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Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry and Its Clinical Application


Abstract and Figures

The implants for fixation of proximal femur fractures and joint replacements have been designed taking into consideration of the anthropometry of the western population which vary from other ethnic groups. The present study aimed to study the morphology of the upper end of femur in relation to its various diameters and angles and compare the external and internal geometry of proximal femur as obtained from radiographs, with actual measurements on cadaveric specimens in Indian population. Seventy five pairs (150 bones) of cadaveric femora were studied morphologically and radiologically using standardized techniques to obtain various anthropometrics measurements. These values were compared with those reported in the literature for Hong Kong Chinese, Caucasian, Chinese and Western populations. Data were found to be quite different from them. It is proposed that implants designed for Western populations should be used judiciously and future implants be designed to match the morphology of the Indian bones.
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Operations on the proximal femur are
one of the commonest in orthopaedic surgical
practice. The aim of these operations is to
remove pathology and restore anatomy to the
normal, as far as possible. The implants for
fixation of proximal femur fractures and joint
replacements have been designed taking into
consideration of the anthropometry of the
western population which vary from other ethnic
groups (1, 2). The standard commercially
available marketed prostheses sometimes may
not be the best fit to all subjects because of the
large anatomic variation among different
populations (2). The osteological parameters of
the proximal femur are very important for the
design of suitably sized prostheses of total hip
replacement (THR), especially for cementless
implantation (3). Orthopaedic surgeons always
stress the need for a proper implant-patient
match in hip joint replacements to avoid post-
operative complication of mismatch which may
affect the outcome of the operation (2).
Whereas what is normal has been
standardized for Caucasians and Chinese (4-6),
data for Indians are lacking. Since build,
physique, habits and genetic make up vary
markedly in different ethnic groups, it is possible
Ann Natl Acad Med Sci (India), 54(4): 203-215, 2018
Correspondence: Dr. Ramchander Siwach, Senior Professor and Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India. Email :
COL. SANGHAM LAL MEMORIAL ORATION delivered during the NAMSCON 2018 held at the
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry.
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
and Its Clinical Application
Ramchander Siwach
Department of Orthopaedics,
Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS,
Rohtak, Haryana, India.
The implants for fixation of proximal femur fractures and joint replacements have been designed taking
into consideration of the anthropometry of the western population which vary from other ethnic
groups. The present study aimed to study the morphology of the upper end of femur in relation to its
various diameters and angles and compare the external and internal geometry of proximal femur as
obtained from radiographs, with actual measurements on cadaveric specimens in Indian population.
Seventy five pairs (150 bones) of cadaveric femora were studied morphologically and radiologically
using standardized techniques to obtain various anthropometrics measurements. These values were
compared with those reported in the literature for Hong Kong Chinese, Caucasian, Chinese and
Western populations. Data were found to be quite different from them. It is proposed that implants
designed for Western populations should be used judiciously and future implants be designed to match
the morphology of the Indian bones.
Keywords: Anthropometry, proximal femur, cadaveric, Indian population.
Published online: 2020-05-09
that anthropometric dimensions described as
normal for proximal end femur for Westerners
might be quite different from those encountered
amongst Indians. The present study was
conducted with aim to remove the lacuna of
information about proximal femoral geometry in
Indian people and evaluate its impact on implant
design. The present study aimed to investigate
the morphology of the upper end of femur in
relation to its various diameters and angles and
compare the external and internal geometry of
proximal femur as obtained from radiographs,
with actual measurements o n cadav e r i c
specimens. The clinical application of the
various geometric data, with the implants
available, for osteosynthesis of the upper end of
the femur and hip arthroplasty was also studied.
Materials and Methods
The study was conducted on 150 adult
cadaveric femora (Fig. 1). Specimens that
showed osseous pathology or previous fractures
were excluded from the study. With the help of
forensic expert these 150 adult cadaveric femora
were differentiated into male and female femora,
and their approximate age was determined. We
did study on femora of adult group (age
ap pro xim ate ly be twe en 20 -80 ye ar s) .
Roentgenograms of 75 pairs of near identical
specimen were taken in antero-posterior and
lateral views using a precise standardized
The specimens were placed directly over
the cassette so the magnification would be
insignificant. The distance between the X-ray
source and the film was 1.2 m and the beam was
centered on the lesser trochanter with the femur
lying in neutral rotation. For lateral view without
moving the femur, the X-ray source was rotated
through 90° in the vertical plane, the distance
between the source and the film remaining the
same. Then the femur was kept on a sponge of
the 2 feet length, 10" breadth and 8" height; the
X-ray cassette was kept touching the femur, with
one technician holding the cassette after wearing
a lead apron. But on these lateral views the whole
neck profile was not clear due to superimposition
of greater trochanter. So to avoid this problem
we kept the femur directly on the cassette in frog
leg view position holding the condyles of the
femur. In this view the neck profile of femur was
Morphological Study
The standard extracortical and endosteal
dim e ns i on s were de t er m in e d by dir e ct
measurement of cadaveric specimens. These
measurements were done with the help of
vernier caliper and goniometer (Fig. 2). With the
help of vernier caliper we measured femoral
head diameter, femoral head length, effective
neck length, femoral neck diameter and canal
width 20 mm above lesser trochanter, at level of
lesser trochanter and 20 mm below lesser
trochanter. With the help of goniometer neck
shaft angle and angle of anteversion were
a) Femoral head diameter: The distance
between the two extreme points of head was
b) Femoral head length: Radius of femoral
head is not equal superiorly and inferiorly
due to its placement (Fig. 3):
(i) Maximum femoral head length - From the
center of the femoral head to the periphery of
femoral head along the articular cartilage
border where it is maximum (superior);
(ii) Minimum femoral head length - From
the center of femoral head to the periphery of
204 Ramchander Siwach
Fig. 1: Cadaveric femora of 150 adults.
Fig. 2: Showing various extra cortical
dimensions in cadaveric femur and instruments
used for various measurements.
Fig. 3: Showing femoral head length in superior
and inferior quadrant in cadaveric femur.
Fig. 4: Showing variations in angles of
anteversion in cadaveric femur.
Fig. 5: Anatomical representation and
radiographic measurement on femoral
femoral head along the articular cartilage
border where it is minimum (inferior).
c) E f fectiv e neck length: (i) M a x imum
effective neck length - The length of neck
where it is maximum was measured along
the calcar (inferior); (ii) Minimum effective
neck length - The length of neck where it is
minimum was measured (superior).
d) Neck diameter: (i) Anteroposterior neck
diameter - The distance between the two
extreme points in middle of neck from the
center point of intertrochanteric line to base
of head in anteroposterior plane was
meas u re d ; ( ii) Sup e ri o inf e rio r neck
diameter - The distance between the two
extreme poi nts in middle of ne ck in
supe r i oin f eri o r p l ane was meas u red
(saggital plane).
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
Anatomical characteristics in millimeters measured on the anteropos terior
Reference axis system
O: Center of the lesser trochanter (origin of the axis system)
X: Horizontal axis through O on anteroposterior view
Y: Horizontal axis through O on lateral view
Z: Vertical axis through O on the anteroposterior and lateral Views.
A: Femoral head offset
B: Femoral head diameter
C: Femoral head position
D: Canal width, 20 mm above the
lesser trochanter
E: Canal width, at the level of the
lesser trochanter
F: Canal width, 20 mm below
the lesser trochanter
G: Endosteal width, at the
H: Extracortical width, at the
I: Isthmus position
J: Neck-shaft angle (degrees).
of femur 3 cm above isthmus and third point was
marked at the center of femur 3 cm below
isthmus, a line connecting these 3 points was
drawn and extended upwards and downwards.
