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Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis [Book Review]



1. The Accountant's Role in the Organization. 2. An Introduction to Cost Terms and Purposes. 3. Cost-Volume Profit Analysis. 4. Job Costing. 5. Activity-Based Costing and Activity-Based Management. 6. Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting. 7. Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: I 8. Flexible Budgets, Variances, and Management Control: II. 9. Inventory Costing and Capacity Analysis. 10. Determining How Costs Behave. 11. Decision Making and Relevant Information. 12. Pricing Decisions and Cost Management. 13. Strategy, Balanced Scorecard, and Strategic Profitability Analysis. 14. Cost Allocation, Customer-Profitability Analysis, and Sales-Variance Analysis. 15. Allocation of Support Department Costs, Common Costs and Revenues. 16. Cost Allocation: Joint Products and Byproducts. 17. Process Costing. 18. Spoilage Rework, and Scrap. 19. Quality, Time, and the Theory of Constraints. 20. Inventory Management, Just-in-Time, and Backflush Costing. 21. Capital Budgeting and Cost Analysis. 22. Management Control Systems, Transfer Pricing, and Multinational Considerations. 23. Performance Measurement, Compensation, and Multinational Considerations.
Book Reviews
Michael K. Shaub, Editor
Editor’s Note: Books for review should be sent to Michael K. Shaub, Texas
A&M University, Department of Accounting, 485H Wehner Building, 4353
TAMU, College Station, TX 77843–4353.
The policy of Issues in Accounting Education is to publish only those reviews
solicited by the Book Reviews Editor. Unsolicited reviews will not be ac-
MADHAV RAJAN, and CHRIS ITTNER, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Empha-
sis, Thirteenth Edition Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009, pp.
xxvii, 870.
Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Thirteenth Edition, is the most recent edition of
Horngren’s well-known cost accounting text. With the new edition, two new authors were added,
one from Wharton and another from Stanford. Interestingly, this edition focuses more on strategy
and decision making and emphasizes the use of different costs for different decision-making
needs. The first chapter introduces a general framework for decision making that is used in later
chapters. Conversely, the presentation of this edition is more simplified than the previous edition.
The content of the text is comprehensive, covering a wide range of cost-related topics in 23
chapters. Clearly, this is more information than can fit in a one-semester course. Each chapter
includes discussion of real companies and their cost accounting issues, which helps students see
the real world implications of cost accounting. The text is logically organized and generally well
A strength of this text is how comprehensive it is, which allows the professor to choose the
chapters that most fit the course being designed. The first four chapters cover the basics of cost
terminology, cost behavior, cost-volume-profit analysis, and job costing, which are a good base to
start a cost accounting course. For a one-semester course in cost accounting, instructors will want
to choose an additional seven or eight chapters. The entire book could be covered in a two-
semester cost accounting course sequence, of course.
The end-of-chapter materials are another strength of this text. In each chapter, the exercises
and problems cover a variety of situations and methods, giving the instructor numerous choices
and allowing students access to plenty of practice problems. A large portion of these are updated
from the previous edition. The problems range from straightforward problem solving that rein-
forces specific cost accounting methods, to much more complex and lengthy problems that inte-
grate several concepts and require analysis and more advanced problem solving. This allows the
instructor to assign problems that range from short and simple to long and complex. This flex-
ibility is a nice option.
ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION American Accounting Association
Vol. 25, No. 4 DOI: 10.2308/iace.2010.25.4.790
pp. 789–793
A weakness of this text is that since is it so comprehensive, it may be too massive for some
cost accounting courses. For schools with only one cost accounting course, some instructors, and
perhaps students, will balk at using a book with content that cannot possibly be covered in less
than two semesters. Others, however, may appreciate the flexibility of having choices among such
a wide range of relevant topics. The chapters do lend themselves to creativity in coverage order.
This flexibility for choosing which chapters to include and the order of coverage is a definite plus.
This text is appropriate for a one-semester cost accounting course, usually offered after the
completion of an introductory managerial course. Such a course will not use the entire text, of
course. This book could also easily fit a two-semester cost course sequence.
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
DON R. HANSEN and MARYANNE M. MOWEN, Cornerstones of Cost Accounting,
First Edition Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2009, pp. xxxi, 1036.
Cornerstones of Cost Accounting presents a focused approach to the study of cost and mana-
gerial accounting by two authors with extensive textbook experience. This text is suitable for
undergraduate cost accounting courses and undergraduate managerial accounting courses for
which the prerequisite is completion of the undergraduate principles or introductory accounting
course. The text is also suitable for an M.B.A. course in managerial accounting for which the
prerequisite is completion of the undergraduate principles or introductory accounting course.
