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Off-Duty Deviance: Organizational Policies and Evidence for Two Prevention Strategies

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Anecdotal evidence suggests that organizations are increasingly concerned with employee off-duty deviance (ODD), yet management research has rarely investigated this type of deviant behavior. We define ODD as behaviors committed outside the workplace or when off-duty that are deviant by organizational and/or societal standards, jeopardize the employee's status within the organization, and threaten the interests and well-being of the organization and its stakeholders. Three studies are presented to better understand the relevance of ODD to modern organizations and then to understand potential approaches to reduce the incidence of ODD. The first study provides a qualitative review of publicly available ODD policies within the Fortune 500; the results showed that 13.4% of the Fortune 500 had a publicly available ODD policy, with the majority prohibiting criminal forms of ODD to protect the firm's reputation. The next 2 studies examine the efficacy of different approaches to reduce criminal ODD: policy adoption and personnel selection. In the second study, a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design showed a significant-albeit modest-reduction in criminal ODD following the adoption of a conduct policy. In the third and final study, a criterion-related validity design supported the predictive validity of general mental ability and prior deviance in predicting criminal ODD. This compendium of studies provides an initial empirical investigation into ODD and offers implications relevant to the deviance literature, policy development, and personnel selection. (PsycINFO Database Record
Off-Duty Deviance: Organizational Policies and Evidence for Two
Prevention Strategies
Brian D. Lyons
Elon University
Brian J. Hoffman
University of Georgia
William H. Bommer
California State University, Fresno
Colby L. Kennedy and Andrea L. Hetrick
University of Georgia
Anecdotal evidence suggests that organizations are increasingly concerned with employee off-duty
deviance (ODD), yet management research has rarely investigated this type of deviant behavior. We
define ODD as behaviors committed outside the workplace or when off-duty that are deviant by
organizational and/or societal standards, jeopardize the employee’s status within the organization, and
threaten the interests and well-being of the organization and its stakeholders. Three studies are presented
to better understand the relevance of ODD to modern organizations and then to understand potential
approaches to reduce the incidence of ODD. The first study provides a qualitative review of publicly
available ODD policies within the Fortune 500; the results showed that 13.4% of the Fortune 500 had a
publicly available ODD policy, with the majority prohibiting criminal forms of ODD to protect the firm’s
reputation. The next 2 studies examine the efficacy of different approaches to reduce criminal ODD:
policy adoption and personnel selection. In the second study, a longitudinal, quasi-experimental design
showed a significant—albeit modest—reduction in criminal ODD following the adoption of a conduct
policy. In the third and final study, a criterion-related validity design supported the predictive validity of
general mental ability and prior deviance in predicting criminal ODD. This compendium of studies
provides an initial empirical investigation into ODD and offers implications relevant to the deviance
literature, policy development, and personnel selection.
Keywords: deviance, off-duty, policy, intelligence, background checks
The management literature has increasingly focused on the
prevention of “on-duty” employee deviant behavior, commonly
referred to as counterproductive work behavior (CWB; Berry,
Ones, & Sackett, 2007). Despite the substantial empirical attention
toward CWB, researchers have largely ignored “off-duty” behav-
iors that may be harmful to organizations and their stakeholders.
Certainly, the news is replete with stories of employees engaging
in off-duty behaviors deemed as deviant by their employers. For
example, Adam Smith was terminated by his employer, Vante Inc.,
for posting a video of himself berating a Chick-Fil-A employee
about Chick-Fil-A’s controversial corporate policy prohibiting
openly gay employees (Marketwired, 2012). In late 2011, the
Chief of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was arrested
for driving under the influence, which resulted in unfavorable
media coverage and his ultimate resignation (Pasztor, 2011). These
off-duty behaviors—the former representing a noncriminal expres-
sion of speech and the latter being a criminal act—led to punitive
outcomes for each employee, one resulting in termination and the
other in resignation. At least anecdotally, these and other cases are
suggestive of a current issue facing many organizations: managing
employee deviance away from work.
Organizational efforts to manage these types of behaviors are
evident in at least two types of staffing-related processes: pre-
employment screening of prospective employees and monitor-
ing incumbent employees’ behaviors off-duty. The first strategy
to manage off-duty behavior—pre-employment screening— has
frequently been discussed in the literature through the content
domains of social media investigations, drug testing, and criminal
This article was published Online First November 23, 2015.