With the help of scale we measured
femoral head offset, femoral head diameter,
femoral head position, neck diameter, canal
width 20 mm above lesser trochanter, canal
width at level of lesser trochanter, canal width
20 mm below lesser trochanter, endosteal width
at the isthmus and extracortical width at the
isthmus and isthmus position.
a) Femoral head offset: The distance between
the center of head of femur and vertical axis
drawn on femur.
b) Femoral head diameter: Two points were
marked at the maximum distance on the head
and the distance between the two was
c) Femoral head position: It is the distance
between the center of head and the horizontal
line drawn throu g h c e nter of l esse r
d) Neck diameter: The width of the narrowest
portion of the neck was measured.
e) Canal width, 20 mm above lesser trochanter:
Two points were marked 20 mm above the
lesser trochanter at maximum intracortical
area and the distance between them was
f) Canal width at level of lesser trochanter:
Two points were marked at the level of lesser
trochanter at maximum intracortical area
and t he d ista n c e b e twee n them was
g) Canal width 20 mm below lesser trochanter:
Two points were marked 20 mm below the
lesser trochanter at maximum intracortical
area and the distance between them was
h) En d o steal w idth a t th e ist h m us: The
narrowest portion of the medullary canal is
e) C an al wi dth , 2 0 m m a b ov e l e ss e r
trochanter: It was marked with a sketch pen
20 mm above and parallel to the horizontal
axis passing through the center of lesser
f) Canal width at level of lesser trochanter: A
horizontal line was drawn through the center
of lesser trochanter on anterior side.
g) Extracortical width 20 mm below lesser
trochanter: It was marked with a sketch pen
20 mm below and parallel to the horizontal
axis passing through the center of lesser
h) Neck shaft angle: Center of head of femur
was marked. Then mid point of the neck was
marked by measuring the width of the
narrowest portion of the neck and dividing
by two. The line from center of the head of
femur through the center of the neck was
drawn. A line through the centre of the
diaphysis of the femur was drawn. These
two lines intersected each other. The angle
between the two was measured.
i) Angle of anteversion: The center of the neck
between its anterior and posterior surfaces
was determined at two different points on the
neck, as viewed from above. A line was
drawn connecting these two points (Fig. 4).
The femur was placed on a smooth level,
horizontal surface so that it rested on three
points, namely, the posterior aspect of the
two femoral condyles and the posterior
aspect of the greater trochanter. The
goniometer was placed on the block of wood
on which femur was rested. One arm of
goniometer was opened and rotated till it
was corresponding to the line connecting 2
center points marked on the neck of femur.
The angle thus formed was read directly
from goniometer, the eye kept on a level with
the axis of the neck.
Radiological Study
A center point was marked at the level of
isthmus. Second point was marked at the center
206 Ramchander Siwach
called isthmus. Two points were marked at
this level at maximum intracortical area and
the distance between them was measured.
i) Extracortical width at the isthmus: Two
points were marked at the above level at the
maximum extracortical area and the distance
between them was measured.
j) Isthmus position: The distance between the
isthmus and the center of lesser trochanter
was measured.
k) Neck shaft angle: Center of head was
marked. The mid point of the neck was
located by measuring the width of the
narrowest portion of the neck and dividing
by two. The line connecting the center of
head of femur through the center of the neck
was drawn and extended to meet the vertical
axis marked on femur. The angle formed
between these two lines was measured by
l) Canal flare index (CFI): It is defined as the
ratio of the intracortical width of the femur at
a point 20 mm proximal to the lesser
trochanter to that at the medullary isthmus,
allowing us to classify the femur into three
general shapes: Normal, Stove pipe and
Champagne flute.
Various anatomical representation and
radiological measurement parameters are well
depicted in Fig. 5.
Clinical Correlation
The implants used for osteosynthesis and
arthroplasty were inserted in these bones, as
described in their respective operative steps. The
operations performed were dynamic hip screw,
dynamic condylar screw, cancellous screws, and
b la d e p l at e b ot h 95 ° a n d 1 3 0° , f or
osteosynthesis, and femoral endoprosthesis for
arthroplasty. In the cases of femoral arthroplasty
the clina clay was used as cement to assess the
cement mantle. After performing operations
these bones were examined morphologically as
well as radiologically as described above.
The comparison was done of both
radiological and morphological measurements
of le ngths, diamet ers and angles. T hese
parameters were correlated with the lengths,
diameter and angles of standard implants
available in the market for fixation of fracture
trochanter, fracture neck femur and arthroplasty
of hip. The standardization of the implants have
been done taking into account that the present
parameters of implants are acceptable in western
bone mass, the percentage of volume occupied
by these i m p lants in western b o n e was
co mpared, by the percen tage of v olume
occupied by these implants in our femoral bone.
And taking these as standard, modifications in
implants size will be suggested in accordance to
the anthropometric study of our race femora.
Table 1 shows the average values of the
mor p h o l o g ical pa r a m e t e rs stud i e d , their
standard deviation, minimum and maximum
values and Table 2 shows the radiological aspect
of all the morphological measurements. Table 3
shows comparison with Western and Asian
(Chinese and Caucasians in Hong Kong). The
volume of implants in the femoral head was
calculated using d /4 x l where d is diameter of
femoral head and l is length of implant [l =2/3 d-
10 mm (subchondral bone left)]. Table 4 depicts
the percentage of femoral head volume occupied
by various implants in different populations.
Cr o s s -sectional area of fe m oral n e c k is
calculated by Formula p d /4 (d = diameter).
Table 5 represents the percentage of cross-
sectional area of neck p d /4 occupied by various
implants in different populations.
There are considerable variations in the
fe m oral g e ometry of p o p ulations across
different geographical locations and ethnic
groups (3). Implants for fixation of proximal
femur fractures have been designed taking into
consideration of the anthropometry of the
western population which varies from those of
other ethnic groups (1). Similarly the standard
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
Table 2: Radiological measurements
Average Minimum
(mm) Maximum
(mm) Standard
Femoral head offset
38 29 47 5.52
Femoral head diameter
43.53 38 49 3.40
Femoral head position
50.15 41 62 4.80
Neck diameter
29.5 24 35 3.19
Canal width, 20
mm above lesser
43.5 33 53 4.37
Canal width at level of lesser
23.8 18 30 3.20
Canal width 20
mm below lesser
trochanter 75
16.57 12 21 1.99
Endosteal width at the isthmus 75 10.11 6 15 1.90
Extracortical width at the
isthmus 75
24.42 20 30 2.54
Isthmus position 75 112.92 87 128 10.58
Neck shaft angle (°) 75 123° 118° 140° 4.29
208 Ramchander Siwach
Standard deviation
Femoral head diameter 150 43.95 35.4 50.0 3.06
Femoral head length
Maximum (superiorly)
24.4 49.2 4.11
Minimum (inferiorly)
16.0 36.5 4.26
Effective neck length
Maximum (superiorly)
150 37.23
26.5 50.5 4.65
Minimum (inferiorly)
16.3 39.2 3.65
Neck diameter
18.7 34.4 2.94
23.3 40.9 2.91
Extracortical width, 20mm
above lesser trochanter
39.7 63 4.81
Extracortical width at
level of lesser trochanter
29.8 52.6 4.67
Extracortical width 20mm
below lesser trochanter
150 30.70 22.1 36.6 3.13
Neck shaft angle (°) 150 123.5° 114° 136° 4.34
Angle of anteversion (°)
36° 7.92
Table 1: Morphological measurements
Table 4: Percentage of femoral head volume occupied by various implants in different races
Different studies
3 Cancellous
3 Acinis
screws 2 Garden
screws DHS
6.99 6.88 7.44 4.39
7.38 7.26 7.85 4.64
Asian (Hongkong
7.89 7.76 8.39 4.96
7.24 7.11 7.69 4.55
Our study
7.52 7.39 7.99 4.72
Table 5: Percentage of cross sectional area of neck occupied by various implants
12.77 14.81 14.56 15.75 9.31
15.07 17.48 17.18 18.58 10.98
15.72 18.23 17.92 19.38 11.45
Different studies
3 Cancellous
3 Acinis
screws 2 Garden
screws DHS
Asian (Hongkong
Our study
Average Dimensions
(Indian) Western
(Chinese) (5)
Femoral head offset
38 43
Femoral head diameter
43.53 46.1 46 45
Femoral head volume (mm )
29618.55 34181.41 30744.48 26782.67
Length of implant in femoral head (mm)
19.3 20.73 19.67 18.33
Femoral head position
50.15 51.6
Neck diameter
29.5 33 31
Canal width, 20mm above lesser trochanter
43.5 45.4
Canal width at level of lesser trochanter
23.8 29.4
Canal width 20mm below lesser trochanter
16.57 20.9
Endosteal width at the isthmus
Extracortical width at the isthmus
Isthmus position
Neck shaft angle (°)
124.7° 136°
Angle of anteversion (°)
Cross-sectional area of femoral neck (mm ) 633 778.92 660.12
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Table 3: Comparison of measurements with other groups
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
commercially available marketed prostheses
sometimes may not be the best fit to Indian
patients because of the large anatomic variation
(7). So the present study aimed to report
proximal femoral geometry in Indian population
and evaluate its impact on implant design.