The text introduces topics in a logical sequence and the breadth of coverage is consistent with
what one would expect in a cost accounting text. Additionally, the text covers many managerial
topics listed among those tested on the BEC section of the uniform CPA examination.
The “Cornerstone” approach is a substantial strength of this text. In the Cornerstone approach,
the authors link examples in the text to specific exercises in the end-of-chapter materials. For the
most part, the Cornerstone examples are clearly developed and explained and thoroughly discuss
the selected issue. Each Cornerstone example concludes with a “what-if” scenario which serves to
encourage students to extend their understanding beyond the mere repetition of memorized tech-
niques. Additionally, some Cornerstone examples require the student to infer how a number was
Activity-based costing is introduced early in the text and is subsequently discussed in asso-
ciation with a number of allocation, budgeting, and forecasting issues. The authors provide a good
introduction to strategic cost management, and consistently discuss behavioral implications of
accounting choices. Additionally, the authors discuss managerial implications of cost allocation in
a number of different contexts. These discussions should help accounting/finance students begin to
understand the importance of communication between accountants and operational or executive
management. The discussions also illustrate that accounting and finance professionals are more
than just “number-crunchers” and that accounting/finance students must prepare themselves to be
integral members of management teams. The authors also include many “real world” examples in
the text which can serve to effectively motivate classroom discussion of the topics involved.
Cornerstones of Cost Accounting is particularly appropriate for an undergraduate program
with one undergraduate cost/managerial accounting course that students complete after the prin-
ciples or introductory accounting courses. Instructors at institutions in which the students can
790 Book Reviews
Issues in Accounting Education Volume 25, No. 4, 2010
American Accounting Association
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... These methods help organizations to plan, direct and control operating costs and to achieve profitability. It is recognized that management accounting practices are important to the success of the organization (Horngren, et al., 2009). Management accounting is the application of appropriate techniques and concepts in processing the historical and projected economic data of an entity to assist management in establishing a plan for reasonable economic objectives and in the making of rational decisions with a view towards achieving these objectives. ...
The general objective of this study was to explore the uses of management accounting practices in Nepalese manufacturing companies. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study consists of all listed manufacturing companies under Nepal stock exchange. The study used simple random sampling. Four manufacturing firms were randomly selected for the study. The study therefore involved 5 manufacturing companies located in Kathmandu. The study collected primary data from the respondents. The data collected was both quantitative and qualitative. Analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), allowing the researcher to present the information in form of tables and figures. This study found that the creation and enhancement of awareness among firms of the importance of information for decision making practices as this is the most highly used management accounting practice amongst the Nepalese manufacturing companies. This study concludes that information for decision making practices is the most highly used management accounting practice amongst the manufacturing companies in Nepal, followed by strategic analysis, budgeting, performance evaluation, costing, size and leverage respectively.
... Beberapa teknik analisis yang dapat digunakan dalam analisis CVP menurut (Horngren, Datar, & Foster, 2006) adalah: 1) Contribution margin analysis: Analisis ini digunakan untuk menghitung margin kontribusi dari setiap unit produk, yang merupakan selisih harga jual dan biaya variabel. Selanjutnya Margin dari kontribusi ini dapat digunakan untuk menghitung break-even point atau untuk membandingkan keuntungan dari produk yang berbeda. ...
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Restoran sushi salah satu industri makanan dan minuman yang menghadapi persaingan yang ketat. Penentuan harga jual yang tepat sangat penting dalam menjaga keberlangsungan usaha pada restoran sushi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis cost-volume-profit (CVP) dalam menentukan harga jual pada restoran Sushi Syakira Sekarteja. Metode studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan data historis selama beberapa tahun terakhir dianalisis. Analisis CVP digunakan untuk menghitung titik impas dan laba pada berbagai tingkat penjualan serta menentukan harga jual yang optimal pada restoran sushi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis CVP sangat berguna dalam menjadikan harga jual yang tepat pada restoran sushi. Dengan menggunakan analisis CVP, restoran sushi dapat mengoptimalkan laba pada berbagai tingkat penjualan dan menentukan harga jual yang optimal. Riset ini sangat bermanfaat bagi restoran sushi dalam mengoptimalkan keuntungan dan menjaga keberlangsungan usaha. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga dapat memberikan kontribusi penting bagi industri makanan dan minuman secara keseluruhan dalam memperoleh informasi tentang penggunaan analisis CVP pada restoran sushi.
... 3. Assisting the administration in the planning process: as planning is one of the most important administrative functions in the units. 4. Performance measurement and evaluation: Assisting management in planning and controlling costs, as well as assisting management in measuring and evaluating performance. ...
