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Inferring past environmental changes in three Turkish lakes from sub-fossil Cladocera

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Cladocerans are increasingly used in palaeolimnological studies as their community composition is sensitive to both anthropogenic and natural forces in lakes. We present the results of a palaeolimnological investigation of three Turkish shallow lakes located in cold dry steppe and semi-dry Mediterranean climatic regions. The aim was to elucidate historical changes in environmental conditions by analysing sub-fossil cladocerans in 210Pb-dated sediment cores. Sub-fossil cladoceran remains from the surface sediment of 40 Turkish lakes were analysed to examine the environmental factors that most correlated with variation in the cladoceran assemblage. Redundancy analysis showed that salinity, macrophyte abundance, fish density, depth and total phosphorus were the most correlated with change in cladoceran assemblage composition with eigenvalues for the first and the second axes being λ 1 = 0.312 and λ 2 = 0.061, respectively. Sedimentary cladoceran assemblages from three cores were placed passively within the framework of the surface sediment ordination. The results reveal a prevalent impact of salinity, fish abundance and water level changes from the past to present. Thus, using cladoceran-based inferences, we traced key environmental changes related to variation in climate change, restoration and water level regulation over the last century.
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Inferring past environmental changes in three Turkish lakes
from sub-fossil Cladocera
Ays¸e I
˙dil C¸akırog
˘lu .Eti E. Levi .U
¨. Nihan Tavs¸anog
˘lu .Gizem Bezirci .
S¸ eyda Erdog
˘an .Nur Filiz .Thorbjørn Joest Andersen .Thomas A. Davidson .
Erik Jeppesen .Meryem Bekliog
Received: 15 April 2015 / Revised: 3 November 2015 / Accepted: 6 November 2015 / Published online: 23 November 2015
ÓSpringer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Abstract Cladocerans are increasingly used in
palaeolimnological studies as their community com-
position is sensitive to both anthropogenic and natural
forces in lakes. We present the results of a palaeolim-
nological investigation of three Turkish shallow lakes
located in cold dry steppe and semi-dry Mediterranean
climatic regions. The aim was to elucidate historical
changes in environmental conditions by analysing
sub-fossil cladocerans in
Pb-dated sediment cores.
Sub-fossil cladoceran remains from the surface sed-
iment of 40 Turkish lakes were analysed to examine
the environmental factors that most correlated with
variation in the cladoceran assemblage. Redundancy
analysis showed that salinity, macrophyte abundance,
fish density, depth and total phosphorus were the most
correlated with change in cladoceran assemblage
composition with eigenvalues for the first and the
second axes being k
=0.312 and k
respectively. Sedimentary cladoceran assemblages
from three cores were placed passively within the
framework of the surface sediment ordination. The
results reveal a prevalent impact of salinity, fish
abundance and water level changes from the past to
present. Thus, using cladoceran-based inferences, we
traced key environmental changes related to variation
in climate change, restoration and water level regula-
tion over the last century.
Guest editors: M. Bekliog
˘lu, M. Meerhoff, T. A. Davidson,
K. A. Ger, K. E. Havens & B. Moss / Shallow Lakes in a
Fast Changing World
A. I
˘lu (&)E. E. Levi U
¨. N. Tavs¸ anog
G. Bezirci S¸ . Erdog
˘an N. Filiz M. Bekliog
˘lu (&)
Limnology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Middle
East Technical University, U
¨niversiteler Mahallesi,
Dumlupınar Bulvarı, No: 1, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
M. Bekliog
S¸ . Erdog
Department of Biology, University of Bozok, Yozgat,
T. J. Andersen
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource
Management, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,
T. A. Davidson E. Jeppesen
Department of Bioscience and the Arctic Research Centre,
Aarhus University, Silkeborg, Denmark
E. Jeppesen
Sino-Danish Centre for Education and Research, Beijing,
E. Jeppesen
Greenland Climate Research Centre (GCRC), Greenland
Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland
M. Bekliog
Kemal Kurdas¸ Ecological Research and Training Station
Lake Eymir, Ankara, Turkey
Hydrobiologia (2016) 778:295–312
DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2581-x
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... These Cladocera communities are not only an important food source for fish but are also sensitive to changes in the environment and climate (Korhola and Rautio, 2001;Szeroczyńska and Sarmaja-Korjonen, 2007). The subfossil remains of Cladocera are considered an excellent indicator of environmental change and have been widely used in ecological and environmental reconstruction (Pawłowski et al., 2015;Çakıroglu et al., 2016;Cheng et al., 2020a). Surveys of their subfossil remains have been conducted worldwide, and recent studies have shown the usefulness of this approach in arid and semiarid areas, where such analyses have been used to reconstruct long-term climate change and water level fluctuations (Li et al., 2020;Li et al., 2021). ...