In our ethnic race on radiological
measurement average femoral head offset was
38 mm as compared to 43 mm in western
literature. Similarly femoral head diameter in
present study was 43.53 mm as compared to 46.1
mm in western literature. This shows that our
skeleton is smaller than the western one. So in
consideration of clinical importance of this
parameter we shall have to think of smaller
implants for osteosynthesis and may be a smaller
size of endoprosthesis in few of our bones,
especially in females. This dimension is also of
clinical significance in acetabular cup size and
t h e n u m b er o f s cr ew s t o b e u se d i n
osteosynthesis of fracture neck of femur. In our
set up smaller acetabular cup and lesser number
of screws and smaller implants as DHS, DCS
and blade plates need to be designed. As there is
difference between the size and shape of the
proximal femur of our race and western race
with respect to canal width at different levels,
hence the implants made according to western
race do not fit accurately in our bones. There has
to be a close match between the dimensions of
the femur and the implant prosthesis. Similarly
on radiological measurement the average
intramedullary width of isthmus in our race was
10 .11 mm (ma ximum being 15 mm and
minimum being 6 mm) as compared to12.3 mm
in western literature (maximum being 18.5 and
minimum being 8 mm). There is marked
difference between the two races in this
parameter. This parameter is of immense
importance in choosing the right size of the stem
of e nd o pr o st h es i s and the di am e te r of
intramedullary nails because this parameter is
much less in our race as compared to western
race. On radiological measurement in our race
average neck shaft angle was 123° (maximum
being 140° and minimum being 118°). In
western literature average neck shaft angle was
124.7°, maximum being 154.5° and minimum
being 105.7°. In Caucasian male average is 136°
with maximum being 161° and minimum 120°.
In Caucasian female average is 133° with
maximum being 145° and minimum 115°. This
dimension is of significance in angled implants
such DCS, DHS, blade plate. This angle being
lesser in our race, we should prefer implants of
lesser angle to avoid their superior cut through in
the femoral head and neck. On radiological
measurement femoral head position average was
50.15 mm in the present study as compared to
51.6 mm in western population. There is no
significant difference between the two, probably
because there is not much difference between
neck shaft angle of our and western race.
The percentage of cross-sectional area of
neck occupied by three cancellous screws of 6.5
mm in the neck is 12.77% in Caucasian as
compared to 15.72% in our study. Therefore, the
volume of bone mass replaced by metal is more
in our patients as compared to counterpart in
west. The percentage of femoral head volume
occupied by three cancellous screws is 6.48% in
our study as compared to 6.37% and 6.03%, in
Caucasian and western, respectively. So, the
chances of union reduce when 3 lag screws of
6.5 mm diameter each are inserted in the already
compromised head and neck of the femur,
especially in females. Therefore, it is advisable
to put only two screws in place of three. In case
we need to put 3 cancellous screws, one should
be put as a cantilever along the superior border of
the neck, which will hold only in the trochanter
and the head. If we reduce the thread diameter of
cancellou s screws to 6.0 mm t h e n , th e
percentage of femoral head volume occupied by
three cancellous screws in our race becomes
5.52% which is nearly ideal for our race. The
main hold of the screw threads is in the head of
the femur. The head length is more in the
superior part, the average is 36.9 mm as
compared to the inferior part where the average
is 25.5 mm. The cancellous screws are available
in 16 mm and 32 mm thread length. Considering
these parameters the screw thread, especially the
32 mm thread length, will not cross the fractured
210 Ramchander Siwach
site in subcapital and transcervical fracture neck
of the femur which is the prime requisite for
union. Regarding the 16 mm thread length, it
will cross the fracture site in subcapital and
transcervical fracture neck femur in normal head
which has reasonably adequate head length
superiorly. In the central and superior area there
is otherwise ample space available for a good
hold. Therefore, in adults, subcapital and
transcervical fractures, the 32 mm thread length,
6.5 mm or 7 mm cancellous screws should
preferably not be used. The 16 mm thread length
hold is good if they are passed through the center
of the neck or in the superior quadrant. In the
inferior area the head length is small and if the 5-
10 mm subchondral area is left, as recommended
the chances of the threaded portion crossing the
fracture site is minimal even with 16 mm
threaded screws. Therefore, accuracy is of prime
importance regarding the length of the screws as
the margin of error is less.
The percentage of femoral head volume
occupied by DHS is 7.99%, 7.69%, 8.39%,
7.85% and 7.44% in present study, Indian
counterpart, Asian, Caucasian and western
studies, respectively. Similarly percentage of
cross-sectional area of neck occupied by DHS in
our study is 19.38%, Asians 18.58% and
Caucasian 15.75%. The compression of bone in
the head and replacement of bone mass by metal
produces a tamponade effect in head which has a
large bearing on nonunion and avascular
necrosis; which are the key complications of
fracture neck of femur. Secondly, there are two
kinds of barrels in DHS, long and short ones with
length of 38 mm and 25 mm respectively, with
the outer diameter of 12.6 mm each. So while
using this kind of barrel, one has to be
considerate in accordance with the fracture line,
otherwise the barrel will be longer. This will
further occupy more space upto the longer
portion along with the neck length and will not
allow the controlled collapse. In our study the
average neck length is 32 mm and only the short
barrel should be used, because in using a long
barrel there is always a danger of barrel crossing
t h e f ra ct u re si te , t h er eb y p r ev en t in g
compression at the fracture site and controlled
collapse thereafter. Thirdly the thread length of
the DHS screw is 22 mm, with the outer diameter
of 12.5 mm, and shaft diameter of 8 mm. To put
the 12.5 mm screw we have to tap for 12.5 mm
which takes out a lot of bone mass both from the
neck and the head. The head length in our series
varies from 25.5 mm to 36.9 mm and for proper
purchase of DHS screw 5-10 mm subchondral
bone is to be left, resulting thereby that screw
thread which is 22 mm in DHS will not cross the
fracture site in subcapital fractures. Lastly in our
study, the neck shaft angle was found to be 123°
(average radiologically), though ranging from
118° to 140°. DHS is available in angles starting
from 135° to 150° at the difference of 5°. From
the above information it appears that the 135°
angle is more and hence chances of the superior
cut through of the implant are more. Otherwise
one has to make the entry point at such a level on
the lateral side of trochanteric area so that the tip
of screw lies in the center or posteroinferior
quadrant of the head. To achieve this valgus
osteotomy will be needed simultaneously for a
better approximation of femoral shaft with the
plate, and thereby achieving an undesirable
overall coxa valga in comparison to contralateral
hip which may result in limb length discrepancy
and avascular necrosis of head of femur. We
conclude that for the Indian patients, the implant
size should be reduced to 11.5 mm in place of
12.5 mm, then the cross-sectional area occupied
in the neck will be 16.40% and the percentage of
femoral head volume occupied will reduce to
6.76%, which are within the desirable limits.
