
Trends in Strategic Management

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... But in a business there are many tight and continuous challenges that are very difficult to predict forecast how competition will evolve, so it will be a rare possibility to know for sure whether that firms choose the right strategy or not. The decision of firms' strategy is very important to determine why a customer buys and experiences goods or services continuously over time, and firms must differentiate an organization's value from its competitors [12]. It is why firms must define its business objectives and gather as much information as possible to meet the value of competitive advantages in business. ...
... [13] Competitive advantage in general is when the firm can make more economic value than other competitors. Value is the satisfaction and benefits gained by customers (and other stakeholders) that buy and use firm's products and services [12]. This is important for firms to create unique value for its customer. ...
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Procurement is one of the processes that cannot be separated in a business. To be able to run a business, it certainly needs to go through procurement stage that involves purchasing raw materials and services. There are many procurement practices in different kinds of business environment such as manufacturing business and construction business. Competitive strategies application within procurement in this manufacturing is very important in order to win a tender for material procurement required in projects. The paper examines how competitive strategies are applied within procurement practice in project-based manufacturing environment. This research studies in the literature of management in engineering, competitive strategy, procurement integration, and case study that takes a sample from the examples of procurement practice application in large organisation such as that of McDermott. The research aims to conduct a qualitative research method based on the discussion and analysis of literature reviews and case study to build conclusions. The findings suggest business players should have core competencies and develop factors such as superior quality, price advantage, on-time delivery, flexibility, and innovation through technology in order to win the competition.
... The model offers a better explanation for knowledge sharing and innovation because it contains distinctively emotional and spiritual knowledge fields and their influence on decision making (Bratianu et al., 2021;Vătămănescu et al., 2020;. Emotional knowledge becomes a critical factor in building up a stronger motivation for innovation and achieving competitive advantage, and spiritual knowledge is essential in developing an adequate vision for the organization and developing knowledge strategies (Bratianu, 2002;Nonaka & Takeuchi, 2019). ...
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In the literature there are many and different interpretations of the concept knowledge dynamics that creates a real difficulty in working with it. There is no comprehensive study of all these meanings and interpretations attributed to knowledge dynamics. The purpose of this paper is to explore the semantic spectrum of the concept of knowledge dynamics and to reveal the most relevant meanings and interpretations researchers in the domain of knowledge management attribute to it. The multitude of meanings and interpretations can be explained as a result of using different metaphors for expressing the concept of knowledge. Also, many researchers come from different domains of science and have different practical experiences in working with knowledge and knowledge management. The research question is how can be found a common framework to explain the most significant meanings and interpretations of the knowledge dynamics concept. Understanding this concept is necessary for all researchers, academics, and practitioners working in the domain of knowledge management and intellectual capital. The research method is based on a critical literature review, on using metaphorical thinking and on a comparative semantic analysis. It is a conceptual paper and therefore its structure will follow the logic of analysis and not that used for empirical research papers. The findings are integrated into a complex but coherent semantic framework based on both Newtonian and Thermodynamics principles.
... Tak rozumiany walor aplikacyjny bonitacji punktowej przyznaje tej technice wyższość nad bardziej opisowymi metodami wspierania decyzji, jak np. analiza SWOT (Bowman 1990) lub drzewa decyzyjnego (LaRaus, Remy 1978), niewymagającymi każdorazowego odnoszenia się badacza do identycznie zdefiniowanych kryteriów oceny. ...
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Secondary data comprise resources collected in various sectors of social life, independently from the researcher undertaking their analyses. Collecting such data is usually less time consuming and less costly compared to reactive studies, thus, each time when planning a research study, inclusion of secondary data should be considered. This specifically requires: 1) usage of systematic, multi-criteria evaluation methods; 2) separate evaluation of certain categories of secondary data; 3) separate reference to each of the research specific aims. The following paper presents an example of such an evaluation that meets all the criteria mentioned above. Using a point grading technique we assessed usefulness of three categories of secondary data (scientific literature, data used in content analysis and content of the public statistics) to meet all three specific aims of an interdisciplinary research project conducted by the same authors. Each of the aims differs in a) spatial scale of analyses (regional, local and topological) and b) dominant form of enquiry (quantitative, qualitative and qualitative accompanied with the use of GIS techniques). The results suggest usefulness of the technique in the context of multifaceted research projects: final evaluation scores for particular secondary data categories differed substantially depending on the specific aim. However, we suggest all the analysts to perform a deep insight into the evaluation process itself before deciding to replace reactive research with secondary data analyses. Among others, this is because weights assigned to certain criteria of the evaluation process are often dependent on organisational capacity of a particular research project. At the same time, exemption of the proposed stage of research planning may result in various negative consequences, e.g. 1) reduction in funding perspectives due to weak justification of the planned costs, or 2) lowering research scientific value of the study due to a lack of critical insight into the data, which are out of actual analyses.
