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Age Standardization of Rates: A New WHO Standard

Omar B. Ahmad
Cynthia Boschi-Pinto
Alan D. Lopez
Christopher JL Murray
Rafael Lozano
Mie Inoue
GPE Discussion Paper Series: No.31
World Health Organization 2001
A recent WHO analysis has revealed the need for a new world standard population (see
attached table). This has become particularly pertinent given the rapid and continued
declines in age-specific mortality rates among the oldest old, and the increasing
availability of epidemiological data for higher age groups. There is clearly no conceptual
justification for choosing one standard over another, hence the choice is arbitrary.
However, choosing a standard population with higher proportions in the younger age
groups tends to weight events at these ages disproportionately. Similarly, choosing an
older standard does the opposite. Hence, rather than selecting a standard to match the
current age-structure of some population(s), the WHO adopted a standard based on the
average age-structure of those populations to be compared (the world) over the likely
period of time that a new standard will be used (some 25-30 years), using the latest UN
assessment for 1998 (UN Population Division, 1998). From these estimates, an average
world population age-structure was constructed for the period 2000-2025. The use of an
average world population, as well as a time series of observations, removes the effects of
historical events such as wars and famine on population age composition. The terminal
age group in the new WHO standard population has been extended out to 100 years and
over, rather than the 85 and over as is the current practice. The WHO World Standard
population has fewer children and notably more adults aged 70 and above than the world
standard. It is also notably younger than the European standard.
It is important to note, however, that the age standardized death rates based on the new
standard are not comparable to previous estimates that are based on some earlier
standard(s). However, to facilitate comparative analyses, WHO will disseminate trend
analyses of the completehistorical mortality data using on the new WHO World
Standard Population in future editions of the World Health Statistics Annual.
In epidemiology and demography, most rates, such as incidence, prevalence, mortality,
are strongly age-dependent, with risks rising (e.g. chronic diseases) or declining (e.g.
measles) with age. In part this is biological (e.g. immunity acquisition), and in part it
reflects the hazards of cumulative exposure, as is the case for many forms of cancer. For
many purposes, age-specific comparisons may be the most useful. However,
comparisons of crude age-specific rates over time and between populations may be very
misleading if the underlying age composition differs in the populations being compared.
Hence, for a variety of purposes, a single age-independent index, representing a set of
age-specific rates, may be more appropriate. This is achieved by a process of age
standardization or age adjustment.
There are several techniques for adjusting age-specific rates. Among them are direct and
indirect standardization (Wolfenden, 1923), the geometric mean (Schoen, 1970),
equivalent average death rates (Hill, 1977), life table rates, Yerushalmys index
(Yerushalmy, 1951), cumulative death rates (Breslow and Day, 1981), absolute
probabilities of death and the comparative mortality index ((Peto et al, 1994, Breslow &
Day, 1980, 1981; 1987; Esteve et al, 1994). However, with the increasing availability of
age-specific rates, the use of direct age standardization has become the predominant
technique in most applications of demography and epidemiology.
Direct standardization yields a standardized or age-adjusted death rate, which is a
weighted average of the age-specific rates, for each of the populations to be compared.
The weights applied represent the relative age distribution of the arbitrary external
population (the standard). This provides, for each population, a single summary rate that
reflects the number of events that would have been expected if the populations being
compared had had identical age distribution. Symbolically, the directly standardized
mortality rate for populations A and B are given by the following equations:
where nis is the mid-year population in the ith age group of the standard population, ria
and rib are the death rates in age group i in populations A and B, respectively. The ratio of
two such standardized rates is referred to as the Comparative Mortality Ratio (CMR), a
very useful measure. If the age-specific rates in the populations being compared have a
roughly consistent relationship from one age group to the next, the selection of a standard
population will not substantially affect comparisons among groups or time periods. In
reality, however, the relative differences are usually not constant from one age group to
another. As such, both the comparison as well as the conclusions drawn are influenced
by the chosen standard.
In this paper, we review the existing standard populations currently in use for
international comparison, the Segi (“world”) and the Scandinavian (European) standard
populations. Based on this review, a new WHO World Standard age-structure is
presented for epidemiological comparisons using the direct approach. The age
composition of the new standard has been chosen to better reflect the future age structure
of the worlds population for which comparative rates will be needed.
