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Master Thesis
Modeling the Development of Obesity in
Maximilian B¨
Master Thesis 12-17
Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science
of Operations Research at the Department of Knowledge
Engineering of the Maastricht University
Thesis Committee:
Dr. F. Thuijsman, Dr. K. Staˇnkov´a, MSc. E. Aller
Maastricht University
Faculty of Humanities and Sciences
Department of Knowledge Engineering
Master Operations Research
July 5, 2012
1 Introduction 2
2 Data Analysis 3
2.1 Provided Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Bayesian Belief Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2.1 Creating Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2.2 Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.3 K-Cross Fold Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.4 Creating Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.5 Inference Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.6 Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.7 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Population Model 15
3.1 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.1 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1.2 Obesity Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1.3 Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Application of Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4 Conclusions 28
5 Future Work 29
A Full list of provided parameters 32
B Pseudo Code 35
B.1 CI-Based Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
B.2 K2 algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
B.3 TAN algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Due to the increased consumption of food in the western society, obesity and overweight are
developing into global problems. These diseases can be the result of numerous causes. Primary
issues are of course nutrition and physical activity. After analyzing data, that was provided by the
Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University, we developed a model to estimate the
effects of preventive and reactive psychological treatments on populations. The model allows us
to compare costs of preventive treatments, taking into account that less reactive treatments might
be required. This data is particularly interesting to health insurance companies, considering
to cover preventive treatments. Furthermore it offers new ways to estimate the effects of new
Chapter 1
Due to the increased consumption of food in the western society, obesity and overweight are de-
veloping into global problems. Those diseases can be the result of numerous causes. A primary
issue is of course nutrition. But not only the amount of food that is consumed is relevant, but
also the composition of the food. For instance food with high sugar content causes the insulin
levels to rise. The blood sugar and insulin levels are influencing how nutrients are processed.
The large amounts of sugar, other short carbohydrates, and fat in modern food are contributing
to development of overweight. Especially in low income areas, people are often less educated
about those effects and therefore consume an unhealthy combinations of food[1]. Another factor
is the amount of physical activity. Due to the decreasing amount of physical work in our society,
while more time is spent at work, ab increasing number of people suffers from obesity[2]. The
lack of time also contributes to the large amounts of processed and fast food that are currently
In order to deal with this problem, different kinds of treatments have been developed. The com-
mon kinds of treatments include surgical approaches like gastric banding and liposuction. On
the other hand, there are non invasive treatments, namely psychological treatments that can be
reactive or preventive.
As an initial source for our model we have been provided with a data set for a psychological
treatment for obesity patients by the Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University.
The data set contains data recorded at the patient’s first visit to the hospital and data measured in
half year intervals during the treatment. The treatment consists of an advisory session on nutri-
tion and sports twice a year, where also the measurements are taken.
There are indications that the application of preventive treatments helps keeping the pop-
ulation more healthy and reduces overall costs. In order to investigate the efficiency of those
treatments altogether, we developed an interactive agent based model, that instead of averaging
over the whole population, models every single individual. The model allows us to simulate pop-
ulations with respect to different criteria. For instance, we can add different types of treatments
that are defined by a number of parameters and estimate the effect and costs of this treatment on
a specific population.
Chapter 2
Data Analysis
In order to estimate parameters, required to build the model, we used different methods for
extracting information from provided data. This chapter describes these methods and the results
on a data set provided by the Department of Human Biology at Maastricht University.
2.1 Provided Data
The provided data consists of a list of 700 patients quantified by a number of parameters. Those
parameters were split into 3 categories. The first category is the static patient data, like gender
and age, while the second category is the set of parameters, that we want to predict. These consist
of weight, BMI, and other obesity related body measures over the time of treatment. The third
category consists of the main input parameters, the blood values, and the measured obesity re-
lated values at the first entry of the patient. The full list of parameters is provided in Appendix A.
For each of the obesity related parameters, the rate of change during the treatment was extracted
to be used as a measure of success. We refer to these as our output parameters. Furthermore, the
initial measurements of the obesity related parameters were also used as input parameters.
Due to the fact that the classification methods investigated may be subject to over-fitting the data,
we have randomly split our data set into two equally sized subsets of size 350. Only one of the
subsets was used as input for the creation of the classifier, while the other one was used to verify
the result, while ruling out over-fitting effects.
2.2 Bayesian Belief Networks
A Bayesian Belief Network is an information structure that can be used to reason in an uncertain
domain. It is implemented as a directed acyclic graph with a probability table for each node.
