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Examining the effect of Withania somnifera supplementation on muscle strength and recovery: A randomized controlled trial

Taylor & Francis
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
  • D.Y.Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India
  • Institute of Infectious diseases Pune, India

Abstract and Figures

Background: Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) is a prominent herb in Ayurveda. This study was conducted to examine the possible effects of ashwagandha root extract consumption on muscle mass and strength in healthy young men engaged in resistance training. Methods: In this 8-week, randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, 57 young male subjects (18-50 years old) with little experience in resistance training were randomized into treatment (29 subjects) and placebo (28 subjects) groups. Subjects in the treatment group consumed 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice daily, while the control group consumed starch placebos. Following baseline measurements, both groups of subjects underwent resistance training for 8 weeks and measurements were repeated at the end of week 8. The primary efficacy measure was muscle strength. The secondary efficacy measures were muscle size, body composition, serum testosterone levels and muscle recovery. Muscle strength was evaluated using the 1-RM load for the bench press and leg extension exercises. Muscle recovery was evaluated by using serum creatine kinase level as a marker of muscle injury from the effects of exercise. Results: Compared to the placebo subjects, the group treated with ashwagandha had significantly greater increases in muscle strength on the bench-press exercise (Placebo: 26.4 kg, 95 % CI, 19.5, 33.3 vs. Ashwagandha: 46.0 kg, 95 % CI 36.6, 55.5; p = 0.001) and the leg-extension exercise (Placebo: 9.8 kg, 95 % CI, 7.2,12.3 vs. Ashwagandha: 14.5 kg, 95 % CI, 10.8,18.2; p = 0.04), and significantly greater muscle size increase at the arms (Placebo: 5.3 cm(2), 95 % CI, 3.3,7.2 vs. Ashwagandha: 8.6 cm(2), 95 % CI, 6.9,10.8; p = 0.01) and chest (Placebo: 1.4 cm, 95 % CI, 0.8, 2.0 vs. Ashwagandha: 3.3 cm, 95 % CI, 2.6, 4.1; p < 0.001). Compared to the placebo subjects, the subjects receiving ashwagandha also had significantly greater reduction of exercise-induced muscle damage as indicated by the stabilization of serum creatine kinase (Placebo: 1307.5 U/L, 95 % CI, 1202.8, 1412.1, vs. Ashwagandha: 1462.6 U/L, 95 % CI, 1366.2, 1559.1; p = 0.03), significantly greater increase in testosterone level (Placebo: 18.0 ng/dL, 95 % CI, -15.8, 51.8 vs. Ashwagandha: 96.2 ng/dL, 95 % CI, 54.7, 137.5; p = 0.004), and a significantly greater decrease in body fat percentage (Placebo: 1.5 %, 95 % CI, 0.4 %, 2.6 % vs. Ashwagandha: 3.5 %, 95 % CI, 2.0 %, 4.9 %; p = 0.03). Conclusion: This study reports that ashwagandha supplementation is associated with significant increases in muscle mass and strength and suggests that ashwagandha supplementation may be useful in conjunction with a resistance training program.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Examining the effect of Withania somnifera
supplementation on muscle strength and
recovery: a randomized controlled trial
Sachin Wankhede
, Deepak Langade
, Kedar Joshi
, Shymal R. Sinha
and Sauvik Bhattacharyya
Background: Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) is a prominent herb in Ayurveda. This study was conducted to
examine the possible effects of ashwagandha root extract consumption on muscle mass and strength in healthy
young men engaged in resistance training.
Methods: In this 8-week, randomized, prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study, 57 young male
subjects (1850 years old) with little experience in resistance training were randomized into treatment (29 subjects)
and placebo (28 subjects) groups. Subjects in the treatment group consumed 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract
twice daily, while the control group consumed starch placebos. Following baseline measurements, both groups
of subjects underwent resistance training for 8 weeks and measurements were repeated at the end of week 8.
The primary efficacy measure was muscle strength. The secondary efficacy measures were muscle size, body
composition, serum testosterone levels and muscle recovery. Muscle strength was evaluated using the 1-RM load
for the bench press and leg extension exercises. Muscle recovery was evaluated by using serum creatine kinase
level as a marker of muscle injury from the effects of exercise.
Results: Compared to the placebo subjects, the group treated with ashwagandha had significantly greater
increases in muscle strength on the bench-press exercise (Placebo: 26.4 kg, 95 % CI, 19.5, 33.3 vs. Ashwagandha:
46.0 kg, 95 % CI 36.6, 55.5; p= 0.001) and the leg-extension exercise (Placebo: 9.8 kg, 95 % CI, 7.2,12.3 vs.
Ashwagandha: 14.5 kg, 95 % CI, 10.8,18.2; p= 0.04), and significantly greater muscle size increase at the arms
(Placebo: 5.3 cm
, 95 % CI, 3.3,7.2 vs. Ashwagandha: 8.6 cm
, 95 % CI, 6.9,10.8; p= 0.01) and chest (Placebo: 1.4 cm,
95 % CI, 0.8, 2.0 vs. Ashwagandha: 3.3 cm, 95 % CI, 2.6, 4.1; p< 0.001). Compared to the placebo subjects, the
subjects receiving ashwagandha also had significantly greater reduction of exercise-induced muscle damage as
indicated by the stabilization of serum creatine kinase (Placebo: 1307.5 U/L, 95 % CI, 1202.8, 1412.1, vs.
Ashwagandha: 1462.6 U/L, 95 % CI, 1366.2, 1559.1; p= 0.03), significantly greater increase in testosterone level
(Placebo: 18.0 ng/dL, 95 % CI, -15.8, 51.8 vs. Ashwagandha: 96.2 ng/dL, 95 % CI, 54.7, 137.5; p= 0.004), and a
significantly greater decrease in body fat percentage (Placebo: 1.5 %, 95 % CI, 0.4 %, 2.6 % vs. Ashwagandha: 3.5 %,
95 % CI, 2.0 %, 4.9 %; p= 0.03).
Conclusion: This study reports that ashwagandha supplementation is associated with significant increases in
muscle mass and strength and suggests that ashwagandha supplementation may be useful in conjunction with a
resistance training program.
Keywords: Ashwagandha, Adaptogen herbs, Muscle, Muscle strength, Muscle mass, Testosterone, Body fat,
Creatine kinase
* Correspondence:
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, NSHM Knowledge Campus, 124
B.L. Saha Road, Kolkata 700053, India
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43
DOI 10.1186/s12970-015-0104-9
Both the modern medical literature and traditional
Ayurveda writings report many potential health benefits
of the Ashwagandha herb (Withania somnifera, also
known as Indian Ginseng or Winter Cherry) under the
rubrics of anti-stress effects, neuroprotective effects,
immunomodulatory effects, and rejuvenating effects, via
the herb's interplay with the nervous system, the endo-
crine system, the cardiopulmonary system, the energy
production system and the immune system including
analgesic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor,
anti-stress, anti-diabetic, neuroprotective, immunopro-
tective and cardioprotective effects [17]. This paper fo-
cuses on ashwagandha as an ergogenic aid and is the
first to present the results of a randomized, double-
blind, placebo-controlled clinical study on ashwagand-
has effects, as an adjuvant to a resistance training
program, multifariously on muscle strength, muscle
hypertrophy, muscle recovery and body composition.