History of Direct standardization
By the middle of the nineteenth century, public health practitioners in England had began
to recognize that simple crude rates were inappropriate summary measures for comparing
population health when the age distribution of the geographic areas were markedly
different. Discussions centered around the development of a summary mortality index
free from the effect of age differences. In a paper he read to the Statistical Society of
London, Sir Edwin Chadwick, one of the early public health reformers in England,
proposed the use of the mean age at deathas a summary measure for comparing the
health condition of the various sanitary districtsaround London (Finer, 1952; Lewis,
1991). This index, he argued, represented a true summary of the age-specific risks of
dying. In response, Neison, a practicing actuary, disagreed with Chadwicks underlying
logic. He argued that since mortality increased with age, Chadwicks mean age at death
for geographic areas with a relatively older population would tend to overstate excess
mortality. In a subsequent article, Neison demonstrated the fallacy in Chadwicks
argument by comparing the crude mean age at death with the mean age computed by a
method of direct standardization (Neison 1844). Neison was, thus, the first to introduced
both the concepts of direct and indirect standardization, as well as the term standard
The Registrar Generals report of 1883 was the first reported use of Neisons direct
standardization method, using the 1881 population census of England and Wales as the
standard (most current at the time). In subsequent reports, the standard was changed each
time there was a new census, i.e., every ten years (Woolsey, et al., 1959; Benjamin, et al.,
1980). These frequent changes of the standard were cumbersome since historical rates
had to be recalculated each time in order to assess current trends. As a solution, the 1901
population census was eventually adopted as a general standard in England and Wales,
and remained unchanged even when a new census became available.
In order to facilitate comparison with mortality rates in England and Wales, the United
States adopted the 1901 British standard. This practice continued until the early 1940s
when it was decided that the difference between the US population at the time and the
1901 English population was significant enough to warrant a change in standard. As a
result, the US adopted its 1940 census population (the most current at the time) as the
new standard. Recently, however, there has been growing concern that the 1940 standard
no longer reflects the increasingly older US age structure. In response, the National
Center for Health Statistics sponsored two national workshops in 1991 and 1997 on the
issue of a new US standard. The final report of these workshops recommended the
adoption of a new standard based on the projected 2000 population age distribution
(NCHS, 1998).
An International Standard Population
The idea of a truly international standard was first suggested by Ogle in 1892. His
proposed standard was an amalgam based on the experience of seven European countries
(Ogle, 1892). There is, however, no evidence of its subsequent adoption for international
comparison by any country. Various standards have been proposed since then but none
adopted widely. The debate has centered largely around the question of whether any one
standard is more suitable than others. This question was discussed at a May 1965
subcommittee meeting of the International Union Against Cancer (IUAC) Conference in
London. Three standard populations were suggested. Each was deemed appropriate for
particular population types. One standard had a high proportion of young people and was
considered appropriate for making comparisons with populations in Africa (Knowelden
and Oettlé, 1962). The second (European) standard was based on the experience of
Scandinavian populations, which contained a relatively high proportion of old people and
was judged particularly suitable for comparison within Western Europe (Doll and Cook,
1967). The third was proposed by Segi (1960) as an intermediate “world” standard based
on the experience of 46 countries. The Europeanand “world” standards were
subsequently adopted by WHO for use in calculating age-standardized death rates. These
standards are shown in Table 1 together with the new WHO World Standard (shown in
abbreviated form for purposes of comparison).
As discussed earlier, the choice of a standard can markedly alter comparisons between
populations. Table 2 shows a time series of circulatory disease mortality among US
males for the period 1970-1995 using the three standards (Segi, Scandinavian and the
WHO World Standard). Even though the overall percentage decline from 1970 to 1995
is almost the same for all three standards (48-49%), the relative differences in the
standardized rates, using the WHO standard as baseline, varies from 20% in one
standard to +24% in the other. Table 3 compares twenty countries on the standardized
death rates for respiratory infections as well as the ranking of countries according to
rates. In general, the Scandinavian standard tends to yield rankings that are closer to
those obtained with the WHO World Standard. In about half the cases, there are only
minor differences in ranking between the three standards. In other cases, however,
substantial shifts in ranking occur when the standard is changed. For instance, the
Russian Federation ranks 9th on the Segi but 13th on the Scandinavian and WHO
standards. Similarly, Cuba ranks 10th on the Scandinavian, 11th on the WHO and 14th on
the Segi. The differences in the actual rates are even more dramatic. The age-
standardized mortality rate for respiratory infections for Hong Kong ranges from 44.9
using the Segi standard to 76.9 using the Scandinavian (European). Much larger
differences are evident in some of the other countries. If the choice of a population
standard for direct age-standardization can have such marked influence on comparisons
over time and between populations, how should a world standard be selected?
A New WHO World Standard Population
Age-structure varies tremendously across populations of the world at different levels of
the demographic transition. Should one, therefore, choose a standard population with
higher proportions in the younger age groups (thereby weighting events at these ages
disproportionately), or choose an older standard, or rather something in-between? There
is clearly no conceptual justification for choosing one standard over another, hence the
choice will eventually be arbitrary. Whatever standard is chosen should ideally be
maintained for a number of years, during which time the age-structure of populations will
alter. For this reason, attempting to match a particular standard to current population age
structures is insufficient justification for choosing one standard over another. Hence,
rather than selecting a standard to match the current age-structure of some population(s),
the standard must be chosen to reflect the average age-structure of all populations to be
compared over the period of use.