The nodes in the graph represent parameters, and the edges between the nodes represent the rela-
tionships among the parameters[3]. In order to create such a network, a node is created for each
parameter, followed by creating edges between the nodes according to the structural algorithm
used. We investigated three such algorithms for the accuracy of the resulting networks.
2.2.1 Creating Structures
The most obvious way to create a Bayesian network is to select the node we like to predict and
connect any other node to it. This approach is called Naive Bayes. In our case a more elaborate
way to create the networks is desirable, since we want to be able to represent more complex
relationships that might exist in our data. The following approaches achieved remarkable im-
provement over naive Bayes in terms of classification accuracy.
Conditional- And Mutual-Information
Conditional and mutual information is the information shared between a set of nodes. In a
Bayesian network, if two nodes are dependent on each other, they share information. This infor-
mation is called mutual information. This mutual information can be used to measure how close
two nodes are related. The mutual information of two nodes, Xiand Xjis defined as
I(Xi, Xj) = X
P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj) log P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj)
P(v(Xi) = xi)P(v(Xj) = xj)
where V(Xi)is the set of all possible values for the set of nodes Xiand v(Xi)returns the current
values of the the nodes, hence P(v(Xi) = xi)returns the probability of the set of nodes Xi
having values xi.
The conditional (mutual) information is the mutual information between two nodes Xiand Xj,
assuming the value for another node Cis known. It is defined as
I(Xi, Xj|C) = X
P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj∧v(C) = c).
log P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj|v(C) = c)
P(v(Xi) = xi|v(C) = c)P(v(Xj) = xj|v(C) = c)
When I(Xi, Xj)is smaller than a certain threshold ǫ, we say the nodes Xiand Xjare
marginally independent given C. [4]
We have visualized the results of both formulas applied to our data in Figures 2.1 and 2.2.
The displayed values have been normalized to a diagonal of ones. Furthermore for conditional
information, every other node was tested as a conditional node Cand the maximum is displayed.
Since both formulas are symmetric with respect to Xiand Xj, so I(Xi, Xj) = I(Xj, Xi)and
I(Xi, Xj|C) = I(Xj, Xi|C), both figures are symmetric with respect to the diagonal. In both
figures we can see a cluster of dark spots around the diagonal on the outer edge of the output
parameters. Those clusters correspond to the four blood pressure values, which are obviously
strongly related. Furthermore the figures illustrate that the algorithm did not find other signifi-
cant relationships that would link input and output data.
The Conditional Information-Based Search Algorithm
The CI-based (Conditional Information) search algorithm calculates the optimal network struc-
ture for a given set of nodes[4] by making more advanced use of the mutual and conditional
information formulas.
The algorithm works in 3 steps: drafting, thickening, and thinning. In the first phase, the al-
gorithm computes mutual information of each pair of nodes as a measure of relatedness, and
creates a draft based on this information. This draft is then a basic network, in which each arc
is undirected. In the second phase, the algorithm adds edges to the current graph when the pairs
of nodes cannot be separated based on a group of tests based on the conditional information for-
mula. In the third and final phase of the algorithm, each edge is examined using another group
of tests based on conditional information and will be removed if the two nodes of the edge are
conditionally independent. [4] A more detailed description of this algorithm can be found in
Appendix B.1.
The K2 Algorithm
The K2 algorithm heuristically searches for the most probable network structure given a set of
cases. It uses node ordering and an upper bound for the number of parents a node can have. The
algorithm results in a list of parents for each node in the network, that maximizes the following
function for each node.
f(i, πi) =
(Nij +ri−1)!
αijk !(2.3)
where iis the node and πiis the set of parents of the node. A detailed description can be found
in Appendix B.2.
The Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian Algorithm
The TAN algorithm (Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian) was first described by Friedman, Geiger
and Goldszmidt in 1997. It creates structure as follows: First the conditional information be-
tween any two nodes is computed (see Equation 2.2). The resulting weights are attached to the
respective arcs between the nodes. A maximum weight spanning tree is created by applying
Kruskal’s algorithm[5]. Now the resulting undirected graph is transformed to a directed one by
introducing a root node and setting the direction of all edges to be outward from it. The node
corresponding to the desired output parameter is selected as the root. A detailed description of
the algorithm can be found in Appendix B.3
Figure 2.1: Mutual information incidence matrix. Dark pixels indicate high mutual information.
Figure 2.2: Conditional information incidence matrix. Dark pixels indicate high conditional
2.2.2 Comparison
In order to compare the described algorithms we downloaded 3 data sets, namely ”Thyroid”,
”Diabetes” and ”Post-Operative”. The following tables show the error rates of the mentioned
algorithms for the 3 tested data files with different characteristics. The Thyroid file is very
complex (10.000 patients with 26 parameters and 4 classes), while the diabetes file is comparably
simple (750 patients, 9 parameters and 2 classes). The post-operative file is very small and simple
(90 patients, 9 parameters and 3 classes).
