
Analysis for Public Decisions (2nd ed.).

Taylor & Francis
Journal of the American Statistical Association
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... Olaf Helmer dalam (Quade, 1977) mengemukakan bahwa : "A characteristic feature in the construction of a model is abstraction, certain elements of the situation may be deliberately committed of the situation may be helpful in analyzing and understanding it. In addition to abstraction, model-building sometimes involves a conceptual transference". ...
... Model merupakan hal mendasar dalam analisis kebijakan, melalui model dapat dilakukan prediksi mengenai kemungkinankemungkinan yang terjadi. Quade menjelaskan bahwa : Although they cannot predict the consequences of decision with the assurance of scientific models, models tell us what the possibilities are, based on various assumptions about the factors on concern, and thus produce information that helps us to understand the situation more clearly" (Quade, 1977). Meskipun model tersebut tidak dapat memprediksi konsekuensi suatu keputusan dengan jaminan, namun model memberitahukan kemungkinankemungkinan yang ada, berdasarkan berbagai asumsi tentang faktor-faktor yang menjadi perhatian, dan menghasilkan informasi yang membantu untuk memahami situasi dengan lebih jelas. ...
... It is these functional relationships that are must often conveniently expressed in mathematical form. (Quade, 1977) Peran model dalam analisis kebijakan publik adalah menyederhanakan elemen-elemen tertentu agar relevan dengan masalah yang sedang dipertimbangkan. Melalui model, dapat membantu menyederhanakan elemen-elemen tertentu agar relevan. ...
... Policy advising in government centers on the analysis of public problems and the identification of recommenda-29 tions for dealing with them. Policy analysis is a core function of government organizations in which a particular 30 type of public servant-often referred to as a policy analyst-provides support for decision-making with the aim 31 of contributing to a better decision than would have been made in the absence of such analysis [ 127 ]. The idea of 32 policy analysis in support of public decisions can be found from ancient civilizations through to the modern age 33 [ 31 ]. ...
... 124 Responding to the "clear need for better empirical research into the sociology of policy analysis" [ 29 :8], and the 125 observation that most research relies on limited survey results, anecdotal case studies, and interview research 126 [ 57 ], some efforts have been made to define and explain the position of the policy analyst. Surveys of public 127 servants to examine the background and training of policy analysts, the techniques they used in their jobs, their 128 typical workday, and how their work related to the needs and prerequisites of evidence-based policy-making 129 revealed that most analysts are short-term, project-oriented "troubleshooters" rather than long-term strategic 130 "planners" [ 57 , 157 ]. Although policy advisors are highly educated, relatively young, and mobile, many lack 131 formal training in policy analysis; they work mainly in small units without access to substantive information 132 on the topics they are assigned and tend to use only process-related knowledge while working on a relatively 133 small number of issue areas, often on a "firefighting" basis [ 57 , 156 ]. ...
Policy advising in government centers on the analysis of public problems and the developing of recommendations for dealing with them. In carrying out this work, policy analysts consult a variety of sources and work to synthesize that body of evidence into useful decision support documents commonly called briefing notes. Advances in natural language processing (NLP) have led to the continuing development of tools that can undertake a similar task. Given a brief prompt, a large language model (LLM) can synthesize information in content databases. This article documents the findings from an experiment that tested whether contemporary NLP technology is capable of producing public policy relevant briefing notes that expert evaluators judge to be useful. The research involved two stages. First, briefing notes were created using three models: NLP generated; human generated; and NLP generated / human edited. Next, two panels of retired senior public servants (with only one panel informed of the use of NLP in the experiment) were asked to judge the briefing notes using a heuristic evaluation rubric. The findings indicate that contemporary NLP tools were not able to, on their own, generate useful policy briefings. However, the feedback from the expert evaluators indicates that automatically-generated briefing notes might serve as a useful supplement to the work of human policy analysts. And the speed with which the capabilities of NLP tools are developing, supplemented with access to a larger corpus of previously prepared policy briefings and other policy-relevant material, suggests that the quality of automatically-generated briefings may improve significantly in the coming years. The article concludes with reflections on what such improvements might mean for the future practice of policy analysis.
... Public policy decisions that are based on rigorous analysis and the best available evidence should better address public problems than policy based on anecdote, belief, or inaccurate or partial data (Quade, 1975). The Policy Sciences (Lerner & Lasswell, 1951) stands as a starting point for the modern policy analysis movement, offering an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the study of public problems and the development of rational solutions based on careful analysis of evidence. ...
... Lasswell's original conceptualization for the policy sciences distinguished policy analysis from political analysis, stressing that good analysis could serve as a foundation of good governance without becoming enmeshed in political calculation (Lasswell, 1951). As an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the study of public problems and their potential solutions, policy analysis embodies a rational, scientific approach to governance and aims, in the context of its 369 From policy analysis to policy analytics subservience to democratic decision-making, to contribute to better decisions than would be made in the absence of such analysis (Quade, 1975). Combining social science theory with an emphasis on quantitative methods extracted from economics and operations research, policy analysis developed in the positivist tradition. ...
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Introduction Public policy decisions that are based on rigorous analysis and the best available evidence should better address public problems than policy based on anecdote, belief, or inaccurate or partial data (Quade, 1975). The Policy Sciences (Lerner & Lasswell, 1951) stands as a starting point for the modern policy analysis movement, offering an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the study of public problems and the development of rational solutions based on careful analysis of evidence. Harold Lasswell's original conceptualization of the policy sciences sought to distinguish analysis from political decision-making and to position policy analysis as a foundation for good governance (Lasswell, 1951). From those origins, policy analysts have been traditionally tasked with providing scope and precision to the definition of policy problems, collecting and analyzing evidence, supporting decision-making with fearless advice, faithfully implementing decisions, and objectively overseeing the evaluation of how effective policy interventions are. Despite significant advances during the first half-century of the policy analysis movement, coming of age in the late 1960s and early 1970s, debates over the real, perceived, and proposed role of policy analysis have coloured the profession’s latter years (Dryzek, 1994; Stone, 1988). While technical policy analysis rooted in quantitative methods became increasingly sophisticated during the 1970s and 1980s, high-profile failures exposed the limits of positivist policy analysis (May, 1992). Coupled with the perceived inability of quantitative policy analysis to solve complex public problems, critics of positivism argued that the attempt to model social interactions on the natural sciences was a misguided form of technocracy (Amy, 1984), that policy wisdom should be seen as more than the results of data impressively distilled (Meltsner, 1976; Prince, 2007; Wildavsky, 1978), and that positivism was fundamentally incapable of dealing with complex problems in a democracy (Fischer, 1995). The “malaise of the policy sciences” can be traced to an overemphasis of positivist, neo-classical economics for understanding human behaviour, the increasing complexity of policy problems that policy analysis has been incapable of solving, and the divergence of policy analysis technocracy and democratic values (deLeon, 1994, p. 82). The implementation problem, where the intentions and objectives of policymakers fail to materialize at the point of delivery or enforcement, has highlighted how positivist models do not adequately accommodate autonomous human behaviour and situational judgement (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1973).
... The main implementers of public policy consist of administrative and bureaucratic units in government [10]. Meanwhile, Smith calls it an "implementing organization", namely the person responsible for implementing policies held by the government bureaucracy [11]. This element has the greatest power in directing various policy implementation actions, starting from activities of determining organizational goals and targets, analysis and formulation of organizational policies and strategies, decision making, programming, organizing, mobilizing people, implementing operational activities, monitoring and assessing [12]. ...