We add to the broader literature on ashwagandhas effect
on physical performance. This literature has only a small
set of published papers [810], which is surprising be-
cause traditional Ayurveda explicitly advocates the use
of ashwagandha toward bala, which means strength
in the Sanskrit language [11] .
Ashwagandha is a member of the family of herbs re-
ferred to as adaptogens. The term adaptogenis ap-
plied to a herb with phytonutrients that regulate
metabolism when a body is perturbed by physical or
mental stress, and help the body adapt by (a) normaliz-
ing system functions, (b) developing resistance to future
such stress, and (c) elevating the bodys functioning to a
higher level of performance [12]. The adaptogen family
of herbs has many members, noteworthy among them
being ashwagandha, rhodiola, ginseng, schisandra and
maca [12]. Adaptogens are used commonly for stress
relief, brain health, adrenal health and for ameliorating
HPA-axis dysfunction. More recently, adaptogens have
started to be used in sports supplements that aim to
enhance physical fitness. Recent research has found
adaptogens to be promising in this application domain
[1315]. However, the results in this literature are mixed
and therefore more research is needed so that we have a
better understanding of adaptogens as ergogenic aids
[14]. This present study attempts to make a small step
towards such an understanding.
A resistance training program consists of exercises
that cause skeletal muscles to contract against external
resistance. The body often responds to such programs
with increased strength and correlated adaptations
[1619]. The present research work was motivated by the
hypothesis that ashwagandha supplementation can in-
crease some of these adaptations and gains, thereby serv-
ing as a useful adjuvant to a resistance training program.
There are several rationales underlying this hypothesis:
Studies in healthy normal adults demonstrated that ashwa-
gandha improves muscular strength/coordination, and car-
diorespiratory endurance [810]. Ashwagandhas roots are
classified as a rasayana(rejuvenator), and have been used
toward promoting health and longevity, slowing the aging
process, revitalizing the body and generally creating a sense
of well-being [4, 20]. Ashwagandha has a wide range of
pharmacological effects: it has anxiolytic, hypotensive,
sedative, central nervous system, immunomodulatory, an-
algesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anabolic, cardiopul-
monary and antioxidant effects [4, 9, 2127]. It also
stimulates respiratory function, causing smooth muscle
relaxation, and stimulates thyroid activity [3]. Studies in
humans show that ashwagandha is well tolerated and is
associated with decreases in cortisol [28], and increases in
testosterone [29]. Research suggests that ashwagandha may
reduce increases of blood urea nitrogen, lactic acid, cor-
ticosterone in response to stress [4], and also reduce the
tendency of dopamine receptors in the brain to activate
under stress [3, 5, 21]. Ashwagandha contains several ac-
tive components, which may account for the various
mechanisms of action by which it exerts its effects. These
include steroidal lactones (withanolides, withaferins), sapo-
nins and alkaloids like isopelletierine and anaferine [5, 30].
The adaptogenic properties of ashwagandha raise the
possibility of it being an effective ergogenic aid because
the strain from exercise can be viewed as a form of
stress, with enhanced human physical performance as
the corresponding stress response upon ashwagandha
supplementation. This study seeks to examine the hy-
pothesis that ashwagandha supplementation may moder-
ate the bodys adaptation in response to resistance
training. While this hypothesis is rooted in traditional
Ayurvedic medicine and previous studies, well designed
clinical trials are clearly needed to test and characterize
the effects. The present double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled study in healthy adults will, it is
hoped, help toward expanding scientific understanding
in this domain.
The study design, recruitment and methods were ap-
proved by all the authorsinstitutesreview boards on
human subjectsstudies and followed the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and Tokyo for humans.
Subjects selection, incentives and participation
Healthy male subjects (1850 years old) were recruited
by use of fliers circulated in the vicinity of the gymna-
sium which served as the site of the training program.
Subject enrollment, allocation, attrition, and analysis is
summarized in Fig. 1. The purpose and protocol for the
study was described to the subjects. The subjects had to
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 2 of 11
sign a written consent for the study, agree to refrain
from alcohol and tobacco during the study, and had to
receive permission of their physician to participate. Sub-
jects were excluded from the study if they met any of
the following criteria: 1) taking any medication or
steroids to enhance physical performance, 2) weight loss
of >5 kg in the previous 3 months, 3) any history of drug
abuse, smoking 10+ cigarettes day or consuming more
than 14 grams of alcohol daily, 4) hypersensitivity to
ashwagandha, 5) history of any orthopedic injury or
surgery within the previous 6 months, 6) participation in
other clinical studies during the previous 3 months, 7)
any other conditions which the investigators judged
problematic for participation in the study. Subjects were
requested to refrain from using anti-inflammatory agents
during the study and to report any ill effects from con-
suming the ashwagandha/ placebo.
Because participation in the study would require a sig-
nificant amount of time allocation from the subjects, the
recruiters offered as compensation one year of paid
membership to the gym and three months of profes-
sional trainer support. As Fig. 1 indicates, 57 subjects
were initially recruited for the study and 50 completed
the study, including 25 in the ashwagandha group and
25 in the placebo group. For the ashwagandha treatment
group and for the placebo group, the mean age ± stand-
ard deviation were 28 ± 8 years and 29 ± 9 years,
Study design
This study was a prospective, double-blind, placebo-con-
trolled parallel group study to measure the possible effects
of ashwagandha extract on muscle strength/size, muscle
recovery, testosterone level and body fat percentage in
Fig. 1 CONSORT schematic diagram
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 3 of 11
young males undergoing weight training. Adverse events
were assessed by patient/ researcher reporting and the
PGATT (Physicians Global Assessment of Tolerability to
Therapy) form.
The resistance training program
The resistance training program consisted of sets of
exercises over major muscle groups in both the upper
body and the lower body. Directions for the resistance
training were obtained from publications of the National
Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) [3133].
Each subject in both groups was asked to come to a
training session every other day, with one rest day per
week, for three days per week. Every session began with
a warm up consisting of five minutes of low-intensity
aerobic exercise.
The subjects were instructed to perform, for each set,
as many repetitions as they could until failure. The sub-
jects were asked to go through the full range of motion
and were demonstrated the proper technique for safe
and effective weight lifting.
Exercise selection
The specific exercises and the number of sets in each
session were as follows. For the first week, the subjects
were asked to perform the barbell squat (2 sets), the leg
extension (1 set), the seated leg curl (2 sets), the ma-
chine chest press (1 set), the barbell chest press (2 sets),
the seated machine row (1 set), the one-arm dumbbell
row (2 sets), the machine biceps curl (1 set), the dumbbell
biceps curl (2 sets), the cable triceps press-down (2 sets),
the dumbbell shoulder press (2 sets), and the straight-arm
pull-down (2 sets). For the second week, the subjects were
asked to perform the leg extension (1 set), the barbell
squat (2 sets), the barbell chest press (3 sets), the seated
leg curl (2 sets), the seated cable row (3 sets), dumbbell
biceps curl (3 sets), the cable triceps press-down (3 sets),
the dumbbell shoulder press (3 sets), and the straight-arm
pull-down or lat pull-down (3 sets). After this two-week
acclimatization phase, for the rest of the study, the
subjects were asked to perform the barbell squat (3 sets),
the leg extension (3 sets), the leg curl (2 sets), one chest
exercise (flat, incline or decline press or fly, cable cross-
over, 3 sets), one back exercise (rows, pull up, pull down
or seated cable row, 3 sets), another chest exercise (3 sets),
another back exercise (3 sets), one biceps exercise or one
triceps exercise (curls or extensions, 3 sets), and one
shoulder exercise (raises or presses, 3 sets).