1st guess rate 2nd guess rate 3rd guess rate 1st αerror 1st βerror
TAN 0.22 0.09 0.05 0.16 0.04
K2 0.26 0.24 0.23 0.26 0.01
CI 0.26 0.21 0.16 0.26 0
Table 2.1: Algorithm comparison for data set ’Thyroid’
1st guess rate 1st αerror 1st βerror
TAN 0.17 0.11 0.14
K2 0.32 0.32 0
CI 0.22 0.21 0.02
Table 2.2: Algorithm comparison for data set ’Diabetes’
1st guess rate 2nd guess rate 1st αerror 1st βerror
TAN 0.38 0.04 0.26 0.15
K2 0.25 0.04 0.11 0.2
CI 0.14 0.04 0 0.2
Table 2.3: Algorithm comparison for data set ’Post Operative’
The tables show 1st,2nd and 3rd guess rates depending on how many classes were present
in our data set. The 1st guess rate column shows the returned probability that the actual class is
returned as the most likely class by the network, while the 2nd guess rate shows the probability
the right class is the second most likely class returned by the network. αerror is the rate of false
positive answers, while βerror is the rate of false negative answers.
Table 2.1 shows that the TAN algorithm performs best for the big and complex thyroid file.
Followed by the CI algorithm. Table 2.2 shows TAN performing the best for the diabetes file,
while K2 shows very bad results here. For the very small post-operative file, shown in Table 2.3,
the TAN algorithm performs the worst, while the CI algorithm returns very good results. Further
experiments showed that the TAN algorithm needs a certain number of patients to work properly.
That number seems not to depend on the complexity of the file. The cross-over point between
the CI and TAN algorithms showed to be approximately at the data set size of 400 patients.
2.2.3 K-Cross Fold Validation
To furthermore improve the results of the algorithms, validation algorithms like K-Cross fold
validation can be used. K-Cross fold validation splits the data set into Kequal subsets and cre-
ates a network structure for each of these subsets. Each of the resulting networks is then assessed
using the remaining K−1subsets. The networks are eventually merged into one network using
the scores as weights. As shown in Table 2.4, 10-Cross fold validation reduced error rates by
about 1 percent.
Thyroid Diabetes Post Operative
CI 0.26 0.22 0.14
K2 0.26 0.32 0.25
TAN 0.22 0.17 0.38
10-Cross CI 0.25 0.2 0.13
10-Cross K2 0.25 0.32 0.24
10-Cross TAN 0.21 0.17 0.37
Table 2.4: Error rates of 10-Cross fold validation
2.2.4 Creating Distributions
Since each node must contain distributions for all possible setups of its parents these distributions
need to be calculated in order to be able to use the network. The distributions can be calculated
from the data files. The needed probabilities and conditional probabilities are calculated through
iteration of the data files.
2.2.5 Inference Algorithms
In order to make use of a Bayesian network structure an inference algorithm is needed. An in-
ference algorithm calculates a probability distribution for desired nodes, given a set of known
values. The three most important ones are described in this section.
Inference By Enumeration
Once a Bayesian network is created it provides a complete description of the domain. In order
to answer a query through the network it is required to eliminate all variables that have unknown
values (free variables). From the definition of conditional probability we can derive a rule to
achieve that[6].
P(v(Xi) = xi|v(Xj) = xj) = P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj)
P(v(Xj) = xj)(2.4)
where Xiis the queried variable and Xjis the set of evidence variables with values xj.
Introducing a normalization factor αsaves us time for additional iteration of the data for the
P(v(Xi) = xi|v(Xj) = xj) = αP(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj)(2.5)
Pxi∈V(Xi)P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj)(2.6)
Taking all free variables Xkinto account, we have to extend the equation to sum over the possible
values of those.
P(v(Xi) = xi|v(Xj) = xj) = αX
P(v(Xi) = xi∧v(Xj) = xj∧v(Xk) = xk)(2.7)
this will iterate over all possible values for all free variables, producing a probability distribu-
tion for the desired parameter. Since we have to sum over every free variable in the network, this
procedure has to be considered NP-hard in most networks. The runtime complexity for a network
with nfree binary variables is O(2n)[6]. In realistic cases with a high number of parameters this
approach is not feasible. Therefore other approaches to solving this problem would be desirable.