The ecological environment of grassland lakes is closely related to water security and human health in both arid and semiarid regions. The protection of freshwater and wetland ecological environments in grasslands promotes the stable and healthy development of ecosystems in arid and semiarid areas. In the present study, we investigated the long-term eco-environmental evolution of a typical grassland lake: Wulanpao Lake, located in the Hulun Lake Basin of northern China. This region represents the junction of areas subject to monsoons and those that are not and is arid or semiarid. We used the biological indicator of subfossil Cladocera, geochemical indices, and grain size from a well-dated sediment core. The ecological environment of Wulanpao Lake was influenced by climate change, consistent with a low trophic status, and the site developed aquatic vegetation between the 1860s and 1970s. However, the observed shift from predominantly littoral to planktonic Cladocera species was accompanied by ecological turnover (changes in the sedimentary environment and increases in trophic status and organic matter) when human activities began to impact the lake environment in the 1970s. This research provides an empirical foundation for managers and policymakers to protect similar grassland freshwater ecoenvironments.
... This lakeside record is particularly valuable because it enables quantitative precipitation estimations for many archaeologically significant timelines. Although the quantitative approach to paleoclimatology is rapidly advancing worldwide, it is still limited in the Anatolian Peninsula where integrated isotope-hydrology models, pollen and tree-ring based precipitation estimates, and cladoceran and diatom based salinity reconstructions are rare (Jones and Mann, 2004;Jones et al., 2007;Touchan et al., 2007;Woodbridge and Roberts, 2011;Çakıroglu et al., 2016). More specifically, the present study aims to 1) describe and date Holocene lakeside colluvium within the stratigraphic record and discuss their paleoclimatological implications, 2) correlate dry periods of the Simav area with regional drying trends evidenced elsewhere, 3) determine past annual precipitation trends using a hydro-balance model of the lake, 4) compare the past quantitative precipitation values and trends with other paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records in the Eastern Mediterranean, and 5) discuss their historical implications. ...