How the target number of repetitions was chosen
The number of repetitions for the initial two weeks was
set to be 15, which is a moderately high number (implying
correspondingly lower weights), chosen to allow a sub-
jects body and neural system to get accustomed to
strength training [31, 33]. The subsequent 6 weeks had a
varying number of repetitions, akin to a rudimentary non-
linear periodization programs, because these have been
shown to induce greater adaptation and more gains in
muscle strength and size [33]. The number of repetitions
specified for each of the days in the training program is
given in Table 1.
How the load was chosen
The load was chosen to be such that the subject would
reach the failure-point upon performing approximately
the target number of repetitions (chosen as described in
the preceding paragraph) when lifting that load. The
corresponding load for an exercise was estimated on the
basis of the 1RM prediction equations of Epley, Wathan
and others [34].
Treatments and dosing
The researchers engaged a local laboratory to fill
cellulose-based vegetarian capsules with either 300 mg
of starch or 300 mg of a high-concentration ashwa-
gandha root extract, KSM-66, manufactured by Ixoreal
BioMed, Los Angeles, California, USA. This extract was
produced using a water-based process using no alcohol
or solvents and is standardized to a 5 % concentration of
withanolides as measured by HPLC. The two capsules
were identical in appearance, weight, and texture. Both
the control and ashwagandha groups received a bottle of
60 pills at start of study and at 4 weeks. The pill count
at 4 weeks allowed for a compliance check. The subjects
were instructed to store the capsules between 18 and
32 °C and to take the capsules twice a day, once shortly
after awakening and again shortly before bed, for the 8
weeks of the study.
Primary efficacy endpoint
The primary efficacy endpoint was muscle strength.
Muscle strength is often measured by 1RM, the one-
repetition maximum, which is specific to a certain per-
son and a certain exercise movement and refers to the
maximal load that a subject can lift for one movement
cycle of the exercise [31, 35]. Measurements were made at
the first day of training and again 2 days after the 8 week
training ended. The equipment used machine models
DPL0802 (bench press) and DSL0605 (leg extension),
Table 1 The targeted number of repetitions over the course of
the resistance training program
Weeks 12 Weeks 34 Weeks 56 Weeks 78
Day115135 9
Day 2 15 9 13 5
Day315135 9
Day 4 15 9 13 5
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 4 of 11
manufactured by Precor (Woodinville, Washington, USA
The 1-RM measurement was done using a variant of the
widely used Baechle-Earle-Wathen protocol, employing
the multiple RM method [3640]. To reduce measure-
ment error in strength assessment, we were careful to
ensure consistency in the range of motion and that each
movement on the chest press and the leg extension was
complete and in accordance with the guidelines of the
Secondary efficacy endpoints
The secondary efficacy endpoints related to serum testos-
terone level, muscle recovery and anthropometric factors
capturing muscle size and body fat percentage.
Muscle size: Muscle size was measured at 3 sites: the
arm (flexed mid upper arm), chest (sternum at mid-tidal
volume) and upper thigh (just inferior to gluteal fold).
Measurements were done on the first day of the training
period and 2 days after the last day of training. For the
chest, we measured the girth, taken at the level of the
middle of the sternum, with the tape passing under the
arms and at the end of a normal expiration. For the
thigh and arm, we assessed the maximal cross-sectional
area (CSA) using the method of Moritani-DeVries,
which is based on girth and skin-fold measurements
[4143]. The literature shows that the muscle CSA mea-
sures obtained by the Moritani-DeVries method are
highly correlated with measures obtained by computer
tomography or muscle biopsy, the gold standards for
muscle CSA measurement [4143]. Because of this high
correlation, the across-time (Day 0 versus Day 56) or
across-group (treatment versus placebo) comparisons on
the basis of the Moritani-DeVries method are strongly
indicative of the directionality and strength of the corre-
sponding comparisons on the basis of the computer
tomography. We chose to use the Moritani-DeVries
method because it is less time-consuming and invasive
than computer tomography or biopsy, and therefore less
likely to discourage study participation.
Body fat percentage
Body fat percentage was calculated with a bioelectrical
impedance method using machine with electrodes
placed at the hand, wrist, foot, and ankle [44, 45]. Be-
cause bioelectrical impedance analysis based measure-
ment of fat composition is known to be affected by
extraneous factors like hydration level and temperature,
we tried to maintain consistency in these factors by
instructing the subjects to: 1) abstain from eating or
drinking for 4 h before measurements, 2) urinate 30 min
prior, 3) not engaged in exercise for 12 h prior and 4)
not consume alcohol of caffeinated products [35, 45].
Body composition was measured two days after the first
day of resistance training and again two days after the
last day of resistance training.
Total blood testosterone serum levels were measured
twice: once 2 days after the study commenced and again
2 days after the study ended. The blood draw was timed
to be between two hours and three hours of each sub-
jects regular waking time, and prior to any substantial
physical activity, in order to minimize the effects of the
natural diurnal variation in testosterone level. The 20 ml
blood draws were from an antecubital vein, punctured
with a 20-gauge disposable needle connected to a Vacu-
tainer tube. The blood serum samples were analyzed by
an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay).
Muscle recovery
Resistance training frequently damages skeletal muscle
tissue. Such damage can result in decreased muscle force
production and performance in subsequent training ses-
sions, thereby possibly reducing the extent of adaptation
and gains from resistance training [46]. Muscle recovery
refers to the reduction in exercise-induced muscle dam-
age over time. The level of creatine kinase, a protein, in
the blood is a commonly used measure of muscle dam-
age because this protein is specific to muscle tissue [47].
When muscles are overexerted, the muscle filaments are
damaged and become necrotic, thereby causing soluble
proteins like creatine kinase to migrate from muscle tis-
sue into the blood stream [48]. The body on its own re-
pairs such damage over 1 to 10 days and serum creatine
kinase returns to baseline levels [48]. A bout of exercise
tends to produce less damage in muscle tissue when re-
peated in subsequent training sessions after the body
gets accustomed to the exercise. This is because of adap-
tation and strengthening of the muscle tissue. Serum
creatine kinase was measured at 24 h and at 48 h after
the end of the first exercise session, and also at 24 h and
at 48 h after the end of the last exercise session approxi-
mately 8 weeks later, from 20 ml blood draws using a
20-gauge disposable needle and a Vacutainer setup. The
creatine kinase level was determined in a commercial la-
boratory using enzymatic analysis tracking nicotinamide
adenine diphesphopyridine (NADPH). The increase in
creatine kinase from the 24-h point to the 48-h point
can be taken as a biomarker of recovery in that a smaller
increase corresponds to faster stabilization of creatine
kinase level and hence faster recovery of muscle tissue
from exercise-induced damage.