Inference By Variable Elimination
When using the enumeration algorithm, many values are calculated multiple times. To avoid
that, the variable elimination algorithm stores values calculated for each node into a vector (also
called bucket) and looks them up on demand instead of calculating again. This is realized by
ordering all nodes in the network into a list, such that each node is preceded by all its parent
nodes. That way the variable elimination algorithm achieves much higher performance than enu-
meration in practice, while still staying exact. Though in the worst case, it will still take as long
as the initial approach[6].
Inference By Simulation
Unlike the other two inference algorithms, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm (MCMC)
estimates probabilities by sampling from the distributions of the free variables using the Gibbs-
sampler. Sampling means taking a random value from a distribution according to its probabilities.
Since a variable is considered independent of all other variables given its parents, children and
children’s parents (Markov blanket) the Gibbs-sampler uses the following formula to calculate
probabilities for sampling. [6].
P(v(Xi) = x′
i|mb(Xi)) = αP(v(Xi) = x′
i|parents(Xi)) Y
P(v(Yj) = yj|parents(Yj))
where mb(Xi)is the Markov blanket of node Xi,parents(Xi)is the set of parents of node Xi,
and children(Xi)is the set of children of node Xi.
After a certain number of samplings over all free variables, the number of occurrences of the
questioned state is counted and divided by the number of samplings. The more samplings are
executed the more precise the result will be.
While enumeration and variable elimination are both exact and so return the same results, the
MCMC algorithm’s precision can be influenced by the number of samplings executed. Further-
more Variable elimination was tested to be slow compared to to the MCMC algorithm, given few
evidence in the network. Table 2.5 shows the MCMC algorithm in comparison to the exact result
when 10 and 100 samplings are performed.
Thyroid Diabetes Post Operative
VE 0.22 0.17 0.14
MCMC 10 samplings 0.22 0.19 0.23
MCMC 100 samplings 0.22 0.17 0.14
Table 2.5: Error rates inference algorithms
2.2.6 Scoring
In order to determine the quality of a network a scoring algorithm is needed. The easiest way
to do this is to take a set sof patients which has not been used during creation of the network
and for each patient in sset the non class nodes in the network respectively and run an inference
algorithm on the class variable. By counting the number of right results an error rate can be de-
termined. Another common way of measuring the error is the Mean Squared Error (MSE) which
takes the probability the network returns for the result into account. So it measures the average
probability of values for the class node that do not match the inputted patients data.
2.2.7 Results
Applying the described methods to the provided data we obtained several Bayesian networks,
that were then scored. Table 2.6 shows the minimal error rates of different networks that were
2 classes 3 classes
CI 0.47 0.62
K2 0.49 0.65
TAN 0.48 0.63
Table 2.6: Bayesian network error rates on provided data
For each value ten networks were created from a training set of 350 patients, and the one with
the lowest error was selected. Furthermore, for easier comparison, we used the same number of
samples for each class. The first column is obtained by splitting the training data into two classes,
those who did lower their BMI and those who did not. For the second column the data is split
into three classes, adding a class for a change in BMI of less than 1.
When using 2 classes the error can be observed to be close to 0.50, hence close to a random
classifier. The same can be observed in the 3 class case. This indicates that the networks did not
succeed in finding any significant relationship allowing to generally predict the outcome of the
treatment in advance.
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks
An artificial neural network is a mathematical model resembling the structure of biological neu-
ral networks [7]. It consists of a number nof input neurons and a number mof output neurons.
In case of a linear network the input and output layers are completely connected. That means
any input neuron may influence any output neuron. This allows representation of linear relation-
ships. Such a network is usually represented by a matrix wand a vector b, where wrepresents
the strengths of the connections between the input and output layer and therefore has dimension
m×n. Since multiplying the weight matrix by a zero input vector would always yield zero,
which might not be desired, we also need the bias vector bof length m.
w1,1··· w1,n
wm,1··· wm,n
The output of a linear network is calculated using the following equation.
a=wp +b(2.10)
where ais the activation or output of the network and pis the input pattern.
In order to train the network for some problem we require a rule to update wand b. This is
performed by iterating through a number of training examples and comparing the result with the
desired output, then update wand baccordingly. For linear networks the perceptron learning rule
can be applied.
where eis the error, and tis the desired output.
We can update the weight matrix wand bias vector bas follows:
wnew =wold +ep (2.12)
bnew =bold +e(2.13)
Additionally a neural network can be used as a classifier by using one binary output for each
class using the hardlim function.
hardlim(x) = (1,if n > 0
0,if n≤0(2.14)
Applied to Equation 2.10 this results in:
a=hardlim(wp +b)(2.15)
Since we did not observe any linear relationships using the mutual and conditional informa-
tion measures, we are mostly interested in non linear networks.
