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The Effect of Temperature Variations on Solar Cell Efficiency


Abstract and Figures

In this work, the influences of temperature variations on the different solar cell parameters are studied. It is useful to understand the effect of temperature on the solar cell and module performance, in order to estimate their performance under various conditions. The short circuit current I sc increases so monotonous with temperature and then saturates to a maximum value before decreasing at high temperatures. The open circuit voltage V oc increases linearly with temperature. The fill factor and efficiency, which are directly related with I sc and V oc follow the variations of the letters. The phenomenon is explained by the behaviour of the mobility which is a temperature activated process. The maximum efficiency of (27%) is obtained in which I sc = 92 mA and V oc = 147 mV.
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International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR)
(An Association Unifying the Sciences, Engineering, and Applied Research)
International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise
Applications (IJEBEA)
© 2012, IJEBEA All Rights Reserved Page 1
ISSN (Print): 2279-0020
ISSN (Online): 2279-0039
The Effect of Temperature Variations on Solar Cell Efficiency
Qusay Assim Hanna Al-Naser1, Noorah M. Al-barghooth2, and Noor A. Al-Ali3
1, 2, 3) Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Technology
Baghdad - 09641
qusayalnasir@yahoo.com1, qusayalnaser@gmail.com1 , white.light21@yahoo.com2 , lost_985@yahoo.com3
Abstract: In this work, the influences of temperature variations on the different solar cell parameters are
studied. It is useful to understand the effect of temperature on the solar cell and module performance, in order
to estimate their performance under various conditions. The short circuit current Isc increases so monotonous
with temperature and then saturates to a maximum value before decreasing at high temperatures. The open
circuit voltage Voc increases linearly with temperature. The fill factor and efficiency, which are directly related
with Isc and Voc follow the variations of the letters. The phenomenon is explained by the behaviour of the
mobility which is a temperature activated process. The maximum efficiency of (27%) is obtained in which
Isc= 92 mA and Voc= 147 mV.
Keywords: solar cell; temperature; open circuit voltage; short circuit current; irradiance; efficiency.
I. Introduction
The most important parameters that describe the operating conditions of a solar cell are the total irradiance,
the spectral distribution of the irradiance and the temperature. Usually the solar cell designer asses their devices
by evaluating the efficiency at standard reporting conditions (SRC: illumination =1000 W/m2,
temperature=25°C and AM1.5 reference spectrum). However, these conditions practically never occur during
normal outdoor operation as they do not take into consideration the actual geographical and meteorological
conditions at the installation site 1.
In this paper, we discussed the temperature variations effect on the parameters of the solar cells. This will be
explained using crystalline silicon solar cells as an example, but the concept is also applicable to other types of
solar cells.
II. Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Amongst the various existing photovoltaic (PV) technologies, crystalline silicon (c-Si) is the most developed
and well understood due to mainly its used in the integrated circuit industry. In addition, silicon is at present the
most abundant material found in the earth’s crust and its physical properties are well defined and studied.
Crystalline silicon (c-Si) dominates the PV technology market with a share of approximately 80% today. These
technologies are the highly efficient but are at the same time the most expensive amongst the flat-plate existing
PV technologies mainly because of their relatively costly manufacturing processes 2, 3.
III. Experimental Work
This section describes the functioning of an idealized single-junction PV cell emphasizing its main
parameters and the relation between these parameters and the temperature.
A. Open Circuit Voltage
The open circuit voltage (Voc) corresponds to the voltage across the internal diode when the total generated
photocurrent flows through this diode. The open circuit voltage is strongly dependent on temperature. This must
be considered, as solar cells installed outdoors can reach temperature, depending on the installation
(e.g., possibilities for ventilation), up to 40 K higher than the ambient temperature 4.
For an ideal p-n junction, Voc, can be given as 5, 6:
 
   [1]
Where, K, is Boltzmann constant, T, is the temperature, q is the electronic charge, Iph, is the photocurrent, and Is,
is the diode saturation current.
