hope this survey can help researchers in related fields understand the recent progress made in existing works, and inspire novel applications of machine learning in smart cities.
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Przemysł odzieżowy, jako jeden z najważniejszych sektorów globalnej gospodarki, charakteryzuje się znacznym wykorzystaniem substancji chemicznych na różnych etapach produkcji tekstyliów, takich jak barwienie, wykańczanie oraz impregnacja. Choć substancje te przyczyniają się do poprawy jakości i funkcjonalności wyrobów, mają one negatywny wpływ na środowisko naturalne, szczególnie w kontekście zanieczyszczenia wód i degradacji ekosystemów. W związku z rosnącą presją na zrównoważony rozwój oraz rosnącą świadomością ekologiczną konsumentów, przemysł odzieżowy zmierza ku bardziej odpowiedzialnym rozwiązaniom. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia przegląd substancji chemicznych stosowanych w produkcji odzieży, omawia ich wpływ na środowisko, a także proponuje alternatywne, ekologiczne technologie, które mogą ograniczyć negatywne skutki działalności tego sektora.
The development of eco-friendly and sustainable nano textile materials has become a crucial response to the environmental problems facing the textile industry as well as the need for increased functionality. This review delves into the history of nano textiles, following advancements from their inception to present-day uses and potential future directions. In the past, the textile industry has struggled with environmental problems such as pollution and overuse of resources. With the use of nanotechnology, textiles can now have better qualities like increased stain resistance, durability, and antibacterial performance. There is currently a major shift toward the integration of eco-friendly nanomaterials, such as biodegradable and bio-based nanoparticles, which support more sustainable production practices. These developments not only address environmental issues but also enhance textile performance, offering attributes like water resistance, UV protection, and self-cleaning capabilities. Future directions are expected to center on refining nanomaterial synthesis, scaling production, and ensuring comprehensive lifecycle sustainability. Emerging trends, such as smart functionalities and circular economy approaches, are anticipated to further revolutionize the industry. This review summarizes previous accomplishments, assesses recent innovations, and identifies future research opportunities to advance the field of green nano textiles.
Colours are the most important component of the textile and printing industries. These industries use different types of colouring materials to give attractive colours to clothes and prints. These colouring agents are called dyes. These dyes can be natural or synthetic. As natural dyes are present in limited colours and amounts, demand for synthetic dyes has increased many folds in recent years. Their use has increased because these are available in many colours at a reasonable price. These dyes are used in all the sectors of textile dyeing and printing industries. The natural dyes were nontoxic and harmless to human and the environment. But synthetic dyes are toxic and hazardous to the human and the environment. The pollution caused by dyes is called dye pollution. The effluents from dying and printing industries may contain toxic compounds like sulphur, nitrates, acids, heavy metals, and other materials which are used as colouring agents during the process. These dyes and colouring agents are released into water and are the major cause of high level water pollution. Printing inks contain heavy metals like titanium oxide, chromate, and iron which can cause groundwater pollution. Textile industries not only cause water pollution, but they also cause air pollution, noise, and thermal pollution. Dying and printing industries produce various gases like CO2, NO2, SO2, etc. in high amounts causing air pollution. Because of high thermal and photostability, dyes remain for a longer duration in the environment and cause harmful effects on humans and other organisms. Effects of dye pollution may include cancer, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, and eye irritation. Dye pollution can be mitigated by using modern techniques which may include physical, chemical, and biological treatments using absorbents.
Large effluents including harmful pollutants like personal care products, surfactants, dyes, heavy metals, pesticides, industrial, and pharmaceuticals from agricultural, as well as the resources of the municipal into the water streams have damaged the world's water supply. Water contamination and its management have become a growing problem throughout the world. In current years, the extraordinary efforts were been undertaken for addressing the difficulties associated with wastewater treatment. For the treatment of wastewater, a number of approaches, including chemical ones like electrochemical oxidation and Fenton oxidation, the physical ones such as membrane filtration and adsorption, as well as many biological ones, were been recognized. In order to eliminate diverse water contaminants, this abstract conveys insights into the current research advancements in various treatment strategies. Research holes have also been found in a variety of approaches to comprehending critical elements that are crucial for large- or pilot-scale systems. On the basis of this analysis, it may be concluded that, among all other technologies now in use, adsorption is a straightforward, long-term, affordable, and environmentally beneficial method for treating wastewater. The integrated process still requires additional study and development, optimization, and practical application for a variety of applications.