The subjects were asked to report any adverse events ex-
perienced at any point in the study. We used the
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 5 of 11
Physicians Global Assessment of Tolerability to Therapy
(PGATT) form [4951]. Subjects used a five-point scale
to assess tolerability from worst tolerability(which cor-
responds to patientsnot being able to tolerate the drug
at all) to excellent tolerability(which corresponds to
no adverse effects and the patient being able to tolerate
the drug excellently).
Statistical analysis
Assessment of statistical significance of continuous treat-
ment effects was done using ANOVA with group identity
(treatment versus placebo) as a factor. We used the
Mann-Whitney test if the data were found to be not
normally distributed. Frequencies of the tolerability
scale values were compared using the chi-square test
for contingency tables. The accepted level of signifi-
cance was α=0.05.
Tables 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 compare the treatment group and
the placebo group at baseline, at the start of the study
and at the end of the 8 week study for the following 5
factors: testosterone level (ng/dL), muscle strength on
the bench press 1-RM (Kg), muscle strength on the leg
extension 1-RM (Kg), muscle size at thighs (cm
muscle size at arms (cm
), muscle size at chest (cm),
body fat percentage, muscle recovery in terms of creat-
ine kinase levels change (U/L),
Primary efficacy measure: muscle strength
There was a significant increase in muscle strength and
muscle size in both the ashwagandha group and the pla-
cebo group, for both the upper and lower body. This is
unsurprising because both group engaged in resistance
training. The focal question is whether the adaptation is
greater under ashwagandha supplementation. Table 2
and Fig. 2 show that the increases in muscle strength
were statistically significantly greater in the ashwagandha
group than in the placebo group, for the upper body
(Placebo: 26.42 kg, 95 % CI, 19.52, 33.32 vs. Ashwa-
gandha: 46.05 kg, 95 % CI 36.56, 55.54; p= 0.001) and
the lower body (Placebo: 9.77 kg, 95 % CI, 7.18, 12.35 vs.
Ashwagandha: 14.50 kg, 95 % 10.76, 18.23; p= 0.04).
Secondary efficacy measures
Muscle Size: For muscle size (Table 3; Fig. 2), the in-
creases are significantly greater in the ashwagandha
group than the placebo group in the arm (Placebo: 5.30
, 95 % CI, 3.34,7.25 vs. Ashwagandha: 8.89 cm
95 % 6.95,10.84; p= 0.01) and chest (Placebo: 1.43 cm,
95 % CI, 0.83, 2.02 vs. Ashwagandha: 3.37 cm, 95 % CI,
2.59, 4.15; p< 0.001) but not in the thighs (Placebo: 6.22
, 95 % CI, 2.61, 9.84 vs. Ashwagandha: 8.71 cm
95 % CI, 4.56, 12.87; p= 0.36).
Body composition: Table 4 shows that body fat percent-
ages declined in both groups over the 8 week study, with
the fat percentage decrease being significantly greater
among subjects in the ashwagandha group as compared
to the placebo group (Placebo: 1.52 %, 95 % CI, 0.46, 2.59,
vs. Ashwagandha: 3.47 %, 95 % CI, 1.99, 4.95; p=0.03).
Serum testosterone
Over the eight weeks, there was a significant increase in
testosterone level in the ashwagandha treatment group
relative to the placebo group (Table 5; Fig. 3). The in-
crease in testosterone level was significantly greater with
ashwagandha supplementation than with the placebo
(Placebo: 18.00 ng/dL, 95 % CI, -15.83, 51.82 vs. Ashwa-
gandha: 96.19 ng/dL, 95 % CI, 54.86, 137.53; p= 0.004).
While the mean post-intervention level was notably
higher in the ashwagandha group than in the placebo
group (726 versus 693), the numbers are not detectable
as statistically significantly different, very likely because
the across-subject variance is high.
Muscle recovery
Recall that the level of recovery from exercise-induced
muscle damage is assessed through the increase in level
of serum creatine kinase from Hour 24 to Hour 48 after
the end of the resistance training session. A smaller in-
crease in this muscle protein in the blood stream
Table 2 Muscle strength
Treatment group Placebo group Between group comparison
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (p-values)
Sample size (n) n=25 n=25
Bench Press 1RM (Kg) Pre intervention 33.21 (8.50) 31.35 (7.97) 0.44
Post intervention 79.26 (25.90) 57.77 (16.48) 0.001
Change 46.05 (23.00); 95 % CI: 36.56, 55.54** 26.42 (16.72); 95 % CI: 19.52, 33.32** 0.001
Leg Extension 1RM (Kg) Pre intervention 27.89 (4.24) 25.22 (7.03) 0.11
Post intervention 42.38 (10.80)** 34.98 (10.54)** 0.02
Change 14.50 (9.04); 95 % CI: 10.76, 18.23** 9.77 (6.27); 95 % CI: 7.18, 12.35** 0.04
** = p< 0.001 within group compari son
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 6 of 11
corresponds to faster muscle tissue repair, which in turn
corresponds to greater recovery. Table 6 and Fig. 3 show
how this metric varied across groups and over time. It is
important to keep in mind that smaller numbers are to
be interpreted as better recovery. What is striking is that
recovery was dramatically better after 8 weeks of resist-
ance training, in both the ashwagandha group and the
placebo group, likely because of muscle tissue getting ac-
customed to the training regimen and developing greater
integrity to resist any damage. Comparing the ashwa-
gandha group and the placebo group, the results showed
that recovery is substantially higher in the ashwagandha
group than in the placebo group (Placebo: 1307.48 U/L,
95 % CI, -1202.82, 1412.14 vs. Ashwagandha: 1462.68 U/
L, 95 % CI, 1366.27, 1559.09; p= 0.03).
No serious side effects were reported by subjects in ei-
ther group. All subjects rated tolerability as either good
or excellenton the PGATT form. There was no statis-
tically significant difference in PGATT scores between
the 2 groups.