Brian D. Lyons, Department of Management, Elon University; Brian J.
Hoffman, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia; William H.
Bommer, Department of Management, California State University, Fresno;
Colby L. Kennedy and Andrea L. Hetrick, Department of Psychology,
University of Georgia.
Brian J. Hoffman is a visiting professor in the Department of Industrial
Psychology and People Management at the University of Johannesburg.
Brian D. Lyons and Brian J. Hoffman contributed equally to this article.
William H. Bommer and Colby L. Kennedy contributed equally to the
delivery of this article. Portions of this article were presented at the 27th
annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psy-
chology, San Diego, CA, and the 73rd annual conference of the Academy
of Management, Orlando, FL. We thank Nicholas S. McMillen, Robert W.
Martin, Sarah A. Patton, Katelyn C. Briggs, and Sydney R. Siver for their
assistance in the data collection process. We would also like to thank
Associate Editor Chris Berry and the two anonymous reviewers for their
helpful feedback throughout the revision process.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Brian D.
Lyons, Department of Management, Elon University, Martha and Spencer
Love School of Business, Campus Box 2075, Elon, NC 27244. E-mail:
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Journal of Applied Psychology © 2015 American Psychological Association
2016, Vol. 101, No. 4, 463–483 0021-9010/16/$12.00
... Indeed, a growing body of scholarship suggests that studying the observable deviant behaviors in sports can provide valuable insight for non-sports settings (Foreman, Soebbing, and Seifried 2019;Lyons et al. 2016;Wolfe et al. 2005). This article adds to this thread of the literature by conducting an empirical investigation of minor "workplace" deviance in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) from 2009 to 2018. ...
... Deviance can come at a substantial cost (Black 2005). Corporations are increasingly interested in the personal conduct of employees (Lyons et al. 2016); therefore, ethical and disciplined leaders and employees are in high demand. Several recent studies agree that various character traits deter deviant behavior (Bourdage et al. 2018;Gok et al. 2017;Louw et al. 2016). ...
... Because of this unique feature, it is increasingly common to study workplace phenomena using sports data (Wolfe et al. 2005). In particular, sports are used to examine several workplace issues, including matters specific to misconduct and deviance by organizational members (e.g., Foreman, Soebbing, and Seifried 2019; Lyons et al. 2016;Walker, Seifried, and Soebbing 2018). Bias and discrimination studies abound in the economics of sport literature (Harris and Berri 2016). ...
Deviant behavior associated with a firm’s brand comes at a substantial cost to the organization. Corporations are becoming increasingly interested in the personal conduct of employees on and off duty. For this reason, firms may seek out employees with military backgrounds because they believe military training helps to shape ethical and disciplined habits. Several studies indicate military veterans may be less likely to engage in deviant behavior. However, other studies find deviant behavior is an extensive problem within the military. The purpose of this study is to compare the levels of minor workplace deviance between military and non-military organizations. In order to make this comparison, sample data from college football are utilized to compare on-field penalties—a proxy for workplace deviance. Results from an empirical model indicate that players with military training are less likely to engage in minor workplace deviance.
... Maladaptive workplace behaviours are actions that violate workplace norms and reduce organizational resources. Examples of these maladaptive workplace behaviours include: (a) counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) or workplace deviance (Bennett & Robinson, 2000); (b) off-duty deviance (Lyons et al., 2016); (c) turnover intentions (Bolin & Heatherly, 2001;Cohen et al., 2013); (d) unethical work behaviour (Kish-Gephart et al., 2010); (e) workplace incivility (Han et al., 2022) and (f) job-hopping (Lake et al., 2018). Common to studies of these behaviours are findings that relate them to negative organizational outcomes, such as low job performance, increased withdrawal behaviour, and reduced organizational citizenship behaviour. ...
... Maladaptive workplace behaviours are actions that violate workplace norms and reduce organizational resources. Examples of these maladaptive workplace behaviours include: (a) counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) or workplace deviance (Bennett & Robinson, 2000); (b) off-duty deviance (Lyons et al., 2016); (c) turnover intentions (Bolin & Heatherly, 2001;Cohen et al., 2013); (d) unethical work behaviour (Kish-Gephart et al., 2010); (e) workplace incivility (Han et al., 2022) and (f) job-hopping (Lake et al., 2018). Common to studies of these behaviours are findings that relate them to negative organizational outcomes, such as low job performance, increased withdrawal behaviour, and reduced organizational citizenship behaviour. ...