A non linear neural network additionally adds a number of hidden layers between the input and
output layer through which the information is fed forward, usually using the logsig function.
logsig(x) = 1
1 + e−x(2.16)
The information is fed forward through the layers using the following equation:
ai+1 =logsig(wiai+bi)(2.17)
where aiis the activation at the inputs of layer i, and wiand biare the weights and bias of layer
i. Furthermore a1=p. The activation vector of the last layer is the output of the network. In
order to train a non linear network different algorithms can be used. In our experiments the back
propagation algorithm was used which is described in [6].
2.3.1 Results
As explained in Section 2.2.7 we have split our training data in either two or three classes and
processed the same number of samples for each class. Additionally we try to continuously predict
the actual BMI reduction. Table 2.7 shows the performance of different neural networks given
the three different tasks.
Hidden layers 2 classes 3 classes Continuous
25 0.49 0.66 21.23
50 0.49 0.65 20.95
100 0.49 0.65 20.91
25,25 0.48 0.64 21.12
50,50 0.47 0.63 21.11
100,100 0.48 0.63 19.98
100,100,100 0.48 0.62 19.99
Table 2.7: Neural network error rates on provided data
Each network was trained using a training set of 350 patients. The training was continued un-
til the change of the error was below 1% for a period of 1000 iterations over the training set. The
first column specifies the structure of the hidden layers in comma separated form, where 25,25
means we have two hidden layers containing 25 neurons each. The second and third columns
show the error rates when using the network as a classifier, while the last column uses the net-
work as a regressor and shows the minimum mean squared error of the predicted BMI change.
In the two and three classes columns we can again observe a performance close to an random
classifier. The continuous case the deviations are very large, so the network does not manage to
predict the change of BMI in advance.
Chapter 3
Population Model
While the analysis of the provided data did only give us little insight on when the treatment
works, we were still able to obtain a good understanding about the factors that play a role in
the development of obesity and overweight. Based on this knowledge we were able to develop
a population model that will eventually allow us to simulate the complex events that influence
how persons interact, eat and grow weight. The model will simulate a large number of individ-
uals based on different sub-models. A population may refer to a large geographic area, like The
Netherlands, or just a smaller group with selected properties.
In order to be able to build a population model to determine effects of treatments on a larger scale,
we required data about different treatments depending on quantifiable parameters. This will al-
low us to build a model (Development model) for the development of obesity given different
treatments. Furthermore data on how obesity initially develops under different circumstances,
can be used to build a model (Obesity model), taking external factors into account. This can
include social factors, like peer pressure, environmental influences, like local food quality, and
individual parameters, like income. Another factor would be the likelihood of obese people to
actively search for help and so actually be able to benefit from treatment (Treatment model).
This can at a later stage also be used to for instance analyze the effects of marketing campaigns
(Marketing model) on the population. Additionally we can investigate ways to optimize the ap-
plication of treatments and estimate the effects of this optimization. This means finding factors
that help to select the optimal treatment for a certain patient. Finally we can have a look at fi-
nancial aspects by analyzing data about the costs of different treatments (Financial model). The
relations between the different sub-models are illustrated in Figure 3.1.
Compared to common simulation models, like replicator dynamics, we are modeling our
population as a group of individual agents making individual decisions [8]. This means we do
not average over our population, but stick with the full range of possibilities. This allows to study
vastly more complex scenarios and gives opportunity to introduce local effects.
Figure 3.1: Structure of the obesity population model.
3.1 Implementation
In order to implement the model as a computer program, we need to quantify all relevant pa-
rameters. Furthermore we need to define the relations between the different parameters and
sub-models in terms of equations.
3.1.1 Parameters
Each individual is modeled by a number of parameters defining the behavior and dynamics of a
•Age a
•Height l
•Weight m
•Physical activity p
•BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) r
•DCI (Recommended daily calorie intake) d
•BMI (Body mass index) b
•Satisfaction s
•Discipline f
•Caloric intake c
•Treatment probability
•Costs k
•Extreme physical activity calorie burn rate pr
•Seasonal caloric intake cs
•Satisfaction [Change rate / Noise / Decay]
•Discipline [Change rate / Noise / Decay]
•Caloric intake [Range / Noise]
3.1.2 Obesity Measures
The development of body weight is calculated using different formulas. Since the state repre-
sentation gives complete information of how the body will develop, this part of the model is
implemented as a Markov chain.