This is the first research paper that we know of that
studies ashwagandha as an adjuvant to resistance train-
ing programs. Because subjects in both the ashwagandha
group and the placebo group engaged in resistance
training, we would expect to see a substantial degree of
improvement in muscle-related parameters in both
groups, and indeed we did. These findings are consistent
with numerous studies which have measured adaptation
to strength training programs in the absence of any sup-
plementation [33]. The focal question that we sought to
examine in this research is related to whether ashwa-
gandha supplementation would magnify these adapta-
tions. The adaptations were found to be statistically
significantly greater, at a p-value threshold of 0.05, with
ashwagandha supplementation than under placebo for
all parameters (muscle strength, muscle size and body
fat percentage, testosterone, and muscle recovery) except
for thigh muscle size, though some effects were mar-
ginal. Increased recovery from muscle damage has the
practical implication that it allows one to resume resist-
ance training more quickly, thereby increase the volume
of training per unit time and thereby potentially achieve
Table 3 Muscle size
Treatment group mean (SD) Placebo group mean (SD) Between group comparison
Sample size (n) n=25 n=25
Thigh (cm
) Pre intervention 107.84 (24.61) 111.18 (17.15) 0.58
Post intervention 116.56 (26.04) 117.40 (19.96) 0.9
Change 8.71 (10.06); 95 % CI: 4.56, 12.87** 6.22 ( 8.76); 95 % CI: 2.61, 9.84* 0.36
Arm (cm
) Pre intervention 51.96 (10.88) 53.13 (14.84) 0.75
Post intervention 60.85 (13.23) 58.43 (17.66) 0.59
Change 8.89 (4.71); 95 % CI: 6.95, 10.84** 5.30 ( 4.74); 95 % CI: 3.34, 7.25** 0.01
Chest (cm) Pre intervention 101.40 (11.22) 101.16 (8.93) 0.93
Post intervention 104.77 (11.09) 102.58 (8.76) 0.44
Change 3.37 ( 1.89); 95 % CI: 2.59, 4.15** 1.43 (1.45); 95 % CI: 0.83, 2.02** 0.0002
*=p< 0.01; ** = p< 0.001 within group comparison
Table 4 Body fat percentage
Treatment group Placebo Between group
Mean (SD) Group mean (SD) (p-values)
size (n)
n=25 n=25
Pre intervention 21.60 (3.91) 22.01 (3.37) 0.7
Post intervention 18.13 (3.13)** 20.48 (1.85)* 0.003
Change 3.47 (3.58); 95 %
CI: -4.95, -1.99**
1.52 (2.58); 95 %
CI: -2.59, -0.46*
*=p< 0.01; ** = p< 0.001 within group comparison
Table 5 Serum testosterone level (ng/dL)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (p-values)
size (n)
n=25 n=25
Pre intervention 630.45 (231.88) 675.12 (157.02) 0.43
Post intervention 726.64 (171.55)** 693.12 (115.04) 0.42
Change 96.19 (100.14); 95 %
CI: 54.86, 137.53**
18.00 (81.94); 95 %
CI: -15.83, 51.82
** = p< 0.001 within group compari son
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 7 of 11
greater gains per unit time. Our basic results are consist-
ent with the findings of previous human studies with ash-
wagandha [8, 9, 28, 29, 52] in demonstrating gains in
muscle strength, body composition and testosterone,
though these other studies do not follow these parameters
all in a single clinical trial or in conjunction with a resist-
ance training program. The ashwagandha extract was tol-
erated very well at the study dose with no side effects
reported. This good safety profile of ashwagandha is con-
sistent with reports from previous studies [8, 9, 28, 29,
There are also studies considering the use of other
adaptogenic herbs like Rhodiola rosea,Eleutherococcus
senticosus,Schisandra chinensis and ginseng toward
physical performance. One study [53] gave evidence that
Rhodiola rosea supplementation can improve endurance
and reduce time to exhaustion. A review of Russian re-
search [15] identifies human studies that show improved
physical and mental performance from Schisandra supple-
mentation. It is suggested that [15] Schisandra supple-
mentation can help elite athletes adapt to high physical
intensities. More study of the use of adaptogen herbs in
the aid of muscle strength and recovery is needed.
There are several mechanisms of action that could
have contributed to the positive effects of ashwagandha
supplementation on resistance training and performance
improvements in this study. These can be viewed from two
perspectives: muscle development and muscle recovery.
Muscle development
The ability to lift weights is a function of (a) muscle size,
(b) energy production and (c) the nervous systems
Table 6 Muscle recovery: increase of serum creatine kinase from hour 24 to hour 48 after end of exercising (U/L)
Treatment group Placebo group Between group comparison
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) (p-values)
Sample size (n) n=25 n=25
Pre intervention 1478.88 (239.60) 1406.52 (264.45) 0.31
Post intervention 16.20 (9.47)** 99.04 (16.77)** <0.0001
Change 1462.68 (233.57); 95 % CI: -1559.09,-1366.27** 1307.48 (253.54); 95 % CI: -1412.14, -1202.82** 0.03
** = p< 0.001 within group compari son
Fig. 2 The effect of Ashwagandha treatment in muscle strength [abench press 1 RM, bleg extension 1RM] and muscle size in cthigh, darm
and eChest
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 8 of 11
ability to recruit muscles and coordinate them to gener-
ate the required force. Muscle size is a function of
muscle growth, which is affected by two of ashwagand-
has effects: (i) increase in testosterone, which leads to
muscle growth and (ii) decrease in the levels of cortisol,
which as a catabolic agent detracts from muscle mass. In
terms of energy production, ashwagandha (i) can have
beneficial effects on mitochondrial energy levels and
functioning and reduce the activity of the Mg2
+ -dependent ATPase enzyme responsible for the break-
down of ATP [54], and (ii) can increase creatine levels
that can in turn lead to ATP generation [8]. Finally, the
effects of ashwagandha on the nervous system as anti-
anxiety agent and in promoting focus and concentration
[28] may translate to better coordination and recruit-
ment of muscles. The reason for the lack of an effect on
thigh size is not clear. Longer term studies are needed to
shed light on this, as are studies looking at markers in
the local environment of these muscles to rule out any
biochemical anomalies as contributing factors.
Muscle recovery
In the present study, more rapid recovery from muscle
damage under supplementation with ashwagandha was
demonstrated by monitoring creatine kinase. The faster
recovery could be due to a number of mechanisms, or
more likely their synergistic effects, as mediated by the
various extract components, such as antioxidant effects
to combat free radical damage both at the muscle and
central nervous system levels, anti-inflammatory and
analgesic effects and reduction in lactic acid and blood
urea nitrogen [46]. In that vein, muscle soreness is a
common occurrence following exercise for those less
accustomed to physical activity. Delayed onset muscle
soreness (DOMS) presents between 24 and 48 h after
exercise as tenderness to palpation, and/or movement
accompanied by decreases in flexibility and maximal vol-
untary force production. This soreness can inhibit full
and proper exercise. Thus, a reduction in DOMS as a
consequence of ashwagandhas effect on reduced muscle
injury would counteract this negative consequence.
This study confirms previous data regarding the adapto-
genic properties of ashwagandha and suggests it might
be a useful adjunct to strength training. This study has
the following limitations which should lead us to inter-
pret the findings with some caution: the subjects are
untrained and moderately young, the sample size of 50
is not large and the study period is of duration only 8
weeks. Research studying the possible beneficial effects
of ashwagandha needs to be conducted for longer pe-
riods of time and for different populations including
females and older adults of both genders.
Competing interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the
publication of this paper.
SW and DL developed the clinical trial design and the resisitance training
protocol. They carried out the data collection in collaboration with KJ and
SS. SW, DL, KJ and SS oversaw the data treatment and data analysis. SB
contributed to the writing, the presentation, the bibliography and managed
correspondence. All authors were involved in the writing and drafting, and
all read and approved the final manuscript.
The authors thank Shri Kartikeya Pharma and Ixoreal BioMed of Los Angeles,
California, USA for supplying the KSM-66 high-concentration root extract
used in the study treatment.
Author details
Sports Medicine, SrimatiKashibaiNavale Medical College, Pune, India.
Department of Pharmacology, BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Navi
Mumbai, India.
Department of Pharmacology, BharatiVidyapeeth Medical
College & Hospital, Sangli, India.
Department of Clinical Pharmacology,
Grant Government Medical College, SirJamshedjeeJeejeebhoy Group of
Hospitals, Mumbai, India.
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, NSHM
Knowledge Campus, 124 B.L. Saha Road, Kolkata 700053, India.