... uncertainties about which we are uncertain of what kind they are. Beyond the measurable there always seems to linger substantive and difficult-to-know-what-to-do-with uncertainties flowing from e.g. the outcomes of strategic interactions between individuals [18], or fundamental and irreducible uncertainties: the genuinely indeterminate, the fallibility of science, the instability of our concepts, and so on [19]. These kinds of uncertainty, often by definition, fall outside of quantitative uncertainty assessments. 1 The presence of such uncertainties is significant for several reasons. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated many of the challenges with using science to guide planning and policymaking. One such challenge has to do with how to manage, represent and communicate uncertainties in epidemiological models. This is considerably complicated, we argue, by the fact that the models themselves are often instrumental in structuring the involved uncertainties. In this paper we explore how models ‘domesticate’ uncertainties and what this implies for science-for-policy. We analyse three examples of uncertainty domestication in models of COVID-19 and argue that we need to pay more attention to how uncertainties are domesticated in models used for policy support, and the many ways in which uncertainties are domesticated within particular models can fail to fit with the needs and demands of policymakers and planners.
... Quade (2003) membedakan macam model berdasarkan bentuknya yaitu model nyata (Real Models) dan Model tidak nyata (Abstract/ Mental Models). 1. Model Nyata (Real Model): Merupakan persepsi, rancangan model yang dikembangkan oleh perancang untuk menentukan semua data yang diperlukan. Modelnyata adalah reproduksi ukuran kecil dari benda atau objek fisik. ...
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Banjir merupakan suatu fenomena alam yang terjadi akibat intensitas curah hujan yang tinggi sehingga menyebabkan aliran permukaan yang besar sementara performa sungai yang ada tidak mampu menampung, banjir merupakan masalah serius bagi sebagian wilayah di Indonesia tak terkecuali kawasan pesisir. Banjir di Indonesia pada umumnya terjadi musim penghujan, kondisi hidrologis daerah pengaliran sungai yang mengalami perubahan berpengaruh terhadap keseimbangan antara besarnya curah hujan dengan besarnya peresapan air kedalam tanah. Menurut Suripin banjir merupakan kondisi tidak tertampungnya air dalam saluran pembuang atau terhambatnya aliran air di dalam saluran. Menurut Kodoatie banjir disebabkan oleh air hujan yang disebut sebagai banjir air hujan dan banjir yang disebabkan karena air pasang atau yang disebut sebagai banjir rob. Banjir merupakan salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang selalu menjadi masalah utama dan serius bagi pejabat dan para ahli tata ruang kota. Banjir air hujan adalah meluapnya air sungai akibat hujan sehingga menggenangi daratan. Banjir ini disebabkan oleh intensitas hujan yang tinggi sehingga sungai tidak mampu menampung air dan dipengaruhi oleh curah hujan dan daya serap lahan, sedangkan banjir pasang (rob) merupakan banjir yang diakibatkan oleh proses pasang surut air laut sehingga menggenangi kawasan yang lebih rendah dari permukaan laut dan pantai yang memiliki morfologi landau (Lindsay,2010). Banjir pasang air laut merupakan banjir yang terjadi akibat pasang air laut yang menggenangi kawasan pesisir yang mempunyai ketinggian lebih rendah dari permukaan air laut. Lamanya genangan dapat berlangsung berhari-hari bahkan sepanjang tahun. Banjir air pasang (rob) secara langsung terjadi pada kawasan yang berada di tepi pantai dimana air pasang laut tertinggi masuk ke darat dan tertahan oleh tanah atau bangunan fisik.
... Another reason underlying the need for policy implementation according to Grindle (1980) and Quade (1989) is the hope to make the configuration and synergy of the relationship between three variables (1) policy, (2) organization, and (3) policy environment can determine the success of policy implementation. ...
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Introduction: The policy in Indonesia faces problems at the central government level (Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for PMK, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Home Affairs); West Java Provincial Government level; as well as health policies at the district/city government level through which the Citarum River flows. This relationship pattern determines the pattern of interactions (pattern of interactions) of all stakeholders related to Citarum policies. This study uses Grindle's (1980) approach because policy (the content of policy) and implementation environment (context of implementation) are two things that influence the success of implementation. The purpose of this study was to analyze, describe, and find a model for implementing pollution and damage control program policies for the Citarum River Basin using the Grindle approach (1980). Theoretical Reference Framework: Previous research that supports this research is research conducted by Jung et al. (2021); Koch I, Reeves A. (2021); Tri N, Hau D, Duyen N, (2021); Dutta, et al., (2021); Wiryanto W, (2020); Idris, H. (2017); Rashid and Alfina. (2017; and Raharja, SJ (2015). Related to the implementation of public policy, Grindle (1980) introduces the implementation model as a political and administrative process, this model describes the decision-making process carried out by various actors where the final output is determined by both the program material used has been achieved as well as through the interaction of decision-makers in the context of administrative politics. The political process can be seen through the decision-making process involving various policy actors while the administrative process is seen through the general process regarding administrative actions that can be examined at a specific program level. Method: The type of research used in this study is qualitative the focus of the research consists of the Content of Policy, Context of Implementation, Output, and Outcome of policy implementation, as well as the Model of Policy implementation. This research was carried out in the Provincial Government of West Java and all Regencies and Cities which are also in the Citarum River Basin by collecting data on communities along the Citarum River, especially people who receive BPJS Health facilities along the Citarum River. Informants in this study were selected using a sampling technique, namely, purposive sampling, namely informants who understand the condition of the Citarum River, starting from implemented policies, pollution control, and destruction of the area. Data collection techniques were carried out through library research, observation, in-depth interviews, as well as documentation and analysis. Results: The results of this study indicate that: (1) In general, the study of the Health Insurance Policy Implementation Model and the Citarum Watershed Pollution and Damage Control Program Policy based on the Grindle perspective still has several obstacles in its implementation, (2) Judging from the implementation environment, there are strengths and interests will maintain the existing status at the research site, then some things that still leave problems, for example, the unclear authority in implementing the program needs serious attention, so that similar phenomena do not recur. The Citarum watershed problem has become a very serious waste problem locally and nationally. The issuance of Presidential Decree number 15 of 2018 shows the government's seriousness in solving the problem of pollution in the Citarum watershed area. Policy implementers are highly committed to preventing, controlling, and restoring the Citarum watershed so that it becomes clean, beautiful, and free of waste and pollution. Discussion: The implementation of the health insurance policy and pollution and damage control program policies for the Citarum River Basin does not yet have an implementing organizational structure, so this section needs to be completed. In addition, the supporting funds provided are not sufficient so financing factors need to be considered and supported. Conclusions: In the Recommended Model, in addition to proposing additional dimensions to the Grindle model, the author also proposes that it is necessary to complete the Grindle implementation model with policy output. This is important because when studying policy implementation, it does not only examine policy outcomes but also examines policy output. Given this, it occupies an important position in policy implementation.
... It is unquestionably difficult to ascertain precisely the goals of people 'for either their personal or professional activities. As Quade (1975) has noted, In stating objectives, officials do not always reveal what they really want, sometimes because they feel they must maintain a position or front, sometimes because it might mean loss of support, sometimes (maybe most often) because they don't know what they want. (p. ...
