
Medicinal Plants and Folklores

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... Beak as long as ovary. 4,6,8 Part used: Seed, 4,5,8,9 Fruit. 4,9 Seed morphology: Macroscopic: Triangonus, black, regulose tubercular. ...
... Beak as long as ovary. 4,6,8 Part used: Seed, 4,5,8,9 Fruit. 4,9 Seed morphology: Macroscopic: Triangonus, black, regulose tubercular. ...
... Ranunculaceae. 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13,14 Vernacular name: ...
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For thousands of years, the seeds, oils, extracts and whole plant whole of. Kalonji (Nigella sativa) has been used as an anticancer agent by Unani, Ayurveda and the Chinese system of medicine that has originated from the Arab, India, Bangladesh and China, respectively. Unani literature is full of indications of Kalonji for numerous diseases; Especially Arabian Authors wrote and advocates Kalonji has been used as traditional medicine for centuries. The NS is effective against many diseases like cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease etc. Although the various medicinal activity of Kalonji was recognized thousands of years ago proper scientific research on this important unani medicine is a history of the last 2-3 decades. There are not so many research works done with this important traditional medicine and very few reports exist in the scientific database. In this manuscript, we have summarized the actions of Kalonji against different diseases described in Unani (Greeco-Arabic) medicine.
... It contains 1-2% volatile Cassia oil, which is mainly responsible for the spicy aroma taste. The primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannins, mannitol, coumarins and essential oils (aldehydes, eugenol and pinene); it also contains sugars, resins and mucilage, among other constituents (Singh et al., 1990;Shivjeet et al., 2013;Sanjivani, 2013;Lavanya et al., 2018). ...
... The leaves showed mainly the presence of Anthraquinone glycosides and Flavonoids. The Anthraquinone glycoside includes rhein, emodin, physion, chrysophanol (marker), obtusin, chryso-obtusin, chryso-obtusin-2-O-β-Dglucoside, obtusifolin and chryso-obtusifolin-2-O-β-D-glucoside (Singh et al., 1990;Shivjeet et al., 2013). Anthraquinones, Aurantio-obtusin, Chryso-obtusin, obtusin, Chrysoobtusin-2-O-β-D-glucoside, Physcion, Emodin, glycosides rubrofusarintri glucoside, nor-rubrofusarin gentiobioside, demethyl flavasperone gentiobioside, torachrysone gentiobioside, torachrysone tetraglucoside, torachrysone apioglucoside. ...
... Eight compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of Cassia obtusifolia, which are betulinic acid, chrysophanol, physcion, stigmasterol, 1-hydroxy-7-methoxy-3-methyl-anthraquinone, 8-O-methylchrysophanol, 1-Omethylchrysophanol and aloe-emodin (Singh et al., 1990;Shivjeet et al., 2013). ...
... Nfree extract 40.83%, total ash 16.72%, calcium 4.21%, phosphorus 0.25% and total digestive nutrients 55.63% [14] . The plant contains carboline alkaloids, flavonoids [24] , harman, hermine [3] . Additionally, they contain saponins which on hydrolysis yield steroidal sapogenins, diosgenin, gitogenin, chlorogenin, ruscogenin [3,14] , and 25 D-spirosta-3, 5-diene [14] . ...
... The anti-nutritional factors reported are phytic acid 83, phytate P 12, phytate (as % of total P) 4 and oxalic acid 600mg/100gm [21] . The fruits contain alkaloids, resin, fixed oil, essential oil, nitrates [10,14,22] , quercetin, kaempferol [24,26] , chlorogenin, diosgenin and its acetate, gitogenin, glucose, rhamnose and rutin [8] , tannins, reducing sugar, sterols, peroxidases, diastase, traces of glucoside [14] . The fatty oil has excellent drying properties [3,14] , and seedcake is rich in phosphorus and nitrogen [14] . ...
... The alkaloid herman has been reported from the herb and Hermine from the seeds [27] . Roots contain aminoacids, phytosterols [24] , campesterol, βsitosterol, stigmasterol [8,24,28] , diosgenin [28] , hecogenin and neotigogenin [21] . ...
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Tribulus terrestris Linn is one of the most important medicinal plants traditionally used for various health purposes. The fruit, leaves, stem and root of the plant are therapeutically used. The fruits are greenish to grey in color with faintly aromatic odour and slightly acidic taste. While the roots are light brown in color with aromatic odour and sweetish astringent taste. The dried fully ripe fruit of this plant is known as Khar-e-Khasak Khurd in Unani System of medicine. It acts as diuretic and useful in dysuria and gonorrohea. Traditionally it has been used for boosting hormone production in men and women. The herb is found in Mediterranean, subtropical and desert climate regions around the world. The plant is common in sandy soil throughout India. The plant grows more or less throughout the years. The plant is described in detail in ethnobotanical and scientific literature and various actions have been reported to possess by this. A number of studies have also been carried out on Tribulus terrestris in recent years showing that it possesses diverse biological and pharmacological activities. It has been used in Unani Medicine (Tibb-e-Unani) and other traditional system of medicine from time immemorial. Keeping in view the high medicinal importance of the drug in Unani Medicine, this review provides available information on its traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties.