Body Mass Index
The body mass index (BMI) as defined by Adolphe Quetelet [9] is used to calculate satisfaction
and the probability of treatment.
where mis the weight in kg and lis the height in meters of the person.
Basal Metabolic Rate
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) as defined by the Harris-Benedict equations [10].
The formula for men is
rm= 66.5 + (13.75m) + (500.3l)−(6.755a)(3.2)
and the formula for women is
rf= 655.1 + (9.563m) + (185.0l)−(4.676a)(3.3)
where mis the weight in kg and lis the height in meters and ais the age in years of the person.
Recommended Daily Caloric Intake
The recommended daily caloric intake (DCI) as included in the Harris-Benedict equations is
defined by Table 3.1. We can reduce this table to an equation of pand r.
d= (0.7p+ 1.2)r(3.4)
where pis the physical activity parameter in the range [0,1] and ris the BMR.
In order to estimate the satisfaction of the person with her/his weight and BMI the following
formulas are used:
Physical activity DCI
Little to no exercise d= 1.2r
Light exercise (1-3 days per week) d= 1.375r
Moderate exercise (3-5 days per week) d= 1.55r
Heavy exercise (6-7 days per week) d= 1.725r
Very heavy exercise (twice per day, extra heavy workouts) d= 1.9r
Table 3.1: Daily Caloric Intake according to Harris Benedict
where bais the average normal BMI of 21.75 and bris an upper limit for the deviation from the
norm. Currently defined as 18.25.
Since the satisfaction value swill only change slowly over time we use the satisfaction change
rate αto define how quickly it may change.
st+1 = (1 −α)st+α(1
b+ 1 +ǫ)(3.6)
where st+1 and stare the satisfaction values at times t+ 1 and tand ǫis the noise term.
The values of sare bounded to the range [0,1].
Seasonal Function
Humans behave differently in different times of the year. For instance in the western culture
more calories are consumed during the Christmas time. This variation is often the cause for
people gaining weight. In order to include this factor into the model the ”seasonal function” was
included. This function allows us to model different seasonal behaviors in different regions (See
Figure 3.2). It is defined as follows:
fseasonal(t) = −1.25x10−16t20 + 7.36x10−15t19 −1.79x10−13 t18 + 2.31x10−12t17.
−1.66x10−11t16 + 6.37x10−11 t15 −1.01x10−10t14 (3.7)
where tis the month of the year.
Caloric Intake
The actual caloric intake of a person is calculated using the following formula:
bs= signum |b−ba|(3.8)
c=d+bscrf(1 −s) + (1 −f)fseasonalcs+ζ(3.9)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
1.2 Christmas function
Month of year
Additional food intake
Figure 3.2: The seasonal function for Christmas.
where cris the amount of calories, a person can physically deviate from the DCI, fis the
discipline value in the range [0,1],fseasonal is the seasonal function, csis the seasonal caloric
intake range and ζis the noise term. The values of care bounded to the range [0,1].
Weight Change
The weight change calculation is based on the assumption that a kilo of fat contains about
3500kcal of energy ρ. This gives the following formulas:
∆m= (c−d−ppr)/ρ (3.10)
mt+1 =mt+ ∆m(3.11)
where mt+1 and mtare the body weights at times t+ 1 and t,prdetermines the maximum
additional calories that can be burned per day by extreme physical activity.
The values for mare lower bounded to the mass of bones and organs, approximated to be
25kg per meter of height.
3.1.3 Treatments
In order to do comparisons of treatments three hypothetical treatments A, B, and C were designed
and examined. Treatment A is a 6 month preventive treatment for overweight people with a BMI
above 25, that is supposed to act preventive to Obesity. Treatment B is an 18 month treatment for
obese people with a BMI above 30. Treatment C is an additional treatment to follow up either
one of the others.
Each treatment’s effect is defined using a number of parameters:
•Activity increase g[Mean ˆg/ StDev ¯g/ Decay ˙g]
•Discipline increase h[Mean ˆ
h/ StDev ¯
h/ Decay ˙
•Daily cost i
•Duration of treatment j
The increase values gand hare only calculated when the treatment starts. This is where
Gaussian noise is applied using the normal distribution N(µ, Θ), with mean µand standard de-
viation Θ.