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To provide a basis for the evaluation of VA mental health services, a survey was conducted of staff opinion regarding the importance of several specific goals for these services. Nine goals were formulated and submitted to 6,435 central office and field facility staff to obtain their ratings of each goal's importance, with an "of no importance" rating being possible. The goals dealing with (a) the development of patient skills necessary for being self-supporting, (b) the elimination of psychological disorders, and (c) the protection of patients and others from violence received the highest average ratings. The remaining goals were considered as having some importance although there were substantial differences among the sample about the degree. Interoccupational group differences in importance ratings were statistically significant but small. Although the goals formulated and ratified by staff were general, they were more specific than previous goal statements. It is suggested that because of this relative specificity, they provide useful guidance for planning, managing, delivering, and evaluating mental health services. (14 ref)
... Desde ese punto de partida, las iniciales preocupaciones de que se podría denominar la corriente neo-pública 1 , comenzaron a enfocarse en un área hasta ese instante 1 La corriente neo-pública corresponde al interés de las ciencias sociales por mejorar la prestación de bienes y servicios en base al interés colectivo, en el marco social y económico, lo que permitió el surgimiento del paradigma keynesiano en Europa, del modelo ISI en Latinoamérica y más tarde del New Deal en USA. poco explorada: la gestión de los asuntos decisionales que afectaban la esfera de competencias colectivas (Lindley, 1971;Quade, 1972;Neustadt y May, 1986;Neustadt, 1990). ...
En América Latina las investigaciones sobre presidencialismo han fallado en analizar el tejido institucional que actúa como centro de coordinación del poder Ejecutivo, y que al mismo tiempo, se transforma en constreñimiento organizacional de su propia actuación. En este contexto, el Centro de Gobierno emerge como el lugar en el que se produce la toma de decisiones políticas presidenciales; buscando cristalizar y fortalecer elementos tales como la coherencia y coordinación de políticas públicas. Por lo tanto, a través del caso de Chile, este artículo tiene como propósito identificar los factores capaces de definir y alterar la estructuración institucional del Centro de Gobierno desde 1990 hasta el 2010. En el trabajo se demuestra que la disciplina partidista y la estabilidad institucional se convierten en variables explicativas de la trayectoria emprendida por los centros de gobierno durante los gobiernos la Concertación.
... The perceived degree of uncertainty is partially subjective, as it depends on the satisfaction with the existing knowledge [140]. In a socio-technical system, different sources of uncertainty can exist, for instance, in decision making, uncertainty can refer to the uncertain future state of the world as well as to the uncertainty regarding the behavior of different actors [141]. ...
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We present a comprehensive resilience glossary, comprising a set of 93 definitions of resilience-related terms used in the context of critical infrastructures. The definition and use of many of these terms, as well as the term resilience itself, shows an enormous variability in the literature. Therefore, we draw from the diverse pool of published definitions, integrate multiple contrasting views, compare the individual terms, and provide references to adjoining or contesting views, to create a clear resilience terminology. This terminology outlines a specific understanding of resilience which supports the effective assessment and management of the resilience of critical infrastructures. The two central elements of this understanding are that (1) resilience is the ability of a system to deal with the impacts of unspecific and possibly unforeseen disruptive events, and that (2) this ability comprises three pillar capacities whose quality can be extracted from performance curves.
... Thus, graduates of public policy education can help provide better advice and more accurate information for policymakers in making appropriate and responsive decisions to the needs of society. According to Quade (1982), "Policy analysis is valuable because it can help a decision maker by providing information through research and analysis, isolating and clarifying issues, revealing inconsistencies in aims and effort, generating new alternatives, and suggesting ways of translating ideas into feasible and realizable policies. Its major contribution may be to yield insight, particularly concerning the dominance and sensitivity of the parameters. ...
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To establish good maritime governance, the Indonesian government must pay attention to maritime security aspects in every maritime policy and integrate maritime security education into the national education curriculum. However, implementing the World Maritime Axis concept, the Indonesian government still needs to consider the maritime security perspective as a top priority. The ultimate goal of good maritime governance development should include the strength of the Navy as the most important supporting element and the implementation of maritime security training and education for Indonesian maritime society. This study aims to analyze the efforts of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) administration in addressing maritime security issues through the implemented maritime security training and education programs. The research method used is qualitative descriptive by using secondary data from a literature review and interpretation found in previous journal articles, with data collection techniques through literature study. The study results indicate that addressing maritime security issues requires hard and soft efforts from the government, including implementing maritime security training and education programs for Indonesian maritime society and integrating maritime security education into the national education curriculum.
... Thus, a symbolic representation of phenomena becomes imperative (Hoos, 2012). It enhances reality or a replica of reality (Quade, 2015). The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) (2012) rationalises that policies that focus on human capital development enhance service delivery. ...
Purpose This study aims to examine the influence of funding on the technology acquisition by small businesses in a metropolitan municipality, Mangaung, which governs Bloemfontein and surrounding towns in the Free State province of South Africa. Methodology/design/approach A case study using survey research strategy of 110 small businesses in a South African municipality informed the research design for this study. The structured questionnaires were quantitatively analysed yielding both descriptive and regression results to address the research objectives. Findings The findings suggest that the prime sources of public funding for hair salon businesses are the National Youth Development Agency and the Small Enterprise Development Agency. The results also demonstrate that public funding has a negative and significant impact on technology acquisition, perhaps suggesting the complexity of debt financing and the exorbitant interest rates charged on principals borrowed by foreign nationals. Originality/value The study recommends the judicious acquisition of inexpensive technologies (e.g. social media platforms) and cautionary utilisation of complex technologies and personal savings before resorting to external borrowing.
... E. Walker et al., 2013). In a socio-technical system, different sources of uncertainty can exist, for instance, in decision making, uncertainty can refer to the uncertain future state of the world as well as to the uncertainty regarding the behavior of different actors (Quade, 1989). ...
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We present a comprehensive resilience glossary, comprising a set of 91 definitions of resilience-related terms used in the context of critical infrastructures. The definition and use of many of these terms, as well as the term resilience itself, shows an enormous variability in the literature. Therefore, we draw from the diverse pool of published definitions, integrate multiple contrasting views, compare the individual terms, and provide references to adjoining or contesting views, to create a clear resilience terminology. This terminology outlines a specific understanding of resilience which supports the effective assessment and management of the resilience of critical infrastructures. The two central elements of this understanding are that (1) resilience is the ability of a system to deal with the impacts of unspecific and possibly unforeseen disruptive events, and that (2) this ability comprises three pillar capacities whose quality can be extracted from performance curves.
... Policy evaluation is often seen as a final (Anderson 1984;Quade 1982) or a penultimate step (Brewer 1974;Brewer and De Leon 1983) in the policy analysis/process. According to Schneider (1986), evaluation research has not only become a stimulus to eventually influence the new policy, but it has also become an essential part of the management structure in many public agencies. ...