... Family: Leguminosae Parts Used: Flower, seed, leaf, bark Activity: C. fistula (local name: Amaltaas), a well-known Indian medicinal plant possesses significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, wound healing and hypoglycemic activity [50]. It has been reported that C. fistula leaf extract have a rich amount of anthraquinone glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds [50]. ...
... Family: Leguminosae Parts Used: Flower, seed, leaf, bark Activity: C. fistula (local name: Amaltaas), a well-known Indian medicinal plant possesses significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, wound healing and hypoglycemic activity [50]. It has been reported that C. fistula leaf extract have a rich amount of anthraquinone glycosides, flavonoids and phenolic compounds [50]. It is also suggested that anthraquinone glycoside (rhein, emodine, physion, chrysophanol, Obtusin, chrysoobtusin etc) have an anticancer activity. ...
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Bengal possesses a diverse gene pool of ethno-botanically important plant species for alternative medicinal agents. Herbal remedies, also known as botanical medicine, have been recognized as a promising complementary treatment for cancer. In this article, we have methodically highlighted and summarized most popular and effective Bengal plants which possess phytocomponents with anti-cancer properties. Several in vitro as well as in vivo studies demonstrated the details of plant derived metabolites and their promising efficacy against different cancer cell lines. Therefore, recapitulated data about the bioactivity of these phytochemicals, with special emphasis on Bengal medicinal plants will enrich our knowledge about developing carefully designed standardized drug in controlling the carcinogenic processes traditionally over conventional therapies to prevent this global health crisis.
... Its flowers can treat rheumatism and conjunctivitis. In addition to treating constipation and bronchitis, Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. is also to treat for asthma (Singh and Khan, 1990;Nadkarni, 2000;Khare, 2008). It has demonstrated antiulcer activity, which is also unique because most contemporary fever medications cause ulcer as a side effect. ...
... More than 500 different active as well as non-active phytoconstituents have been reported from the genus. The primary chemical constituents of Cassia include cinnamaldehyde, gum, tannis, mannitol, coumarins, and essential oils (aldehydes, eugenol and pinene); it also contains sugars, resins, and mucilage, among other constituents (Singh, and Khan, 1990). The presence of Anthraquinones, alkaloids, glycosides, coumarins, chromones, terpenenoids, tannin, sterols and polyphenols have been reported in C. siamea (Dilip, et al. 2017). ...
A laboratory screening was conducted to evaluate the phytochemical compounds in Senna siamea stembark powders and their insecticidal activity on Callosobruchus subinnotatus PIC on stored Bambara groundnut through untargeted Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC- MS) using three different extraction solvents (ethanol, methanol and distilled water). To mention but few, the ethanol extracts revealed Octanoic acid, 4,6-dimethyl-, methyl ester, (4S,6S)-(+)- (C11H22O2); cis-Vaccenic acid (C19H36O2); Z,Z-10,12-Hexadecadien-1-ol acetate (C18H32O2); 2-Methyl-Z,Z-3,13-octadecadienol (C19H36O). Methanol extracts showed Oleic Acid (C18H34O2); Cyclononasiloxane, octadecamethyl- (C18H54O9Si9); Cyclodecasiloxane, eicosamethyl- (C20H60O10Si10); 2-Methyl-Z,Z-3,13-octadecadienol (C19H36O). Distilled water extraction revealed cis-Vaccenic acid (C19H36O2); 1,2-Benzisothiazole,3-(hexahydro- 1H-azepin-1-yl)-, 1,1-dioxide (C13H16N2O2S); Oleic Acid (C18H34O2); 11-Octadecenoic acid, methyl ester (C19H36O2)as compounds with the highest percentage area. Phytochemicals have been used for many years to control insect pest damage in agricultural crops. Pyretre, Nicotine, Rotenone and tobacco have long been used as control agents against insects in some regions of sub-Saharan Africa. Unlike synthetic chemical insecticides that kill both pests and non-target organisms, botanicals pesticides are relatively target specific. They are also biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and can also be used in insecticide resistance management programs. Hence, could serve as good alternatives to chemical insecticides. Further research on the bio insecticidal activity of these compounds is highly advocated.