The approach proposed by WHO is to base the standard on the average age-structure of
those populations to be compared (the world) over the likely period of time that a new
standard will be used (some 25-30 years). The United Nations Population Division
carries out two-yearly comprehensive assessment of population age-structure for each
country by age and sex (the latest assessment is for 1998 - UN Population Division,
1998). Estimates are prepared for countries for each quinquinnial year from 1950 and
projected to 2025, based on population censuses and other demographic sources, adjusted
for enumeration errors. From these estimates, an average world population age-structure
is constructed for the period 2000-2025. Figure 1 shows the expected evolution of the
worlds population age-structure over the first quarter of the 21st century, and the average
composition which defines the new WHO World Standard.
The use of an average world population, as well as a time series of observations removes
the effects of historical events such as wars and famine on population age composition.
Table 4 gives the percentage of the population in each 5-year age group in the new WHO
World Standard population. Given the rapid and continued declines in age-specific
mortality rates among the oldest old, and the increasing availability of epidemiological
data for higher age groups, the terminal age group in the new standard population has
been extended out to 100 years and over, rather than the 85 and over as is the current
practice. The difference with respect to the Segi and Scandinavian standards can be seen
in Figure 2. The WHO World Standard population has fewer children and notably more
adults aged 70 and above than the Segi standard. It is also notably younger than the
Scandinavian standard. Implementation of this new standard will facilitate international
comparative analysis and reduce confusion among data users.
To facilitate comparisons of sets of age-specific epidemiological and demographic rates
across populations with different age composition, it is useful to calculate summary
health statistics which remove the effects of variation in age structure. The dominant
method currently in use is the direct age-standardization of rates using an arbitrary
standard population. National (as exemplified by the United Kingdom and the United
States) and international experience suggest that population standards have been adopted
for arbitrary reasons and once adopted have been used for many decades. Given current
WHO initiatives, which involve comparisons of vastly different populations, existing
standards appear too extreme. We present a new WHO World Population Standard which
is especially defined to reflect the average age structure of the worlds population
expected over the next generation, from the year 2000 to 2025. Comparisons across
populations of the world should preferably be based on an average world population age
structure and that average age structure should correspond to the period of likely use of a
standard (20-30 years).
To facilitate comparisons globally, all age-standardized rates produced by WHO will be
made according to the new WHO World Standard Population. Hopefully, this single
standard will be widely adopted for global comparisons.
Breslow NE, Day NE. Fundamental Measures of Disease Occurrence and Association.
In: Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, Vol. I, The Analysis of Case-Control Studies
(IARC Scientific Publications No. 32), Lyon, International Agency for Research on
Cancer, 1980. pp.42-81.
Breslow NE, Day NE. Rates and Rate Standardization. In: Statistical Methods in Cancer
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Day NE . A New Measure of Age Standardized Incidence, the Cumulative Rate. In:
Waterhouse JAH, Muir CS, Correa P, Powell J (eds.). Cancer incidence in Five
Continents, Vol. III (IARC Scientific Publications No. 15), Lyon, International Agency
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Day NE . Cumulative Rate and Cumulative Risk. In: Waterhouse JAH, Muir CS,
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Doll R, & Cook P. Summarizing indices for comparison of cancer incidence data. Int J
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1976. pp.453-59.
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1994. pp.49-105.
Kleinbaum DG, Kupper LL, Mor genstern H. Measures of Disease Frequency:
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226-35, 1976.
Morgenstern H, Kleinbaum DG, Kupper LL . Measures of disease incidence used in
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UICC. Cancer incidence in Five Continents, Vol. I. A Technical Report. Eds. Doll R,
Payne P, Waterhouse J. Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1966.
Wolfenden HH . On the methods of comparing the mortalities of two or more
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Yerushalmy J. A mortality index for use in place of the age adjusted death rate. Am. J
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Doll R, Payne PM, Waterhouse JAH. Cancer incidence in five countries. International
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Table 1. Standard Population Distribution (percent)
Age group Segi (“world”) standard Scandinavian (“European) standard WHO World Standard*
0-4 12.00 8.00 8.86
5-9 10.00 7.00 8.69
10-14 9.00 7.00 8.60
15-19 9.00 7.00 8.47
20-24 8.00 7.00 8.22
25-29 8.00 7.00 7.93
30-34 6.00 7.00 7.61
35-39 6.00 7.00 7.15
40-44 6.00 7.00 6.59
45-49 6.00 7.00 6.04
50-54 5.00 7.00 5.37
55-59 4.00 6.00 4.55
60-64 4.00 5.00 3.72
65-69 3.00 4.00 2.96
70-74 2.00 3.00 2.21
75-79 1.00 2.00 1.52
80-84 0.50 1.00 0.91
85+ 0.50 1.00 0.63
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00
* For purposes of comparison, the WHO Standard age group 85+ is an aggregate of the age groups 85-89, 90-94, 95-99
and 100+.
