... However, while constructivist epistemologies are better suited to describe their own research practices, it appears that teachers in academia often express themselves in a vocabulary closer to the traditional empiricist view of science, even when designing educational approaches such as project-based learning (PjBL) that focus on learning to conduct scientific research. 3 Examples of contributions to constructivist epistemologies: the critical evaluation of laws of nature, initiated by Cartwright (1983Cartwright ( , 1989Cartwright ( , 1999; the emphasis on the role of interventions in scientific research by Hacking (1983); the issue of applying science (Boon, 2006;Cartwright, 1974); the roles in scientific reasoning of analogies (Hesse, 1966;Nersessian, 2009b), concepts and formation of concepts (Rheinberger, 1997, Feest, 2008, Andersen, 2012, Nersessian, 2009b, Boon, 2012, Rouse, 2011, conceptual change (Andersen, 2012;Andersen & Nersessian, 2000;Kuhn, 1970;Nersessian, 1992), scientific understanding (De Regt et al., 2009), models (Bailer-Jones, 2009Morrison & Morgan, 1999), modeling and model-based reasoning (Boon & Knuuttila, 2009;Giere, 1988Giere, , 1999Giere, , 2010Giere, 2006;Knuuttila & Boon, 2011;Magnani, 2014;Magnani & Bertolotti, 2017;Nersessian, 2009a;Nersessian & Patton, 2009), epistemic and pragmatic criteria (Chang, 2009(Chang, , 2014(Chang, , 2017(Chang, , 2020Hacking, 1992;Kuhn, 1970), and inductive risk and values (Biddle, 2016;Douglas, 2000;Kukla, 2016;Wilholt, 2009Wilholt, , 2013; the role of context in deriving phenomena from data (Bogen & Woodward, 1988;Leonelli, 2011Leonelli, , 2014Leonelli, , 2019Leonelli & Boumans, 2020); the roles of perspectives through theories, concepts, and technological instruments (Boon, 2020a;Giere, 2006;Van Fraassen, 2008); the challenges of interdisciplinarity (MacLeod, 2018,); and, the role of experimentation and technological instruments (Hansson, 2015;Radder, 2003;Rheinberger, 1997). Therefore, our educational angle concerns educational approaches in teaching scientific research (Section 2). ...