... Use of leaves and roots for management and treatment of diseases has been an age long practice (Sofowara, 1982). Comparing the present study with available literature of the state and other part of country (Ambasta, 1986;Aminuddin et al., 2013;Aminuddin and Girach, 1991, 1993, 1996Aminuddin and Ahmad, 2008, Anonymous, 2001& 2006Ayyanara andIgnacimuthu, 2005 &2011;Behera et al., 2006Behera et al., , 2008Das and Choudhury, 2012;Dhal et al., 2014;Girach, 1992;Girach et al., 2008;Jain, 1991;Kandari et al., 2012;Khongsai et al., 2011;Kirtikar and Basu, 1935;Majumdar et al., 2006;Mallik et al., 2012;Mukesh et al., 2011Mukesh et al., , 2012Muthu et al., 2006;Nadkarni, 1954;Panda, and Das, 1999;Panda et al., 2013;Panghal et al., 2010;Pandey and Rout, 2006;Patra et al., 2014;Prusti. and Behera, 2007;Raut et al., 2013;Rout et al, 2009 a & b;Sahu et al., 2010Sahu et al., , 2013aSarkar et al., 1999;Satapathy, 2010Satapathy, , 2015Satapathy and Brahmam, 1999;Satapathy & Chand, 2003;Satapathy, 2010Satapathy, & 2015Satapathy, et al., 2012;Sinhababu and Banerjee, 2013;Usha et al., 2014Usha et al., , 2015aUsha et al., & b, 2016a it has been found that most of the folk-medicinal claims reported in the present study are already known, however, their mode of application, ingredients and parts used are different. ...
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An ethnobotanical survey was undertaken to collect information on the use of ethnomedicinal plants in Boudh district of Odisha state in March, 2017. The exploration revealed folk use of 65 species of plants distributed in 64 genera belonging to 35 families to treat various ailments. The indigenous knowledge of local traditional healers and the native plants used for medicinal purposes were collected through questionnaire and personal interviews during the field trip. In this study the most dominant family was Euphorbiaceae and leaves were most frequently used for the treatment of diseases. Maximum species were used to cure dermatological conditions. The study enriches our existing knowledge on ethnopharmacopoea of this region of Odisha state which likely will contribute significantly to develop and discover new drugs of natural origin. Key Words: Folk medicines, Medicinal
... Just like the allopathic medicine system, the traditional herbal system uses special combination of plant to treat diseases. In China, the uses of traditional medicine are relied upon for non-toxicity and most Chinese avoid the allopathic or other system (Singh & Khan, 1990). Plants have diverse combination of chemicals that can produce different results on different organisms. ...
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Medicinal plants used for the cure of various diseases since time immemorial. The majority of population of developing countries also used traditional medicine because of poverty and no side effect. Ethnobotany survey was undertaken to collect information from traditional healers on the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as indigestion, lack of hunger, stomach pain, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation, and piles in western Nepal during different season of March 2020 to November 2020. The indigenous knowledge of local traditional healers having practical knowledge of plants in medicine was interviewed in 10 villages of Rupandehi district of western Nepal and native plants used for medicinal purposes were collected through questionnaire and personal interviews during fieldtrips. A total of 34 plant species belonging to 33 genera, and 27 families are documented in this study. The medicinal plants used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders by people are listed with botanical name (in binomial form), family, local names, habits, and parts used. This study showed that many people in the studied areas of Rupandehi district still continue to depend on the medicinal plants at least for the treatment of primary healthcare.
... The drug Glycyrrhiza glabra is described in detail in ethnobotanical and scientific literature and various actions have been reported to possess by it. Some pharmacological actions and therapeutic uses are as follows: Laxative, demulcent [5,10] , cooling effect, diuretic [10] , tonic, expectorant [5,[9][10] , sedative, deobstruent [9] , antiinflammatory, anti-ulcerous, anti-viral [20] and emmenogouge [6] . ...
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The roots of a plant Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn constitute an important drug in the ancient Unani literature, commonly known as Mulethi or Aslus Soos or liquorice. It is one of the most widely used plants from the ancient medical history, both as a medicine and as a flavouring herb. Historically, liquorice has been used from more than 4000 years. The drug was also mentioned by Theophrastus and Dioscorides. It is interesting to find that it maintains even today its role in medicine and pharmacy. The plant is well suited to warm climatic conditions with long growing session. It grows best on sandy loam soils. The light soils promote better root development. Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn is a hardy herb or undershrub and a tall perennial plant attaining a height of 1.8 mt. The roots are sweet in taste, thick, having many branches with red or lemon color outside or yellowish or pale yellow inside. The underground part in some varieties consists of a rootstock with a number of long, branched stem, in others, the rootstock which is stout, throws off a large number of perennial roots. It is used for allaying coughs and catarrhal affections. It is also useful in irritable conditions of the mucous membranes of urinary organs. Its extract is a constituent of cough syrups, throat lozenges and pastilles and it is employed in the form of aromatic syrups and elixirs for masking the taste of nauseous medicines. The extract is reported to exert a healing effect on gastric ulcers, is also reported to be useful in treatment of Addison's disease. Externally liquorice is applied with ghee and honey for cuts and wounds. Keeping in view the high medicinal importance of the drug in Unani Medicine, the present review provides available information on traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacological properties of the Unani drug Mulethi.