Table 2. Trend in Age-adjusted Circulatory Disease Mortality Rates Based on the Segi, Scandinavian and WHO
World Standard Populations and the Cumulative Death Rates - US Males (1970-1995)
Rates per 100,000
Standard 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 % Change 1970-1995
Segi 459.5 399.0 350.3 305.8 256.8 232.3 -49.4
WHO World 550.9 482.2 426.7 373.7 315.0 285.4 -48.2
Scandinavian 720.1 630.4 557.8 488.4 411.6 372.4 -48.3
Percent Difference in Rates Relative to WHO World Standard
Segi -20% -21% -22% -22% -23% -23%
Scandinavian 23% 24% 24% 23% 23% 23%
Table 3. Directly standardized male death rates from respiratory infections
and ranking of twenty countries using three different standard populations - (Around 1995)
Rates Per 100,000 Ranking of Countries ( by age-adjusted death rates)
Segi Scandinavian WHO World Segi Scandinavian WHO world
Australia 6.3
Barbados 28.8
Bulgaria 34.2
Canada 14.5
Cuba 27.2
Estonia 27.5
Germany 11.0
Hong Kong 44.9
Hungary 9.6
Iceland 26.9
Ireland 37.0
Japan 37.8
Latvia 29.5
Luxembourg 8.4
Mauritius 45.2
New Zealand 15.3
Portugal 21.0
Russian Federation 32.7
Singapore 71.9
Spain 10.9
Trinidad and Tobago 30.2
Turkmenistan 114.2
Uzbekistan 80.6
Table 4. WHO World Standard Population Distribution (%),
based on world average population between 2000-2025
Age group World Average 2000-2025
0-4 8.86
5-9 8.69
10-14 8.60
15-19 8.47
20-24 8.22
25-29 7.93
30-34 7.61
35-39 7.15
40-44 6.59
45-49 6.04
50-54 5.37
55-59 4.55
60-64 3.72
65-69 2.96
70-74 2.21
75-79 1.52
80-84 0.91
85-89 0.44
90-94 0.15
95-99 0.04
100+ 0.005
Total 100
Figure 1. World population by age group in percent of total population
2000 to 2025 and average of 2000 to 2025
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69
age group
percent of total population
Figure 2. Comparison of "Segi" and "Scandinavian" standards with world 2000-2025 average
0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59
Age group
percent difference with world 2000-2025 average population
Segi standard population
Scandinavian standard population
... Our objective was to mimic extremes in the proportion of the White and Black populations to help assess differences between the two races as a surrogate or imperfect proxy for racialized social segregation within each state. Age-standardized rates were made according to the new WHO World Standard Population to facilitate comparisons globally and remove the confounding effect of age [36]. In direct standardization, the rate is a weighted average of the age-specific rates, where the weights are the proportions of the World Standard Population in the corresponding age groups [37]. ...
... Latent TB infection is defined as an infection with Mycobacterium TB without any symptoms or signs of active TB disease, as described below. The ICD 10 codes for TB included the following: TB mortality among HIV-negative individuals was modeled for each sex using the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm) framework with varying combinations of predictive covariates [36][37][38][39]. CODEm is a highly systematized tool to analyze cause of death data using an ensemble of different modelling methods for rates or cause fractions with varying choices of covariates that perform best with out-of-sample predictive validity testing [38][39][40][41][42]. Covariates used in the CODEm framework can be found in the appendix ((see: http:// ghdx. ...
... A range of health inequalities has been especially apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has had a disproportionately harmful effect on racial-ethnic groups [36,47,48] owing to the underlying social, structural, and environmental factors that have historically driven disparities across a broad range of health outcomes [29]. ...