g=N(ˆg, ¯g)(3.12)
h, ¯
The development of physical activity pand discipline fover the time of treatment is imple-
mented using the calculated increase values and the decay values ˙gand ˙
ˆgt+1 =gt˙g(3.15)
pt+1 =p+ ∆p(3.16)
ht+1 =ht˙
ft+1 =f+ ∆f(3.19)
3.2 Simulation Results
When running the simulation on an average adult population it stabilizes at an average caloric
intake of around 2000 calories with an average BMI of around 22. The simulation output of
an average person is illustrated in Figure 3.3. Since we initialize each persons parameters in-
dependently, each configuration needs to first converge to its stable configuration. This could
be observed to always happen within about the first 2 years of simulation. After this phase we
can see the person to maintain stable weight, while the seasonal function causes a slight weight
increase each year, which depletes over the remaining year. According to current publications
the actual average caloric intake in Europe currently exceeds 3000 calories per day[11]. We op-
timized the parameters of the model to match this value. It turned out that there does not seem to
be a stable configuration matching a caloric intake that high. In our model any population with a
caloric intake this high would result in a very obese population on the long run. After only 1000
days of simulation using a constant caloric intake of 3000 calories per day the population aver-
ages with a BMI of above 50 and an average weight of more than 130 kg (see Figure 3.4). This
shows that there is an urgent need to tackle nutrition problems in order to prevent the western
societies from becoming very unhealthy.
Figure 3.3: Simulation output of an average person.
Figure 3.4: Simulation output on an average person in a population on 3000kcal nutrition.
3.3 Application of Treatments
In order to test the effects of the different treatments on our population we defined simple rules
on when to start application. For the treatment A, that is a preventive treatment for overweight
people, we used the BMI threshold of 25, that defines overweight. So everyone who exceeds
that threshold will receive treatment. Similarly treatment B is applied when the BMI exceeds
30. Treatment C is only applied after treatment A or B, if the weight of the person has not yet
To be able to show the effect of preventive treatments we assigned different daily costs to our
treatments. Treatments A, B, and C have daily costs of 6, 7 and 5 Euro respectively. When
running the model on large populations with different properties, we can consistently show that
applying preventive treatment at this cost ratio reduces the average BMI and the average costs.
This is visualized in Figure 3.6. The first bar in each category results from a run without any
treatments applied. The second run only applies the reactive treatment B. The third run also ap-
plies the preventive treatment A, while the fourth run additionally applies the follow up treatment
C. All runs were executed on the same population containing 1000 persons. It can be observed
that the application of the reactive treatment reduces the average BMI of the population. The
introduction of the preventive treatment A reduces the BMI further, while creating less costs.
Furthermore applying the long term follow up treatment C results in another slight reduction of
the BMI, while creating additional costs. This indicates that the introduction of the preventive
treatment reduces the overall costs in this setting.
Figure 3.5: Application of a reactive treatment on an obese person.
Figure 3.6: Comparison of Treatment applications.
Chapter 4
The discussed methods and the described model allow us to simulate large populations, based on
data measured from real populations. The Bayesian network approach allows us to find relation-
ships in data, giving us insight about important factors. Although the approach did not succeed
in finding such relationships in the data provided by the Department of Human Biology, the
approach generally showed to be capable to extract this information. Furthermore the research
about the provided parameters gave us a lot of insight into the topic of obesity and allowed us
to obtain the required tools to design a population model. The model consists of a number of
intuitive sub-models that together form a working simulation model. While the model still needs
to be extended to cover more factors, we were already able to extract useful information about
the development of obesity and the application of simple treatments. We will be able to use the
completed model to simulate a high number of scenarios and optimize the application of treat-
ment and marketing under different aspects, including finance and population health. The results
can be very useful for pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, in order to evaluate the
efficiency of certain treatments or whether those treatments should be covered by health insur-
ance from a financial perspective.
Chapter 5
Future Work
The current implementation of our model does not yet include social interaction, epitaxy, genetic
effects, marketing influences and most importantly long term effects of obesity and their respec-
tive costs. This will for instance contain heart disease, diabetes and depression. Additionally
the metabolic model will be worked out in more detail, taking the composition of the calories,
insulin, blood sugar, and other factors that might influence the metabolism, into account. In order
to estimate parameter values for the simulation, we need to obtain additional data about popula-
tions, diseases and treatments. Once the model is complete we will be able to optimize strategies
for the application of different specific treatments with respect to a variety of criteria. These
criteria will include factors like population health and minimizing costs. Furthermore, we will
be able to estimate the cost efficiency of the application of preventive treatments, or even their
necessity given the alarming caloric intake statistics discussed in Section 3.2. After completion
of the model we expect the sub-models to interact as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1: Future model layout.
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Appendix A
Full list of provided parameters
Base parameters:
Obesity related parameters:
•Abdominal girth
•Fat percentage
•Fat mass
•Visceral fat
•Blood pressure systole left arm
•Blood pressure diastole left arm
•Blood pressure systole right arm
•Blood pressure diastole right arm
Blood values:
Appendix B
Pseudo Code
This section provides pseudo code for most of the mentioned algorithms.