... These effects may have been due to cumulative effect of ingredients of Qurs-e-Kaknaj. Glycyrhhiza glabra , Physalis alkekengi, Cucurbita moschata, Portulaca oleracea Malva sylvestrisand Cucumis melo have been reported to have diuretic [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11] action and are being used in burning micturition, [3,7,12] strangury, [4,10] sozish-e-kulya, [6] sozish-e-masana, [6] amraz-e-kulya wa masana [9] and urinary discharges. [4] A number of in vitro and animal studies have been done on different ingredients of Qurs-e-Kaknaj to evaluate anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-oxidant effects. ...
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Lower Urinary tract symptom (LUTS) is a common presentation among elderly male patients and required a safe pharmacological composition to improve quality of life in these patients. In this study, Qurs-e-Kaknaj was used in 25 patients to compare the changes in LUTS and uroflowmetric parameters before and after use of this drug. Qurs-e-Kaknaj produced significant improvement in patients with increased frequency of micturition, suprapubic discomfort and burning micturition but there was no effect on dribbling of urine. Uroflowmetric parameters were also unaffected with the use of Qurs-e-Kaknaj.
... Traditionally Rue is considered to be emmenagogue, ecbolic, anthelminthic, abortefacient, diuretic, antiepileptic, vermifuge, anaphrodisiac and antispasmodic. [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29] It has been approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a flavouring agent. It possess anti- inflammatory, anti-oxidant 30 (Ratheesh M, et al, 2009) anti- fungal, anti-bacterial 31 (H. ...
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Aim: Presently, atherosclerosis is one of the prime threats worldwide as only in India CVD causes 37 million deaths annually raised by 59% from 23.2 million in last two decades which is higher than the global average. The standard treatment available for it had appalling side effects in long terms. This condition can be correlated to Salabat-e-Nabz in Unani system of medicine, treated since centuries through numerous compounds and single drugs. Tukhm Suddab (Ruta graveolens) is one of the single drugs which is indicated for the same, but has not been evaluated on the scientific parameters. Thus, a randomised, single blind placebo controlled clinical study was designed with an objective to determine the efficacy and safety of Tukhm Suddab (Ruta graveolens) in the management of Salabat-e-Nabz (atherosclerosis). Methods: The present clinical trial was a single blinded, randomized, placebo control study conducted at NIUM hospital, Bangalore, on sample size of 40 patients. Test group was treated with three capsules twice a day (each capsule contain 1 gm powder of test drug) and control group was treated with same dose filled with wheat flour for consecutive 90 days. Objective parameters and BP were assessed at every 15th day from baseline to 90th day of treatment in each group respectively. Result: Significant results were observed in right ABI (p <0.002), left ABI (p <0.01) and LDL level (p <0.05), at 90th day from baseline. While no significant result were observed in ASI and other objective parameters. Conclusion: This trial validates the effectiveness and safety of Tukhm Suddab (Ruta graveolens) in the treatment of Salabat-e-Nabz (atherosclerosis).
... Cuscuta reflexa is leafless and rootless. (Singh & Khan 1989) Initially the starter plant would have some roots. Within a few days of germination, the plant which is touch sensitive, finds a host or dies. ...
... 10 Bark of stem and root: Astringent, ant-helminthic, 7,9,16,22 strengthening gum, 9,11 antifungal, cooling, febrifuge, vermicide, 10 piles, 11 antibacterial. 13 ; Stem: Astringent, antihelminthic. 7 ; Rind : Gum Strengthening, 23 astringent, 7,12 antidiarrhoeal, 10 stomachic, 10,12 antidysentric, 10 digestive, 10,12 cardiotonic. ...
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Punica granatum belongs to the family Punicaceae. Gulnar is a very significant herbal drug in Unani system of medicine. This meticulous herb have Antidiabetic, Antiulcer activity, Antioxidant activity, Allergenic activity, Anti-inflamatory activity and it is used to treat a variety of diseases especially Zaheer (dysentery), Nazf-ud-dam (hematemesis), Sual (cough), Khurooje maqad (rectal prolapse), Pyorrhoea, Ishal Safrawi, Ishal damwi, Qula (stomatitis), Surkh bada, Kasrate haiz (menorrhagia), Sailan-ur-raham (leucorrhoea), Diarrhoea, Nakseer (epistaxis). This review gives a keen view on its phytochemical studies, chemical constituent and pharmacological action and medicinal application of the drug.