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Research suggests that both applicants and organizations may withdraw from the recruitment and selection process without notice. This behaviour, referred to as ‘ghosting’, is prevalent yet empirical research on this topic is unfortunately scarce. To gain greater clarity, the current study examines the antecedents of applicant ghosting behaviour, which we place within the nomological network of maladaptive workplace behaviour. Drawing on an interactionist framework, we examine the role of aberrant dispositional characteristics – the Dark Triad, self‐control and fear of missing out (FoMO) – in predicting applicant ghosting behaviour. We also draw on trait activation and conservation of resources theories to examine how the experience of being ghosted before moderates these relationships between aberrant dispositional characteristics and ghosting behaviour. Results from a two‐wave design suggest that psychopathy and FoMO positively predicted ghosting behaviour and being ghosted before moderated relationships between both (a) self‐control and ghosting behaviour and (b) FoMO and ghosting behaviour. Qualitative data suggest that perceived fit and interest, communication and ghosting norms, company culture and behaviour, and compensation and benefits were the primary reasons why applicants engage in ghosting behaviour. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these results and offer future research directions in this nascent field.
... As with prior management research utilizing similar samples (e.g.,Donovan & Williams, 2003;Grijalva et al., 2020;Kilduff et al., 2016;Lyons et al., 2016;Mach et al., 2010), the athletes in our sample were formally affiliated with a professional sports club. In other words, they are contractually attached to this institution, which serves as their employer. ...
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The growing trend of introducing robots into employees’ work lives has become increasingly salient during the global COVID‐19 pandemic. In light of this pandemic, it is likely that organizational decision‐makers are seeing value in coupling employees with robots for both efficiency‐ and health‐related reasons. An unintended consequence of this coupling, however, may be an increased level of work routinization and standardization. We draw primarily from the model of passion decay from the relationship and clinical psychology literature to develop theory and test a model arguing that passion decays as employees increasingly interact with robots for their work activities. We demonstrate that this passion decay leads to an increase of withdrawal behavior from both the domains of work and family. Drawing further from the model of passion decay, we reveal that employees higher in openness to experience are less likely to suffer from passion decay upon more frequent interactions with robots in the course of work. Across a multi‐source, multi‐wave field study conducted in Hong Kong (Study 1) and a simulation‐based experiment conducted in the United States (Study 2), our hypotheses received support. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
... Fourth, there may be additional scrutiny on expatriates in their personal lives such that off-duty deviance (Dilchert, Mercado, & Ones, 2016;Lyons, Hoffman, Bommer, Kennedy, & Hetrick, 2016) may have a stronger tie to CWB in international contexts. In many cases, expatriates stand out from the host-country population (e.g., due to differences in race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, language, educational level, international orientation, and so forth), and draw attention and scrutiny even outside of work. ...
... Further complicating our understanding of this relationship are the various studies showing that criminal records correlate with lower than average intelligence scores (Neisser et al., 1996) and higher levels of negative affectivity (Giordano et al., 2007). One the one hand, because these variables have also been shown to share a negative relationship with a number of valued employee behaviors such as learning motivation and non-deviant conduct (Colquitt et al., 2000;Lyons et al., 2016), it could be argued that these individuals should come into organizations and perform more poorly than their counterparts without criminal record. On the other hand, it could also be argued that stigma attached to criminal records produces a compensatory job performance effect by elevating levels of identity-related motivation. ...
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Between 70 million and 100 million Americans—or as many as one in three—have some type of criminal record (Vallas & Dietrich, 2014). Having even a minor criminal record often functions as a significant impediment to gainful employment and resultant economic security. This is especially problematic given that: (a) many companies now incorporate background checks within their hiring process and (b) little empirical research exists about the relationship between criminal records and job performance. Thus, this study examined the relationship between criminal records and objective performance of customer service representatives (N = 627) in a large telecommunications firm. Our regression analyses indicate that criminal record was not a predictor of job performance.