This should be done even with compromising
the strength of the implant, to have better
biology, which is the key factor for union and
vascularity. The threaded portion should also be
reduced from 22 mm to 15 mm, and the implant
should also be available in 120°, 125° and 130°
in accordance with our patients requirement.
Also we should always procure the X-rays of
both the hips to achieve same neck shaft angle
peroperatively as it varies from person to person.
Regarding the diameter and thread length
parameters, same is true with DCS screw but its
angle is acceptable.
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
In the present study, the CFI varies
from 2.75 to 8.5. Depending on the CFI, the
shape of the medullary canal, the normal canal
type is 50%, champagne-fluted canal type in
38.46% and stovepipe canal type in 7.69%, and
in a few cases do not fit in any of the types
described above. The implants available are in
variable lengths, ranging from 126 mm to 174
mm, with distal width ranging from 7 mm to 11
mm and anteroposterior thickness ranging from
6 mm to 8.5 mm. Our isthmus position ranges
from 87 mm to 128 mm (average 112.92 mm)
and the endosteal diameter at the level of isthmus
varies from 6 mm to 15 mm (average 10.11 mm).
Therefore, in the Indian patients only smaller
prostheses are used, and in case of thin and lean
patients (especially of younger age group) even
CDH implants are good enough. At a distance of
20 mm above the l esser t r ochanter, th e
anteroposterior canal width was found to differ
by 45.4%, when compared with a French
population which can affect the mechanical
stability of femoral stem (8). We recommend
endoprosthesis having length ranging from 100
mm to 150 mm, distal width from 6 mm to 11mm
and anteroposterior thickness from 5.5 mm to 8
mm . T he i n ci de nc e o f i n tr aop er at iv e
complications like splintering and fractures
ranges from 4% to 21% (9-11). These are due to
over-sized implants available that have been
ma nu fa ct ur e d b as ic al ly w i th we ste rn
parameters. Most femoral stems are designed to
extend to the isthmus of medullary canal, so that
the component is stable and there is a 2 mm
cement mantle around it. Therefore, only smaller
sized implant, both in length as well as in
thickness, with straight and polished stem, are
preferred. To achieve these conditions the
manufacturers should reduce the geometric
measurements of endoprosthesis but at the same
time should not compromise on strength of
implant. Another important point in total hip
arthroplasty is restoration of original position of
the center of head along with the limb length
equality and the restoration of the original
balance of abductors (6). For this purpose
femoral components are available in a long
range of neck lengths for each separate stem size.
To have a good muscle balance and limb length,
the head offset is an essential component. There
are various implants available with variable
offsets ranging from 32.8 mm to 50 mm. In our
study the head offset ranges from 29 mm to 47
mm (average 38 mm), hence in our patients 37.5
mm to 44 mm head offsets are suitable. So the
clinical result of the above observations made in
relation to the medullary canal geometry is, that
the implant needs to be designed on the basis of
anthropometric data available, along with other
factors like age, sex and the environment, etc.
This will minimise the preoperative and
postoperative complications involved in total
hip arthroplasty, although for a perfect match
each implant needs to be customised.
Some other authors have also reported
the assessment of geometry of proximal femur in
In d ia n p op ul at io n a nd hav e sug g es te d
modifications in implants. Pathrot et al (1)
advocated certain modifications in the presently
available short cephalomedullary nail designs
for them to better fit the anatomy of our subset of
population: (a) two nails of 125° and 135°; (b)
the medio-lateral angle at the level of 65 mm
from the tip of the nail; (c) two femoral neck
screw placements (35 and 45 mm from the tip of
the nail); and (d) five different sizes of distal
width for better fit in canal (9-13 mm). Maji et al
also found variations in the morphology of the
proximal femur between the Indian population
and that of other countries, and advocated the
need for standardizing THR implant sizes for the
Indian population, especially for cementless
implantation (3). Rawal et al observed a
difference of 16.8% in the femoral head offset
between Indian and Swiss populations, which
can affect soft tissue tension and range of motion
(7). Maheshwari et al also reported that when
compared with the Western data, the femoral
neck anteversion values were 3-12 degrees
lower and the combined anteversion values were
3-5 degrees lower in Indian adults (11). The
a c e t ab ul um a n t e v e rs io n v a l u e s w e r e
comparable, but were skewed towards the higher
side (11). But Saikia et al observed that the neck
shaft angle and the femoral neck anteversion in
212 Ramchander Siwach
Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
Presently available
Our recommendations
Cancellous screw
Thread diameter 6.5
Thread diameter 6
Thread length 16
mm, 32
Thread length 16
Acinis screw
Thread diameter 7
Thread diameter 6.5
Thread length 16
mm, 32
Thread length 16
Garden screw
Thread diameter 8.5
Thread diameter 8
DHS screw
Thread diameter 12.5 mm
Thread diameter 11.5 mm
Thread length 22
Thread length 15
Barrel short and long
Barrel short
Angles 135° to 150°
(at difference of 5°)
Angles 120° to 150°
(at difference of 5°)
Blade plate
‘U’ profile 6.5x16 mm
‘U’ profile 6.5x12.5
Angles 95° and 130°
Angles 95°, 120°, 125° and 130°
Gamma nail
Standard Gamma nail
Modified by Leung et al1
Mediolateral angle-10°
Mediolateral angle 4°
Length 200
Length 180
Diameter of distal shaft
mm, 14
mm and 16
Diameter of distal shaft 11
mm and
and 12
This modified nail is also suitable to
our race femora
Length 126
mm to 174
mm Length 100 mm to 150 mm
Distal width 7
mm to 11
mm Distal width 6
mm to 11 mm
Anteroposterior thickness 6 mm to
8.5 mm Anteroposterior thickness 5.5 mm
to 8
Modularity up to 10
mm Modularity up to 15
Head offset 32.8 mm to 50
mm Head offset 37.5 mm to 44 mm
Stem type –
-Banana shape
-Rough and grooved
-Flat back
cross section
-Trapezoidal and diamond shaped
Stem type –
Polished, straight and trappered
collarless stem is preferred.
Table 6: Our recommendations for implant dimensions
individuals of North eastern region of India was
5-6 degrees more than the western literature
Anthropometric studies for proximal
femur in ethnic groups other than western
population have reported significant differences.
Pi et al reported that Chinese proximal femoral
parameters are significantly different from
Westerners (13). Compared with Westeners, the
offset was smaller, while the neck shaft angle
was significantly larger in Chinese population
(13). Most parameters of the proximal femoral
medullary cavity diameter were significantly
smaller in Chinese population than those in
Westerners (13). Atilla et al reported osteometry
of the femora in Turkish individuals (14). They
observed diverse features of femoral geometry
in Turkish individuals compared to Western
populations and advocated that these differences
should be taken into account in the design and
development of hip prostheses (14).