Author et al., International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 1 (4), June-July, 2012, pp. 555-563
© 2012, IJEBEA All Rights Reserved Page 2
B. Short Circuit Current
The short circuit current (Isc) found to be dependent on the temperature. It is found that the short circuit
current increases with temperature and tends to be saturated at a maximum value followed by a decrease at high
temperatures 7. For an ideal p-n junction, Isc, can be given as 5:
  
     [2]
C. Fill Factor
The fill factor (FF) is the ratio of the peak power to the product of Isc and Voc. The fill factor determines the
shape of the solar cell I-V characteristics. Its value is higher than 0.7 for good cells. The fill factor is useful
parameters for quality control test 6. The fill factor can be given as 8, 9:
  
 [3]
Where Im is the maximum current and Vm is the maximum voltage.
D. Efficiency
Only part of the solar radiation incident on the solar cell is converted to electricity. The ratio of the output
electrical energy to the input solar radiation is defined as the efficiency value. It depends on the type of cell. For
the module efficiency value, the output power is divided by the total radiation incident on the module. Because
the entire area of the module is not covered with solar cells, the module efficiency value is lower than the
efficiency value of the single cell 3. The efficiency (η) can be given as 9:
  
 [4]
Where Pin is the power input.
IV. Result and discursions
The open circuit voltage (Voc) is one of the most important parameters for the solar cell efficiency. It is
depended on temperature as shown in equation [1]. For T= (81 to 89) step 2, Iph= 50 mA, and Is= 1*10-10 A.
The Voc increases as temperature increased as shown in table (1).
Table I Open circuit voltage versus temperature
T (° C)
Voc (mV)
Figure (1) shows the effect of temperature variation on the Voc. At 81C° the Voc has it lower value of 133 mV and
increased with temperature to reach its maximum value of 157mV at 89C°.
Figure 1 The relation between open circuit voltage and temperature
80 82 84 86 88 90
T (° C)
Author et al., International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 1 (4), June-July, 2012, pp. 555-563
© 2012, IJEBEA All Rights Reserved Page 3
The short circuit current Isc of the solar cell depending on the Voc and temperature as shown in equation [2].
The short circuit current, Isc, versus temperature is shown in table below:
Table II Short circuit current versus temperature
T (° C)
Isc (mA)
Figure (2) shows the effect of temperature variation on the Isc. The short circuit current Isc increases with
temperature and tends to reach its maximum value of (92 mA) at temperature of (85°C). After (85° C), the Isc
start to decrease with temperature increase and return to 80 mA at T=89°C.
Figure 2 The relation between short circuit current and temperature
Solar cell efficiency considered the most important indicator shows how the solar cell works according to
different parameters conditions. Solar cells efficiency can be obtained as shown in equation [4]. Where FF and
the Pin are kept constant, which are equal to 0.85 and 1000 W/ respectively.
The efficiency at different temperatures is shown in table below:
Table III The efficiency solar cell versus temperature
Figure (3) shows that at T=81°C, the efficiency of 14% is obtained and as the temperature increased the
efficiency increased to reach its maximum value of 27% at T=85°C, after that the temperature still increased
and the efficiency start to decreased after 85°C. The efficiency of 15% is obtained at higher temperature of
80 85 90
T (° C)
T (° C)
Isc (mA)
Voc (mV)
Author et al., International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 1 (4), June-July, 2012, pp. 555-563
© 2012, IJEBEA All Rights Reserved Page 4
80 85 90
T (° C)
81 83 85 87 89
147 152 157
80 85
85 80
0.14 0.19 0.27 0.21 0.15
Voc (mv)
Isc (mA)
Figure 3 The relation between the efficiency and temperature
V. Conclusion
The efficiency of a crystalline silicon solar cells photo module depends on the sun insulation reaching its
surface, and in this paper we have studied the influence of temperature variations on the solar cell parameters.