Organizations typically want to broaden talent pools rather than limit them, and in the age of the “Great Resignation,” the employee-driven labor market has made competition for talent fierce (Bayraktar, 2023). While employers have worked to make the application process as straightforward as possible to remove barriers to entry, there is still work to do when it comes to facilitating the process for people with conviction histories. One of the toughest decisions for a job candidate with a criminal conviction in their past is how to introduce that information during the recruitment process. A number of jobs still ask about criminal convictions on the initial job application, putting the candidate in a difficult position that pits practicality against honesty. Should the candidate be less than truthful on the application in the hopes that the employer will not eventually run a formal background check? Should the candidate be completely honest on the application, knowing that it might get the application summarily rejected? If the application does not ask about criminal convictions, but a background check is required to receive an offer, should the candidate volunteer information about the conviction during the interview in an effort to offer mitigating circumstances?
The increased incorporation of time, theoretically and empirically, has dramatically advanced our understanding of management. Trajectories, which describe longitudinal change in constructs using functions of time, have become one of management scholars’ most widely used methodological tools to examine if, how, and why constructs change. Yet, despite the rapid growth of trajectory research, we lack a coherent framework for understanding how trajectories can be used to generate valuable insights into change-related work phenomena. In this article, we review more than two decades of trajectory research to develop a taxonomy that delineates the theoretical extensions offered by different trajectory-related research questions. In addition, although seminal method articles offered initial how-to instructions for conducting trajectory analyses, there has since been no systematic review of the methodological practices actually used in trajectory research. Our review distinguishes eight critical methodological choices required in every trajectory study, catalogs the frequency of methodological choices made in prior research, identifies problematic practices that persist, and offers actionable recommendations to develop rigorous trajectory research. Finally, we discuss eight pressing issues in current trajectory research, including several prominent practices that must be abandoned, and suggest how to avoid or minimize these concerns in future studies. Together, our review provides management scholars with an organizing platform for developing trajectory-related research questions and a comprehensive guide to rigorous study designs and analyses.
The risk of off‐the‐job misconduct by high‐profile employees is a serious concern of top management in professional sport organizations, media and entertainment companies, and public‐facing entities in the government and education sectors. Yet there is little research on how to prevent or mitigate this form of misconduct in organizations. Utilizing upper echelons theory and the literature on demographic composition, we examine the relationship between the gender composition of executives of team organizations in a men's professional sport league, and subsequent misconduct by players on those teams. Specifically, we employed multilevel and logistic regression analyses to unique data on U.S. National Football League team organizations, and we found that firms with a critical mass of women executives experienced fewer player arrests. No support was found for executive power as a moderator of this relationship. We discuss the implications of our findings for the demographic composition literature. We also offer guidance for preventing and managing off‐the‐job misconduct by high‐profile employees.
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An inverse relation between IQ and delinquency has been well established, but the direction of effect remains to be specified. Differing explanatory accounts of the relation were empirically examined in the present study using data on 13-year-old boys involved in a high-risk longitudinal study. Accounts that interpreted the relation as spurious or that posited that delinquency-related factors lead to low IQ scores received no support; findings were most consistent with the hypothesis that the direction of effect runs from low IQ to delinquency. The IQ–delinquency relation was robust after race, class, and observed test motivation were controlled statistically. Additionally, the effect of IQ was mediated by school performance for Black youth but not for White youth.
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Recent reports suggest that an increasing number of organizations are using information from social media platforms such as to screen job applicants. Unfortunately, empirical research concerning the potential implications of this practice is extremely limited. We address the use of social media for selection by examining how recruiter ratings of Facebook profiles fare with respect to two important criteria on which selection procedures are evaluated: criterion-related validity and subgroup differences (which can lead to adverse impact). We captured Facebook profiles of college students who were applying for full-time jobs, and recruiters from various organizations reviewed the profiles and provided evaluations. We then followed up with applicants in their new jobs. Recruiter ratings of applicants’ Facebook information were unrelated to supervisor ratings of job performance (rs = −.13 to –.04), turnover intentions (rs = −.05 to .00), and actual turnover (rs = −.01 to .01). In addition, Facebook ratings did not contribute to the prediction of these criteria beyond more traditional predictors, including cognitive ability, self-efficacy, and personality. Furthermore, there was evidence of subgroup difference in Facebook ratings that tended to favor female and White applicants. The overall results suggest that organizations should be very cautious about using social media information such as Facebook to assess job applicants.