Time-controlled quantitative climate data are crucial for reconstructing past environmental contexts of human history. In west Anatolia, the Simav Graben used to be occupied by a lake. However, today it is drained and associated with Holocene sediments that record lake level changes. An initial drill-core at the lake's centre reveals an arid phase before ca. 14 ka (i.e. prior to the Late Glacial warming) followed by a wet phase (marshes and lake) throughout the Holocene. Along the lake's margin, two additional sediment sequences contain a detailed Holocene record of changes in humidity throughout the Simav Graben's watershed. Classification of the shoreline facies from these sequences records drought events marked by colluvium prograding towards the lake. Using 13 radiocarbon dates, sedimentary facies suggest rapid lake contraction phases grossly around 8.0, 3.9, 2.9, 2.4 and 2.0 ka. After the drier periods, recorded by phases of terrestrial progradation, lake level increase is marked by retrogradational lake muds and peats onlapping the colluvium, consistent with increases in total lake volume. Based on modern lake morphology, climate and runoff data, and the elevations recorded by the shoreline facies identified within the marginal Holocene sedimentary sequence, we constructed a paleohydrologic balance model and a precipitation curve. According to the model, annual precipitation might have been fallen below 460 mm during the 8.2 ka event, and 468–478 mm during the 4.2 ka and 3.2 ka events – demonstrating an extreme decrease in precipitation compared to the earlier wet phases. In turn, Holocene Archaeology in West Anatolia outlines (i) a widespread abandonment and/or notable fire events at the end of the Early Bronze Age III (ca. 4.2 ka), and (ii) a high level of social instability at the beginning of the Early Iron Age (ca. 3.2 ka). The correlation between the timing of lake level falls at Simav (water volume depletion caused by drying trends) at 8.0 ka, 3.9 ka and 2.8 ka and cultural fluctuations suggest that drought events may have played a major role in these socio-political changes in western Anatolia. Furthermore, the high lake-level stages (associated with precipitation >500 mm) coincide with the Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age I transition as well as the Hellenistic and Roman periods, both times of economic stability and growth in the region.
... Maritime commerce can become rich in almost any era. Wealth is a concrete manifestation of vitality, materiality and ideology in the country [3]. Gao Zhiguo, director of the Institute of Marine Development Strategy of the State Oceanic Administration, once said that 'history has shown that countries that make great use of the marine economy can strengthen their national power' [4]. ...
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As people’s living standards are high, the interior design requirements for green ecological residences are increasing. Based on this, the effective application of marine design concept in the design of green ecological residential indoor environment is studied. Firstly, the basic application elements of the marine design concept are analysed, so that under the guidance of the concept of marine design, the optimal design model of the green ecological residential indoor environment is constructed. Through relevant algorithms, the influencing factors of the concept of marine design in the effective application of green ecological residential indoor environment design are tested. The experimental results show that the marine design concept is affected by economic and environmental factors. At the same time , this concept can also be effectively applied to the optimal design of indoor environment of green ecological residence. Ocean design concept is effectively applied in the interior environment design of green ecological residence, which improves people’s living standard.
... Therefore, the long-term evolution process of the biological composition and structure of the lakes that are in the transition from a mesotrophic to a eutrophic status has received little attention. Cladocera (Crustacea) as an important aquatic zooplankton organism is one of the most important food sources for fish but in the same time Cladocera are sensitive to environmental and climatic changes (Krause-Dellin and Steinberg, 1986;Korhola et al. 2005;Pawłowski et al. 2015;Çakıroglu et al. 2016). The modern studies have revealed that some Cladocera species, such as Bosminidae, can effectively respond to the changes of the ecological and hydrological environment of eutrophic lakes by changes in population concentration, body shape and even stable carbon isotopes in their chitinous skeleton (Perga et al. 2010;Kattel et al. 2015;Cheng et al. 2020a, b). ...
At present, most lakes in the world are facing the threat of eutrophication, especially mesotrophic lakes, which are in a critical period of ecosystem transformation. However, how the internal biological composition and structure of these lakes change accordingly has not yet been explored extensively. Here, a paleolimnological evaluation of subfossil Cladocera was initiated to study ecological and hydrological environmental changes in Nanyi Lake, which is a large (203 km2) shallow freshwater lake in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin, China. In this study, subfossil Cladocera data combined with several geochemical proxies from three well-dated sediment cores were obtained. Both the sedimentary subfossil Cladocera and the modern Cladocera in the water column indicated that Bosminidae was the dominant species in Nanyi Lake. We observed that the changes in the density of Bosminidae and Cladocera had strong ties to changes in the cultivated land area, which could cause the obvious alteration of the sedimentation rate around the lake. In addition, the ratio of planktonic species to littoral species (P/L ratio) in Nanyi Lake responded to the occurrence of several extreme hydrological phenomena, such as flooding corresponding to a high P/L ratio and drought corresponding to a low P/L ratio, during the past 200 years. The analysis of Cladocera assemblages and the geochemical indices of the three cores in Nanyi Lake indicated increases in trophy and water levels, especially since the modern 1970s.