Research Proposal
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The research aims to apply the method of Throughput Accounting with the contribution of the Activity Based Budget Time Driven (TD-ABB) for the woven fabric department (polyester blended-polyester 150/1) in the Wasit Textile and Knitting Factory. The problem of the research is that the research sample laboratory does not apply modern cost management methods represented in the the Activity Based Budget Time Driven (TDABB), as the Iraqi economic units suffer from their inability to compete in the labor market in light of the competitive environment, and the research was based on a basic hypothesis that The application of the budgeting method the Activity Based Budget Time Driven (TDABB) has a role in applying the method of throughput accounting for the product of polyester and polyester blend fabrics 150/1. Through the research, a set of conclusions was reached, the most important of which is: The application of the Activity Based Budget Time Driven (TDABB) based on time as a basic guide in distributing the cost of resources to the objectives of cost management, and then the outputs of this method of information are characterized by their accuracy and be more detailed, as the most dependent on this method is time, as time is one of the main success factors of the unit Economic and based on the times specified in the preparation of the budget highlights its role in applying the method of throughput accounting by calculating the completion time for each product. Reaching a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: Applying the method of throughput accounting by considering the variable costs only the cost of raw materials and thus achieving a high of achievement for a textile and weaving factory Wasit. As for the rest of the cost elements of direct wages and indirect costs, they are considered operating expenses.
... 3. Assisting the administration in the planning process: as planning is one of the most important administrative functions in the units. 4. Performance measurement and evaluation: Assisting management in planning and controlling costs, as well as assisting management in measuring and evaluating performance. ...
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In this article, as a new concept of management accounting, we will reveal the specific features of the formation of the business model of water management organizations, from the point of view of forming the structural operational and financial mechanisms of the organization's business model, its products and services, and the future development directions for achieving the strategic goals of the economic entity. is also aimed at presenting. Issues of analysis and evaluation in the context of macro-environmental factors to ensure the financial benefit of the organization are covered.
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The paper analytically examines literature to elucidate the origin and evolution of management accounting buoyed on by the surge in appetite on its use especially during the last two decades. The paper further critically examines the wide critics on the “loss of relevance” of management accounting in enhancing performance explicitly in a modern rapidly changing business environment. A further attempt is made by this paper to better apprehend the concomitant application of traditional and contemporary management accounting practices. It further analysed the current level of appetite on the use of management accounting practices in both developed and developing countries. A critical review of related literature revealed that the history of management accounting can be traced back to the industrial revolution of the 1900s. The study also revealed that management accounting continues to evolve as companies meet new problems that need to be solved and management accounting practices that were used in the early 1900s are still applicable even today. The “loss relevance of management accounting” school of thought was dismissed as traditional MAPs that were used in the 1900s are still applicable even today. The study recommends the use of management accounting as it improves competitive edge and creates value for the organisation.
As the main way of oil and gas transportation, the pipeline project is related to the energy lifeline of the whole country. Under the background of “one national network”, the current pipeline project competition is fierce, and the cost control requirements are higher. How to reduce cost and increase efficiency has become the first consideration of all enterprises, and the implementation of fine cost management has become a consensus. Based on the above background, based on the oil and gas projects cost management as the research object, analyzes the problems existing in the current pipeline project cost management, illustrates the characteristics of the node cost management mode and construction method, and then based on the operation cost method to build the cost of the node management framework, and explains the key link and the construction of management system, It is concluded that the construction of cost node management mode can reduce cost and increase efficiency for oil and gas pipeline projects. In order to provide a new idea for pipeline project cost node management.KeywordsPipeline projectCost managementActivity-based costingThe cost of the node
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This study sought to evaluate the effect of cost volume profit on the profitability of manufacturing firms in Enugu state. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the effect of cost volume profit analysis on profitability, cost of production and sales of manufacturing firms. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design and data were obtained from the annual reports and accounts of two manufacturing firms for the period 2003-2012. The Ordinary Least Squares Regression (OLS) were used to test the hypotheses stated. The result emanating from the hypotheses tested were mixed for sampled firms (Innoson Industrial and Technical Company and Emenite Ltd. It was revealed that while contribution margin ratio had positive and significant effect on profitability it had positive and non-significant effect on cost of production and sales. The implication of these findings is that CVP application among manufacturing firms in Nigeria varies and this cloud be as a result of lack of awareness, low education levels and technical knowhow on the parts of directors. The study therefore concludes that as an analytical tool, it is useful as it enables the firm to determine the quantum of sales that will assist the firm not only to make profit but to break-even. The research therefore recommended that relevant directors should be sent on in-services training and short term courses on CVP application technique. Moreover, government should put a standard that would guide CVP application on manufacturing firms, so as to curtail price fluctuation's among them in Nigeria business environments. 2199
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