... hjá Grant (2002), er fjallað um stefnumiðaða stjórnun á aðgengilegan hátt. Moore (1992) gerir í bók sinni grein fyrir framlagi 31 einstaklings til málaflokksins "Strategy and strategic management" og eru það baeði fraeðimenn og ráðgjafar. Í nýlegri grein gerir Runólfur Smári Steinþórsson (2003) ítarlega grein fyrir hugtakinu stefnumiðaðri stjórnun í almennri og fraeðilegri umfjöllun. ...
Grein þessi er tilraun til að greina og lýsa því hvaða þátt stefnumiðað árangursmat (Balanced Scorecard) getur leikið í vinnu fyrirtækja og stofnana við að framkvæma stefnu sína. Í upphafi er fjallað um merkingu orðsins stefna (strategy) því að skýr merking þess er forsenda fyrir markvissri umfjöllun um framkvæmd stefnu. Einnig má ætla að skýr stefna sé forsenda fyrir markvissri framkvæmd hennar. Stefna er orð sem hefur verið notað um mörg hugtök en í þessari grein er það notað í merkingunni „lýsing á þeim árangri sem stefnt er að og hvernig honum skuli náð“. Stefnumiðað árangursmat er aðferðafræði sem má útfæra og nota á margan hátt. Kaplan og Norton kynntu aðferðafræðina fyrst árið 1992 en þeir hafa þróað hana mikið síðan þá. Í þessari grein er fjallað um kjarna aðferðafræðinnar og tvö verkfæri hennar, stefnukort og skorkort. Síðan er gerð tilraun til að draga fram það hlutverk sem stefnumiðað árangursmat getur leikið í framkvæmd stefnu. Við þá greiningu er farið yfir helstu atriði sem þarf til að framkvæma stefnu.
... One of the premises of successful managerial strategic decision-making is a strategic situational analysis [19], which means the evaluation of factors of business environment, i.e. changes in customers' requirements, competitors, suppliers and development of macroeconomic factors including characteristics of internal enterprise resources. Similar definitions of situational analysis with only small differences in the descriptions of micro environment, mid-environment and macro-environment are suggested by a number of authors [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. A strategic situational analysis means a complex approach to capture important factors influencing business activities in their mutual relations. ...
... Although it is still debated whether the state of newspaper publishing can be called a crisis (cf. McChesney and Nichols 2010, Siles and Boczkowski 2012, Brüggemann et al. 2015, Schlesinger and Doyle 2015, research and empirical data respectively in several countries ( Kuhn 2011, McChesney and Nichols 2011, Lehtisaari et al. 2012, Kolo and Weichert 2014, as well as on a general or international level (cf. Siles and Boczkowski 2012, Murschetz 2014, WAN-IFRA 2015, indicate that at least the traditional business model is not sustainable in the long term (see also Picard 2008, Kaye and Quinn 2010, McChesney and Pickard 2011, Picard 2011, Holm and Günzel and Ulhøi 2013. ...
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Although consequences are still debated, financials in several countries indicate that the traditional newspaper publishers’ business is not sustainable in the long term. To overcome speculation we built a quantitative model for newspapers’ profit margins to derive ten-year scenarios in a systematic way. The simulation is based on a conceptualisation of a ‘business model’ that can be operationalized. It was designed and tested for specific newspapers in Germany, but is based on general assumptions and of international applicability.Even with optimistic values for print-online substitution, online usage still on the rise, and mobile devices becoming widespread, additional digital revenues of newspapers’ brands most likely cannot compensate for losses in print. In addition to exploiting editorial content across multiple platforms, publishers should explore options beyond these: developing ‘dynamic capabilities’ and possibly setting-up ‘ambidextrous’ organizations. (Unless, of course, they wait for subsidies to manifest or rely on an engagement of civil society for financing journalism.)