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Globally, the establishment of sport academies or institutes has become a major feature of sport development. The primary purpose of this study is therefore, to evaluate the effectiveness and value of the Academy of Sport and Leisure Studies (ASLS) established at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) in 2007. Since then, although roughly USD60 million have been spent on this Academy, no formal evaluation of its workings has thus far been undertaken. Methodologically, this was a qualitative study with data collection and analyses based on Constructivist Grounded Theory (CGT) involving the use of documents, observation, and 21 interviews with various stakeholders connected to the ASLS. The evaluation, however, was based on both the Sport Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS) and Balance Scorecard (BSC) approaches. To address issues of data credibility, the techniques of triangulation, self-reflexivity, persistent observation, prolonged engagement, and analytical generalization were used. The study revealed that of the nine Pillars of the SPLISS, the ASLS was effective at varying times in Pillars 1-3 (Financial, Policy and Participation support); Pillar 5 (post career support); Pillar 6 (training facilities); and Pillar 8 (national competitions), but ineffective in Pillar 4 (Talent identification and development); Pillar 7 (coaching provision and coaching development); and Pillar 9 (Scientific Research). Findings of the BSC showed that the human and organizational capital directly impacted the effectiveness of the ASLS. Additionally, in using the CGT, the Politically Hired Gun (PHG) emerged as the substantive theory to explain the general ineffectiveness of the ASLS although other factors were also at work. The study assumes significance in public sport policy, policy evaluation, and its methodology. It helps to fill the void in the evaluation of sport policy in the Caribbean and globally, bolsters the literature on evidence-based policy making in sport, and successfully establishes and applies grounded theory to the study of sport. Keywords: Academy of Sports University of Trinidad and Tobago; sport policy evaluation; constructivist grounded theory; politically hired gun; sport policy factors leading to international sporting success; and balance scorecard. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
... The task forces specifically assigned to implement the program in detail, including the formation and distribution process of the teacher movers, have not been well organized. As a result, coordination and communication are not well built, whereas the success of a policy implementation depends on good coordination, a clear structure, and professional human resources (Chasanah et al., 2017;Goggin, 1990;Quade, 1984). This situation reflects three points. ...
Nadiem Makarim, the Minister of Education and Culture, released "Merdeka Belajar" (Freedom to Learn) as his revolutionary program by the end of 2019. It aims to make significant changes in the world of education. The current study aims to demonstrate the understanding of primary school teachers' understanding of the concept and implementation of Merdeka Belajar during Covid-19. Data were obtained through surveys via Google-Forms and in-depth interviews via WhatsApp with twenty primary school teachers at private and public schools around DKI Jakarta, Bogor, and Banten. In contrast, secondary data is obtained from previous research and online news directly related to this study. They were analyzed through restatement, description, and interpretation stages. The investigation resulted that the teachers having conceptually understood the program of Merdeka Belajar well. They agreed and accepted the program to reform and improve the education quality and the changes of times. The problem lies in the practical implementation due to the limited number of teacher movers in every school unit as creators, innovators, and role models for the other teachers. Besides, the lack of supporting infrastructure for online learning and the teachers' mastery of technology also hinder the program's success. Finally, this study recommended the need to socialize with the community, hold more teacher training, increase the number and distribution of teacher movers, and improve teachers' skills in using information and communication technology in the learning process.
... Evidence-informed policy should be better positioned to address public problems than policy based on anecdotal experience or informal beliefs (Quade 1975). Yet, governance relies on a combination of truthful claims and the representation of values, with participants engaged in rational discourse aimed at reaching universally acceptable decisions (Habermas 1996). ...
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Precision governance is an administrative capacity in which policy decisions are enhanced with information about individual and collective preferences and contexts. We introduce the prospects for precision governance of natural hazards through the use of both big and individual data technologies, describing what is enabled and what concerns arise with their use. We ground our perspective with a topical focus on mitigating the health risks of high temperatures in the chronically hot setting of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. A study examining individually experienced temperature data provides compelling evidence that the transition towards data-driven precision governance will enhance hazard preparedness and response efforts.
... Una aproximación útil en la literatura sobre toma de decisiones es el nivel de incertidumbre (Enserink, Kwakkel, & Veenman, 2013;Walker et al., 2003) (ver Figura 1-1). En el marco de la teoría normal de decisiones (Knight, 1921;Quade, 1989), los niveles más bajos de incertidumbre (incertidumbre débil o estocástica) pueden abordarse como riesgos, referidos a circunstancias en las que se conocen las múltiples consecuencias de una decisión dada y sus probabilidades; los niveles más altos de incertidumbre (incertidumbre fuerte o de Knight), en cambio, implican estados más fundamentales de desconocimiento de un problema, que impiden calcular la probabilidad de las consecuencias, sin perjuicio de un conocimiento más o menos robusto de las relaciones causales (incertidumbre estructural o de escenarios), o en los que ciertas consecuencias o relaciones causales son ignoradas (incertidumbre profunda) (Enserink et al., 2013;Hirsch Hadorn et al., 2015;Prabhakar, Srinivasan, & Shaw, 2009). En aproximaciones alternativas a la probabilidad clásica, que sitúan la incertidumbre en un plano más subjetivo de la toma de decisiones (ej. ...
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La tesis plantea los siguientes objetivos: A. Definir un marco conceptual para la exploración y gestión de diferentes tipos de incertidumbre en la planificación. B. Proponer un marco de evaluación de escenarios futuros basado en su capacidad para gestionar diferentes situaciones de incertidumbre en entornos de planificación. C. Plantear modelos y pautas argumentativas para la identificación e interpretación de imágenes e hipótesis de futuro en la planificación urbana y del transporte. D. Generar determinados arquetipos de escenarios o narrativas de futuro sobre el metro ligero, el transporte y el desarrollo urbano capaces de integrar diferentes aspectos y visiones de la planificación en Granada.
... The policy sciences focus on the role of policy analysis, expertise, professional evaluation research, and scientific studies in the policy process with the assumption that the scientific process will improve public policy (Cronback, 1980, Quade, 1991, Weimer and Vinning, 1989. Public choice theory posits that the market almost always outperforms the government and therefore, the role of government should be very constricted to the few areas it does well. ...
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SWOT analysis and an eight-item best practice assessment instrument, are utilized to asses intergovernmental public health policy development to advance tobacco free living in a Mid-Western region of the United States. Findings revealed similar patterns across methods and data sources. Compared to effective and tested practices, the tobacco free policy advocacy strategy was successful at both the statewide level and regional level. Agendas were more aligned among community partners for regional initiatives than for statewide initiatives. Also, it was clear that alignment of agendas at the community partnership level was harder when issues were tough and opposition from economic interest was high.
This study aims to examine the findings for the development of political literacy based on the paradigm shift in policy studies since the 1980s. First, this study points to the characteristics of policy problems and their aspect as social constructs, and the need to recognize the role of framing and discourse in the stages of problem sensing and definition and analyze the context of problems through an interpretive approach in the problem-structuring stage. It also highlights the need to establish an open forum and conduct pluralistic policy analysis to formulate policy alternatives based on pluralistic knowledge — theoretical knowledge, local knowledge, and ordinary knowledge — and diverse values in society. Furthermore, for citizens to participate in policy formation and discussion, policy analysts are required to play a role in aiding their participation through advice and converting information inputs into policy recommendations. This study also highlights the need for learning in the participation process and the importance of building mutual understanding and trust among participants.