The open circuit voltage (Voc) increases linearly with temperature and a maximum value of 157 mV at 89° C is
obtained. The short circuit current (Isc) increase with temperature increases until reaching a maximum value of
92 mA at 85°C and then decreases for highest temperatures. The efficiency follows the changes of open circuit
voltage and short circuit current. The maximum efficiency obtained is 27%. Figure (4) show the changes of
Voc, Isc and η in each case.
Figure 4 Solar cell characteristics at different cases of parameter variation
Author et al., International Journal of Engineering, Business and Enterprise Applications, 1 (4), June-July, 2012, pp. 555-563
© 2012, IJEBEA All Rights Reserved Page 5
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... More than 525,600 data have been collected for each parameter. Te efect of three important parameters on power output have been considered, which are, solar radiation, temperature and dust [41][42][43][44][45][46]. Regarding solar radiation and temperature, 525,600 min by minute data have been collected, while for dust, the PV modules in the two locations will not be cleaned for the whole year. ...
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Solar panel temperature coefficient varies according to it’s industry, relates to the rate at which thepanel will under-perform at each increase in degree Celsius (?C). Majority of panels available here in Sudan for residential and agricultural usage are Poly-crystalline Chinese origin like A star have a temperature coefficient -0.4% /?C, when tested under standard laboratory conditions, where ambient temperature is set to 25?C. But in practical installations is found -0.025% /?C. The lower temperature coefficient, the better panel performance when the temperature rises. It’s important to chose the perfect solar panel technology for optimum performance at a given location considering the average temperature. This research study is proposed for performance variations evaluation of the solar panel during the day related to the temperature in Khartoum, Sudan. Field data of produced power of residence area A Star Chinese origin panel serve in designed Solar Panel system were collected. These data were analyzed and compared to the calculated results and with the installed solar panels ratings.
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The recent trend of renewable energy has positioned solar cells as an excellent choice for energy production in today's world. However, the performance of silicon photovoltaic (PV) panels can be influenced by various environmental factors such as humidity, light, rusting, temperature fluctuations and rain, etc. This study aims to investigate the potential impact of high voltage power transmission lines (HVTL) on the performance of solar cells at different distances from two high voltage levels (220 and 500 KV). In fact, HVTLs generate electromagnetic (EM) waves which may affect the power production and photocurrent density of solar cells. To analyze this impact, a real-time experimental setup of PV panel is developed (using both monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells), located in the vicinity of 220 and 500 KV HVTLs. In order to conduct this study systematically, the impact of HVTL on solar panel is being measured by varying the distance between the HVTL and the solar panels. However, it is important to understand that the obtained experimental values alone are insufficient for comprehensive verification under various conditions. To address this limitation, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is employed to generate HVTL impact curves for PV panels (particularly of voltage and current values) which are impractical to obtain experimentally. The inclusion of ANN approach enhances the understanding of the HVTL impact on solar cell performance across a wide range of conditions. Overall, this work presents the impact study of HVTL on two different types of solar cells at different distances from HVTL for two HV levels (i.e., 220 and 500 KV) and the comparison study of HVTL impact on both monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells.
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Conference Paper
Solar power generation is most clean form of generation among all type of generation. Hence is gaining the first choice of the electricity generating authority all over the world. Still, it is under research and development stage. Solar cell has very low efficiency and due to above facts, these efficiency decreases which ultimately effects the power generation. Mono crystalline solar panels are made up of pure crystal silicon in which there are more mobility for electrons to move hence the efficiency of such panels are more as compared to poly crystalline panels. Moreover, the dimensions area for these panels is near about same. In this paper effect of pollution and incidence angle of solar panels along with temperature and fill factor on roof top systems by using mono crystalline panels are discussed. The panel has significantly reduction in cost since the year 2021. While calculating the power generation of solar roof top power plant, there are some points are to be considered. a) Total energy required or utilizes by load, b) Power Backup required for how many numbers of hours, c) Future expansion of load in coming few years. According to that technical analysis are done. While installing solar roof top system these points are also consider, p) Incident Angle, q) Pollution level of the area in last 5 to 10 year and other point like future expansion of load in coming next 20-year, Available space for roof top, Total shadow free area, Type of roof available at premise, longitude and latitude location of premises, Total sunny days available in that location, Air density and air pollution, Optimum temperature of location.