... The theoretical explanation for the relationship between exporting experience and export performance lies in the issue of uncertainty and the way firms cope with it (Erramilli 1991 ). Less experienced exporters are likely to perceive considerable uncertainty, which in turn might adversely affect their perceptions of potential risks and returns about overseas markets and operations (Agarwal, Ramaswami 1992; Davidson 1982). Nonetheless, with increasing exporting experience, firms are likely to perceive less uncertainty in their exporting activities; have a better understanding of foreign market mechanisms; develop a network of personal contacts and customer relationships abroad; and, consequently, design and implement effective export marketing programmes (Madsen 1989). ...
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In recent years, the volume of international trade has increased enormously due to the effects of globalization and liberalization of trade. However, political and economic changes, changes in consumer demand, market structures, product and market life cycles, domestic and foreign competition and the degree of effects caused by these changes became more and more significant. Such changes also cause uncertainty for the firms and thus, the firms making or intending to make business globally are obliged to implement dynamic strategies and action plans due to this volatile environment. Considering above mentioned points, this study aims to explore the uncertainties facing the exporting firms located in Izmir. The topics to be explored in this study will include uncertainties related with external and internal environment of the firms.
... Hence, when the external factors are both highly fluctuating and uncertain over time the development strategy is used as a guide for decision making. One of the reasons of these uncertainties is the technical progress which leads to accelerated economic processes [13, 32]. Uncertainty is related to any forecast, and it is higher in those countries where the economic and energy policies are greatly affected by structural changes. ...
... A number of scholars have asserted that these distinctive elements of network governance can create cost advantages in comparison to coordination through market or bureaucratic mechanisms (Thorelli 1986;Jarillo 1988;Jones and George 1998;Lipparini and Lorenzoni 1999). In particular, mutual trust as a governance mechanism is based on the belief in the other partner's reliability in terms of fulfilment of obligation in an exchange (Pruitt 1981). ...
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... Since then, the application of strategy to management has become something of a growth industry. In the process, the concept has evolved so that, by the 1990s, the original view of business strategy propounded in the 1960s was being challenged by a number of new perspectives (Moore, 1992;Segal-Horn, 1998;Whittington, 1993). ...
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The concept of an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy is explored using case-study evidence from smallholder agriculture in southern Malawi. The conventional concept of strategy as a ‘plan’ is contrasted with the use of strategy as a game, as a performance, and as an accident. This pluralistic view is echoed in recent literature on business strategy. A typology is developed that relates farmers' choice of IPM strategy to the predictability of crop losses, the stability of the crop environment, and farmers' knowledge of pests. Some implications for IPM are explored. Where conditions favour ‘adaptive’ rather than planned IPM strategies, formal experimentation to verify farmers' strategies may be an inefficient use of resources. Where the crop environment is volatile and several pests attack the crop simultaneously, there may be limited scope to increase the adoption of IPM strategies by improving farmer knowledge of pest biology. Addressing the interactions between pest and crop management is critical in making IPM relevant for resource-poor farmers. A deeper understanding of farmers' management strategies is required to frame meaningful recommendations.
... To review the major issues concerning joint ventures, we apply a straightforward SWOT analysis for joint ventures in the financial services industry (Table 3). The SWOT analysis is that it is a frequently used management tool for strategic decisions (Moore, 1992), so a main advantage of applying it here is in generating insights similar to what financial decision makers have about joint ventures. SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. ...
AlpInvest was created in 1999 as a joint venture between Dutch pension funds ABP and PGGM to create a strong platform for their private equity investments This case study examines the strategic rationale for setting up this private equity joint venture, and evaluates the pros and cons. We identify four criteria to create a successful joint venture in the pension fund industry: a joint venture whose business is close to the core competences of the pension fund, reduction of overlap in activities of shareholders and joint venture, shareholders with similar goals from the start, and a joint venture that is based on a stable growth business. Managing these issues is complex; the joint venture as an organizational form will therefore remain rare.
A contemporary overview of festival activity from around the world based on over 30 case studies drawn from every continent. Through its case-study focus it examines different types and genres of festival across the world; considers in detail specific festivals in specific contexts; looks at management and organisational issues in festival provision, and illustrates debates and theories pertaining to festivals throughout the world.