The observations in the present study
have profound implications. Not only are
western implants large in size, their angles, and
orientations and thread length also mismatch
Indian femora. Implants designed for western
skeletons occupy much more space in the Indian
femoral head and neck. A certain subset of Indian
femora does not have any implant available to
them as they are too small. Furthermore, a
shorter neck length implies that the threads of
cancellous or Garden screws used to fix neck
fractures may not cross the fracture site thereby
failing to provide compression and thus
defeating the whole purpose of the surgery. If
too much bone is replaced by metal a tamponade
effect can ensue that may cause avascularity of
fe m o ral he a d, co n sequently resulting in
nonunion of neck fractures and/or AVN. Since
our heads are smaller, the threads of screws often
fail to cross the fracture of neck of femur
especially if the fracture is sub capital and the
screw placement in the inferior quadrant of head.
This means we must have screws with shorter
thread lengths. In thin built and short individuals
the neck may not have space enough to occupy
the three 6.5 mm screws recommended for
fixation of neck fractures. A smaller neck shaft
angle implies that a DHS inserted through the
classical entry portal using angled guide will
either go into the superior quadrant or pull the
fracture in valgus both of which are undesirable.
We probably require DHS with smaller angles.
Our recommendations for different implants are
shown in Table 6.
The implication s of the s t u dy on
a r t hr o p l a s t y o p e r a ti o n s c a n n o t b e
overemphasized as these are designed to
reproduce the normal anatomy as far as possible.
Orthopaedic surgeons always stress the need for
a proper implant-patient match in hip joint
replacements, in particular, for a cementless
fem o r a l st e m (7) . T h e co m p l ications of
mismatch are aseptic loosening, improper load
distribution, and discomfort (7). The clinical
symptoms are due to the bone implant mismatch,
which result in micromotion. There are studies,
which highlight that these micromotions should
be reduced to 14 micra or less, to prevent
osteolysis and aseptic loosening (5). We agree
with Roy et al that improved knowledge of the
morphology of the proximal femora will assist
the surgeon in restoring the geometry of the
proximal femur during total hip arthroplasty and
the data could be used as a guideline to design a
more suitable implant for Eastern Indian
population (2).
1. Pathrot D, Ul Haq R, Aggarwal AN, Nagar
M, Bhatt S (2016). Assessment of the
geometry of proximal femur for short
cephallomedullary nail placement : an
observational study in dry femora and
living subjects. Indian J Orthop 50(3): 269-
2. Roy S, Kundu R, Medda S, Gupta A,
Nanrah BK (2014). Evaluation of proximal
fe m oral geometry in plain anterior-
posterior radiograph in Eastern-Indian
population. J Clin Diagn Res 8(9): AC01-
3. Maji PK, Roychowdhury A, Datta D
214 Ramchander Siwach
(2012). Investigating the morphology of
th e pr o xim al fem ur of th e In d ian
population towards d e s i gning m o r e
suitable THR implants. J Long Term Eff
Med Implants 22(1): 49-64.
4. Hoaglund FT, Low WD (1980). Anatomy
of the femor al neck and head, with
comparative data from Caucasians and
HongKong. Chinese Clin Orthop 152: 10-
5. Reddy VS, Moorthy GVS, Reddy SG
(1999). Do we need a special design of
femoral component of total hip prosthesis
in our patients? Indian J Orthop 33(4): 282-
6. Noble C, Jerry W, Alexander BS, et al
(1988). The anatomical basis of femoral
component design. Clin Orthop Rel Res
235: 148-164.
7. Rawal B, Ribeiro R, Malhotra R, Bhatnagar
N (2012). Anthropometric measurements
to design best-fit femoral stem for the
Indian population. Indian J Orthop 46(1):
8. B o mb el li R , S an to re R F ( 19 84 ).
Cementless isoelastic total hip prosthesis:
prelimin a r y r e p o rt o n th e rst 215
consecutive cases. In: The Cementless
Fixation of Hip Endoprosthesis. Morscher
E, ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 243.
9. Engelhardt A (1984). Casual histogenesis
and biomechanical discoveries as a basis
f o r c e m e n t l e s s x a t i o n o f h i p
endoprosthesis. In: The Cementless
Fixation of Hip Endoprosthesis. Morscher
E, ed. New York: Springer-Verlag.
10. Zweymuller K (1986). A cementless
titanium hip endoprosthesis system based
on press-fit fixation: basic research and
clinical results. Instr Course Lect 35: 203-
11. Maheshwari AV, Zlowodzki MP, Siram G,
Jain AK (2010). Femoral neck anteversion,
acetabular anteversion and combined
anteversion in the normal Indian adult
population: a computed tomographic study.
Indian J Orthop 44(3): 277-282.
12. Saikia KC, Bhuyan SK, Rongphar R
(2008). Anthropometric study of the hip
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computed tomography scan. Indian J
Orthop 42(3): 260-266.
13. Pi Y, Zhao Y, Wang W, He Z, Mao X (2013).
Mea su re m en t of pro xi ma l fem o ra l
morphology and analysis of 500 cases in
Hunan Province. Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue
Bao Yi Xue Ban 38(9): 925-930.
14. Atilla B, Oznur A, Cağlar O, Tokgözoğlu
M, Alpaslan M (2007). Osteometry of the
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Anthropometric Study of Proximal Femur Geometry
... [3,4] Surgical fixation with a properly matched prosthesis plays a crucial role in improving long-term treatment outcomes and preventing post operative complications such as osteolysis with aseptic conditions and may cause improper load distribution, discomfort, micromotion of the implanted stem, and stress shielding. [5] Therefore, the aim of present study is to provide data of head of femur for proper dimensions of implant and prosthesis in arthroplasties of hip joint so that these surgeries are more successful and there will be less chance of complication. Regional and racial variation in parameters of morphometry of proximal head of femur is also present. ...
... Table 3]: Discussion table of different parameters of proximal end of femur Based on research on projection, it was calculated that demand for primary total hip arthroplasties will increase by 174% by 2030. [5] In India also there is many folds increase in total hip arthroplasties during last years. There is also increase in road traffic accident and diseases of hip joint. ...
... If joint fixation with mismatch implants has done then it may cause complications like infection-free detachment, uneven force distribution, uneasiness, slight movement of the inserted stem and bone resorption. [5] Therefore, proper measurements of proximal end of femur can provide better tool for designing implants and prosthesis to decrease postoperative complications and also for promising outcome of surgeries. [6] The present study revealed vertical diameter (40.89±4.26mm) is less than the study of Kamath SU et al, [7] (44.80±4.20 mm) but it is comparable to studies of Minakshi Verma et al, [3] (42.32±4.11mm) ...
Background: The femur has a proximal end, shaft, and distal end. The proximal end consists of the head, neck, and greater and lesser trochanter. The head of femur forms hip joint with cup-shaped acetabulum. The neck-shaft angle facilitates movement at the hip joint, enabling the limb to swing and provide lever for the action of the muscles. The aim of present study is to provide and add data of head of femur for proper size implant and prosthesis in arthroplasties of hip joint so that these surgeries are more successful and there will be less chance of complication. Such type of study is not done in Garhwal region. Materials and Methods: The following parameters of upper end of femur were measured-Vertical and transverse diameter of head, length and width of neck, distance between greater and lesser trochanter, neck shaft angle and surgical neck diameter. The mean and standard deviation were calculated. Result: The mean vertical diameter of head of femur is 40.89±4.26 mm and mean transverse diameter of head is 37.96±4.20 mm. The mean length and width of neck is 37.96±4.20 mm, 26.14±4.56 mm respectively. The mean neck shaft angles is129.03°±6.53.The p-value and correlation between the vertical diameter of right and left side of femoral head was statistically significant (r-0.42 &amp, p-value 0.01) and also width of right and left side of femur was also statistically significant (r-0.58 &amp, p-value 0.0007). Conclusion:The findings of present study showed that there is a racial and regional variation in parameters of upper end of femur. The present study also provides data for implant and prosthesis of head of femur for arthroplasties of hip joint.