... Science can continue to learn and profit from the practices of the folk healers, provided we do not allow this rich source of knowledge to disappear (Thomson and Schultes, 1983). Based on this rationale, an ethnopharmacological survey of Khordha forest division of Khordha district in Odisha was undertaken The area had not been investigated exhaustively earlier in this direction, except for some fragmentary reports on medicinal uses of plants (Ali et al., 2010;Anonymous, 2001;1995;Ambasta, 1994;Behera et al., 2008;Chopra et al., 1980;Girach et al., 2011;Jain 1981Jain , 1991Jain & Rao, 1967;Kirtikar & Basu, 1935;Mukesh et al., 2010, Tribedi et al., 1982Yesodharan & Sujana, 2007). through direct field interviews, who often accompanied the survey team in the field and have long been prescribing the herbs for treatment of various diseases. ...
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B ased on an ethnopharmacological survey of Khordha forest division of Khordha district in Odisha, conducted during September-October 2012, the paper presents some 54 contemporary folk recipes comprising 43 taxa of folk medicinal plants used by Kondh, Sabra, Naik tribes of the study area, for treatment of various common and chronic diseases and conditions. Botanical name, family in bracket, locality with field book number, local name, Unani name, part(s) used, name of the disease against which used, mode of administration are given for each recipe discussed in the text. The need for their phytochemical and pharmacological investigations in the context of claims reported has been re-stressed in an effort to discover Therapeutic agents of natural origin for many of the diseases and conditions for which there are no satisfactory cure in modern medicine, thus far.
... The plant is commonly distributed on wastelands in Tamil Nadu, India. The leaves are used for treating itches, insect bites, sores, eye diseases, tumours, skin diseases, rheumatic complaints, renal affections, dental problems and insect bites [1][2][3]. Pharmacological studies indicated its cardiotonic [4], wound healing [5], antiulcer and antioxidant [6] activities. Two lignan glycosides, 5,5'-dimethoxylariciresinol-9'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and lyoniresinol-9'-O-β-D-glucopyranoside were isolated from the extracts of whole plant of D. ...
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Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees. (Syn. Ruellia patula Jacq). (Acanthaceae) is a medicinal herb traditionally used in the treatment of wounds. The methanolic extract of the leaves of Dipteracanthus patulus was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Seventeen compounds were identified which included n-Hexadecanoic acid, 9,12,Octadecanoic acid (Z, Z) -, Linoleic acid ethyl ester.
... ( Acanthaceae) commonly known as Kiranthinayagam or Kayappacchilai in Tamil is a medicinal herb traditionally used in the treatment of. wounds in the rural areas.The leaves are ground into a paste and applied on fresh wounds.The plant is commonly distributed on wastelands in Tamil Nadu.The leaves are used for treating itches, insect bites, paranychia, venereal diseases, sores, tumours, rheumatic complaints and eye diseases (4)(5)(6). Pharmacological and phytochemical studies indicated that it is a cardiotonic (7) and it contained two lignan glycosides namely 5, 5'-dimethoxy-lariciresinol-9-O-β-D-glucopyranoside and lyoniresinol-9-O-β-D-glucopyranoside ( 8). The wound healing properties of the leaves of Dipteracanthus patulus has not been scientifically evaluated so far. ...
... In traditional medicinal system of India different parts of the plant have been used in the treatment of a variety of diseases. It is used as cardiotonic, antiulcer, antioxidant, paranychia, venereal diseases, rheumatic complaints, eye diseases, insect bite and healing of wounds 12,13 . In the light of above mention facts about plant, present study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of the methanolic and toluene extract of the whole plant of Dipteracanthus prostratus Nees. ...
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The present study was conducted with the objective of phytochemical investigation, safe dose determination and evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of the toluene and methanolic extract of whole plant of Dipteracanthus prostratus Nees.. Preliminary phytochemical investigation was performed after the successive extraction of whole plant of Dipteracanthus prostratus and found to contain a rich amount of important bioactive compounds. The dose determination studies were carried out according to OECD guidelines no. 425 on Wistar albino rats and the safe dose determined was 2000 mg/kg. Hence on the basis of toxicity studies two dose level i.e. 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, body weight were selected for the present anti-inflammatory activity using carrageenan induced paw edema model. The percentage reduction in paw volume observed against carrageenan induced paw edema for toluene extract was found to be 20.68% and 25.86% at the dose level of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, body weight respectively whereas in methanolic extract it was 17.24 % and 22.41% at the dose level of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg, body weight respectively. The data were found statistically significant by using one way ANOVA (P<0.05). Although both the extracts were able to exhibit anti-inflammatory activity as compared with standard drug Diclofenac Sodium but the overall effect of toluene extract of whole plant of Dipteracanthus prostratus at the specified dose level of 200 mg/kg, body weight was found to be more statistically significant compared to methanolic extract.