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The study aims to investigate empirically whether workers’ social capital attributes affect firms’ output performance. To achieve this objective, workers of small and medium firms are interviewed, and empirical analysis is carried out at the firm level for a sample of 100 firms, located in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Findings of the study suggest, at large, workers’ social capital attributes have a positive effect on firms’ output performance. This indication is derived from the fact that in six out of nine specifications, the social capital attributes of workers enter the model significantly and positively. Perceiving the result prudently, firms’ output performance upsurges with the extension of workers’ social participation and networking, whereas decreases as workers’ preserve more social trust attributes. The result points towards the fact that a certain level of trust may prove beneficial; having enhanced exchange of unstated learning and hazard taking. However, firms that exceedingly trust other firms might be misguided in both input and output decisions, which poses a negative impact on their output performance.
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The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the effect of corporate social responsibility performance on tax avoidance. It also examines whether family ownership affects tax avoidance practices by socially responsible performance. Based on an international sample of 6,442 firm‐year observations from 2006 to 2014, we use several panel‐data regression models. We find that social and environmental performance is negatively related with tax avoidance so that firms with a greater socially responsible performance show a lower tax‐saving practices. However, we find that this negative relation is lower in family‐owned firms, what suggests that despite the fact that family firms show a greater socially responsible behavior aimed to preserve their socioemotional endowments, family ownership is positively associated with tax avoidance practices.
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To evaluate the effect of the new MDR on the main stakeholders (i.e. manufacturers, regulatory bodies, physicians, and patients) a decision analytical framework has been applied by assessing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT).
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O objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar a relevância das capabilidades na relacao entre estrategia e desempenho, das empresas do setor de bens de capital mecânico, a partir da avaliacao das relacoes estruturais do modelo de mensuracao composto dos construtos: estrategias, capabilidade e desempenho. A linha de pensamento teorica para a construcao do modelo foi fundamentada em estrategias empresariais, gestao de operacoes, logistica e cadeia de suprimentos. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se de um questionario semi-estruturado e aplicado junto aos gestores de operacoes, logistica e cadeia de suprimentos, de empresas do setor de bens de capital. Os resultados foram analisados pelo metodo da modelagem de equacoes estruturais, a estrategia confirmatoria, cuja estimacao das variaveis latentes (ou construtos) se deu pela maxima verossimilhanca. Os resultados, em nivel de significância estatistica (α ≤ 0,05), mostraram que 21 medidas foram validadas, sendo sete relacionadas ao construto Estrategia, dez ao construto Capabilidade e quatro ao Desempenho. Quanto as relacoes estruturais do modelo, do total de tres, duas foram validadas: a relacao estrategia / capabilidade e capabilidade / desempenho, sendo que a relacao estrategia / desempenho nao foi validada. Destes resultados, emergiram duas implicacoes teorico-empirico. A primeira referiu-se a significância estatistica (α ≤ 0,05) da relacao positiva entre estrategia e capabilidades para a obtencao de desempenho superior. A segunda referiu-se a nao significância estatistica (α ≤ 0,05) da relacao entre estrategia e desempenho. Portanto, com os resultados empiricos e fundamentacoes teoricas, pode-se concluir que existe evidencia, em nivel de significância estatistica (α ≤ 0,05), de que o desempenho nas empresas do setor de bens de capital e mais efetivo, quando ajustados a relacao entre estrategia e capabilidade, mostrando assim, a importância da capabilidade na obtencao da vantagem competitiva.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the importance of the relationship between strategy and performance capabilities to companies in the capital goods sector. The line of thinking to build of the theoretical model was based on business strategies, operations management, logistics and supply chain. For data collection, we used a semi-structured interview and carried with the managers of operations, logistics and supply chain of companies’ capital goods sector. The collected data were processed by multivariate analysis, the method of structural equation modeling, whose estimation of latent variables (or constructs) was given by maximum likelihood. The results showed a total of 35 measures, 21 were validated, seven related to construct Strategy, ten to construct Capability and four the Performance’ construct. Regarding the structural relationships of the model, the total of three, two have been validated: the relationship strategy / capability and capability / performance, and the relationship strategy / performance have not been validated. In other way, the study showed that there is evidence that the strategy influences the operational capabilities, on the other hand, impacts the companies’ performance in the capital goods sector. Nevertheless, the performance is not directly influenced by the business strategy. Because of these results it can be concluded that the performance in the business sector of capital goods is more effective when adjusted the relationship between strategy and capability, emphasizing the importance of internal operational capabilities in obtaining competitive advantage.