... [3,4] Surgical fixation with a properly matched prosthesis plays a crucial role in improving long-term treatment outcomes and preventing post operative complications such as osteolysis with aseptic conditions and may cause improper load distribution, discomfort, micromotion of the implanted stem, and stress shielding. [5] Therefore, the aim of present study is to provide data of head of femur for proper dimensions of implant and prosthesis in arthroplasties of hip joint so that these surgeries are more successful and there will be less chance of complication. Regional and racial variation in parameters of morphometry of proximal head of femur is also present. ...
... Table 3]: Discussion table of different parameters of proximal end of femur Based on research on projection, it was calculated that demand for primary total hip arthroplasties will increase by 174% by 2030. [5] In India also there is many folds increase in total hip arthroplasties during last years. There is also increase in road traffic accident and diseases of hip joint. ...
... If joint fixation with mismatch implants has done then it may cause complications like infection-free detachment, uneven force distribution, uneasiness, slight movement of the inserted stem and bone resorption. [5] Therefore, proper measurements of proximal end of femur can provide better tool for designing implants and prosthesis to decrease postoperative complications and also for promising outcome of surgeries. [6] The present study revealed vertical diameter (40.89±4.26mm) is less than the study of Kamath SU et al, [7] (44.80±4.20 mm) but it is comparable to studies of Minakshi Verma et al, [3] (42.32±4.11mm) ...
... These values are comparable to another Indian study done by Rawal et al. [13] Similar to our study, a cadaveric study done by Siwach et al. noted significantly narrower canal dimensions at multiple levels in Indian and Hong Kong Chinese populations when compared with their Western counterparts. [25] Previous studies have shown the impact of age on the morphology of the femoral medullary cavity. Age is known to indirectly determine the canal width by influencing the endosteal thickness. ...
... However, currently a range of standard sized femur implants designed from anthropometric data of western population are used for THA leading to discrepancy in regards to the measurements and this non-availability of data for Indian population can lead to complications in the long run. 6,7 The current study was designed to study and compare the morphology of proximal end of femur in Indian population with others. ...
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Geometric understanding of the proximal end of femur is significant for functional bipedal erect posture and in pre-operative planning of osteotomy as well as the design and development of implants for THA. Moreover, the anthropological parameters of any bone are determined by genetic and environmental factors such as age, race, gender and lifestyle and this leads to racial variations in the morphological parameters of proximal end of femur owing to lifestyle, physique, applied force and their distribution in India population. The current study was designed to study and compare the morphology of proximal end of femur in Indian population and was conducted on 94 dry human cadaveric bones of unknown age and sex to determine the morphology of the proximal end of femur. We observed the Femur Length as 426.6 ± 15.82 mm, Femur Neck Length as 3.455 ± 0.378 mm and Neck Shaft Angle as 125.27 ± 2.54° amongst other parameters. The findings also revealed significant variations in the morphological parameters among different populations, emphasizing the importance of considering racial diversity in the design and selection of implants for THA for improving the success and longevity of hip arthroplasty procedures.
... The study results were compared with relevant literature, mainly drawing insights from studies conducted in various regions of India [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. This comparative analysis aimed to contextualize the findings within the existing body of knowledge and identify any notable variations or consistencies. ...
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Background: The study explores the intricate anatomy of the proximal femur in the Indian population, emphasizing its significance in clinical, forensic, and orthopaedic contexts. Utilizing Gray's Anatomy and relevant literature, the study positions femoral anatomy as crucial for clinicians and researchers. Existing studies on femur length reconstruction contribute to forensic applications, while orthopaedic research underscores the importance of anatomical measurements in surgical interventions. Methodology: This cross-sectional study includes 165 femora from diverse regions in India. Anthropometric measurements, including femoral length, neck shaft angle, femoral head diameter, foveal dimensions, and intertrochanteric line length, were collected using standardized techniques. Statistical analyses and comparisons with existing literature, particularly studies conducted in various regions of India, were performed to provide a comprehensive understanding of regional variations. Results: Demographic characteristics, neck shaft angle, inter-epicondylar distance, femoral length, and femoral head diameter were analyzed. Comparison tables with southern, northern, eastern, and northeastern Indian studies highlight regional variations. Correlation analysis reveals positive correlations between femoral length and various parameters, while the absence of correlations with the neck shaft angle suggests relationship complexity. Conclusion: The study enhances understanding of proximal femur characteristics in the Indian population, providing essential data for optimizing hip arthroplasty procedures. Regional variabilities underscore the importance of nuanced approaches in clinical practice. This research contributes to the field, paving the way for future advancements in hip surgery tailored to diverse populations.
... Khang et al compared femoral geometric differences of Korean and Japanese population with Americans and suggested to design new modied prosthesis for Korean, Japanese and other Asian populations. Siwach et al. reported that the available implants are oversized for Indian population and their angles and orientation are mismatched[3,4,5] Femoral head height, diameter and circumference determines the stability of hip joint. In our study we measured head height, the mean value of it was 41.63 ±3.06 mm. ...
Incidence of proximal femoral fractures is on increasing trend owing to poor dietary habits, osteoporosis, chronic corticosteroid uses and various other hormonal or traumatic factors; hence requirement of total hip replacement and hemiarthroplasty increases. Orthopedic surgeons are facing problems with dimensions of implant which are mostly available according to western population. Use of these ill tted implants can adversely affect the outcome. This study was done to measure the proximal femoral geometry and its correlation with maximum femur length in north Indian population. 74 normal adult femora of unknown age and gender without any gross pathology were obtained from the department of Anatomy, Motilal Nehru Medical College, Prayagraj. Morphometric parameters were measured with the help of osteometric board, vernier caliper, thread, colored marker and goniometer. The mean value of all the parameters were calculated as head height- 41.68 mm, horizontal head diameter42.3mm, vertical head diameter- 42.13mm, head circumference- 13.79 mm, anterior neck length - 29.64mm, posterior neck length - 37.48mm, neck width - 28.56mm, neck shaft angle-130.08, torsion angle -14.33˚and maximum length of femur - 43.41cm. Linear correlation was calculated between proximal femoral parameters and femur length by using linear regression. Pearson's correlation coefcient was also calculated. Study concluded that there is signicant difference in proximal morphometric data of femora of Indian population as compared to western population. Therefore, the results may be helpful for designing implants suitable to Indian population. Furthermore, the linear regression equations derived in the study is of use in forensic sciences and anthropometric calculations.
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Aims and background Proximal femoral angles, specifically the neck-shaft angle (NSA) and anteversion (AV), are pivotal factors in understanding hip joint biomechanics, the changes in different hip pathologies and guiding various orthopedic interventions. Our study aims to evaluate these angles in the subcontinent of India. Materials and methods A total of 50 dry samples of femora were selected at the Anatomy Department, Madras Medical College. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established based on the study design. The AV and NSA were measured using three methods—direct measurement, biplanar radiography, and axial computed tomography (CT). Comparative analyzes were performed to assess the precision of these measurement techniques. Results Our study revealed that the X-ray method was the most accurate in measuring the NSA among the three techniques. The measurements of AV were more accurate using the X-ray method than the CT method. Additionally, a prevalence of 20% for retroversion was identified in the Indian population, signifying a higher occurrence compared to prior studies. Conclusion These findings underscore the critical importance of precise angle measurements in orthopedic hip procedures. The study's data supports informed preoperative planning and the enhancement of orthopedic interventions, particularly in the Indian population. Clinical significance The study's findings on AV and NSA in the adult Indian population provide significant insights for orthopedic interventions, emphasizing the need for accurate measurements to enhance preoperative planning and optimize surgical outcomes. How to cite this article Hosthota A, Thandapani M, M Ismail ND, et al. Evaluation of Neck-shaft Angle and Anteversion in Dry Femora of Adult Indian Population: A Descriptive Analysis. J Orth Joint Surg 2024;6(2):103–108.