Full-text available
Background While TB-related mortality in the US declined four-fold from 1990 to 2019, country-level estimates of TB burden obscure within-state racial heterogeneity and changes in TB burden over time. In sixteen US Southern States and Washington DC, the effects of health inequities engendered by Jim-Crow laws enacted from the late 1800s to the 1960s have not been evaluated for TB-related mortality. We, therefore, sought to compare TB mortality rates and annualized rate of change (AROC) between 1990 and 2019 in former Jim-Crow vs. non-Jim-Crow states to help guide response efforts and inform resource prioritization to improve racial equity. Methods We evaluated whether TB-related mortality varied over time, from 1990 to 2019, between states that have a history of enacting Jim-Crow laws vs. states with no such history using estimates from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019 (GBD 2019). TB mortality per 100,000 population and bootstrap 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) were modeled using the Cause of Death Ensemble model (CODEm) framework with varying combinations of predictive covariates. For changes over time, we present age-standardized AROC as the percent difference in the natural logarithm of the rate in 1990 and 2019 divided by 30 (i.e., 100*[ln(2019 Rate/1990 Rate)/(30)) and the corresponding 95% UIs. Results TB-related mortality in all US states declined between 1990 and 2019. From 1990 to 2019, most former Jim-Crow states had higher mortality rates than states that did not enact Jim-Crow laws. The most significant decline in TB mortality was in Washington DC, with a six-fold decline from 2.69 (2.46–2.96) per 100,000 population in 1990 to 0.45(0.37–0.55) in 2019, corresponding to an AROC of -0.83% (-0.86;-0.79). The lowest decline was in Iowa, from 0.30 (0.27–0.33) to 0.09 (0.07–0.11) (AROC: -0.70% (-0.76; -0.63)). Eleven of the 16 states and Washington DC in the third tertile of TB mortality rate in 1990 (range 0.81–2.69) had a history of Jim-Crow laws, whereas none of the 17 states in the first tertile (range 0.30–0.51) had such history. Conversely, mortality decreased relatively slowly in former Jim-Crow states than in non-Jim-Crow states. Conclusions Even though the 1964 Civil Rights Act dismantled Jim-Crow statutes, racial inequities in TB burden experienced by past generations may still be felt in subsequent generations. Understanding the role of structural racism at the intersection of science and medicine shows the complex ways historical laws, such as Jim-Crow laws, continue to negatively impact health outcomes and warn of future dangers, such as COVID-19, to avoid.
... The statistical data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the size and sex-age composition of the population were used as denominators of the female population of Kazakhstan for epidemiological indicators for the study period [1]. Age-specific rates standardized to the world population were estimated utilizing recommendations of the World Health Organization [8]. Standardized indicators were calculated by a direct method for eleven age groups (> 25, 25-29..., 65-69, and ≤70). ...
Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent cancer diagnosed in women worldwide, including Kazakhstan. Over the last decade, many factors influenced changes in the epidemiological indicators of BC in in Kazakhstan. This study aimed to explore the epidemiological data of BC from 2012 to 2021 in Kazakhstan. Materials and methods: Official statistics on BC were studied for the period 2012-2021 (“Report on patients with malignant diseases”, statistical data of the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Prevalence, incidence and mortality rates, average growth incidence and mortality rates, the proportion of BC cases detected in the early stage (I) were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The crude incidence rate (CIR) and age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) of BC were 48.2 and 44.4 per 100,000 female population respectively. The crude mortality rate (CMR) from BC was 13.9 (95% CI 12.7-15.1) in study period, the age-standardized mortality rate (ASMR) from 2017 to 2021 was 11.2 (95% CI 10.1-12.3). The highest incidence and mortality rates of BC per 100,000 population were in Pavlodar region (39.2±1.8 and 10.7±0.9). The lowest rates of incidence and mortality of BC were amounted in Turkestan region (11.0±1.1 and 3.5±0.06). The mortality incidence coefficient was 0.28 average and varied by region from 0.21 (Karaganda region) to 0.41 (Zhambyl region). From 2017 to 2021 the proportion of patients diagnosed with BC in stage I was 28.8% and in stage II 55.7%. Conclusion: The epidemiological situation of BC in Kazakhstan showed a tendency for improvement, with a decrease in the mortality rate and a rise in the incidence rate. During the