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Silicon, with more than 95% of the international market share, dominates other semiconductors. The high performance of silicon microelectronics devices for electronic systems results from advanced technology in very low size for ultra large-scale integrated circuits with better performance, lower energy consumption and high reliability. New applications for the society of knowledge drive the development of the market. Further increase of speed for transmission, higher qualities of information and imaging restitutions are required for applications in telecommunications, audio-visual, and game devices. Silicon components, bipolar transistors and field effect transistors, are also required for operations in hostile environments as thermal interactions, radiation exposure and electrical field stress. Scientists have introduced new structures and new processes on nano-meter scales with silicon microelectronic circuits now advanced for "Research and Developments" activities. Performance improvements have seen with single-electron and molecular electronics. Scientists have also the responsibility to inform the public for its understanding and the politics before decisions to be taken, to create debates in order to listen to advice from society. It is the aim of this paper to give an overview of current research work and scientific publications along the past decade (1998 -2008), concerning optoelectronic silicon devices, together with a description of our results. This paper describes silicon as the material of optoelectronic and concerns light emitting devices, optical gain, photonic crystal and silicon platforms for integrated optical circuits.
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In this work, the influence of temperature on the different parameters of solar cells based on organic semiconductors are studied. The short circuit current Isc increases so monotonous with temperature and then saturates to a maximum value before decreasing at high temperatures. The open circuit voltage Vco decreases linearly with temperature. The fill factor FF and efficiency, which are directly related with Isc and Vco follow the variations of the letters. The phenomena are explained by the behaviour of the mobility which is a temperature activated process.
A new method named Chemical Physics (CP) method was developed to produce solar grade silicon feedstock at a company in China. In this paper the characteristic of the solar grade silicon made by CP method was analysed. The results show that the purity of solar grade silicon is above 5 N and most of impurities are below 0.0001 wt.%. Crystalline silicon solar cells were prepared using solar grade silicon wafers based on CP method. Average efficiency of the solar cells is about 15.05%, and the highest efficiency is 15.60% under AM1.5 illumination conditions. The light-induced degradation of the solar cells was examined. Degradation by up to 15% of the initial efficiency of the solar cells is detected. The solar cell results and light-induced characteristic show that the solar cells based on CP methods have desired performance and thus have the potential for large scale production.
We review recent progress towards increasing solar cell efficiencies beyond the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit. Four main approaches are highlighted: multi-junction cells, intermediate-band cells, hot carrier cells and spectrum conversion. Multi-junction cells use multiple solar cells that selectively absorb different regions of the solar spectrum. Intermediate-band cells use one junction with multiple bandgaps to increase efficiencies. Hot-carrier cells convert the excess energy of above-bandgap photons into electrical energy. Spectrum conversion solar cells convert the incoming polychromatic sunlight into a narrower distribution of photons suited to the bandgap of the solar cell.
This comprehensive description and discussion of photovoltaics (PV) is presented at a level that makes it accessible to the interested academic. Starting with an historical overview, the text outlines the relevance of photovoltaics today and in the future. Then follows an introduction to the physical background of solar cells and the most important materials and technologies, with particular emphasis placed on future developments and prospects. The book goes beyond technology by also describing the path from the cell to the module to the system, proceeding to important applications such as grid-connected and stand-alone systems.
Solar Cells-Silicon Wafer-Based Technologies
  • Leonid A Kosyachenko
Leonid A. Kosyachenko, Solar Cells-Silicon Wafer-Based Technologies, Croatia,InTech Publisher,2011.