... Just like the allopathic medicine system, the traditional herbal system uses special combination of plant to treat diseases. In China the use of traditional medicine is relied upon for non-toxicity and most Chinese avoid the allopathic or other systems (Sing and Khan, 1990). ...
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The herbal medicines occupy distinct position right from primitive period to the present-daytime. The utilization of biologically diverse plant resources for various ailments is the lifelong struggle of human race. In spite of their availability and utilization by large proportion by the middle hills dweller, no concreted effort has been made for sustainable development of this renewable natural resource. Kaghan Valley is no exception to this. Being a neglected part of NWFP, its people mainly depend upon plant resources for their first aid. In the present study indigenous knowledge of plants use for the gastrointestinal disorders collected from research Kaghan valley includes 27 poly herbal recipes. These recipes are composed of 43 medicinal plant species. Out of these, 27 plants species constitute the major component and the remainder 15 species are used as minor component. The maximum number of recipes (15) are used for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery followed by anthelmentic recipes (10), while only 4 are used for abdominal pain.
... Flowers: Mubarrid (cooling), qate safra (antibilious), qabiz (constipative), musakkin (sedative) 18 and anti-viral. 12,13,15 Bark: Qabiz (astringent), tonic (muqawwi), 7,3,10 and mudirr e haiz (emmenagogue). 10 Seeds: Qabiz (astringent), 1,7 mubarrid (cooling), kasir riyah (carminative), hazim (digestive), mulayyan (laxative), 7 muqawwi baah (aphrodiasiac), muqawwi meda (stomachic), muqawwi (tonic), 10 and mumsik (retentive). ...
... The leaves are used to treat veneral disease, itches, sores, rheumatic disorders and eye diseases [4]. Many chemical compounds have been isolated from the different species of Dipteracanthus. ...
This is the first scientific work on pharmacognostic studies of Dipteracanthus patulus Jacq. Nees. (DP). Dipteracanthus, a genus of undershshrubs distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. About seven species are largely found in southern part of India. DP is shrublet belonging to family Acantheaceae. The present research work reports the pharmacognostic studies of morphological and microscopical characters of DP. The leaf constants, ash and extractive values were also determined. The extractive value with water is 55.27, 23.38 and 3.05 times more than pet ether, chloroform and methanol respectively. The preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of carbohydrate, phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and steroids. The characteristics orange colored fluorescence was observed with pet ether and methanolic extract of DP leaf. Total phenolic content was found to be 351.09 ± 1.89 µg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per g of dried sample.
... Just like the allopathic medicine system, the traditional herbal system uses special combination of plant to treat diseases. In China the use of traditional medicine is relied upon for non-toxicity and most Chinese avoid the allopathic or other systems (Sing and Khan, 1990). Plants have diverse combination of chemicals that can produce different results on different organisms. ...
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The herbal medicines occupy distinct position right from primitive period to the present-daytime. The utilization of biologically diverse plant resources for various ailments is the lifelong struggle of human race. In spite of their availability and utilization by large proportion by the middle hills dweller, no concreted effort has been made for sustainable development of this renewable natural resource. Kaghan Valley is no exception to this. Being a neglected part of NWFP, its people mainly depend upon plant resources for their first aid. In the present study indigenous knowledge of plants use for the gastrointestinal disorders collected from research Kaghan valley includes 27 poly herbal recipes. These recipes are composed of 43 medicinal plant species. Out of these, 27 plants species constitute the major component and the remainder 15 species are used as minor component. The maximum number of recipes (15) are used for the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery followed by anthelmentic recipes (10), while only 4 are used for abdominal pain.
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District Betul of Madhya Pradesh is situated at the centre of India. It has dense forest. Number of medicinal plants are found here. This district of Madhya pradesh is density populated by the tribes. Gond, Korkoos are the main trible communities. The minimum rain fall of the district is mainly 45 inches per year. The people of this area are mostly suffered from Asthma, Eosinophilia, various skin diseases, malaria, piles, pyarrhea, typhoid diabetes etc. Floristically the area is observed to support diverse flora in prevailing forest ecosystem. Annoa reticulata (Anonaceae) Ramphal, Aegle marmelos (Rutaceae) Bel, Zypus rotundifolia (Rhamnaceae) Jarbery, Sapinduse merginata (Sapindaceae) Ritha, Semicarpus anacardium (Anacardiaceae) Bhilwa, Ptecarpus marsupium (Fabaceae) Beeja, Cassia fistula (Caesalpiniaceae) Amaltas, Acasia nilotica (Mimosaceae) Babool Madhuca latifolia Sapotaceae mahua, Halarrhena antidysentica (Apocynaceae) Dhudhi, Achyranthus aspera (Amaranth aceae) Latjira Chlorphytum tuburosum (Liliaceae) Safed musli, are the well known medicinal plants amongs them. Tribes of this district are using these medicinal plants as traditional medicine. They use these plants to cure many diseases.