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No matter how great a policy plan or program is, if it is not realized properly and correctly then the program or policy will be in vain. Policy implementation requires policy implementers who are truly honest, have appropriate competence, are highly committed to producing their goals and really pay attention to applicable government regulations.The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach with a total number of 33 people who were determined purposively then the primary and secondary data collected were analyzed using data analysis techniques from Creswell (2016).In this research the author uses the policy implementation model from Donald Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn (1975) which states that there are six variables that influence the implementation of the policy of eliminating movable state property at Nusa Cendana University, namely; (1) policy standards in the form of regulations regarding the elimination of movable state property at Nusa Cendana University are unable to influence policy targets; (2). the existence of sufficient resources; (3) communication between organizations and strengthening activities is still not effective; (4) the characteristics of implementing agents have a level of communication that is not yet open; (5) supportive socio-economic and political conditions; (6) the implementor's disposition where a situation is considered very complex or controversial, so that the implementor finds it very difficult to take a firm stance on the BMN elimination policy.
Each year governments receive more funding requests for capital projects from various agencies and departments than the governments can realistically undertake. This makes it necessary for the decision makers to carefully evaluate each project before deciding which ones to accept and which ones to reject. Whether the projects are selected independently or in conjunction with other projects, each must be justified, first and foremost, based on the critical needs of the government. Additionally, the decision must take into consideration the resource base of the government and, more importantly, the costs and benefits the projects will produce for the government and the political jurisdiction it serves, as well as the public. This chapter discusses three of the most frequently used methods for evaluating capital projects: Payback period, cost-benefit analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. Of these, cost-benefit analysis has been extensively used in government than any other method because of its ability to deal with multiple projects, analytical soundness, and established history. The chapter also looks at the risk and uncertainty associated with capital projects, briefly introduced in the previous chapter, as well as measures to deal with their attendant problems. Finally, the chapter concludes with a brief discussion of depreciation for capital assets.
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El presente artículo es una primera aproximación a los límites y posibilidades de la comprensión arguediana de las políticas culturales, cuyo fin es mostrar una faceta poco estudiada del escritor y antropólogo peruano. En la primera parte, a través del análisis de diversas cartas, se ofrece un retrato de Arguedas como agudo crítico educativo y proactivo director de la Casa de la Cultura. En la segunda, se describe la noción de «Arte Andino» de Arguedas, y su impacto en el diseño de políticas culturales, a partir del análisis de la dicotomía entre el retablo «auténtico» de Joaquín López Antay y el «espectacular» de Jesús Urbano Rojas. Asimismo, se rastrean estos juicios hasta la década de 1940 en la que una dura crítica a Yma Súmac y a su productor, el musicólogo y compositor Moisés Vivanco, revela cómo este requerimiento de autenticidad permea el discurso arguediano hasta la década de 1960. Finalmente, se analiza cómo, a partir de la segunda mitad de los años sesenta, esta visión dicotómica se flexibiliza debido a la aparición de «instituciones nuevas» que no son sino iniciativas culturales y populares implementadas por los migrantes andinos en las ciudades costeñas del Perú.
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In this article, it is argued that public policy studies found fertile ground in Mexico upon their arrival in the early 1990s. They stimulated Mexican scholars to discuss two notions that had been taken for granted in Western countries, but that turned out to be novel concepts in Mexico: policy-oriented governance and governing the public interest. The policy field in Mexico made further progress by considering three features that characterize the country’s political and administrative background. First, the salience of the State as the most important policymaking actor, which, paradoxically, lacks the institutional capacities to become a more effective one. Second, informal rules inherited from Mexico’s authoritarian period still strongly influence the behavior of people and organized groups. Finally, social inequality influences Mexico’s policymaking by demobilizing social sectors that could act in favor of the poor, preventing governments from enforcing the law, or letting street-level bureaucracies apply selective enforcement criteria in discretionary ways.
This paper discusses the implications of the sciences of complexity for public policy and administration. It is argued that the sciences of complexity have implications for our thinking in mainly three areas. First, they revise our conceptions of systems, causal relations, and determinism and depict a picture of mostly indeterministic reality composed of open systems. Second, they offer an “endophysical” and phenomenological view of system - observer relations. Third, although they are heavily quantitative, they illustrate the importance of qualitative interpretations in quantitative analyses and thus bridge the chasm between quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The insights of the sciences of complexity can help us improve our understanding of the complexities of public policy and administrative processes.
Background Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) contribute significantly to premature deaths and the global burden of disease. The development, distribution, and impact of NCDs is closely linked to unequal development and their risk factors impose a disproportionate burden of disease on low-income countries. Despite the availability of policy options to aid countries in the prevention and control of NCDs, sub-Saharan Africa is expected to continue suffering from NCDs in the coming years. In South Africa, people continue to die from NCDs despite the availability of policies and strategies meant for the prevention and control of these diseases. Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyse policies for prevention and control of NCDs to develop policy improvement strategies and implementation guidelines for the prevention and control of NCDs. Methods A convergent parallel design, involving qualitative and quantitative strands, was used. Purposively sampled policy documents were included in the qualitative strand, and policymakers from the provincial departments of health were sampled in the quantitative strand. Data in the qualitative strand were collected using self-developed criteria to assess policies’ content and processes and analysed thematically. In the quantitative strand, data were collected using a questionnaire and data were analysed statistically using Microsoft Excel and Stata V14. The results from the two strands and data sources were integrated for the development of policy improvement strategies and implementation guidelines, developed using logical reasoning, inductive and deductive reasoning. The guidelines were validated using the Delphi technique. Results The results from the qualitative strands indicated that the Department of Health involved multiple stakeholders during policy formation processes. The implementation activities evolved around addressing a few social determinants of health. The results from the quantitative strand indicated a lack of resources, such as finances, human resources and technology for the prevention and control of NCDs. Conclusion Despite progress in developing plans to prevent and control NCDs in the country, progress in implementing these plans has been sluggish and marred with challenges. The increasing burden and consequent negative impact of NCDs necessitate South Africa to address the gaps existing in the policies for the prevention and control of NCDs and accelerate the implementation of those interventions that have been proven to be effective. Recommendations Recommendations, in form of strategies to address the shortcomings in the prevention and control of NCDs have been developed and include the establishment of a multi-sectoral national coordinating committee and legislating multi-sectoral engagements for the prevention and control of NCDs. Other strategies include strengthening of early intervention plans, including activities that address inequalities, develop and strengthen human resources; to expand coverage of basic health screening services; and revitalisation of healthcare infrastructure and procurement of appropriate technology.
Implementation of revolving fund management as a follow-up to Bantul Regent Regulation No. 47 of 2017 concerning Mechanisms for Disbursement, Distribution and Revolving Fund Refunds for Market Traders. The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of revolving fund management in Rakyat Imogiri market, Bantul Regency and to find out the smoothness of beneficiaries, returns and monitoring of effective, transparent and accountable evaluation of revolving funds. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The implementation of revolving fund management in Rakyat Imogiri market is seen from (1) The achievement of applications and verification through the ability of officers in achieving tasks. (2) Compliance with procedures through conformity of rules and loan mechanisms by traders. (3) Satisfaction is seen from the side of the traders who use it and the officers who carry it out quite well. Matters that affect the implementation of revolving fund management (1) Beneficiaries know the loan application requirements and the verification team works according to the rules. (2) Merchants receive benefits with an easy process and in accordance with applicable regulations. (3) Monitoring and evaluation there are a number of traders carrying out their installment obligations that are not on time and there are loans that come to a standstill due to the death of the borrower
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Developing and maintaining infrastructure (e.g., roads, airports, water supply, communication networks, power plants, or hospitals) is a priority in a rapidly changing world. However, the gap between infrastructure needs and investments will continue to increase in the coming years, mainly impacting mid- and low-income countries. This problem is aggravated by the fact that traditional long-term planning approaches often lead to under- or over-designing infrastructure with the corresponding investment risks and environmental impacts. This article introduces the “Dynamic Infrastructure Systems” (DIS) concept as a new way to understand infrastructure design and management to support sustainable continuous growth, maintenance, and adaptation. In scenarios of deep uncertainty, infrastructure can best be designed and managed by creating a strategic vision of the future, committing to short-term actions, and establishing a flexible management policy to guide future decisions. This article is motivated by the urgent need to re-think how a key sector is managed and how to make it a positive contributor to sustainability. After the factual and conceptual discussion of the main principles behind DIS, we present a framework for its implementation in practice and discuss barriers and challenges to this vision.