B.1 CI-Based Search
The CI-based algorithm is composed out of three phases, drafting, thickening and thinning. The
algorithm and the explanation are all taken from [4], and displayed here as a quick reference. In
the first phase a draft of the network is created using mutual information of each pair of nodes.
In the second phase, the algorithm adds arcs when the pairs of nodes are not conditionally inde-
pendent on a certain condition set. In the third phase, each arc of the network is examined using
conditional independence tests and will be removed if the two nodes of the arc are conditionally
Phase 1;
1. Initiate a graph G(V, E )where V=all the attributes of a data set, E={}. Initiate an empty
list L.
2. For each pair of nodes (vi, vj)where vi, vj∈Vand i6=j, compute mutual information
I(vi, vj). For all the pairs of nodes that have mutual information greater than a certain
small value ǫ, sort them based on their mutual information values and put these pairs of
nodes into list Lfrom large to small. Create a pointer pthat points to the first pair of nodes
in L.
3. Get the first two pairs of nodes of list Land remove them from it. Add the corresponding
arcs to E. Move the pointer pto the next pair of nodes. (In this algorithm, the directions
of the arcs are decided by the node ordering.)
4. Get the pair of nodes from Lpointed by the pointer p. If there is no open path between the
two nodes, add the corresponding arc to Eand remove this pair of nodes from L. (A open
path is an adjacency path where all the nodes are active.)
5. Move the pointer pto the next pair of nodes and go back to step 4 unless pis pointing to
the end of L.
Phase 2;
1. Move the pointer pto the first pair of nodes in L.
2. Get the pair of nodes (node1, node2) from Lat the position of the pointer p. Call Procedure
find cut set(current graph,node1, node2) to find a cut-set that can d-separate node1and
node2in the current graph. Use a conditional independence test to see if node1and node2
are conditionally independent given the cut-set. If so, go to next step; otherwise, connect
the pair of nodes by adding a corresponding arc to E.
3. Move pointer pto the next pair of nodes and go back to step 1 unless pis pointing to the
end of L. Otherwise the procedure is finished.
Phase 3;
1. For each arc(node1, node2) in E, if there are other paths besides this arc between the two
nodes, remove this arc from Etemporarily and call Procedure f ind cut set(currentgraph, node1, node
to find a cut-set that can d-seperate node1and node2in the current graph. Use a condi-
tional independence test to see if node1and node2are conditionally independent given the
cut-set. If so, remove the arc permanently; otherwise add this arc back to E.
B.2 K2 algorithm
procedure K2;
{Input: A set of n nodes, an ordering on the nodes, an upper bound uon the
number of parents a node can have, and a database Dcontaining mcases.}
{Output: For each node, a printout of the parents of the node.}
for i:= 1 to n do
πi:= ∅;
Pold := f(i, πi); {This function is computed using the equation below.}
OKToProceed := true;
While OKToProceed and |πi|<udo
let zbe the node in Pred(xi) - πithat maximizes f(i, πi∪ {z});
Pnew := f(i, πi∪ {z});
if Pnew > Pold then
Pold := Pnew ;
πi:= πi∪ {z};
else OKToProceed := false;
end {while};
write (”Node: ”, xi, ” Parent of xi: ”, πi);
end {for};
end {K2};
f(i, πi) =
(Nij +ri−1)!
αijk !
πi: set of parents of node xi
φi: list of all possible instantiations of the parents of xithen φiis the Cartesian product
1, ..., vp1
1, ..., vps
rps}of all the possible values of attributes p1through ps.
Vi: list of all possible values of the attribute xi
αijk : number of cases (i.e. instances) in D in which the attribute xiis instantiated with its
kth value, and the parents of xiin πiare instantiated with the jth instantiation in φi.
Nij =Pri
k=1 αijk . That is, the number of instances in the database in which the parents of xi
in πiare instantiated with the jthinstantiation in φi.
The pseudo code was taken from [12].
B.3 TAN algorithm
procedure TAN;
{Input: A set of n nodes, a class node and a database Dcontaining mcases.}
{Output: A list of edges between pairs of nodes.}
for i:= 1 to n do
for j:= 1 to n do
Let weight(i, j) = I(i, j )
end {for};
end {for};
Use Kruskal’s algorithm to create a maximum weight spanning tree.
Select a root node and set the direction of all edges to be outwards from that. Add an edge from
the class node to each of the n nodes.
end {TAN};
I(Xi, Xj) = X
P(xi, xj) log P(xi, xj)