... 1880 suggest an increase in the lake water level. Several studies have pointed out a change towards pelagic cladoceran species with higher water levels (Sarmaja-Korjonen and Alhonen, 1999;Çakıroğlu et al., 2016;Levi et al., 2016). Therefore, these changes suggest a major physical reorganization of the ecosystem structure towards a lake characterized by a pelagic dominance and a higher water column. ...
Regime shifts are ecosystem-scale phenomena. In lake studies, most supporting evidence is frequently based on a single state variable. We examined the sediment record of the shallow lake Blanca Chica (Argentina) to explore the response of multiple proxies belonging to different trophic levels (nutrients, chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments, diatoms, Cladocera remains, and Rotifera resting eggs) over the last 250 yr. We explored different ecological indicators to assess changes consistent with regime shifts. To do so, first we identified the timing of transitional periods on multiple-proxies. Then, we explored (1) the nature of the change (linear versus non-linear dynamics), (2) different indicators of a shift across the food web: multimodality and resilience indicators (standard deviation and autocorrelation), and (3) examined the synchronicity of the detected indicators at multiple-trophic levels. Generalized additive models fitted to the ordination scores of the assemblages analyzed revealed two transitions: ca. 1860–1900, and 1915–1990. Ecological indicators of regime shifts revealed that the first transition is consistent with a threshold state response (change in the ecosystem state manifest as a jump when the driver exceeds a state threshold), and the second one with a critical transition (hysteretic transition in which the system change to an alternate stable state). After the first transition lake structure shifted from littoral to pelagic species dominance (evidenced by Cladocera and diatom assemblages), and turbidity increased, indicating a rise in lake water level. This transition was non-linear, showed multimodality, and is most likely driven by an increase in precipitation registered in the region since 1870. During the second transition, nutrient levels rose, all indicators showed multimodality, non-linear dynamics and an increase in standard deviation prior to the regime shift. These dynamics are consistent with a critical transition in response to eutrophication, and coincides with a post-1920 change in land use. Our results show that several ecological indicators of regime shifts need to be examined to perform an accurate diagnosis. We highlight the relevance of a multi-proxy approach including multiple-trophic level responses as the appropriate scale of analysis to determine the occurrence, type and dynamics of regime shifts. We also show that resilience indicators and critical transitions can be detectable in the whole food web and that shallow lakes can undergo different types of regime shifts.
... Cladocera are a dominant lacustrine zooplankton component sensitive to changes in a wide range of environmental variables, such as trophic state, temperature, salinity, pH, and water level (Krause-Dellin and Steinberg, 1986;Hyvarinen and Alhonen, 1994;Korhola et al., 2005;Milecka and Szeroczyńska, 2005;Pawłowski et al., 2015;Çakıroğlu et al., 2016;Summers et al., 2017;Cremona et al., 2018). Studies of subfossil cladoceran remains have been applied in a number of fields, including paleoclimate reconstruction, food web analyses, and nutritional change (Duigan and Birks, 2000;Bos and Cumming, 2003; southern region of the Yangtze River Delta and supplies water and aquatic products to several large cities and regions, such as Shanghai, Suzhou, and East Zhejiang Province. ...