study period, the identification of patients with stage II breast cancer prevailed. Substantial variability of epidemiological data among the regions of Kazakhstan indicates the necessity of a detailed study of risk factors of BC and the effectiveness of mammographic screening in the regions in order to take impactful healthcare measures. Актуальность: Рак молочной железы (РМЖ) является наиболее частым онкологическим заболеванием, диагностируемым у женщин во всем мире, в том числе и в Казахстане. За последнее десятилетие на изменение эпидемиологических показателей РМЖ в Казахстане повлияло множество факторов. Целью нашего исследования было изучение основных эпидемиологических показателей РМЖ в Республике Казахстан (РК) за период 2012-2021г. Материалы и методы. Для проведения эпидемиологического анализа использованы данные официальных статистических отчетов за период 2012-2021г («Отчет о больных злокачественными заболеваниями», данные Комитета по статистике Министерства Национальной экономики РК). Изучены показатели распространенности, заболеваемости, смертности («грубые» и стандартизированные по возрасту), средний прирост заболеваемости и смертности, а также доля случаев РМЖ, выявленных в ранней стадии (I). Результаты. «Грубая» (CIR) и стандартизованная заболеваемость (ASIR) РМЖ составили 48,2 и 44,4 на 100 000 женского населения, соответственно. Средний показатель «грубой» смертности (CMR) за период 2012-2021г составил 13,9 (95% ДИ 12,7-15,1), стандартизированный показатель смертности (ASMR) с 2017 по 2021г. - 11,2 (95% ДИ 10,1-12,3) на 100 000 женского населения. Самые высокие показатели заболеваемости и смертности от РМЖ на 100 000 населения были в Павлодарской области (39,2±1,8 и 10,7±0,9). Самые низкие показатели заболеваемости и смертности от РМЖ отмечены в Туркестанской области (11,0±1,1 и 3,5±0,06). Соотношение смертности и заболеваемости (M/I ratio) в среднем составил 0,28 и варьировал по регионам от 0,21 (Карагандинская область) до 0,41 (Жамбылская область). С 2017 по 2021 г. доля больных с диагнозом РМЖ I стадии составила 28,8%, II стадии – 55,7%. Заключение: эпидемиологическая ситуация по РМЖ в Казахстане демонстрирует тенденцию к улучшению за счет снижения смертности на фоне роста заболеваемости. За изучаемый период превалировало выявление больных со II стадией РМЖ. Существенная вариабельность эпидемиологических данных по регионам Казахстана свидетельствует о необходимости детального изучения факторов риска РМЖ и эффективности маммографического скрининга в регионах для проведения эффективных лечебно-профилактических мероприятий. Кіріспе. Сүт безі обыры (СБО) бүкіл әлемде, оның ішінде Қазақстан Республикасында (ҚР) әйелдер халық арасында онкологиялық аурулармен сырқаттанушылық құрылымында жетекші ауру болып табылады. Соңғы онжылдықта ҚР сүт безі обырының эпидемиологиялық көрсеткіштерінің өзгеруіне көптеген факторлар әсер етті. Мақсаты: Біздің зерттеуіміздің мақсаты 2012-2021 жылдар аралығындағы ҚР сүт безі обырының негізгі эпидемиологиялық көрсеткіштерін зерттеу болды. Материалдар мен әдістер. Эпидемиологиялық талдау жүргізу үшін 2012-2021 жылдардағы ресми статистикалық есептердің деректері («Қатерлі аурулармен ауыратын науқастар туралы есеп», Қазақстан Республикасы Ұлттық экономика министрлігі Статистика комитетінің деректері) пайдаланылды. Таралу, сырқаттанушылық және өлім-жітім (өрескел және стандартталған) көрсеткіштері, олардың орташа өсуі, ерте кезеңде (I сатысы) анықталған сүт безі обыры жағдайларының үлесі зерттелді. Зерттеу нәтижелері. Сүт безі обырының өрескел (CIR) және стандартталған сырқаттанушылық (ASIR) 100 000 әйел халыққа шаққанда сәйкесінше 48,2 және 44,4 құрады. 2012-2021 жылдар аралығындағы өрескел өлім-жітімнің орташа коэффициенті (CMR) 13,9 (95% CI 12,7-15,1) 100 000 әйел халыққа шаққанда болды. 2017-2021 жылдарда стандартталған өлім-жітім көрсеткіші (ASMR) 11,2 (95% CI 10,1-12,3) байқалды. СБО сырқаттанушылық пен өлім-жітімнің 100 000 адамға шаққанда ең жоғары көрсеткіші Павлодар облысында (39,2±1,8 және 10,7±0,9) болды, ең төменгі көрсеткіштері Түркістан облысында (11,0±1,1 және 3,5±0,06) байқалды. Өлім-жітім мен сырқаттанушылық коэффициенті (М/І) орта есеппен 0,28 құрады және аймақтар бойынша 0,21-ден (Қарағанды облысы) 0,41-ге (Жамбыл облысы) дейін өзгерді. 2017-2021 жылдар аралығында сүт безі обырының І сатысы диагнозы қойылған науқастардың үлесі 28,8%, II сатысы – 55,7% құрады. Қорытынды. Қазақстанда СБО эпидемиологиялық жағдайы сырқаттанушылықтың артуы аясында өлім-жітім деңгейінің төмендеуіне байланысты жақсару тенденциясын көрсетеді. Зерттеу кезеңінде сүт безі обырының II сатысы бар науқастарды анықтау басым болды. Қазақстанның аймақтары бойынша эпидемиологиялық деректердің айтарлықтай өзгермелілігі сүт безі қатерлі ісігінің қауіп факторларын егжей-тегжейлі зерттеу қажеттілігін және тиімді емдеу мен алдын алу үшін аймақтарда маммографиялық скринингтің тиімділігін көрсетеді.