Background Anthropometric research on the hip joint has significant clinical implications, including (1) implant design and (2) avoiding implant mismatch complications, such as aseptic loosening and incorrect load distribution, which are mainly unknown in North India. The aim of this research is to ascertain the anatomical differences in the normal hip joint across individuals in North India and to statistically compare the results with global data. Materials and Methods We used one hip topogram and one axial segment of the femoral head to analyze 100 people (35 females and 65 males) with normal hips between the ages of 20 and 65. In both sexes and on both sides, we determined the means of the following measurements: femoral head diameter (HD), femoral neck width (NW), femoral neck length, acetabular angle of sharp, femoral version, horizontal offset, acetabular version, and vertical offset. Results The following are the mean parameters that were observed: (a) neck shaft angle (NSA) - 128.93°, (b) femoral HD = 4.29 cm, (c) femoral NW = 2.97 cm, (d) femoral neck length = 3.61 cm, (e) Acetabular angle of Sharp - 33.01°, (f) Acetabular version = 20.44°, (g) femoral Version = 21.57°, (h) horizontal offset = 3.62 cm, and (i) Vertical offset = 4.43 cm. Conclusion The NSA and acetabular angle of sharp were 5°–6° more when compared to the western population while horizontal and vertical offset is comparatively less than Western population and in the Indian NSA was higher for North Eastern population than the North Indian population. The residual parameters were comparable to those found in Western literature.
Background Femur being the strongest and longest bone of the skeleton plays a crucial role in maintaining the usual anatomy of the hip joint. The neck–shaft angle (NSA) contributes greatly to the daily activity of the hip joint and therefore is of considerable importance in planning a proper surgery. Knowledge of the usual range of NSA is, therefore, imperative in the proper treatment of patients who present with disease of the hip related to the NSA. The objective of the present study was to estimate the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and range of NSA and to determine the difference(s) between the right and left sides of dry adult femora in the Gangetic region of West Bengal. Methodology The present study was conducted on 281 dry adult femora (144 on the left and 137 on the right sides). The femora were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Measurements of NSA were based on the standard method. Results The mean NSA of the total sample size was 124.12° ± 6.231°. The means for the left and right NSAs were 123.33° ± 6.47° and 124.91° ± 5.885°, respectively. The mean difference between the right and left femora was statistically significant. There was also a high degree of positive correlation between the NSAs of the left and right sides. Conclusion: This study establishes baseline data for the NSA of the Gangetic region of West Bengal, India. This will be helpful for orthopedic surgeons and implant makers to properly design and treat patients with problems of the NSA.
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Background: Intramedullary devices have increasingly become popular and are widely used for fixation of unstable intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures. These implants have been designed taking into consideration of the anthropometry of the western population which varies from those of other ethnic groups. This study was carried out to assess the geometry of proximal femur for the placement of short cephalomedullary nails in our subset of patients and suggest suitable design modifications based on these parameters. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in the following three groups: (1) Anthropometric study of 101 adult human dry femora, (2) radiographs of the same femora, and (3) radiographs of the contralateral uninjured limb of 102 patients with intertrochanteric or subtrochanteric fractures. In Group 1, standard anthropometric techniques were used to measure neck shaft angle (NSA), minimal neck width (NW), trochanteric offset, and distance from the tip of greater trochanter (GT) to the lower border of lesser trochanter on the femoral shaft axis (distance X). In Group 2 and 3, the NSA, minimal NW, NW at 130° and 135°, trochanteric shaft angle (TSA), trochanteric offset, distance X, distance between the tip of GT and the point where the neck axis crosses the line joining the tip of the GT to the lower border of the lesser trochanter on the femoral shaft axis (distance Y), and canal width at 10, 15, and 20 cm from tip of GT were measured on standard radiographs. The values obtained in these three groups were pooled to obtain mean values. Various parameters of commonly used short cephalomedullary nails available for fixation of pertrochanteric fractures were obtained. These were compared to the results obtained to suggest suitable modifications in the nail designs for our subset of patients. Results: The mean parameters observed were as follows: NSA 128.07° ± 4.97 (range 107°-141°), minimum NW 29.0 ± 2.8 mm (range 22-42 mm), NW at 130° 30.12 ± 2.86 mm (range 22.2-42.5 mm), NW at 135° 30.66 ± 3.02 mm (range 22.8-40.3 mm), TSA 10.45° ± 2.34° (range 3°-15.5°), distance X 65.73 ± 6.45 mm (range 28.6-88.4 mm), distance Y 38 ± 4.91 mm (range 16.6-55.3 mm), and canal width at 10, 15, and 20 cm from the tip of GT 13.46 ± 2.34 mm, 11.40 ± 2.27 mm, and 11.64 ± 2.04 mm, respectively. Conclusion: The measurements of the proximal femur are not significantly different from other ethnic groups and are adequate to accept the current commonly available short cephalomedullary nails. However, certain modifications in the presently available short cephalomedullary nail designs are recommended for them to better fit the anatomy of our subset of population (a) two nails of 125° and 135°, (b) the medio-lateral angle at the level of 65 mm from the tip of the nail, (c) two femoral neck screw placements (35 and 45 mm from the tip of the nail), and (d) five different sizes of distal width for better fit in canal (9-13 mm).
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Background: The morphologic features of the proximal femur are used in preoperative planning prior to total hip arthroplasty. The standard commercially available marketed prostheses sometimes may not be the best fit to all subjects because of the large anatomic variation among different population. Orthopaedic surgeons always stress the need for a proper implant-patient match in hip joint replacements to avoid post-operative complication of mismatch which may affect the ultimate outcome of the operation. Aim: The present study was undertaken to measure the important parameters of upper end of femur in elderly Eastern Indian population which will help the prosthetist to manufacture ideal implant for the local population. This will also help the orthopaedic surgeons while positioning the implants during total hip replacement (THR) procedure in this population. Materials and methods: Measurements were made on both sides, left and right from anterior-posterior radiograph of 102 subject (>50yrs, 42 male and 60 females) using AGFA software. Three parameters femoral head diameter (FHD), neck-shaft angle (NSA) and horizontal off-set (HO) were measured. Results: SPSS software used for data analysis. Gender- wise no significant differences were found in NSA and FHD, but HO was significantly lower in female than that of male (p<.05).The values on both sides didn't differ significantly. Conclusion: Improved knowledge of the morphology of the proximal femora will assist the surgeon in restoring the geometry of the proximal femur during total hip arthroplasty and the data could be used as a guideline to design a more suitable implant for Eastern Indian population.
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The standard commercially available marketed prostheses sometimes may not be the best fit to Indian patients because of the large anatomic variation. Orthopedic surgeons always stress the need for a proper implant-patient match in hip joint replacements, in particular, for a cementless femoral stem. The complications of mismatch are aseptic loosening, improper load distribution, and discomfort. The present study was undertaken to compare the differences in dimensions between femurs of elderly Indians and those of populations from other regions in order to solve the problem of a possible geometric mismatch between a selected implant and the hip joint as far as Indian patients are concerned. Measurements were made using computer aided design techniques on computed tomography (CT) scanned images of 98 femurs (56 left and 42 right). The software used to convert the CT images into solid models was MIMICS(®) (Materialize, Inc., Leuven, Belgium). The geometrical parameters, viz., the femoral head offset, femoral head center (HC), femoral head diameter, femoral head relative position, position of shaft isthmus, neck-shaft angle, bow angle, femoral neck length, canal flare index, femoral length, and canal width at various locations, were chosen to design best-fit standard femoral stems for cementless insertion. These data were compared with the published data of other countries. A difference of 16.8% was found in the femoral head offset between Indian and Swiss populations, which can affect soft tissue tension and range of motion. At a distance of 20 mm above the lesser trochanter (LT), the anteroposterior (AP) canal width was found to differ by 45.4%, when compared with a French population which can affect the mechanical stability of femoral stem. Femoral dimensions of Indian male and female subjects have also been compared and differences evaluated. At the LT, the aspect ratio (ratio of mediolateral canal width and AP canal width) in case of males (1.198) is approximately13% higher than that of females (1.059). This study indicates a need for redesign of femoral stems. The obtained anthropometric femoral dimensions can be used to design and develop indigenous hip joint prosthesis in India. The results of this study can also be used in forensic anthropometric studies.