East Taihu Lake (the south-eastern portion of Taihu Lake in China) suffers from eutrophication. The study of lacustrine subfossil zooplankton assemblages can be used to reconstruct the long-term evolution of lake water environments. In particular, the analysis of subfossil Cladocera can indicate historical changes in aquatic plants, water level, trophic states, and human disturbance in lakes. In this study, we correlated downcores changes in cladoceran assemblages with several geochemical proxies to identify the response of Cladocera to environmental change in East Taihu Lake over the past one hundred years. Redundancy analysis (RDA) and Pearson correlation analysis identified significant correlations between total phosphorus (TP) and Bosmina spp. (total), B. (E.) longispina, and Chydorus cf. sphaericus (correlation coefficients: −0.720 (P < 0.01), −0.646, and 0.667 (P < 0.05), respectively). We observed decreasing abundances of subfossil Bosminidae and increases in littoral cladoceran species and TP after the 1960s, coinciding with the introduction of land reclamation for fish and crab farming. These anthropogenic pressures exacerbated eutrophication, which led to the rapid growth of submerged vegetation and subsequently altered the zooplankton assemblage.
... In such environment is observed a higher abundance of zooplankton which shift towards an opportunist-dominated community (Siokou-Frangou and Papathanassiou, 1991). Among the zooplankton, cladoceran assemblages are well known to respond to changes in a wide range of environmental and ecological variables, including temperature, salinity, pH, and water level fluctuation (Chen et al., 2010;Korhola et al., 2005;Pawłowski et al., 2015;Çakıroğlu et al., 2016). For example, Amsinck et al. (2003) used subfossil cladoceran remains to identify long-term changes in the trophic dynamics of brackish lakes in Denmark. ...
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Shengjin Lake is a typical Yangtze River-connected lake, that is also a national nature reserve and a Wetland of International Importance. In order to evaluate the eco-environmental evolution of Shengjin Lake, a²¹⁰Pb- and ¹³⁷Cs-dated sediment core collected from the upper part of the lake was analyzed. Based on a biological indicator (subfossil cladoceran) and geochemical indicators (loss on ignition (LOI), total organic carbon (TOC), δ¹³C of bulk sediments (δ¹³Corg), total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN)), we revealed the changes in the cladoceran assemblages and eco-environmental processes of Shengjin Lake. The results showed that there was a healthy ecological environment with low nutrient levels in Shengjin Lake before the 1980s. However, the increasing levels of the eutrophic species B. longirostris, nutrients (TN and TP) and organic matters (LOI and TOC), and the decreasing δ¹³Corg in recent decades indicated that the trophic state of Shengjin Lake has increased since the 1980s. This corresponded with increasing anthropogenic effects, including land reclamation, chemical fertilizer application, and sluice construction. In addition, the droppings of water birds also promoted increases in nutrient and organic matters levels in Shengjin Lake.
Body size is an important trait of any organism, including phytoplankton, because it affects physiological and morphological performance, reproduction, population growth rate and competitive interactions. Understanding how interacting top-down and bottom-up factors influence phytoplankton cell size in different aquatic environments is still a challenge. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a comprehensive multivariate statistical tool for detecting cause–effect relationship among different variables and their hierarchical structure in complex networks (e.g. trophic interactions in ecosystems). Here, several SEM models were employed to investigate the direct and indirect interaction pathways affecting the phytoplankton size structure in 44 mostly eutrophic and hypereutrophic permanent lakes in western Turkey. Among the 15 environmental variables tested, only rotifers and Carlson’s Trophic Index (TSI) had significant direct positive effect on the mean phytoplankton size and size variance, respectively. The results indicate that both bottom-up and top-down factors significantly affect phytoplankton community size structure in eutrophic and hypereutrophic lakes in warm climates. Rotifer grazing increased the abundance of large-sized phytoplankton species, such as filamentous and colonial cyanobacteria and TSI affected phytoplankton size variance, with a higher size variance in hypereutrophic lakes.