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In this paper we have reviewed the theoretical matters of possibility of applying of benchmarking on theenterprises of oil and gas sector. We have also reasoned the necessity of benchmarking realization in Russianpractice for increase of efficiency of sector’s companies’ activities by means of internal reserves mobilization.Benchmarking is suggested as “breakthrough” instrument of transformation of internal potential of organizationin accordance with requirements of external environment. There are main conditions predetermining such anecessity including: the regulation of oil and gas companies’ activity on the part of government,underdevelopment of national crude oil market, internal problems of functioning, etc. We have either stated theresults of research of benchmarking concept evolution and the approaches to understanding of its nature andcontent. The literature review of benchmarking terms by local and foreign scientists was conducted. We havealso suggested the scheme of generalization of existing definitions of benchmarking considering education,informational exchange and adaptation of the best experience for introduction of gradual changes into the workas main aspects, and pointed out the possibility of reviewing benchmarking in different ways in regard ofdifferent companies, depending on what stage of benchmarking evolution can be related to each of them. Thefeatures of benchmarking in the companies of oil and gas complex are specified and the structure of building ofvertically-integrated oil and gas subjects is presented. We have also reviewed various approaches to typology ofbenchmarking and given the critical analysis of possibilities of applying of its separate types within oil and gasenterprises. There are as well the results of benchmarking targets, functions and principles systematization andthe system of goals of oil and gas company. We have also proven the existence of confrontation betweenseparate goals of different links of technological chain.
This paper examines the interaction between ‘home-country’ and ‘host-country’ effects in determining human resource management (HRM) policies and practices in multinational companies (MNCs) in the context of a developing country. The paper is based on an investigation of the training and development strategies for local managers of a sample of Japanese companies operating in Vietnam, and presents clear evidence of the transfer of home-country practices. The sector emerges as a key variable in explaining variations in HRM patterns with a greater number of comprehensive training and development programs recorded in automotive than in fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industries. We also argue that developing host countries pose little in the way of formal constraint mechanisms to the transfer of HRM practices, but the instability of the institutional environment and the weakness of its subsystems suggest a complex and challenging situation for MNC operations, and inhibit their ability to maintain their home-country HRM practices.
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I processi di apertura internazionale e di crescente integrazione ed interrelazione delle economie prospettano alle imprese la necessità di un cambiamento culturale profondo, teso a ridefinire i modelli di business, i processi di sviluppo, le mosse competitive. All’ampio dibattito da tempo in corso su tali temi, non ha tuttavia fatto riscontro una soddisfacente individuazione e definizione degli strumenti con cui le imprese possono cogliere e sfruttare il potenziale di globalizzazione; in altri termini non è affatto chiaro quali siano gli strumenti di gestione dell’interrelazione esistente tra i mercati, interrelazione che rappresenta il tratto distintivo del processo di progressiva globalizzazione dell’economia. In questo ambito di tematiche e problematiche si inquadra il presente volume, il cui scopo principale è di proporre e verificare empiricamente un modello interpretativo dell’espansione globale delle imprese e delle strategie più efficaci per cogliere i vantaggi della globalizzazione e affrontarne la competizione. Tale modello viene adottato per leggere e interpretare in maniera coerente e strutturata il settore farmaceutico e quello dei global courier nonché il nuovo fenomeno globale delle multinazionali dei paesi emergenti.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the importance of the relationship between strategy and performance capabilities to companies in the capital goods sector. The line of thinking to build of the theoretical model was based on business strategies, operations management, logistics and supply chain. For data collection, we used a semi-structured interview and carried with the managers of operations, logistics and supply chain of companies’ capital goods sector. The collected data were processed by multivariate analysis, the method of structural equation modeling, whose estimation of latent variables (or constructs) was given by maximum likelihood. The results showed a total of 35 measures, 21 were validated, seven related to construct Strategy, ten to construct Capability and four the Performance’ construct. Regarding the structural relationships of the model, the total of three, two have been validated: the relationship strategy / capability and capability / performance, and the relationship strategy / performance have not been validated. In other way, the study showed that there is evidence that the strategy influences the operational capabilities, on the other hand, impacts the companies’ performance in the capital goods sector. Nevertheless, the performance is not directly influenced by the business strategy. Because of these results it can be concluded that the performance in the business sector of capital goods is more effective when adjusted the relationship between strategy and capability, emphasizing the importance of internal operational capabilities in obtaining competitive advantage.