How to implementating public policy, majority using multiple stream theory by howlett.
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A partir del análisis de la experiencia de José Antonio Encinas (Perú, 1888-1958) como director del Centro Escolar n.º 881, el presente ensayo propone que la experiencia estética es una forma productiva para rearticular reflexión pedagógico-humanística y diseño de políticas educativo-culturales, cuyo fin es ofrecer a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para su autodiseño personal. En la primera parte, se define y analizan los componentes de la experiencia estética que se desprenden del proyecto pedagógico de Encinas, en cuanto producto de conocimientos y experiencias nacionales e internacionales que apuntan a la construcción de una sociedad democrática; a través de la experiencia estética, la praxis pedagógica tendría un rol clave en el diseño de políticas educativo-culturales situadas y viables desde la escuela. La segunda parte se enfoca en diversas experiencias durante la gestión de Encinas (implementación de talleres; organización de obras de teatro y periódicos; y su original interpretación de la vida-obra de los hermanos Peralta, exalumnos del Centro) con el fin de mostrar el valor de la experiencia estética para la transformación social. Al final de esta investigación se habrá demostrado que el componente estético de esta pedagogía no debe identificarse con la institución “arte”, sino con una experiencia orgánica de autodiseño y autogobierno comunitario.
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Широкомасштабне вторгнення РФ на територію України вплинуло на життя пересічних українців, раптово перетворивши їх на біженців. Решта громадян змушені жити в умовах війни і нести на собі тягар важких випробувань і страждань, принесених війною. Війна також є глобальним викликом, що похитнув основи фінансово-економічної стабільності держави, змінив пріоритети державної політики в різних галузях, переформатував міжнародні відносини. Водночас війна – це шанс для суспільства, щоб змінити чинну недостатньо ефективну систему суспільно-політичного і економічного життя країни. Уже сьогодні, коли на фронті тривають бойові дії, слід напрацьовувати чіткий алгоритм дій і формувати власну місію і візію розвитку України, проведення структурних реформ у контексті майбутньої європейської цивілізаційної суб’єктності держави.Обґрунтовано, що після війни в новій економічній політиці людина як головна продуктивна сила і рушій економічного прогресу повинна бути в центрі оновлення й розвитку країни, яка має перетворитися на невід’ємну частину формування європейського і міжнародного цивілізаційного простору. Звісно, це вимагає змін у підходах до формування і реалізації бюджетної, соціальної, екологічної політики країни.Висвітлено хронічні недоліки, які стримували динаміку соціально-економічного розвитку країни як до війни, так і нині, в умовах воєнного стану. Акцентовано на необхідності дотримання учасниками бюджетного процесу основних принципів бюджетної системи, а саме ефективності й результативності використання бюджетних коштів.Визначено напрями реформ і перспектив соціально-економічного розвитку країни, які мають змінити систему державного управління економікою, удосконалити механізми регулювання в різних галузях, підвищити ефективність використання ресурсів, у тому числі фінансових.
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This research aims to analyze the influence of problem characteristic factors, regulatory and non-regulatory carrying capacity on the implementation process of e-learning based online learning policies at Nusa Cendana University. This type of research uses a positivism paradigm with a quantitative approach, where to obtain the truth of the data, direct interviews are conducted with the object under study. The sample used in this research was 467 people who were lecturers and students at Nusa Cendana University. Research data was analyzed using descriptive statistical tests and PLS-SEM inferential statistics. The results obtained show that descriptively the four variables received a good category response with indicators of problem characteristic factors reaching 73.28%, regulatory carrying capacity of 78.27%, non-regulatory carrying capacity of 77.11% and the e-learning implementation process of 75.05%. Hypothesis testing shows that the problem characteristic factor has a significant positive influence (p<0.05) directly at 18.4% and through non-regulatory carrying capacity at 48.3% but through regulatory carrying capacity at only 5.3% it does not have a significant influence (p>0.05) towards the process of implementing e-learning based online learning policies at Nusa Cendana University. The results of the determinant test show that the problem characteristic factors have a significant moderate/moderate influence (p<0.05) through regulatory carrying capacity of 50.2% and through non-regulatory carrying capacity of 53.0% but together/simultaneously they give a strong influence of 75.3% while 24.7% was influenced by other factors outside this research.
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Introduction. Budget expenditures for social needs are an important tool for satisfying human interests, ensuring the well-being of citizens, and raising the standard of living of the population. Budget expenditures as an instrument of budget policy have a significant impact on the complete implementation of budget programs in the social sphere. Nationwide or global crises, shocks, etc. undermine the stability of financial and economic systems, including the full implementation of social policy. Problem Statement. The Russian-Ukrainian war undermined the foundations of the stability of the national economy. A significant number of business entities stopped their activities, at the same time the export of products almost completely stopped, budget revenues decreased significantly, which complicated the processes of budget implementation. This actualizes the efforts of politicians and practitioners to find optimal solutions for filling the budget, as well as strengthening the synergy of scientists in the context of conducting thorough research in the field of social expenditure formation in war conditions. Purpose. Assess the peculiarities of the formation of social budget expenditures under martial law in 2022. Methods. General scientific and special methods are used: analysis, synthesis, grouping, description, comparison, theoretical generalization and abstract-logical. Results. The conducted analysis showed that the financial and economic situation in the state significantly worsened with the beginning of the Russian invasion, which affected the ability to obtain basic services, the level of income and the quality of life of the population. The structure of budget expenditures has changed, because the defense of the country has become a priority task. At the same time, the amount of social spending should not decrease, as it is necessary to take into account the future social pressure associated with the consequences of the war. Budgeting processes are currently being transformed in a certain way, subject to priority, urgent measures aimed at protecting the country, as well as solving humanitarian and social issues. Therefore, it is necessary to search for additional sources of filling the budget, create reserve funds, redistribute budget expenditures, etc. Effective allocation and saving of limited budget funds will enable the government to maneuver financial resources, prevent associated risks, optimize expenditures, and concentrate them on strategic areas and other urgent tasks of a different nature. Conclusions. In the period of martial law, the tasks of budget policy remain essentially unchanged, in particular: effective management, distribution and use of budget expenditures for priority goals of both economic and social development. The structure of budget expenditures should take into account macroeconomic dynamics and adapt to military conditions, and therefore focus on the implementation of social priorities, primarily ensuring social benefits, providing medical and educational services, etc. The state must solve complex social tasks, which, in our opinion, is a promising direction for further scientific research.