Mogan and Eymir lakes are shallow wetlands which are potentially susceptible to global warming. Previous geological studies demonstrated several complete desiccation and shrinkage events in Lake Mogan since the 1800s. Archival records show at least three desiccation events in 1910, 1934 and 1938, and many severe shrinkages later. Here, the significance of climatic and anthropogenic drivers is still a subject of curiosity. The back-analysis of the hydrological data during the regulator intervention indicates that Lake Mogan would have dried out in 1974, and would have shrunk considerably in the years 2007/2008 and 2017/2018 if human intervention was not involved. Our lake budget analysis shows that, assuming no human intervention and stream recharge, the water level of both lakes would have dropped below the threshold level in less than a week by natural downstream discharge, and the remaining volume of the lakes would evaporate in less than two years. This fact indicates the benefits of regulators for the protection of the lakes. The meteorological and lake budget data suggest that the underlying climatic threat over the studied lakes is high frequency (sub-decadal) rainfall scarcity coupled with long-term (several decades) insolation increase but not slow, steady deterioration of the climatic parameters.
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We conducted a fish survey in 40 lakes in western and central Turkey. Fifty species (one to eleven per lake) were recorded, including eighteen endemic and seven alien species. We investigated which local geo-climatic and other environmental variables shaped the fish assemblages. Altitude and temperature turned out to be the most important factors for total species richness as well as richness of omnivorous and zooplanktivorous species and the Shannon–Wiener diversity index, with more species and higher diversity occurring in the warmer lowland lakes. Altitude may affect the fish assemblage directly through dispersal limitation or indirectly by creating a gradient in temperature with which it was strongly correlated. Cyprinidae was the most species-rich and widespread family. Atherinidae, Gobiidae, and Mugilidae (families of marine origin) were mainly found in the lowland regions, while Salmonidae exclusively appeared in the high-altitude lakes. The presence of widely distributed translocated native and alien species revealed a large human impact on the fish assemblages, potentially threatening the rich endemic fish fauna in lakes in this region.
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An assessment of the trophic status of Lake Mogan, which is an important recreation area for the city of Ankara, was carried out utilizing data collected between December 2001 and January 2003. The data include water quality parameters, dominant plankton and zoobenthos taxa. The trophic status of Lake Mogan is considered to be mesotrophic/ eutrophic. This conclusion is consistent with the results of earlier studies.
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Seasonal changes in phytoplankton community structure, chlorophyll a and some physico-chemical features of Lake Mogan were studied during one-year period, from October 2005 to October 2006. The collected data were compared with the data in previous and recent studies. The nutrient concentrations in the lake were observed to increase with inputs of domestic wastewaters in to the lake in the last years. Chlorophyta and Cyanobacteria in the phytoplankton community in the lake were identified to be dominant together. Merismopedia minima, Microcystis aeruginosa, Sphaerocystis schroeteri and Dictiyosphaerium pulchellum were dominant during the warm period (May - October). Cyanobacterial blooms in the lake were observed in May, which is characteristic for eutrophic lakes in northern temperate region. Changes in phytoplankton community structure, Chl a peak and nutrient concentrations indicated that the trophic level of the lake is still eutrophic.
We conducted a fish survey in 40 lakes in western and central Turkey. Fifty species (one to eleven per lake) were recorded, including eighteen endemic and seven alien species. We investigated which local geo-climatic and other environmental variables shaped the fish assemblages. Altitude and temperature turned out to be the most important factors for total species richness as well as richness of omnivorous and zooplanktivorous species and the Shannon–Wiener diversity index, with more species and higher diversity occurring in the warmer lowland lakes. Altitude may affect the fish assemblage directly through dispersal limitation or indirectly by creating a gradient in temperature with which it was strongly correlated. Cyprinidae was the most species-rich and widespread family. Atherinidae, Gobiidae, and Mugilidae (families of marine origin) were mainly found in the lowland regions, while Salmonidae exclusively appeared in the high-altitude lakes. The presence of widely distributed translocated native and alien species revealed a large human impact on the fish assemblages, potentially threatening the rich endemic fish fauna in lakes in this region.
