Aim: To describe the gender variation of finger prints pattern in Coronary Heart Disease patients, and to support the evidence of court of law regarding identification of persons. Study design: Descriptive Study Place and duration of study: Study was conducted at Avicenna Medical College, Lahore and data was collected from the Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore from April 2012 to June 2012 Methods: Finger prints were collected from the subjects after obtaining their informed consent in the month of 1 April, 2012 to 15 June, 2012. A total of 140 diagnosed patients were selected from the OPD of Punjab Institute of Cardiology and data were analyzed at Avicenna Medical College Lahore. Finger prints were recorded on a plain white paper with a stamp pad by plain and rolled method and each finger print was assigned by their Name, Age, and Sex, were recorded on the proforma. Results: Out of these one hundred and forty patients in males the most common pattern the patients were belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints 37.9%, where as the number of patients belonging to Loop pattern was 27%. The third common pattern was composite, 5%, and very least pattern was arch only 1%.. In females most common pattern was Whorl 27% and the second most common pattern was Loop 5.7% and third pattern was composite only 1,and no any arch pattern was found. Conclusion: Each fingerprint is unique hence it can be very effectively used as an evidence for identification in the court of law. Majority of the patients was belonging to whorl pattern of finger prints followed by patients belonging to Loop pattern and the least patterns were Arch and composite.