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Subject and functions of political consulting are analyzed, which plays rather an important productive and procedural role within the frame of scholarly process aimed at preparing and finally taking crucial political decisions as well as their subsequent implementations. In spite of the fact, its practical use as a scholarly instrument for political decision-making have been yet imperfect, fragmentary, thus it cannot meet the real political necessities of today. Such a state of things is determined, on the one hand, by the significant increase of the subjects of the said process, namely, members of business circles, mass media, profile expertize and analysis centers, specializing in preparatory steps for political decision-making. While, on the other hand, the exact procedural role of political consultants in a very complicated process of new policies emerging has, up to now, been studied dramatically inadequate. Inadequate is, first and foremost, studying political consulting as a classical specialized scholarly instrument, designed not only for optimization of electoral process, market relations in society, but also for working out optimum variants of any political decisions. The purpose of this article is to solve the above-descried scholarly problem, i.e. defining of the subject matter and functions of political consulting as a scholarly subject of political and managerial nature as well as defining its role within the sphere of Political Analysis. All told, the author has analyzed various approaches of other scholars to definitions of political consulting’s essence as a socio-political phenomenon and also as a scientific notion. The author has thoroughly studied exact procedural functions of political consulting as a relatively independent scholarly subject and as an inalienable element of Political Analysis, providing for scientific basis for the preparation of modern political decisions. The said analysis of the problem has resulted in the author’s attempt to determine, within the system of Political Analysis, the exact procedural functions of political consulting as a specialized scholarly subject in the framework of political management, its theoretical and methodological fundamentals, including the sphere of practical politics. The article also defines the exact procedural role of political consulting in the scientifically-based process of preparing political decisions, final decision-making and their practical implementations.
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This research aims to analyze and describe the implementation as well as the supporting and inhibiting factors in the business licensing service policy through the Online Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA) for MSMEs in the Pasuruan District Investment and One-Stop Service Office (DPMPTSP). The research location was conducted is located at the One Stop Investment and Services Agency (DPMPTSP) Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Because there were complaints from several business actors about the lack of optimal business licensing and unclear licensing procedures, which made them feel dissatisfied business actors complained on official social media accounts. There were complaints from several business actors about the need for optimal business licensing and unclear procedures permits that made them feel dissatisfied, so business actors complained on official social media accounts. Research results found DPMPTSP Pasuruan Regency prioritizes business licensing through OSS-RBA with appropriate procedures from BKPM. However, significant obstacles in the business licensing process include legal uncertainty, system compatibility issues, and a need for more knowledge among business actors. However, this obstacle can be overcome by the DPMPTSP of Pasuruan Regency, which prioritizes the OSS-RBA application as the primary licensing system.
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Smart city approaches which seek to utilise large-scale flows of urban data have become an exemplar of contemporary geomedia. In this article, I trace the migration of systems analysis and computational modelling from the RAND Institute’s pioneering nuclear war scenarios in the 1950s to their application to a broader set of social and urban problems in the 1960s. Focusing on the influential New York City-RAND Institute established in 1969, I analyse the socio-political context of data-driven approaches to urbanism and urban planning. I argue that the data-driven decision-making enabled by urban computing constitutes a critical threshold in terms of who is able to speak with authority about the city. This provides a productive lens for articulating the early history of urban computation with contemporary debates about smart cities and the ‘platformization’ of urban digital infrastructure.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menggambarkan implementasi kebijakan sekolah satu atap dari segi pelaksanaan di Kabupaten Konawe Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil analisis isi dan kedalaman pelaksanaan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam implementasi kebijakan sekolah satu atap dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana dan secara garis besar implementasi kebijakan program dipengaruhi oleh isi kebijakan dan konteks implementasinya. Keseluruhan implementasi kebijakan dievaluasi dengan cara mengukur luaran program berdasarkan tujuan kebijakan penyelenggaraan sekolah satu atap yaitu wajib belajar 9 tahun. Luaran program dilihat melalui dampaknya terhadap masyarakat. Namun impelementasi kebijakan ini masih mengalami beberapa hambatan yakni sarana dan prasarana belum memadai, jumlah tenaga pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan belum cukup, masih terdapat sebagian masyarakat yang rendah pemahamannya terhadap pentingnya pendidikan. Meskipun demikian, sekolah berusaha mengatasi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan diantaranya adalah melakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat dan memberdayakan guru-guru untuk melakukan pembelajaran lebih efektif.
En este documento se abordan las tendencias en los cambios en la movilidad urbana, teniendo en cuenta que las personas son el centro de los cambios. Algunos ven esta crisis, que aún no sabemos cuánto durará, como un acelerador de los cambios que estaban por venir, pero, pese a las expectativas, a la gente le cuesta cambiar. Lo que tenga éxito, porque las personas lo usen o sea negocio, continuará, y las políticas y/o las restricciones legales pueden ser una barrera o un incentivo, pero muchos cambios serán temporales.
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Abstrak-Indonesia sebagai Negara kepulauan memiliki wilayah laut terbuka dan keberadaan Alur Laut Kepulauau Indonesia (ALKI) yang menimbulkan kerawanan-kerawanan terhadap berbagai kemungkinan ancaman maritim. Sudah selayakya pemerintah Indonesia menjadikan keamanan maritim sebagai prioritas dalam kebijakan maritim yang dikeluarkan. Tulisan ini akan menganalisa strategi pertahanan laut pemerintah indonesia dalam menjaga keamanan maritim dengan mengunakan teori-teori strategi pertahanan laut dan keamanan maritim. Metoda penulisan yang dilaksanakan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif studi pustaka. Penulis selanjutnya akan merumuskan tentang strategi pertahanan laut pemerintah indonesia dalam menjaga keamanan maritim agar dapat optimal melalui pendekatan keras dan pendekatan lunak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan belum optimalnya keamanan maritim di Indonesia sehingga Poros Maritim Dunia yang dicanangkan Presiden Joko Widodo masih ditemukan adanya kendala. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa Keamanan maritim bisa dilakukan dengan cara pendekatan keras dan pendekatan lunak dimulai dengan penetapan sebuah Doktrin Maritim, pembentukan Maritim Domain Awareness (MDA), dan pembangunan kekuatan laut (Sea power) untuk tercapainya tujuan pertahanan dalam menjaga dan melindungi kedaulatan negara, keutuhan wilayah NKRI dan keselamatan segenap bangsa dari segala bentuk ancaman. Abstract-Indonesia as an archipelagic country has an open sea area and the existence of the Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) which creates vulnerabilities to various possible maritime threats. It is appropriate for the Indonesian government to make maritime security a priority in its maritime policies. This paper will analyze the Indonesian government's marine defense strategy in maintaining maritime security by using strategic theories of maritime defense and maritime security. The writing method used is descriptive qualitative literature study. The next writer will formulate the Indonesian government's marine defense strategy in maintaining maritime security so that it can be optimal through a hard approach and a soft approach. The results showed that maritime security in Indonesia was not optimal yet, so that the World Maritime Axis proclaimed by President Joko Widodo still found obstacles. As a conclusion, maritime security can be carried out by means of a hard approach and a soft approach starting with the establishment of a Maritime Doctrine, the formation of Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA), and the sea power building (Sea power) to achieve defense objectives in
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The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of accreditation policy of Junior High School period 2005-2009. This research was conducted in the implementation of policies in DKI Jakarta Province with Descriptive and explanations of secondary and primary data methods. The result of research are as follows : (1). The government of DKI Jakarta Province has implemented the accreditation policies are carried out accreditation agency (2). Accreditation agency performance is not optimal due to the change of regulation policy implementation accreditation. (3). There is Junior High School in DKI Jakarta is not feasible in providing educational services, (4). The grade of acreditation inclines to describe the result of quality education, meanwhile the grade of acreditation of international school (RSBI) always describe the result of quality education. It implies that the implementation of accreditation in DKI Jakarta Province, although there are still schools that have not been feasible, but most school accreditation results tend to have a description the actual quality of education.