The structural makeup of an organ is a product of functional adaptation. An implant that is inserted to replace a skeletal defect must conform to the prevailing scheme. In this way disruptive effects can be avoided, and, because the implant is surrounded by living and thus reactive tissue, proprioceptive stimuli can be preserved. These are necessary as control signals, especially for the cell and its dependent functions, because metabolic feedback is crucial in ensuring that tissues develop and are maintained in accordance with the functions they perform. The “master program” is the genetic code. The functional stimuli associated with static and dynamic loads provide a kind of trigger impulse of varying magnitude and quality which initiates processes, either directly or indirectly, that carry out the adaptation to loads within genetic constraints.
Two hundred of the first 215 (93%) consecutive cementless, “isoelastic” total hip replacements performed personally by the senior author have been reviewed. Average length of follow-up was 17 months and minimum length was 6 months. Maximum follow-up was 25 months. No cases of femoral or acetabular component loosening or component breakage have been observed. Average length of follow-up was 17 months and minimum length was 6 months. Maximum follow-up was 25 months. No cases of femoral or acetabular component loosening or component breakage have been observed.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of age and gender on the femoral morphology to guide prosthesis selection in operation and design. Methods: A total of 500 females and males were collected from the departments of orthopedics and medical radiology, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects. All patients underwent anteroposterior position scan of the left or right hip joint using Philips Digital Diagnost DR system. The shooting range included the hip joint and at least 2/3 of the proximal femur. The images were measured with Onis 2.3 software. We measured 13 parameters from the patients, including the external parameters of the femur, radius-length parameters of femoral medullary cavity, and morphological parameters of the femoral medullary cavity. Results: Compared with Westeners, the offset was smaller, while the neck shaft angle was significantly larger in Chinese population (P<0.05). Most parameters of the proximal femoral medullary cavity diameter were significantly smaller in Chinese population than those in Westerners (P<0.05). The canal flare index in Chinese population was significantly larger than that in the Westerners (P<0.01). According to the Noble classification, in Chinese population, the proportion of champagne flute type was significantly larger, while the proportion of standard type was significantly smaller than that in Westerners. There was significant difference in the proximal femur between Chinese population and Westerners. The largest difference of the proximal morphology was presented between males and females in the 31-50 years old people (P<0.05), while the smallest was in the over 70 years old population (P>0.05). The main differences between 31 and 70 years old were the diameter of femoral head, the offset of isthmus, the medullary cavity diameter and extracortical width at isthmus level and the medullary cavity diameter at the level of the lesser trochanter (P<0.05). The modullary transverse diameter at 20 mm below the lesser trochanter and isthmus and extracortical width of isthmus in the male and female group was positively correlated with age (P<0.01), while the parameters of the proximal femoral canal morphology in the female group were negatively correlated with age. The female canal parameters had a stronger correlation. Conclusion: Chinese proximal femoral parameters are significantly different from Westerners. When people, especially females, get older, the medullary cavity diameter of the isthmus and proximal femur becomes wider and the morphology of the femur becomes straight. The difference in the femoral morphology between the male and female decline with the age. There is almost no difference for the over 70 years old. For the 31-70 years old, The male femoral cavity diameter is larger and the position of isthmus is lower than in the females.
There are considerable variations in the femoral geometry of populations across different geographical locations and ethnic groups. The osteological parameters of the proximal femur are very important for the design of suitably sized prostheses of total hip replacement (THR), especially for cementless implantation. Though total hip prostheses in different sizes are available from manufacturers, best-fit implants are often unavailable for Indian patients. To produce hip prostheses of suitable sizes and shapes for Indian patients, important osteological parameters of the proximal femur in the Indian population are needed. In this study, 100 computed tomography (CT) images of hip joints of members of the Indian population were collected, and 20 anatomical parameters of the proximal femur were analyzed. The mean values of these parameters were compared with those of the populations of a few other countries that were available from the literature. The parameter comparison was also performed between males and females in our subsample of the Indian population. Finally, values of the important parameters were grouped suitably for future design of standard sizes of THR implants for the Indian population. We found variations in the morphology of the proximal femur between the Indian population and that of other countries, which illustrates a need for standardizing THR implant sizes for the Indian population, especially for cementless implantation. The variations of a few important parameters of the proximal femur also occur between the male and female Indian populations. This study is likely to be a significant step toward designing suitably sized cementless THR implants for the Indian population.
Abnormal femoral neck anteversion (FNA) and/or acetabulum anteversion (AA) have long been implicated in the etiogenesis of hip osteoarthritis (OA), developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH), and impingement, instability and wear in total hip arthroplasty (THA). Since studies on the Indian population are sparse on this topic, the purpose of this study was to report the normal values of FNA, AA and the combined anteversion (CA= FNA+ AA) in Indian adults. FNA, AA and CA were prospectively measured in 172 normal hips in 86 Indian adults using standardized computed tomographic (CT) methods and this data was compared with the established Western values. The median values and interquartile ranges were 8 degrees (6.5-10.0 degrees ) for FNA, 19 degrees (16.0-22.0 degrees ) for AA and 27 degrees (23.5-30.0 degrees ) for CA. AA and CA values were significantly (P<0.05) lower in males, and there was also a trend towards lower FNA in males. Although a negative correlation was observed between the FNA and AA, this was not strong and may not be clinically relevant. When compared with the Western data, the FNA values were 3-12 degrees lower and the CA values were 3-5 degrees lower in Indian adults. The AA values were comparable, but were skewed towards the higher side. Further studies are needed to assess the clinical relevance of our basic science data in pathogenesis of OA, and to validate it in relation to hip surgeries like corrective osteotomies and THA.
Anthropometric study of the hip joint has important clinical implications and is largely unknown for the northeastern region of India. The purpose of this study is to determine the anatomic variation of the normal hip joint among the people of the northeastern region and to statistically compare them with the available data worldwide. We evaluated 104 individuals with normal hip joints and of different ethnic backgrounds (Caucasoid and Mongoloids) clinically and by plain x- ray. One topogram of the hip joint, one axial section of the femoral head and femoral condyles of the individual was taken on CT scan. Twelve cases had center edge angle (CE) angle less than 20 degrees (unilateral/bilateral), were considered to be dysplastic and were excluded from the study. Thus the present study includes 92 individuals (184 normal hips, Mongoloids = 45; Caucasoid = 47) between 20-70 years of age. We calculated the mean of the CE angle, acetabular angle, neck shaft angle, acetabular version, femoral neck anteversion, acetabular depth and joint space width in both sexes. The mean parameters observed were as follows: acetabular angle 39.2 degrees, centre edge angle 32.7 degrees, neck shaft angle 139.5 degrees, acetabular version 18.2 degrees, femoral neck anteversion 20.4 degrees, acetabular depth 2.5 cm and joint space width 4.5 mm. The parameter and its values in our series shows differences when compared to the other western literatures. The neck shaft angle and the femoral neck anteversion in our individuals was 5-6 degrees more than the western literature. The remaining parameters were less or equal to the western literature.