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Majoon Halaila is polypharmaceutical preparation of Unani System of Medicine given particularly in old age to counter the effects of ageing such as greying of hair, decreased body strength, decreased memory power, weakness of heart etc. It is an electuary which is prepared especially for the people engaged in mental work. It is a compound of Halailajat with other ingredients prepared by the process of Ajin (mixing), in a semisolid form hence, renamed as Majoon Halaila. This compound formulation contains 10 ingredients that possess cardiac tonic, exhilarant, memory enhancer, brain tonic activities. It is being particularly used in age related dementia as well as to counter the effects of ageing in Unani system of Medicine.
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Waja-uz-Zohar (Low Back Pain) is the most common pain in the lumbosacral region seen in general practice. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Hijamat-bila-Shurt in the symptomatic management of Wajauz- Zohar. Hijamat is a unani mode of treatment, which is carried out by producing partial vacuum in the cupping glasses, by means of suction pump, in order to divert the morbid material from the deeper tissues. In the present study 60 clinically diagnosed patients of Waja-uz-Zohar were enrolled for 20 days from the OPD/IPD of A&U Tibbia College & Hospital, New Delhi. The duration of application of cups was 30 minutes in each sitting daily. Subjective parameters were assessed by using Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score. Statistical Analysis was done by using Student ‘t’ Test. There was significant improvement in subjective parameters (p<0.05). So it can be concluded that Hijamat-bila-Shurt may be an effective regimen in the management of Waja-uz-Zohar. Keywords: Hijamat-bila-Shurt, Waja-uz-Zohar, Low back pain, Cupping, Unani Medicine
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Liver disease is one of the leading causes of death globally. Recently, its prevalence and mortality rate continue to increase. It was reported that Indonesia’s hepatitis prevalence was 1.2% in 2013. Indonesia is the world second largest megabiodiversity country and inhabited by 1,068 ethnicities. Both are assets to explore medicinal plants as well as local knowledge to overcome various diseases. Ethnomedicine research by the National Institute of Health Research and Development (NIHRD) of Republic of Indonesia in year of 2012, 2015, and 2017 resulted in local etnopharmacology and medicinal plants in Indonesia. One important information is data on the use of medicinal plants for the treatment of liver disease by traditional healers from various ethnic groups in Indonesia. Analysis of the information set shows that the most widely used plant species for the treatment of liver disease by battra are included in Fabaceae family. Therefore, further studies of the literature regarding the use of empirical, compound content, therapeutic activities and pharmacology of plant species are used as support or even correction for their use in the treatment of liver disease. Various properties as antibiotics (against viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi), anti-inflammation, antioxidants, hepatoprotectors, and immunomodulators support the use of these species for the treatment of liver disease. Further research is needed to provide basic data on its use in traditional medicine, obtain and develop new drug compounds, and reveal broader use, not to mention toxic and anti-nutritional compounds. This information is expected to be useful for those who are involved in the ethnobotany, botany, pharmacognosy, and pharmacology fields. Abstrak Penyakit liver termasuk salah satu penyakit yang menjadi penyebab kematian utama secara global, dengan angka kematian terus mengalami peningkatan. Hepatitis merupakan salah satu penyakit liver, prevalensi di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 mencapai 1,2%. Sebagai negara megabiodiversitas nomor dua di dunia yang dihuni oleh 1.068 etnis/suku bangsa, Indonesia kaya akan tumbuhan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi berbagai penyakit. Riset etnomedisin oleh Badan Litbang Kesehatan RI pada tahun 2012, 2015, dan 2017 menghasilkan metadata pengetahuan lokal etnofarmakologi dan tumbuhan obat Indonesia. Salah satu informasi pentingnya yaitu data pemanfaatan tumbuhan obat untuk pengobatan penyakit liver oleh pengobat tradisional (battra) dari berbagai etnis di Indonesia. Analisis terhadap set informasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa spesies tumbuhan paling banyak digunakan untuk pengobatan penyakit liver termasuk dalam famili Fabaceae. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan studi literatur mengenai pemanfaatan empiris, kandungan senyawa, aktivitas terapeutik dan farmakologi spesies-spesies tumbuhan tersebut sebagai dukungan atau bahkan koreksi terhadap pemanfaatannya untuk pengobatan penyakit liver. Berbagai khasiat sebagai antibiotik (terhadap virus, bakteri, parasit, jamur), anti-inflamasi, antioksidan, hepatoprotektor, dan imunomodulator menyokong pemanfaatan spesies tersebut untuk pengobatan penyakit liver. Penelitian lebih lanjut sangat diperlukan untuk memberikan data dasar penggunaannya dalam pengobatan tradisional, mendapat dan mengembangkan senyawa obat baru, serta mengungkap pemanfaatan yang lebih luas tak terkecuali pula terhadap senyawa toksik dan anti-nutrisi. Informasi ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi yang menggeluti bidang etnobotani, botani, farmakognosi, dan farmakologi.