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At the end of this chapter students are expected to; i) Explain the concept of renewable resources ii) Explain the concept of bio-economic growth iii) Define a simple bio-economic growth model iv) Apply Bio-economic models in different forestry contexts v) Utilize linear programming and non-linear optimization techniques in forestry resources production vi) Apply economic decision criteria in forest conservation problems
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At the end of this chapter students are expected to; i. Have a clear understanding of the philosophy of economics; ii. Link the concepts of economic and its application in forestry; iii. Design simple forest conservation strategies based on economic theories and models; and iv. Explain the rationale and justification of forest management practices in Tanzania in historical and contemporary context
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Suatu kebijakan akan terlaksana manakala didukung oleh berbagai lapisan dan bidangserta sumber daya manusia yang memadai. Namun secara realitas kebijakan terkadang tidakberjalan dengan sempurna dan optimal dikarenakan terkendala dengan peran sumber dayamanusia yang tidak menjalankan fungsi kebijakan dan juga sebab eksternal yangmelatarbelakangi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beragam bentuk analisis kebijakanpendidikan Islam berupa (1) analisis kebijakan prospektif yang berupa produksi dantransformasi informasi sebelum aksi kebijakan dimulai dan diimplementasikan cenderungmemiliki ciri cara beroperasinya para ekonom, analis sistem, dan peneliti operasi; (2) analisisretrospeksi berupa analisis berorientasi disiplin, masalah, dan aplikasi; (3) analisis kebijakanyang terintegrasi merupakan bentuk analisis yang mengombinasikan gaya operasi para praktisiyang menaruh perhatian pada penciptaan dan transformasi informasi sebelum dan sesudahtindakan kebijakan diambil.Kata Kunci: kebijakan pendidikan, pendidikan islam
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The article is based on the assumption that trainers have special skills, efficient marketing of which may change the existing marginalized scenario altogether. In this context, if has defined the key terminologies like trainer, trainer s skills, market and marketing. It has further examined the existing market potential as well as its problems and prospects. In doing so, the article has narrated a number of theoretical approaches, made both supply, and demand side analysis, explored the opportunities and challenges. In order to utilize the explored opportunities of marketing the trainer s skills by overcoming the challenges, the article has suggested a number of indicative strategies to be pursued by the trainers. These include unity of the trainer community, development of own professional standard, appropriate public relations and market studies to further explore scope and opportunities for devising ways to penetrate the market.
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Indonesia as an archipelagic country has an open sea area and the existence of the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI) which creates vulnerabilities to various possible threats. It is appropriate for the Indonesian government to make the security of the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Lanes a priority in its issued maritime policies. This paper will analyze the marine defense strategy of the Indonesian government in order to enforce the law on the sea lanes of the Indonesian archipelago by using theories of marine defense strategies and law. The writing method used is descriptive qualitative literature study. The next writer will formulate the marine defense strategy of the Indonesian government in order to enforce the law on the sea lanes of the Indonesian archipelago so that it can be optimal through theories and concepts about marine defense strategies and law enforcement on the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel. The results showed that law enforcement was not optimal in the sea lanes of the Indonesian archipelago so that there were still obstacles. As a conclusion, law enforcement on the Indonesian archipelagic sea lanes can be carried out in the ways agreed upon in the 1982 Unclos which was ratified by Indonesia with Law no. 17 of 1985 and strengthened by PP. 37 of 2002. to achieve defense objectives in maintaining and protecting the sovereignty of the country, the territorial integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and the safety of the entire nation from all forms of threats.
The article substantiates the need for the formation and implementation of the socio-economic development strategy of the country as a basis for sustainable and dynamic development. International and domestic experience, formation and approval of the strategy are analyzed. Based on the study and analysis of the situation, the author proposed a mechanism for determining the priorities of the strategy, the application of criteria of relevance and feasibility as a basis for setting priorities. Relevance criteria are divided into critical, important and desirable, where a critical priority is the event that must be carried out at a certain time despite the necessary resources; an important priority is one that has a positive effect on efficiency, but is determined by the resource limit, and a desirable priority is one that can have a positive effect on efficiency, but resources and deadlines depend on their availability after the implementation of other measures. The implementation criterion is divided into political, technical and financial. Political implementation involves the support of the government and the parliament in the adoption of relevant laws, regulations and more. The technical implementation of the strategy is based on the appropriate infrastructure, potential, complexity, timing, as well as the sequence of implementation of certain activities. The financial criterion is based on financial needs, capital and other expenditures, the need to increase efficiency or mobilize additional financial resources. The need to prepare an operational plan, which should be holistic, clear, specific, flexible, clear, controlled, easy to manage and interrelated with the budget, is justified. The operational plan should encourage executors to act without confusion or misinterpretation of what should be done, how and when.
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Illegal fishing in Indonesia have caused huge losses fisheries sector in order to realize the welfare of society. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia take resolute policy to combat illegal fishing through drownings action actors of illegal fishing vessels. This study aims to analyze and discuss the sinking of the policy implementation actors of illegal fishing and environmental reactions arising from the policy. The method used literature study and documentation. This study shows that the sinking of the policy implementation by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia is a top-down models are characterized by regulatory certainty, a strong command system, instructional pattern and effective coordination, budget support, and the support of a strong bureaucracy. Implementation of this policy also has provoked harsh reaction to the policy environment in the form of protests from the countries of origin where the ships were sunk. Empirically, this research can help improve the implementation of policies to eradicate illegal fishing with sinking action, particularly on the management aspects of the reaction that the future policy environment can be more conducive and supportive policy implementation.
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TB cases in Southeast Asia contribute 40% of the world's TB cases and causes the highest mortality in Indonesia. Panyabungan Jae Health Center (PJHC) itself has the highest number of TB cases in Mandailing Natal Regency. This study, therefore, aimed to determine the implementation of the TB Control Program with the Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse Strategy (DOTS) at PJHC.Qualitative methods with descriptive approach was used for this research. In-depth interviews was conducted with 5 informants in July 2020. The data were analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.The research found that communication between the TB program officer and the DOTS strategy worked well in the PJHC as well as the disposition, resources and bureaucratic structures. Political commitment in the DOTS strategy with cross-sectoral cooperation has an important influence in the handling of TB cases,however village authorities have not played a role in efforts to reduce for number of TB cases. The patients had lack of understanding about TB and some localshad views TB as a disease caused by poison becomes an obstacle in treating patients. TB prevention with the DOTS strategy at the PJHC runs according to standard guidelines, and complemented by the Puskesmas innovation "Tor Tor Libas TB".The MNDHO officersare advised to collaborate with entire stakeholders in overcoming TB by strengthening education in the form of routine counseling to increase public knowledge about TB
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