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Although one of the most well-established research findings in industrial-organizational psychology is that general mental ability (GMA) is a strong and generalizable predictor of job performance, this meta-analytically derived conclusion is based largely on measures of task or overall performance. The primary purpose of this study is to address a void in the research literature by conducting a meta-analysis to determine the direction and magnitude of the correlation of GMA with 2 dimensions of nontask performance: counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Overall, the results show that the true-score correlation between GMA and CWB is essentially 0 (-.02, k = 35), although rating source of CWB moderates this relationship. The true-score correlation between GMA and OCB is positive but modest in magnitude (.23, k = 43). The 2nd purpose of this study is to conduct meta-analytic relative weight analyses to determine the relative importance of GMA and the five-factor model (FFM) of personality traits in predicting nontask and task performance criteria. Results indicate that, collectively, the FFM traits are substantially more important for CWB than GMA, that the FFM traits are roughly equal in importance to GMA for OCB, and that GMA is substantially more important for task and overall job performance than the FFM traits. Implications of these findings for the development of optimal selection systems and the development of comprehensive theories of job performance are discussed along with study limitation and future research directions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).
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Purpose Social networking websites such as Facebook allow employers to gain information about applicants which job seekers may not otherwise share during the hiring process. This multi-study investigation examined how job seekers react to this screening practice. Design/methodology Study 1 (N=175) employed a realistic selection scenario examining applicant reactions to prospective employers reviewing their social networking website. Study 2 (N=208) employed a simulated selection scenario where participants rated their experience with a proposed selection process. Findings In Study 1, social networking website screening caused applicants to feel their privacy had been invaded which ultimately resulted in lower organizational attraction. Applicants low in agreeableness had the most adverse reactions to social networking website screening. In Study 2, screening again caused applicants to feel their privacy had been invaded, resulting in lower organizational attraction and increased intentions to litigate. The organization’s positive/negative hiring decision did not moderate the relationship between screening and justice. Implications The results suggest organizations should consider the costs and benefits of social media screening which could reduce the attractiveness of the organization. Additionally, applicants may need to change their conceptualization of social networking websites, viewing them through the eyes of a prospective employer. Originality/value This investigation proposed and tested an explanatory model of the effects of screening practices on organizational outcomes demonstrating how electronic monitoring, privacy, and applicant reactions can be integrated to better understand responses to technological innovations in the workplace.
A model is said to be linear if the partial derivatives with respect to any of the model parameters are independent of the other parameters. This chapter introduces linear models and regression, both simple linear and multiple regression, within the framework of ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood. Influence diagnostics, conditional models, error in variables, and smoothers and splines are discussed. How to appropriately handle missing data in both the dependent and independent variables is discussed.
This exploratory study evaluates the ethical considerations related to employees fired for their blogging activities. Specifically, subject evaluations of two employee-related blogging scenarios were investigated with established ethical reasoning and moral intensity scales, and a measure of corporate ethical values was included to assess perceptions of organizational ethics. The first scenario involved an employee who was fired because of innocuous blogging, while the second vignette involved an employee who was fired because of work-related blogging. Survey data were collected from employed college students and working practitioners. The findings indicated that the subjects' ethical judgments that firing an employee for blogging was unethical were negatively related to unethical intentions to fire an employee for blogging. Moral intensity was positively related to ethical judgments and negatively related to unethical intentions to fire an employee for blogging, while individual perceptions of ethical values were negatively associated with unethical intentions. Finally, subjects perceived that terminating an employee for innocuous blogging that did not target an employer was more ethically intense than was firing an employee for work-related blogging. The implications of the findings for human resource professionals are discussed, as are the study's limitations and suggestions for future research. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Understanding sources of sustained competitive advantage has become a major area of research in strategic management. Building on the assumptions that strategic resources are heterogeneously distributed across firms and that these differences are stable over time, this article examines the link between firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. Four empirical indicators of the potential of firm resources to generate sustained competitive advantage-value, rareness, imitability, and substitutability are discussed. The model is applied by analyzing the potential of several firm resources for generating sustained competitive advantages. The article concludes by examining implications of this firm resource model of sustained competitive advantage for other business disciplines.
This study integrates literature on performance management and organizational behavior with input from managers to develop a 27‐item measure of performance management behavior. We used 8 samples, including multisource data, to develop a reliable multidimensional scale that replicated across samples. The scale demonstrated content validity, both convergent and discriminant validity, and incremental validity, and criterion‐related validity was established through the scale's relation with measures of management effectiveness and job attitudes. Overall, this study suggests that the Performance Management Behavior Questionnaire (PMBQ) is a reliable and valid measure and that performance management behaviors have important implications for both employees and organizations.