Received: 13 July 2015 Accepted: 16 November 2015
Fig. 3 The effect of Ashwagandha treatment in aserum testosterone and bserum creatine kinase level
Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 9 of 11
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Wankhede et al. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (2015) 12:43 Page 11 of 11
... Recent systematic review also concluded that Ashwagandha supplementation can increase testosterone levels in adults with no chronic disorders [29]. Significant increases in testosterone levels following Ashwagandha supplementation were also evident in adults subjected to strength training [30]. ...
... 12 studies with participation of 615 young adults (17-45 years of age) with mixed sexes and various fitness levels inclusion, dosage range from 120 mg to 1250 mg daily, lasting from 2 to 12 weeks demonstrated diverse conclusions. Supplementation with Ashwagandha improved strength and power, measured via one repetition maximum in bench press, squat and leg extension [30,45], maximum velocity and relative power in vertical jump [46], and testosterone levels [30]. Positive impact of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory fitness was also demonstrated with increases in VO 2max [40]. ...
... 12 studies with participation of 615 young adults (17-45 years of age) with mixed sexes and various fitness levels inclusion, dosage range from 120 mg to 1250 mg daily, lasting from 2 to 12 weeks demonstrated diverse conclusions. Supplementation with Ashwagandha improved strength and power, measured via one repetition maximum in bench press, squat and leg extension [30,45], maximum velocity and relative power in vertical jump [46], and testosterone levels [30]. Positive impact of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory fitness was also demonstrated with increases in VO 2max [40]. ...
Full-text available
In recent years Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) gained a lot of interest as an adaptogen, aiding sleep, stress management and presenting health and sports-related benefits. Although clinical effects have been previously reviewed, the specific mechanism of Ashwagandha’s action and its impact on different aspects of physical performance, body composition, as well as medical effects need more thorough analysis. Therefore, this narrative review delves into the available research examining the effects of Ashwagandha supplementation on such qualities as: strength, endurance, power, recovery, muscle mass, body fat, fertility, anxiety, metabolic health and aging, with additional focus on potential mechanisms underlying these effects. Moreover, we propose future perspectives based on the gaps observed in Ashwagandha research up to date.
... Ashwagandha is recognized for its 'adaptogenic' properties, helping the body deal with stress and clean up physiological equilibrium. A study done by Wankhede et al. (2015) shows that the withanolides present in Ashwagandha have immunomodulatory effects and improved immune function and reduced inflammation in preclinical settings [11]. In silico studies have recently suggested that Ashwagandha compounds may interact with SARS CoV 2 viral proteins and may inhibit viral entry [12]. ...
... Ashwagandha is recognized for its 'adaptogenic' properties, helping the body deal with stress and clean up physiological equilibrium. A study done by Wankhede et al. (2015) shows that the withanolides present in Ashwagandha have immunomodulatory effects and improved immune function and reduced inflammation in preclinical settings [11]. In silico studies have recently suggested that Ashwagandha compounds may interact with SARS CoV 2 viral proteins and may inhibit viral entry [12]. ...
... Adaptogenic, Immunomodulatory Supports immune function, helps manage stress [11] Amla (Emblica officinalis) Rich in Vitamin C, Antioxidant Boosts immune response, reduces oxidative stress [19] Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) Immunomodulatory Modulates the immune system, aids defense against infections [15] Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Nutrient-rich, Antioxidant Enhances overall health, combatting oxidative stress [17] Vasaka (Adhatoda vasica) Expectorant, Bronchodilatory Aids in clearing mucus, supports respiratory function [23] Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Anti-inflammatory, Soothing Reduces respiratory discomfort, supports lung health [24] Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa) Bronchodilatory, Respiratory support Relaxes airways, eases respiratory congestion [25] Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory Combats oxidative stress, reduces inflammation [26] Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Anti-inflammatory, Immune support Soothes respiratory distress, enhances immune function [27] Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) Adaptogenic, Antioxidant Reduces stress, supports overall well-being [28] ...
... In the pursuit of effective interventions to improve performance and well-being, herbal supplements have gained popularity (Sellami et al. 2018). Among these, Withania somnifera, commonly known as ashwagandha, stands out due to its longstanding use in Ayurvedic medicine and its benefits for stress reduction, enhanced physical performance, cognition and support for recovery (Lopresti et al. 2019;Bonilla et al. 2021;Ziegenfuss et al. 2018;Leonard et al. 2024;Wankhede et al. 2015;Tiwari, Gupta, and Pathak 2021). Despite its growing popularity, research on ashwagandha's impact on muscle strength and recovery, particularly in female athletes, is limited (Bonilla et al. 2021). ...
... Although previous research suggests that ashwagandha supplementation may improve RPE, perception of fatigue, muscle soreness and stress (Lopresti et al. 2019;Bonilla et al. 2021;Ziegenfuss et al. 2018;Leonard et al. 2024;Wankhede et al. 2015;Tiwari, Gupta, and Pathak 2021), this study did not observe any significant effects. It is possible that the lack of significant findings is due to the relatively short duration of the study, which may not have allowed enough time for ashwagandha to influence these recovery markers. ...
Full-text available
Ashwagandha is a supplement with the potential to improve exercise performance. However, research on its impact on female athletes remains limited. This study investigates the effects of ashwagandha on exercise recovery and muscle strength in professional female athletes, addressing a gap in understanding its role in this underrepresented population. Female footballers were randomly assigned to a 600 mg/day ashwagandha root extract group (ASH, n = 15; age: 26.0 ± 4.9 years, height: 1.66 ± 0.1 m, body mass: 61.5 ± 7.5 kg, and career: 15.2 ± 7.4 years) or a placebo group (PLA, n = 15; age: 23.5 ± 5.5 years, height: 1.66 ± 0.1 m, body mass: 61.5 ± 6.0 kg, and career: 13.1 ± 4.9 years). Recovery was assessed with total quality recovery (TQR), Hooper Index (HI) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE). Strength was assessed by hand grip, medicine ball throw (MBT), countermovement jump (CMJ) and peak power. Dietary intake was recorded prior to baseline measurements. Repeated measures ANOVA, Bonferroni test, independent t‐tests and ANCOVA were used in the analysis. A significant group × time interaction effect was found for TQR (p = 0.026), with the post‐hoc analysis revealing a significant difference between ASH and PLA at 28 days (p = 0.039). Perceived sleep quality from HI improved significantly in ASH compared to PLA (p = 0.038), with a significant change at 14 days. The ANCOVA analysis highlighted the significant influence of carbohydrate intake on hand grip strength (p = 0.005), MBT (p < 0.001) and body mass (p < 0.001). A dosage of 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract for 28 days may improve TQR and enhance perceived sleep quality in female footballers. Future research should investigate the optimal dosage and test across a broader range of athletic populations. Trials Registration: The trial is registered on with the ID NCT06264986
... The rationale for selecting these components is based on many previous studies which associate these species with physical and mental health attributes. For example, it was found that ashwagandha (Withania somnifera root) has anxiolytic effects [9], improves sleep parameters [10], increases muscle mass and strength [11], is anti-neuroinflammatory [12], and has positive memory effects [13]. Turmeric (Curcuma longa root) has potent anti-inflammatory effects [14], is antioxidant [15], and has positive cardiovascular effects [16]. ...