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This chapter explicates the theoretical basis and contribution of poststructuralism to the study of strategy and strategic management. More specifically, it focuses upon Foucauldian analysis which is contrasted to rationalist and interpretivist studies. Foucauldian analysis is not regarded as a corrective but as an addition to these established approaches to studying strategy. Notably, Foucault's work draws attention to how discourse constitutes, disciplines and legitimizes particular forms of executive identity (‘strategists’) and management practice (‘strategizing’). We highlight how Foucault's poststructuralist thinking points to unexplored performative effects of rationalist and interpretivist studies of strategy. Foucault is insistent upon the indivisibility of knowledge and power, where relations of power within organizations, and in academia, are understood to rely upon, but also operate to maintain and transform, particular ‘discourses of truth’ such as the discourses of ‘shareholder value’ and ‘objectivity’. Discourse, in Foucauldian analysis, is not a more or less imperfect, or ineffective, means of representing objects such as strategy. Rather, it is performative in, for example, producing the widely taken-or-granted truth that ‘organization’ is separate from ‘environment’. In turn, the production of this distinction is seen to enable and sanction particular and, arguably, predatory forms of knowledge, in which the formulation and application of strategy is represented as neutral, mirror-like and/or functional.
The paper presents research conducted in New Zealand on the content, creation, use and impact of mission statements. Following a review of the literature the paper goes on to report an empirical study comparing the reality of mission statements with the theory. The paper concludes that practice rarely coincides with theory and that there are a wide variety of types of mission statement in current use. Recommendations are made for creating more actionable mission statements.
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In the context of evaluating effectiveness of information systems, the public sector requires a specific approach for measuring indirect benefits such as strategic / political value. There is not yet a holistic approach and no unified adaptive and time-variant model addressing the problem. A model for assessing both initiatives and ex-post benefits is needed. In this paper, we describe the Strategic Management Model, developed and partially applied at the Ministry of Finance, Turkey. The model merges public value, strategic goals, service delivery value chain, performance indicators, continuous monitoring and evaluation, and asset management concepts in the Public Financial Management Value Space. This is compliant with Government Finance Statistics, which is the basis for our Public Financial Management Value Space, with dimensions, in which every node and path is defined as an object within this value space. This adaptive model will allow multi-dimensional assessment, enabling backward traceability, establishing the necessary links between the performance, goals and budget.
Strategic planning and management allows an organization to choose its products, services, and markets.
Innovation, socially and economically, can be as important as technical or scientific innovation, serving the he purpose of changing resource management. In a market intensively competitive, such as the European one, innovation becomes the main reason of economic competition. The latest developments in the economical research and practice “clearly demonstrate that the management of innovative activities must be regarded as a part of the process of organization management. In order to encourage and efficiently control creativity, managers must understand the creative process, choose the right persons to work in the creation field, stimulate creative behavior and organize a propitious (favorable) climate for creation. The management of innovation should prepare the terrain so that the personnel be capable of seizing and applying innovative occasions. Having this porpouse, the study wants to present a series of our research r
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Innovation, socially and economically, can be as important as technical orscientific innovation, serving the he purpose of changing resourcemanagement. In a market intensively competitive, such as the European one,innovation becomes the main reason of economic competition. The latestdevelopments in the economical research and practice “clearly demonstratethat the management of innovative activities must be regarded as a part ofthe process of organization management. In order to encourage andefficiently control creativity, managers must understand the creative process,choose the right persons to work in the creation field, stimulate creativebehavior and organize a propitious (favorable) climate for creation. Themanagement of innovation should prepare the terrain so that the personnelbe capable of seizing and applying innovative occasions. Having thisporpouse, the study wants to present a series of our research resultsregarding the elaboration and implementation of the inovation stategies.
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