Positional therapy is the avoidance of the supine posture during sleep for patients with supine-related sleep apnea. This therapy is mainly suitable for patients with supine-related sleep apnea (positional patients) who have most of their breathing abnormalities concentrated in the supine posture, and in whom while sleeping in the lateral postures (and sometimes in the prone posture), the amount of breathing abnormalities is significantly reduced to a nonpathological level. If a sleep apnea patient has mainly apneas and hypopneas in the supine posture, but when sleeping in the lateral positions or prone posture these breathing abnormalities disappear or are markedly reduced to a non-pathological level, it is almost intuitively obvious that this patient should avoid the supine posture during sleep. It is not clear, however, how the patient should accomplish this task during sleep. To avoid this posture during sleep, and thereafter to learn how to sleep only in the other postures (mainly the lateral posture), it becomes important to find a simple behavioral therapy.