... Interestingly, we were able to demonstrate that the novel CONKA product can be useful in protecting from motor deficits, improving lifespan, and maintaining lower levels of oxidative stress in the heads and bodies of the flies. All five components contributed to the positive properties as predicted [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28], eliciting effects on both physical and mental health following a series of repetitive concussions. The lack of a full effect of Curcuma longa component may be due to poor bio-availability [42]. ...
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There is growing interest in understanding the connection between concussions on physical and mental health acutely and, in retirement, on neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we utilised a “high-impact trauma” (HIT) device to investigate the effects of multiple concussions on the motor activity, and lifespan of the adult female Drosophila melanogaster as well as reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) levels in the fly brain and body. We found that repetitive hits, while not having acute physical effects, significantly increased long-term mobility deficits, and shortened lifespan, and exacerbated oxidative stress in both the brain and body. Notably, the novel CONKA product (Withania somnifera, Curcuma longa, Melissa officinalis, Rhodiola rosea, Vaccinium myrtillus) demonstrated promising protective effects, including mitigation of motor deficits, extension of lifespan, and reduction of oxidative stress in both the brain and body of the flies. When evaluating the contributions of individual components within the CONKA formulation, Curcuma longa, despite extending lifespan, did not contribute to mobility improvement or oxidative stress amelioration. This suggests that the benefits of CONKA are largely driven by its other four components, which displayed all the positive effects evaluated. The exclusion of Curcuma longa may streamline the formulation without diminishing its brain and body effects following a history of repetitive concussions, although this would require further study to confirm. Oral bioavailability may be an issue with Curcuma longa. Taken together, the findings validate that Drosophila melanogaster is a suitable system to mimic and investigate the effects of repetitive concussions on bodies and brains and assess the effects of health products and drug therapies.
... This antioxidant activity has different levels in various parts. The study by B. Ganguly et al.[5] [6] found that the root of Ashwagandha exhibits a high level of antioxidant compound, with alkaloid and flavonoid being the most significant contributors. In this study, total antioxidant capacity (ToAC) was determined from an ...
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Ashwagandha is known to have many health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, anti-stress, antioxidant, and revitalizing properties. In the field of sport, Ashwagandha can maintain endurance and reduce post-exercise stress response. However, the mechanism of action remains uncertain. The purpose of this review is to discuss the role of Ashwagandha in sports endurance and recovery. The method used is a literature review which focuses on research publications related to the topic at least from 2015 onwards. Consumption of ashwagandha may reduce cortisol, lactic acid, and urea nitrogen levels and improve Vo2max that may prevent the damaging effects of stress and restore normal physiological functioning during and after exercise. These studies also found ashwagandha may induce muscle cell differentiation. Therefore, ashwagandha extract has a potential effect on endurance and post-exercise recovery.
... Their levels were investigated after the administration of supplements other than those of the ginseng plant [84]. For example, ashwagandha and Rhodiola rosea significantly reduced the amount of CK in the blood following resistance exercise [85,86]. The Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp.) extracts can remove accumulated metabolites, such as blood lactic acid and blood urea nitrogen, after weight-loaded forced swimming [87]. ...
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Ginseng has multi-directional pharmacological properties. Some data suggest that ginseng can enhance physical endurance, which, in turn, leads to protection of the cardiovascular system. However, not all experiments are conclusive. For this reason, the main aim of this research was to perform a meta-analysis and review of studies published between the years 2013 and 2023 concerning the ginseng effect on physical performance in animal and human models. Medline, Pubmed, and ClinicalKey electronic databases were used to analyze data. The search strategy included the following criteria: ginseng and exercise; ginseng supplementation; and ginseng supplements. The results suggest that ginseng supplementation may have a positive effect on CK levels in animal studies. Similar observations were stated in relation to serum lactate and BUN. Furthermore, a human study showed a significant increase in exercise time to exhaustion and VO2 max after supplementation. The review of the literature and conducted meta-analysis identified that ginseng supplementation may have a positive effect on exercise endurance. Due to the fact that most of the current studies were based on animal models, further research on human models is needed to identify the most effective dosage or form of applied ginseng to be a supportive element in CVD management.
... Carotenoid supplementation has been linked to improved visual health and a reduction in oxidative stress-related conditions, such as age-related cellular damage [52]. Finally, studies have demonstrated that antioxidant supplements play a crucial role in modulating signaling pathways involved in oxidative stress and inflammation [69,70]. For instance, polyphenol supplements have been shown to activate the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) pathway, enhancing the body's antioxidant defenses and supporting healthcare professionals by reducing oxidative stress [71,72]. ...
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Healthcare professionals frequently experience significant work overload, which often leads to substantial physical and psychological stress. This stress is closely linked to increased oxidative stress and a corresponding decline in energy levels. This scoping review investigates the potential impact of dietary antioxidants and food supplements in conjunction with diet in controlling these negative effects. Through an analysis of the biochemical pathways involved in oxidative stress and energy metabolism, the paper emphasizes the effectiveness of targeted dietary interventions. Key dietary antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, polyphenols, and carotenoids, are evaluated for their ability to counteract oxidative stress and enhance energy levels. Additionally, the review assesses various food supplements, including omega-3 fatty acids, coenzyme Q10, and ginseng, and their mechanisms of action in energy enhancement. Practical guidelines for incorporating energy-boost dietary strategies into the routine of healthcare professionals are provided, emphasizing the importance of dietary modifications in reducing oxidative stress and improving overall well-being and performance in high-stress healthcare environments. The review concludes by suggesting directions for future research to validate these findings and to explore new dietary interventions that may further support healthcare professionals under work overload.
... These findings suggested that Ashwagandha supplementation may be useful in conjunction with resistant training program. [28] In our study, we assessed the aerobic capacity and physical endurance using the 6-minute walk test. We observed significant improvement in 6MWT score in ARE group (p<0.001) ...
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Frailty is a state of increased vulnerability resulting from aging due to cumulative decline in physiological system over a lifespan. Few pharmacological agents have been investigated for the treatment of frailty. In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is a popular botanical medicine used for improvement in physical strength and mental stress and has a potential for treatment of frailty. This placebo-controlled study assessed the efficacy and safety of a capsule containing 300mg of Ashwagandha Root Extract (ARE) administered twice daily orally for 8 weeks. Fifty elderly subjects with a frailty score ≥7 based on Frailty Assessment and Screening Tool (FAST) were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive either Ashwagandha (ARE, n=25) or placebo (PL, n=25). Improvement in frailty after 8 weeks was assessed by FAST, 6-minute Walk Test (6MWT), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Short Form Survey (SF-12) scores. Blood samples were collected at baseline and week 8 for estimation of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), cortisol and Creatinine Kinase (CK). Significant improvement (p<0.01) in scores for FAST, 6MWTs, PSQI, MMSE, and SF-12 were seen with ARE after 8 weeks. Also, significant improvements (p<0.05) were observed in CK and in CRP with ARE. These improvements were greater (p<0.05) with ARE as compared to placebo. ARE was well tolerated with no adverse effects, and no changes in hepatic and renal parameters. Thus, Ashwagandha root extract can be a valuable therapeutic option for improvement of health condition in frailty.