In this study, the water chemistry and zooplankton community of Lake Mogan studied between March 1997 and April 1998. Small-scale industries, crop-farming, urban settlement of the municipality of Golbasi with the untreated raw sewage effluent and recreational activities are examples of the human impact within the catchment and the lake, leading to high loading of DIN and TP into the lake via the inflows. However, the natural wetland with the dense reedbeds (Colovasi or Cokek Batakligi), located on the southern end of the lake, appear to act as a sink for these nutrients. Therefore, the in-lake concentrations of DIN and TP were significantly lower than those of the inflows. Lake Morgan appeared to be in a macrophyte-dominated clearwater state with low TP (annual mean: 63 μg l-1) and chlorophyll-a (annual mean: 8.47 mgl-1) concentrations and very high Secchi depth (the bottom of the lake), and with submerged plants covering almost the entire lake. This grazing pressure of the dominant pelagic zooplankton, Daphnia sp. and Arctodiaptomus sp., did not seem to be significant in determining the low phytoplankton crop expressed as chlorophyll-a. The luxury nutrient uptake of submerged plants and associated epiphytes may have been the dominant stabilising buffer mechanisms suppressing the phytoplankton crop of the lake.
The trophic status of Lake Mogan a shallow, alluvial lake in Central Anatolia, was assessed during a nine-month survey in 1994, including community structure and seasonal distribution of planktonic organisms. Bacillariophyta were dominant among the phytoplankton, followed by Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Cryptophyta, Euglenophyta and Dinophyta. Among the zooplankton, Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, Diaphanosoma lacustris and Keratella quadrata were the dominant species. Rotifers were most abundant in spring, Cladocera in summer and copepods in autumn. A rapid increase in zooplankton density correlated with a rise in temperature of 8°C and an increase in the chlorophyll concentration during summer. A total of 21 species of Rotifera, 6 species of Cladocera and 2 species of Copepoda have been identified, in addition to 90 species (from 8 genera) of phytoplanktonic organisms. Kurzfassung Im Rahmen einer neunmonatigen Erhebung im Jahre 1994 wurde die trophische Struktur des Mogan Gölü, eines seichten, alluvialen Sees in Zentralanatolien, erfasst und die Zusammensetzung des Planktons und das jahreszeitliche Auftreten verschiedener Planktonorganismen bestimmt. Bacillariophyta erwiesen sich als die dominante Phytoplankton-Gruppe, gefolgt von Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Cryptophyta, Euglenophyta und Dinophyta. Beim Zooplankton waren Arctodiaptomus bacillifer, Diaphanosoma lacustris und Keratella quadrata dominant. Rotiferen waren am häufigsten im Frühjahr, Cladocera im Sommer und Copepoden im Herbst. Ein rascher Anstieg der Zooplanktondichte im Sommer korrelierte mit einem Anstieg der Temperatur um 8°C sowie einem Anstieg der Chlorophyll-Konzentration. Insgesamt wurden 21 Arten von Rotifera, 6 Arten von Cladocera und 2 Arten von Copepoda festgestellt, dazu 90 Arten (in 8 Gattungen) aus der Gruppe des Phytoplankton.
Branchiopods are small crustaceans that have flattened leaflike legs. They occur in all freshwater habitats and can be abundant enough to form conspicuous swarms. Branchiopods are useful for studies of community and population ecology, animal behavior, functional morphology, evolution of life history. They occupy a key position in aquatic communities, both as important herbivores eating algae and bacteria, and as major prey items of fish, birds, backswimmers, and other aquatic predators. Their fossil remains open a window into the past climate and ecology of lakes. This chapter focuses on the cladocera, a group of four orders of small-sized branchiopods, and on non-cladoceran orders, which are less diverse and typically somewhat larger than the cladocera. The orders of branchiopods, including eight living and two extinct orders are related to each other only distantly. The Branchiopoda are a heterogeneous group of crustaceans that share a few characteristics, principally similar thoracic legs called phyllopods, which are flat, edged with setae, not distinctly segmented, and usually appear to be un branched.