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The survey on medicinal plants in regenerated forest area of Gerugudda Basapur, Hangal taluk, Haveri district, Karnataka state covers three hillocks called Hiregudda, Kemmanagudda, and Pilligudda was started on 15 th Oct. 2000, with a local Ayurvedic pandith. Many plants were collected, from the study area and are identified with the help of Flora and Monographs. The identified plant specimens were given the voucher number and kept in the KCD Herbarium. Out of the collected plants about 60 species, belongs to 34 families, most of them are herbs and are recognized as a medicinally important plants, which are used by local Ayurvedic Pandiths till today. According to local Pandiths some plants were also recorded their uses in veterinary medicine.
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Taxonomic studies and medicinal plants survey on regional floras have attracted very limited attention till the last decade. However, the revision of several groups of angiosperms is being undertaken by BSI, particularly to the medicinal plants by FRLHT. The rapid denudation of annual vegetation in general and medicinal plants in particular has caused much concern among botanists, ethno-botanists, ecologists and environmentalists. It is therefore necessity to document the flora of the region and stress on their conservation to the posterity before the species become extinct. The present work is an attempt to collect, identify, preserve and conserve the medicinal plants in Sangama area.
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RuelliapatulaJacq (syn: Dipteracanthus patulus) belongs to the family Acanthaceae, has numerous medicinal properties but is not exploited much in modern medicine. Invitro antimicrobial activity of the Ruelliapatulajacq leaves extracted with Ethanol, Methanol and Acetone was checked for Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Aspergillus niger by disc diffusion method. Ethanol was found to be the better solvent that its extract showed more activity against Aspergillus niger, Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis respectively. Preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanolic and methanolic extracts showed positive results for alkaloids, steroids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins and terpenoids. Genomic DNA was extracted from RuelliapatulaJacq leaves using the standard Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Bromide extraction method. The DNA extracted responded well during PCR amplification and RAPD analysis with three gene specific primers and five random Medicinal aromatic plant primers respectively. Chromatographic fingerprinting of the ethanolic extract of the plant leaves was analyzed for compounds present in the sample using analytical type HPLC using a C-13 Column and a UV- detector of the RuelliapatulaJacq for the detection of the chemical constituents in the plant. Analytical type chromatogram revealed the presence of 8 compounds in the extract under scanning at 205 nm. The preparative type HPLC chromatogram revealed the presence of 2 major compounds in the extract. The collected fractions were subjected to FT-IR spectroscopy and UV-Visible spectrum analysis. FT-IR Spectrum studies on RuelliapatulaJacq ethanolic extract showed the possibility of harbouring secondary metabolites with higher pharmaceutical value. ©, 2014, International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research. All rights reserved.
Objective To screen and evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of root, leaves and stem of Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees in animal models to support its traditional uses.Methods The anti-inflammatory activity using carrageenan was examined. Acute paw edema was induced by injecting 0.1 mL of 1 % (w/v) carrageenan solution, prepared in normal saline in sub-plantar region of the left hind paw of the rat. Measurements were taken at 0, 1, 2, 3 & 4 hours after the administration of the carrageenan. The extract which showed best activity were further evaluated by egg white, xylene and TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate) induced inflammation in rat models.ResultsMethanolic extract (26.4%) and aqueous extract (22.8%) of stem showed the best anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenan induced paw edema as well as in the other methods at a dose of 250 mg/kg body weight.Conclusions Present study, for the first time, confirms the significant anti-inflammatory activity potential of methanolic and aqueous extracts of stem of Dipteracanthus patulus on animal models.
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The family of Rutaceae contains extremely wide variety of aromatic plants, mainly in tropical regions. Among them the rich is the genus Ruta. It is now cultivated in many parts of the world. This plant is considered indigenous in South Europe and North Africa and it grows on waste stony ground. Rue (Ruta graveolens) has been used for centuries as a medical preparation and has a variety of roles, probably because of its varied chemical composition. This plant is commonly cultivated in India and is commonly called as sudab or sadab. In traditional system of medicine it is used as stimulant, emmenagogue, diuretic, abortefacient, and resolvent. Detailed and comparative studies from its traditional use especially with reference to Unani system of Medicine, to the modern scientific reports have been evaluated in this paper. Keywords: Sudab; Ruta graveolens; Unani system of Medicine; Flavonoid.
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