Smoking poses a serious public health challenge in India and worldwide, impacting nearly 1 billion individuals. It greatly heightens the risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease, lung conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), tuberculosis, several eye diseases, as well as immune system disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Each year, secondhand smoke exposure results in around 400 infant deaths and 41,000 fatalities among non-smoking adults.
Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is a guide to developing individualized training programs for both serious athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Two of the world’s leading experts on strength training explore how to design scientifically based resistance training programs, modify and adapt programs to meet the needs of special populations, and apply the elements of program design in the real world. The fourth edition presents the most current information while retaining the studies that are the basis for concepts, guidelines, and applications in resistance training. Meticulously updated and heavily referenced, the fourth edition contains the following updates: A full-color interior provides stronger visual appeal.Sidebars focus on a specific practical question or an applied research concept, allowing readers to connect research to real-life situations.Multiple detailed tables summarize research from the text, offering an easy way to compare data and conclusions.A glossary makes it simple to find key terms in one convenient location.Newly added instructor ancillaries make the fourth edition a true learning resource for the classroom (available at Designing Resistance Training Programs, Fourth Edition, is an essential resource for understanding and applying the science behind resistance training for any population.
Since publication of its First Edition in 1981, Exercise Physiology has helped more than 350,000 students build a solid foundation of the scientific principles underlying modern exercise physiology. This Seventh Edition has been thoroughly updated with all the most recent findings, guiding you to the latest understanding of nutrition, energy transfer, and exercise training and their relationship to human performance. This Seventh Edition maintains its popular seven-section structure. It begins with an exploration of the origins of exercise physiology and concludes with an examination of the most recent efforts to apply principles of molecular biology. The book provides excellent coverage of exercise physiology, uniting the topics of energy expenditure and capacity, molecular biology, physical conditioning, sports nutrition, body composition, weight control, and more. Every chapter has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest information in the field. The updated full-color art program adds visual appeal and improves understanding of key topics. A companion website includes over 30 animations of key exercise physiology concepts; the full text online; a quiz bank; references; appendices; information about microscope technologies; a timeline of notable events in genetics; a list of Nobel Prizes in research related to cell and molecular biology; the scientific contributions of thirteen outstanding female scientists; an image bank; a Brownstone test generator; PowerPoint® lecture outlines; and image-only PowerPoint® slides.
Resistance exercise intensity is commonly prescribed as a percent of 1 repetition maximum (1RM). However, the relationship between percent 1RM and the number of repetitions allowed remains poorly studied, especially using free weight exercises. The purpose of this study was to determine the maximal number of repetitions that trained (T) and untrained (UT) men can perform during free weight exercises at various percentages of 1RM. Eight T and 8 UT men were tested for 1RM strength. Then, subjects performed 1 set to failure at 60, 80, and 90% of 1RM in the back squat, bench press, and arm curl in a randomized, balanced design. There was a significant (p < 0.05) intensity x exercise interaction. More repetitions were performed during the back squat than the bench press or arm curl at 60% 1RM for T and UT. At 80 and 90% 1RM, there were significant differences between the back squat and other exercises; however, differences were much less pronounced. No differences in number of repetitions performed at a given exercise intensity were noted between T and UT (except during bench press at 90% 1RM). In conclusion, the number of repetitions performed at a given percent of 1RM is influenced by the amount of muscle mass used during the exercise, as more repetitions can be performed during the back squat than either the bench press or arm curl. Training status of the individual has a minimal impact on the number of repetitions performed at relative exercise intensity.
Help your students develop an understanding of exercise physiology concepts and their application athletic performance and well-being with Exercise Physiology, 2e. Using an engaging evidence-based approach that combines research and theory with practical discussions of nutrition and training, the authors help students understand how the human body works and responds to exercise. The Second Edition includes new video clips, a fresh new design, and enhanced online teaching and learning resources to save you time and help your students succeed. Instructor Resources: • A pre-created PowerPoint Presentation speeds lecture preparation. • A Test bank of chapter-specific questions saves you time in building quizzes and exams • A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation. • LMS cartridges allow you to connect to your preferred course management system with ease. • Answers to Review Questions speed student assessment. Student Resources: • Animations demonstrate complex concepts in a dynamic, memorable way. • Video Clips from experts demonstrate fascinating, real-life applications in a variety of exercise science careers. • Quiz bank provides online practice to help ensure content mastery.
Withania somnifera is known as Ashwagandha, also commonly known in different parts of the world as Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandhaand and Kanaje Hindi, a plant belonging to the Solanaceae family. Ashwagandha is a woody shrub or herb whose various parts (berries, leaves and roots) are used as folk remedies. Some traditional uses of ashwagandha are also invoked now a day, such as enhancing sexual function in men, increasing fertility in men or women, aiding sleep and enhancing sports performance. Withania somnifera is used as adaptogen, antiarthritic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, nervine tonic, nerve soothing, sedative, hypotensive, antioxidant, immunomodulator, free radical scavenger, anti-stress and anti-cancer agent. Ashwagandha is called "Rasayana", which means powerful rejuvenator in Ayurvedic jargon as it increases hemoglobin (red blood count) and hair melanin. In this study we have critically reviewed recent advancements of Withania somnifera in an attempt to authenticate its use as a multi-purpose medicinal agent.
The purpose of this investigation was to determine if 1-RM strength could be predicted from a 4-6 RM submaximal strength test with a greater accuracy than the commonly used 7-10 submaximal strength test. Thirty-four healthy males between the ages of 19 and 32 participated in this study. Subjects completed 1-RM, 4-6 RM, and 7-10 RM strength assessments in random order with a minimum of 48 hours between each strength assessment. During each session, subjects performed strength assessments for the bench press, incline press, triceps extension, biceps curl, and leg extension. Multiple regression analysis was used to produce equations for predicting 1-RM strength from 4 to 6 or 7 to 10 repetition maximum tests. The 4-6 RM prediction equations improved the predictive accuracy of 1-RM strength compared to the 7-10 RM prediction equations based on the adjusted R2 and standard error of estimate. Since no injuries or symptoms of delayed onset of muscle soreness were reported during either the 7-10 RM or the 4-6 RM submaximal strength assessments, the results of this study indicate that when attempting to predict 1-RM strength in healthy, young, males, a 4-6 RM submaximal strength assessment appears to be the more accurate test.
Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is a well-known phenomenon that happens after performing lengthening contractions or unaccustomed exercise. Many studies have tried to reduce this muscle damage yet muscle damage is also known to produce a protective effect against future damaging exercise bouts. Objectives: The purpose of this paper was to briefly discuss how EIMD can result in negative consequences and examine evidence for or against potential benefits of EIMD. Design and Methods: Non-systematic review Results: EIMD is detrimental in that it produces prolonged decreases in force and decreased exercise performance. If muscle damage is severe it may result in exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis and when it occurs in combination with dehydration or heat stress, it may potentially lead to life threatening issues such as acute kidney failure. Despite its detrimental effects, some have suggested possible benefits from EIMD. The potential benefits of EIMD include the repeated bout effect and muscle hypertrophy but these benefits can be produced without inducing EIMD. Conclusion: After examining the detrimental and beneficial effects of EIMD, it seems that the detrimental effects outweigh any possible benefits of EIMD and many of the proposed benefits (repeated bout effect and hypertrophy) can be produced without EIMD.