... Age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) per 100,000 and their associated 95% CI were determined by employing the new World Health Organization (WHO) standard population (2000-2025), treating these estimations as weights in the standardization method. The formulas for these calculations are represented as (17,18): Here Z a=2 denotes a standardized normal deviation, a i represents the crude incidence rate in each age category, and w i is the new WHO standard population. By applying a direct method, the standardized rate ratio (SRR) and 95% CI were obtained (19) as follows: ...
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Background Bladder cancer (BCa) is a significant public health concern. This study aimed to analyze the incidence trends, histological subtypes, and topographical distribution of BCa in Iran over a decade. Methods This retrospective registry-based study analyzed data on BCa patients diagnosed between March 20, 2006, and March 20, 2015. Following data quality control, age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) were calculated for BCa overall, by sex and histological subtype using the new World Health Organization (WHO) standard population. Results We identified 51,379 BCa cases (81.97% male) with a mean age of 65.10 ± 14.89 years. The overall ASIR was 8.92 per 100,000 (95% CI: 8.84-9.00). While a modest increase in ASIR was observed overall (8.77 in 2006 to 9.64 in 2015) and among males (14.13 in 2006 to 15.95 in 2015) during the study period, males consistently had a significantly higher ASIR compared to females (approximately 4.5:1 ratio). BCa incidence showed a progressive increase across older age groups, particularly those aged 40-44 to 80-84 years. Urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) was the most prevalent histological type (ASIR: 8.19 to 7.93), followed by adenocarcinoma (AC; ASIR: 0.13 to 0.11). Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) displayed a decreasing trend (ASIR: 0.11 to 0.06). Both UCC and AC were more frequent in males (approximately 5 and 3 times higher than females, respectively). Malignant neoplasm of the bladder, unspecified, constituted over 95% of BCa topography classifications. Conclusion This study identified a modest rise in BCa incidence, with male predominance and a higher burden in older adults. Further investigation into potential risk factors contributing to this increase is warranted.
... Population census data and the population growth rate of the studied years were used to calculate the incidence. Then we used the direct standardization method to calculate the age-standardized incidence rate using the standard population (12). ...
... Data were entered into an excel file and used to obtain the crude rate of data of census in 2005 and 2011. Furthermore, direct standardization based on Standard population table designed by World Health Organization (WHO) was used to eliminate the effects of age and sex (Ahmad et al., 2001). In this study, with having the location, diagnosis time, and counting information of all age groups of stomach cancer patients in Kermanshah, the spatially and temporally abnormal places of clustering were identified with the use of saTScan (version 9.4) and GIS (version 9). ...
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Background Stroke is a pressing public health issue worldwide. This study aimed to forecast the future temporal trends and distribution characteristics of the global stroke burden. Methods and Results Global data on stroke incidence, prevalence, deaths, and disability‐adjusted life years between 1990 and 2021 were obtained from the GBD (Global Burden of Disease) Study 2021. The temporal trends of stroke burden were estimated using various regression models. Gross domestic product per capita was adopted as a predictor in the model to consider the impact of economic development on stroke burden. Projections of stroke burden up to 2050 were generated using the optimal model selected based on the Akaike information criterion, encompassing global, World Bank income levels, national levels, and sex‐age groups. In 2050, we projected 21.43 million stroke cases, 159.31 million survivors, 12.05 million deaths, and 224.86 million disability‐adjusted life years due to stroke globally. From 2021 to 2050, there was a declining trend in the global age‐adjusted stroke rates, with −7% in incidence, −4% in prevalence, −28% in deaths, and −28% in disability‐adjusted life years. Upper‐middle‐income countries were projected to have the most severe stroke burden, followed by lower‐middle‐income countries, low‐income countries, and high‐income countries. The stroke burden in over half of the 204 countries and territories was expected to be alleviated from 2022 to 2050. Men and older women worldwide bear higher burden. Conclusions Stroke remains a serious global health challenge, especially in low‐income and middle‐income countries. Targeted implementation of prevention and interventions is imperative across diverse demographic groups.
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The spread of misinformation on social media is a critical issue. One potential solution to mitigate the spread is user corrections; however, users often refrain due to various concerns. Leveraging the established influence of user interface design (UID) on how user interact with and respond to misinformation, this study investigates how user interface features can be designed to motivate users to challenge misinformation. It is aimed at gaining insights into users’ needs and UID requirements that encourage this behaviour. We conducted four codesign sessions with 18 social media users (age range 20–60 years M=39.1; 10 female and 8 male). We applied the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) as a theoretical framework and analysed our data based on the core constructs of this framework: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. Our findings reveal four design considerations: creating secure and supportive environments, facilitating informed discussions through easy confrontation and access to reliable resources, leveraging recognition and social proof, and user support infrastructure. We also identified specific design elements with users, including indirection, semianonymity and privacy, simplicity, one-click challenging, easy access to reliable sources, recognition, displaying social proof, and platform support. These elements are aimed at reducing social discomfort and making the process of correcting misinformation more approachable for users. Our findings offer actionable insights for social media platform designers to reduce the spread of misinformation by creating environments that encourage constructive dialogues and allow users to challenge misinformation without fear of conflict.