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Foreword This second volume of the Guide contains a series of worksheets designed to aid the industry in conducting an assessment of their performance and identifying areas where savings can be made by implementing a waste minimisation programme. These worksheets were developed as a result of a number of waste minimisation audits undertaken by the Pollution Research Group within the textile industry. It was felt that if there was a standard set of worksheets specific for textile processing, it would simplify the process of data collection and analysis, and aid in identifying areas for improvement. Consequently, a two year project, funded by the Water Research Commission, was initiated to develop these worksheets. An attempt has been made to present as complete a set of worksheets as possible to cover the majority of aspects relating to wet textile processing. In addition, they have been field tested by a number of students, peer reviewed by academics and industrialists, and modified accordingly. This does not imply that the worksheets are rigid in structure and they should be altered as required for individual needs. Any suggestions to improve the guide would be welcomed by the authors which in part, is the reason for the worksheets being presented in a ring-bound file to enable easy updating. Please use the form provided at the back of this volume for your comments. We trust that these worksheets will be a useful tool for the textile industry to undertake a self-assessment of their performance and set goals for improvements.
Ever-tightening regulations on releases to the environment have become a major business factor for the chemical industry. The Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) effluent guidelines have required many manufacturing sites to expand or upgrade their wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) at considerable cost. Du Pont has recognized the need to shift the emphasis from “end-of-pipe” treatment to waste reduction and elimination at the process source. The Du Pont Belle, West Virginia plant is implementing a program to comply with the OCPSF effluent guidelines by reducing the organic waste load to the WWTP, with secondary emphasis on upgrading the facility for more efficient treatment. This program will reduce the WWTP load by 50%, control priority pollutants at their source and minimize future shock loads from nine processes. This approach will save over $7 million of the investment that would have been required if the effluent reductions were achieved only from WWTP modifications. BOD loads have been reduced to date by over 40% and forecast permit exceedances have dropped from 19 to 2 since 1987. Other anticipated benefits of the waste minimization program are reduced sludge production and volatile organic emissions, as well as greatly improved product yield in one process.
The textile industry is one of the leading sectors in Turkey in terms of economic development. This industry has a variable structure concerning water consumption, raw materials and chemicals used during manufacturing and technologies applied. The dynamic profile of the sector affects the wastewater characterization leading to non-standardized wastewater treatment technologies. In this study, the influent and effluent streams of nine wastewater treatment plants of woven and knit fabric finishing industry were analyzed. The investigated parameters, including BOD5, COD, total nitrogen, phosphorus and others, were compared with the current legislative limiting values.
Treatment of woven and knit fabric finishing mills effluent and treatment cost
  • Y Sahin
Sahin, Y. 1996. Treatment of woven and knit fabric finishing mills effluent and treatment cost. MSc. thesis, Istanbul : Istanbul Technical University.
Discharge Standards for Sewere System Discharges for Industrial Wastewaters
  • Iski
ISKI. 1994. Discharge Standards for Sewere System Discharges for Industrial Wastewaters, The Official State Bulletin, No: 18340. Istanbul.
Turkish Textile and Apparel Industry, General Secretariat of ITKIB
  • Itkib
ITKIB. 1995. Turkish Textile and Apparel Industry, General Secretariat of ITKIB, Research Development and Legislation Department, Istanbul, 16 pp.
Treatment of wowen and knit fabric finishing mills effluent
  • S Ucar
Ucar, S. 1995. Treatment of wowen and knit fabric finishing mills effluent. MSc. thesis, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University.