Background: Malignant melanoma, a highly aggressive skin cancer, has remarkable incidence and mortality nowadays. This study aims to explore prognostic factors associated with nonmetastatic cutaneous melanoma of the limbs and to develop nomograms for predicting overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Methods: The study cohort was derived from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database. Univariate Cox regression, Lasso regression, and multivariate Cox regression analyses were conducted to identify prognostic factors and construct nomograms. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, time-dependent C-index, calibration curve, decision curve analysis (DCA) and Kaplan-Meier method were used to evaluate the accuracy and clinical applicability of the nomograms. Results: A total of 15,606 patients were enrolled. Multivariate analysis identified several prognostic factors for OS and CSS including age, sex, histologic type, N stage, tumor thickness, depth of invasion, mitotic rate, ulceration, surgery of primary site, systemic therapy, race, and number of lymph nodes examined. A nomogram incorporating 12 independent predictors for OS was developed, with a C-index of 0.866 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.858-0.874) in the training cohort and 0.853 (95% CI: 0.839-0.867) in validation. For CSS, 10 independent predictors and one related factor were included, yielding a C-index of 0.913 (95% CI: 0.903-0.923) in the training cohort and 0.922 (95% CI: 0.908-0.936) in validation. The ROC curve, time-dependent C-index, calibration curve, DCA, and K-M plot demonstrated favorable discrimination, calibration, and clinical utility. Conclusion: The developed nomograms provide a precise and personalized predictive tool for risk management of patients with nonmetastatic limb melanoma.
The concepts that case-referent studies provide for the estimation of "relative risk" only if the illness is "rare", and that the rates and risks themselves are inestimable, are overly superficial and restrictve. The ratio of incidence densities (forces of morbidity)-and thereby the instantaneous risk-ratio-is estimable without any rarity-assumption. Long-term risk-ratio can be computed through the coupling of case-referent data on exposure rates for various age-categories with estimates, possibly from the study itself, or the corresponding age-specific incidence-densities for the exposed and nonexposed combined-but again, no rarity-assumption is involved. Such data also provide for the assessment of exposure-specific absolute incidence-rates and risks. Point estimation of the various parameters can be based on simple relationships among them, and in interval estimation it is sufficient simply to couple the point estimate with the value of the chi square statistic used in significance testing.
Morgenstern H [Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, School of Medicine, Yale University, 60 College Street, New Haven, CT 06510], Kleinbaum D G and Kupper L L. Measures of disease incidence used in epidemio-logic research, International Journal of Epidemiology 1980, 9: 97–104. This paper distinguishes between 2 concepts for measuring the incidence of disease: risk and rate. Alternative procedures for estimating these measures from epidemiologic data are reviewed and illustrated. An attempt is made to integrate statistical principles with epidemiologic methods while minimizing the use of higher mathematics. Several theoretical and practical criteria are discussed for choosing the appropriate incidence measure in the planning of a study and for selecting the best method of estimation in the analysis.
The desirability of achieving agreement on a method of summarizing cancer incidence is emphasized, and the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the traditional standardized incidence rates are discussed. It is concluded that: No single index is capable of replacing the individual sex‐ and age‐specific incidence rates, and these should always be presented when basic cancer incidence data are published. For aetiological studies age‐specific incidence rates can usefully be summarized in two indices, one (a truncated standardized incidence) showing a standardized incidence over a restricted age range, and the other indicating the rate at which cancer incidence increases with age. An appropriate truncated rate for most epithelial cancers is one for the age range of 35 to 64 years, using weights of 6, 6, 6, 5, 4 and 4 for the individual 5‐year age groups, derived from Segi's (1960) world standard population. For other cancers, age ranges of 0 to 14 years and of 0 to 44 years would be more suitable, with weights of 12, 10 and 9, and 12, 10, 9, 9, 8, 8, 6, 6 and 6 for the corresponding 5‐year age groups. An indication of the general character of a given set of incidence data may be obtained by calculating the ratio of the rates at ages 55 to 64 years and at 35 to 44 years for a combined group of cancers that normally increase rapidly in incidence with age. Further research on practicable ways of indicating the shape of the age‐incidence curve for individual types of cancer is required.
The Analysis of Case-Control Studies
In: Statistical Methods in Cancer Research, Vol. I, The Analysis of Case-Control Studies (IARC Scientific Publications No. 32), Lyon, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1980. pp.42-81.